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Welcome words, Forewords, Greetings

Contains : Folder 12/1:- Inauguration of the student residence at the Aasee (1930)- Speech at the turn of the year 1930/31- Speech to the singing club (1924)- Speech to the Cologne male singing club- Opening of the 12th Kreishallensportfest in Münster- Speech to the Görresgesellschaft (24.09.)1923)- Speech to the Association of East and West Prussia (1932)- Greeting to students of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (1928)- Opening of the exhibition of the agricultural main association (1929)- Consecration of the Heilig-Geist-Kirche (1929)- Opening of the Colonial Exhibition in Münster (1926)- Speech to the Reichsverband Deutscher Kriegsbeschädigter und Kriegshinterbliebender (1930)- Speech on the occasion of the Rhineland Liberation Celebration 1930- Speech on the occasion of the inauguration of the monument of the 69th century in Münster. Field artillery regiments in the castle garden on 25 May 1930- Speech before the gymnasts to the 11th Kreishallensportfest on 8 February 1930- Speech on the occasion of the 100-year celebration of the Gewerbliche Berufsschule Münster (25.3.1930)- Opening of the railway Münster-Dortmund (1928)- 100 years Sparkasse Münster (28.12.1928)- Opening of the Christmas traffic week (1928)- Speech to the Westfälisch-Lippischer Handwerkerbund