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Liebert, Eduard von Kopierbuch Englisch

Kopierbuch des Rudolf Gansser, Volume I., 26.12.1896-16.04.1899, 500 sheets with official letters of Lieutenant Gansser to third parties, copy on the front cover inside "This copy book is together with letters property of Lieutenant Premier Gansser of the Infantry Regiment Emperor Friedrich, King of Prussia (7. Württembergisches) No. 125, commanded for service at the Foreign Office, Stuttgart, Dar-es-Salam in December 1896, December 1896.

description: Contains, among other things: List of addressees, A-Z, with reference to the pages; Letter from the Imperial Governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Gansser dated 28.12.1897 (original)* 1896-1899, Landesarchiv Baden-Württembe...

In: Estate of Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun. >> 3rd Rudolf Gansser jun. (1866-1904), Württemberg captain, colonial officer and military officer in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, world traveller >> 3.3 Official documents