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Description archivistique
Stadtarchiv Worms, 241 / 0543 · Dossier · 1914 - 1931, 1950
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among other things collection of newspaper reports about monument consecration war memorial a. "Black Lord" and on cemetery Wachenheim 15.7.1928; mixed letters and prints; circular letter concerning elections z. Landwirtschaftskammer, 1906 (to mayor's office!); printed instruction for the leadership of the local chronicles (by the clergymen), 1857; print: Facts. The letter sent by the French Protestants to the Protestants of the neutral states, answered by Dr. Adolf Bolliger, Pfarrer v. Zürich-Neumünster, Konstanz [1915]; vertraul. Print: Liebesgaben dt. Geistlicher und seelsorgerliche Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche (Verf. F. M. Knote, ca. 1915/16); Aufruf/Sammelliste der Ludendorff-Spende für Kriegsbeschädigte, June 1918 (with collection result of 612 Marks; note: put into circulation by the board of the Frauenverein Mölsheim, second ex.); various collections and collection lists Rev. Müller 1915-1919 (e.g. for prisoners of war, ambulance train; sacrificial day for the colonial war donation Aug. 1918; call for the donation of Christmas gifts, with collection list; donation for infant and toddler protection); 25th anniversary of Kaiser. National donation for the mission (1913); Sacrifice Day for the German Fleet, 1.10.1916 (donor lists); Kaiser and Volksdank for army and fleet. Christmas Gift of the German People: Collection List; Call: Heimatdank an heimkehrte deutsche Kriegsgefangene, April 1918 (Worms district; Grand Duke, Red Cross), including: lists of results of the collection; government circular concerning education of the rural population about the situation (including food security), Oct. 1916; Volks-Emden-10-Pfennig-Spende, Nov. 1914; implementation of a war economic course in Frankfurt May 1917; Der ev. Heidenbote. Organ of the Evangelical Mission Society in Basel 88th year no. 6, June 1915 (obituary to fallen Georg Jung, born 11.9.1892 Mölsheim, died Westfront 25.03.1915); Kirchlich-statistische Tabelle ev. Pfarrei Mölsheim-Wachenheim für 1949; Reisebescheinigung Pfr. Reinhard Müller, April 1915 (Worms-Wachenheim); questionnaire (executed) of the Oberkonsistorium to the parish offices concerning war work of the evangelical church, April 1919 (among other things collection results); further letters; leaflet for field postings, Dec. 1914; call of the Hess. Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz 2.8.1914 zum Kriegsbeginn: Aufforderung zu Gelabenaben); Collection list for the Red Cross, 1914 (Wachenheim); List of nurses from Mölsheim and Wachenheim; various other collection lists, e.g. Nationalstiftung für die Hinterbliebenen der im Krieg Gefallenen, 1915; Call for the Ludendorff donation (in favour of war-damaged persons), May 1918 (Chairman of the Vereinigung für Kriegsbeschädigtenfürsorge im Kreis Worms: C. W. Frhr. v. Heyl, MdR, Wirkl. Rat); Call for the delivery of eggs, Confirmations of egg deliveries (here: as poultry farmer Pfarrer Müller, Wachenheim) Darin: hs. Welcoming speech on the occasion of the arrival of the 1st expellee transport in Wachenheim 16.6.1950 (56 persons, ev. priest); egg duty 1919; Red Cross bandage priest Müller; Wormser Zeitung v. 02.02.1915; cover with various food stamps (e.g. bread card, bread stamps, bread coupons; Reichsfleischkarten, Zuckerkarte; also soap card of the municipal association of Worms, charcoal card, twist card); card: Sammel-Hilfsdienst der Schuljugend des Kreises Worms

Municipal archive Dalsheim (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 243 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Description of holdings: Abt. 243 Gemeindearchiv Dalsheim Scope: 187 archive cartons and 3 linear metres oversized formats (= 1090 units of registration) = 24 linear metres (additional m. N) Duration: 1618 - 1973 Location: cellar of the Ernst-Ludwig-Schule Zum Bestand The first inventory of the municipal archive of approx. 1811 is only incompletely preserved; completely preserved inventories (which obviously refer more to the current registry and do not list many old pieces, although they often show a numbering) date from the years 1831, 1837 and 1843, perhaps in connection with a circular of the government in Mainz concerning the order of the municipal archives of 1830 (No. 177 and 466). In the year 1906 a number of mentioned archival records were used by the War Court Council of Obenauer for the purpose of writing their own family history in the Haus- und Staatsarchiv Darmstadt (No. 52). A letter dated 01.04.1914 refers to the production of the comprehensive index of 1914 (no. 208) by teacher Trieb von Eppelsheim, in which the return of the municipal archive, which was also lent to Darmstadt for this purpose, is announced (no. 946). After the dissolution of the administrative district of Worms (1969), the two communities, which had been merged in the same year under the name "Flörsheim-Dalsheim", held back the respective archives in contrast to the other communities, which handed over their documents to the municipal archive of Worms as a deposit. It was not until 1997, after lengthy negotiations and the conclusion of a deposit contract, that they were handed over to the Worms Municipal Archives, where they first found their place in the cellar of the Adenauerring office building and then in the cellar of the Ernst Ludwig School. Between September 2009 and August 2010, they were gradually brought back to the city archives for indexing and, after processing, returned to the Ernst-Ludwig-Schule. At the same time, the archives of the neighbouring municipality of Nieder-Flörsheim, which were taken over at the same time in 1997, were processed, the indexing of which was also completed in summer 2010 (Dept. 242). During the processing, which followed the usual principles, the material was separated from the beginnings up to 1945 on the one hand (Dept. 243) and from the period from 1945 up to the creation of the association municipality in 1969 on the other hand (Dept. 243-N). The former was arranged according to the existing order according to the 1908 registry plan, the latter according to the 1953 file plan in the Findbuch and listed separately as a sub-collection of Dept. 243-N. The former was not listed in the Findbuch. The condition of the material was good except for two pieces where slight mildew was found (No. 245/2 and No. 602, stored at the end of the collection in its own cardboard archives). There were no cassations. Supplementary archive departments in the city archive: Abt. 242 Gemeindearchiv Nieder-Flörsheim Literature: BRILMAYER, Karl Johann, Rheinhessen in past and present, Gießen 1905 GALLE, Volker, Rheinhessen. Discovery trips in the hilly country between Worms and Bingen, Mainz and Alzey, Cologne 1992 Gauweiler, Wolfgang, 1200 years Dalsheim, Mainz 1966 KOBLER, Matthias, Chronicle of the area of the association community Monsheim, Mainz 1992 Worms, in August 2010 Martin Geyer, archivamtmann

Stadtarchiv Worms, 242 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Abt. 242 Gemeindearchiv Nieder-Flörsheim Scope: 162 archive boxes and 1 linear metre of oversized formats (= 763 units of description) = 21.5 linear metres (additional m. N) Duration: 1705 - 1945 Place of storage: Ernst-Ludwig-Schule Zur Ortsgeschichte The town of Nieder-Flörsheim was first documented in 768 in a deed of donation in the Lorscher Codex. "On 05.11.768 Gerolf and his brother Emino awarded their parents and their sister Seghelinda a farm ride, 10 days work of arable land and field suitable for planting a vineyard on it for the salvation of their souls. Mention of the vineyard proves that at that time the Franks were already engaged in viticulture and could dispose of their estates. The place used to be called Fletersheim, Flaridesheim, Ilersheim, Nieder-Flersheim. In addition to Lorsch, the Cyrikusstift Neuhausen also owned estates in Flörsheim. Nieder-Flörsheim belonged to the cathedral of Worms since the Middle Ages. In the 13th century Philipp von Falkenstein depressed the monastery and settled in the village. In 1349 the monastery took over the patronage of the Leiningen family and in 1400 it transferred half of the village to the Palatine Count Ruprecht III in ownership. The other half of the village and the bailiwick belong to the monastery of Neuhausen and when this monastery was abolished by Elector Frederick III in 1566, the other half of the village also came to the Palatinate. It was assigned to the Chief Alzey Office. In 1792 the southwest was again involved in the war, when French revolutionary armies occupied the left bank. Again it came to plunderings and tribute payments at money and Naturalien. The later Rheinhessen and the Kurpfalz formed the Donnersberg department, to which the 24 municipalities of Rheinhessen also belonged. Administrative reform and economic upturn in agriculture shaped people's lives. After Napoleon's defeat Nieder-Flörsheim came to the Grand Duchy of Hesse. 1816 Canton Pfeddersheim, 1835 district Worms, 1848 administrative district Mainz, 1850 administrative district Worms, 1852 - 1969 district Worms (1946 Rhineland-Palatinate). As part of the administrative reform, the municipalities of Nieder-Flörsheim and Dalsheim were merged to form the new municipality of Flörsheim-Dalsheim in 1969. The parish had a parish church dedicated to St. John which was first mentioned in a document in 1234. During the Palatinate division of the church in 1705, the church fell to the Reformed. The Catholics set up an oratory in the town hall. It became a branch of the Catholic Church in Dalsheim. The Lutherans were awarded a parish in Dalsheim. In Nieder-Flörsheim there were two schools, the Reformed with the school building and the Catholic school. The Israelite community built a synagogue in 1817 (Untergasse 10), but sold it to the Häußer family in 1920. The population grew in 1811 to 596 inhabitants. The archival material in the municipality of Nieder-Flörsheim was attempted to be arranged as early as 1838. From the letter of the district council of the district Worms it appears that Mr. Völker from Wersau (Odenwald) had been commissioned to order the municipal registration of Nieder-Flörsheim (No. 0156, s. 13.03.1838). In 1914 the teacher A. Trieb compiled a file index of the municipal archive Nieder-Flörsheim (see Dept. 206 No. 99). After the dissolution of the administrative district of Worms (1969), the two combined municipalities of Nieder-Flörsheim and Dalsheim initially retained their archives in the town hall (in contrast to all other municipalities of the VG which had already deposited their documents in the town archive of Worms). Only after lengthy negotiations with the municipality in 1998 was the valuable archive material handed over to the municipal archive by the municipality of Flörsheim-Dalsheim together with the archives of Dalsheim after the conclusion of a deposit contract. The relatively undisturbed and rich archive material, especially the older ones, was stored in the cellar of the Ernst-Ludwig-Schule, in contrast to many neighbouring communities in both places. The indexing of both community archives began in autumn 2009. First of all, the documents had been prepared in 2008 according to the order of the 1908 registration plan; in 2009/10 the files were successively brought to the Raschi-Haus for processing and processed there. The duration of the project essentially begins in the first third of the 18th century and usually lasts until 1945. The forests of Nieder-Flörsheim are particularly worth mentioning. The Nieder-Flörsheimer forest served the community as a source of income. Numerous records of timber auctions and counts can be found in the documents of the municipal treasury bills. For reasons of data protection, 2 files were provided with a blocking note for use in accordance with the provisions of the Land Archives Act. After completion of the new indexing (Sept. 2009 - April 2010), the holdings comprise 759 units of description (10.7.2012: 763), which are stored in 162 archive boxes. The files are in good condition. No cassations were made. Because of the different file plans, a new section 242-N was created for the files of the municipality from 1945 to 1969 until their merger with Dalsheim, which is to be used in addition. For Dept. 242 and 243 there is still an extensive and still unseen collection of printed matter, laws and other grey literature in the holdings, which would require separation and indexing. Supplementary archive departments in the city archive: -Abt. 35 Worms Health Department -Abt. 49 Pfeddersheim Municipal Archive -Abt. 180/10 Volksbank Worms-Wonnegau -Abt. 185 Family and company archive Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl -Abt. 241 Gemeindearchiv Dalsheim -Abt. 204 Worms Documentation/Collection Literature: BRILMAYER, Karl Johann, Rheinhessen in the past and present, Giessen 1905 KOßLER, Matthias, Chronicle of the territory of the municipality of Monsheim, Mainz 1992 Festschrift der Provinz Rheinhessen zur 100jahrfeier 1816-1916, Mainz 1916 GALLÉ, Völker, Rheinhessen. Discovery trips in the hills between Worms and Bingen, Mainz and Alzey, Cologne, 1992 KORB, Willi, Nieder-Flörsheim. From the history of a wine village in Rhinehesse. Studies commemorating the 1200th anniversary, Westhofen, 1968 Worms, April 2010 Magdalena Kiefel

Stadtarchiv Worms, 180/01 / 004 · Dossier · Feb. 1912 - Sep. 1920
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Letter mainly to Pfauenmoos, acquisition of land Neuhausen, factory railway there (with plans), salary questions of employees (Apr. 1920), collection for colonial donation (Aug. 1918); numerous reports on the operation of the Neuhausen plant; necessity of building cheap apartments (opinion of Mayor Köhler, July 1918); structural condition of Dörsam house, Hochheimer Str. 10; Korresp. concerning complaint of a factory worker, Apr. 1918; hs. Greeting address of the board of directors of the Werkverein to CWvHeyl; Chevraux sales prices (May 1916); general questions of raw material procurement; war-damaged welfare (report on meeting of the state committee Ghzt. Hessen, March 1916); production of helmets, Aug. 1915; finances and sales, Neuhausen siding (Apr. 1915); Status of production in goatskin processing (July 1914) [report gap Aug. 1914 to Jan. 1915], lists, production issues at the Neuhausen plant, acid experiences, English letter Ohlenschlager Brothers, London; Chevreaux production Darin: hs. and masch. Reports mixed (carbon copies)

war matters
Stadtarchiv Worms, 042 / 0632 · Dossier · 1914 - 1915, 1919
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Regulations of the district office Worms to the rural communities concerning the issue of bread stamps, regulation of the traffic with flour and bread, treatment of Russian workers employed in agricultural enterprises; application for leave of absence; appeal for donation for the Reichsverband zur Unterstützung deutscher Veteranen u. für den Kolonialkriegerdank e.V. (Imperial Association for the Support of German Veterans and for the Colonial Warrior Thank You)Potato stocks, 1914; list of young teams registered in the municipality of Horchheim, 1914; list of leaders registered for the training of young teams, 1914; list of teams for reinforcement work, n.d.; letter of the district office Worms to the administrative commission of the hospital fund Neuhausen concerning war loan 1915; list of inhabitants [1915]; forms concerning harvest aid registration; letter of thanks from the substitute battalion Reserve-Inf.-Reg. No. 116 to the mayor's office and inhabitants of Horchheim, 1915 Darin: WZ vom 10.09.1914, 20.01.1915 (title page only), 30.03.1915 (title page only), 21.06.1915; 'Aufforderung zur Erntehilfe', Extrablatt zur WZ , 02.08.1914; Leaflet concerning allotment gardening and war care, 1915; 'Die Bundesverordnungen über Getreide, Mehl, Brot, Kartoffeln, Fleisch u. Ammoniak', Berlin, 1915; 'Soldat u. Alkohol. A patriotic chapter' by Karl Briegleb, o.D.; Preisliste für Lebensmittel, edited by the Zentral-Einkaufsgesellschaft Berlin, 1915; Verordnung betr. Verwendung von Kriegsgefangenen zu landw. Arbeiten, 1915; 'Die Heimstätte', Mitteilungsblatt des Hess. National association for Kriegerheimstätten e.V., 1919