1937 Treffer anzeigen

Archivalie - Process
E 473/1901 · Akt(e) · 1901-01-01 - 1901-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Includes:Acquisition: I/66/1901: III C 13141-46, VII A 1350-53, p. 765-770, drums with human skulls, 5 skulls of Aschanti, an incomplete skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti, a skull of Aschanti. Skeleton, (Togo: Ho, Aschanti), Donation Dr. Gruner -- Contents/Contains: Donation of Ethnographica and Anthropologica - Consent to the doublet levy to Stuttgart - Freight cost invoice.letters: 1

Museum für Völkerkunde Stuttgart
Archivalie - Process
E 1023/1901 · Akt(e)
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Includes:Acquisition: I/112/1901: III C 12702, Fish poison (Togo), Donation K. Fies -- Contents/contains: K. Fies, Oslebshausen near Bremen from 24.9.: Donation of a fish poison from Togo, which was sent to him by his brother, a missionary.- Description of a judgment of God.letters: 2 - Prof. Lewin is sent 1 sample -- description from the main catalogue: "Poison, sap of the tree trôdzô (God Eyô magic).1. used in the judgment of God, in that the priest among the suspects brought before him injects the guilty party known to him from the secret court session, a mixture with this poison into the eyes, so that they cannot open their eyes in pain. For the unsuspects he uses a harmless mixture of herbs to which he adds the poison at the right moment. (Also an antidote is known to occur in some cases).2. Pouring the poison into water also affects the eyes of the fish in the same way so that they are easy to catch. So in Waya, used at the Todschie river.3. The leaves of the tree rubbed with salt are rubbed by the women to the newborns on the navel area so that the navel soon falls off [sic].Previous smearing with palmoel prevents the biting of the salt.

Lewin, Louis
Archivalie - Process
E 367/1904 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Includes:Acquisition: I/79/1904: III C 18077-18145, VII A 1872-1885, Ethnogr. (Togo), Donation Osswald -- Contents/Contains: Missionary [C.] Osswald, Weener: Donation of Ethnographica from Togo, which had already been determined by another missionary, Westermann - List of objects - Handing over of Zoologica to the Museum of Natural History Berlin Letters: 1

Westermann, Diedrich
Archivalie - Process
E 2190/1905 · Akt(e)
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:Content: Missionary C[arl] Spiess, Grambke b. Bremen requests that the "Instructions" be sent and that it be pointed out that he has been working for the North German Mission in Togo for 13 years - Luschan's reply.letters: 1

Luschan, Felix von
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0739 · Akt(e) · 1878-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2051/1906; EndVNr: E 616/1907; and others: Exchange with the Egyptian Museum, Berlin, (1907), Abschr., p. 152 - Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, p. 30 ff., and the Oceanographic Museum, Berlin, (1907), p. 235 - Cooperation with the Ethnological Museums, Cologne, (1907), p. 35 ff., and Frankfurt am Main, (1908), pp. 44 f. - Cooperation with the Royal Geological Survey, Berlin, (1907), pp. 242 f. - Transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1906), pp. 48 f., 77 f. - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1907), inter alia for the protection of the ruins of Songamanara and Kilwa-Kissiwani, pp. 57 ff., 160 ff. and Togo, (1906), pp. 81, 178 - Cooperation with the BGAEU, Berlin, (1906), pp. 51, the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, pp. 185 ff., Verein Wachsenburg, Druckschr., pp. 189 ff, and the Commission for the Study of the Protected Lands, Leipzig, (1907), pp. 192, 201 - Cooperation with a missionary, (1907), pp. 65 f.- Magnus, Pechuel-Lösche: Farbtafel mit den Bezeichnung der Farben, (1878), pamphlet, pp. 6 f.- "Vorgeschichtliches aus Kamerun. In: German Colonial Bl. (1906) 24, p. 78 - "A Research Trip to the Congo", 1907-01-05, Ztg-.Artikel, p. 96 - Perrot: Accompanying Letter to the Shipment, (1906), p. 114 f - Bartholomai: Description of the Zulu Clothes, [1907], p. 121 f - Note on the Return of Weasels from Africa, 1907-02-07, Ztg.-Artikel, p. 148 - Brownes' Journey to the Pygmies. In: German Reichsanzeiger : 1907-02-13, p. 164 - Fülleborn: Report about a loam bread from Anecho, (1907), p. 166 - by Smend: Bitte um Photoplatten für die Kolonialausstellung, (1907), p. 219 f., Motifs of his photographs, (1908), pp. 225 ff.- by Prince: Skulls from DOA, (1907), pp. 241.- "Desiderata for Ugogo.", (1907), pp. 253 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0971 · Akt(e) · 1884-01-01 - 1942-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:among others: Staudinger's review of Caton-Thompson: The Zimbabwe Culture ..., (1931), pp. 1 ff - Bastian: Leitende Gesichtspunkte für Reisende in den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, (o.D.), pp. 14 ff - o.A.: Europäische Colonien in Afrika und Deutschlands Interessen sonst und jetzt. Berlin : Dümmler, 1884, pp. 20 ff - Schlaginhaufen : Observation sheet and instructions for taking hand and foot prints. Special edition from the Correspondence Bulletin of the German Anthropological Society. 43 (1912) 5th p. 33-36. p. 54 ff. - Shaftabel: Egypt west of the Nile, [1942], p. 59 ff - Schmitt: Performance and potential of the African economy, [1942], p. 61 ff - Hartmann: The population of the cocoa field, (o.D.), pp. 65 ff. - Voeltzkow: "Acquisition and loss of Deutsch-Wituland", (o.D.), pp. 70 - "L'État Indépendant du Congo ...", (1903), Druckschr., pp. 86 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0714 · Akt(e) · 1894-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1348/1894; EndVNr: E 1204/1895; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, p. 120, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1895), p. 119, 127 - Cooperation with the Museum of Ethnology, Vienna, (1894, 1895), p. 25 f., and the Ethnographic Museum, Oxford, (1895), p. 29, 103 f.- Exchange of doublets with the Postmuseum, Berlin, (1894), pp. 1 f., 18 f.- Cooperation with the editorial staff of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, (1894, 1895), pp. 4, 62, and the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde, Berlin, (1895), pp. 283.- Cooperation with the Kaiserl. Governing Body in the South West African Protectorate, (1894, 1895), pp. 32, 73, and the German Togo Committee, (1895), pp. 107 - Cooperation with the Governor of DOA, (1895), pp. 84 - S.D.p. 76 - 79, 82 - 86 - Home: Mähly's Itinerary on the Gold Coast (1894), p. 15 - Stuhlmann: Reports from Daresalaam and the Use of Masks by the Makonde (1895), p. 38 ff - Böhmer: Bericht über die Entfernung von Zähnen bei den Wagogo, (1895), p. 49 - "Catalogue des objets du Congo", [1895], print, p. 52 ff - Obst: Vorschlag einer gemeinsamen Ausstellung mit dem Museum für Völkerkunde Leipzig, 1895, p. 63 f - Arabic lettering, p. 108 - "Preliminary sketch of the travel route of the Lt. Count of Götzen across Central Africa, 1893/94", map, p. 123 - Holst: "Tanga. A picture from Deutsch-Ostafrika" In: The new sheet : (1894) 27 and 28, sheets 180 and 182, and "Mlalo" In: Daheim : (1895) 50, p. 181 - Baumann: "Aus dem Feldzug gegen Towe im März 1895", p. 196 f., and Report on the Robbery of a Fetish Drum, (1895), p. 199 - Plehn: Report on the Acquisition of Objects, (1895), p. 205 ff - Böhmer: Bericht über die Wagogo, (1895), p. 219 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0715 · Akt(e) · 1895-01-01 - 1902-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1239/1895; EndVNr: E 675/1896; and others: Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, page 22, the Postal Museum, (1895), page 124, the Botanical Museum, page 256, and the Museum of Decorative Arts, Berlin, (1896), pages 126 et seq., 242 et seq. Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, Braunschweig, 143 et seq., and the Miner's Collection, Erfurt, (1896), page 173 - Exchange with private person, (1896), page 257 et seq. Cooperation with the German Colonial Society, (1895), pp. 74, 89, and the Ethnological Assistance Committee, Berlin, (1895, 1896), pp. 41, 219 ff.- Donde-Expedition, (1895), pp. 1 ff.- Dt. Togo Expedition, (1896), pp. 134 - S.D.S. 88, 93 - Neuhaus: Presentation of a Yao boy, (1895), pp. 86 f - Klingholz: Sketches of a grave near Daresalaam, (1896), pp. 107 - Partial estate of Emin Pasha, (1895), pp. 113 ff - Bernardien: Production of a Dinka figure in plaster, (1896), pp. 149 et seq. Arabic lettering, pp. 169 - Kollmann: Report on his activities as a collector, (1895), pp. 193 et seq. Zenker: Report on riots in Yaoundé, (1896), pp. 205 et seq. - Application of a magic instrument of Isala, (1896), pp. 228 - Grünwedel: Evaluation of a work by Janssen on Islam, (1896), pp. 231 et seq. "Eugen Wolf 's Afrikanische Sammlungen für den Fürsten Bismarck, (1896), Ztg.-Artikel, p. 235 - Hagen: Report on the Intended Melting of Ashanti-Gold in Hamburg, (1896), p. 237 ff - Stuhlmann: Bericht über "Penishütchen" bei den Mafiti, (1896), p. 256.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0722 · Akt(e) · 1898-01-01 - 1901-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 814/1899; EndVNr: E 237/1900; and others: Collaboration with the Botanical Museum, pp. 20 ff., and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1899), pp. 4 ff., 20 ff. - Handing over doublets to the museums in Braunschweig, Darmstadt, Detmold, Frankfurt a.M., Freiburg, Hanover, Hildesheim, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart, (1900), pp. 138 ff.- Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1899), pp. 17, and Togo, (1898, 1899), pp. 218 f.- Cooperation with the editors of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, pp. 59, and the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun, Brussels, (1899), pp. 56 f.- Cooperation with the Basel Mission, (1899), pp. 167 f.- Consignments of the border regulation expedition Lucas, p. 166, and the pendulum expedition, (1899), p. 176 - "Compilation of the payments made by the main treasury [!] of the Imperial Government of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a for the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin until the end of March 1899."Bl. 3 Fülleborn: "Die Stadt Utengule (December 1898)", sketch, Bl. 10, itinerary, (no year), sketch, Bl. 82, explanations of skulls and skeletons, (1899), Bl. 123 ff. Conrau: Acquisition of fetishes, pp. 48 et seq., report on fetishes and slaves, (1899), pp. 50 et seq. "Namen der Salomoni-Speere" (N.O.J.), p. 107 - by Luschan: Request to von Ramsay for influence on Basel missionaries in the sense of the MV, (1899), p. 170, Request to send the columned house from Fontem, (1900), p. 203 - Bessar: Report on the punitive expedition against the village of Fontem, (1900), Abschr.., Bl. 205 - Kersting: Report on cave burial and buildings in Tamberma, consignment of skulls, (1899), Bl. 174 f.- "Liste des photographies de Madagascar et de la Réunion de F. Sikora naturaliste ...", (no year), Druckschr., Bl. 182 ff. - Esch: Donation of skulls, (1900), Bl. 298.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0729 · Akt(e) · 1903-01-01 - 1905-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 914/1903; EndVNr: E 1685/1903; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 12, 15, the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Hygiene, Berlin, (1903), pp. 12 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich, (1903), pp. 45 - Handing over of duplicates to the Museums für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, (1904), pp. 153 et seq, 235, and Cologne, (1905), pp. 159 et seq. - transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1903), pp. 175 - cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 50, Cameroon, pp. 43, and Togo, (1903), pp. 119 - cooperation with the German-Westafrican trading company, Hamburg, (1903), pp. 131 et seq. Cooperation with missionaries, (1903), pp. 8 - Composition and distribution of the Virchow estate, (1903), pp. 10 ff - by Luschan: Negotiations for the donation of the Brunet Collection, (1903), pp. 22 f., 25th [Brunet:] Curriculum vitae, list of orders and publications, (1903), p. 24 - Engelhardt: Sendung von Schnitzereien der Bakoko, (1903), p. 47 f.- Willmann: "Report on several magic means, which originate from magic doctors (Wafumu) of the Wamyamwesi from Mpuge in Unyamwesi north of Tabora ...", (1903), Abschr., Bl. 50-May: peacekeeping measures of the governorate of Loanda, Bl. 52 et seq., Report on Loanda, Bl. 56 et seq., "List of zoological and ethnographic objects collected in 1903 by Lieutenant-elect May", (1903), Bl. 67 et seq. von Smend: Report on various stove forms, (1903), pp. 73 et seq. - Rehse: Offer of skeletons, (1903), pp. 89 - Domke: Sendung von Ethnographica, (1903), pp. 134 - Schwartz: Bitte um Kauf eines Phonographen, (1903), pp. 142 et seq. Schilling: Description of the castles of the Tamberma, (1903), pp. 166 f.- Traeger: Collection of musical instruments, ceramics and wickerwork, (1903), Sketches, pp. 190 ff.- Schweinfurth: Loan, (1903), pp. 212 ff.- "Verzeichnis der Photographieen aus Ethiophien von Arnold Holtz, (1903), pp. 217 f.- Cleve: Bericht über Zahndeformierungen und Sprachforschungen, (1903), pp. 237 ff.- Müller: Bericht über den Götzen Ekougolo, Angebot seiner Slg., (1903, 1904), pp. 243 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0179 · Akt(e) · 1905-01-01 - 1906-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 440/1905; EndVNr: E 351/1906; and others: Expert.opinion.- newspaper.clippings.- scientific.correspondence.- illustrations,.drawings.- map.of.South.India.- conservation.reports.- E. Boerschmann: "Denkschrift über das Studium d. chinesischen Baukunst" - Hardness tests of collection objects by the Materialprüfungsamt - Official Journal of the Togo Protectorate.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0751 · Akt(e) · 1911-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1761/1911; EndVNr: E 1596/1912; and others: Cooperation with the Meereskundemuseum, (1911), pp. 20, and the Naturkundemuseum, Berlin, (1912), pp. 107, 164, 316 - Exchange with the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, (1911, 1912), pp. 13, 253 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1911, 1912), pp. 26 f., 396 et seq., the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Görlitz, (1912), p. 90 - Distribution or exchange of doublets with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Basel, p. 184, Hamburg, p. 179, 184 et seq, Lübeck, pp. 73 ff., Frankfurt a.M., pp. 183, 186 f., and Stuttgart, (1912), pp. 184, 189 - Cooperation with the Royal Library, Berlin, (1912), pp. 93 f.- Cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1911), p. 19 - Cooperation with the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun, Hamburg, (1911), p. 59, and the Kriegsmarine-Ausstellung, Fulda, Magdeburg, (1911, 1913), p. 63 - Graetz: Report on the "German Motorboat Expedition through Africa", p. 113 ff.., "The Watua (Batua).", (1912), pp. 123 ff. - Staudinger: Skeletons, (1912), pp. 168 ff. - Ankermann: Visit of the Collection Kracke, p. 198, the Collection Konietzko, p. 400, and report on a business trip to Hamburg and Lübeck, (1912), p. 344 - van Gennep: Report on cultural circles, p. 229 ff., and on textiles from North Africa, (1912), p. 246 ff. Fischer: Report on Bushman art and a grave, (1912), pp. 321 ff. - Negotiations with the Reichskolonialamt, Berlin, and the Kolonialinstitut, Hamburg, on the exploration of the ruins in East Africa, (1912), pp. 332 ff. - Report on Nomoli (soapstone figures) from French Guinea, [1912], pp. 408 f. - Re-inventarization, (1959), pp. 346.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0853 · Akt(e) · 1891-01-01 - 1944-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:among others: Documents of the AA, (1891-1911), paragraph, pp. 144 ff. - "Kameradschaftsatzung", (o.D.), reprint, pp. 30 ff. - "Kamerun-Post", 4 (1927) 4, pp. 36 ff. - "Kameradschaft Kameruner Offiziere", (1944) 4, pp. 205 ff. - Strümpell: "Über die Entstehung der Deutschen Schutztruppe für Kamerun", pp. 1 ff, "Die Polizeitruppe in Kamerun.", pp. 11 ff, notes on Flegel, pp. 16 ff, and "Duala-Aufstand", (o.D.), pp. 75 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0777 · Akt(e) · 1892-01-01 - 1905-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 950/1896; EndVNr: E 1169/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Stuttgart, (1896, 1900), pp. 2 et seq., 164 - Cooperation with the Governor of DOA, (1896-1898), pp. 18, 104 et seq., 117, 120 et seq. - Cooperation with the Commission for the Scientific S.D.S., Berlin, (1896-1898), pp. 49, 64, 123 - "From our Colonial Exhibition ..." (in German) In: Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger : 1896-08-18, pp. 10.- "... Establishment of a Colonial Museum..." In: Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger : 1896-10-13, In: Berliner Börsen-Ztg. and Germania : 1896-10-14, "... Colonial Exhibition..." In: Diary page : 1896-10-15, page 30.- "... Colonial Exhibition..." In: Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger : 1896-10-17, pp. 31 - Seidel: title page of the "Instruktion für ethnographische Beobachtungen und Sammlungen in Togo. In: Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten : 10 (1897) 1, Sonderdr., p. 43 - Kayser: "Circular ..." In: Neue Preußische (Kreuz-) Ztg. : 1896-11-01, p. 45 - "Deutsches Kolonial-Museum." In: Berliner Neueste Nachrichten : 1897-01-29, p. 63 - "The German Colonial Museum..." In: Berliner Tagebl. : 1897-07-30, p. 77 - "Deutsches Kolonial-Museum.", (1897), printed paper, p. 78 ff - "Anmeldungs-Schein.", [1897], flyer, Bl. 82.- by Liebert: "Gouvernements-Befehl No. 13.", (1897), duplication, Bl. 105.- by Luschan: Protest against the burning of ethnographica by missionaries in Cameroon, (1899); Bl. 124.- Keller: "Ein unblutiger Sieg in Kamerun", (1899), Abschr., pp. 125 f.- Bastian: Proposals for the Treatment of Ethnographica by Missionaries, pp. 132 ff., Explanations on the Position and Collection Mission of the MV, (1899), pp. 167 ff.- "... Colonial Museum..." In: Norddt. Allgemeine Ztg. : 1899-07-21, p. 162 - "Collection Thierry (Togo.)", [1899], p. 163 ff - "Grants for the German Colonial Museum. In: Citizen Ztg. : 1899-08-09, pp. 165 - Colloretto: Skeleton shipment, (1899), pp. 187 f.

Deutsches Kolonialmuseum
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0713 · Akt(e) · 1894-01-01 - 1902-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 584/1894; EndVNr: E 1318/1894; and others: Cooperation with dMV Botanical Museum, pp. 35, 141 f., 196, dMV NaturkundMVuseum, pp. 19, 35, 144, 186, 188, 215, and the Postmuseum, Berlin, (1894), pp. 150 - Exchange of duplicates with the Ethnological Museum, St. Gallen, pp. 216, the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1894), pp. 1, the Städtisches Museum, Bremen, pp. 34, 225, and the Ethnographisches Museum, Bergen, (1894, 1902), pp. 134, 225 - Cooperation with the German Cameroon Committee, pp. 49, 73 et seq, the German Togo Committee, p. 82, the Ethnological Aid Committee, p. 231 et seq, the editorial office of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, p. 12, and the German Antisklavereikomitee, Koblenz, (1894), p. 4 - S.D.S. 64., 66. - 72., 75.- Weule: Request for plaster casts for the exhibition, (1894), p. 50 - Wangemann: Pipes in Nord-Transvaal, (1894), p. 55 - Bastian: Purchase of collections of state-supported expeditions, (1894), p. 87 et seq. Stuhlmann: Report from the mission Tununguo, (1894), pp. 152, business trip of Luschans to the world exhibition in Antwerp, (1894), pp. 178 ff. - by Dohna: "Lebens-Notizen des Siegmar Staesser", (1894), pp. 199, by Luschan: Hoffnung auf Enricherung der Slg. nach dem Erfolg über die Wahehe, (1894), pp. 212 f.- Däubler: Request for endorsement of the title Sanitätsrat, (1894), pp. 236 ff. - Actien-Bauverein "Passage": Transmission of hair of Africans, (1894), pp. 251 f. - Büchle: Donation of skulls, (1894), pp. 256 f. - Klingholz: Transmission of plaster casts of grave ornaments from the vicinity of Daresalaam, (1894), pp. 259.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0720 · Akt(e) · 1895-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 732/1898; EndVNr: E 221/1899; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, (1899), p. 289, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1898), pp. 140, 150, 160 - Exchange of doublets with private persons, (1898), pp. 242 f.- Cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 119, 147, 219, Cameroon, pp. 1, 273, and Togo, (1898), pp. 231 - Basler Mission: Notwendigkeit der öffentlichen Vernichtung von Götzen, Sammelverbot für Missionare, (1899), pp. 326 f.- Jacobi: Proposals for Cooperation with Mission Societies, (1899), pp. 327 - Plehn: Sanga-Ngoko-Expedition, (1899), pp. 269 - Ollwig: Mission of Skulls, (1898), pp. 10 - von Stein: Report on Pygmies and the Food of Earth, (1898), pp. 21 f. - Fülleborn: Mission of Skeletons, pp. 28 ff., Report on the Station and Cooperation with Missionaries, pp. 120 ff.., Fever treatment, (1898), pp. 253 f.- Staudinger: Report on an iron apron, (1898), pp. 49 - Rigler: Shipment of skulls, pp. 84 f., Report about von Massow and his misunderstanding regarding von Luschans, (1899), p. 264 - Dominik: Report about a punitive expedition because of cannibalism', attack on a raging city, slave and man hunts, (1898), p. 91 ff. Kersting: Report on stone tools, fetish service and metalworking, (1898), pp. 234 ff., "Orientation sketch of Kabure", (o.D.), pp. 104 - by Luschan: Comment on Benin bronzes, pp. 149, Occurrence of composite sheets in Central Africa, (1898), pp. 205 - Habenicht: Offer of Bushman skeletons, (1898), pp. 161 f. - Perbandt: Skull Shipment, (1899), p. 211 - Rautanen: "Erläuterungen zu dem 'Grundriss einer grossen ondonga Werft'", (1895), p. 217 - Shipment of Captured Weapons, (1898), p. 226 - Glauning: Report on wire drawing, description of a loom and request for doublet delivery to Dresden, (1898), p. 244 - Rautanen: "Explanations for the 'ground plan of a large ondonga shipyard'", (1895), p. 217 - Shipment of captured weapons, (1898), p. 226 - Glauning: Report on wire drawing, description of a loom and request for doublet delivery to Dresden, (1898), p. 244 - Rautanen: "Explanations for the 'ground plan of a large ondonga shipyard'. Doublets from the collection of Stein for the Museum für Völkerkunde Stuttgart, (1899), pp. 294 ff. - Wegner: Sendung von Skeletten, (1899), pp. 333.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0717 · Akt(e) · 1896-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 6/1897; EndVNr: E 795/1897; and others: Exchange of doublets with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Stuttgart, (1896), pp. 35, 236 ff., and the museums in Philadelphia, (1897), pp. 61 ff.Exchange of duplicates with private persons, (1896, 1897, 1902), p. 5, 193 - Cooperation with the Ethnological Assistance Committee, p. 74, and the German Togo Committee, Berlin, (1897), p. 264 - Cooperation with the Steyler Mission, (1897), p. 31 et seq. Irangi Expedition, (1897), pp. 80 by Luschan: Report on the Unresolved Property Issue of S.D.S. with Regard to the Intended Foundation of a Colonial Museum, (1897), pp. 38 by Ramsey: Report from [Udhidhi], (1896), pp. 44 ff.- Zenker: Acquisition of a fetish, pp. 55 f., Use of forks by the [Ngumba], (1897), pp. 211 f. - Stuhlmann: Report on paintings of the Wahehe and Wabena, the attack on the Zelewski expedition, (1897), pp. 92 f. - Plehn: Sendung von Skeletten, (1897), pp. 104 f. - Conradt: Bericht über Musikinstrumente, (1897), pp. 128 f.- Kollmann: Bericht über die Toteninsel bei [Bakoba], (1897), pp. 156 ff.- [Fülleborn:] Report über Ohrpflöcke und Tatauierungen mit Pflanzensaft, (1897), pp. 244 f.- Exhibits of the Collection of the Togo Expedition for the Trade Exhibition, (1897), pp. 265 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0730 · Akt(e) · 1899-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2/1904; EndVNr: E 696/1904; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 266, the Natural History Museum, pp. 44, 254, 266, the German Colonial Museum, pp. 165, and the Arsenal, Berlin, (1904), pp. 156 - Distribution and exchange of duplicates with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Lübeck, pp. 83, 123 ff., and Stuttgart, (1904), pp. 225 f., 238, 247.- Cooperation with the Museum Society, Essen, (1904), p. 271.- Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1903), p. 23, and Togo, (1904), p. 248.- Cooperation with a missionary, (1904), p. 110 ff., and the White Fathers, (1903), p. 80 ff., 272 ff.- Hutter: "Cost estimate No. I a scientific (ethnographic) expedition in western Sudan ...", p. 47 ff., "Cost estimate No. II ...", (1903), p. 55 f.- Krieger: Report from Moschi, (1903), p. 71 - by Luschan: Comment on the Provisional Magazine in Dahlem, p. 79, Support of the Red Eagle Order for Kandt, p. 91, Significance of Ethnography in Connection with the War in DSW, (1904), p. 138 - van Eyndhoven: "Investigation of 2 Samples of Asphalt from Egypt", (1904), p. 88 f - Rehse: "Marriage. by the Muziba, (1904), pp. 93 f.- Ruamugara: "History of Kiziba.", (1904), Deprecation, pp. 94 f.- Gruner: Bericht über die Folgen der Umwandlung von Misahöhe in ein Beziksamt, Bl. 97, "Description of the Captured Fetish Bird in Tzugbedye - davango ...", (1904), Bl. 99.- AA: Verfügung zum Rechnungsungsmodus zwischen dem MV und dem Gouvernement von DOA, (1904), Bl. 100.- by Pückler: Verwendung von Haussa-Lanzen, (1904), Abschr., Bl. 106 - Frobenius: "Sketch of a journey into northern German-Southwest Africa (border area between the English and Portuguese possessions)", (1904), Bl. 139 ff. by Stefenelli: Report on Yu-Yu customs, (1904), pp. 167 ff. - Langheld: because of the war no collection, (1904), pp. 171.- by Stein: "Catalogue of ethnographic collections from the years 1899-1904", (1904), pp. 195 ff.- Ankermann: "Bericht über die Besichtigung der Sammlung des Frhr. v. Stein in Darmstadt." (1904), pest control measures for the collection of Stein, p. 215, p. 224, Schmidt: "Liste über die Photographieen aus dem Atakpame Bezirk Togo." (1904), p. 288 f. - Mischlich: Bericht über Fetisch-Hütte, p. 291.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0728 · Akt(e) · 1903-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 10/1903; EndVNr: E 807/1903; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, page 59, the Museum of Natural History, pages 59, 188, and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, pages 55 ff. - Handing over duplicates to the Museum für Völkerkunde, Lübeck, in exchange for skulls, page 132 ff. - Cooperation with the Meteorological Institute, Berlin, page 37 - Exchange of duplicates with private person, page 74 f. - Cooperation with the Governors of DOA, page 47 ff.., 209, DSW, p. 50, and Togo, p. 59 - Cooperation with the BGAEU, p. 61, the Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, p. 82, and the Zentralverein für Handelsgeographie, Berlin, p. 101 - by Luschan: Criticism of Hoesemann and von Ramsay for the shipment of their collections to Stuttgart, p. 1, 5 - Perrot: Donation of a Ring by Wali of Lindi, bl. 31 - [Home:] "All items originate from the tribes: Bakokos, Malimbas, Sakabayemes, Edeas, Mpim and Babimbis. Sanagagebiet (Deutsch-Kamerun).", Druckschr., p. 86, Coll. only at the Colonial Hunting Exhibition, Karlsruhe, p. 87, Report on a Sceptre, p. 89 f.- Staudinger: Report on Badiko-Zinn, p. 79.- "Liste der Photographieen des Herrn von Grawert", p. 97.- Zenker: Begleitschreiben zur Slg., p. 145.- von Linden: Please to Langheld for a necklace, Abschr., pp. 197 f. - Balance: Report about Ekoi add-on masks, Abschr., pp. 200 - Zache: Description of a magic device of the Mandirimo, Abschr., pp. 210 - Shrub: Expert opinion for the chemical examination of a hair sample, pp. 220 ff - "Price list of ethnographic objects. Naturalien- und Lehrmittel-Handlung A. Böttcher ...", Druckschr., pp. 231 ff.- Dominik: Division of his collection, pp. 233 ff.- Ankermann: Beurteilung der Slg. Dominik, pp. 253.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0741 · Akt(e) · 1905-01-01 - 1911-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1175/1907; EndVNr: E 2044/1907; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, p. 42, the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, p. 144, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1907), pp. 2 f., 188 - Cooperation with the Museums of Ethnology, Dresden, (1908), pp. 107, 110 ff., and Cologne, (1907), pp. 205 ff. - Sale of doubles to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, (1907), pp. 79 ff., the Städtische Museum, Braunschweig, pp. 176 ff., the Museums für Völkerkunde, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 69 ff., and Munich, (1907, 1908), pp. 124, 126 ff.- Cooperation with the Zoological Museum, Florence, pp. 162 f., and the South African College, Cape Town, (1907), pp. 13.- Exchange of doubles with a private person, (1907), pp. 146 ff.- Cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1907), pp. 33, 99, 115 - Cooperation with the editorial staff of the Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, [1907], Abschr., pp. 9 f - Cooperation with missionaries, (1907), pp. 22, 161 - Schweinfurth: "Egyptian Relics in the Ethiopian South". In: Vossische Ztg. : 1907-06-03, pp. 29 f., Offer of Kieselmanufacts, (1905), Folder, pp. 47, "Collection of Late Palaeolithic Kieselmanufacts of Gafsa (South Tunisia) 1906.", (1907), pp. 202 f. - Call for the foundation of a national museum in Lome, [1907], leaflet, p. 100 - [Kundt:] Problems with the acquisition of skeletons in South Africa, (1907), p. 118 f.- "Prozess Grübel-Walter.", 1907-11-01, Ztg.-Artikel, p. 138 - Wiese: Report about rock drawings, (1907), pp. 153 ff. - Publication problems of the Buschmann drawings from the possession Lloyd, (1907, 1908), pp. 166 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0734 · Akt(e) · 1905-01-01 - 1922-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1672/1905; EndVNr: E 2263/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, pp. 95, the Egyptian Museum, pp. 60 et seq., 118 et seq., and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, (1905), pp. 60 et seq. - Donation to the Museum of Prehistory and Early History, Berlin, (1922), pp. 271 - Exchange of doublets with the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905, 1906), pp. 243 et seq. Cooperation with the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, (1905), pp. 56 et seq. - Cooperation with the High Command of the Schutztruppe, (1906), pp. 251 et seq., and the Psychological Institute of the University, Berlin, (1905), pp. 334 et seq. Collaboration with the universities, Chicago, pp. 72, 304, Vienna, pp. 137 f., the Liederkranz-Club, Johannesburg, pp. 53 f., and the British South-Africa Company, Cape Town, (1905), pp. 229 ff - Collaboration with missionaries, pp. 43 f., 80 ff., 163, 235, 322 ff., and the Basler Mission, (1905), p. 47 - by Luschan: Report on the purchase of a bark boat, Abschr., p. 143, Report on the purchase of the comp. Andrews and denture deformations with the Barotse and Batonga, (1905), p. 154 ff - Busch: Donation of stones with Bushman drawings, (1905), pp. 67 ff. - Deetjen: Report on upper lip jewellery of Makalanga women, pp. 128 ff., Report on the change of utensils, the disappearance of snuffboxes and grass fabrics, (1906), pp. 169 ff. - Peters: "The Exploration of Ruins in Zambesia.", (o.D.), Ztg.-Article, p. 132 - Andrews: "The Webster Ruin.", (1906), p. 183 ff - Government of Rhodesia: Rejection of the exhumation of skeletons, (1905), p. 190 - Schweinfurth: Offer of "Palaeolithic siliceous manufacts" from Upper Egypt, p. 259, "Type series of the Eolithic manufacts of Thebes.", p. 260 ff, "Type Series of the Palaeolithic Manufacts of Thebes", pp. 265 et seq., "List of the localities exploited by me in the surroundings of Thebes for the collection of pebble manufacts", (1905), Druckschr.., Bl. 269 f.- Ankermann: Report on the Collection Schauer, (1905), Bl. 286 f.- Hochapfel: Erklärung von Buschmann-Motiven, (1905), Bl. 307 f.- Donation of the Collection Mittelbachert to a Society, (1905), Ztg.-Artikel, Bl. 339.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0180 · Akt(e) · 1906-01-01 - 1906-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:AnfangVNr: E 407/1906; EndeVNr: E 2031/1906; among other things: scientific correspondence - photo lending and permission - official gazette for the protectorate Togo - expert opinion - foundation of an international ethnographic office - publication permissions - newspaper cuttings - preliminary announcement of the art auctions in the Helbing Gallery, Munich 1906.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0745 · Akt(e) · 1908-01-01 - 1910-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1843/1908; EndVNr: E 2775/1908; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 2 f., the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, pp. 1, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1908), pp. 58 - Delivery of duplicates to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, pp. 175 f., the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 93, 95, 235 ff., 253 ff., and the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, (1908, 1909), pp. 12 ff., 151 ff.- Cooperation with the Städtisches Museum für Natur- und Heimatkunde, Magdeburg, pp. 243 f., and the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1908), pp. 324 f.- Cooperation with the Royal Institute for Infectious Diseases, Berlin, pp. 130, the Commission for the Study of the Protectorates, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 40, 53, 72 ff., 89, 91 f., 251, and the African Society, London, (1908, 1909), pp. 180 ff. - submission of duplicates to the Colonial Economic Committee, Berlin, pp. 58, and the Handelsschule, Cologne, (1908), pp. 58.- cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1908), pp. 174.- cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 231, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. - cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 631, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. Cooperation with missionaries, pp. 15, 141, the Basler Mission, pp. 267 ff., 275, and the White Fathers, (1908), pp. 293 ff.- Kamerun-Expedition, Thorbecke, (1908), pp. 59 ff.- Zimmermann: Report on the Exploitation of Weapons, (1908), p. 16 - Rehse: Suggestions for a Research Trip, p. 23 f., together with Map, (1908), Sketch, p. 25 - "The Origin of the Bushmen, Hottentot and Bantu Negro". In: Windhoek News : 1909-07-10, p. 149 - "Bushman paintings." In: Cape Times : 1908-10-07, p. 173. - Thomas, Struck and others: Creation of a linguistic questionnaire for the colonies, (1908, 1909), pp. 177 ff. - offer of the Grundmann company, [1908], pamphlet, pp. 262 f. - Vöhringer: Description of the programme, (1908), pp. 271 f. - Karasek: Request for support for his research on the Waschambae, (1908), pp. 282 f. - Proposals for honouring Weule and Meyer, (1908), pp. 286 ff. - Scheunemann: Offer of the scepter of Diba von Bertua, (1908), pp. 300 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0855 · Akt(e) · 1926-01-01 - 1926-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:among others: Strümpell: Call for donations for a memorial, (1926), flyer, pages 1 f., 7 ff., "The Schutztruppe für Kamerun ein Kulturfaktor ?", pages 10 ff., "Maximilian v. Stetten", pages 34 ff., "... Sheets from the history of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun", pp. 50 ff., "Battles at Bertua (Kamerun) in December 1914.", (o.D.), pp. 60 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0857 · Akt(e) · 1926-01-01 - 1937-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:among others: "Membership directory ...", (1926), pp. 1 ff., call for donations for a memorial, pp. 4 ff., and "Festordnung", (1926), pamphlet, pp. 6.- "Kameradschaftssatzung", (o.D.), pp. 12 ff.- "Membership directory ...", (1934), pp. 18 ff.- "Membership list ...", (1937), Druckschr., pp. 24 ff.- Zeitschrift für Heereskunde. (1931) 31. p. 265-276. p. 34 ff. - Strümpell: Leaves from the history of the Schutztruppe für Kamerun. Heidelberg : Association of Officers ..., [1926], 96 p., pp. 41 ff. - Damis: Auf dem Moraberge. Berlin : Association of Officers ..., (no year), 87 p., pp. 90 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0712 · Akt(e) · 1893-01-01 - 1949-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1276/1893; EndVNr: E 569/1894; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum (1894), pp. 224, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin (1893), pp. 66, 122, 225, 249 - Exchange with the Reichsmuseum, Leiden (1893), pp. 48 ff., 178 ff - Cooperation with the German Colonial Society, pp. 124 ff, 254, the Ethnological Assistance Committee, pp. 185, the editorial office of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, (1894), pp. 113, and the German Antislavery Committee, Koblenz, (1893), pp. 43, 97, 103, 107, 234.- S.D.S. 58. - 63., 65. by Luschan: Report on his business trip to Paris, Oxford and London, (1893), pp. 15 ff.- Baumann: Report on his activities in Togo, (1893), pp. 115 ff.- Kallenberg: Report on the Exploitation of Weapons, (1894), pp. 124 f.- Bastian: Treatment of Donations in the MV, (1894), pp. 150 ff.- Stuhlmann: Circumcision by the Massai, p. 202, anthropological measurements and report on the lack of interest of colonial officials in ethnology, (1894), p. 216 ff. - Herold: Bericht über Kriegdrmmeln in Togo, (1894), p. 204 ff. - Sander: Bericht über Felsmalerei der Buschmänner, (1894), p. 243.- "Römische Funde in Westafrika" In: Hannoverscher Courier : 1893-12-05, and "Find of a Roman coin in West Africa", Ztg.-Artikel, p. 86 - Krieger: Entnahmevermerk, (1949), p. 91.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0723 · Akt(e) · 1896-01-01 - 1922-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 239/1900; EndVNr: E 917/1900; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 22, 95, the Museum of Natural History, pp. 79 ff., 116, 184, and the German Colonial Museum, Berlin, (1900), pp. 85 - contribution to the Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Berlin, (1922), pp. 78 - contribution and exchange of doubles to the Museums für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, pp. 12, Lübeck, pp. 132 ff, and Stuttgart, (1900), p. 12 - Cooperation with the British Museum, London, (1900), p. 56 f., 175 ff - Exchange of doublets with private person, (1900), p. 43 ff - Cooperation with the Governors of DOA, pp. 3, and Togo, (1900), pp. 67 - Cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, (1900), pp. 235 - Programme of the Kroni Expedition, (1900), pp. 35 - Fülleborn: Accompanying letter to the programme, pp. 13 et seq, Broadcast of a part of the estate of the Slg. Götze, (1900), pp. 25 f.- von Luschan: Holiday application for Fülleborn to the AA, p. 27, Evaluation of the Collection Frobenius, p. 152, Report on the division of the Collection Preil with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, p. 173, Recommendation of the expedition planned by Heinemann and Schrader, (1900), p. 231 - Stuhlmann: Sending of skulls from Bukoba impossible because of the danger of plague, (1900), p. 38 - Denhardt: Sending of skulls, (1900), p. 40 f. - Denhardt: Sending of skulls, (1900), p. 40 f. - Evaluation of the Collection Frobenius, p. 152, Report on the division of the Collection Preil with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, p. 173, Recommendation of the expedition planned by Heinemann and Schrader, (1900), 108 Kersting: Report on iron processing in Bangeli, sheet 51 f., and exploitation of objects, (1900), sheet 141 f.- by Liebert: Report on Massai medicine, (1900), sheet 55.- by Sydow: Acquisition of a Pangwe bridge, (1900), sheet 59.- "Instruktion für ethnographische Beobachtungen und Sammlungen in Deutsch-Ostafrika ..." (Instruction for ethnographic observations and collections in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a ...) In: Mittheilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten : 9 (1896) 2, with notes, pp. 73 ff - Plehn: Donation of skulls, (1900), pp. 131 - Müller: Report on a Bassa tribe, (1900), pp. 161 f - Preil: "Verzeichnis der auf der Grenz-Regulierungs-Expedition Togo-Sudan-Dahomey 1899-1900 gesammelten curiosities. (With 1 card and a foreword.) ...", (1900), duplication, pp. 170 ff.- [Diehl]: "Catalogue for the West African Exhibition ... Wiesbaden", (1900), Druckschr., p. 203 - Heinemann: Report about Wambutti, who wanted to follow Schrader voluntarily to Europe, p. 226, and curriculum vitae., (1900), p. 242 - by Prince: Request for an expert opinion on an Indian bronze figure from DOA, (1900), p. 243 ff. - Bette: Offer of objects from the Stockholm Ethnographic Exhibition of 1878, 1879, (1900), p. 257 - "Collection of Dr. Stierling (East Africa)", (1900), p. 266 et seq. - "Finding a ruined city near Kilwa.", (1900), Ztg. article, p. 273 - Schulz: Announcement of the departure of the German South Cameroon border expedition, (1900); p. 297.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0725 · Akt(e) · 1901-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 654/1901; EndVNr: E 1483/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, p. 51, the German Colonial Museum, (1901), p. 293, the Botanical Museum, p. 56, and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, (1902), p. 227 - Offer, delivery and sale of duplicates to the Städtisches Museum, Braunschweig, p. 250 ff., the Museumsverein, Essen, p. 254 ff., the Prussia Antiquity Society, Königsberg, p. 273 ff.., the School Museum, Mödlingen, pp. 267 ff, the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff, the Museums for Ethnology, Karlsruhe, pp. 191 ff, Leipzig, pp. 259 ff, Stuttgart, pp. 26 f, the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1901), pp. 188, the Römer-Museum, Hildesheim, pp. 187, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1903), pp. 186, pp. 249 ff.186, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1863), pp. 249 ff.24., the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff. Exchange of duplicates with private person, (1901), pp. 12 ff., 61 - cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 62, 310 ff., DSW, pp. 53, Togo, pp. 44, 284, and the judge of Cameroon, (1901), pp. 163 - cooperation with the Society Northwest Cameroon, (1901), pp. 1 f.., pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, and the Dt. Niger-Benue-Tsadsee-Komitee, Berlin, (1902), pp. 296 ff. - Programme of the Dt. Süd-Kamerun-Grenzexpedition, (1901), pp. 104 ff. - Glauning: Report from the station, pp. 19 ff., Report on leather helmets and double-headed birds, pp. 234 ff., Report on skulls, (1901), pp. 302 ff. - Minist. of the intellectuals, (1901), pp. 234 ff. Affairs: Decision on the whereabouts of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, (1901), pp. 34 - Mischlich: "Aus dem Fetischleben der Eingeborenen", (1901), pp. 45 ff - Volkmann: Sendung von lebenden Tieren, Abschr., pp. 57 f, Description of a Bushman Game, (1901), pp. 33, 116 f - Gentz: Sendung eines Stabes, (1901), pp. 57 f - Stierling: Sending a skeleton, (1901), p. 75 - Rigler: Wishes to use his collection, (1901), p. 83 f - Fies: Using a fish poison in Togo, (1901), p. 100 f - Hirth: "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Dr. Stuhlmann.", pp. 120 f., "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Mr. Justus Strand.", (1901), pp. 122 f. - "Vereine, Versammlungen.". In: Berliner Tagebl.: 1901-10-15, p. 130 - von Zech: Verwendung von Fetischen, (1901), p. 135 ff - Hoesemann: "Some ethnographic diary notes from the expedition against the Esum, Hplg. Semikore, and from the march Jaunde-Watare-Ngilla-Ngutte to the Mbam; 19.II. - 28.IV.01.", pp. 157 ff.- Staudinger: Request for diplomatic behaviour of Luschans, pp. 180 f., Mediation of the Slg. Langheld, (1901), pp. 182 f.- Perrot: Shipment of pearls and coins, and report about a prohibition to collect privately, (1901), pp. 222 ff.- Smend: Skull shipment, (1901), p. 232 - Zenker: Skeleton shipment, (1901), p. 233 - Schulz: Jassa drum shipment, (1901), p. 238 f.- Foerster: Report on his collecting activities and friendship with a "chief's son", (1901), pp. 278 f.- Laasch: Sendung von Skeletten, (1901), pp. 300 f.- von den Steinen: Plan einer Tschadsee-Expedition, (1901), pp. 295.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0747 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1910-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1523/1909; EndVNr: E 2330/1909; and others: Cooperation with the Egyptian Museum, pp. 297 ff., and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1909), pp. 77 - Exchange or sale of doublets to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, pp. 383, the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, pp. 343 ff.., die Museen für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1909), pp. 167 et seq., and Hamburg, (1909, 1910), pp. 156, 179 et seq. - Cooperation with the Royal Library, Berlin, (1910), pp. 146 - Exchange of duplicates with private person, (1909), pp. 116 - Cooperation with the governors of DSW, pp. 167 et seq. 372, and Togo, (1909), pp. 207.- Cooperation with the Command of the Protection Forces, (1910), pp. 126, the Rudolf Virchow Foundation, Berlin, pp. 161 ff., and the German Army, Navy and Colonial Exhibition, Damuka, (1909), pp. 318.- Cooperation with the White Fathers, (1909), pp. 204 f., 247 ff., 384 f.- Frobenius: Results of the DIAFE, (1909), pp. 160 - Oldman: "Illustrated catalogue of ethnographical specimens ...", (1909), Printed by Frobenius, No. 73, pp. 22 ff., and No. 74, pp. 27 ff.- von Luschan: Report about the visit of a collection at Fock, p. 52, and the expansion of the ethnographic collection in Breslau, (1909), p. 252 - Karasek: Report about women's jewellery, (1909), p. 83 f. - Paulssen: Supplements to his essay on "Usinsa." (1909), pp. 55 f.- Hessler: Bericht über die Metallverarbeitung in Kamerun, (1909), pp. 102 f.- Dempwolff: Anmerkungen zur Drucklegung von "Sagen und Märchen aus Bili-Bili." (1909, 1910), pp. 117 ff.- Schumacher: "Muhutu-Farm with Hörigen Apartment", [1909], drawing, p. 206 - Maercker: Shipment of a Skeleton, [1909], p. 211 - African Steam Ship Co.: "Notice to shippers.", (1904), flyer, Bl. 232, 234 - Peyer: "Report about the discovery of stone tools etc. near Gross-Anichab, Deutsch-Süd-West-Afrika", (1909), Bl. 322 ff. - Contribution form and receipt of the association Wachsenburg, (1909), flyer, Bl. 354 f.- von Gillenhaußen: "Report on the activities of the Wachsenburg Committee and the Wachsenburg Association in 1908", Bl. 356 f., Huppel: "Kassen-Bericht 1908." (1909), Druckschr., Bl. 357.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0731 · Akt(e) · 1904-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 711/1904; EndVNr: E 1920/1904; and others: Cooperation with the Museumsverein, Essen, page 2, the Städtisches Museum, Stralsund, page 142, and the Museums für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, page 251 ff., and Stuttgart, (1904), page 39 - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, page 272, DSW, page 36, and Togo, (1904), page 26 f.- Cooperation with the Hydrotherapeutic Institute, p. 230, the Rudolf Virchow Foundation, Berlin, p. 298 f., 306 f., and the Northwest Cameroon Society, Duala, (1904), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904), p. 52, 149 f., 182 ff., the Society for the Advancement of Evangelical Medicine, p. 223 f., and the Northwest Cameroon Society, Duala, (1904), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904), p. 52, 149 f., 182 ff. Mission unter den Heiden, p. 159, der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft, p. 186, und der Herrnhuter Mission, (1904), p. 187 f.- Kayser: Report on a gala girl brought up in Berlin, (1904), p. 7 f.- by Smend: Report on stoves and cooking utensils, appearance of villages and stretchers for dignitaries, (1904), p. 12 ff.- Rkwami: "Food of the Eweer", (1904), p. 16 - by Luschan: Restoration order for the throne of Njoya of Bamum, p. 28, request for support of the AA in the preservation of the priority position of the Berlin museums, p. 226, advertisement for funds for the diplomatic mission of the botanist Rosen to Abyssinia, (1904), p. 295 ff - Holtz-Saatel: "Germany and France in Abyssinia. In: Berliner Tagebl.: 1904-07-15, p. 49 - Ankermann: Report on the Collection Frobenius, (1904), p. 54 - Rehse: "Setting up the bird trap 'mutego gu´ ekinyonyi.'", (1904), p. 114 - Method of payment for the Collection Frobenius, (1904), p. 168 ff - "Paul Kibler ... Collector of Natural History Specimens ...", (1904), Folder, p. 190 - Merker: Report on stones with drilling by the Wadschagga, his research on tatoga, p. 231 et seq, Skeleton broadcast, (1904), pp. 258 et seq. by Berger: "Apotheke des Zauberers Msafiri aus der Landschaft des Sultans Kihumbi am oberen Mlagarasi in Uha, Udjidji district", (1904), pp. 244 et seq. by Berger. Schweinfurth: Report about lumber and bows from Egypt, (1904), pp. 277 ff. - Cleve: Report about tooth deformations at the Vaviva and Kinga and their influence on the language, Christian folk song in Kidngala, (1904), pp. 284 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0733 · Akt(e) · 1905-01-01 - 1906-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 856/1905; EndVNr: E 1794/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, pp. 121, and the Colonial Museum, Berlin, (1905), pp. 32 et seq. Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Cologne, pp. 38 et seq., and the South African Museum, Cape Town, (1905), pp. 231 et seq. Distribution of doubles to the antiquity society Prussia, Königsberg, p. 15, and the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905), p. 80 - Distribution of doubles to private individuals, (1905), p. 9, 70 - Cooperation with the governor of DOA, (1905), p. 15, and the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905), p. 80 - Distribution of doubles to private individuals, (1905), p. 9, p. 70 - Cooperation with the governor of DOA, (1905), p. 15, and the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905), p. 16. 12 - Cooperation with the High Command of the Schutztruppe, Berlin, (1905), p. 101 - Cooperation with missionaries, p. 96, 116, and the Basler Mission (1905), p. 23 - Schweinfurth: Report from Cairo, p. 3 f., Sendung von Thurfhölzern, (1905), pp. 6 f.- Albinus: Sendung eines Wangoni-Stuhles, (1905), pp. 18 - Verhandlungen zur Verbleib der Doppeltten der Slg. Thierry, (1905), pp. 38 ff - Schwartz: Bericht über die Aufnahme von Gesänge, (1905), pp. 63 f.- Müller: Report about the colonial exhibition in the Sydenham Crystal Palace, London, (1905), pp. 111 f.- by Luschan: Antiquities in Rhodesia, pp. 125 ff., Identification of a kaffir skeleton, Abschr., pp. 233, Impression of a bushman after life, (1905), Abschr., Bl. 235 f.- [Oldman:] "Price List of a few Miscellaneous Genuine Specimens selected from Stock ...", [1905], duplication, Bl. 100, 129, and "Illustrated Catalogue of ethnographical Specimens ...", printed on paper, May 1905, p. 130 ff., July 1905, p. 136 ff., August 1905, p. 142 ff.- Ankermann: Report on a part of the Slg. Fonck, (1905), p. 169 - Fonck: Report on the circumcision ceremony of the Wagogo boys and a '"telephone" from the Makonde plateau, (1906), p. 197 - Dessauer: Location of a skeleton, p. 238, Report on Young's intention to publish the Bushman drawings, (1905), p. 241 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0740 · Akt(e) · 1907-01-01 - 1911-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 618/1907; EndVNr: E 1157/1907; and others: Cooperation with the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin, (1907), pp. 40, 99, 149 - sale of doubles to the colonial exhibition, Berlin, (1907), pp. 88, 140 f - cooperation with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, pp. 96 f., Cologne, pp. 72 f., and the South African Museum, Cape Town, (1907), pp. 75, 137 f.- Cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1907), pp. 66.- Cooperation with a Missionary, (1907), pp. 91 f.- "Photographs by Herr Major v. Prittwitz", (1907), pp. 55 - Hübner: Donation of two figures, (1907), pp. 57 ff - by Luschan: Request for exhibits from the colonial exhibition, (1907), pp. 68 - Schilling: Report on the circumstances surrounding the discovery of an ancestor figure, (1907), pp. 144 f - Schweinfurth: Donation of Kieselmanufakten from Gafsa, (1907), pp. 150 ff - Schweinfurth: Donation of Kieselmanufakten from Gafsa, (1907), pp. 150 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0743 · Akt(e) · 1907-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 3/1908; EndVNr: E 899/1908; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, page 135, the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, page 85 f., and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, page 257 f., 271.- Sale of doublets to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, page 87 ff.., the Upper Silesian Museum, Gleiwitz, pp. 193 ff., the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, pp. 208 ff., the Museums of Ethnology, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 130, 204, 206 ff., Cologne, pp. 203, 279 ff., and Leipzig, (1908), pp. 145 ff. - Cooperation with the Imperial and Royal Court of Germany (k.k.) Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna, (1908), pp. 116 ff. - Sale of duplicates to private individuals, (1908), pp. 18 - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 185 ff., Cameroon, pp. 252, and Togo, (1908), among others on the whereabouts of the ethnographica from the colonial exhibition in Friedenau, pp. 67, 200 f., 205, 276 - Cooperation with the Society Northwest Cameroon, Duala, (1907, 1908), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, p. 68, 188 f., 259 ff, and the Basler Mission, (1908), p. 78 - Beunat: "Catalogue d' armes et objets divers prosenant du Congo ...", (1908), Abzug, p. 6 ff - "Litteratur zur Völkerkunde der Watussi, Wasimsa, Wassuttuma, Waschaschi, Wayaia etc. Nach Mittheilung von B. Struck.", (1908), pp. 22 ff. - Catalogue of offers Just, Görlitz, (1908), Printed by Druckschr., pp. 26 f. - Rohrbach: Donation of an autograph by Njoya von Bamum, (1908), pp. 28 f. - "... Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory ..." In: Vossische Ztg. : 1908-01-22, pp. 44 - Adametz: Report on the Use of Juju Heads, (1907), pp. 74 ff., and on Collecting in Connection with Military Actions, (1908), pp. 80 f.- "Lepidopten-List der Naturhistorischen Anstalt von Arnold Voelschow in Schwerin in Mecklenburg", (1907), Druckschr., pp. 95 ff.- Fromms departure for a DOA expedition, In: Geraisches Tagebl. : 1908-03-11, p. 183 - "Report on the activities of the Wachsenburg Committee and the Wachsenburg Association in 1907", p. 211 f., "Report of the 'Verein Wachsenburg' zu Gotha on the year 1907", (1908), print print, page 213 - Dempwolff: Sendung eines Schädels, (1908), page 248 - Struck: "Schutzgebiet Kamerun. Questionnaire for the first recording of the languages of the Adamaua tribes, compiled on behalf of the Royal Museum of Ethnology ...", (1908), Druckschr., pp. 253 ff.- Schmitz: Bericht aus Rhodesien, (1908), pp. 260 f.