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Archival description
ALMW_II._32_13 · File · 1908-1954
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Nine fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 13 1 - Dresden 1932. rector of the Ev.-luth. deaconess institution (Ranft) to Körner (5 letters; concerning bell consecration) - 1933. ? - Leipzig 1933. Ihmels an Körner (3 letters) - Lauchhammer 1933. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Körner (8 letters) - Rostock 1933. Büchsel an Domprediger (4 letters) - 1933. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Büchsel (concerning E-Glocke for East Africa) - 1933. Declaration of accession to the "Sparer-Schutzkasse" for daughter of Körner - Oetzsch 1933. Körner an Ihmels - Oetzsch 1931. Körner an ? - Oetzsch 1926-1931. 11 letters to Körner from different senders - Lauchhammer 1931. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke to Körner (7 letters) - Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten 1931. (consecration of a mission bell in Gautzsch) - Gautzsch 1931. Ears of grain festival: song list, daily routine - excerpt from "Die Ährenleserin" No. 4, 1931 - Lauchhammer 1926. Left-Hofmann-Lauchhammer. Aktiengesellschaft an Körner (2 letters). FICHE NR. 13 2 - continued - Lauchhammer 1926. left-Hofmann-Lauchhammer an Körner (2 letters) - Bautzen 1927. Biehle an Körner (3 letters) - Lauchhammer 1927. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Körner (6 letters) - Bochumer Gusstahlglocken (printed) - Bochum 1927. Vereinigte Stahlwerke an Körner (2 letters) - "The new chiming of the castle church of Stettin." (printed) - Memmingerberg 1930. Hildmann on/for Körner - Lauchhammer 1930. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke on/for Körner (11 letters) - Bautzen 1930. Biehle on/for Körner - o.O., o.J. Shipping instruction for freight shipments to East Africa - Chemnitz-Altendorf 1930. Dittrich (2 letters) - Chemnitz-Altendorf. The messenger of Matthew. No. 5, 1930 ("OurHonour Reading Festival with the Consecration of the Missionary Bells") - Arusha 1954. Swahili with translation - draft of a letter to Arusha - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson - reprint of the Ev. Sonntagsblatt von Bayern (diary excerpts from Pätzig) - Leipzig 1939. Record-Motor GmbH. Ford sales office to Leipzig Mission (concerning trucks for East Africa; copy; 2 letters) - Leipzig 1939. Küchler to Hohenberger - Chama cha vijana wakristo. Founded 1938. Arusha - Annual report Arusha 1938. Pätzig - Annual report Arusha 1937. Pätzig - Marangu 1938. Rother - Pätzig to mission council and college (concerning church building in Arusha with hand-painted sketch) - Arusha 1936. ? (copy) - annual report Arusha 1936. Pätzig (with hand-painted map) - annual report Arusha 1935. Hohenberger - Arusha 1934. report of the shepherd Lasaros Laiser - annual report Arusha 1934. Pätzig - Arusha 1934. Pätzig (3 letters) - Leipzig 1934. An Pätzig - annual report Arusha 1933. Pätzig - 1933. Pätzig (report about the "home for oppressed catechumen women" of the station Arusha) - Arusha 1934. Pätzig (concerning "infant mortality among the natives") - Arusha 1932. Pätzig (report about the "home for oppressed catechumen women") - Arusha 1933. Overview and short report of the stepp missionary - annual report Arusha 1932. Pätzig. FICHE NO. 13 4 - Continued - Annual Report 1931 Arusha. Pätzig - Annual report 1930 Arusha. Pätzig - 1931 Ev. parish journal for the deaneries of Kitzingen, Rüdenhausen, Markteinersheim and others (article: "Ein Tag in der Stadtschule Arusha") - Arusha. Site plan of the station Arusha 1931 - Arusha 1930-1931. Pätzig (4 letters) - 1930 An Pätzig (2 letters) - Annual report Arusha 1929. Pätzig - 1929. An Blumer (3 letters) - Arusha 1929. Blumer - Annual report Arusha 1928. Blumer (2 times). FICHE NR. 13 5 - continued - Arusha 1928. Blumer an Ihmels - Leipzig 1927-1928. An Blumer (2 letters) - annual report Arusha 1927. Blumer (2fold) - 1927. An Rissmann - Arusha 1927. Blumer - annual report Arusha 1926. Blumer (2fold). FICHE NR. 13 6 - continued - Arusha 1926. Blumer (3 letters) - Arusha 1926. Reusch to Ihmels (with photo) - annual report Arusha 1925. Reusch - Arusha 1926. Rißmann - Arusha 1926. Blumer - annual report Arusha 1924. Blumer (2fold). FICHE NR. 13 7 - Continued - Leipzig 1924: Blumer (expenses by the Augustana Synod for the mission stations Arusha, Nkoaranga, Machame, Masama, Schena) - 1924: Blumer on his way to Europe - Arusha 1924: Blumer (report on the construction of a school and the start of work at the school) - Arusha 1924: Blumer (expenses by the school) - Plan of the school - Arusha 1924. Blumer (3 letters) - annual report Arusha and Nkoaranga 1.7.1922-30.6.1923. Blumer (transcript) - statistics of the mission stations Arusha and Nkoaranga 1923. Blumer - account of the sub-funds of the mission station Arusha 1922. Blumer - account of the sub-funds of the mission station Nkoaranga 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 1st quarter 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 2nd quarter 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 2nd quarter 1922. FICHE NR. 13 8 - List of correspondence between the Mission Society and Blumer 1921 - Small Mission Bell. No. 4, 1917 - Cost estimate for mission station Arusha 1922 (original and copy) - 1921. Paul an Blumer - Arusha 1921. Blumer (2 letters) - 4 photos: 1923 "our 'triad' with some local Christian children"; 1923 church in Leudorf-Legana. "In front of the church stand two Christian natives ... back - a pagan native"; 1923 photo taken in Ndurmaya by Mrs. Sander; 1920 family Blume with church. Recorded in the garden of the Arusha mission station. - 2 photos without title (copies hardly recognizable) - account Arusha and Nkoaranga, I. half-year 1921 - from the diary reports of Blumer 1921 - annual report Arusha 1915. Blumer. FICHE NR. 13 9- - Continuation of the diary notes 1921 - 1914. Blumer ("How the outbreak of war found the mission work in Arusha") - Construction plan for a mission house in Arusha 1908 by Schindler (Baumeister)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_2B · File · 1892-1910
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NO. 2B 1 - Map: Justus Perthes' Africa Lake District Section (8.) Edited by Dr. R. Lüddecke. Printed November 1892 in Gotha. 3rd edition - o.O., o.J. ? (concerning present missionary situation in Tanganyika) - Leipzig 1893. College (concerning instructions for the leader of the East African mission expedition; copy) - map "Eastern Central Africa" C.M.S. Report, Pl.3 - hand-drawn map "Siralandschaften" - o.O. 1892. ? - 1893. German East Africa line (receipt for Paessler) - o.O., o.J. map East Africa - o.O., o.J. Map: The Kamerungebiet, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft - "Karte der Missionstationen in Deutsch-Ostafrika" Zu: Deutsches Kolonialblatt 1892 - Travel calculations of the missionaries Paessler, Althaus, Fahrmann, Müller und Böhme - Mombas 1893. Travelogue (Experiences at Sea) Conclusion and signature missing (continuation probably on Fiche Nr. 2B 2 ) - Leipzig 1893(?). Letter to the members of the college - Berlin 1895. Meinerne - Berkau, Altmark 1893. Merensky (2 letters) - excerpts from the "Leipziger Zeitung" of 19.11.1894. Article: "The murder in Rombo" excerpt from the diary of the mission station Mamba, led by missionary Althaus (26.9.-3.10.). FICHE NO 2B 2 - "Second Supplement to No 600 of the National Newspaper." 1894 (excerpt) "Das Disciplinar-Urtheil gegen den Kanzler Leist" - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler (2 letters) - Schlieffenburg 1895. Karsten. (Copy and discussion of a report from the "Reichsboten" by Dr. Volkens, concerning the relationship of the Catholic and Protestant missions at Kilimanjaro; 2 letters) - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler - Groppendorf 1895. Müller (General Secretary of the Ev. Afrika-Verein) - Berlin 1895. Grundemann, Merensky (accompanying letter survey concerning the "legal habits of the African peoples") - Berlin 1896. International Association for Comparative Law and Economics (Research on the Legal and Economic Conditions of African Indigenous Peoples - Letter accompanying the sending of a questionnaire) - Mamba 1896. Althaus - Leipzig 1896. Schwartz to the missionaries of the Jagga Mission - Extract from the diary of the missionary Paessler (corrected). Headings (inserted later): 1. from Mombasa to Rabai; 2. from Rabai to Samburi (2 day trips); 3. from Samburu to Maungu (3 days) - o.O., o.J. (no beginning, probably continuation of Fiche No. 2B 1 ) Böhme - Mombasa 1893. Paessler - continuation of the above mentioned revised excerpts from the diary of Paessler (unsorted). FICHE No. 2B 3 - Continuation of the revised diary of Paessler, dated at the end: Machame 1893 - Machame 1893. Paessler - Leipzig 1893. ? - Mombas resp. Machame 1893-1894. Paessler (4 letters) - Machame 1893. Fassmann - Machame 1893. Paessler (diary beginning 30.9.1893; copy). FICHE NO. 2B 4 - Continued. Paessler - Lorenzkirch 1894. Paul (2 letters) - Mamba 1894. ? - Hamburg 1894. Hansing

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_33 · File · 1916-1918
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 33 1 - Nkoaranga o.J. Schachschneider to "son Hans" (private; copy) - o.O. 1917. "Berta" to Scharwächter in Leipzig (private; 2 copies) - "Der Adventbote in der Heidenwelt" No.2, 1917 (printed) - o.O., o.J. 2 printed pages - o.O., o.J. letter: "The war in German East Africa", internment of the Catholic missionaries at Kilimanjaro - Ahmednagar (India) 1917. Hedde from Usambara, currently prisoner of war (copy) - Ahmednagar (India) o.J. Fuchs (English; original and 2 copies) - Chemnitz 1917. soldier Thisch to mission director - Breklum 1917. mission inspector Braker with the request for publication, without addressee (printed) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs. Prisoners of War, Postcard to mission director (2 letters) - Ludwigslust 1917. Repsold to mission director (2 letters) - Altenburg 1917. von Bock to mission director (3 letters) - Wildberg (Zurich) 1917. Sulzberger to mission director - Marburg, Lahn 1917. Stiehler to "Professor" (without further information - possibly mission director Prof. Paul) - Berlin 1917. Reichs-Kolonialamt an von Bock (copy) - Schrubach 1916. Mauer an "Professor" - Ort unleserlich 1917. Missionsinspektor an Angehörige und Freunde der Missionsarbeiter in Usambara - Machame 1917. "Father" an "Tochter" J. Müller (private; copy with accompanying letter to Missionsdirektor) - Liegnitz 1917. Scheller ohne Empfängerangabe (2 letters) - Herrnhut 1917. Henning to mission director (postcard) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger (English; 2 copies typewritten; 1 handwritten) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to mission director - Hessen 1917. Rose to "Missionar" (no details; 2 letters) - Ohlau 1917. Beautiful to "Missionar" (no details) - Dresden 1917. Gress an Paul - Döben 1917. Lindmann an Bruder (no further details) - Nauternlitz 1917. Warnike an Missionsdirektor - Buschnitz 1917. Taube an "Professor" - Wittigwalde 1917. Thurleis as estate manager at Leipziger Mission - o.O. 1917. ? an Fuchs in Ahmednagar (2-fold) - East Africa 1917. Oldewage an Paul (original in English and 3 translations). FICHE NR. 33 2 - continued - Bethel 1917. mission inspector to relatives and friends of the mission brothers and sisters in Rwanda - Bethel 1917. ev. mission society for German East Africa to mission director - Charlottenburg 1917. bold to mission director - Marangu 1917. ev. -luth. mission Marangu an Würz (English) - Marangu 1917. room to mission director (original and copy) - Tengeru 1916. my to "son Peter" (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to mission director (3 letters) - Altmittweida 1917. Afert to Paul - Meseritz 1917. chess cutter to Ev.-luth. mission to Leipzig (2 letters) - Daressalaam 1916. "Gustl" to "Mühmchen" (private; copy) - Bethel 1917. ev. mission company to "Bruder" (no further details) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuch to his family (private; 2 letters) - Militsch 1917. Kegel to mission director (2 letters) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to Sulzberger (English) - Schwabach 1917. Mauer to "Professor" - Bethel 1917. Mission inspector to relatives and friends of the missionaries - Wuga 1917. Gleiss to "Bruder Friedrich" (private; copy; English) - Großalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld to mission director - Allenstein 1917. Behrends to mission director - Eberswalde 1917. Bad to mission director - o.O. 1917. from Arnim to mission director - Iever 1917. Mein to mission director (2 letters) - Tengeru, Arusha 1916. My to "Mother" (2 letters) - Dresden 1917. Moesta to Mission Director - Eberswalde 1917. Rohde to Mission Director - Nkoaranga 1917. "Sister Friderike" to Mission Director (English, 2 copies) - Mbaga 1917. Dennholz to "Mother" (English) - Zoppot 1917. Rodenacher to ? - Toulouse 1917. Roehl an Trittelvitz in Bethel (printed) - Machame 1917. Müller an Missionsdirektor (original and copy) - Ahmednagar 1917. Zeyen an Missionsdirektor - Ahmednagar 1917. Rother an Missionsdirektor (English and German translation) - Leipnitz 1917. Alberti an Missionsdirektor. FICHE NR. 33 3 - Continued - Ahmednagar 1917. Kuyenbruds (?) to Paul (English, 2 letters) - Meseritz 1917. Chess tailor to Ev.-Mission to Leipzig, with copies of an English and a German letter from Schachschneider (2 letters and one copy) - Kamenz 1917. Horn to mission director, contains copy of a letter from Horn (3 letters) - 1917. Fox "Postkarte für Kriegsgefangene" to Paul (3 letters) - Tharandt 1917. Martin - Neukirchen 1917. Secretariat of the Orphan and Mission Institute, with letter to Kühnen von Hofmann - Hamburg 1917. Mission Society of the S. T. Adventists in Europe to Paul - Altenburg 1917. Bock to Paul - Mamba 1917. Michel to "Mother" - Dresden 1917. Moesta with letter to Moesta von Gumert from prison camp Tanga - Nkoaranga 1917. Steinacker to Paul (English) - Machame 1917. Mission Council of the Evangelical Church in Hamburg 1917.luth. mission in German East Africa to mission director - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Dean Prieser in Bamberg (transcript) Answer Pauls to Fuchs (English) - Neumünster 1917. Landesverein für Innere Mission in Schleswig-Holstein to Missionshaus Leipzig - Grohshasselohe near Munich 1917. Egger to mission director - Zoppot b. Danzig 1917. Rodenacher - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Mission Director - Ohlau 1917. Schöne to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. An Fuchs - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl to Mission Director, with copy of a letter from Wärthl (2 letters) - Burkhardtsdorf 1917. Rother an Paul - Bamberg 1917. ? an Missionsdirektor - Glauchau 1917. Pädagogium (betr. Rother) - 1917. Missionsdirektor an Horn - Masama 1917. Thiele (copy) - Maadi b. Cairo 1917. Thiele to Mission Director (original and copy) - Döbeln 1917. Everth (concerning Everth) - Cairo 1917. Horn to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. Paul to members and friends of our mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Belgaum (India) 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Maadi 1917. Thiele an Mission Director - Schwabach 1917. Müller - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an "Familie" (2 letters) - o.O. 1917. Paul an Fuchs, Wärthl und Thiele (partly English) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an Hofmann (English) - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl an Paul - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs an Prieser - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director (original and copy) - Tanga 1917. Schachschneider to Bureaux International de la Paix, Bern - Begaum 1917. Fuchs to mission director (original and copy) - Maadi 1917. Horn to mission director - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director - Hessen i. Braunschweig 1917. Grawinkel (with copy of a letter from "Gustl", Daressalaam 1916 to "Mother") - "The Christian occupation of Africa" Report about an African conference 1917 (translation) - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Dar es Salaam 1917. "Max" to Mother - "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE Civil Verwaltung D. O. A. District Political Office Circular" - Marangu 1917. ? to Ev.-luth. Mission in Leipzig (English). FICHE NR. 33 4 - continued - Rochlitz 1917. Fritzsch - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs - Maadi 1917. Horn - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs (copy and original) - Grossalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld - Wilhelmstal 1917. Administrator's Office (English) - "The following injuries or complaints are such as to render a person incapable of military service." Moshi 1917 District Political Officer "Circular to all enemy subjects." (English) and "Circular male enemy subjects." (English) - o.O. 1917. to Mission Council "Basic outline for the continuation of the mission works and their management". (3fold) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl (copy) - no year 16 different short letters in copy - 1 photo (probably fox) - 1918. Everth - Kamenz 1918. Horn - Leipzig 1918. an Fuchs - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs an Sulzberger resp. Paul (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs to Fuchs and Prieser - 1918. to Schachschneider - 1918. to Thiele - 1918. to Fuchs - 2 calendar sheets February 1918. (Spemanns Alpen-Kalender) - Belgaum 1918. ? to "Family" - Cairo 1918. Wall - o.O.., o.J. to Horn in Maadi - Kamenz 1918. Nollau - 1918. to Michel - Ahmednagar 1918. Guth (original and copy) - Döbeln 1918. Everth with copy of a letter from Everth to "Mother" - Waldorf 1918. Adam - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl to "Ruckdaeschel" (copy) - 1918. Paul an Everth, Thiele, Schachschneider, Mauer - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider - Maadi 1918. Rother an "Familie" (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. "Martin" an "Eltern". FICHE NR. 33 5 - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Everth, Horn, Wärthl, Thiele, Fuchs, Schachschneider, Guth (2 letters), Mauer, Rother - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Langenreinsdorf 1918. Ahnert and Stelzner (with copy of a letter from Stelzner) - Tura b. Cairo 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel (2 letters) - London / Machame 1918. C.M.S. (English); letter from Müller (English) - Zinnritz 1918. Schachschneider (with copy of a letter from Schachschneider) - Tura 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Hospital Heliopolis b. Cairo 1918. chess cutter - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (2 letters) - Glauchau 1918. Pädagogium - Klotzsche 1918. Hüttig (concerning Horn) - Maadi 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel - Hospital Heliopolis 1918. Mauer (English) - Maadi 1918. Thiele. FICHE NR. 33 6 - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (5 letters) - Maadi 1918. Everth (6 letters) - Daressalaam 1917. Everth - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Fuchs, Everth, Guth, Wärthl, Michel, Schachschneider - Moshi 1918. District Political Officer an Ev. Mission Shingatini - o.O. 1918. Guth (4 letters) - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Noltau - Maadi 1918. Thiele an Schanz - Steinigtwolmsdorf 1918. Schanz (concerning Thiele) - Belgaum 1918. Fox - Marangu 1918. Ev.-luth. mission to Ev. luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (concerning Stelzner; 2 letters) - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr (Egypt) 1918. Rother - Maadi 1918. Stelzner. FICHE NR 33 7 - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (concerning Guth) - Maadi 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Thiele (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. Stelzner (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Tura 1918. Klöpfel - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (4 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth (5 letters, one with photo) - Schwabach 1918. Mauer - Zeiskan 1918. Guth - Sidi Bishr 1918. Rother - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - o.O. 1918. Guth - Tura 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr 1918. wall - Mwika 1918. Stamberg to "Eva" and "Grete" (copy) - Altorf 1918. KR Braun (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1918. "Martin" to Alberti ("Parents"; copy) - Machame 1918. mission station (Müller) to Paul (original in English and 2 translations) - o.J. 13 short letters of various senders and addressees (copies) - Bleckmar 1918. Missionsanstalt der Hannoverschen luth. Freikirche to Missionsdirektor (2 letters; copies) - o.O. 1918. Everth (concerning polygamy). FICHE NO 33 8- - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth - o.O. 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Wärthl - Tura 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall - London 1918. C.M.S. an Ev.-luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Maadi 1918. chess cutter - Tura 1918. horn (not complete) - Belgaum 1918. fox - Machame 1918. mission Council of the Ev.-luth. mission in G.E.A. (Müller) to Paul (account 1917).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_34 · File · 1918-1920
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 34 1 - Maadi 1918. chess cutter - Maadi 1918. Guth an Meinner (copy) - 1918. Paul an Rother, Michel (3 letters), Guth, Horn, Schachschneider (2 letters), Everth, Wärthl, Thiele, Mauer - 1919. Paul an Guth - Sidi Bishr 1918. Thiele (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. wall (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. chess cutter (5 letters, one with photo) - Zendingsbureau-Oegstgeest 1918. Rauws an Spiecker (probably Dutch) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth (3 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Rother (2 letters) - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel (3 letters) - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Tura 1918. Michel (2 letters) - Döbeln 1918. Everth - Schwabach 1918. Wall - Maadi 1918. Stelzner (2 letters) - 1918. list of the books sent to Schachschneider - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Meseritz 1918. Schachschneider - Leipzig 1918. ? an Raum (English) - Leipzig 1918. Paul an The Lay Secretary, C.M.S., London (English) - Machame 1918. Müller to "Children" - Machame 1918. Mission council in the Ev.-luth. Mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (account 1917; translation; 3 copies). - o.O. 1919 transcript of a report by Hauptmann about private life of Stelzner - 2nd part of the letter of Horn (see Fiche 33 8-) - Tura 1919. Michel. FICHE NR. 34 2 - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Guth, Fuchs (3 letters), Mauer, Schachschneider (German and English), Michel, Stelzner, Wärthl - Tura 1919. Schmidt (application for employment as teacher) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Tura 1919. Michel - Seelingstädt 1919. Schmidt - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Thiele, Rother, Everth, Wall, Knepper, Wärthl, Guth, Stelzner, Michel, Horn, Klöpfel (finances) - Tura 1919. Horn an "Mutter" (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider - 1919. Kollegium "An die in Aegypten internierten Missionare" (concerning behaviour in case of release; 2-fold) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneier (2 letters) - Frankfurt 1919. Michel (Pflanzer) to the Reichskolonialamt Berlin. "Report on my activities and experiences during the war in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and on my journey home..." (as attachment to a letter see Fiche no. 34 3 ; 2 copies) - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Guth - Tura 1919. Michel - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul (report of Müller about the work of Everth and Stelzner, with vote to suspend both from service) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (explanation of his mission method). FICHE NR 34 3 - Leipnitz 1919 Alberti - Maadi 1919 Wärthl (2 letters) - 1919 Paul an Michel - Leipzig 1919 Paul "To the relatives of our German East African missionaries" - Kamenz 1919 Horn - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Horn, Mauer, Everth, Wärthl, Schachschneider (2 letters), Stelzner, Michel, Fuchs - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Fuchs - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) Missions- und Missionsschulwesen) - Tura 1919. Klöpfel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele an "Schwiegereltern" (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Frankfurt 1919. Michel - Kamenz 1919. Nollau - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - o.J. Situationplan der Missionsstation Ruruma - Marangu 1919. Raum (translation; 3fold) - Eschenbach 1919. Wärthl - Tura 1919. Michel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (original and transcript) - Berlin 1918. Call of the Reichsbank directorate among other things "to limit the lifting of notes to the smallest measure" (printed) - Mwika 1919. Mother" and "father" to "Eva" - Mwika 1919. "Irmagard" to "sister" - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth's report on the monetary situation in Ruruma - Maadi 1919. Guth (copy) - Tahkaeranadas 1919. "P.E."(father) to Eisenschmidt (language Estonian?; with German translation) - Leipzig 1919. Weishaupt to Wärthl (concerning resumption of work in East Africa; copy) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs to Paul - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Leipzig 1919. Paul to von Schnehen. FICHE NR 34 4 - Glauchau 1919. Pedagogy to Paul - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (5 letters) - Tura 1919. Horn - Tura 1919. Michel (3 letters) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (transcript) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Leipnitz 1919. Alberti - Kamenz 1919. Horn - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider (3 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Rother (pedagogy), Schachschneider, Mauer (2 letters), Müller, Horn, Gutmann (2fold), Michel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer (3 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth: "Report of a journey ...1915 with young Iramba Christians to the Kilimanjaro" - o.O. 1919. Guth (request to the censor to let a certain letter pass) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl (2 letters) - Kamenz 1919. Horn - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth: "Cooperation of the Dschagga at the mission work in Iramba" - Chemnitz 1919. Schlegel - o.O. 1919. Please to the censor - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth ("Continuation of the two previous letters about his activity in Ruruma") - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (3 letters): "Discussion with brothers in captivity about his baptism practice"; "Exposition of his baptism practice"; "About baptism to polygamists" - Sidi Bishr 1919. Rother - 1 photo (probably 5 missionaries) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Moshi 1919. District Political Office "To all European Residents in Moshi District" - Mwika 1919. "Mother and Father Fr. St." to "Grete" - Grosshesselohe 1919. ? FICHE NR. 34 5 - continued - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (3 letters; concerning: baptism practice; report about his mission work) - Leipzig 1919. Kollegium an Hauptmann - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider (2 letters), Michel, Mauer, Fuchs - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (5 letters) - Tura 1919. Michel - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (3 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to mission council (request for vacation) - Machame 1919. Mission council to Schulz (concerning dissolution of the children's home; 2 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to mission council in Leipzig - Grosshesselohe 1919. ? - Marangu 1919. Ev.-luth Mission (room) to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (German and English; several copies) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Glauchau 1919. Rother - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider. FICHE NR 34 6 - continued - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (2 letters) - Tura 1919. Michel (4 letters) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (3 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall (2 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Rother, Thiele, Schachschneider, Stelzner, Horn (2 letters), Wärthl, Fuchs, Rother - Tura 1919. Horn (2 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Writing of a report by Thiele - Maadi 1919. Guth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider - Transcript "Meeting of the Mission Council of the Evangelical Church of Germany".luth. mission, Machame, 30/31.July 1919." (signed Müller / Raum) (2fach) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council (copy) - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Schulz (2 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council (copy) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul - Walddorf 1919. Michel - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider. FICHE NR 34 7 - Tübingen 1919. Rother - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele (2 letters) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Lany - Tura 1919. Michel (5 letters) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer (2 letters) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul (original and copy; concerning Knittel) - Marangu 1919. Knittel to Mission in Leipzig (original and copy) - Moshi 1919. Gutmann - Tura 1919. Klöpfel - Tura 1919. Horn - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Stamberg, Wärthl (2 letters), Fuchs (2 times) - Machame 1919. Missionsrat an Paul (3 letters) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (2 letters) - Treffurt 1919. Klöpfel (2 letters) - "For war diary under the points of view: 1) Which role did the mission play in the wars of the protectorate 2) and how did it stand with the religious-kirchl. life of the troop". - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider and Michel (both times return to sender) - Mwika 1919. Stamberg an "Grete" - Kamenz 1919. Horn (2 letters) - Marangu 1919. Ev.-luth. mission (room) an Paul - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider, Thiele, Wärthl. FICHE NO 34 8- - Continued by "War Diary..." - Machame 1920. Müller to Political Office (concerning an article by Vierhub) - Machame 1920. Müller to Mission Inspector Weishaupt (2 letters).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_59 · File · 1913-1967
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 59 1 - 1914-1919, 1922-1925, 1927-1930, 1932-1935, 1938-1939. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission stations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Shigatini 1915. Fuchs an Leipziger Mission - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission in Leipzig - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927.luth. mission in Arusha - map of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and South India - annual report of the Ev.-luth. mission in Leipzig about the year 1919. publisher of the Ev.-luth. mission (ed., 38 p.). FICHE NR. 59 2 - 1919-1921. mission council "Stand der Evang.-luth. (Leipziger) Mission in East Africa" (statistics) - 1927. statistics of the station Mwika - o.O., o.J. copy from letter of Fokken. FICHE NR. 59 3 - 1939, 1948, 1952, 1956 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Tanganyika Land - Information form for Luth. Churches and/or Missions for the year 1958 - 1960, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Northern Tanganyika (Swahili). FICHE NR. 59 4- - 1931: Excerpts from the official Gazette No. 1-4 - Machame 1931. Note by Schwär (concerning the selection from the official Gazette) - Berlin 1939. Foreign Office to Paessler - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels to "Friends" (concerning the password question) - Bethel 1940. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft an Ihmels und Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Küchler: "Memorandum on the situation in the field of work of the Evangelical Church - Berlin 1940.luth. mission to Leipzig in German East Africa" (typewritten; 4 p.) - ? 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. German Protestant Mission Council (Knak) to Auswärtiges Amt (draft) - Berlin 1940. Knak to? (copy from a letter from the Federal Foreign Office) - Schleusingen 1910. constituent announcement of the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bautzsch 1913. report from Kilimanjaro to the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bremen 1929. Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits to Missionaries - statutes of the German Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - n.d. Report of the German Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade: "On the State of the Alcohol Trade in Africa and on the Measures to Combat it" (Maschinegeschreiben; 5 p.) - Berlin 1930. Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade to its Members - Berlin 1939. "Suggestions for measures to reduce alcohol consumption among the indigenous population of Africa" - Berlin 1931. Submission by the German Society for Native American Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eingeborenen-Kunde) - Berlin 1938. Special print from the monthly newspaper of the North German Mission Society. German association to combat the African spirits trade. Article: "To combat alcohol shortage in Africa" (ed. 4 p.) - o.O., o.J. Draft questionnaire to determine alcohol shortage in Africa.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1895_3 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Excerpt from Miss's diary. Barrel man and miller. Scope: pp. 50-51. Contains, among other things: - (SW: school; agricultural cultivation; neighbourhood problems; theft of Jagga boys; Chief Shangali - participation in circumcision ceremonies)

Leipziger Missionswerk
The mission station Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1896_1 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's diary. Althaus in Mamba, Sept. 1895. Scope: S. 14-20. Includes among others: - "First, all sorts of work on the ward." (SW: school building; lessons; chieftains Bararia and Koimbere; sacrifice) - "2nd reception of the new missionaries". (SW: Arrival of Miss Segebrock and Ovir; Miss Ovir to Madchame)

Leipziger Missionswerk