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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 420 T 1 · Bestand · 1841-1921
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of tradition History of the authorities Born from the idea of enlightenment and the doctrine of humanity, the social situation of the peasantry, to which the majority of the population belonged, was also to be raised in Hohenzollern. Thaer's teaching on more rational cultivation and the chemical research results of Justus von Liebig in agriculture and animal nutrition made it possible to put this endeavour to intensify agriculture into practice. In Hohenzollern, the "backward peasants" were officially taken care of, and they joined together in agricultural associations. The spread of the liberalist idea - to generate profit and spend more money on the mechanization of agriculture - made it necessary to unite the peasants. The farmer should not cultivate the field by hand alone, he should manage his farm as a business economist with consideration and calculation and thus he was made in those days from farmer to farmer. In 1841, the farmers' associations that had opened up in the Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen merged to form the "Verein zur Beförderung der Landwirtschaft und Gewerbe in Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen". By sovereign decree of 02 April 1841 (Collection of Laws Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Vol. VI, p. 14) the statutes of the association became legally binding. The purpose of the association was: "For the purpose of the revival and spreading of the agricultural and commercial industry and for the promotion of economic prosperity in general". His main tasks were: Arable farming, meadow farming, fruit growing, horticulture, forestry and livestock breeding. Furthermore, the association tried to find the trades that had the closest connection to the agricultural enterprises, such as breweries and distilleries. On the other hand, it promoted non-profit economic institutions and enterprises, such as community baking ovens, etc. A central office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade was established as a link between the government and the farming community. Three district offices stood under this central office as the actual executive and effective organs. The district of the first district office comprised the offices of Sigmaringen, Ostrach, Wald and Achberg. The second district included the offices of Gammertingen, Strassberg and Trochtelfingen, while the third district was established for the offices of Haigerloch and Glatt. The said statute of 02.04.1841 determines in § 4 ff. the composition and the tasks of the central office. The central office, as the leading authority of the whole, has its seat in Sigmaringen and consists of at least 9 members to be appointed by the Reigning Prince for a period of 3 years each, from which the Board and its deputies are appointed by equal appointment. The central office was the organ through which, on the one hand, the government negotiated with the district associations. On the other hand, requests, requests from clubs to the government. In addition to managing the general affairs of the association, the sphere of activity of the central office included: 1. the editing of the Association Gazette 2. correspondence with foreign associations and institutions, insofar as this was the association as a whole. 3 With the approval of the supreme state authority, the Central Office was able to distribute contributions from the State Treasury for the purposes of the Association. 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 5. to draw up and publish their own annual accounts; 6. to arrange agricultural feasts with the cooperation of the District Office concerned after obtaining the highest prior approval; 7. to distribute prizes and premiums for those items which could not be taken into account by the District Associations, or to receive such prizes for direct distribution from the funds of the Central Office; 7. to take over such prizes from the funds of the Central Office; 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 7. to prepare and publish their own annual accounts; 7. to distribute prizes and premiums for those items which could not be taken into account by the District Associations, or to take over such prizes for direct distribution from the funds of the Central Office; 4. to supervise all the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise the institutions of the Association; 4. to supervise the Association; 4. to supervise the Association; 6. to publish their own annual accounts; 7. After the Hohenz. Land in the Kingdom of Prussia had merged, the association revived in 1852. By order of the royal Prussian government to Sigmaringen of 18.08.1853 the association was extended on whole Hohenzollern. In the Principality of Hohenzollern-Hechingen only private agricultural associations existed until 1848, which were financially supported by the sovereign. When the new association was founded, the management of the entire association remained in the hands of the central office. It consisted of elected and appointed members. After the new company was founded, the central office was divided into a department for agriculture and forestry and a department for trade and industry. With the expansion of the association to the whole of Hohenzollern, a new division of territory had become necessary and a new district association was founded for the district of Hechingen. The Strassberg Upper Administrative District was separated from the second Gammertingen-Trochtelfingen District Association and assigned to the Sigmaringen-Wald-Ostrach Upper Administrative District Association. Further district associations were formed in 1872, 1873 and 1875 for the district of the former Glatt upper office, for the Achberg municipal district and for the Ostrach upper office district with the municipalities Kalkreute, Habsthal and Rosna. The association as a whole used the "Mitteilungen zur Beförderung der Landwirtschaft und der Gewerbe" (Mitteilungen zur Beförderung der Landwirtschaft und der Gewerbe, published since 1841) as a publication medium. In addition, annual "annual reports" of the association followed. The central office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade was replaced by the Chamber of Agriculture. In order to safeguard the overall interests of agriculture and forestry, a chamber was also established in Hohenzollern on the basis of the Prussian Law on the Chambers of Agriculture of 30.06.1894, by ordinance of 06.03.1922 (G.S. p. 55). These agricultural chambers were replaced in 1933 by the "Reichsnährstand" and were only rebuilt after the collapse in 1946. The files of the "Zentralstelle des Vereins für Landwirtschaft und Gewerbe in Hohenzollern" (Central Office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade in Hohenzollern) remained as old registry with the following authorities. It was not until 1950 that the files, insofar as they still existed, were taken over by the Sigmaringen State Archives (Acc. Jour. 1950 No. 10) and set up as holdings Ho 420 "Zentralstelle des Vereins für Landwirtschaf und Gewerbe in Hohenzollern". This list was drawn up according to the old registry signatures. Due to a lack of numbers in the individual subject areas, the files concerned are often housed in the following subject area. The "Zentralstelle" also had an extensive specialist library. We have an exact list of the books from 1876 in the catalogue published by H. Grube in 1877. The library was fragmented after the political collapse in 1945. In 1951, the holdings were sorted, repertorised and packaged and magazined by K. Herzog, an employee of the State Archives. In the course of the standardization of the repertory writings of the State Archives, the repertory, which was still written by hand in 1951, was revised by Government Inspector Kungl and the fair copy was brought into its current form by the employee Mrs. Kalkuhl. Sigmaringen, November 1967

Diseases among pigs, meat inspection - main acts
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 23-24 Nr. 267 · Akt(e) · (1914) 1927-1936
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains also: Schlachtvieh- und Fleischbeschauungsgesetz vom 3. Juni 1900 Darin: Staatsanzeiger für Württemberg vom 28. Januar 1931; newspaper supplement "Landwirtschaft und Kolonialwesen" vom 18. Juli 1914; Official Gazette of the Prussian Veterinary Chamber Committee and the Prussian Veterinary Chambers vom 15. December 1929; Official Gazette of the Ministry of the Interior of Württemberg vom 9. October 1930

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, N 1/78 T 1 · Bestand
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

The story of the person Robert Arnaud was born on 30 June 1885 in Sigmaringen. After attending high school, he completed a three-year apprenticeship in Heilbronn, which was followed by work in various drugstores and as a representative for Kathreiner's malt coffee. In November 1908 Robert Arnaud acquired a building in the Schwabstraße in Sigmaringen, which was to house the Robert Arnaud city drugstore in the following years. In 1928 the shop was enlarged by an extension in the Bauhaus style. Robert Arnaud's marriage to Amelie Dieringer (1889-1970) in 1910 produced the daughters Gertrud (1911-1990), Hildegard (1912-1995) and Gretel (1916-1995) and his son Robert (1927-1945). Robert Arnaud died on 11 May 1945, shortly after his son had been shot dead during the invasion of Sigmaringen by French troops. Inventory history and report of the researcher Renate Arnaud handed over the available documents to the Sigmaringen State Archives in 2004, 2005 and 2007 (accession numbers 55/2004, 20/2005 and 9/2007). This is an enriched estate with a term of approximately 1871 to 2005. The focus is on the first two decades of the 20th century and the years between 1930 and 1940. Corinna Knobloch recorded the documents in the period from March to July 2006 and in February 2007. During the development 1381 units were formed, consisting among others of 5 master plates, 14 units with correspondence, 1191 postcards or folders with postcards as well as photographs, 4 photo glass plates, 479 collector's pictures of Kathreiner's Kneipp malt coffee, Liebig's Fleisch-Extract, Bernsdorp's Cacao

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 161/15 T 1 Nr. 97 · Akt(e) · 1937-1947
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Große Forstliche Staatsprüfung; W. Mühlinghaus; L. Wagner; Reichslager für Beamte in Bad Tölz; Reichsprüfungsausschuss; training regulations for the higher forestry service; maintenance subsidy; employment of forestry assessors Darin: Die Ausbildung für den Höheren Forstdienst im Kriege; Merkblatt für die Laufbahn des höheren Forstdienstes, 1940; treatise on the significance of German colonial forest ownership; examination tasks

Gammertingen State Forestry Office (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 161/15 T 1 · Bestand · 1892-1955
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Content and evaluation In the course of an evaluation campaign at the State Forestry Offices in the Sprengel of the Tübingen Forestry Directorate in 1994/95, the old registration - registration layer 1850 - 1955 at the Gammertingen State Forestry Office was also evaluated by the Sigmaringen State Archives on 9 August 1995. The evaluation was based on the evaluation model developed in 1994/95 together with the forestry administration (see also: Reinhold Schaal and Jürgen Treffeisen: For the evaluation and separation of the documents of the state forestry offices in the Sprengel of the State Archives Sigmaringen, in: Historische Überlieferung aus Verwaltungsunterlagen. Zur Praxis der archivischen Bewertung in Baden-Württemberg, published by Robert Kretzschmar, 1997, Verlag W.Kohlhammer Stuttgart, p.275-291). The files of the Gammertingen Forestry Office were recorded in spring 1997 by Marc Krause during a four-week archive internship under the direction of the undersigned. The stock now comprises 117 fascicles at 2 running metres. Sigmaringen, signed in September 1998. Dr. Jürgen Treffeisen Contains: Official requirements; registry; forest office building, official housing, construction matters; forest organisation; annual reports; personnel and job files; areas and border matters; assessment and surveying; forest maps; farm books; farm operations; crops; road construction; hunting and fishing; forest penal cases; pest control; management of corporate forests, general and individual cases.

Koop, John
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 3 Nr. 731 · Akt(e) · 1886-1918
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Also includes: medical certificates; military exercises; application for support; part-time Catholic school council office with the Sigmaringen government; part-time government and school council office; chairman of the Sigmaringen Colonial Association; awarding of medals; conferment of the title of Privy Councillor of the Government

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 28/1 T 2 · Bestand · 1891-1950
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

The history of the tradition The preliminary remark on the repertory Wü 28/1, Landgericht Ravensburg [2010: Wü 28/1 T 1] is referred to the court organisation. The files included in this inventory were delivered to the State Archives by the Regional Court of Ravensburg on 25 April 1969 (Acc. 1969/14). These are criminal files from the years 1891 to 1933. For the time being, further criminal files are still kept in the Ludwigsburg State Archives as fonds E 353 (District Court/ Regional Court Ravensburg, Criminal Chamber, with District Criminal Court Biberach as 2nd Criminal Chamber for the districts of Biberach, Leutkirch, Riedlingen, Waldsee), where they had been deposited before 1938. In due course they are to be merged with the holdings located here in accordance with the responsibility of the archives. The order and distortion of the present files was carried out by the retired government chief secretary Plaumann in 1969. Fräulein Queck produced the fair copy and register. The stock comprises 47 fascicles with 1.25 running metres [2010: 48 fascicles with 1.5 running metres]. Sigmaringen, December 1970 Stemmler Content and Rating Includes: Street trial records: Criminal Trials 1891-1933 (1950) (with gaps in time)

personnel matters
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 161/15 T 1 Nr. 101 · Akt(e) · 1936-1940
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Maintenance of official vehicles; new appointment of civil servants; costs of cleaning and heating the business room; compensation for expenses on duty; business trips; forestry secretary John; political activity of civil servant candidates; colonial forestry training course on employment of severely disabled persons; participation in events; procurement of public gas masks; transfer of forestry civil servants to Sudeten German territory; Forstliche Hochschulwoche, Freiburg, 1938; Exclusion of the Jews from the award of public contracts; replacement for civil servants called up to the Wehrmacht; reply to requests to the Führer and Reich Chancellor; travel to Austria; employment and promotion of civil servants; donation for the Winterhilfswerk; filling of school positions; congratulatory circular of the Führer; prosecution of civil servants under criminal law for false information about former party membership; discount for civil servants' own company cars Darin: Uniform conditions for the sale of motor vehicles; Reichsministerialblatt der Forstverwaltung of 18. January 2003; Reichsministerialblatt der Forstverwaltung of 18. January 2003. July 1939 and August 6, 1937; travel expense account of the Forestry Secretary John; income and expenditure overview of the Prussian State Forestry Administration; several circulars; statement of income received for a sideline activity associated with the main office; evidence of the sideline offices and sideline occupations of the Prussian forestry officials; application for the issue of a thank you and greetings card by the Führer and Reich Chancellor

personnel matters
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 161/15 T 1 Nr. 102 · Akt(e) · 1939-1943
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Year-end closing; service vehicle maintenance; community appeal; examination of indispensabilities; working hours for the public service; awarding of war service crosses; collections for gifts to leading state officials and leading party comrades; simplification of administration with decree of the Führer; honorary mayors; remuneration for expenses in service; "Iron Savings"; Request for War Auxiliary Service Obligors; Collections of Heads of Authorities and Civil Servants; Preparation of a Colonial Administration; Promotional Offices for the Upmarket Forestry Service; Performance Struggle of German Companies; Authorities Discount for the Procurement of Motor Vehicles; Forestry Master Hermann Derichsweiler; Official Trips; Kurhaus Operation in Bad Hofgastein Darin: Business distribution plan of the Forstamts, 1943; list of all male followers; travel expenses; guidelines for the deployment of the Forstamtmänner, Oberförster and the office service forces of the Forstamts; logbook; leaflet for the deployment sites of the Kriegshilfsdienst of the Reicharbeitsdienst; Reichsgesetzblatt, Part 1 of 22. January 1943. July 1940; Prospectus of the Kurhaus of the Reich Forestry Administration in Bad Hofgastein

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 26-28 · Bestand · (1629-) 1850-1945 (-2003)
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

The present repertory is the revised version of the two official finding aids of the Prussian Government Department I Section XI Education of 1852 (see No. 2180) and of 1927 (see No. 2181). The repertories of the authorities partly agree, partly disagree. Occasionally, file numbers that had previously been regarded as order signatures were assigned twice. As the funds were used to locate authorities, amendments were made and not always in the expected places, which led to a great deal of confusion. The various entries about destruction or transfer to other registries and authorities also created confusion about the existence or location of the files. The NVA (=Newly recorded file) numbers behind the individual title entries (if at all clearly to assign) gave a certain hint that the file must have already been in the archive. - The NVA number was the first signature to be assigned in the archive, regardless of the stock to which it belonged. Later, the Prussian files were removed from the NVA inventory and stored according to the old authority signature. - However, not every file with an NVA number could be found. In addition, teacher personnel files were handed over to the following authorities: Kultministerium Württemberg-Hohenzollern and Oberschulamt Tübingen. The personal files, which did not grow there, were delivered in three deliveries (Acc. 23/1956, 1/1969 and 17/1969) from the Oberschulamt Tübingen to the Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen. The deliveries were previously separate and have only now been returned to their original place. The lack of clarity, the poor manageability and the state of conservation of the old finding aids have led to the necessity of simplifying the old signatures as well as to the present index. The first processing of the inventory took place only on the basis of the finding aids and not on the basis of the files. The content of the titles was not checked against the files, but only carefully normalised. The actual existence of the files and their duration was determined in the inventory in the magazine. Files from the hitherto unallocated part of the total holdings of the Prussian Government of Sigmaringen had to be incorporated into the present partial holdings. The personnel files from the deliveries of the Oberschulamt Tübingen were integrated. In the course of the work step of file control, notes describing physical anomalies were included in the present repertory. In addition, pre-proveniences have been demonstrated. The following pre-proveniences appear: "Principality of Hohenzollern-Hechingen", "Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen", "Secret Conference Sigmaringen", "Secret Conference Hechingen", "Princely Government Sigmaringen", "Princely Government Hechingen", "Prussian Interim Government Sigmaringen", "Prussian Interim Government Hechingen" and "Prussian Commissarius", "Kreisschulinspektion Beuthen", "Kreisschulinspektion Xanten", "Oberamt Hechingen", "Oberschulkommission Hechingen", "Preußische Regierung Aachen", "Preußische Regierung Arnsberg", "Preußische Regierung Danzig", "Preußische Regierung Düsseldorf", "Preußische Regierung Frankfurt an der Oder", "Prussian Government Kassel", Prussian Government Koblenz", Prussian Government Cologne", Prussian Government Königsberg", Prussian Government Köslin", Prussian Government Marienwerder", Prussian Government Münster", Prussian Government Oppeln", Prussian Government Posen", Prussian Government Trier", "Preußische Regierung Wiesbaden", "Provinzschulkollegium Berli n", "Provinzschulkollegium Berlin-Lichterfeld", "Provinzschulkollegium Koblenz", "Provinzschulkollegium Münster", "Bezirkspräsidium des Oberelsass", "Schulkommissariat Haigerloch", "Schulkommissariat Hechingen", "Schulkommission Hechingen" and "Schulkommission Sigmaringen". Post-proveniences include "Kultusministerium Württemberg-Hohenzollern", "Oberschulamt Tübingen" and "Schulamt Sigmaringen". In addition, the provenance "President of Hohenzollern - settlement agency" appears. The task of this authority was to complete the business of the Prussian government of Sigmaringen, which had been dissolved in 1945. The repertory now has a place and person index. The problem with the creation of the place index was that some places in the east of the former German Empire are now on Polish territory. In order to facilitate the understanding of contemporary administrative contexts, these places were identified according to their administrative affiliation at the time. This repertory lists all files that are listed in the list of authorities. If they could not be found, the note "not available" appears in the repertory. The state of conservation of the files is questionable, as the Prussian-stitched files were lying loose and unpacked on the shelf until recently. A further deterioration of the condition is not to be expected, however, as the files have recently been packed in an archive-compatible manner. The recording of the title recordings was carried out by the undersigned with the archival indexing program Midosa 95 in 2007. Corinna Knobloch and the undersigned checked the files in the magazine. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present holdings comprise 1759 units of description and 40.3 linear metres and are quoted as follows: Ho 235 T 26-248 No. Sigmaringen, July 2009 Birgit Meyenberg

Prussian Oberamt Haigerloch: Files (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 202 T 3 · Bestand · 1850-1925
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

In the State Treaty of 7 December 1849, Prince Karl Anton von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, together with Prince Constantine von Hohenzollern-Hechingen, ceded the Hohenzollern principalities to Prussia. After approval by the Prussian chambers, Hohenzollern was united with Prussia by law of 12 March 1850. Following the incorporation of the two principalities into Prussia, the former administrative authorities were retained for the time being. Thus in the lower instance the upper offices Glatt, Haigerloch, Hechingen, Gammertingen, Trochtelfingen, Sigmaringen, Straßberg, Ostrach and Wald became Prussian authorities. When the Haigerloch Oberamt passed over to Prussia, the towns of Bietenhausen, Bittelbronn, Empfingen, Gruol, Haigerloch, Hart, Heiligenzimmern, Höfendorf, Imnau, Stetten bei Haigerloch, Trillfingen and Weildorf were included in the Oberamt district. By decree of 18 January 1854, the Oberamt Glatt was abolished and incorporated into the Oberamt Haigerloch. Thus the places Betra, Dettensee, Dettingen, Dettlingen, Dießen, Glatt and Fischingen came to the upper office Haigerloch. The Haigerloch upper office, enlarged by the Glatter Orte, did not undergo any further territorial changes during its entire existence (until 1925). By notice published in the Official Journal on 1 September 1854, the implementation of the new district organisation, i.e. the transfer of office and establishment of the new district office, was fixed for 28 September 1854 by the Viebig Commissioner-Governing Council. The files and coffers of the former Oberamt Glatt were to have been transferred to Haigerloch by the handover date. Present at the handing over were: Government Councillor and Commissioner Viebig, the former Chief Officer Stehle, the future Chief Office Executive Appellate Judge Emmele and the former administrator of the Chief Office Glatt and now Chief Office Secretary Kordeuter. From 1 January 1858, both official corporations received a joint official treasury and official cash account, the management of which had been taken over by Kordeuter. The law of 7 October 1925 concerning the simplification of the administration of the Hohenzollernsche Lande brought about the end of the Haigerloch Oberamtsbezirk by merging it with the Hechingen Oberamtsbezirk to form the Hechingen district. Until the end of 1851 the administration of the Oberamts Haigerloch Oberamtmann Harz led the Oberamtsassessor Rehmann as Oberamtsverweser from 1 January 1852 to 17 September 1852. From 17 September 1852 Oberamtmann Stehle in Straßberg was in charge of the provisional administration of the Oberamt. He was followed by Appellations Court Referendarius Emele, initially as Chief Administrator from 28 September 1854 and as Chief Administrator from 4 January 1856 until the end of June 1891. He was replaced by the Government Assessor Sauerland, first as Commissarial Chief Administrator from 1 July 1891, then as Chief Administrator from 1 January 1891. February 1892 to February 2, 1902. On February 20, 1902, Schulz-Hausmann was appointed Assessor of the Government as Commissarial Oberamtmann and on August 1, 1902 Assessor of the Government as Oberamtmann until the end of February 1914. He was succeeded on March 5, 1914 by Assessor Großpietsch as Commissarial Oberamtmann and from August 16, 1914 as Oberamtmann. Since Großpietsch was called up for military service during the World War, the business premises of the Haigerloch Oberamt were moved to Hechingen from November 1916 and the administration of the same was taken over by the Oberamtmann in Hechingen. 2nd order of the inventory The files listed here cover the period from 1850 ¿ 1925 and originate from the delivery of the Oberamt Haigerloch from 1925, the newly listed files I and to a small extent also the newly listed files II. All files are stapled according to the Prussian file stapling. This work had to be done by the Regis trator with the scribe's apprentices and the senior civil servant. Since all General Acts contain both Haigerlocher and Glatter documents, it can be assumed that the file stitching only took place after the incorporation of the Glatter Oberamtsbezirk into Haigerloch. In the case files, everything that could be found in a subject was stapled into a file cover. Many of these files therefore begin with the reign of Haigerloch-Wehrstein or the Murian reign of Glatt in the 18th century and even earlier. A separation of these provenances is not indicated because of the stapling. Instead, numerous references were included in the repertories of the princely Oberämter Haigerloch and Glatt as well as in the repertories Herrschaft Haigerloch-Wehrstein and Murische Herrschaft Glatt to complete them. The references of the Prussian Oberamt Hechingen have no numbers in the repertory. There are no land, pledge or target books in the files, because these were handed over to the newly created district court commissions by order of the Commissarius für die Hohenzollernschen Lande von Villers from 24.12.1851 to 1.1.1852. The district court commission in Hechingen was initially responsible for Haigerloch and Glatt. Although these Amtsbücher of 1850 and 1851 were not continued by the Kreisgerichtskommission in the previous form, they could not be taken to the Oberamt Haigerloch because they contain deletion notes and references to files of the Kreisgerichtskommission. In this way, the voluntary jurisdiction of the local authorities, including the keeping of the land and mortgage books, was removed, and the powers of the Oberamts were limited to the punishment of financial offences or tax defraudations (VO-Blatt of 30.1.1852) according to the previous law of 6.3.1840 (G.S. V, p. 144) and of 27.12.1842 (G.S. VI, p. 260). The systematic structuring of the repertory was carried out according to the existing old signatures and the old registry order was largely restored. A repertory of files begun in 1858, in which all accumulated files up to and including 1915 were recorded, leaves nothing to be seen apart from the 17 main groups, as the files were recorded chronologically one after the other. The present inventory comprises 40 linear metres with 2928 serial numbers. In 1968, he was removed from the newly recorded files I and listed by Government Inspector Kungl. The separation of the Haigerloch files from the newly recorded files II and from the delivery in 1925 of the Haigerloch regional office was carried out by the employee Abbot, who also helped with the packaging. Miss Queck produced fair copies and registers. Sigmaringen, summer 1968 Kungl