Affichage de 14 résultats

Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/18 · Fonds · (1847-) 1870-1926 (-1965)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. About Weizsäcker: Life data and career: 1853 February 25Born as son of the court chaplain Karl Weizsäcker (1822 - 1899) in Stuttgart1861Father Karl Weizsäcker Professor of Theology at the University of Tübingen (1889) Chancellor)1870/71Participated in the campaign against France1876First higher service examination for the judicial service1877Second higher service examination for the judicial service1877 November 15Auxiliary judge at the Stuttgart City Court1879 January 24Justizassessor at the Calw Higher Administrative Court (remaining in his previous position)1879 March 18Dr. jur.1879 July 8Marriage with Paula von Meibom, daughter of the later Reichsgerichtrat Victor von Meibom1879 October 1Judge at the Amtsgericht für den Stadtdirektionsbezirk Stuttgart1882 November 1Auxiliary Judge at the Landgericht Stuttgart1883 July 19Ministerial Secretary of Justice with the title and rank of Land Judge1885 November 6Land Judge in Ulm, Labourer at the Ministry of Justice1886 September 27Functioning Chancellery Director of the Ministry of Justice1887 March 3Titles and Rank of a Regional Court Council1889 December 27County Court Council in Hall, Lecturer Council of the Ministry of Justice1892 May 13Lecturer Council at the Ministry of Justice with the title "Ministerialrat "1896 February 24 Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crowns1897 February 24Titles and Rank of a Ministerial Director. As such he belonged to the 4th rank, with which the personnel needle was connected.1899 February 24Honour Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown1899 July 31Ministerialdirektor beim Justizministerium1900 April 19Wirklicher Staatsrat und Chef des Departements des Kirchen- und Schulwesens1901 February 25Staatsminister des Kirchen- und Schulwesens1906 February 25Großkreuz des Ordens der Württembergischen Krone1906 June 20Leitung der Geschäfte des Ministeriums der Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten1906 June 27Enthebung von der Verwaltung des Ministries des Kirchen- und Schulwesens. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Family Affairs of the Royal House, Chancellor of the Order1906 December 3Chairman of the Ministry of State (Prime Minister)1916 October 5Rise to the hereditary baronage of the Kingdom of Württemberg1918 November 6Resignation of the Weizsäcker government1918 November 8Dismissal as President of the Ministry of State and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs1926 February 2Decease in Stuttgart; burial at the Prague Cemetery 2. The history and content of the collection: After Weiszäcker's death in 1926, the estate initially remained in the widow's apartment in Stuttgart, where it was moved to the house acquired in 1931 on the Moozacher Halde near Lindau. On 21 June 1975, Baroness Marianne von Weizsäcker transferred the estate to the Main State Archives in Stuttgart. After its reorganization, it is available for scientific research. Usage for publications which deal in particular with the work of the Prime Minister Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker and which do not only contain occasional references to his activities require the consent of Professor Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Weizsäcker.The estate consists mainly of Weizsäcker's handfiles from his term as Minister of Culture, President of the Ministry of State (Prime Minister), Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Family Affairs of the Royal House, mixed with individual registry files of the Ministry of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as official, semi-official and private correspondence and numerous newspaper clippings. In addition, there are correspondence, notes, documents relating to publications and newspaper clippings from his retirement. Some few documents from the estate of his father, Professor Karl v. Weizsäcker, have been included in the inventory (Bü 4)The estate of the Minister President v. Breitling (Bü 31) contains files of foreign provenances, letters to the Minister of State v. Fleischhauer (Bü 80, 86 and 93), correspondence of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Freiherr Julius v. Soden (Bü 151) and letters of Weizsäcker to General Fritz von Graevenitz (Bü 146).Parallel tradition is mainly found in the files of the Royal Cabinet (E 14), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (E 46 - E 75), the Ministry of State (E 130) and the Ministry of War (M 1/2) lying in the Main State Archives, in particular the following files should be pointed out:E 14: Royal Cabinet IIBü 487: Weizsäcker's application for release from office from 5. November 1918E 46: Ministry of Foreign Affairs IIIBü 1285 - 1300: Handakten von Weizsäcker: Bü 1291: Acceptance of the command of a Prussian army corps by Duke Albrecht von Württemberg (1905/06)Bü 1292: Records of an interview with the State Secretary of the Interior Delbrück in Berlin concerning the Alsace-Lorraine question (1910)Bü 1294: Russische Politik (1910)Bü 1295: Succession to the throne in Monaco (Duke Wilhelm von Urach) (1910/12)Bü 1296: Bundesfinanzen, Deckung der Kosten der Wehrvorlage (1912)Bü 1297: Berichte des Württembergischen Militärbevolltigten in Berlin betreffend Wehrvorlagen (1912)Bü 1298: Albanian succession to the throne (1912/13)Bü 1299: Report by Weizsäckers to the King on Berlin Financial Conferences (1916)E 73: Gesandschaftsakten Verzeichnis 61Bü 12 e - 12 i: Reports of the Federal Council Plenipotentiaries (1897-1918); Bü 12 g also contains reports of the Military Plenipotentiary in Berlin (July - August 1914)Bür 42 d - 42 e: Berichte der Gesandtschaft MünchenE 74 I: Württembergische Gesandtschaft in BerlinBü 164 - 168: Political Reports 1914 - 1918E 75: Württemberg Embassy in MunichBü 154 - 156: Reports of the Württemberg Ambassador in MunichE 130b: State MinistryBü 5860: Weizsäcker's files on the draft law concerning amendments to the Civil Servants' Act of 28 April 1949 June 1876 (1906/07)M 1/2: Special files of the Minister of War and his AdjutantM 660: Estate of Fritz von Graevenitz Significance of the estate: The personal-private and confidential character of numerous documents of this estate contributes nuances to the picture of this time which are naturally missing in the official papers. This is true of Weizsäcker's term as cult minister, during which he campaigned for the abolition of spiritual supervision of schools and for constitutional reform, and it is even more true of the period from 1906 to 1918, during which, as President of the State Ministry, he headed the affairs of government and was also State Minister of Foreign Affairs. The question of Württemberg's relationship to the Reich and, in general, of federal cooperation, as well as the views of the Württemberg government on German foreign policy before the First World War and, above all, the Württemberg attitude to German politics during the war, are given sharper contours by the documents of this estate. During this time, the correspondence with his friend Alfred von Kiderlen-Waechter, the reports of the Württemberg envoys from Berlin (v. Varnbüler) and Munich (v. Moser) as well as the reports of the Württemberg military representative in Berlin and in the Great Headquarters (v. Graevenitz) are of particular importance. Since the tradition of the two legations and the reports of the military representative in the official files are incomplete - most of the documents of the military representative in Berlin have been destroyed - the reports from the estate are able to close some gaps. In terms of content, these semi-official reports, written in personal-private form - v. Graevenitz was Weizsäcker's counter-sister and also v. Varnbüler was personally close to him - say much more than the official reports of these Württemberg diplomats. 3. on the organisation of the stock: Weizsäcker arranged his documents according to subject matter or persons without a systematic structure. After his death, some connections were lost during relocations and probably also during uses of the estate. In the course of time, various smaller attempts at order were made, but these only extended to individual documents. For example, evaluation notes were added to some files, such as 'less valuable except for letters' or 'worthless except for any individual letters'. Further on there was an order which contained at least 18 tufts or individual pieces and which can still be reconstructed with the following numbers:1 Memories23 Letter from Friedrich Grand Duke of Baden, 19234 Bethmann Hollweg5 Fritz von Graevenitz (Letter to Weizsäcker, 1911-1918)6 Kiderlen-Waechter7 Letters from Adolf Freiherr Marschall von Bieberstein, (1906) 19088 Letters from Moser von Filseck, 1906-19139 Letter from Ritter, Königiglich Bayerischer Gesandter in Stuttgart, 190910 correspondence with Wilhelm Herzog von Urach, 1906-192411 correspondence with Queen Charlotte von Württemberg, 1922-192512 Philipp Albrecht Herzog von Württemberg, 1914-192413 motivation of the dismissal of the Reich Chancellor Prince Bülow by Emperor Wilhelm II.14 Warschuldfrage 1925-192615161718a Varnbülerberichte vom 14. Juli 1909 (Daily Telegraph-Affäre)Parts of the estate were filmed by the Federal Archives in 1965, and after the estate had been transferred to the Main State Archives, it was systematically arranged and recorded by the Director of the State Archives, Dr. Eberhard Gönner, between 1975 and 1979. The 18 tufts mentioned above could not remain in their previous composition. The temporal classification of Weizsäcker's notes caused certain difficulties, because they could not always be clearly identified as contemporary notes or later notes for planned publications. The title recordings were revised by Eberhard Gönner from November 1985 to March 1986, whereby the correspondences were further broken down and indices created. For reasons of clarity, the "Contained" and "Darin" notes as well as the "Subjects" have generally been numbered consecutively. The "Contains" and "Darin" notes generally correspond to archival units (documents or subfascicles), the "Concern" only exceptionally.177 tufts of files with a total of 2.6 m. Stuttgart, in March 1986Eberhard Gönner
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/7 · Fonds · (1626-) 1804, 1822-1917, 1993
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

I. The history of the von Linden family: The von Linden family originally comes from the diocese of Liège. The progenitor is a certain Adam van Linter, who is mentioned in documents 1604-1615 and who was the owner of the estate in Hoeppertingen (Belgian Limburg). His son Peter, who probably emigrated to Franconia because of the political and religious unrest in the home country of the Linter family, acquired a farm in Habitzheim (Odenwald) around 1650. In Kurmainz some members of the Catholic von Linden family were promoted to high offices: Franz von Linden (1712-1789) was a member of the Court Chamber Council and head cellar of the Camera Administration in the Vice-Chamber Office of Aschaffenburg, Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1719-1795) was a Privy Councillor and Director of the Court Chamber of the Electorate of Mainz. Franz Damian Freiherr von Linden (1745-1817), a grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, was privy councillor and later director of the state government of the prince primate in Aschaffenburg. His second eldest son Franz Joseph Ignaz was Württemberg's Privy Legation Councillor and lord of Nordstetten, Isenburg and Taberwasen. Another grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, the jurist Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836), held the position of Reich Chamber Court Assessor from 1796 to 1806. After the dissolution of the Imperial Chamber Court, Franz Freiherr von Linden entered the service of the Kingdom of Württemberg. King Friedrich I of Württemberg appointed him president of the newly founded Catholic Church Council in 1807. In 1815 Franz Freiherr von Linden was appointed Württemberg Plenipotentiary at the Congress of Vienna, then Württemberg Ambassador to the Bundestag in Frankfurt. 1817-1831 he was president of the Schwarzwaldkreis (Black Forest District) and Franz Freiherr von Linden was the progenitor of the VII lines (the lines are counted according to the number of lines): Genealogical handbook of the nobility vol. 68 of the complete series. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII, Limburg/Lahn 1978, p. 196-215; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels Vol. 109 der Gesamtreihe, Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. XVIII, Limburg/Lahn 1995, p. 356-376; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierte Adel Vol. XXIII, Neustadt/Aisch 2000, p. 351-365.) of the House of Linden: From his seven sons mentioned in the following these VII lines of the house come: From Edmund (1798-1865) the I. (count's) line (Burgberg), from Franz a Paula (1800-1888) the II. (count's) line (Burgberg). (Count's) line, from Carl (1801-1870) the III. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), by Ernst (1806-1885) the V. line (Bühl), by Ludwig (1808-1889) the VI. line (Bühl). In 1844 Edmund Freiherr von Linden (1798-1865) and his cousin Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1784-1866), the eldest son of the aforementioned Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, were raised to the rank of papal counts. In 1846, the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt recognized Heinrich's raising of rank, and in the same year Edmund Graf von Linden received Württemberg's recognition of the raising of rank. In the year 1850 the papal earldom was also founded on Franz a Paula and II. Line extended. The elevation to the Württemberg rank of counts took place in 1852, with the exception of the III. line (Hausen), all of the VII lines in the Württemberg male tribe were extinguished. The III. line divides into a 1. branch, whose members live in the USA, and into the 2. branch (Hausen). TWO. Biographical outlines of Hugo and Joseph Freiherr von Linden: Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936):The 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line is also the origin of the ministerial director Hugo Freiherr von Linden. He was born on 1 February 1854 in Ludwigsburg as the son of Carl Freiherr von Linden (1801-1870) and his second wife Mathilde Freifrau von Linden née Countess Leutrum von Ertingen (1815-1892). Hugo Freiherr von Linden studied law at the universities of Tübingen, Strasbourg and Berlin after graduating from high school in 1872. In 1877 he passed the state examination. After working at various courts in Württemberg, he became Secret Legation Secretary in the Württemberg Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1883. In the same year he was appointed the King's chambermaid, which involved honorary services at social events of the court. In 1906 Hugo Freiherr von Linden was promoted to Ministerial Director and Head of the Political Department of the Ministry in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in 1900 Hugo Freiherr von Linden worked out the marriage contract between Duke Robert von Württemberg and Archduchess Maria Immaculata Raineria from Austria (cf. Hugo Freiherr von Linden married Elisabeth Schenk Freiin von Stauffenberg (1864-1939) in 1893, the daughter of the Vice President of the German Reichstag, Franz August Schenk von Stauffenberg. He is the progenitor of the 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line (Hausen).Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1804-1895):Joseph Freiherr von Linden comes from the IV. line (Hausen). Line (Nine houses). He was born on 7 June 1804 in Wetzlar as the son of the already mentioned Reichskammergerichtsassessor Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836) and his second wife Maria Anna von Linden née Freiin von Bentzel zu Sternau (1769-1805). Joseph Freiherr von Linden spent his childhood and youth in Württemberg, u. a. in Kirchheim, where he became lifelong friends with the son of Ludwig Herzog von Württemberg (1756-1817) and Henriette Herzogin von Württemberg née Prinzessin von Nassau-Weilburg (1780-1857), Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (1804-1885). After studying law in Tübingen, Joseph Freiherr von Linden and his older brother Carl stayed in France from 1825 to 1827 in order to improve his knowledge of the French language and literature (cf. order numbers 3 and 4), after which he worked as a judge in various Württemberg cities. 1839-1848 Joseph Freiherr von Linden represented the knighthood of the Danube district in the Second Chamber. From 1842-1850 he was - like his father before him - President of the Catholic Church Council. 1848 was the revolutionary year in which Linden was appointed Minister of the Interior of Württemberg, but had to be dismissed on the same day due to the protests of the population. 1 July 1850 King Wilhelm I appointed Linden Minister of the Interior again and handed him over the office of Minister of the Interior of Württemberg in the years 1850 to 1851 and 1854 to 1855. During this time von Linden stood up for the restoration of the old constitution, which earned him the accusation in liberal circles that he was reactionary. Linden's achievements in the economic field should not be underestimated: He promoted the founding of the Stuttgart stock exchange, created a new trade code and encouraged the founding of the Weinsberg wine growing school. In the field of church politics, von Linden contributed significantly to the balance between the Kingdom of Württemberg and the Catholic Church. After the death of King Wilhelm I, his son and successor King Karl dismissed von Linden as minister on 20 September 1864. In the following years, Joseph Freiherr von Linden worked as a diplomat for Württemberg. In 1865 he became Württemberg envoy in Frankfurt and at the Hessian courts, 1868 envoy at the customs parliament in Berlin, and in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War he was appointed prefect of the Marne département occupied by the Germans (cf. order numbers 32 and 34, order numbers 15 and 16). 1830 Joseph Freiherr von Linden married Emma Freiin von Koenig-Warthausen (1810-1893). The marriage produced four children: Richard (1831-1887), who was cavalry captain of the Württemberg military (see order numbers 34 and 41, order numbers 15 and 49), Franziska (1833-1919), who married Dr. Fridolin Schinzinger (1827-1865) in 1859 (order numbers 25, 35 and 36, order numbers 11, 13 and 14), Elise (1836-1914) and Josephine (1838-1881), both of whom remained single.Of the other outstanding members of the von Linden family, for whom there is only little material in this collection (order number 42, order number 8), Karl Graf von Linden (1838-1910), the founder of the Völkerkundemuseum (Lindenmuseum) in Stuttgart, named after him, and Marie Gräfin von Linden (1869-1936), who was the first woman to study at the University of Tübingen and who was later appointed Professor of Parasitology at the University of Bonn, should be mentioned briefly. III. history, content and structure of the collection: The present holdings combine documents from the estate of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv in 1962 by Mr. Regierungsoberinspektor Reginald Mutter (cf. the title in the old repertory for holdings Q 1/7), a great-great grandson of Joseph Freiherr von Linden. One year later, the Main State Archives purchased these archival records, which were initially incorporated into the former holdings J 50 (Smaller Estates). Robert Uhland produced a typewritten finding aid in 1963. When the Q holdings were created in 1972, the holdings designated as the estate of Linden were removed from the J 50 holdings and assigned to the newly created Q 1 series (political estates), where they received the signature Q 1/7. The small estate consisted only of a tuft, which contained several documents, which were listed in the above-mentioned find book. In the 90's the stock Q 1/7 got increases by taxes from private side: In 1990, Mrs. E. Niethammer, Kirchheim/Teck, handed over documents from the estate of the Protestant pastor family Dierlamm to the Main State Archives as a gift, which were initially incorporated into the holdings Q 1/7 as Büschel 2. These are the documents now listed under heading 2 of this inventory (order numbers 37 to 41). These include business cards and letters from Joseph Freiherr and Emma Freifrau von Linden to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 37, order number 45), tickets from Sara Schinzinger to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 40, order number 47) and several sermons on corpses for members of the House of Linden (serial number 41, order number 49). Among them are documents from the estate of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden (serial numbers 7-23) and pictures, especially of members of the House of Württemberg (section 3.2, serial numbers 43-48). In addition, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden has handed over to the Main State Archives an extensive collection of material compiled by him on the family history of Linden, including photocopies of literature and copies or photocopies of archival records of the von Linden family. Finally, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden transferred newspaper articles written by him about the formation of the island Surtsey off the coast of Iceland to the Main State Archives in 1993, which were initially classified as tufts 5 in the Q 1/7 inventory. The diaries 1870-1935 of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden in 1992 as a deposit under retention of title to the Main State Archives, were returned to the owner in 1995. (Cf. Tgb.-Nr. 4143/1993 and Tgb.-Nr. 2918/1995) In the course of the indexing the stock received further growth from the stock J 53 (family papers of Württemberg civil servants). The excerpts from family registers concerning Julius Graf von Linden and Loring Graf von Linden (serial numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 50 and 19) and documents on the sale of the manor Nordstetten to the forester of Fischer-Weikersthal (serial number 1, order number 17) kept under the signature J 53/10 were also classified in the present inventory. As already mentioned several times above, today's holdings Q 1/7 include not only the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden but also several other estates of members of the House of Linden and collections or documents on the family history of Linden. For this reason, the previous inventory name "Nachlass Joseph Freiherr von Linden" was extended to "Familienunterlagen von Linden". In view of the small size of the holdings and the incompleteness of the holdings, it is not possible to speak of a family archive, however, since materials on various members and lines of the von Linden family are completely or almost completely lacking: no original archival records on the members of the von Linden family who were in the service of the Electorate of Mainz, the Prince Primate and the Grand Duke of Hesse are to be expected (v. a. Johann Heinrich von Linden, Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, Heinrich Graf von Linden). there are also only a few archival records of the lines dating back to the sons of Franz Freiherr von Linden: From the I. (Counts) and II. (count's) lines, there are no original documents, with the exception of extracts from the family registers of Julius and Loring Graf von Linden (order numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 19 and 50). Also missing are documents of the V. line (Bühl), the VI. (Swiss) line and the VII. line. Smaller estates are only available from the III. line (Hausen) and the IV. line (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), but the documents from the estates of Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden and Minister of State Joseph Linden are only fractions of the original estates. It can be assumed that the family still owns some of the material mentioned above and of other members of the von Linden family, but unfortunately parts of the archival records of the von Linden family were also destroyed in the fire at the Burgberg and Hausen palaces during the Second World War.In addition to the personal documents on individual members of the family, the present collection also lacks documents on economic and property management, documents and invoices, which are to be expected in a nobility archive. The structure of the collection is based on the division of the widely ramified von Linden noble family into the various lines, as it is listed in the Genealogical Handbook of the Nobility. Within the individual lines, the bequests and holdings of the family members were arranged according to date of birth, so that the older family members were listed before the younger ones. The bequests of Franz Joseph Ignaz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.1) and Franz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.2) are at the beginning of the holdings. The latter estate includes a legal opinion on the effect of the Reich's decision of 27 April 1803 on the judicial proceedings of the chamber of justice, two letters from Franz von Linden to Minister of Justice Maucler on the progress made in the training of the sons Carl and Joseph von Linden, and the correspondence between Carl and Joseph von Linden during their stay in France with their parents, some of which was written in French.The estate of the Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden comprises several printed programmes and invitations to cultural and official events, mainly in Stuttgart (section 1.5.1), and letters from members of the Princely House Wied to Hugo Freiherr von Linden as well as a memorandum from Wilhelm I. Prince of Albania Prince to Wied (section 1.5.2). Section 1.6 forms the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden. It is the second largest estate in the stock Q 1/7. The estate is divided into the categories: Family and personal affairs (1.6.1) with documents on weddings, wedding jubilees and a travel description, correspondence (1.6.2) with letters from members of the House of Württemberg (above all Alexander Duke of Württemberg) to Joseph Freiherr von Linden and isolated letters from family members, activity as prefect of the Marne Department (1.6.).3) and printed matter about Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1.6.4): the wife of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Emma Freifrau von Linden, and the daughter of the Minister of State, Franziska Freiin von Linden, only have very small estates (headings 1.7 and 1.8); the materials from the estate of the Protestant parish family Dierlamm were left as an independent complex (heading 2). The content of the section has already been discussed above, and under section 3 you will find collections, mainly on the family history of Linden: The first section is section 3.1 with the already mentioned extensive collection of material on the family history of Linden, which Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden compiled and handed over to the house as photocopies. Section 3.2 contains photos of members of the House of Württemberg, of Joseph Freiherr von Linden and of other personalities in Württemberg history; sections 3.3 and 3.4 contain newspaper articles by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden and a lock of hair by Joseph Freiherr von Linden.Further archives on Joseph Freiherr von Linden are kept by the Hauptstaatsarchiv in fonds J 1 (collection of historical manuscripts) no. 256 b: Joseph Freiherr von Linden: "Aus meiner politische Karrierebahn" 1830-1862, part 2 of the memoirs dictated by Linden to his granddaughter Sara Schinzinger around 1890. The copy kept in J 1 is a copy for which Professor Schinzinger from Hohenheim, a grandson of the Minister of State von Linden, lent the original to the archive in 1925. Günther-Otto Maus in Baesweiler, a direct descendant of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, was filmed in 1977 and is now kept in the Main State Archives under the signature F 554 in fonds J 383 (microfilms and manuscripts in foreign archives, libraries). In January 2015, Günther-Otto Maus purchased the original diary from Günther-Otto Maus and it is now part of the collection under the signature Q 1/7 Bü 51. An index of the archive of the Barons of Linden in Neunthausen, which was compiled in 1892/1893, is part of the collection J 424 (Inventories of Non-State Archives: Caretakers' Photographs).In addition, reference is briefly made to the E stocks (ministerial stocks), in which extensive material on the work of State Minister Joseph Freiherr von Linden and Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden is kept, and Q 1/7 can be used for various research purposes: First of all, of course, the history of the von Linden family, the history of nobility, mentality, social and cultural history, and finally the history of the German occupation of France during the war of 1870/1871. The Q 1/7 holdings were catalogued in 2001 by the archive inspectors Alexander Morlok, Matthias Schönthaler and Jens Ulrich under the supervision of the undersigned. The final editing, input and classification of the title recordings, the introduction as well as the compilation of the overall index were the responsibility of the undersigned. 0.5 linear metres of the stock was held. Literature about the von Linden family and individual family members:: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Adelslexikon Vol. VII. 1989. p. 394f.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Vol. 68. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII (1978) p. 196-215 and Vol. XVIII (1995) p. 356-376.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierten Vol. XXIII. 2000. 351-365.Junginger, Gabriele: Countess Maria von Linden. Memories of the first Tübingen student. 1991.Koenig-Warthausen, Wilhelm Freiherr von: Josef Freiherr von Linden. Württemberg Minister of the Interior 1804-1895 In: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken IX S. 218-276.Linden, Franz-Karl Freiherr von: Grandfather's diaries. [Article about Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936)]. In: Schönes Schwaben 1993 Issue 1 S. 78-83 Menges, Franz: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) Vol. 14 S. 589-590Moegle-Hofacker, Franz:; On the Development of Parliamentarism in Württemberg. The "Parliamentarism of the Crown" under King Wilhelm I. 1981.Schneider, Eugen: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) Vol. 51 S. 719-721 Stöckhardt, E.: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. Royal Württemberg Minister of State (retired) Member of the Württemberg Chamber of Lords of State for Life. In: Deutsche Adels-Chronik Heft 15 S. 187-190 und Heft 16 S. 215, 216 und 226, 227th Württembergischer Verein für Handelsgeographie, Museum für Länder- und Völkerkunde, Lindenmuseum Stuttgart (publisher): Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the association. Celebration of the 100th birthday of Count Karl von Linden. 1939.

Family history 1798 - 1872
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 32 Bd 1 · Dossier · Material ab ca. 1840, Niederschrift ca. ab 1918, Vorwort von 1939, Nachträge ca. 1942
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Representation of the family history from about 1798 to the death of Karl Scheurlen in 1872, by Ernst von Scheurlen (handschr.) occasional poems by Karl Scheurlen, 1862 - 1867 pictures and photos - of the following persons: Johann Friedrich Flander, Benjamin Friedrich Pfizer (grandfather or great-grandfather), Friedrich Notter, Paul Pfizer MdL, Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer (1802-1860, mother or grandmother), Charlotte Scheurlen with Karl and Eduard Scheurlen (brother or uncle), Dean Haab and wife (friends of the mother or uncle). Grandma), Friedrich Sonntag (Senior Bailiff in Pforzheim), Karl Scheurlen, Senior Public Prosecutor Eduard Scheurlen, Erich Kaufmann (Professor in Heilbronn), Prime Minister Hermann von Mittnacht as a student, Assessor of Senior Justice and Public Prosecutor, Imperial Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Johanna von Bismarck, Ernst von Scheurlen and his siblings Marie, Fritz, Richard, Hermann and Otto as children, ambassador in London Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath with the wife of the Counsellor Prince von Bismarck née. Tengborn, Captain Krenzler in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, Bavarian Prime Minister von Dandl and Bavarian envoy in Berlin Graf Lerchenfeld, Vice Chancellor Friedrich von Payer, Württemberg envoy in Berlin Freiherr von Varnbüler and Württemberg Minister of Foreign Affairs Freiherr von Weizsäcker, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg and unidentified persons at the 1934 Reich Foundation Ceremony - the following motifs: Tomb of Karl Scheurlens and Karl Christian Friedrich Scheurlens (father and father, respectively). grandfather) in Stuttgart, tomb of Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer in Tübingen, tomb on the Stuttgart cemetery, various things from the sketchbooks I and II by Karl Scheurlen (mainly Motifs from history, student life and justice), drawing (by Karl Scheurlen?) to Uhlands poem "Siegfried's Sword", 3 sketches by Karl Scheurlen about a (not real) trip to America, pictures of a picture book by Karl Scheurlen for the Häcker family, folk festival in Bad Cannstatt 1871 to celebrate the silver wedding of King Karl and Queen Olga, tomb of the mother Katharine as well as the brothers and sisters Otto, Fritz und Marie Scheurlen, coloured title design by Karl Scheurlen for "Hänsel und Gretel", Christmas picture with angels and Christmas tree by Karl Scheurlen (design), armoured cruiser "Germany", naval school Flensburg, sculpture "Sportmädel", fire of the old castle in Stuttgart 1931 Contains also: Family tree of Hermann Karl Friedrich Freiherr von Mittnacht (unfinished) Photo of Bad Mergentheim, 1928 Menu card and seating plan of the banquet for the birthday of King Karl in the Ministry of the Interior, 1871 Menu card of the banquet for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. in the Ministry of the Interior, 1909 "Imbiß-Ordnung" (probably on the occasion of the festivities for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. 1909) postcard of Stendel to Ernst von Scheurlen from D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 1911 letter of Professor Dr. Max Schottelius to Ernst von Scheurlen concerning biological sewage treatment plants, 1912 congratulatory leaf of the Grenadier Regiment "Queen Olga" for the student fraternity Sueve-Borussia, 1912 newspaper article: "Der Berkheimer Hof bei Weilimdorf", o.D. "Dichtergräber auf den Stuttgarter Friedhöfen", o.D. "Freiherr von Mittnacht. On his 100th birthday, 17 March 1925", Schwäbischer Merkur of 14 March 1925 "Hoher Besuch beim Volksfest vor 70 Jahren", 1927 "Zum Stapellauf des Panzerschiffs 'Deutschland'", 1930

Scheurlen, Karl von
German League for League of Nations
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 5 · Dossier
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Article "Ueber die Völkerliga" from the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung", Aug. 13, 1918 (mechanical copy) - Report on a survey on the establishment of a "Deutscher Völkerbund-Liga" (mechanical copy) together with a letter from Fritz Springer, [1918] and Oct. 2, respectively. 1918 - Proposal of the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations for the Realization of the League of Nations, Application for the Establishment of a "German League of Nations" as a Section of the "League of Nations for Freedom and Fatherland" and Invitation to Discuss these Applications, Oct. 7, 1918. 1918 - Proposal to the warring powers for the establishment of peace and for the establishment of the League of Nations, as well as draft of a declaration of Germany to its war opponents by the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations, with accompanying letter, Oct. 1918 - flyer draft for the "Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund" and league flyer "Der Völkerbund", [Oct. or Nov. 1918 resp. 1918-1919] - "Arbeitsplan für die Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund", [1918-1919] - essay "Erzbergers Grundgedanken", signed with "Fidelis", from: "Der Vortrupp" 7 (1918) Nr. 21, p. 401-411 - essay "Walther Schücking. A German Teacher of International Law" by Hans Wehberg, n.d. - Invitation and programme as well as principles for the programme of the International League of Nations Conference from 5-12 March 1919 in Bern together with accompanying letter, Febr. 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Count Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Graf Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 1919 - Essay "Die Entente - Deutschlands Wegweiser zum Bolschewismus oder zum Völkerbund?" by Bernhard Dernburg, from: "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 7, 1919 - Essay "Deutschlands sozialpolitisches Programm für den Völkerbund" by J. Giesberts in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 3, 1919 - Essay "Die deutschen Missionen und das Völkerrecht" by Prof. Dr. D. Baumgarten in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 24, 1919. April 1919 - Essay "Der 'gerechte Krieg'" by Prof. Dr. Gustav Radbruch in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", 28 April 1919 - Part of a draft law on labour law issues from the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", o.D. - "Deutscher Entwurf eines Verfassung des Völkerbundes" der Studienkommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht unter dem Vorsitz von Prof. Dr. Niemeyer, [1919] - "Proposals of the German Government for the Establishment of a League of Nations" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - Cross section of the press "Der Völkerbundgedanke in Italien" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Jan. 1919 - article "Der Smutssche Völkerbundplan" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - cross section "Zug um Zug der Entente-Propaganda" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", febr. 1919 - newspaper article "Der Völkerbund. Der Entwurf", 15 Febr. [1919] - Letter by Prof. Ruhlmann of the "League for League of Nations", concerning the discussion of cultural policy propaganda abroad in the Committee for Foreign Affairs, with drafts of Haußmann's reply and a letter to the Reich Foreign Minister Hermann Müller, Jan.Feb. 1920 - Invitation by the weekly "Die Menschheit" to comment on what would be the most effective decisions of the League of Nations Assembly, with draft reply, Oct. 1920 - "Article for the Volkswehr. The disarmament question at the League of Nations Conference in Bern" by Count Max Montgelas, [1919] Darin: - Die Tätigkeit des Völkerbundes im Monat August Nr. 5, 1. Sept. 1921

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 120 · Dossier · 1915-1921
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from R.C. Ade, Rotterdam, concerning food allowances for interned Germans, handschr., 25.11.1918 - Letter from Alfred Buddeberg concerning work at the military building authority, handschr.., 5.4.1918 - Correspondence with Dr. Baracs Deltour about the subscription of the work "Unsere Zeitgenossen", April/May 1917 - Letter of Haussmann to legal agent Deschler in the matter of Glöckler against Berger, mechanical, 11.4.1917 - Letter of Haussmann to the import and export office because of brewery machines, mechanical, 28.12.1920 - Correspondence because of overnight vacation for district superiors, mechanical, 11.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/037 · Fonds · 1914-1979
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Karl Ludwig Eugen Schall (born on 25 November 1885), died on 30 January 1980) joined the Grenadier Regiment of Queen Olga (1st Württembergische) No. 119 in 1904 as a junior flag officer, reached the rank of lieutenant general there until World War I, after the outbreak of the war took part as company officer in the battles of the regiment on the West and East Front and was wounded twice. From 1915 Schall worked as a captain and general staff officer, often occupying changing general staff positions at General Command XIII Army Corps, at the 26th Infantry Division, the 14th Infantry Division, General Command V, and at the General Command of the German Armed Forces. Army Corps, 18th Reserve Division, General Command IV Reserve Corps and 10th Reserve Corps. He participated in the fights in Flanders, in the Somme, in the Champagne, in the Ardennes and Argonne, in the Meuse and near Verdun until his demobilisation in 1918. He was mainly concerned with strength and loss reports, interrogation of prisoners, evaluation of aerial photographs, mapping, position building and pioneer questions. From 1933 he again held several changing positions in the General Staff of the V. Army Corps as a Major, in 1939 was Commander of the Stuttgart II Military District as Lieutenant Colonel, from 1940 as Lieutenant Colonel, later as Colonel General Staff Officer in the 554th Army Corps. Infantry Division, with the Army Group A, with the Commander-in-Chief in Serbia, then Chief of the Field Commandantur 747 in Nîmes and was last transferred in 1944 against his own wishes as a war history teacher to the Kriegsakademie. As a pensioner Schall still studied archaeology in Tübingen until his doctorate. Further information on Karl Schall's life can be found in a handwritten curriculum vitae in Bü. 182, in the diaries in Bü. 181 and in the personal file in stock M 430/2, Bü. 1804 with information on his military career until 1919.Parts of the estate of Karl Schall, above all written material from his military service and extensive collections, were offered to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart by his son Brigadegeneral a.D. Wolfgang Schall in March 1980 and, after an initial inspection at the estate's premises in April 1980, were handed over to the library of the Hauptstaatsarchiv and the archival records in Department IV (Military Archives) have since formed the M 660 estate of Karl Schall. Since the estate of Karl Schall got into complete disarray and no pre-archival classification scheme was recognizable, it was necessary to develop a classification scheme after the indexing, which should do justice to the multi-layered structures and most different documentation forms, particularly since in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart no uniform classification scheme for estates finds application. The documents from the officers' activities, correspondence and personal papers, which besides their general historical significance have a close personal connection to the deceased, were clearly separated from the multi-layered collections. The structure of the documents from the officer's activity reflects the military career of Schall. These are mostly personal copies of official documents in the form of hectographies, prints and other copies, as well as drafts and private documents. A document, which had been taken from the business transactions of the office, was reintegrated into the relevant holdings of the military unit in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. There is a reference in this repertory. The private correspondence was sorted according to correspondent groups and correspondents. Posters and wall attacks, military maps and non-military maps were incorporated into the corresponding collections of the Main State Archives J 151, M 640 and M 650 mainly for conservation reasons. Nevertheless, these pieces have also been incorporated into the present repertory in the form of references, whereby the ordering scheme of the map holdings M 640 for military maps and M 65 0 for non-military maps has been adopted. Maps which have a recognisable connection to documents in Part A have been left there or reunited and have also been incorporated into the collections of the estate as references. For the collection of newspaper clippings, individual newspapers, printed publications and manuscripts from the fields of history, contemporary history, politics, religion, language, literature, science and technology, it seemed necessary to develop as finely structured a classification scheme as possible, since this collection, with approx. 500 numbers, represents the largest part of the collection and was previously only divided into the categories1. Military, 2nd Politics and Contemporary History, 3rd Science and within these categories only chronologically ordered, which made the chronological classification of the frequently undated newspaper clippings possible. It seemed appropriate to make the very multi-layered estate accessible by means of as comprehensive a list of subjects, places and persons as possible. Only a few small map sections from maps that are already available, sketches and notes that seemed to be no longer comprehensible individually and were not in any recognizable connection to other documents, file folders and packaging material were collected. The estate of Karl Schall contains above all informative material about the type of warfare in the First World War. Of particular importance is also the material on non-Württemberg units, most of whose records were destroyed in a bombing raid on Potsdam in April 1945. The drawings on the maps from World War I provide extensive information on the course of the front, combat directions, troop movements, position building and destruction in the front areas and thus complement the M 640 map holdings well. Also noteworthy is the extensive written material on the trials before the military tribunal in Nuremberg against the generals Curt Ritter von Geitner, Hubert Lanz, Karl von Roques and Eugen Wössner, which contains excerpts from the indictments and defence material. In the collections the history of the 20th century up to the 70s is reflected in an astonishingly comprehensive and descriptive way. The collection is not subject to any restrictions of use. In January and February 1984, the M 660 estate of Karl Schall was listed and arranged by Markus Baudisch, a candidate archive inspector, as a rehearsal work in the context of the state examination for the upper archive service and comprises 697 books in 1.55 metres.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/7 Bü 35 · Dossier · 1893-1918
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Investigative files on military criminal court proceedings; decree of the Imperial Director of Customs in Alsace-Lorraine of 29 March 1895 on the use of border guards for the capture of deserters, note and draft decree of the State Ministry of Finance, Stuttgart to the State Ministry of War of 8 March 1900 on the reorganization of the representation of the financial system in legal disputes under public and civil law; draft law of 30 March 1959 on the use of border guards for the capture of flag fugitives, Stuttgart to the State Ministry of War, Stuttgart; draft law of 30 March 1959 on the use of the border guards for the capture of flag fugitives; draft law of 30 March 1959 on the use of the border guards for the capture of flag fugitives, note and draft decree of the State Ministry of Finance, Stuttgart to the State Ministry of War, Stuttgart to the new regulation of the representation of the financial system in legal disputes under public and civil law. Jan. 1900 for decision by the Bundesrat, Berlin, on the military administration of justice in the Kiautschou area (China); Note of 27 May 1900 from the Staatsministerium der Justiz, Stuttgart, on the contractual regulation of judicially certified documents in dealings with Switzerland Darin: Vorschläge des Deutschen Juristentags für die Art der Anferenführung von Rechtsquellen, Entscheidungen und wissenschaftlichen Werken (German Lawyers' Day proposals for the type of citation of legal sources, decisions and scientific works (printed). Published 27th German Lawyers' Congress 1904 Berlin 1905, 48 p.

Ministry of Justice II (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 302 · Fonds · 1807-1936
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

I. On the history of the Württ. Ministry of Justice and its registry relations: The manifesto of organisation of 18 March 1806 determined the business circle of the Minister of Justice and defined the structure of the Department of Justice (Regierungsblatt 1806 p. 6 f., bes. §§ 2, 5, 34-53; cf. F. Wintterlin "Geschichte der Behördenorganisation in Württemberg" 1, 5. 280 f., II p. 140 f.; A. Dehlinger "Württembergs Staatswesen in seiner historlichen Entwicklung bis heute" 1, p. 124 f., 388 f.). The Ministry of Justice experienced a reorganization of its business area, which remained almost unchanged for several decades, through the Royal Decree of 8 November 1816 (Government Gazette 1816 p. 347, especially §§ 5 and 9) and the 5th Organizational Edict of 18 November 1817 (Reyscher III, p. 470). On the day after Mauclers was appointed Minister of Justice, 9 March 1818, a Royal Decree was issued on the "state of affairs at the Chancellery of the Minister of Justice" (E 31 Bü. 204). The head of the chancellery remained the head of the Schwab Tribunal. On 29 February 1818, the Secret Registrar of the Second Section of the Privy Council Amandus Heinrich Günzler was charged with the revision and organisation of the Justice Ministerial Registration Office (Regierungsblatt 1816 S. 396; E 7 Bü. 60: II. Dept. 1818; E 31 Bü. 167; cf. E 1-13 Diarium 1818 Diary No. 2673). The fact that Günzler was occupied with this task at least until March 1819 can be inferred from a letter of thanks of 29 March 1818 addressed by him to the king concerning a gratuity for his activity in the Ministry of Justice (E 5 3d. 61). Hit of the order of the ministerial registration carried out by him one seems to have been generally satisfied. Thus the Minister of Justice expressed himself very appreciatively in the 1820 annual report of the Department of Justice for the year 1818: "For more than ten years this ministry lacked its own registrar; and in spite of all the efforts of the few workers, the number of occupations of the offices of this ministry, which had been identified as highly inadequate for a long time, in the earlier period, neither significant business backlogs nor, in particular, order in the registry system could be prevented. Now this order is perfectly established from the very beginning (1806)" (Annual Report 1818 in 3 33 Ed. 126 and E 302 Ed. 969). File plans, repertories or diaries of the Ministry of Justice have not been preserved, with the exception of a diary kept from 1840 (December) to 1364, which refers exclusively to high treason concerns such as the action against the "Bund der Geächteten" and the "Junge Deutschland" (E 301 Bü. 55 Nr. LV). Nevertheless, the registration scheme introduced in 1813 can be reconstructed on the basis of the subjects and signatures as well as the references to the file covers. The registry was divided into two sections: The first section consisted of the Generalia, later also called General Acts. These have been sorted alphabetically by subject. The individual subjects received up to the letter R including Roman identification numbers, subsequently inserted subjects, but also the subjects from letter 3 remained without such numbers. In the Generalia, the main type of documents is those relating to legislation and individual offences. The second department initially had no name. In order to distinguish it from the Generalia, which used blue file covers, the registry material was deposited in red file covers. Around 1850 this department was given the name "A. o. G." "("General organic articles"). In particular, it was assigned the files on personnel matters of the Department of Justice, the supervision of the judicial authorities as well as the treasury and auditing systems. Over time, the two departments have overlapped (e.g. Gen. Budgeting - A. o. G. Budget; Gen. Holiday Bü. 14 Holiday chamber A. o. G. Holiday chamber). Since November 1921, the A. o. G. files were no longer maintained. Classified items that had been removed were marked "closed" on the file covers, all others were transferred to categories of the general files (e.g. A. o. G. Minister ~: "From Nov. 1921 cf. G. Staatsministerium or A. o. G. Gerichtsvollzieher 3: "1922 all items in the files were transferred to G. Gerichtsvollzieher 9 and continued there"). Work on the reorganisation continued until 1923. Since the duration of the files of both departments almost exclusively ends in 1922/23 (exceptions): E 302 Bü. 1: 1922-1936, Bü. 912: 1904-1924, Bü. 1216-1218: 1919-1924, Bü. 1319: 1894-1925), they may have been retired on the occasion of this reorganisation of the registry. In addition to the documents of the two departments just described, the Registry of the Ministry of Justice also kept the files of some abolished authorities and commissions. Although these holdings were preserved as closed registry bodies, they were brought into organic connection with the written records of the Ministry of Justice itself: with the exception of the College of Penitentiaries, which only dissolved in 1921, they were incorporated as special sections of the Generalia Department. In contrast to the Ministry of Justice, most of the diaries and repertories are preserved for these stocks. Altogether, there are six authorities or commissions whose documents were wholly or partially incorporated into the registry of the Ministry of Justice: the Ministerial Commission for the Investigation of the Revolutionary Activities of 1833 in Württemberg, the Mortgage Commission, the Organizational Execution Commission, the Supreme Judicial Review Board, the Commission for the State and Government Gazette, and the College of Prison Officers. The Ministerial Commission established by the Most High Decree of 29 May 1833, to which the President of the Privy Council as well as the Heads of the Departments of Foreign Affairs, Warfare and Justice belonged, was to ensure "coherence, unity and acceleration" of the investigations already initiated into the revolutionary activities discovered in Württemberg in 1833. The Commission existed until 1839. about the files resulting from its activity informs the directory located in inventory E 301 Bü. 18 Unterfaszikel 1 /_ 33. The Mortgage Commission, which had been formed by Royal Resolution of 30 May 1825 ~ 8. 383), was responsible for advising on and implementing the deposit laws and for clearing up the deposits in the municipalities. The board of the commission headed by the Minister of Justice was the director of Schwab. Members were appointed to the Supreme Tribunal Council of Bolley, the Supreme Pupil Council of Steudel and the Reutlingen Chief Official Judge Schickardt. The Commission was empowered to issue instructions to the Higher and Local Courts. It was dissolved by decree of 12 January 1832 (Government Gazette 8.20). The new "Mortgage Commission", which had been set down at the same time, had to deal with the issue of the deposit system for specimens. A first organizing and executive commission entrusted with the implementation of the organizing edicts of 1817 existed from 18 November 1817 to 15 January 1818 (Government Gazette 1817 p. 542 and Government Gazette 1818 p. 21), a second from 27 August 1821 Government Gazette 1821 p. 671) to 15 August 1828 (Government Gazette p. 675). The members of the second commission were the Minister of Justice as head (conductor), the Minister of Finance, the 'head' of the Department of the Interior, as well as the senior tribunal councils of Schwab and von Bolley and the senior government council Waldbauer. A diarium and repertory (E 301 Bü. 140) have been preserved for the period from 27 August 1821 to 10 September 1828. The Commission's registry had classified the documents it had received into two series. In the registry of the Ministry, the files included in the Generalia Department received new signatures, partially disrupting the old order. The Supreme Judicial Review Office, created on 2 November 1807 (Government Gazette 8.537), was headed by the Ministry of Justice and was in charge of reviewing criminal cases. With his dissolution ordered by Royal Decree of 23 September 1817, his portfolio was transferred to the Criminal Senate of the Upper Tribunal (Reyscher Vol. VII 8. 542). Only the minutes for the years 1807 to 1817 of the documents produced during the Oberjustizrevisorium were transferred to the registry of the Ministry of Justice. The Commission for the State and Government Gazette was established with the publication of a State and Government Gazette ordered by King Frederick on 22 January 1807 (Government Gazette p. 1). In addition to the Privy Council Freiherr von Spittler, which acted as President, seven councils of Stuttgart's central authorities were members of it. Hofrat Werthes was employed as editor of the government journal and secretary of the commission; he died on 5 December 1817. After the death of King Frederick, the commission was dissolved, the supreme supervision and leadership of the government journal "united with the attributions of the Department of Justice" (Reyscher Vol. III 5. 478). The relevant files, which had grown up at both the Commission and the Ministry of Justice, received the signature CLXXIV in the Generalia Department of the Ministerial Registry. They were handed over to the State Archives Ludwigsburg as a separate delivery (Delivery II) in 1939 and recorded by Dr. Max Miller from inventory E 303a in 1948. The Prison Commission formed on 21 December 1824 (Regierungsblatt 1825 3. 1) was given the name Prison College in 1832 (Regierungsblatt 1832 5. 243). This college was responsible for the economic and police administration of all higher prisons as well as the establishment and maintenance of the district court prisons in Württemberg. After it had been repealed with effect from December 1, 1921 (Government Gazette 5. 521), his. functions to the Ministry of Justice. The files of the College of Prisons have been incorporated into the Registry of the Ministry of Justice as an annex to the two departments of Generalia and General Organic Objects. TWO. The documentation of the Württ. Ministry of Justice in the Main State Archive Stuttgart: The documents of the Ministry of Justice, initially kept in the State Archive Ludwigsburg and since 1969 in the Main State Archive Stuttgart, cover a period of about 115 years, i.e. it documents the business activity of the Ministry from its foundation in 1806 until the time after the end of the First World War. The files that grew up after that until the administration of justice was "handed over" at the beginning of 1935 did not reach the State Archives, they perished in the Second World War. Apart from this painful documentation gap, however, for more than a century the written material of the Ministry of Justice, which is to be rated very highly as source material for the modern history of Württemberg, has essentially been preserved and is accessible to scientific research. In accordance with the three stages in which the State Archives Administration has taken over the registry of the Ministry, these documents are divided into three archival holdings: E 301 Ministry of Justice 1 (= 1st delivery 1910), E 303a State and Government Gazette (= 2nd delivery 1939) and E 302 Ministry of Justice II (= 3rd delivery 1962). As a result of this gradual transfer of the documents to the archives administration, which was carried out from the point of view of the files dispensable for the Ministry's operations, the original registry order was torn apart. However, as already mentioned, it could be reconstructed on the basis of the notes on the file covers. This reconstruction of the old registry order and the interlocking of the three deliveries is shown in the following table. III. the order and scientific development of the stock E 302 Ministry of Justice II: While the first two deliveries by the Ministry of Justice in 1910 and 1939 were carried out by way of file separation and the recording of these orderly transferred archival records in the State Archives Ludwigsburg caused no difficulties, the situation was fundamentally different with the so-called third delivery. This stock, which had long been considered lost, was found in 1962 during clearing work at the storage facility of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (Urbanstr. 18). How he had got there could no longer be determined. With the permission of the Ministry of Justice of Baden-Württemberg, the files were transferred to the Ludwigsburg State Archives on 4 October 1962, from where they were transferred to the Stuttgart State Archives in the spring of 1969 as part of the redistribution of the holdings held in the Stuttgart State Archives and the Ludwigsburg State Archives. In the years 1969 to 1972, under the direction of Dr. Sauer, the ladies and gentlemen Dr. Eitel, Beutter, Fruhtrunk, Pfeifle, Rupp, Dr. Schöntag and Steimle recorded a total of 36 ongoing holdings. Since the tufts of files were completely confused and also a part of the tufts was torn open, whereby the contents were confused, the original order of filing had to be reconstructed on the basis of the notes on the file covers, the subjects and the quadrangles. This succeeded surprisingly completely. In the few cases where no signatures could be established, the tufts concerned were classified according to their category. At the end of the inventory, the files of the Prison College and the personnel files of Prussian members of the judiciary who had been transferred from Hohenzollern and the province of Alsace-Lorraine to the Württemberg Judicial Service after 1918 were placed. It would have been obvious to combine the E 302 holdings with the E 301 and E 303a holdings in accordance with the old 'Registraturordnung' to form a complete Württ. Ministry of Justice collection. Since, however, the stocks E 301 and E 303a have already been quoted very frequently in the scientific literature, a "general revision" was omitted and only carried out on paper (cf. the tabular overview in Section II. of the introduction). However, files which, like the "Repertorium über die Akten der vormaligen Criminal-Revisionsbehörde von 1819" or the Büschel "Gerichtliche Verfolgung von an den revolutionären Bewegungen 1849 Beteiligten durch die Untersuchungskommission Hohenasperg", clearly belonged to inventory E 301 were classified there. Archival records and printed matter that were not provenance of the Ministry of Justice or could not be organically included in the holdings E 301 or E 302 were removed and assigned to other archive holdings or to the library (usually the department of official printed matter) according to their provenance: A larger collection of general rescripts from the years 1770-1822 was included in the relevant rescript collections of the HStA. Files from the Stuttgart Regional Court, the Waiblingen Local Court, the district courts, the Ulm prison and the Schwäbisch Hall prison were handed over to the Ludwigsburg State Archives. Issues 3 and 6 of the Atlas zu den Berichte der Cholera-Kommission für das Deutsche Reich (1877 and 1879) as well as the Kriminalpolizeiblatt (Kriminalpolizeiblatt), volume 1938, were added to the library of the HStA. Stuttgart, February 12, 1973 (Dr. Paul Sauer) Supplement (2006): The find book of the present holdings, which had previously only been typewritten, was entered by Silvia Ebinger in Midosa95 in spring 2005 and converted by the undersigned into the new ScopeArchive indexing software. In the course of the revision of inventory E 301 in the same year, the commissions located at the Ministry of Justice were dissolved and the new inventories E 305/1 - E 305/6 were created. In this context, the mixed inventory E 303a (Ministry of Justice: Staats- und Regierungsblatt), which had been catalogued by Max Miller in 1948 and contained files of the Commission for the Staats- und Regierungsblatt (now: E 305/5) as well as of the Ministry of Justice itself, was also dissolved. The latter documents now form the new category "Staats- und Regierungsblatt" (State and Government Gazette) in the existing holdings of the General Files and were given the signatures E 302 Bü 1373a - 1401. In return, the documents of the Prison Commission previously held in holdings E 302 now form holdings E 305/6. The removed files continue to be listed in the finding aid book; the signatures concerned are marked with curly braces. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, preserved records of the Württemberg Ministry of Justice until 1934/36 and the Württemberg Administration of Justice until 1945, completely indexed according to modern criteria and all finding aids available on the Internet.Stuttgart, January 2006Johannes Renz Registraturplan des Justizministeriums: Registraturordnung des Justizministeriums A. Abteilung Generalia BetreffMinisterialregistraturAblieferung IIIIII E 301E 303aE 302 BüschelBüschel IAblösungsgesetze1-71 8-12,15,17,20-232 243 25,29,32,33,40,444 IV.Administrativjustiz1-45 VI.Advocates1-76 Asylum17 XXXIIIBettler1-37 XXXIVCollection testimonies17 Salaries26 XXXVIIBigamia17 XXXVIIIBittschriften1-37 XXXIXaBlutschande18 Arson18 Fire insurance38 Book censorship18 Civil code7,2. Subsidiary327 XLIBureausystem18 XLIIBurgfrieden18 XLVCassation1,28 LVCorporation1,28 LVIIICriminal-Cornmission110 Criminal detention and penal institutions, improved facilities19 LIXCriminal jurisdiction1-410 LXCriminal legislation1,3-7,9,1010 2259 13,14,1911 1712 1713 LXIIIDeutscher Bund1,3-7,9,11,1214 13-18,22,2415 Service examination, second higher-2 LXIIIDiscipline, penal authority2,316 LXXMarital matters1,319, 10, 11 I,31a13 II,1,2,4-1314-25 II,16-22,26-3026-37 II,3138-42 II,39,4043,44 III,1-2345 III, 24-26, 28, 29, 31,46-63 32-39,42,46,49, 51 LXXIEid1-4, 6, 9, 14, 18, 22, 2465-74 Railways,10,1275, 76 telegraphs Alsace-Lorraine-77 LXXIIIEngland2-4, 778-81 LXXVErbschaften1-3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 18,2182-88 LXXVIErkenntnisse1,1189, 90 LXXVIIEtatswesen1-1392, 93 LXXVIIIExemte1-8,.13,14,17-1994-106 24,26122, 123 LXXXFamily concern-1 '2,7,20,27,40,124-131 kgliche (u.42-44, 46, 50, 51132-137 Court celebrations1ichkeiten) LXXXIFamily laws, foundations, fideikommisse2,II,6,15139-143 LXXXIIFalsification1,4144, 145 LXXXIIIFiskus1-2, 4-9, 18, 19, 22146-156 LXXXIVFleischesvergehehen1-3,5,6157-161 LXXXVForstgesetzgebung1-11'13-15162-175 21176 Forstschutzpersonal1177 Frankfurt1178 LXXXVIFranreich1-19179,183 St.7 Fasz.1184 St.V185 LXXXVIIFrohndienste1,216 XXXVIIIGantsachen1,3-12,18,24,25186-200 26-28,31201-204 Prison Service1205-207 LXXXIXPrisoners and Prisons1,3-5,7,8208-214 14,15,21,25215-218 26,32,36-38219-223 CX (i)Ministers1,2,6224-226 XC aFunds1,2227,228 XCIGeldstrafe1,2,5-7,10229-234 Municipalities1,2,4-16,16235-252 20,26,31-37253-262 40, 42, 44,47263-266 50267 Cooperatives1268,269 XCIII jurisdiction, voluntary1-8273-284 12-18,20285-292 22,23a-i294-303 28-30,32-40304-315 42,46,51,54,57316-321 Courts of Justice1-3, 5-24, 26-30336-366 32-57, 59, 61367-370 66-68, 70, 72371-375 73, 75-81, 87-98376-397 100, 103-105398-401 109, 110402,403 Court costs1-3, 7-10407-447 Jurisdiction1, 3-12, 16, 17, 21451-466 22, 24, 26, 29, 30467-471 33, 35, 38, 41, 43472-476 46477 Bailiffs1 a, b478-484 Missions1-3486-488 Acceptance of gifts1, 2, 4489-491 Courts of jury1; 4; 6; 7; 8, 1-24;492-517 9; 12; 16; 23; 28; 35518-523 38; 45; 48; 50; 51524-526 54; 55; 58; 63; 65529-533 68; 75-80; 82; 85; High treason"; their file plan: "Files of the Ministerial Commission be tr. ..." Aa I-X b I-XII c 1-10 Files of the Ministry of Justice concerning..." BI-LV (files of B also originated at the Commission) Files of the Ministerial Commission I-III18 IV-VIII,X19 XI20 I21 IIa22 IIb23 IIc24 IVa26 IVb27 V30 VI29 VII28 (VIII)28 IX28 Xa31 Xb32 Xc33 XI34 XII35 Ministry of Justice files I-III36 IVa37 IVb40 IVc41 V42 VI-X43 XIa44 XIb45 XII, XIII46 XIV47 XV-XVII48 XVIII-XXI49 XXII50 XXIII51 XXIV-XXXII52 XXXIII53 XXXV-XLI54 XLII-LV55 Flight, Time 56 Writings Mortgage Commission157-67 Commission File Plan a) Books b) Files GeneraliaA,B,C,D SpezialiaI -VI CXXXILehengüter1-9,l0a,b68 1169 16,17,2070 CXXXII Characteristic1,271 CXXXIVLosungsrecht172 Münzwesen1-5, 7,873 Notare57a579, 580 Novalzehnten1, 374 Patrimonial-Verhaltennisse1-374 Polizeibehörden1-8, 11 Organisation-, Voll- Ziehungs-Kommission, in the Ministerial registry structured according to the following plan 1,I75 1,II77 1' III78 1' IV79 1,V83 1,VI85 2,I88 2,II90 392 495 598 6,I100 6,II101 6,III104 7106 8,I107 8,II110 8,III113 8,IV116 9119 10121 The original signatures of the Commission's registry were: 1-1175 1276 13-2077 21-3078 32a79 32b80 32d81 32e82 33,3583 36,3784 38a85 38b,c86 40-4587 1107 2110 3113 4116 5106 6a,b119 6b120 797 8a,b .98 8b99 996 l0a88 l0a89 l0a91,120 l0b,c90 20121,122 22138 24123 25132 27a133 27b134 27c,e135 28a-f136 28c119 33a-f137 34139 36a95 Protocols128-130 Diarium, Repertorium140 Revision of the Supreme Court1, I141 1, II143 Proceedings of the Supreme Judicial Review154 CLXXIRechtspflege1-5155 CLXXVRegierungsblatt116 217 821 1330 1425 CLXXVReichsgericht und Reichsgerichtliche Akten1,2,10157 Reichsversammlung1, 6, 7-13, 15156 Staatsorganisation1-4, 6, 7158 8-10159 State treaties England1, 2581'582 France1, 2583,584 Professional RegisterI589,590 I, VII591,592 I, VIII593,594 I,IX595 (I,X)596,597 I,XI598-600 Profile3,4601,602 Stamping and Taxation2-9,11-18603-620 Taxes1-8,11,18, 621-630 19,20631-634 22,26635,636 Prisons and prisoners, older files1-17,19,20,638-656 23-30657-664 Prisons, newer filesl a-y,2-8,665-694 12-14,20-23,26,695-702 27,34;34,1;703-709 34,c;41,44,710-712 48 a,b713,714 Prisoners1,1-15; 2, 7a, b;715-719 8,10,12b I,720-722 12b II,723 16,18-25724-732 30,44,51 733-735 Criminal Code, design160 I161 II163 III164 IV166 V168 VI170 VII172 IX176 X177 XI178 XII179 XIII-XV180 XVI181 XVII184 XVIII186 XIX187 XXI-XXII191 PrejudiceIV-VIII188 IX-XIII189 XIV, XVI-XXIV190 Criminal CodeVII736 XVI737, 738 XXIV739, 740 Code of Criminal Procedure192 VII, 1-33202 VIII203 IX, 1-16742 Criminal offence, Criminal Dicts1-8, 11-17, 19, 20,746-743 23, 25-29765-771 Articles 57772 wills1, 2, 4-8774-780 Thuringia and Anhalt1781 Death sentences and death penalties1, 2, 4, 7, 190, 15782-788 Tortur1203 University(s)1-4, 6, 8-15789-801 17, 19-22, 25, 27802-808 Untergänger und Ugangsgerichte1-4, 6809-813 Documents2814 Vacation1,2,4,5,7,9,11815-821 14822 Vagantes and vagantes Jauner1, 2, 4, 6204 3205 Miscellaneous7, 10, 11, 12a, b823-827 13-16, 18, 20, 21828-834 Lost1, 3, 4838-840 Powers of attorney1841, 842 Weapons (weapons of the people)2843 Orphan dishes1, 2844,845 Waldeck1847 Forests1, 2848,849 Resistance1850 Restoration of851 Civil Honor Poaching, Wildschaden1-7852-858 Wilhelmsdorf1, 2861, 862 Württemberg1-3,5,7,8,10863-869 11, 12, 14870-872 Wucher1-4, 7873-875 Zehenden1-4206 Testimonies, Witnesses, and Testimonies5, 6, 11, 20876-880 Interest1, 2881-882 Customs, Customs1-6, 8-19883-901 Punishment, body-1-6207 B. Department General Organic Items SubjectMinisterial RegistryDelivery III TuftsTufts Official Judge suitable for collegiate serviceI902 II903 III904 Requests for employment905-907 Certifications908-911 Fires912 Books913-915 Firewood916 Concept-Decrees917 Dispositionsfonds918 Recommendations919, 920 Budget921-946 Holiday Chambers947-950 Salary cutsI951, 952 II953, 954 III955 Expeditors' salary advance956-958 Jurisdiction, voluntary1969 2960 Courts961 '962 Bailiffs1963-965 2966 3967 Annual reports968-1058 Property book mattersI1059, 1060 II1061-1125 Main overview (sports overviews)1126-1129 Marriage permits1130-1132 Depositing1133 Treasurers1134 Cash reports, Regiegefängnisse1135 Lifelong employment1136-1138 Military pensions11139 21140 Minister11141 21442 Secondary business11143 Notarial matters1144-1169 Personal circumstancesIV1170-1175 VII1176-1180 X1181 Pension time overviewsI1183 II1184 Postporto1196-1198 Council clerk1199-1204 Statements of account1205 Reichslimes, Travel Recommendations1206 Travel Expenses11207, 1208 Stationery Invoice1209 State Manual, Official CalendarI1210 II1211 III1212 State Budget(splan)1213-1220 DeathsI1221 II1222 Criminal MattersI,1-251224-1237 II,1-311238-1261 III,1-341262-1295 IV, 1-131296-1308 V1309, 1310 VI1311 VII1312 Surpluses1313-1316 Translations1317 Transfer1318, 1319 Description1320, 1321 Deposit sacbenIII1322, 1323 IV, V1324-1339 Dedications1340-1342 Württembergische Justizverwaltung1343 Delivery officials1344-1346 "Acten des königlichen Strafanstalten-Collegiums" II 131347 II 231348-1349 Personal files from Hohenzollern and Alsace-Lorraine of taken over members of the judiciary1350-1372

Peace mediation attempts: Holland
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 57 · Dossier · 1915-1919
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Walther Schücking to the situation in Holland, mechanical, 10.6.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to the situation in Holland, manual, 18.6.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to the situation in Holland, manual, 26.6.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking with appointment arrangement, 26.6.1915 - Telegram from Rosenfeld, 30.6.1915 - Letter to Walther Schücking, manual 2.7.1915 - Report on a meeting of English deputies of Dutch politicians, mechanical, 12.-17.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking, handschr., 23.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking concerning a trip to The Hague, handschr., 23.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking concerning a trip to The Hague, handschr.., 26.7.1915 - Letter to Walther Schücking, handschr., 27.6.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a meeting, 26.7.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a letter, 27.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking because of his trip to Haag, handschr., 27.6.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a meeting, 26.7.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a letter, 27.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking because of his trip to Haag, handschr., 31.7.1915 - letter from Walther Schücking with report from Frankfurt, handschr., 5.8.1915 - letter from Walther Schücking, handschr., 7.8.1915 - telegram from Walther Schücking because of a meeting, 8.8.1915 - letter from Dresselhuys because of a conversation, handschr.., 3.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking, handschr., 4.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to Undersecretary of State Zimmermann on the Dutch Anti-War Council, masch., 10.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking on the progress of the negotiations, handschr., 4.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to Undersecretary of State Zimmermann on the Dutch Anti-War Council, masch., 10.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking on the progress of the negotiations, handschr., 25.11.1915 - Reports from Holland and Switzerland, mechanical, 7.5.1916 - Letter to Jagow about the situation in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, handschr., 13.6.1916 - Telegram from Rutgers about a meeting, 21.6.1916 - Letter from Otto Rosenfeld about conversations in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, handschr., 13.6.1916 - Telegram from Rutgers about a meeting, 21.6.1916 - Letter from Otto Rosenfeld about conversations in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, mechanical, 21.6.1916 - Letter from Otto Rosenfeld about conversations in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - L from Jagow about the situation in Holland, 22.6.1916 - Letter on Rosenfeld's report, masch., 22.6.1916 - Write to Rutgers on negotiations in London, masch., 25.6.1916 - Letter from Jong van Beekendonk on English foreign policy, masch., 26.6.1916 - Letter from Jong van Beekendonk with "Ein Aufruf an die Neutralen", masch., masch., 26.6.1916 - Letter from Jong van Beekendonk with "Ein Aufruf an die Neutralen", masch, 27.6.1916 - Letter with report from a trip to Holland, mechanical, 16.7.1916 - Letter from Zimmermann (AA) to the Dutch Anti-War Council, mechanical, 22.7.1916 - Letter from Rutgers to a court case, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1149 · Dossier · Mai - September 1915
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Darin: "Der Krieg in den deutschen Schutzgebieten", published by the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t , Vierte Mitteilung, 30 p. geh. Qu. 1264; lectures of the Lt. Colonel du Service de Sante suisse Dr. Carl de Marval in Bern about his perceptions in camps of German prisoners of war in France and in the colonies Qu. 1279-1282; report about the activities of agents of the Entente in Switzerland, Romania, Bulgaria and Holland Qu. 1420, 1421, 1537; Guidelines for the Treatment of the Workers' Issue in Industries Active in War Needs, prepared by the War Ministry, Printed Matter, 9 S. Qu. 1489; Requests by Württemberg on the Draft Notice Concerning the Restriction of Working Time in the Textile Industry Qu. 1567

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1242 · Dossier · (1915) 1916
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Inputs: Kriegsausschuß der deutschen Industrie, Berlin, concerning protection of German interests abroad from 07.01.1916, printed matter 8 pp. Qu. 106, 115, Deutsche Gartenstadt-Gesellschaft, Berlin and Bergisch-Gladbach, concerning capitalization and loan of pensions of war invalids and war widows from 10.01.1916, printed matter 14 p. Qu. 119, Soziale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der kaufmännischen Verbände, Leipzig, concerning extraordinary support of the dismissed needy war participants and their family members from 25.01.1916, printed matter 3 S. Qu. 120, Richard Frank, Berlin, establishment of a collection of literature about the World War (World War Library) from 28.03.1916 and 07.07.1916 with general plan and leaflet, printed matter 4 and 8 S. Qu. 130, 131, 137-139, 191-196, Reichs-Hammerbund, Hamburg, concerning internal economic conditions, power of finance "Aristocracy", no. D. (April 1916), printed matter 4 p. with special print from the bi-monthly publication "Hammer" No. 186, 4 p. Qu. 140, 141, 142, members of the Landtag Liesching, Haußmann and Gauß on behalf of the progressive Volkspartei concerning the direct allocation of the supply of items of war need to the Württ. Hersteller vom 21.02.1916 Qu. 146 - 150; Centralverband der Haus- und Grundbesitzer-Vereine Deutschlands e.V.. (Central Association of German House and Property Owners' Associations), Spandau, regarding the regulation of tenancies from 20.05.1916 Qu. 156, Schutzverband für Deutschen Grundbesitz e.V., Berlin Realkredit in der Übergangszeit vom 01.11.1916 Qu. 233, Reichsverband der Vereinigungen des Drogen- und Chemikalienfaches, Berlin, vom 30.06.1916, Printed matter 10 S. Qu. 165, Professor H. Calmbach, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, et al. concerning the preservation of the federal character of the Reich from 01.06.1916 Qu. 233, Reichsverband der Vereinigungen des Drogen- und Chemikalienfaches, Berlin, vom 30.06.1916, Printed matter 10 S. Qu. 165, Professor H. Calmbach, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, et al. concerning the preservation of the federal character of the Reich from 01.06.1916 Qu. 170-172, Theodor Fritsch, Leipzig, concerning deficiencies in the economic life of 05.07.1916 with special print from the "Hammer", No. 185, 8 p. and issue of the magazine "Hammer" No. 337 of 01.07.1916, 15. volume Qu. 166 - 168, managing committee of the Reich Germans expelled from Russia, Berlin, concerning the "Hammer", No. 185, 8 p. and issue of the magazine "Hammer" No. 337 of 01.07.1916, 15. volume Qu. 166 - 168, managing committee of the Reich Germans expelled from Russia, Berlin, concerning the "Hammer", No. 185, 8 p. and issue of the magazine "Hammer" No. 337 of 01.07.1916, 15. volume Qu. 166 - 168, managing committee of the Reich Germans expelled from Russia, Berlin, concerning the "Hammer". Forced Registration of German Claims and Outstandings against Debtors in Enemy Land, 12.09.1916 Qu. 206, Central Office for International Law, German Central Office for Permanent Peace and International Understanding, Regarding Foundations for a New International Law by Creation of a Supranational Organization, o.D. and place specification, probably Leipzig, 1916, printed matter 4 S.Qu. 212, Chamber of Crafts Ulm concerning welfare measures for returning craftsmen and economic revival of the craft after the war with resolution of the German Chamber of Crafts in Berlin on 20.06.1916, printed matter 15 S. Qu. 236, 237, Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmännern e.V. Lübeck, concerning coal supply of the gas works of 11.12.1916 Qu. 243; memoranda concerning the colonial areas which could be considered as new acquisitions at the conclusion of the peace, Kolonial-Wirtschaftliches Komitee e.V., Berlin, pp. 9, 1916 Qu. 118, social demobilization measures for private employees, Bund der technisch-industriellen Beamten, 1916, printed matter 8 pp. Qu. 136, Granting of advance compensation and aid to foreign Germans, Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland e.V., Berlin, 1915/1916, 2 printed matters, 2 and 4 pp. Qu. 145, 145a, Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands nach Friedensschluß, Kriegsausschuss der deutschen Industrie, Berlin, 1916, geh. 20 S. Qu. 207, transition from war economy to peace economy, Verband kath. kaufm. Vereine Deutschlands e.V., Essen, geh. 8 P. Qu. 218, the German Baltic provinces of Russia, Baltic Trust Council, Berlin, 1915, brosch. 80 p. Qu. 132, 133; Resolutions: vogtländischer Volksausschuss für rasche Niederkämpfung Englands, Munich, concerning the use of all means for the defeat of England of 10.10.1916 Qu. 214, Württ. Landesverein für Kriegerheimstätten e.V., Stuttgart, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, concerning colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, concerning colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, concerning colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors and their relatives from 29.10.1916 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by colonial principles, from 22.10.1915 Qu. 232, concerning the acquisition of a home by returning warriors. 176 - 178, Verein Württembergischer Zeitungsverleger, Stuttgart, concerning price increase of the newsprint from 09.07.1916 Qu. 180-182; auxiliary committee for the Germans in British South Africa concerning call for donations, 1916, printed matter 2 p.., together with the list of donations of the sums of money received in Württemberg until September 1916 Qu. 244, 245, "Nachrichten für den Verband Deutscher Großhändler der Nahrungsmittel- und verwandten Branchen", Berlin, No. 21/1916, Volume 6 Qu. 210, "Veröffentlichungen des Bundes der Industriellen", Berlin, Issue 7b, October 1916