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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 281 · File · 1896-1917
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Agreement with the British government on the delimitation of the mutual spheres of interest in the hinterland of Cameroon; instructions to Varnbüler's representative of the Bundesrat; railway construction in Togo Darin: "Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Königlich Preußischer Staatsanzeiger" of 20 November 1893; maps of the above-mentioned colonies; "Zur Trassierung der Togo-Eisenbahn Lomé - Palimé. Mit Karten, Längenprofil, Tafeln und Abbildungen" ("With Maps, Longitudinal Profile, Plates and Illustrations"), published by the Colonial Economic Committee, 1 issue, 50 p., Berlin 1904; Report on a study trip of the settlement commissioner Dr. Rohrbach to the Cape Colony and the adjoining British parts, print, 10 p.; "Die Kolonialdeutschen aus Kamerun und Togo in französischer Gefangenschaft" ("The Colonial Germans from Cameroon and Togo in French Captivity"), published by the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t, 178 p.., Berlin 1917; "Behaviour of the English and French troops under English supreme command against the white population of the German protectorates Cameroon and Togo", published by the Reichskolonialamt, 258 p., Berlin 1916

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 135 · File · 1888-1912
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Programme speech before the voters' meeting Ebingen, printed, 4.2.1887 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Anniversary tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of the election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, printed., 5.4.1889 - Jungfernrede Haussmanns in der Abgeordnetenkammer, ed., 10.4.1889 - Speech in the election challenge debate, ed., 18.6.1889 - Speech on the reintroduction of the election envelope, ed., 19.6.1889 - Newspaper report on a speech by voters in Ebingen, ed., 10.11.1889 - Reichstag speech on the colonial bill, ed, 12.6.1890 (three reports) - lecture about the political situation, printed, 14.9.1891 - speech in the voters' meeting in Tuttlingen, printed, 2.10,1892 - "Der Wegweiser", poem Haussmanns, printed, o.D. - speech in Ebingen, printed, 30.6.1894 - report about party congress of the South German People's Party in Aschaffenburg and the speech Haussmanns in the Aschaffenburger Zeitung, printed, 24.9.1894 - Haussmann's toast to the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, handschr., January 1895 - "Die württembergische Landtagswahl", printed, 19.2.1895 - "Die politische Indolenz", printed, October 1895 - Reichstag speech on the BGB, printed, 12.12.1895 - "So kann es nicht weitergehen - Gedanken eines Steuerzahlers", printed ca. 1895 - Report of the People's Party to its voters on the Reichstag session 1895/1896, printed, o.D. - Toast to Haussmann on the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, printed, January 1896 - "Ein Minister über Bord" zur Entlassung Bronsarts, printed, 17.8.1895 - General Assembly of the Bezirksvolksverein in Balingen, printed, 17.1.1897 - "On the Threshold of Reform - Constitutional Revision, Proportional Election and the Attitude of the Parties", ed., 17.1.1897 - Haussmann's Article on "Electoral Victory of Democracy in Norway" in "Dagbladet Kristiania", 9.11.1897 - "From Tedious Governance", mach., September 1897 - "The People's Party in Parliament 1895-1900", ed, o.D. - Election program of the Volkspartei by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann, printed, 1900 - Speeches by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann in Heilbronn at the Volksparteitag, printed, 16.11.1902 - Speech on two years of service in the Reichtag, handschr., 1903 - Speech of the Landtag on the Betriebsmittelgemeinschaft, printed, 9.12.1904 - Speech as reporter in the Landtag on the administrative reform, mechanical and manual reform, German, English 1904 - Poem "Berlin Politics", handschr., New Year 1905 - Schiller speech, printed, 7.5.1905 - Draft of a constitutional law, printed by the Landtag, 17.6.1905 - Closing speech to the constitutional revision, handschr., 1905 - "Volksrecht oder Herrenrechte? Speech by Wilhelm Keil, printed, 27.6.1905 - "Zur Verfassungsrevision in Württemberg", printed, 9.7.1905 - "Ein Mahnwort aus der Deutschen Volkspartei", printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Verfassungsrevision in der Kommission", printed, 18.7.1905 - Notes on an Election Speech, hand printed, 1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die, 12.11.1906 - "An die Reichstagswähler", printed, New Year 1907 - "An die deutschen Wähler, handschr., o.D. - Rede zum Vereinsgesetz, printed, 1907 - Speech in Spaichingen, printed, 13.1.1907 - "Die Bedeutung der Neuwahlen", speech in Ebingen, printed, 19.1.1907 - "Die Reichstagsstichwahl" in Balingen, printed, 3.2.1907 - "Bülow", without author, printed.., o.D. - "Ultra-Montagnini", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11., February 1907 - "Parliamentarism", printed, o.D. - "Old Chinese Poetry", printed, December 1907 - "The New Problem", printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907, 21.1.1908 - "Anti-Prussian sausage-likeness", printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed.., 28.5.1908 - "Party Merger", printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 -, 2.10.1908 - " Congress?", printed, 16.10.1908 - "Alsatian", printed, November 1908 - Speech to the Daily Telgraph interview, printed, 12.11.1908 - "Before the end of the crisis", printed, 14.11.1908 - Speech in Tübingen "Zur innerpolitischen Lage", printed, 24.11.1908 - "Und nun?", printed, December 1908 - "Anno 1908", printed, 2.1.1909 - "König Eduard in Berlin", printed, 2.2.1909 - "The Renewal of Turkey and the Clumsiness of Europe", printed, 1909 - "The Conservative Leadership" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 2.3.1909 - "After the Morocco Agreement", mechanical.., Spring 1909 - Easter article for the Neue Freie Presse Vienna, mechanical, 1909 - "Der Kriegslärm", printed, 1.4.1909 - "Die Finanzmisere", printed, 16.4.1909 - "Bülow am Scheideweg", printed, 1909 - "Geheime Universitätsreserve und Universitätsagenten" by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 1.10.1909 - "In the Air", printed, 4.10.1909 - "Der Parteiitag der Deutschen Volkspartei", by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 15.10.1909 - "Reichstagsbrief", printed, 15.12.1909 - "Die Aufgaben des fünfundes Kanzlers", printed, 19.12.1909 - Open Letter to August Bebel, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 14 Bü 215 · File · 1887-1888
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, A. E., Stuttgart: "Joh. Jakob Moser as Württemberg Landscape Consultant", 9/10 June 1887 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct, 24/26 Oct. 1887 - Berg, Oberst, Passau: "History of the 4th Bavarian Hunter Battalion", 27 Apr., 5 May, 1888 - Bertouch, Ernst von, Wiesbaden: "History of the Spiritual Cooperatives", 8/13 Feb. - Beßler, J. G., Reallehrer, Ludwigsburg: "Illustrated Textbook of Beekeeping", 27 Oct. 1887 - Beyer, Dr. Prof.., Stuttgart, "Das literarische Deutschland", Nov. 9, 1887 - Dithfurt, Max von, Freiherr, Hanover: "Die Schlacht von Borodino", Jan. 5, 1887 - Dorsch, Paul, Vikar, Oberurbach: "Schwäbische Bauern in Kriegszeiten", Sept. 19/21, 1887 - "Dürer's Painting" by Sigmund Soldan, Bookstore, Nuremberg, July 11-13, 1888 - Ebers, Georg Dr. Prof.., Leipzig/Munich: "Die Gred", Roman, Nov. 28, Dec. 2, 1888 - Fischer, Karl, Hauptmann a. D., Stuttgart: "History of the Stuttgart Stadtgarde on Horseback", March 10/15, 1887 - Friese, Eugen, Hauptmann a. D., Dresden: "Braucht Deutschland eine Kolonialarmee", Aug. 23-31, 1887 - Georgii-Georgenau, Emil von, Stuttgart: "Interesting Pieces of Files from the Years 1789-1795", Sept. 16-18, 1887 - "The German Army in Need of a Colonial Army", August 23-31, 1887 1887 - Gerik, Karl von, Court Preacher, Stuttgart: "Brosamen", 18/19 Nov. 1887 - Günthert, J. E. von, Colonel, Stuttgart: "Agnes", Novella, 12/16/24/25 Oct. 1887 - Hahn, Otto Dr.., Reutlingen: "Perpetua", Trauerspiel, 10th/14th Nov. 1887 - Hinrichsen, Adolf, Charlottenburg: "Literary Germany", "German Thinkers", 30th Jan. 1888 - Hölder, by Dr. med, Stuttgart: "On the construction of a new insane asylum in Weissenau", 12-17 May 1887; "The physical and mental peculiarities of criminals", 6-15 May 1888 - Keller, Otto Dr. Prof., Freiburg/Br./Prague: "Animals of classical antiquity", 25 Aug 1887 - Keppler, P. Dr. Prof., Tübingen: "Württemberg's Church Art Antiquities", 23-30 Nov. 1888 - Lachenmaier, G., Stuttgart: "Duke Eugen von Württemberg", 6th/12th Febr. 1888 - Lang, Paul, city priest, Ludwigsburg: "Maulbronner Geschichtenbuch", 21st/26th Sept. 1887 - Manskopf, Gustav, Frankfurt a. M.: "Der Justitia-Brunnen auf dem Römerberg in Frankfurt", 12th/20th May 1887 - Miller, Konrad. Dr. Prof, geography historian, Stuttgart: "Peutinger'sche Tafel", 28/31 Dec. 1887 - Paulus, Eduard Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Das Kloster Bebenhausen", 8/9 June 1887 - Perthes, Emil, bookstore, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Empire", Munich: "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug., 2 Sept. 1888 - Pochhammer, M. von Dr., Gernsbach, "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Preßel, Wilhelm, Pfarrer, Lustenau/Tübingen: "The People of Israel in Dispersion", 2 Dec. 1887 - Ranke, E. Dr. Prof., Marburg: "Festschrift der Universität Marburg", 13th/14th June 1888 - Reuß, Heinrich Fürst von, younger line: "Lebensbild der Fürstin Agnes Reuß, born Duchess of Württemberg", 29th Oct., 3rd Nov. 1887 - Riecke, by Dr.., Staatsrat, Stuttgart: "Constitution, Administration and State Budget of the Kingdom of Württemberg", 15-16 May 1887 - "Riemenschneider, Tilmann and his School", 30 Sept., 2 Oct., 1887, 6-8 July 1888 - Roß, Albert, Magdeburg: "Allgemeines deutsches Eisenbahn-Liederbuch", 24-27 Sept. 1887 - Sanden, A. von, Oberstleutnant, Berlin: "König Wilhelm und Kaiser Napoleon III. (1870)", June 17-20, 1887 - Schanzenbach, Otto Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof. Dr., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Schott, Theodor Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württemberg and the French in 1688", 25 Nov. 1887 - Soldan, Sigmund, bookshop, Nuremberg: "Dürer's Painting", 11/13 July 1888 - Stälin, by Dr.., Oberstudienrat, Archivrat, Stuttgart: "History of Württemberg", continued, January 13-18, 1887; "History of the City of Calw", Dec 18-25, 1887 - Stein, Sigismund Theodor Dr., Frankfurt: "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 27, Sept. 5, 1888 - Streeter, Edwin, London: "Precious Stones and Gems", Feb. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 5, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Sept. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 2 Oct. 1887, 6 / 8 July 1888 - Trost, Ludwig Dr., Munich: "From the scientific and artistic life of Bavaria", "Jerusalem and the Crucifixion of Christ", 10 / 13 Nov. 1887 - Walcher, Karl, Stuttgart: "Sculptures of the Stuttgart pleasure house at Lichtenstein Castle", 28 July, 3 Aug. 1887

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2158 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Publisher: Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia; Berlin; Graphic: B [...]; print: E. Heckendorff, Berlin; size: 66 x 44 cm; number 1; last text line red; between title and text in black, red, brown and olive in oval frame a colonial soldier waving the imperial flag

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 772 · File · 1871-1906
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Renewal of customs and trade treaties with Italy, Austria-Hungary and Switzerland; friendship treaty with Tonga; protocol on traffic in the Sulu Archipelago between the German Reich, Spain and Great Britain; trade convention with Romania; friendship, trade, shipping and consular treaty with Hawaii; treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia and Turkey (Berlin Congress); Treaty of Friendship with the Samoa Islands; Trade and Shipping Treaty with Spain; Trade Treaty with Egypt; Trade and Shipping Treaty with Uruguay; Termination of the Treaty of Friendship, Trade and Shipping with Argentina; Friendship, Trade, Shipping and Consular Treaty with Nicaragua; Treaty of Friendship and Trade with the Orange Free State (South Africa)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/18 · Fonds · (1847-) 1870-1926 (-1965)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. About Weizsäcker: Life data and career: 1853 February 25Born as son of the court chaplain Karl Weizsäcker (1822 - 1899) in Stuttgart1861Father Karl Weizsäcker Professor of Theology at the University of Tübingen (1889) Chancellor)1870/71Participated in the campaign against France1876First higher service examination for the judicial service1877Second higher service examination for the judicial service1877 November 15Auxiliary judge at the Stuttgart City Court1879 January 24Justizassessor at the Calw Higher Administrative Court (remaining in his previous position)1879 March 18Dr. jur.1879 July 8Marriage with Paula von Meibom, daughter of the later Reichsgerichtrat Victor von Meibom1879 October 1Judge at the Amtsgericht für den Stadtdirektionsbezirk Stuttgart1882 November 1Auxiliary Judge at the Landgericht Stuttgart1883 July 19Ministerial Secretary of Justice with the title and rank of Land Judge1885 November 6Land Judge in Ulm, Labourer at the Ministry of Justice1886 September 27Functioning Chancellery Director of the Ministry of Justice1887 March 3Titles and Rank of a Regional Court Council1889 December 27County Court Council in Hall, Lecturer Council of the Ministry of Justice1892 May 13Lecturer Council at the Ministry of Justice with the title "Ministerialrat "1896 February 24 Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crowns1897 February 24Titles and Rank of a Ministerial Director. As such he belonged to the 4th rank, with which the personnel needle was connected.1899 February 24Honour Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown1899 July 31Ministerialdirektor beim Justizministerium1900 April 19Wirklicher Staatsrat und Chef des Departements des Kirchen- und Schulwesens1901 February 25Staatsminister des Kirchen- und Schulwesens1906 February 25Großkreuz des Ordens der Württembergischen Krone1906 June 20Leitung der Geschäfte des Ministeriums der Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten1906 June 27Enthebung von der Verwaltung des Ministries des Kirchen- und Schulwesens. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Family Affairs of the Royal House, Chancellor of the Order1906 December 3Chairman of the Ministry of State (Prime Minister)1916 October 5Rise to the hereditary baronage of the Kingdom of Württemberg1918 November 6Resignation of the Weizsäcker government1918 November 8Dismissal as President of the Ministry of State and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs1926 February 2Decease in Stuttgart; burial at the Prague Cemetery 2. The history and content of the collection: After Weiszäcker's death in 1926, the estate initially remained in the widow's apartment in Stuttgart, where it was moved to the house acquired in 1931 on the Moozacher Halde near Lindau. On 21 June 1975, Baroness Marianne von Weizsäcker transferred the estate to the Main State Archives in Stuttgart. After its reorganization, it is available for scientific research. Usage for publications which deal in particular with the work of the Prime Minister Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker and which do not only contain occasional references to his activities require the consent of Professor Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Weizsäcker.The estate consists mainly of Weizsäcker's handfiles from his term as Minister of Culture, President of the Ministry of State (Prime Minister), Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Family Affairs of the Royal House, mixed with individual registry files of the Ministry of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as official, semi-official and private correspondence and numerous newspaper clippings. In addition, there are correspondence, notes, documents relating to publications and newspaper clippings from his retirement. Some few documents from the estate of his father, Professor Karl v. Weizsäcker, have been included in the inventory (Bü 4)The estate of the Minister President v. Breitling (Bü 31) contains files of foreign provenances, letters to the Minister of State v. Fleischhauer (Bü 80, 86 and 93), correspondence of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Freiherr Julius v. Soden (Bü 151) and letters of Weizsäcker to General Fritz von Graevenitz (Bü 146).Parallel tradition is mainly found in the files of the Royal Cabinet (E 14), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (E 46 - E 75), the Ministry of State (E 130) and the Ministry of War (M 1/2) lying in the Main State Archives, in particular the following files should be pointed out:E 14: Royal Cabinet IIBü 487: Weizsäcker's application for release from office from 5. November 1918E 46: Ministry of Foreign Affairs IIIBü 1285 - 1300: Handakten von Weizsäcker: Bü 1291: Acceptance of the command of a Prussian army corps by Duke Albrecht von Württemberg (1905/06)Bü 1292: Records of an interview with the State Secretary of the Interior Delbrück in Berlin concerning the Alsace-Lorraine question (1910)Bü 1294: Russische Politik (1910)Bü 1295: Succession to the throne in Monaco (Duke Wilhelm von Urach) (1910/12)Bü 1296: Bundesfinanzen, Deckung der Kosten der Wehrvorlage (1912)Bü 1297: Berichte des Württembergischen Militärbevolltigten in Berlin betreffend Wehrvorlagen (1912)Bü 1298: Albanian succession to the throne (1912/13)Bü 1299: Report by Weizsäckers to the King on Berlin Financial Conferences (1916)E 73: Gesandschaftsakten Verzeichnis 61Bü 12 e - 12 i: Reports of the Federal Council Plenipotentiaries (1897-1918); Bü 12 g also contains reports of the Military Plenipotentiary in Berlin (July - August 1914)Bür 42 d - 42 e: Berichte der Gesandtschaft MünchenE 74 I: Württembergische Gesandtschaft in BerlinBü 164 - 168: Political Reports 1914 - 1918E 75: Württemberg Embassy in MunichBü 154 - 156: Reports of the Württemberg Ambassador in MunichE 130b: State MinistryBü 5860: Weizsäcker's files on the draft law concerning amendments to the Civil Servants' Act of 28 April 1949 June 1876 (1906/07)M 1/2: Special files of the Minister of War and his AdjutantM 660: Estate of Fritz von Graevenitz Significance of the estate: The personal-private and confidential character of numerous documents of this estate contributes nuances to the picture of this time which are naturally missing in the official papers. This is true of Weizsäcker's term as cult minister, during which he campaigned for the abolition of spiritual supervision of schools and for constitutional reform, and it is even more true of the period from 1906 to 1918, during which, as President of the State Ministry, he headed the affairs of government and was also State Minister of Foreign Affairs. The question of Württemberg's relationship to the Reich and, in general, of federal cooperation, as well as the views of the Württemberg government on German foreign policy before the First World War and, above all, the Württemberg attitude to German politics during the war, are given sharper contours by the documents of this estate. During this time, the correspondence with his friend Alfred von Kiderlen-Waechter, the reports of the Württemberg envoys from Berlin (v. Varnbüler) and Munich (v. Moser) as well as the reports of the Württemberg military representative in Berlin and in the Great Headquarters (v. Graevenitz) are of particular importance. Since the tradition of the two legations and the reports of the military representative in the official files are incomplete - most of the documents of the military representative in Berlin have been destroyed - the reports from the estate are able to close some gaps. In terms of content, these semi-official reports, written in personal-private form - v. Graevenitz was Weizsäcker's counter-sister and also v. Varnbüler was personally close to him - say much more than the official reports of these Württemberg diplomats. 3. on the organisation of the stock: Weizsäcker arranged his documents according to subject matter or persons without a systematic structure. After his death, some connections were lost during relocations and probably also during uses of the estate. In the course of time, various smaller attempts at order were made, but these only extended to individual documents. For example, evaluation notes were added to some files, such as 'less valuable except for letters' or 'worthless except for any individual letters'. Further on there was an order which contained at least 18 tufts or individual pieces and which can still be reconstructed with the following numbers:1 Memories23 Letter from Friedrich Grand Duke of Baden, 19234 Bethmann Hollweg5 Fritz von Graevenitz (Letter to Weizsäcker, 1911-1918)6 Kiderlen-Waechter7 Letters from Adolf Freiherr Marschall von Bieberstein, (1906) 19088 Letters from Moser von Filseck, 1906-19139 Letter from Ritter, Königiglich Bayerischer Gesandter in Stuttgart, 190910 correspondence with Wilhelm Herzog von Urach, 1906-192411 correspondence with Queen Charlotte von Württemberg, 1922-192512 Philipp Albrecht Herzog von Württemberg, 1914-192413 motivation of the dismissal of the Reich Chancellor Prince Bülow by Emperor Wilhelm II.14 Warschuldfrage 1925-192615161718a Varnbülerberichte vom 14. Juli 1909 (Daily Telegraph-Affäre)Parts of the estate were filmed by the Federal Archives in 1965, and after the estate had been transferred to the Main State Archives, it was systematically arranged and recorded by the Director of the State Archives, Dr. Eberhard Gönner, between 1975 and 1979. The 18 tufts mentioned above could not remain in their previous composition. The temporal classification of Weizsäcker's notes caused certain difficulties, because they could not always be clearly identified as contemporary notes or later notes for planned publications. The title recordings were revised by Eberhard Gönner from November 1985 to March 1986, whereby the correspondences were further broken down and indices created. For reasons of clarity, the "Contained" and "Darin" notes as well as the "Subjects" have generally been numbered consecutively. The "Contains" and "Darin" notes generally correspond to archival units (documents or subfascicles), the "Concern" only exceptionally.177 tufts of files with a total of 2.6 m. Stuttgart, in March 1986Eberhard Gönner
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 32 · Fonds · 1800-1979
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition Dr. Ernst von Scheurlen, retired Ministerialrat, did not leave any testamentary disposition over the documents. Since 1945 at the latest, these had been in the house of his oldest daughter Katharina Schmidt, née Scheurlen, who, after her death on 3 January 1989, took over her son Karl Schmidt, a retired pastor. There - in the spirit of Ernst von Scheurlen - they were accessible to all relatives and were occasionally inspected by individuals. For the transfer to the Main State Archives in Stuttgart, the consideration that there would be no comparable place of secure storage in the relatives in the future was decisive. As a result, a deposit agreement was concluded between Mr Karl Schmidt and the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg on 1 December 2008. Content and Evaluation Karl Scheurlen ( 1824, 1872) Karl Scheurlen was born on 3 Sept. 1824 in Tübingen, where his father Karl Christian Friedrich Scheurlen was professor of law. He attended school there and in Stuttgart, where his father had been appointed to the Obertribunal in 1839. He studied law in Tübingen from 1841 to 1846 and then completed his legal clerkship. In 1847 he became court actuary at the Heilbronn Higher District Court. During the revolutionary events of 1848, Karl Scheurlen adopted an emphatically conservative attitude. In 1850 he was appointed public prosecutor in Esslingen. In 1851 he was appointed Assessor of Justice and Public Prosecutor in Ellwangen, where he married Katharina Pfreundt in 1852. From 1856 on Karl Scheurlen was chief magistrate in Mergentheim, from 1863 chief justice councillor in Esslingen and from 1865 lecturing councillor in the Ministry of Justice. Together with his friend, the then Obertribunalrat von Mittnacht, Karl Scheurlen was commissioned by the Minister of Justice of Neurath to work out the principles of a judicial reform which Mittnacht, since 1867 Minister of Justice, completed in 1868 and 1869. Karl Scheurlen's ascent had also continued in 1867 with his appointment to the Privy Council; however, his two attempts to acquire a Landtag mandate failed. By decree of 23 March 1870, Karl Scheurlen was appointed head of the Department of Home Affairs and Minister of the Interior on 17 July of the same year. This appointment took place at the time of a domestic political crisis: 45 members of the Württemberg state parliament had refused in the spring to approve the military budget, the rejection of which would have made Württemberg meet its obligations from the 1866 Protection and Defense Alliance with Prussia, which was widely unpopular. The fact that the broad resistance against the military budget unexpectedly subsided can be traced back to the French declaration of war of 15 July 1870. After the new elections of 1871, which were announced with reference to the political reorganization of Germany after the Franco-German War, Karl Scheurlen found himself faced with a well-meaning majority among the members of parliament. He himself was also elected as a deputy twice, in Gaildorf and Künzelsau; he accepted the election in Gaildorf. His death on April 1, 1872, caused by a heart condition, came as a surprise. Karl Scheurlen cultivated lively literary and artistic interests in addition to his work in justice and politics. He wrote numerous verses and poems. His talent for drawing is particularly remarkable; he used it, among other things, to make numerous sketches of accused persons and judicial officials during his time at court, or to illustrate the "Amtspflege", the organ of the Hauffei, his Tübingen student fraternity. Many of his drawings have a humorous character; self-portraits and depictions of family members and acquaintances are extremely frequent. Ernst von Scheurlen ( 1863, 1952) Ernst von Scheurlen was born in Mergentheim on Feb. 5, 1863, the youngest of six children of the later Minister of the Interior, Karl Scheurlen, and his wife Katharina Scheurlen. After school he studied medicine in Berlin, where he received his doctorate in 1885. After his state examination from 1887 to 1891, he worked there as an assistant doctor at the Charité and the Reich Health Office; bacteriology and hygiene were already the focal points of his scientific interest at this time. The marriage to Sophie von Möller (1889), who belonged to a family of German descent from the then Russian Narwa, also took place during this period. In 1893 Ernst von Scheurlen became a battalion doctor in Strasbourg. At the same time he taught hygiene and bacteriology at the Technical University in Stuttgart and at the University of Strasbourg in 1893-1894 and 1895-1897 respectively. He also headed the hygiene and bacteriology department of the large garrison hospital in Stuttgart. In 1897 he took up a position as a medical councillor at the Königlich Württembergischen Medizinalkollegium. His tasks included working for the State Insurance Institute, the Trade Supervisory Office, the Reich Health Council, in the management of the Medical State Investigation Office, etc. It is due to his activities that the city of Stuttgart received its central sewage treatment plant during the First World War. During the entire First World War, Ernst von Scheurlen was involved as a hygienist in disease control and water supply at various sections of the Western and Eastern fronts. After the First World War, he devoted himself in particular to water supply, crop control and blood group research. He has written down his research results in numerous publications. He retired in 1930, but this did not mean the end of his scientific career; his last publication dates from 1950, two years before his death on Oct. 8, 1952 at the age of 89. In addition to his scientific work, Ernst von Scheurlen documented the history of his family from about 1800 with great dedication. For this purpose he combined numerous pictures, sketches, poems and letters of his father, who died at an early age, with other collection material and supplemented, explained and commented this material by a written representation of the family history.

Scheurlen, Karl von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 446 · File · 1887-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Reports of the Accounting Commission on the income and expenditure of the Reich in the respective accounting year; overview of Reich expenditure and income for the accounting years 1907 - 1909; submission of the Reich Chancellor to the Federal Council; Correspondence of the Minister of Finance with the Count von Zeppelin, von Moser, von Varnbüler and von Schleehauf, the Federal Plenipotentiaries, and the deputy plenipotentiaries von Fischer and von Schicker; overviews of income and expenditure for the protectorates of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, Cameroon, Togo, D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, D e u t s c h - N euguinea, Samoa and Kiautschou, the Caroline Islands, Palau Islands and Mariana Islands

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 45 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st About the Aldinger-Ostermayer family: Karl Aldinger and Hertha Ostermayer married on 24 January 1944. The marriage lasted over six decades. Only the death of Karl Aldinger in 2005 brought her to an end. The ancestors of the married couple were widely ramified and can be traced far back through the stored documents of the inventory. Due to the numerous traditional sources and many patient family history researches, they were deeply anchored in the consciousness of Karl and Hertha Aldingers. During the Second World War Karl Aldinger (1917-2005) was a soldier (last lieutenant). He then managed various agricultural estates (Staufeneck estate, Schafhof estate, Alteburg estate). In 1957 he took over the management of the youth hostel in Esslingen, which he continued to run until 1963. He then ran a guesthouse in Saig (Black Forest) until 1990, which came from the inheritance of an aunt of his wife. Hertha Aldinger (1920-2012) had undergone agricultural training and had been a teacher of agricultural household science since January 1944. After 1 July 1944, she no longer worked for the company, but devoted herself to her five children (one had died very early) and supported her husband in his various tasks. The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer documents the ancestors of Karl and Hertha Aldinger in almost all lines back to the end of the 18th century. There are rich documents on the families Aldinger, Trißler, Unrath (ancestors of Karl Aldinger) and Ostermayer, Görger, Baur/Giani, Heldbek/Gaiser, Riedlin and Schinzinger (ancestors of Hertha Aldinger). The documents refer to members of the upper middle class in Württemberg and Baden. Some family members were soldiers in the First and Second World Wars (among others Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), Helmut Ostermayer (1919-1941) and Karl Aldinger) and have left photos, diaries and memories as well as letters from the wartime. The Aldinger family provided agricultural estate managers for several generations. There are numerous physicians from the family circle: Dr. Oskar Görger (1847-1905), who founded his wealth through his practice in Australia, Dr. Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), who was still practicing in his 80s and was thus known in the 50s as Stuttgart's oldest practicing physician, Dr. Karl Schinzinger (1861-1948), also a physician in Australia, and Dr. Albert Schinzinger (1827-1911), who began his career as a surgeon and after his habilitation worked as a professor of medicine at the University of Freiburg (about him Pagel: Biographisches Lexikon outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1499-1500). Also worth mentioning are the pastors: Karl Ludwig Heldbek (1756-1829), pastor in Scharenstetten, Christoph Erhardt Heldbek (1803-1877), city pastor in Weilheim, Emil Heldbek (1849-1884), pastor in Auendorf, and Dr. Paul Aldinger (1869-1944), pastor in Kleinbottwar, colonist and pastor in Brazil. The Ostermayers were merchants for several generations, initially locally in Weilheim/Teck and from around 1870 in the Württemberg state capital Stuttgart. Max (1860-1942) and Gottlieb Ostermayer (1871-1910) finally worked as merchants in India. The Heldbek/Gaiser family also knew merchants whose activities later extended as far as Africa (Lagos). The most famous is Gottlieb Leonhard Gaiser (1817-1892). He tried to found a German colony in Mahinland (east of Lagos), but failed because of Bismarck's colonial-political restraint (Ernst Hieke: Gaiser, Gottlieb Leonhard, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie, 6 (1964), p. 39f.). Robert Karl Edmund Schinzinger (1898-1988), university professor and lecturer in Japan, and Ernst Ostermayer (1868-1918), professor and painter are to be emphasized as representatives of science and art. Albert Joseph Fridolin Schinzinger (1856-1926), the Japanese Consul General in Berlin, worked in the field of politics and diplomacy. 2. processing of the stock: The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer was created step by step. In ancient times, outstanding documents were preserved and entrusted to the next generation. Initially, only a few documents were handed down, mostly letters or documents with a special memoir value. This happened with both the Aldinger and Ostermayer ancestors. Only later generations left behind complete estates, i.e. closed traditions. This was the case with Eduard Ostermayer and his son Helmut as well as Karl and Hertha Aldinger. For Oskar Görger and his wife Marie, original documents have been preserved to a considerable extent, but in smaller quantities. Family research on a larger scale had already been carried out in the 1930s in connection with the Aryan evidence by the Aldingers and the Ostermayers. Lore Braitsch, née Aldinger, collected older documents for the Aldinger family, which she also evaluated (e.g. speech in honour of Dr. Paul Aldinger, cf. Bü 360). After their death in 1998 these documents came to Hertha and Karl Aldinger, so that a family archive for the Aldinger and Ostermayer families grew together. Hertha Aldinger edited this. She supplemented the originals with copies and transcriptions. With admirable patience she transcribed the documents in old, no longer generally legible script, first by hand and later by typewriter. Already in 1996 she worked with computers. Even more important are their evaluations of the family records. She put together different material to certain persons as well as whole family branches, so for her husband Karl (Bü 179) and for herself (Bü 118). She also wrote the couple's memoirs under the title "Our 20 Initial Years" (Bü 246). She also wrote down her personal memories of her parents (Bü 181). For the Ostermayer (Bü 284, 304 and 334), Heldbek (Bü 453, 473) and Schinzinger (Bü 226, 237, 296) families she compiled material and wrote elaborations on the history of these families. Probably also the order of the family archive goes back to them. This only considered a separation of the individual family branches and was otherwise little structured. When the materials were handed over to the Main State Archives in January 2013, they were stored in guide files and the subunits were formed in transparent envelopes. There were also other types of packaging. A handwritten fixation of this order was made on the occasion of the transfer of the family archive to the main state archive in a transfer register (Bü 550). Hertha Aldinger's intensive family research and work have left traces in the state of order. The units were inflated by copies, often multiple copies. Original tradition and copy or transcription were not separated. The original letter series were torn, there was the group of already transcribed pieces and the group of still unprocessed letters. The archival order of the documents restored the series of the original letters. The copies have been reduced. There is little point in keeping an original and a copy of it in the same tuft. Multiple copies of the transcriptions could also be collected. However, different processing stages (e.g. concepts, final version) were left unchanged. There was a larger collection of postcards, which had been arranged after picture motives. This collection also contained described and run postcards, i.e. family correspondence. This had to be reassigned to the letters and cards. The collection of postcards was thus reduced to the undescribed pieces (Bü 506, 509), and the archival indexing attached great importance to a detailed characterization of the Büschel contents in the Contained Notes. This was especially necessary when the title recording for the tuft had to remain very general. The collection was structured in such a way that the central importance of Karl and Hertha Aldinger for the documents is emphasized. Karl and Hertha Aldinger are expressly referred to as related family branches. The spelling of the first names was standardized according to today's spelling: Helmut instead of Hellmut, Karl instead of Carl, Jakob instead of Jacob etc.. The index lists the women among the aforementioned families from the related circle of Aldinger-Ostermayer, but also mentions the marriage name. Women who have married into the circle of relatives are classified under their names of marriage, their names of birth are given in an explanatory manner. The stock P 45 "Familienarchiv Aldinger-Ostermayer" was sorted and listed by the undersigned in Spring/Summer 2013. The duration of the documents ranges from approx. 1770 to 2013, the volume of the stock amounts to 553 units in 6.1 m.Stuttgart, in October 2013Dr. Peter Schiffer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/7 · Fonds · (1626-) 1804, 1822-1917, 1993
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

I. The history of the von Linden family: The von Linden family originally comes from the diocese of Liège. The progenitor is a certain Adam van Linter, who is mentioned in documents 1604-1615 and who was the owner of the estate in Hoeppertingen (Belgian Limburg). His son Peter, who probably emigrated to Franconia because of the political and religious unrest in the home country of the Linter family, acquired a farm in Habitzheim (Odenwald) around 1650. In Kurmainz some members of the Catholic von Linden family were promoted to high offices: Franz von Linden (1712-1789) was a member of the Court Chamber Council and head cellar of the Camera Administration in the Vice-Chamber Office of Aschaffenburg, Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1719-1795) was a Privy Councillor and Director of the Court Chamber of the Electorate of Mainz. Franz Damian Freiherr von Linden (1745-1817), a grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, was privy councillor and later director of the state government of the prince primate in Aschaffenburg. His second eldest son Franz Joseph Ignaz was Württemberg's Privy Legation Councillor and lord of Nordstetten, Isenburg and Taberwasen. Another grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, the jurist Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836), held the position of Reich Chamber Court Assessor from 1796 to 1806. After the dissolution of the Imperial Chamber Court, Franz Freiherr von Linden entered the service of the Kingdom of Württemberg. King Friedrich I of Württemberg appointed him president of the newly founded Catholic Church Council in 1807. In 1815 Franz Freiherr von Linden was appointed Württemberg Plenipotentiary at the Congress of Vienna, then Württemberg Ambassador to the Bundestag in Frankfurt. 1817-1831 he was president of the Schwarzwaldkreis (Black Forest District) and Franz Freiherr von Linden was the progenitor of the VII lines (the lines are counted according to the number of lines): Genealogical handbook of the nobility vol. 68 of the complete series. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII, Limburg/Lahn 1978, p. 196-215; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels Vol. 109 der Gesamtreihe, Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. XVIII, Limburg/Lahn 1995, p. 356-376; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierte Adel Vol. XXIII, Neustadt/Aisch 2000, p. 351-365.) of the House of Linden: From his seven sons mentioned in the following these VII lines of the house come: From Edmund (1798-1865) the I. (count's) line (Burgberg), from Franz a Paula (1800-1888) the II. (count's) line (Burgberg). (Count's) line, from Carl (1801-1870) the III. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), by Ernst (1806-1885) the V. line (Bühl), by Ludwig (1808-1889) the VI. line (Bühl). In 1844 Edmund Freiherr von Linden (1798-1865) and his cousin Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1784-1866), the eldest son of the aforementioned Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, were raised to the rank of papal counts. In 1846, the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt recognized Heinrich's raising of rank, and in the same year Edmund Graf von Linden received Württemberg's recognition of the raising of rank. In the year 1850 the papal earldom was also founded on Franz a Paula and II. Line extended. The elevation to the Württemberg rank of counts took place in 1852, with the exception of the III. line (Hausen), all of the VII lines in the Württemberg male tribe were extinguished. The III. line divides into a 1. branch, whose members live in the USA, and into the 2. branch (Hausen). TWO. Biographical outlines of Hugo and Joseph Freiherr von Linden: Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936):The 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line is also the origin of the ministerial director Hugo Freiherr von Linden. He was born on 1 February 1854 in Ludwigsburg as the son of Carl Freiherr von Linden (1801-1870) and his second wife Mathilde Freifrau von Linden née Countess Leutrum von Ertingen (1815-1892). Hugo Freiherr von Linden studied law at the universities of Tübingen, Strasbourg and Berlin after graduating from high school in 1872. In 1877 he passed the state examination. After working at various courts in Württemberg, he became Secret Legation Secretary in the Württemberg Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1883. In the same year he was appointed the King's chambermaid, which involved honorary services at social events of the court. In 1906 Hugo Freiherr von Linden was promoted to Ministerial Director and Head of the Political Department of the Ministry in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in 1900 Hugo Freiherr von Linden worked out the marriage contract between Duke Robert von Württemberg and Archduchess Maria Immaculata Raineria from Austria (cf. Hugo Freiherr von Linden married Elisabeth Schenk Freiin von Stauffenberg (1864-1939) in 1893, the daughter of the Vice President of the German Reichstag, Franz August Schenk von Stauffenberg. He is the progenitor of the 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line (Hausen).Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1804-1895):Joseph Freiherr von Linden comes from the IV. line (Hausen). Line (Nine houses). He was born on 7 June 1804 in Wetzlar as the son of the already mentioned Reichskammergerichtsassessor Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836) and his second wife Maria Anna von Linden née Freiin von Bentzel zu Sternau (1769-1805). Joseph Freiherr von Linden spent his childhood and youth in Württemberg, u. a. in Kirchheim, where he became lifelong friends with the son of Ludwig Herzog von Württemberg (1756-1817) and Henriette Herzogin von Württemberg née Prinzessin von Nassau-Weilburg (1780-1857), Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (1804-1885). After studying law in Tübingen, Joseph Freiherr von Linden and his older brother Carl stayed in France from 1825 to 1827 in order to improve his knowledge of the French language and literature (cf. order numbers 3 and 4), after which he worked as a judge in various Württemberg cities. 1839-1848 Joseph Freiherr von Linden represented the knighthood of the Danube district in the Second Chamber. From 1842-1850 he was - like his father before him - President of the Catholic Church Council. 1848 was the revolutionary year in which Linden was appointed Minister of the Interior of Württemberg, but had to be dismissed on the same day due to the protests of the population. 1 July 1850 King Wilhelm I appointed Linden Minister of the Interior again and handed him over the office of Minister of the Interior of Württemberg in the years 1850 to 1851 and 1854 to 1855. During this time von Linden stood up for the restoration of the old constitution, which earned him the accusation in liberal circles that he was reactionary. Linden's achievements in the economic field should not be underestimated: He promoted the founding of the Stuttgart stock exchange, created a new trade code and encouraged the founding of the Weinsberg wine growing school. In the field of church politics, von Linden contributed significantly to the balance between the Kingdom of Württemberg and the Catholic Church. After the death of King Wilhelm I, his son and successor King Karl dismissed von Linden as minister on 20 September 1864. In the following years, Joseph Freiherr von Linden worked as a diplomat for Württemberg. In 1865 he became Württemberg envoy in Frankfurt and at the Hessian courts, 1868 envoy at the customs parliament in Berlin, and in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War he was appointed prefect of the Marne département occupied by the Germans (cf. order numbers 32 and 34, order numbers 15 and 16). 1830 Joseph Freiherr von Linden married Emma Freiin von Koenig-Warthausen (1810-1893). The marriage produced four children: Richard (1831-1887), who was cavalry captain of the Württemberg military (see order numbers 34 and 41, order numbers 15 and 49), Franziska (1833-1919), who married Dr. Fridolin Schinzinger (1827-1865) in 1859 (order numbers 25, 35 and 36, order numbers 11, 13 and 14), Elise (1836-1914) and Josephine (1838-1881), both of whom remained single.Of the other outstanding members of the von Linden family, for whom there is only little material in this collection (order number 42, order number 8), Karl Graf von Linden (1838-1910), the founder of the Völkerkundemuseum (Lindenmuseum) in Stuttgart, named after him, and Marie Gräfin von Linden (1869-1936), who was the first woman to study at the University of Tübingen and who was later appointed Professor of Parasitology at the University of Bonn, should be mentioned briefly. III. history, content and structure of the collection: The present holdings combine documents from the estate of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv in 1962 by Mr. Regierungsoberinspektor Reginald Mutter (cf. the title in the old repertory for holdings Q 1/7), a great-great grandson of Joseph Freiherr von Linden. One year later, the Main State Archives purchased these archival records, which were initially incorporated into the former holdings J 50 (Smaller Estates). Robert Uhland produced a typewritten finding aid in 1963. When the Q holdings were created in 1972, the holdings designated as the estate of Linden were removed from the J 50 holdings and assigned to the newly created Q 1 series (political estates), where they received the signature Q 1/7. The small estate consisted only of a tuft, which contained several documents, which were listed in the above-mentioned find book. In the 90's the stock Q 1/7 got increases by taxes from private side: In 1990, Mrs. E. Niethammer, Kirchheim/Teck, handed over documents from the estate of the Protestant pastor family Dierlamm to the Main State Archives as a gift, which were initially incorporated into the holdings Q 1/7 as Büschel 2. These are the documents now listed under heading 2 of this inventory (order numbers 37 to 41). These include business cards and letters from Joseph Freiherr and Emma Freifrau von Linden to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 37, order number 45), tickets from Sara Schinzinger to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 40, order number 47) and several sermons on corpses for members of the House of Linden (serial number 41, order number 49). Among them are documents from the estate of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden (serial numbers 7-23) and pictures, especially of members of the House of Württemberg (section 3.2, serial numbers 43-48). In addition, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden has handed over to the Main State Archives an extensive collection of material compiled by him on the family history of Linden, including photocopies of literature and copies or photocopies of archival records of the von Linden family. Finally, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden transferred newspaper articles written by him about the formation of the island Surtsey off the coast of Iceland to the Main State Archives in 1993, which were initially classified as tufts 5 in the Q 1/7 inventory. The diaries 1870-1935 of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden in 1992 as a deposit under retention of title to the Main State Archives, were returned to the owner in 1995. (Cf. Tgb.-Nr. 4143/1993 and Tgb.-Nr. 2918/1995) In the course of the indexing the stock received further growth from the stock J 53 (family papers of Württemberg civil servants). The excerpts from family registers concerning Julius Graf von Linden and Loring Graf von Linden (serial numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 50 and 19) and documents on the sale of the manor Nordstetten to the forester of Fischer-Weikersthal (serial number 1, order number 17) kept under the signature J 53/10 were also classified in the present inventory. As already mentioned several times above, today's holdings Q 1/7 include not only the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden but also several other estates of members of the House of Linden and collections or documents on the family history of Linden. For this reason, the previous inventory name "Nachlass Joseph Freiherr von Linden" was extended to "Familienunterlagen von Linden". In view of the small size of the holdings and the incompleteness of the holdings, it is not possible to speak of a family archive, however, since materials on various members and lines of the von Linden family are completely or almost completely lacking: no original archival records on the members of the von Linden family who were in the service of the Electorate of Mainz, the Prince Primate and the Grand Duke of Hesse are to be expected (v. a. Johann Heinrich von Linden, Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, Heinrich Graf von Linden). there are also only a few archival records of the lines dating back to the sons of Franz Freiherr von Linden: From the I. (Counts) and II. (count's) lines, there are no original documents, with the exception of extracts from the family registers of Julius and Loring Graf von Linden (order numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 19 and 50). Also missing are documents of the V. line (Bühl), the VI. (Swiss) line and the VII. line. Smaller estates are only available from the III. line (Hausen) and the IV. line (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), but the documents from the estates of Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden and Minister of State Joseph Linden are only fractions of the original estates. It can be assumed that the family still owns some of the material mentioned above and of other members of the von Linden family, but unfortunately parts of the archival records of the von Linden family were also destroyed in the fire at the Burgberg and Hausen palaces during the Second World War.In addition to the personal documents on individual members of the family, the present collection also lacks documents on economic and property management, documents and invoices, which are to be expected in a nobility archive. The structure of the collection is based on the division of the widely ramified von Linden noble family into the various lines, as it is listed in the Genealogical Handbook of the Nobility. Within the individual lines, the bequests and holdings of the family members were arranged according to date of birth, so that the older family members were listed before the younger ones. The bequests of Franz Joseph Ignaz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.1) and Franz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.2) are at the beginning of the holdings. The latter estate includes a legal opinion on the effect of the Reich's decision of 27 April 1803 on the judicial proceedings of the chamber of justice, two letters from Franz von Linden to Minister of Justice Maucler on the progress made in the training of the sons Carl and Joseph von Linden, and the correspondence between Carl and Joseph von Linden during their stay in France with their parents, some of which was written in French.The estate of the Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden comprises several printed programmes and invitations to cultural and official events, mainly in Stuttgart (section 1.5.1), and letters from members of the Princely House Wied to Hugo Freiherr von Linden as well as a memorandum from Wilhelm I. Prince of Albania Prince to Wied (section 1.5.2). Section 1.6 forms the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden. It is the second largest estate in the stock Q 1/7. The estate is divided into the categories: Family and personal affairs (1.6.1) with documents on weddings, wedding jubilees and a travel description, correspondence (1.6.2) with letters from members of the House of Württemberg (above all Alexander Duke of Württemberg) to Joseph Freiherr von Linden and isolated letters from family members, activity as prefect of the Marne Department (1.6.).3) and printed matter about Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1.6.4): the wife of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Emma Freifrau von Linden, and the daughter of the Minister of State, Franziska Freiin von Linden, only have very small estates (headings 1.7 and 1.8); the materials from the estate of the Protestant parish family Dierlamm were left as an independent complex (heading 2). The content of the section has already been discussed above, and under section 3 you will find collections, mainly on the family history of Linden: The first section is section 3.1 with the already mentioned extensive collection of material on the family history of Linden, which Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden compiled and handed over to the house as photocopies. Section 3.2 contains photos of members of the House of Württemberg, of Joseph Freiherr von Linden and of other personalities in Württemberg history; sections 3.3 and 3.4 contain newspaper articles by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden and a lock of hair by Joseph Freiherr von Linden.Further archives on Joseph Freiherr von Linden are kept by the Hauptstaatsarchiv in fonds J 1 (collection of historical manuscripts) no. 256 b: Joseph Freiherr von Linden: "Aus meiner politische Karrierebahn" 1830-1862, part 2 of the memoirs dictated by Linden to his granddaughter Sara Schinzinger around 1890. The copy kept in J 1 is a copy for which Professor Schinzinger from Hohenheim, a grandson of the Minister of State von Linden, lent the original to the archive in 1925. Günther-Otto Maus in Baesweiler, a direct descendant of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, was filmed in 1977 and is now kept in the Main State Archives under the signature F 554 in fonds J 383 (microfilms and manuscripts in foreign archives, libraries). In January 2015, Günther-Otto Maus purchased the original diary from Günther-Otto Maus and it is now part of the collection under the signature Q 1/7 Bü 51. An index of the archive of the Barons of Linden in Neunthausen, which was compiled in 1892/1893, is part of the collection J 424 (Inventories of Non-State Archives: Caretakers' Photographs).In addition, reference is briefly made to the E stocks (ministerial stocks), in which extensive material on the work of State Minister Joseph Freiherr von Linden and Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden is kept, and Q 1/7 can be used for various research purposes: First of all, of course, the history of the von Linden family, the history of nobility, mentality, social and cultural history, and finally the history of the German occupation of France during the war of 1870/1871. The Q 1/7 holdings were catalogued in 2001 by the archive inspectors Alexander Morlok, Matthias Schönthaler and Jens Ulrich under the supervision of the undersigned. The final editing, input and classification of the title recordings, the introduction as well as the compilation of the overall index were the responsibility of the undersigned. 0.5 linear metres of the stock was held. Literature about the von Linden family and individual family members:: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Adelslexikon Vol. VII. 1989. p. 394f.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Vol. 68. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII (1978) p. 196-215 and Vol. XVIII (1995) p. 356-376.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierten Vol. XXIII. 2000. 351-365.Junginger, Gabriele: Countess Maria von Linden. Memories of the first Tübingen student. 1991.Koenig-Warthausen, Wilhelm Freiherr von: Josef Freiherr von Linden. Württemberg Minister of the Interior 1804-1895 In: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken IX S. 218-276.Linden, Franz-Karl Freiherr von: Grandfather's diaries. [Article about Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936)]. In: Schönes Schwaben 1993 Issue 1 S. 78-83 Menges, Franz: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) Vol. 14 S. 589-590Moegle-Hofacker, Franz:; On the Development of Parliamentarism in Württemberg. The "Parliamentarism of the Crown" under King Wilhelm I. 1981.Schneider, Eugen: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) Vol. 51 S. 719-721 Stöckhardt, E.: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. Royal Württemberg Minister of State (retired) Member of the Württemberg Chamber of Lords of State for Life. In: Deutsche Adels-Chronik Heft 15 S. 187-190 und Heft 16 S. 215, 216 und 226, 227th Württembergischer Verein für Handelsgeographie, Museum für Länder- und Völkerkunde, Lindenmuseum Stuttgart (publisher): Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the association. Celebration of the 100th birthday of Count Karl von Linden. 1939.

Family history 1798 - 1872
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 32 Bd 1 · File · Material ab ca. 1840, Niederschrift ca. ab 1918, Vorwort von 1939, Nachträge ca. 1942
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Representation of the family history from about 1798 to the death of Karl Scheurlen in 1872, by Ernst von Scheurlen (handschr.) occasional poems by Karl Scheurlen, 1862 - 1867 pictures and photos - of the following persons: Johann Friedrich Flander, Benjamin Friedrich Pfizer (grandfather or great-grandfather), Friedrich Notter, Paul Pfizer MdL, Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer (1802-1860, mother or grandmother), Charlotte Scheurlen with Karl and Eduard Scheurlen (brother or uncle), Dean Haab and wife (friends of the mother or uncle). Grandma), Friedrich Sonntag (Senior Bailiff in Pforzheim), Karl Scheurlen, Senior Public Prosecutor Eduard Scheurlen, Erich Kaufmann (Professor in Heilbronn), Prime Minister Hermann von Mittnacht as a student, Assessor of Senior Justice and Public Prosecutor, Imperial Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Johanna von Bismarck, Ernst von Scheurlen and his siblings Marie, Fritz, Richard, Hermann and Otto as children, ambassador in London Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath with the wife of the Counsellor Prince von Bismarck née. Tengborn, Captain Krenzler in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, Bavarian Prime Minister von Dandl and Bavarian envoy in Berlin Graf Lerchenfeld, Vice Chancellor Friedrich von Payer, Württemberg envoy in Berlin Freiherr von Varnbüler and Württemberg Minister of Foreign Affairs Freiherr von Weizsäcker, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg and unidentified persons at the 1934 Reich Foundation Ceremony - the following motifs: Tomb of Karl Scheurlens and Karl Christian Friedrich Scheurlens (father and father, respectively). grandfather) in Stuttgart, tomb of Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer in Tübingen, tomb on the Stuttgart cemetery, various things from the sketchbooks I and II by Karl Scheurlen (mainly Motifs from history, student life and justice), drawing (by Karl Scheurlen?) to Uhlands poem "Siegfried's Sword", 3 sketches by Karl Scheurlen about a (not real) trip to America, pictures of a picture book by Karl Scheurlen for the Häcker family, folk festival in Bad Cannstatt 1871 to celebrate the silver wedding of King Karl and Queen Olga, tomb of the mother Katharine as well as the brothers and sisters Otto, Fritz und Marie Scheurlen, coloured title design by Karl Scheurlen for "Hänsel und Gretel", Christmas picture with angels and Christmas tree by Karl Scheurlen (design), armoured cruiser "Germany", naval school Flensburg, sculpture "Sportmädel", fire of the old castle in Stuttgart 1931 Contains also: Family tree of Hermann Karl Friedrich Freiherr von Mittnacht (unfinished) Photo of Bad Mergentheim, 1928 Menu card and seating plan of the banquet for the birthday of King Karl in the Ministry of the Interior, 1871 Menu card of the banquet for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. in the Ministry of the Interior, 1909 "Imbiß-Ordnung" (probably on the occasion of the festivities for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. 1909) postcard of Stendel to Ernst von Scheurlen from D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 1911 letter of Professor Dr. Max Schottelius to Ernst von Scheurlen concerning biological sewage treatment plants, 1912 congratulatory leaf of the Grenadier Regiment "Queen Olga" for the student fraternity Sueve-Borussia, 1912 newspaper article: "Der Berkheimer Hof bei Weilimdorf", o.D. "Dichtergräber auf den Stuttgarter Friedhöfen", o.D. "Freiherr von Mittnacht. On his 100th birthday, 17 March 1925", Schwäbischer Merkur of 14 March 1925 "Hoher Besuch beim Volksfest vor 70 Jahren", 1927 "Zum Stapellauf des Panzerschiffs 'Deutschland'", 1930

Scheurlen, Karl von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 721 · File · 1899
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Memorandum of the German Agricultural Council, Berlin, 1898, print, 38 p. Qu. 3; Memorandum concerning the archipelago of the Caroline Islands, Palau and Mariana Islands together with an overview map of the German possessions in the Pacific Ocean, Berlin, 1899, print, 5 p. Qu. 54

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 2644 · File · (1880-) 1884-1940
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Sammlung von diplomatischen Dokumenten über die Niederlassungen der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft sowie die Erwerbung von Angra Pequena und des umliegenden Gebiets in Südwestafrika 1880-1884; Berichte über Sitzungen des Bundesrates und seiner Ausschüsse (Rechtspflege, Begriff "Schutzmacht", Unterdrückung des Sklavenhandels und Schutz der deutschen Interessen, Vertrag mit England wegen der afrikanischen Schutzgebiete und Erwerbung von Helgoland, deutsche Kolonialpolitik, Schutztruppe in Ostafrika, Etats für dieSchutzgebiete); Eingabe des Vorstands der Missions-Konferenz der Provinz Brandenburg wegen Beschränkung des Branntweinhandels in den Schutzgebieten, 19.2.1889; Vortrag "Die nutzbaren Bodenschätze der deutschen Schutzgebiete", gehalten vor dem Deutschen Kolonial-Kongreß am 10.10.1902 in Berlin; Auszahlung der rückständigen Löhne an die Askari, Angestellten und Träger für ihre Dienste während des Krieges in Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1921/22, 1924; Forderungen nach Wiedererwerb der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonien, vor allem aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen (mitStellungnahmen von Reichsaußenminister Dr. Walter Simons, Reichsbankpräsident Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, Reichsinnenminister Dr. Wilhelm Külz und Gustav Noske); Der Kolonialfreund, Nr. 8 vom 5.8.1930 (mit Artikel "Die Lösung des Reparationsproblems durch die Kolonialfrage"); Entschließung des württembergischen Industrie- und Handelstags zur Frage der drohenden Vereinigung des Mandatsgebiets Ostafrika mit den angrenzenden englischen Kolonien, 1930/31. siehe auch Nr. 1889 und 2085

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 891 · File · 1885 - 1895
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Denkschrift der Neu-Guinea-Compagnie über die Beschaffenheit und Entwicklung ihres Schutzgebiets in der Südsee nebst Bericht des Kaiserlichen Kommissars in Jaluit über die Lage im Schutzgebiet der Marshallinseln (Reichstagsdrucksache Nr. 40, 1892, 37 S.) Qu. 59; Zuerkennung der Kooperationsrechte an die Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, die Kamerun Land- und Plantagen-Gesellschaft, Hamburg, sowie an die Kaiser Wilhelmsland-Plantagengesellschaft, Hamburg, 1889 und 1891 Qu. 38, 40, 49

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1286 · File · 1904 - 1905
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Darin: Gesetze betr. die vorläufige Regelung des Reichshaushalts für die Monate April und Mai 1904 vom 25.03.1904 Qu. 66, die Feststellung eines Nachtrags zum Reichshaushalts-Etat für das Rechnungsjahr 1904 vom 26.06.1904 Qu. 73; Übersichten über den Wohnungsbestand der von vom Reichs unterstützten Baugenossenschaften (Stand 15.08.1904 und 01.08.1905) Qu. 102, 202; Aufrücken der Hauptleute und Rittmeister des Preußischen Reichs-Militär-Kontingent in das Gehalt I. Klasse (Bundesratsdrucksache Nr. 6/1905) Qu. 118; Memorandum on the lease of the Usambarabahn to the Deutsche Kolonial-Eisenbahnbau- und Betriebsgesellschaft zu Berlin (Supplement to the supplementary budget for the East African protectorate for the accounting year 1905, p. 17-21) Qu. 223a

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 18 · File · ? - 1918-01-01
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Three letters from Max M. and Fritz Warburg, concerning the formulation of principles for the League of Nations, the Reich government's public relations work, a possible armistice, the list of proposals for the Peace Council and various persons, Sept. - Dec.Dec. 1918 - Two letters from lawyer and district judge Meisner, concerning the appointment of Prince Max von Baden as Reich Chancellor and the prospects of a favorable peace, together with a letter from former Reichsgerichtsrat H. Dietz, concerning the policies of Reich Chancellors Bethmann-Hollweg, Max von Baden and the State Secretary for the Colonies, Dr. Solf, Oct. 1918 - copy of a letter from Wilhelm Cohnstaedt of the "Frankfurter Zeitung" to the Deputy Reich Chancellor, Friedrich von Payer, re. the impairment of the prospect of an armistice if it is offered in the name of the Kaiser, with accompanying letter to Haußmann, Oct. 8, 1918 - Letter from Otto Schwarz, regarding the assessment of Turkey, Oct. 9, 1918 - Letter of thanks from Friedrich Haux, MdL, for Haußmann's participation on the occasion of Haux's private misfortunes, Oct. 9, 1918 Okt. 1918 - Request from the news department of the Foreign Office, concerning a speech by Haußmann, with stenographic notes, Oct. 9, 1918 - Anonymous letter, concerning the alleged general corruption in Germany, with two newspaper articles on this subject, undated - Masch. Letter from Georg Gothein, MdR, regarding the future political organization of Poland and the role of the Jews, as well as Gothein's newspaper article "Break with militarism", Oct. 1918 - Letter from Dernburg, regarding the participation of America experts in the negotiations with the USA, Oct. 16, 1918 - Four letters and a postcard from Robert Bosch, regarding Bosch's business principles and management style, the possibility of a national uprising and a social revolution, an armistice, Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Prussia, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Clara Zetkin requesting support for her request for her son to be recalled from the front, Oct. 18, 1918 - Letter from G. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 - Letter from Judicial Councillor D. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 1918 - Letter from Councillor of Justice D.F. Waldstein asking whether Haußmann, as a representative of the Progress Party, wishes to accept the declaration of consent to the League of Nations, which Waldstein is asked to do in the enclosed letter from the People's League for Freedom and Fatherland, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Gottlob Eppler on his business card, who sends a letter from his son with a picture of the mood at the front, together with a letter of congratulations from the Ebingen People's Association on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary, Oct. 15 and 20, 1918 - Two letters from different authors, concerning the necessity, possibility and preconditions of a last great effort, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Hartwig Schubart, retired Royal Prussian Captain, in which he asks for support for the enclosed copy of a masch. The purpose of the letter is to lift the confiscation of Hartwig's book "Deutsche Schuld am Kriege" ("German guilt in the war"), Oct. 22, 1918 - Telegram from Major Walter Bloem requesting a meeting on an "urgent patriotic matter", Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the Reichskanzler (German Chancellor), Oct. 22, 1918 Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the student councilor Humbert, concerning the annexation of German-Austria and the introduction of electoral emperorship, Oct. 23 and 28, 1918 - Letter from Behrens from the management of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in Berlin, concerning the enclosed excerpt from a letter from the police chief of the Berlin police station. Excerpt from a letter from Police President Gerstein, in which he comments on his possible use within the new Reich government, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Björn Björnson, who recommends ending the war and settling the Schleswig issue with Denmark, Oct. 25, 1918 - Letter from Dr. Emil Leimdörfer, concerning a possible abdication of the Kaiser and his son, Oct. 27, 1918 - Letter from Walther Schücking, concerning the journalistic activities of Schücking and several colleagues on behalf of the government, Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter of thanks from former Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg for Haußmann's comments in the "Berliner Tageblatt", Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter from Franz Schieting, concerning the lack of foreign representation of German interests, with stenographic notes, Oct. 30, 1918 - Seven letters from various authors, concerning the bringing about of an armistice and peace, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Twelve letters or postcards whose authors request employment or use or ask Haußmann to become involved in an individual matter on their behalf, Oct.-Nov. 1918 - Five congratulatory letters or cards and telegrams on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary or with praise for his person and work, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Letter from lawyer Dr. Rheinstrom, regarding the demand for the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 2, 1918 - Masch. political and business exposé for a new Berlin newspaper which is to be "based on the radical aspirations within the majority government", with accompanying letter from the author Rauscher, Nov. 9. 1918 - Telegram from the editor Wallishauser, who, as a member of the local parliament, requests instructions for his conduct in the constituent National Assembly, Nov. 9, 1918 - Two letters from various authors demanding the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 1918 Also contains: - Anonymous second part of the article "Letters from a German Jew abroad", undated (printed) - Masch. Memorandum "Creation of a Peace Council", masch. List of members of the Peace Council as well as typed and handwritten notes concerning the military and economic program of the new Reich government by Fritz Warburg, Oct. 1918 - M, Oct. 18 and 19, 1918 - Handwritten note by Haußmann concerning the possibility of an armistice, Oct. 1918 - Masch. Draft of a program of the Imperial Government by Baron Walter von Herman-Wain, Nov. 7, 1918 - Letter from Guido Leser, concerning a union of Württemberg and Baden, April 25, 1919

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Bü 4 · File · 1901-1914
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1901-1914, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Karl Fürst von Urach Graf von Württemberg (1865-1925)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/7 Bü 35 · File · 1893-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Investigative files on military criminal court proceedings; decree of the Imperial Director of Customs in Alsace-Lorraine of 29 March 1895 on the use of border guards for the capture of deserters, note and draft decree of the State Ministry of Finance, Stuttgart to the State Ministry of War of 8 March 1900 on the reorganization of the representation of the financial system in legal disputes under public and civil law; draft law of 30 March 1959 on the use of border guards for the capture of flag fugitives, Stuttgart to the State Ministry of War, Stuttgart; draft law of 30 March 1959 on the use of the border guards for the capture of flag fugitives; draft law of 30 March 1959 on the use of the border guards for the capture of flag fugitives, note and draft decree of the State Ministry of Finance, Stuttgart to the State Ministry of War, Stuttgart to the new regulation of the representation of the financial system in legal disputes under public and civil law. Jan. 1900 for decision by the Bundesrat, Berlin, on the military administration of justice in the Kiautschou area (China); Note of 27 May 1900 from the Staatsministerium der Justiz, Stuttgart, on the contractual regulation of judicially certified documents in dealings with Switzerland Darin: Vorschläge des Deutschen Juristentags für die Art der Anferenführung von Rechtsquellen, Entscheidungen und wissenschaftlichen Werken (German Lawyers' Day proposals for the type of citation of legal sources, decisions and scientific works (printed). Published 27th German Lawyers' Congress 1904 Berlin 1905, 48 p.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/56 · Fonds · 1806-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The documents in this inventory include the trade, commercial and customs matters directly concerning Württemberg as well as documents on the role of Württemberg in the German Customs Union. These include the individual sectors of the manufacturing industry, but also the banking sector. The inventory E 40/56 consists of the following registry headings: "Internal" for trade and industry from E 41 Verz. 63 and E 46 "Salt works" from E 46 and "Salt and salt industry" from E 41 Verz. 63 "Applications" for trade and industry" from E 41 Verz. 63 and E 49 Supplement 1938 "Zoll / Handel" from E 36 Verz. F In addition, there are some documents from E 36 Verz. 60 and E 41 Verz. 63, which were filed according to the country headings. In particular, further holdings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be relevant for the areas listed below: Economic Policy, Trade and Commerce in the German Reich: E 40/16 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Allgemeine Außenpolitik, Norddeutscher Bund, Deutsches Reich, Bundesrat und Bundesangelegenheiten 1866-1918Prints on trade and industry: E 40/37 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Press matters, submission of printed works, copyrightState banking and finance: E 40/52 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Public finances, real estate, statistics and topographyCommercial police: E 40/54 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Police mattersWarfare economy: E 40/72 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Kriegssachen und Militärangelegenheiten und E 74 Württembergische Gesandtschaft in BerlinHandelsschulen: E 40/74 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Science, Culture, Church and School AffairsCommercial Legislation: E 40/76 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: JusticeThe majority of the title recordings were made by Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl at the end of the 1990s. Since the allocation of categories in the old lists was very inconsistent, so that further growth was always to be expected, the inventory was left for a longer period of time as a temporary solution and the completion of the finding aid book was waited until the completion of all title entries and their final allocation. The stock now comprises 531 tufts (4.4 m).Stuttgart, in February 2011Johannes Renz c) nationality mark: A]Austria [B]Belgium [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DK]Denmark [E]Spain [EAT]Tanzania [F]France [UK]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GR]Greece [H]Hungary [I]Italy [IRL]Ireland [J]Japan [JA]Jamaica [MEX]Mexico [NL]Netherlands [NL]Netherlands [PE]Peru [PL]Poland [RI]Indonesia [RUS]Russia [TR]Turkey [USA]United States of America

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/01 · Fonds · 1816-1866
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Foreword: The German Confederation, a confederation of states created by the Federal Act of 8 June 1815 at the Congress of Vienna, initially comprised 34 sovereign princes and four free cities, the last 28 of which were sovereign princes. It also included Denmark for Holstein and Lauenburg, England for Hanover (until 1837) and the Netherlands for Luxembourg and Limburg (from 1839). The only federal body was the Federal Assembly (also known as the Bundestag) in Frankfurt a. M., which met for the first time on 5 November 1816 after lengthy preliminary negotiations and was chaired by Austria as the presidential power. It was responsible for various commissions and other institutions such as the Federal Chancellery Directorate, the Military Commission, the Central Investigation Commission and the Federal Central Authority. The development of the German Confederation into a nation state remained impossible due to the guaranteed sovereignty of the member states and due to the dualism of the two great powers Austria and Prussia as well as the close connection of Austria to its non-German territories. The expansion of the Federal Constitution in the reactionary sense became disastrous. The resulting revolution of 1848/49 sought to transform the German Confederation into a national federal state. The Federal Assembly delegated its powers to the Imperial Administrator and ceased its activities on 28 June 1848. After the failure of the revolution, Austria restored the Bundestag in the summer of 1850, initially against Prussia. Prussia and its allies also returned to the Bundestag after the failure of the Union plans of Olomouc and the Dresden Conferences on the Reform of the Confederation, which resumed its activities on 14 May 1851. Further attempts at reform failed in the aftermath. The German Confederation finally broke up in the Austrian-Prussian conflict. In the Prague Peace of August 1866, Austria recognised the dissolution of the Confederation. The Württemberg legation to the Bundestag or the provisional central power for Germany 1848/49 existed from 1815 to 1866. It had to report all political matters negotiated in the Federal Assembly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry then decided on the further course of action and arranged for the Frankfurt resolutions to be enforced within Württemberg. Like the department so also the files about the Bundestag affairs had a prominent position in the ministry. Own diaries kept separately from the diaries of the main registry can be traced from November 1816 to December 1849 (E 59 Vol. 181-231). In order to distinguish between the general documents of the Ministry kept in blue envelopes, these files were filed in reddish fascicles, as laid down in paragraph 14a of the Rules of Business Procedure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of January 1824 (E 40/31 Bü 32). The allocation of the file numbers seems to have taken place initially according to an alphabetical structure (as described in the preface of the finding aid book to fonds E 65). But this scheme must soon have proved to be useless. In any case, in the twenties the registry was reorganized, whereby a new system was introduced with light fact file approaches according to chronological order. Only in the series of envoy reports was the old order maintained until about 1845. Between 1872 and 1904, the files must have been transferred from the secret registry of the Ministry to the Directorate of Archives. After temporary storage in the Staatsfilialarchiv Ludwigsburg, they were forwarded to the Staatsarchiv Stuttgart for safekeeping. The Staatsfilialarchiv also drew up lists of items for sale ("Bundesakten" Verz. ad 57 and "Zoll- und Handelssachen" Lit. F). At the time of the transfer, cassations also appear to have been provided for after entries on various envelopes, but these were then omitted for reasons no longer known. The present directory unites the files of the Foreign Ministry concerning the Württemberg Bundestag legation in Frankfurt a. M. from various holdings. The main part consists of archival documents from E 65 Verz. 24, 40 and 57 and E 36 Lit. F. Furthermore, some legation files, which had already been recorded in the eighties, were moved here. The archival records summarised under the keyword "complaints" were dissolved and structured according to the principle of fact files in the same way as the entire holdings. Files that did not come into existence until after the dissolution of the German Confederation in 1866 were assigned to the corresponding holdings of E 40, as were documents originating from other ministries that were returned there according to the principle of provenance. Only empty envelopes of some of the files rearranged in the ministry were left; these were collected. Minutes of the Federal Assembly from October 1816 to 1863 and of the Military Commission from 1837 to 1861 are available in the printed matter room of the Main State Archives. Other Military Commission protocols are also held in E 40/72 Bü 250-262. These logs were therefore not recorded in the record. Old pagination is obsolete. The collection paints a very vivid picture of the time of the German Confederation and the provisional central power in 1848/49 throughout Germany. It contains documents about the resolutions of the Bundestag and their implementation in Württemberg and thus also material about events in Württemberg. The countertradition - albeit to a much lesser extent - is in stock E 65. The indexing took place from 1980 to 1983 and from 1997 within the framework of training by the archive trainees Ronald Asch, Irmtraud Betz, Ernst Otto Bräunche, Elke Koch, Carl-Jochen Müller, Andreas Schmauder, Wolfgang Stetter and Volker Trugenberger as well as by the archive inspector candidates André Kayser, Thomas Krause, Sandra Krischel, Alexander Rantasa, Caroline Schach and Nicole Schütz. Wilfried Braunn then recorded the rest. The online-capable classification of the stock as well as the further editorial work were taken over by the undersigned. The transfer of the title recordings in MIDOSA 95 datasets, which were made on the index forms, was carried out by Ms. Tanja Bürger, Ms. Anna-Maria Diener and Ms. Gisela Filipitsch; Wilhelm Gieb and Doris Köhler took care of the packaging of the archive boxes. The present collection now contains 1737 numbers (the serial number 1433 is not documented) in the range of 43.1 linear metres with a running time from 1815 to 1866, including pre-files from 1771 and post-files up to 1875. Individual documents on economic history up to 1833 can be found in printed form: Prehistory and justification of the German Customs Association 1815-1834. Files of the states of the German Confederation and the European powers. Arranged by W. v. Eisenhart Rothe and A. Ritthaler, Volume I-III, Berlin 1934 Stuttgart, June 2001 Wilfried Braunn Sabine Schnell

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 150 · Collection · 1813-1945 (-1947)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

The holdings J 150 (pamphlets - collection) were mainly formed from estates and foundations of former officers, as well as from other private donations. A large number of brochures originate from the collection campaign for field libraries in the First World War. These writings have not been incorporated into the Army Archives Manual Library in order not to complicate the clarity of the holdings. For this reason alone, it seemed advisable to structure the material in a separate collection and thus make it accessible for research. Major General z. V. Sieglin had begun his sighting in February 1939. The collection was set up and indexed the following year by the archive employee Martin. Since in many cases an author or editor is not named, the classification of the pamphlets into keyword groups was justified. The list also includes keywords for which no writings are yet available, but in whose groups access can be expected. For this reason, there are also gaps in the consecutive sequence of numbers, the closure of which depends on the later use of new keywords. The alphabetical order could thus be maintained in the directory. The indexing took place in the Allegro library database. The holdings can be searched both with the library program and via the online find book. Contents and Evaluation The collection essentially contains state and military policy writings from the time of the First World War and the immediate post-war period; there is particularly abundant material on questions of war guilt and war causes, on questions of food and raw materials in war, and finally on the Versailles Peace Treaty and its effects and consequences. The collection also reflects the psychological and moral attitude of the German population in the war and post-war years. Also strongly represented is the disarmament problem up to the time of National Socialist freedom of the armed forces and the question of security in the victorious states. There is also a large amount of Allied writings from the time of the First World War. These are mostly leaflets that were dropped over the trenches. Among the foreign-language writings are those published on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin and written in Arabic or Turkish. The collection also contains material on the National Socialist state, propaganda writings and the events of the time. The collection consists mainly of brochures and sheets with mass circulation. However, there is no lack of general historical, military and cultural writings, as far as their external presentation made an integration into the pamphlet collection appear expedient. For the same reasons, individual journals and newspapers were included in the collection if they were incomplete. Among these most represented journals are the "Süddeutsche Monatshefte" (Süddeutsche Monatshefte) (often with marginal comments by the Württemberg general Gerold von Gleich) and the "Deutsche Flugschriften" published by the national-liberal journalist Ernst Jäckh in the First World War. The weekly publication "Am heiligen Quell Deutscher Kraft", published by General Ludendorff, was also accepted. The writings in question can be used as source material for research purposes in war and military science and for dealing with historical-political questions of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, especially about Germany's political situation and its struggle for equal rights. During the Second World War the stock was moved to Neuenstein Castle. After the pamphlets had been returned, it was discovered that the collection had been rummaged through by unknown parties and had become disordered. The reorganisation required as a result resulted in the loss of a number of pamphlets as well as certain deficiencies which made a change in the previous arrangement appear necessary. For the purpose of simplification and to achieve a better overview, individual sections, especially the pamphlets listed under "World War" such as "Nutrition, Finances etc.", were dissolved and included under the corresponding headings of the general collection for the sake of simplification and to achieve a better overview, all the more since the separation had not always been strictly carried out from the beginning and therefore numerous publications referring to the First World War were already listed in the general index. The holdings are also documented in the library catalogue of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 114 · File · 1890-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Albert Ballin on the course of the war, mach.., 28.10.1915; to the head of the civil cabinet Valentini (newspaper cut-out), 4.4.1917 - letter from Ludwig Bamberger (handschr.) about lack of echo, 28.12.1890; on the general situation, 2.3.1892; with invitation, 27.3.1893; with thanks to Gratulation und zur Innenpolitische und Parteiipolitischen Lage, 16.8.1893; to Payer und Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks to Payer and Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895 Volume, 10.2.1896; with invitation to the next day, 14.2.1896; o.d. - Letter from L. v. Bar (handschr.) on the situation in liberal groups, 20.7.1893; on the political situation and on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in Hungary, 6.8.1896 - Letter (above all handschr.) by Theodor Barth about miscellaneous, 11.8.1891; about concepts in the press, 27.4.1892; about Maximilian Harden, the politics of directing and the right to vote, 9.9.1892; on election prospects, the relationship to the centre and the confusion in the ministry, 17.9.1892; on the military bill, 4.11.1892; with congratulations on the run-off results, o.D.; on the plans of Caprivi, 6.11.1892; with invitation, 5.12.1892; about Haussmann's articles, 20.4.1894, 21. and 22.5.1894; about Haussmann's articles on tactics, 25.5.1894; about articles on the political situation in northern and southern Germany, 6.2.1895; about an article by Haussmann, 8.10.1895; with the request to discuss the 3rd volume of Bamberger's Gesammelten Schriften, 26.12.1895; to Friedrich Haußmann about his eye disease and Hohenlohe's role in the Krüger-Depesche, 3.2.1896; about journalistic activity and stock exchange disorder, 6.1.1897 (masch.); with the request for an article about the failure of the Württemberg constitutional reform, 22.12.1898; on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on elections, party and Deutsche Bank, 11.12.1900 (mechanical); with New Year's wishes, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); because of a wreath for Stauffenberg, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on the emperor's Chinese policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901)); on Stauffenberg's death and the general political situation, 11.6.1901 (masch.); with thanks for the congratulations on the substitute election, 1.1.1902 (gedr.); on the party-political situation, 20.7.1903; because of differences of opinion, 24.7.1903; on the election challenge in the Hinterpommerischer Kreis, 6.11.1903 (mach.); on the Simplizissimus trial, 4.2.1904; with the request for an article on the Württemberg constitutional reform, 1.7.1905 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.).); on Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); with the request for information in Württberg affairs, 20.9.1905; on a planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.); on the Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); on the planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.9.1905; on the German political system, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.)); on Miscellaneous, 14.9.1892 (handschr.); with criticism of Barth's Richter essay, 18.3.1906 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter to Frh. v. Stauffenberg on the death of his father, o.D. (handschr.); letter from Dr. Nathan about an article in the "Nation", 5.7.(?) 1897 (handschr.) - postcard by Bassermann with thanks, 15.11.1910; letter on the effectiveness of submarines and the All-Germans, 23.9.1916 (masch.) - Haussmann's letter to Bassermann against the All-Germans and on the ineffectiveness of the submarine war, 21.9.1916 (mechanical); Haussmann's draft of this letter - letter from C. Baumbach to the conference in the Hague, 18.7.1894 (handschr.) - letter of August Bebel to a court decision, 14.4.1905 (handschr.); with thanks for birthday congratulations, 9.3.1910 (handschr.) - letter of H. Buddeberg with thanks for congratulations and to the illness of his wife, 31.12.1913 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to President Belser on a copyright issue, 21.2.1920 (masch.) - Telegram from Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg on the death of his father, 3.1.1921; Letter of condolence and telegram of condolence to Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg, 7.1.1921 (mechanical); Letter of Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg with thanks for condolence, 10.1.1921 (handschr.) - Invitation by Bethmann to a visit, 12.3.1910 (handschr.); letter with thanks for sending essays about Kiderlen, 8.2.1913 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter of condolence to Bethmann for the death of his son, 3.1.1915 (masch.) and reply of Bethmann (masch.) 6.1.1915; letter of Bethmann to the general situation, 29.10.1915 (handschr.) thank-you letter, 16.7.1917 (masch.); letter to the situation, 28.11.1917 (masch.); with thanks for East-Asian songs, 5.12.1918 (handschr.); on miscellaneous and literary work, 22.12.1920 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to Bethmann about the Western powers and the history of the campaign, 19.11.1915 (masch.); on Stegemann and Tirpitz, 1.4.1916 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on Bethmann's committee speech, 11.11.1916 (handschr.); on US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on the US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.).); on development in Russia, Zimmermanns Mexico-Depesche and Russian politicians, April 1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); thank-you letter, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the general political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century.11.1917 (masch.); invitation letter, 9.6.1918 (handschr.); incomplete concept of a letter on pacifist movements, autumn 1918 (handschr.); on the OHL and Ludendorff, 2.12.1920 (handschr.); in German, English, French, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, French, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Italian) - Record Haussmann about the mood Bethmann-Hollwegs in a conversation, 24.2.1918 (handschr.) - Written by Robert Bosch with thanks for an article, 2.10.1911 (handschr.); because of an appointment, 3.11.1911 (mach.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (mach.); thank-you letter, 9.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (masch.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.).); with thanks for letter and article, 21.7.1913 (masch.); with the rejection of a leading position with the reconstruction in Northern France, 16.10.1919 (masch.) - letter of Haussmann to Robert Bosch to Wilsonbotschaft, 12.1.1918 (masch.) - copy of a letter of Robert Bosch to the Demokratischer Volksbund Berlin zur Sozialisierung der Gesellschaft, 21.11.1918 (masch.); "Lieber Geld verlieren als Vertrauen" von Robert Bosch in Der Bosch-Zünder, 5.4.1919 - Business card of Prince von Bülow with thanks for an essay, 4.10.1909 (handschr.) - Letter (handschr.) by H. Buddeberg with thanks for the condolence to the death of his son, 27.10.1897; New Year's greetings 31.12.1898; about his 80th birthday and his son Alfred, 21.12.1916; about a complaint of his son, 25.1.1917 - Haussmann's letter to H. Buddeberg about the complaint of his son, mechanical.., 29.1.1917 - Letter of Alfred Buddeberg about the forthcoming birthday, 10.12.1916 - Letter of Haussmann to Cronstaedt to the Frankfurter Zeitung, to the Vossisches und Berliner Tageblatt, 12.2.1917 (masch.) - Letter of Eduard David to the parliamentarization, 30.7.1917 (handschr.) - Letter of Haussmann to Hans Delbrück because of a depesche from the Hague, masch.., 28.7.1917 - Postcards by Prelate Demmler, o.D. (handschr.); two letters 25.2.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 117 · File · 1875-1921
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Paula Siehr about her experiences during the Russian invasion of East Prussia, handscra.., 21.11.1914 and 3.12.1914 - Letter (masch.) by Walter Simons to a protocol supplement by Haussmann on Hahn and Prince Max von Baden, 10.12.1918; on Stresemann, Haguenin, Brockdorff and Rantzau, 22.3.1919; on the signing of the peace treaty, 14.6.1919; on foreign policy issues, 5.1.1921; on the publication of his letter by Haussmann and the Upper Silesian vote, masch.., 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation, 30.3.1921; against joining the committee for the 60th birthday of Tagore, 13.4.1921; on a non-political meeting with Rudolf Steiner, 20.4.1921; - letter (especially masch.) Haussmanns to Walter Simons on the foreign policy situation, 8.3.1919 (handschr.); congratulations Haussmanns on his appointment as Foreign Minister, 24.6.1920; on foreign policy, 15.10.1920; on foreign policy issues and the attitude of the parties, Febr. 1921 (handschr.); with foreign policy proposals, 23.2.1921; on numerous foreign policy questions, 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation and reparations, 30.3.1921 (handschr.); with a recommendation of the China connoisseur Dr. Richard Wilhelm, 30.3.1921; on the mood in the economy of the Entente and on Stresemann, 14.4.1921 - letter of Dr. Krukenberg about the publication of the letter of Simons, masch.., 28.2.1921 - Letter (mach.) from State Secretary Solf about his Kiderlen obituaries, 11.2.1913; about colonial officials and colonial possession, 2.12.1914 - Letter from Haussmann to Scheidemann about his secondment to Kiel and his speech, 8.10.1919 (handschr.) - Letter (mach.) from Haussmann to Eugen Schiffer about the Erzberger case and the right-wing press, 20.1.1920; on the abatement of the strike and others, 3.9.1920 - Letter (handschr.) by Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on a draft programme and on the treatment of worker protection issues therein, 19.5.1894; on the draft party programme, 21.5.1894; on a Junker brochure and the Interparliamentary Peace Conference, 29.7.1894; because of a vacation appointment, 8.8.1894; because of the program draft Quiddes, 12.9.1894; because of the uniform elementary school, 27.12.1895; because of judge's 60th birthday and a memorial article, 21.7.1898; because of a common explanation of their both parliamentary groups and a future co-operation, 13.12.1903; - letter (handschr.) Haussmanns to Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on the draft of the party program, 24.5.1894; on desired changes to Quiddes program draft, 15.9.1894; Haussmanns' concept for a refusal to Schmidt because of a court invitation, (ca. 1.4.) 1895 - Writing (handschr.) by Siegmund Schott to a letter by Pfaus, 1.1.1892; on imperial messages to the Reichstag, 13.5.1893; on a speech by Haussmann, 5.6.1894; on the development of the Volkspartei, 12.1.1895 - letter (handschr.) by K. Schrader on merger negotiations and retention of separate party organizations, 26.8.1909 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Walther Schücking on the Verband für internationale Verständigung, 16.3.1912; on Haussmann's memorandum on a question of private prince law and on a meeting of an International Committee in The Hague, 19.8.1915; to the Royal General Command in Kassel on the prohibition of his publications, 10.11.1916 (mechanical); on his own publication plans and their prevention by censorship, 2.12.1916; with recommendation for a Kiel private lecturer for a trip to Russia, 10.2.1920 (mach.) - letter (mach.) of Haussmann to Walther Schücking on the Belgian question, 28.12.1915; on the war objective discussion, 6.12.1916 - letter (mach.) of Mrs. v. Stauffenberg on national taxes and other, 31.3.1891; about his own position in the Bavarian election reform debate and about the situation with the liberal parties, 22.10.1893 - Letter (masch.) Haussmanns about the commemoration for Friedrich Stoltze, 1.12.1916 - Letter Haussmanns to Gustav Stresemann about a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee, handschr.., 16.1.1922 - letter (handschr.) by August Stein to the resignation of Bülow, 9.8.1909; to the potential resignation of Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) by A. Traeger with a poem, 16.8.1909; letter (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by August Stein, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) from Rudolf Virchow to Paul Langerhans with an invitation, 21.8.1875 - letter (handschr.) from Paul Langerhans with this Virchow letter, 22.10.1902 - letter (handschr.) from Haussmann to M. Venedey because of potential party resignations, 15.1.1894 - letter (handschr.) from M. Venedey about the circumstances in the party in the lake and Black Forest district, 18.1.1894; with thanks for an election speech to the Baden elections, 10.12.1909 - letter (handschr.) from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 19.2.1901; about a psychiatric examination of the case Münch in Winnenthal, 24.10.1910 - letter Haussmann sent to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.) - letter from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 24.10.1910 - letter from Haussmann to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.)); about the events from 7. to 12. July 1917, 25.10.1920 (masch.) - letter by Arnold Wahnschaffe to details of the July crisis 1917, 20.10.1920 (handschr.); about Bethmann's politics in summer 1917 and possibilities for peace, 4.11.1920 (masch.) - letter (handschr.) by Paul Wallot about the petition for clemency for Maximilian Harden, 2.5.1901 - letter (masch.)) Haussmanns to Max Warburg with the request for contributions for the brochure series "Der Aufbau", 16.11.1918 - letter (masch.) by Max Warburg with proposals on minister occupations, 29.3.1920; on the position of Minister Simon, 13.2.1921; on the occupation of a post in China, 14.2.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Frhr. v. Weizsäcker on railway questions, 11.2.1914; on Kiderlen, 26.9.1914; because of the news from Bordeaux and about the probable duration of the fights in the West, 28.9.1914; because of an essay and about hatred against Western opponents, 31.10.1914; about war aims and a work Hanotaux, 14.12.1914; about news from Switzerland, 1.1.1915; Weiszäcker's business card for the return of the letter Stoskopf (Strassburg) to Haussmann about Bavarian efforts towards Alsace, 4.4.1915; because of a factory in Mühlacker, 9.11.1915; two business cards with thanks for reports about stays in Switzerland, o.D. - writing (mechanical) Haussmann to Weizsäcker with news from Antwerp, 30.9.1914; with a report from Switzerland, 26.10.1914; about waterways, Alsace and Stegemann's visit to Berlin, 10.2.1915; about Stegemann's stay in Berlin, 12.2.1915; about Swiss news concerning the Italian army, 21.6.1915; about the Alsace-Lorraine question, 9.10.1915; about Bavaria and Alsace-Lorraine, 1.11.1915; about Alsace-Lorraine, 19.11.1915; about Greetings Bethmanns, 22.7.1917 - letter (mach.) of the assessor Bilfinger with a record about the conversation Moy-Haussmann, mach.., 5.11.1915 - Letter (handschr.) from Wendorff about personnel matters of an official in Sigmaringen, 29.11.1921 - Letter (masch.) from Philipp Wieland with a recommendation for the journalist Stobitzer, 29.11.1918; about the occupation of party secretary positions and the cooperation of national liberals and Freisinniger Volkspartei, 29.11.1918 - Letter (handschr.) from Richard Wilhelm for the occupation of the envoy post in Beijing, 19.4.1921; about own and Haussmann's translations of Chinese poems, 7.6.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Wiemer about the forthcoming Morocco debate in the Reichstag and its preparation, 3.11.1911 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Theodor Wolff with the request for regular cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, 26.12.1908; because of some articles and about the Africa-Agreement with England, 4.3.1914; because of a regular cooperation of Haussmann, 10.4.1917 (mechanical); about an article of Haussmann, 19.5.1917, 16.9.1917; because of a discussion with English diplomats about Ruhrgebiet issues, 29.3.1920; about Simons as potential president of the Reich, 13.4.1921; with an invitation, 15.12.1921; with thanks for an article and for the occupation of the cabinet, 30.12.1921 (masch.) - letter (especially masch.)) Haussmann's to Theodor Wolff on the situation after the Easter message, on future politics and on difficulties of the parliamentary system, 14.4.1917; on his cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, spring 1917 (handschr.); on America and the U-boat War, 6.2.1917; on the Weimar Constitution, 2.9.1919 - letter (masch.) of Count Zeppelin because of an essay in the magazine "März", 16.3.1910

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/03 Bü 182 · File · 7. Januar - 31. Dezember 1889
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German colonial policy in East Africa and the Pacific, German-French and German-Russian relations, listing of Russian securities on the Berlin Stock Exchange, old-age and disability insurance

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/03 Bü 179 · File · 11. Juni 1881 - 6. Dezember 1886
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Relations between Germany and France, Russia, Austria and Great Britain, English occupation of Egypt, German colonial policy, Congo conference, Bulgarian crisis, customs and tax policy, social security, extensions of the Socialist Law, construction of the Reichstag building Darin: Deutscher Reichs-Anzeiger 12.6.1882 und 18.6.1884; Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 1.3.1883; Berliner Börsenzeitung 8.4.1885

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/03 Bü 188 · File · 28. Januar - 17. Dezember 1894
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Germany's relations with Great Britain, France and Russia, crisis in German agriculture, tax policy, colonial policy, German sugar exports, overturning bill, assessment of Holsteins

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Bü 255 · File · 27. März 1913
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

27 March 1913, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Karl Fürst von Urach Graf von Württemberg (1865-1925)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 135 b · Fonds · 1918-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: A council of soldiers was probably formed in Stuttgart as early as the first days of November 1918. One of them appeared publicly on 9 November under the leadership of the deputy officer Albert Schreiner, who became the first minister of war in the Bios government on the evening of the same day. In some garrisons, such as Ulm and Ludwigsburg, soldiers' councils were formed before the workers' councils. At the suggestion of several soldiers' councils, delegates from the Württemberg garrisons met for a first state assembly on 17 November under the chairmanship of the new "Head of Warfare" Ulrich Fischer. It decided to form a seven-member state committee, in which the larger locations each sent a representative. The second state assembly on 11 / 12 December expanded the state committee to 21 members and adopted provisions for the Württemberg soldier councils. In addition to the statutes issued by the government for the workers', peasants' and soldiers' councils of 14 December, they formed the organisational basis for all the soldiers' councils within Württemberg. After that, like the workers and peasants councils, they were recognized as the revolutionary foundation of the new system of government, but the executive power should lie exclusively with the government and the traditional authorities. Only at the lowest level were the company councils directly elected, which then met in the next higher level as the battalion council and elected a committee for day-to-day business. This system continued upwards. At the top was the "Soldiers' Council for Württemberg", to which the individual garrison councils sent one delegate per 500 military personnel. They met in the regional assembly and appointed the regional committee, whose chairman was Sergeant Fridolin Wicker22. November 1918 - 25/27 February 1919Deputy official Willy Bettinger25/27 February - 1 June 1919Landwehrmann Typesetter Wilhelm Hitzlerab 1 June 1919Second chairman was Landsturmmann Gastwirt Albert Schaffler.the Landesausschuss, largely composed of members of the (majority) Social Democratic Party, dismissed individual representatives as shop stewards in the departments of the War Ministry, Generalkommandos, etc. In particular, there was a good relationship with the last minister of war, Herrmann, so that the state committee was able to influence Württemberg's military policy until the early summer of 1919 and assert the rights of the soldiers' councils. In special cases, such as during the riots in April 1919, the state committee of the workers' and peasants' councils and the state committee of the soldiers' councils met for joint meetings.The "Provisions on the Reconstruction of the Württemberg People's Army", drawn up among other things by the State Committee, sought to incorporate rights of participation and forms of organisation of the councils into the new Army Constitution of the Republic, which, however, was not applied in view of the different concept for the Reichswehr. Rather, the local soldier councils were abolished after the dissolution of the old army on 30 June 1919. Only seven members of the state committee remained until 30 September. As early as April 1919, Dr. Erich Troß, who had had to interrupt his training for the Bavarian archival service due to the war and who at the time was engaged in reconnaissance work for the Landesausschuss der Soldatenräte, had suggested that the records of the Württemberg councils and other suitable documents should be brought together to form a "revolutionary archive". The two state committees immediately took up this proposal, so that in May "Provisions on the Establishment of a Württemberg Revolutionary Archive" could be agreed with Troß. The request to the subordinate councils to also deliver to this archive has been largely complied with by the garrison councils, with the exception of some workers' and peasants' councils. Only in one case does this also apply to the soldiers' councils of the troops, since their records often reached the Reichsarchiv branch in Stuttgart together with the documents of the troops themselves and are now contained in the M holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv. Moreover, Troß was only able to devote a short time to his self-imposed task because he was employed as an editor by the Frankfurter Zeitung. In 1920 the material, which had grown up until then, was handed over to the (today's) Main State Archives and in 1921 it was indexed by a provisional finding aid - probably by Eugen von Schneider. Both this repertory and the relevant files were destroyed in an air raid in 1945. Probably time-related reasons prevented the inclusion of the holdings in the printed general survey in 1937, so that it was only after the Second World War, in accordance with the self-conception of the two state committees, that the holdings of e-possessions were moved in directly behind the holdings of the State Ministry under the signature E 135.In 1957, Robert Uhland again produced a cursory find book, but he assumed that at a later date a detailed indexing and order had to be carried out. When the councils around 1975 found the special interest of historical research and started preparations for the 1918 exhibition of the Main State Archives in 1978, such a comprehensive indexing appeared all the more urgent. However, this could only be carried out with multiple interruptions, mostly within the framework of the training of the trainee officers and mainly the aspiring inspectors. In 1985, the re-drawing of the entire collection was completed, so that a breakdown by provenance was possible. Since then, the documents of the National Committee of the Workers' and Farmers' Councils and some subordinate local councils, i.e. essentially the former tufts 64 - 86, have formed stock E 135a, while the former tufts 1-63 have been combined to form the present stock. The structure of both stocks was developed in the lessons of the 1986 year class of prospective inspectors. The final order and the editing of the finding aid book for E 135b followed in 1989/90; the computer-assisted printout was produced by Hildegard Aufderklamm in the State Archives Ludwigsburg. Initially, no great importance was attached to the written form, but later, in any case, a part of the incoming and outgoing letters in circulation seems to have come to the attention of the individual members. This also applies in general to the subordinate garrison councils. The uniqueness of the tradition seemed to justify a more or less sheet-wise distortion, so that from the mentioned, hardly ordered original clusters about 6000 title recordings grew. After the provenienzgerechte separation also within the individual soldier councils the mostly very small tufts of the same subject could be united in many cases, so that the stock now comprises 1429 tufts in 3.4 shelf meters. Including the Ministry of War, there does not seem to have been any written document regulations in use in the contemporary Württemberg administration that could be applied to the councils in view of their comprehensive competence. The present inventory classification was therefore created inductively on the basis of factual aspects as they arose on the basis of the preserved material, mostly consisting of factual documents. Only the order of the military subjects in the narrower sense was based on the "Einheitsaktenplan für den Bereich der Heeresleitung und des Ministeramts", Berlin 1931: According to the tectonics of the two state archives in Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg, the individual provenances of the "Revolution Archive" should have been assigned to the E, F and M holdings. On the other hand, it seemed appropriate to maintain the original context as it was given by the delivery as a whole to the Central State Archives. The tradition of the garrison councils has therefore been inserted - parallel to that of the local workers' and peasants' councils - as an appendix to the inventory of the National Committee of Soldiers' Councils and has been developed in the same way. Nevertheless, the diversity of the main activities of the National Committee should still become apparent. General discussions and considerations, disputes and disputes, as they were primarily presented in the state assemblies and the meetings of the state committee, are to a large extent reprinted at: Regionale und lokale Räteorganisationen in Württemberg 1918/19, edited by Eberhard Kolb and Klaus Schönhoven (Quellen zur Geschichte der Rätebewegung in Deutschland 1918/19, II), Düsseldorf, n. J.This work also contains numerous short biographies of the political events of the time involved.Ludwigsburg, in March 1991Cordes

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 f Bü 732 · File · 1893-1919, 1927-1928
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Jubilee horticultural exhibition Leipzig, pension and pension institution of the German visual artists in Weimar, Protestant community of Bant near Wilhelmshaven, Monument to the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig, Committee for the Dissemination of the Papal Encyclical on the Workers' Question, Nobilitas Monastery in Potsdam, "Tell" shooting society in Kulmbach, German Protestant community in Pretoria, Men's club of the Red Cross in Strasbourg, seamen's houses of the imperial navy in Wilhelmshaven and Kiautschou, statue for Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia in Metz, Catholic church in Wörth an der Sauer, soldiers' home in Jüterborg, Augusta club for daughters of deceased officers, school building in Windhoek, church building of the German Protestant community in Shanghai, German folk theatre in London, Buildings for Protestant unfunded in Karlsbad, Bismarck Monument on the Knivsberg, Archbishop's Boys' School in Bucharest, Hermann's bust for the Hall of Fame in Görlitz, Association for Medical Mission, Blücherstein in Treptow, German Fleet Association, Writers' Home in Jena, Volkstümlicher Hochschulkreis, Central Association for the Care of the School-leaved Youth, Central Association of German Veterans in Philadelphia, Evangelical German Church in Mexico, Evangelical Association for Internal Mission in Metz, German Evangelical School Association in Brno, Kaiser Friedrich Memorial in Metz, German Catholic Women's Mission in Paris, Hellmannstein Committee in Neisse, German School Association in London, Association for German Seafarers in Antwerp, Women's Aid for Abroad in Berlin, etc.a.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 q Bü 240 · File · 1874-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Requests from/for restoration of the Katharinenkirche in Oppenheim, German Charity Association in Constantinople, International Hospital in Naples, German Luther Foundation in Berlin, Association for Holiday Colonies and Summer Care, Committee for the Dissemination of the Pontifical Encyclical on the Workers' Question, Pastor Harms for a contribution to the construction of a church in Bant near Wilhelmshafen, Völkerschlachtdenkmal near Leipzig, Nobilitas Abbey in Potsdam, Schützengesellschaft Tell near Kulmbach, German Protestant Community in Pretoria, Educational Museum in Philadelphia, Monument to Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia in Metz, Catholic Parish in Wörth, Soldiers' Home in Jüterbog, Rhenish Evangelical Africa Association for Church in Windhoek, Church Building of the German Evangelical Community in Shanghai, German Volkstheater Association in London, Buildings for Protestant unfunded people in Karlovy Vary, construction of seaman's houses in Wilhelmshafen and Kiautschau, Bismarck memorial on the Knivsberg, Blücherstein in Treptow, writer's home in Jena, East Asian expedition of the German Fleet Association, association for the care of school-leaved youth in Berlin, association of veterans of the German army in Pensylvania, National naval monument for the lost crews of Prussian and German warships, church building of the Protestant German congregation in Mexico, Protestant Association for Internal Mission to Metz, German Catholic Women's Mission, Kaiser Friedrich Monument in Metz, German Protestant School Association in Brno, German Catholic Women's Mission in Paris, Hellmann Monument in Neiße, German School Association in East-London, Foundation of Honorary Prizes for the 22nd anniversary of the war, German Catholic Women's Mission, German School Association in East London. German Swimming Association Festival in Munich, Kaiserjubiläums- and VI. Austrian Federal Shooting in Vienna, Seemannsheim in Antwerp, Fritz-Reuter-Monument in Stavenhagen, Pensionsverband der Inneren Mission in Berlin, German Association of Christian Young Men in London, Frauenhilfe für Ausland in Berlin, Barmherzige Schwester in Wiener Neustadt, Deutsches Museum in Munich, Construction Committee of the Kaiser Franz Josef Soldier Anniversary SODIATE Chapel in Riedern, Memorial Hall in memory of the Schmalkaldic League in Schmalkalden, National Flight Donation, Society for Combating Unemployment, Verein für Bad Mergentheim, Verlag für Vaterländische Kunst in Stuttgart, German Peace Society

War Archive (Stock)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/11 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: On 3 January 1907, War Minister von Marchtaler ordered the establishment of a special war archive, abbreviated to K. A., of the Central Department of the War Ministry. It shall administer and maintain the existing old files of the War Ministry, its so-called old registry, keep and process the officer stock lists kept until 1874, other older files of the War Ministry or the War Ministry. of its departments, if for historical or other reasons they seemed to be worthy of preservation, to collect documents of permanent military or war-historical value from authorities, military units and private individuals, from whom they may retain title, and to reclaim the archival records handed over to the Haus- und Staatsarchiv in 1900 as soon as space conditions permitted.In addition, surveys on the history of the Württemberg army and troops and on the personal circumstances of former officers, as far as they were to be taken from the existing officer stock lists and were primarily of a statistical nature, surveys on circumstances and institutions in the Württemberg army, as far as the then existing ones were not touched and as far as they resulted from the files kept at the war archive, were transferred to the war archives.In addition to the library of the Ministry of Württemberg, which remained in the Central Department, the new institution had to acquire as many troop histories, biographies of Württemberg officers and rankings, court and state handbooks as possible, as well as several rooms in the building of the Ministry, which were too small altogether, and which did not allow for a satisfactory arrangement of the archives. This did not change until 1914, when the new building of the War Minister Jum could be occupied. The management was taken over by the colonel (retired) Wilhelm Strack von Weißenbac, who had been aggregated to the minis rium and who was still assigned a paymaster aspirant and, if required, individual non-commissioned officers and teams were commanded to provide assistance. The incoming documents - archive, library and collection material - were to be divided uniformly into 16, Roman-counted "series", whose titles were "Königliches Haus und Land", "Organisation und Formation des Militärs", "Feldzüge", "Handbibliothek", "Bau- und Festungspläne", "Stempelsammlung" and others. The further splitting into "series" resulted in signatures of up to five sections for the individual volumes and tufts (e.g. 11010 A f). To what extent preserved, very concise find book, which breaks off with Group III "Campaigns", covers all or only parts of the documents collected and recorded up to the outbreak of World War II, must remain open. On the whole, the war archives did not show any significant development: during the war Strack still had a small collection of newspaper clippings on individual fights, until he died on August 9, 1917. At almost the same time, Major Winter, who had been commanded to provide services in the War Archives since 1915, was placed at the disposal of the Deputy General Command, while Major Osterberg, retired Adolf Osterberg, was assigned to provide services to the War Ministry on 1 June 1915, namely its newly formed War History Department. By the end of the war the number of employees had risen to 27, including those employed only temporarily, 41, mostly reserve officers and Landsturm members. At the end of September 1916 the department was renamed "Kriegsarchiv 1", abbreviated to Kr. A. 1, while the previous Kriegsarchiv was given the name "Kriegsarchiv II", abbreviated to Kr. A. II. : The War Archive I had the task of collecting war diaries made by the field troops, viewing them and sending them to the Deputy General Staff of the Army in Berlin for transcription and examination, to show the "share of the Württemberg troops in the World War" in a sober scientific presentation by some officers who had been damaged by the war and had been ordered to the War Ministry, and to show them, with the help of the former War Minister von Schnürlen, the "share of the Württemberg troops in the World War", (1)in the series "Schwäbische Kunde aus dem großen Krieg" to describe and publish individual combat experiences in more popular form, (2)to create a collection of portraits of officers and army officials killed during the war and to publish them in the form of a commemorative plaque, "outstanding deeds of officers and individual troop divisions" and "heroic deeds", d. to present and publish the results of the war in a more popular form.h. to process reports requested by the field troops on the deeds of the non-commissioned officers and teams awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class or the Golden Medal of Military Merit, and to forward them to the local press, to talk about special achievements in combat in lectures and to make the texts available to the public. As the name suggests, they were presented immediately at the express request of the latter, then evaluated in the departments of the War Ministry, and finally, after a certain period of time, handed over to the War Archive I for permanent safekeeping and inspection for the aforementioned war-historical series. In January 1916, on the instructions of the War Minister, the thematic collection of newspaper clippings, which had been kept by the department since the beginning of the war and which had been added at that time until March 1915, was transferred to the War Archive I in order to be brought up to date here as quickly as possible. The individual subject areas of the collection were now designated with capital letters and further subdivided as of October 1917. As with the Central Department, excerpts from the Schwäbisches Merkur and other daily newspapers were collected, including the "Berner Bund", the "Münchener Neueste Nachrichten", and the "Vossische Zeitung", among others, while the Württemberg party papers pronounced as "Beobachter" or "Tagwacht" continued to be evaluated by the Central Department for the series remaining there. In August 1918, the collection was transferred to the newly created "Department H" of the Ministry, later "Ministerial Department". This department subdivided the excerpts from July into 17 new subject groups, which lasted until November, occasionally December 1918, and were brought to an end again in the War Archive after the dissolution of the Ministerial Department at the beginning of 1919. In the spring of 1918 there were five (working) groups a-e, some of which overlapped somewhat in their competence, and in the autumn of 1918 - after the formation of the ministerial department - they were regrouped into the groups a-d. The groups a-e were then divided into two groups. (3) : After the end of the war, Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Osterberg was reassigned to the General Command on 13 January 1919. A few days earlier, the staff of the Kriegsarchiv I had already elected Friedrich Hötzer, the vice sergeant of the Landwehr, from among its members to the board of directors. At the same time, the temporary closure was discussed, but it did not take place. In any case, the former commander of the mountain regiment, Major Theodor Sproesser, was commanded to the War Archive I on 23 April 1919.The "Kriegsarchiv" (War Archive), which Sproesser then managed until the end of 1920, united the previously separate War Archives 1 and II; it continued to form a department of the War Ministry and from August 1919 was subordinate to its successor, the Reichswehrbefehlsstelle Württemberg, and from October 1919 to the Landeskommandanten, while the personnel was made available by the Heeresabwicklungsamt Württemberg or the subordinate Abwicklungsamt of the former War Ministry. After protracted negotiations about the future shape of the military archives and, among other things, about a possible continuation of the work "Anteil der württembergischen Truppen am Weltkrieg" (Share of the Württemberg troops in the World War), the war archive was moved at the end of December 1920 from the building of the former Ministry of War in Stuttgart, Olgastraße 13 to the former rifle magazine of the secondary artillery depot in Stuttgart, Gutenbergstraße 109, and in January / March 1921 formally integrated into the then Reichsnebenarchiv, the future Reichsarchiv branch.As business transactions, as mentioned above, at first almost and later still to a considerable extent ran through other departments of the Ministry, mainly the Central Department, no systematic filing of documents developed for the War Archives during its existence. The main part of the Kriegsarchiv II consisted of archive material received from other provenance sites; Kriegsarchiv I focused on the drafts and, in part, fair copies of the series and individual writings processed here, followed by the reports of the troops received for safekeeping, among others.In the Reichsarchivzweigstelle / Heeresarchiv a part of these documents has been combined with other relevant documents to form new pertinence stocks: The various newspaper cuttings collections of the Ministry were added to the later stock M 731 "Druckschriften und Zeitungsausschnittsammlungen" and in individual cases continued until 1938/1942.The field postal letters were partly newly compiled and by a multiplicity of further letters they belong today to the holdings M 750/1-3 "field postal letters I-III". The photographs collected for the work "Anteil der Württembergischen Truppen am Weltkrieg" (share of the Württemberg troops in the World War) should form the basis of the holdings M 705/1 "Königsalben" (king's ointments) under inclusion of no longer individually ascertainable extensions.Photographs of fallen officers were stored in the stocks M 707 - M 709 "Portrait Collections I-III" without this always being possible to prove. The few remaining fact files and numerous report series were compiled by the Army Archives Council Captain of the Reserve Franz Knoch to the stock "War Archive". Furthermore, Knoch worked in parts of the archival material collected by the former Kriegsarchiv - for example from the former registry of the Generalquartiermeisterstabs until 1870 -, then "historical" records of other departments of the ministry, other authorities and troop units, i.e. mostly summarizing reports and memoranda, and finally still "various scattered files and records of Württenberg army members, which were purposefully incorporated into the Kriegsarchiv collection for lack of other classification possibilities". Knoch apparently felt himself that the documents united in this way in one inventory did not quite fit together, nevertheless he completed the find book in 1943. Probably in the same years the majority of the now available archive units were bound in booklet or book form, as was usual at that time with the Army Archives, even if this was not always satisfactory, especially in the case of "General Correspondence". Joachim Fischer and archive inspector candidate Walter Wannenwetsch, the documents classified here from the period up to 1870, then from 1983 onwards Senior State Archives Councilor Dr. Günter Cordes and archive employee Werner Urban further individual pieces in order to insert them into other holdings according to their provenance. Accordingly, only those documents remained which had grown up in the course of business of the War Archives (I and II). In addition, the collection of newspaper clippings kept by the Kriegsarchiv was taken from the aforementioned holdings M 731 "Druckschriften- und Zeitungsausschnittsammlung des Kriegsministeriums" and reintegrated here. In contrast, the other collections of the War Archive mentioned above - field mail letters, photographs - were converted to such an extent that their original condition could no longer be reconstructed in the Army Archives, and they were therefore left as archival collections. As early as 1972/75, Fischer created a separate finding aid book for the business diaries of the War Archive, which had not yet been recorded, and which could now be incorporated unchanged into the new repertory. The order and structure of the holdings are based on the original tasks of the war archives, as Fischer and Wannenwetsch had intended according to a preliminary draft. The order - as well as the naming and spelling - of the listed formations is based on the "Übersicht Friedens- und Feldformationen (Behörden und Truppen) des ehemaligen XIII. Armeekorps und deren Abwicklungsstellen" published in 1920 by the Heeresabwicklungsamt Württemberg (Military Processing Office Württemberg). The creation of separate local, personal and expert directories for the files/volumes and newspaper clippings is intended to facilitate access to the two different groups of archival records. In addition, the keywords for the files/volumes are based on Westenfelder's comprehensive subject title photographs, revised by Fischer, Cordes and Urban. On the other hand, the title recordings made by former Colonel Kurt Hiller around 1940 for the unfinished inventory of newspaper clippings by the Army Archives employee Oberst D. Kurt Hiller, which have now been taken over almost unchanged, go beyond general details of the contents and, especially in the notes on the contents - and thus also in the present index - bring conspicuous details. However, the material content of the newspaper clipping volumes is much more extensive, as can be seen from the content overviews compiled by the War Archives and bound to the volumes; however, it was not possible at present to compile the content of the new finding aid book in detail, which was desirable in itself, mainly for personnel reasons.In the reorganisation of the holdings, 66 archive units were combined with other identical subjects, 24 further, mostly double copies were removed; 349 tufts and volumes were integrated into other holdings in accordance with the provenance, while 2 newspaper cuttings were inserted here again. The collection now comprises 1032 volumes and tufts in 17 metres of shelving. Literature: Joachim Fischer: Das württembergische Kriegsarchiv. On the history of the military archives of Württemberg. In: From the work of the archivist. Festschrift für Eberhard Gönner (Publications of the State Archive Administration Baden-Württemberg Vol. 44). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1986Stuttgart, December 1985Cordes notes: Comments:(1) The aim of this work was to avoid a situation in which the achievements of the Württembergs would be underestimated in a future General Staff Organisation. The first three volumes were presented to the king on the occasion of the government's anniversary in 1916.(2) Two volumes, edited by Lieutenant Robert Silbereisen of the Reserve and Captain Georg Schmückle of the Reserve, were published by the end of the war.(3) See the appendix

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 117 · Fonds · 1864-1929
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. 1 The Dukes of Urach Counts of Württemberg: The Dukes of Urach Counts of Württemberg are a branch line of the House of Württemberg. In 1800 the fourth son of Duke Friedrich Eugen von Württemberg, Duke Wilhelm von Württemberg, married a court lady of his mother: twenty-three-year-old Wilhelmine von Tunderfeld-Rhodis. According to the house laws, this marriage with a woman who did not come from the high nobility was uneven; Duke Wilhelm therefore renounced the succession to the throne for his descendants on August 1, 1801. On 20 April 1801 the reigning Duke Friedrich, Duke Wilhelm's eldest brother, had already recognised the marriage as a full marriage to the right hand and determined that the descendants of Duke Wilhelm should bear the name Counts of Württemberg. Thus a new branch line of the House of Württemberg was created. The second son, Count Wilhelm, who also bore the name Wilhelm, was raised to the rank of first Duke of Urach by King Karl in 1867. The new ducal dignity was hereditary in the male tribe; the corresponding elevation of the younger children to the princedom was to underline the close connection of the branch line with the main line and determine its rank immediately after the royal house before all other class masters of the kingdom. Through the conversion of Wilhelm I to the Catholic denomination of his wife and children in 1862, the House of Urach became a consciously Catholic dynasty of princes from the very beginning. With the construction of the Lichtenstein Castle on the Albrand above the Echaztal in 1840/41, the Duke, who died in 1869, set himself a lasting monument. All further details about the House of Urach and its individual members can be found in the article by Wolfgang Schmierer, Die Seitenlinie der Herzöge von Urach (since 1867). In: The House of Württemberg - a biographical encyclopedia. Edited by Sönke Lorenz, Dieter Mertens and Volker Press. Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne 1997 pp. 376 - 398. The genealogy reproduced after the preface is also taken from this. 2.1 The total holdings of the Archives of Duke of Urach Count of Württemberg: The holdings listed here, the estate of Wilhelm II Duke of Urach Count of Württemberg, represent part of the total archives of the family. This was kept at Schloss Lichtenstein until 1987. Due to a deposit agreement between H.S.H. Karl Anselm Duke of Urach Count of Württemberg as representative of the Herzog family of Urach Count of Württemberg and the State of Baden-Württemberg, represented by the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, dated 14 July / 5 August 1987, it has been deposited in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart since then. Because of their literary references, parts of the documents of Wilhelm I and Count Alexander were simultaneously handed over to the German Literature Archive in Marbach, where they are stored under the signature D 88.6. The archive was completely unsorted when it was transferred to the Main State Archives. Nor were there any finding aids that could have been reused. Only a part of the documents is listed in a directory of 1927/28, which was included in the delivery; in addition, the order on which this directory is based was fundamentally destroyed at an unknown time. A large part of the material was unpacked or stored in open cartons. In 1995, Archive Director Dr. Wolfgang Schmierer carried out an initial inspection, tidying and preliminary packaging of the material. He subdivided the entire collection into partial collections, to which he assigned signatures corresponding to the numbering of the family members in his article on the Herzog von Urach Graf von Württemberg family, which was written parallel to the work on order. The GU 1 et seq. sub-funds to be structured in more detail comprise documents on real estate and asset management. The GU 100 sub-collection contains foreign archives and collections. The GU 101 - 134 partial holdings were created as personal estates of individual family members and GU 201 - 203 of related parties. Some overlaps were inevitable. If documents were kept throughout the period of activity of a single duke, they were assigned to the signatures GU 1 et seq. in the order An overview of the current status of the subdivision into partial holdings can be found below. It is possible that the structure will be modified in the course of further development work. An impressive record of Wolfgang Schmierer's work from February 10, 1995 to March 21, 1996 (Kanzleiakten 7511.5-2-D.1: Erschließung des Archivs der Herzöge von Urach) provides information on the orderly work carried out by Wolfgang Schmierer. 2.2 The subportfolio GU 117: The following subportfolio GU 117 Herzog Wilhelm II. von Urach comprises documents, which Wolfgang Schmierer has formed in the course of his order work Wolfgang Schmierers. Duke Wilhelm II (1864 - 1928) was born as the first son of Wilhelm I and his second wife Princess Florestine of Monaco in Monaco and already at the age of five the second Duke of Urach. He entered the traditional military career and was commander general of the Generalkommandos z.b.V. in the First World War. No. 64 and General of the Cavalry. In 1927 the volume Die 26. Infanterie-Division im Weltkrieg 1914 - 1918, Teil I 1914 -1915, edited by him, appeared in the series Württembergs Heer im Weltkrieg. Wilhelm II. ran several times for a vacant throne: 1910 for Monaco, 1913 for the new Kingdom of Albania, in the war for Poland and for a Grand Duchy of Alsace-Lorraine and 1918 for the planned Kingdom of Lithuania. Arnold Zweig used the episode of his election as King of Lithuania, in which he was given the name Mindaugas II, in his 1937 novel Einsetzung eines Königs. In 1922 Wilhelm, who devoted himself to scientific activities after the war, received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Tübingen with a dissertation on the urban geography of Reutlingen. Wilhelm II married Amalie Herzogin in Bavaria in 1892 (1865 - 1912). The marriage produced four sons (Wilhelm III, Karl Gero, Albrecht, Eberhard) and five daughters (Maria Gabriela, Elisabeth, Carola Hilda, Margarethe, Mechthilde). In his second marriage he married Wiltrud, née Princess of Bavaria, in 1924, and since the partial holdings of Duke Wilhelm II are particularly extensive and of particular importance in many respects (applications for the throne, constitutional status of the House of Urach, World War I), Wolfgang Schmierer, in agreement with the Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg, made the decision to place his indexing at the beginning of the indexing of the entire holdings and to apply for third-party funding. Within the framework of a project of the Stiftung Kulturgut Baden-Württemberg, which we would like to take this opportunity to thank sincerely for its support, the temporary employee Hansjörg Oswald was able to demetalise, open up and package GU 117 in the period from November 1995 to July 1997. Wolfgang Schmierer was personally responsible for the support. Due to the serious illness, which he finally succumbed to on 7 October 1997, Wolfgang Schmierer was unable to complete the classification and final editing of the title recordings, which he had largely worked on. This was done by the undersigned in May 2000 with the support of Katharina Ernst, a trainee archivist. At the highest level, the holdings are divided into civil and military documents. The sequence of title recordings within the individual items corresponds to the chronology. This also applies to correspondence files; since these have been kept very differently over the years, they have not been formed into series. After development and packaging, the GU 117 subportfolio comprises 1354 tufts and volumes totalling 36.4 linear metres with a duration of 1864 to 1929. The use by third parties is regulated as follows in the Depositalvertrag: The consent of the head of the Herzog von Urach Graf von Württemberg family must be obtained before the archive can be used by third parties. Conditions may be imposed on consent. If consent is not refused or restricted, the management of the Main State Archives - within the framework of the regulations for use of the state archives of Baden-Württemberg - regulates the use. In any case the users are to be obligated to respect the personal rights. Stuttgart, 20 June 2000Dr. Robert Kretzschmar Ltd. Archive Director
Duke of Urach Wilhelm Karl
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1156 · File · (1915) Mai - Juni 1917
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

In it: Württemberg's proposal for a draft announcement on the regulation of the traffic with barrels Qu. 944; "Der Krieg in den Schutzgebieten", published by the Reichskolonialamt, Fifth Communication, published by the Reichskolonialamt, March 17, 2003. 25 S. Qu. 946; Letter of the War Press Office Berlin concerning the Independent Social Democratic Party and the Hetzflugblätter as well as strikes and their originators dated 25.05.1917 Qu. 995, 996; Journal "Die Geschäftswehr", Organ des Württ. Bundes für Handel und Gewerbe e.V., des Verbandes der Rabattparvereine Württembergs, des Württ. Handwerker-Landesverbandes e.V. dated 01.06.1917, No. 6, Volume 21 Qu. 953a