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Articles, drafts, speeches and interviews
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 135 · Akt(e) · 1888-1912
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Programme speech before the voters' meeting Ebingen, printed, 4.2.1887 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Anniversary tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of the election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, printed., 5.4.1889 - Jungfernrede Haussmanns in der Abgeordnetenkammer, ed., 10.4.1889 - Speech in the election challenge debate, ed., 18.6.1889 - Speech on the reintroduction of the election envelope, ed., 19.6.1889 - Newspaper report on a speech by voters in Ebingen, ed., 10.11.1889 - Reichstag speech on the colonial bill, ed, 12.6.1890 (three reports) - lecture about the political situation, printed, 14.9.1891 - speech in the voters' meeting in Tuttlingen, printed, 2.10,1892 - "Der Wegweiser", poem Haussmanns, printed, o.D. - speech in Ebingen, printed, 30.6.1894 - report about party congress of the South German People's Party in Aschaffenburg and the speech Haussmanns in the Aschaffenburger Zeitung, printed, 24.9.1894 - Haussmann's toast to the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, handschr., January 1895 - "Die württembergische Landtagswahl", printed, 19.2.1895 - "Die politische Indolenz", printed, October 1895 - Reichstag speech on the BGB, printed, 12.12.1895 - "So kann es nicht weitergehen - Gedanken eines Steuerzahlers", printed ca. 1895 - Report of the People's Party to its voters on the Reichstag session 1895/1896, printed, o.D. - Toast to Haussmann on the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, printed, January 1896 - "Ein Minister über Bord" zur Entlassung Bronsarts, printed, 17.8.1895 - General Assembly of the Bezirksvolksverein in Balingen, printed, 17.1.1897 - "On the Threshold of Reform - Constitutional Revision, Proportional Election and the Attitude of the Parties", ed., 17.1.1897 - Haussmann's Article on "Electoral Victory of Democracy in Norway" in "Dagbladet Kristiania", 9.11.1897 - "From Tedious Governance", mach., September 1897 - "The People's Party in Parliament 1895-1900", ed, o.D. - Election program of the Volkspartei by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann, printed, 1900 - Speeches by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann in Heilbronn at the Volksparteitag, printed, 16.11.1902 - Speech on two years of service in the Reichtag, handschr., 1903 - Speech of the Landtag on the Betriebsmittelgemeinschaft, printed, 9.12.1904 - Speech as reporter in the Landtag on the administrative reform, mechanical and manual reform, German, English 1904 - Poem "Berlin Politics", handschr., New Year 1905 - Schiller speech, printed, 7.5.1905 - Draft of a constitutional law, printed by the Landtag, 17.6.1905 - Closing speech to the constitutional revision, handschr., 1905 - "Volksrecht oder Herrenrechte? Speech by Wilhelm Keil, printed, 27.6.1905 - "Zur Verfassungsrevision in Württemberg", printed, 9.7.1905 - "Ein Mahnwort aus der Deutschen Volkspartei", printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Verfassungsrevision in der Kommission", printed, 18.7.1905 - Notes on an Election Speech, hand printed, 1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die, 12.11.1906 - "An die Reichstagswähler", printed, New Year 1907 - "An die deutschen Wähler, handschr., o.D. - Rede zum Vereinsgesetz, printed, 1907 - Speech in Spaichingen, printed, 13.1.1907 - "Die Bedeutung der Neuwahlen", speech in Ebingen, printed, 19.1.1907 - "Die Reichstagsstichwahl" in Balingen, printed, 3.2.1907 - "Bülow", without author, printed.., o.D. - "Ultra-Montagnini", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11., February 1907 - "Parliamentarism", printed, o.D. - "Old Chinese Poetry", printed, December 1907 - "The New Problem", printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907, 21.1.1908 - "Anti-Prussian sausage-likeness", printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed.., 28.5.1908 - "Party Merger", printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 -, 2.10.1908 - " Congress?", printed, 16.10.1908 - "Alsatian", printed, November 1908 - Speech to the Daily Telgraph interview, printed, 12.11.1908 - "Before the end of the crisis", printed, 14.11.1908 - Speech in Tübingen "Zur innerpolitischen Lage", printed, 24.11.1908 - "Und nun?", printed, December 1908 - "Anno 1908", printed, 2.1.1909 - "König Eduard in Berlin", printed, 2.2.1909 - "The Renewal of Turkey and the Clumsiness of Europe", printed, 1909 - "The Conservative Leadership" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 2.3.1909 - "After the Morocco Agreement", mechanical.., Spring 1909 - Easter article for the Neue Freie Presse Vienna, mechanical, 1909 - "Der Kriegslärm", printed, 1.4.1909 - "Die Finanzmisere", printed, 16.4.1909 - "Bülow am Scheideweg", printed, 1909 - "Geheime Universitätsreserve und Universitätsagenten" by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 1.10.1909 - "In the Air", printed, 4.10.1909 - "Der Parteiitag der Deutschen Volkspartei", by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 15.10.1909 - "Reichstagsbrief", printed, 15.12.1909 - "Die Aufgaben des fünfundes Kanzlers", printed, 19.12.1909 - Open Letter to August Bebel, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 272 · Akt(e) · 1909, 1911, 1915 - 1922, o. D.
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Information from Ulrich Rauscher on the conditions for the takeover of "März", 7.11.1916; letter from a civilian prisoner from the Indian concentration camp Ahmednagar, 15.10.1917; plan for the foundation of an "International Newspaper" 1921/22; submission by the Association of German Newspaper Publishers on the situation of the German press, 26.1.1921; petitions against the classification of the city of Pfullingen in place class C, Febr. 1922 and against the decree of the Reich Chancellor concerning the liquidation of French private property in Germany, July 1917; communication of Conrad Haußmann to Max Warburg for the election of the German envoy in China, n.d. (Early 1920?) Report to the Prime Minister of Württemberg, von Weizsäcker, on a meeting on 2 October 1914 with the Reich Chancellor, 12 October 1914; R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t responded to the complaint of an intern, previously a civil servant resident in Duala, Cameroon, about his salary, 8 October 1914.6.1917; Contestation of the Schultheiss election in Wildbad because of the ballot papers used, 1922; Memorandum on the necessity of the freight reduction for food, no. D. (Early 1920?)

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 120 · Akt(e) · 1915-1921
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from R.C. Ade, Rotterdam, concerning food allowances for interned Germans, handschr., 25.11.1918 - Letter from Alfred Buddeberg concerning work at the military building authority, handschr.., 5.4.1918 - Correspondence with Dr. Baracs Deltour about the subscription of the work "Unsere Zeitgenossen", April/May 1917 - Letter of Haussmann to legal agent Deschler in the matter of Glöckler against Berger, mechanical, 11.4.1917 - Letter of Haussmann to the import and export office because of brewery machines, mechanical, 28.12.1920 - Correspondence because of overnight vacation for district superiors, mechanical, 11.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 18 · Akt(e) · ? - 1918-01-01
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Three letters from Max M. and Fritz Warburg, concerning the formulation of principles for the League of Nations, the Reich government's public relations work, a possible armistice, the list of proposals for the Peace Council and various persons, Sept. - Dec.Dec. 1918 - Two letters from lawyer and district judge Meisner, concerning the appointment of Prince Max von Baden as Reich Chancellor and the prospects of a favorable peace, together with a letter from former Reichsgerichtsrat H. Dietz, concerning the policies of Reich Chancellors Bethmann-Hollweg, Max von Baden and the State Secretary for the Colonies, Dr. Solf, Oct. 1918 - copy of a letter from Wilhelm Cohnstaedt of the "Frankfurter Zeitung" to the Deputy Reich Chancellor, Friedrich von Payer, re. the impairment of the prospect of an armistice if it is offered in the name of the Kaiser, with accompanying letter to Haußmann, Oct. 8, 1918 - Letter from Otto Schwarz, regarding the assessment of Turkey, Oct. 9, 1918 - Letter of thanks from Friedrich Haux, MdL, for Haußmann's participation on the occasion of Haux's private misfortunes, Oct. 9, 1918 Okt. 1918 - Request from the news department of the Foreign Office, concerning a speech by Haußmann, with stenographic notes, Oct. 9, 1918 - Anonymous letter, concerning the alleged general corruption in Germany, with two newspaper articles on this subject, undated - Masch. Letter from Georg Gothein, MdR, regarding the future political organization of Poland and the role of the Jews, as well as Gothein's newspaper article "Break with militarism", Oct. 1918 - Letter from Dernburg, regarding the participation of America experts in the negotiations with the USA, Oct. 16, 1918 - Four letters and a postcard from Robert Bosch, regarding Bosch's business principles and management style, the possibility of a national uprising and a social revolution, an armistice, Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Prussia, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Clara Zetkin requesting support for her request for her son to be recalled from the front, Oct. 18, 1918 - Letter from G. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 - Letter from Judicial Councillor D. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 1918 - Letter from Councillor of Justice D.F. Waldstein asking whether Haußmann, as a representative of the Progress Party, wishes to accept the declaration of consent to the League of Nations, which Waldstein is asked to do in the enclosed letter from the People's League for Freedom and Fatherland, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Gottlob Eppler on his business card, who sends a letter from his son with a picture of the mood at the front, together with a letter of congratulations from the Ebingen People's Association on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary, Oct. 15 and 20, 1918 - Two letters from different authors, concerning the necessity, possibility and preconditions of a last great effort, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Hartwig Schubart, retired Royal Prussian Captain, in which he asks for support for the enclosed copy of a masch. The purpose of the letter is to lift the confiscation of Hartwig's book "Deutsche Schuld am Kriege" ("German guilt in the war"), Oct. 22, 1918 - Telegram from Major Walter Bloem requesting a meeting on an "urgent patriotic matter", Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the Reichskanzler (German Chancellor), Oct. 22, 1918 Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the student councilor Humbert, concerning the annexation of German-Austria and the introduction of electoral emperorship, Oct. 23 and 28, 1918 - Letter from Behrens from the management of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in Berlin, concerning the enclosed excerpt from a letter from the police chief of the Berlin police station. Excerpt from a letter from Police President Gerstein, in which he comments on his possible use within the new Reich government, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Björn Björnson, who recommends ending the war and settling the Schleswig issue with Denmark, Oct. 25, 1918 - Letter from Dr. Emil Leimdörfer, concerning a possible abdication of the Kaiser and his son, Oct. 27, 1918 - Letter from Walther Schücking, concerning the journalistic activities of Schücking and several colleagues on behalf of the government, Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter of thanks from former Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg for Haußmann's comments in the "Berliner Tageblatt", Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter from Franz Schieting, concerning the lack of foreign representation of German interests, with stenographic notes, Oct. 30, 1918 - Seven letters from various authors, concerning the bringing about of an armistice and peace, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Twelve letters or postcards whose authors request employment or use or ask Haußmann to become involved in an individual matter on their behalf, Oct.-Nov. 1918 - Five congratulatory letters or cards and telegrams on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary or with praise for his person and work, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Letter from lawyer Dr. Rheinstrom, regarding the demand for the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 2, 1918 - Masch. political and business exposé for a new Berlin newspaper which is to be "based on the radical aspirations within the majority government", with accompanying letter from the author Rauscher, Nov. 9. 1918 - Telegram from the editor Wallishauser, who, as a member of the local parliament, requests instructions for his conduct in the constituent National Assembly, Nov. 9, 1918 - Two letters from various authors demanding the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 1918 Also contains: - Anonymous second part of the article "Letters from a German Jew abroad", undated (printed) - Masch. Memorandum "Creation of a Peace Council", masch. List of members of the Peace Council as well as typed and handwritten notes concerning the military and economic program of the new Reich government by Fritz Warburg, Oct. 1918 - M, Oct. 18 and 19, 1918 - Handwritten note by Haußmann concerning the possibility of an armistice, Oct. 1918 - Masch. Draft of a program of the Imperial Government by Baron Walter von Herman-Wain, Nov. 7, 1918 - Letter from Guido Leser, concerning a union of Württemberg and Baden, April 25, 1919

Haußmann, Conrad
Peace mediation attempts: Holland
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 57 · Akt(e) · 1915-1919
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Walther Schücking to the situation in Holland, mechanical, 10.6.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to the situation in Holland, manual, 18.6.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to the situation in Holland, manual, 26.6.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking with appointment arrangement, 26.6.1915 - Telegram from Rosenfeld, 30.6.1915 - Letter to Walther Schücking, manual 2.7.1915 - Report on a meeting of English deputies of Dutch politicians, mechanical, 12.-17.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking, handschr., 23.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking concerning a trip to The Hague, handschr., 23.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking concerning a trip to The Hague, handschr.., 26.7.1915 - Letter to Walther Schücking, handschr., 27.6.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a meeting, 26.7.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a letter, 27.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking because of his trip to Haag, handschr., 27.6.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a meeting, 26.7.1915 - Telegram from Walther Schücking because of a letter, 27.7.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking because of his trip to Haag, handschr., 31.7.1915 - letter from Walther Schücking with report from Frankfurt, handschr., 5.8.1915 - letter from Walther Schücking, handschr., 7.8.1915 - telegram from Walther Schücking because of a meeting, 8.8.1915 - letter from Dresselhuys because of a conversation, handschr.., 3.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking, handschr., 4.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to Undersecretary of State Zimmermann on the Dutch Anti-War Council, masch., 10.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking on the progress of the negotiations, handschr., 4.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking to Undersecretary of State Zimmermann on the Dutch Anti-War Council, masch., 10.10.1915 - Letter from Walther Schücking on the progress of the negotiations, handschr., 25.11.1915 - Reports from Holland and Switzerland, mechanical, 7.5.1916 - Letter to Jagow about the situation in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, handschr., 13.6.1916 - Telegram from Rutgers about a meeting, 21.6.1916 - Letter from Otto Rosenfeld about conversations in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, handschr., 13.6.1916 - Telegram from Rutgers about a meeting, 21.6.1916 - Letter from Otto Rosenfeld about conversations in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, mechanical, 21.6.1916 - Letter from Otto Rosenfeld about conversations in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - Letter from Jagow about the situation in Holland, mechanical, 22.5.1916 - L from Jagow about the situation in Holland, 22.6.1916 - Letter on Rosenfeld's report, masch., 22.6.1916 - Write to Rutgers on negotiations in London, masch., 25.6.1916 - Letter from Jong van Beekendonk on English foreign policy, masch., 26.6.1916 - Letter from Jong van Beekendonk with "Ein Aufruf an die Neutralen", masch., masch., 26.6.1916 - Letter from Jong van Beekendonk with "Ein Aufruf an die Neutralen", masch, 27.6.1916 - Letter with report from a trip to Holland, mechanical, 16.7.1916 - Letter from Zimmermann (AA) to the Dutch Anti-War Council, mechanical, 22.7.1916 - Letter from Rutgers to a court case, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 114 · Akt(e) · 1890-1920
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Albert Ballin on the course of the war, mach.., 28.10.1915; to the head of the civil cabinet Valentini (newspaper cut-out), 4.4.1917 - letter from Ludwig Bamberger (handschr.) about lack of echo, 28.12.1890; on the general situation, 2.3.1892; with invitation, 27.3.1893; with thanks to Gratulation und zur Innenpolitische und Parteiipolitischen Lage, 16.8.1893; to Payer und Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks to Payer and Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895 Volume, 10.2.1896; with invitation to the next day, 14.2.1896; o.d. - Letter from L. v. Bar (handschr.) on the situation in liberal groups, 20.7.1893; on the political situation and on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in Hungary, 6.8.1896 - Letter (above all handschr.) by Theodor Barth about miscellaneous, 11.8.1891; about concepts in the press, 27.4.1892; about Maximilian Harden, the politics of directing and the right to vote, 9.9.1892; on election prospects, the relationship to the centre and the confusion in the ministry, 17.9.1892; on the military bill, 4.11.1892; with congratulations on the run-off results, o.D.; on the plans of Caprivi, 6.11.1892; with invitation, 5.12.1892; about Haussmann's articles, 20.4.1894, 21. and 22.5.1894; about Haussmann's articles on tactics, 25.5.1894; about articles on the political situation in northern and southern Germany, 6.2.1895; about an article by Haussmann, 8.10.1895; with the request to discuss the 3rd volume of Bamberger's Gesammelten Schriften, 26.12.1895; to Friedrich Haußmann about his eye disease and Hohenlohe's role in the Krüger-Depesche, 3.2.1896; about journalistic activity and stock exchange disorder, 6.1.1897 (masch.); with the request for an article about the failure of the Württemberg constitutional reform, 22.12.1898; on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on elections, party and Deutsche Bank, 11.12.1900 (mechanical); with New Year's wishes, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); because of a wreath for Stauffenberg, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on the emperor's Chinese policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901)); on Stauffenberg's death and the general political situation, 11.6.1901 (masch.); with thanks for the congratulations on the substitute election, 1.1.1902 (gedr.); on the party-political situation, 20.7.1903; because of differences of opinion, 24.7.1903; on the election challenge in the Hinterpommerischer Kreis, 6.11.1903 (mach.); on the Simplizissimus trial, 4.2.1904; with the request for an article on the Württemberg constitutional reform, 1.7.1905 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.).); on Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); with the request for information in Württberg affairs, 20.9.1905; on a planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.); on the Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); on the planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.9.1905; on the German political system, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.)); on Miscellaneous, 14.9.1892 (handschr.); with criticism of Barth's Richter essay, 18.3.1906 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter to Frh. v. Stauffenberg on the death of his father, o.D. (handschr.); letter from Dr. Nathan about an article in the "Nation", 5.7.(?) 1897 (handschr.) - postcard by Bassermann with thanks, 15.11.1910; letter on the effectiveness of submarines and the All-Germans, 23.9.1916 (masch.) - Haussmann's letter to Bassermann against the All-Germans and on the ineffectiveness of the submarine war, 21.9.1916 (mechanical); Haussmann's draft of this letter - letter from C. Baumbach to the conference in the Hague, 18.7.1894 (handschr.) - letter of August Bebel to a court decision, 14.4.1905 (handschr.); with thanks for birthday congratulations, 9.3.1910 (handschr.) - letter of H. Buddeberg with thanks for congratulations and to the illness of his wife, 31.12.1913 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to President Belser on a copyright issue, 21.2.1920 (masch.) - Telegram from Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg on the death of his father, 3.1.1921; Letter of condolence and telegram of condolence to Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg, 7.1.1921 (mechanical); Letter of Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg with thanks for condolence, 10.1.1921 (handschr.) - Invitation by Bethmann to a visit, 12.3.1910 (handschr.); letter with thanks for sending essays about Kiderlen, 8.2.1913 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter of condolence to Bethmann for the death of his son, 3.1.1915 (masch.) and reply of Bethmann (masch.) 6.1.1915; letter of Bethmann to the general situation, 29.10.1915 (handschr.) thank-you letter, 16.7.1917 (masch.); letter to the situation, 28.11.1917 (masch.); with thanks for East-Asian songs, 5.12.1918 (handschr.); on miscellaneous and literary work, 22.12.1920 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to Bethmann about the Western powers and the history of the campaign, 19.11.1915 (masch.); on Stegemann and Tirpitz, 1.4.1916 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on Bethmann's committee speech, 11.11.1916 (handschr.); on US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on the US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.).); on development in Russia, Zimmermanns Mexico-Depesche and Russian politicians, April 1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); thank-you letter, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the general political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century.11.1917 (masch.); invitation letter, 9.6.1918 (handschr.); incomplete concept of a letter on pacifist movements, autumn 1918 (handschr.); on the OHL and Ludendorff, 2.12.1920 (handschr.); in German, English, French, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, French, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Italian) - Record Haussmann about the mood Bethmann-Hollwegs in a conversation, 24.2.1918 (handschr.) - Written by Robert Bosch with thanks for an article, 2.10.1911 (handschr.); because of an appointment, 3.11.1911 (mach.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (mach.); thank-you letter, 9.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (masch.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.).); with thanks for letter and article, 21.7.1913 (masch.); with the rejection of a leading position with the reconstruction in Northern France, 16.10.1919 (masch.) - letter of Haussmann to Robert Bosch to Wilsonbotschaft, 12.1.1918 (masch.) - copy of a letter of Robert Bosch to the Demokratischer Volksbund Berlin zur Sozialisierung der Gesellschaft, 21.11.1918 (masch.); "Lieber Geld verlieren als Vertrauen" von Robert Bosch in Der Bosch-Zünder, 5.4.1919 - Business card of Prince von Bülow with thanks for an essay, 4.10.1909 (handschr.) - Letter (handschr.) by H. Buddeberg with thanks for the condolence to the death of his son, 27.10.1897; New Year's greetings 31.12.1898; about his 80th birthday and his son Alfred, 21.12.1916; about a complaint of his son, 25.1.1917 - Haussmann's letter to H. Buddeberg about the complaint of his son, mechanical.., 29.1.1917 - Letter of Alfred Buddeberg about the forthcoming birthday, 10.12.1916 - Letter of Haussmann to Cronstaedt to the Frankfurter Zeitung, to the Vossisches und Berliner Tageblatt, 12.2.1917 (masch.) - Letter of Eduard David to the parliamentarization, 30.7.1917 (handschr.) - Letter of Haussmann to Hans Delbrück because of a depesche from the Hague, masch.., 28.7.1917 - Postcards by Prelate Demmler, o.D. (handschr.); two letters 25.2.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 117 · Akt(e) · 1875-1921
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Paula Siehr about her experiences during the Russian invasion of East Prussia, handscra.., 21.11.1914 and 3.12.1914 - Letter (masch.) by Walter Simons to a protocol supplement by Haussmann on Hahn and Prince Max von Baden, 10.12.1918; on Stresemann, Haguenin, Brockdorff and Rantzau, 22.3.1919; on the signing of the peace treaty, 14.6.1919; on foreign policy issues, 5.1.1921; on the publication of his letter by Haussmann and the Upper Silesian vote, masch.., 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation, 30.3.1921; against joining the committee for the 60th birthday of Tagore, 13.4.1921; on a non-political meeting with Rudolf Steiner, 20.4.1921; - letter (especially masch.) Haussmanns to Walter Simons on the foreign policy situation, 8.3.1919 (handschr.); congratulations Haussmanns on his appointment as Foreign Minister, 24.6.1920; on foreign policy, 15.10.1920; on foreign policy issues and the attitude of the parties, Febr. 1921 (handschr.); with foreign policy proposals, 23.2.1921; on numerous foreign policy questions, 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation and reparations, 30.3.1921 (handschr.); with a recommendation of the China connoisseur Dr. Richard Wilhelm, 30.3.1921; on the mood in the economy of the Entente and on Stresemann, 14.4.1921 - letter of Dr. Krukenberg about the publication of the letter of Simons, masch.., 28.2.1921 - Letter (mach.) from State Secretary Solf about his Kiderlen obituaries, 11.2.1913; about colonial officials and colonial possession, 2.12.1914 - Letter from Haussmann to Scheidemann about his secondment to Kiel and his speech, 8.10.1919 (handschr.) - Letter (mach.) from Haussmann to Eugen Schiffer about the Erzberger case and the right-wing press, 20.1.1920; on the abatement of the strike and others, 3.9.1920 - Letter (handschr.) by Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on a draft programme and on the treatment of worker protection issues therein, 19.5.1894; on the draft party programme, 21.5.1894; on a Junker brochure and the Interparliamentary Peace Conference, 29.7.1894; because of a vacation appointment, 8.8.1894; because of the program draft Quiddes, 12.9.1894; because of the uniform elementary school, 27.12.1895; because of judge's 60th birthday and a memorial article, 21.7.1898; because of a common explanation of their both parliamentary groups and a future co-operation, 13.12.1903; - letter (handschr.) Haussmanns to Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on the draft of the party program, 24.5.1894; on desired changes to Quiddes program draft, 15.9.1894; Haussmanns' concept for a refusal to Schmidt because of a court invitation, (ca. 1.4.) 1895 - Writing (handschr.) by Siegmund Schott to a letter by Pfaus, 1.1.1892; on imperial messages to the Reichstag, 13.5.1893; on a speech by Haussmann, 5.6.1894; on the development of the Volkspartei, 12.1.1895 - letter (handschr.) by K. Schrader on merger negotiations and retention of separate party organizations, 26.8.1909 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Walther Schücking on the Verband für internationale Verständigung, 16.3.1912; on Haussmann's memorandum on a question of private prince law and on a meeting of an International Committee in The Hague, 19.8.1915; to the Royal General Command in Kassel on the prohibition of his publications, 10.11.1916 (mechanical); on his own publication plans and their prevention by censorship, 2.12.1916; with recommendation for a Kiel private lecturer for a trip to Russia, 10.2.1920 (mach.) - letter (mach.) of Haussmann to Walther Schücking on the Belgian question, 28.12.1915; on the war objective discussion, 6.12.1916 - letter (mach.) of Mrs. v. Stauffenberg on national taxes and other, 31.3.1891; about his own position in the Bavarian election reform debate and about the situation with the liberal parties, 22.10.1893 - Letter (masch.) Haussmanns about the commemoration for Friedrich Stoltze, 1.12.1916 - Letter Haussmanns to Gustav Stresemann about a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee, handschr.., 16.1.1922 - letter (handschr.) by August Stein to the resignation of Bülow, 9.8.1909; to the potential resignation of Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) by A. Traeger with a poem, 16.8.1909; letter (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by August Stein, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) from Rudolf Virchow to Paul Langerhans with an invitation, 21.8.1875 - letter (handschr.) from Paul Langerhans with this Virchow letter, 22.10.1902 - letter (handschr.) from Haussmann to M. Venedey because of potential party resignations, 15.1.1894 - letter (handschr.) from M. Venedey about the circumstances in the party in the lake and Black Forest district, 18.1.1894; with thanks for an election speech to the Baden elections, 10.12.1909 - letter (handschr.) from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 19.2.1901; about a psychiatric examination of the case Münch in Winnenthal, 24.10.1910 - letter Haussmann sent to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.) - letter from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 24.10.1910 - letter from Haussmann to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.)); about the events from 7. to 12. July 1917, 25.10.1920 (masch.) - letter by Arnold Wahnschaffe to details of the July crisis 1917, 20.10.1920 (handschr.); about Bethmann's politics in summer 1917 and possibilities for peace, 4.11.1920 (masch.) - letter (handschr.) by Paul Wallot about the petition for clemency for Maximilian Harden, 2.5.1901 - letter (masch.)) Haussmanns to Max Warburg with the request for contributions for the brochure series "Der Aufbau", 16.11.1918 - letter (masch.) by Max Warburg with proposals on minister occupations, 29.3.1920; on the position of Minister Simon, 13.2.1921; on the occupation of a post in China, 14.2.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Frhr. v. Weizsäcker on railway questions, 11.2.1914; on Kiderlen, 26.9.1914; because of the news from Bordeaux and about the probable duration of the fights in the West, 28.9.1914; because of an essay and about hatred against Western opponents, 31.10.1914; about war aims and a work Hanotaux, 14.12.1914; about news from Switzerland, 1.1.1915; Weiszäcker's business card for the return of the letter Stoskopf (Strassburg) to Haussmann about Bavarian efforts towards Alsace, 4.4.1915; because of a factory in Mühlacker, 9.11.1915; two business cards with thanks for reports about stays in Switzerland, o.D. - writing (mechanical) Haussmann to Weizsäcker with news from Antwerp, 30.9.1914; with a report from Switzerland, 26.10.1914; about waterways, Alsace and Stegemann's visit to Berlin, 10.2.1915; about Stegemann's stay in Berlin, 12.2.1915; about Swiss news concerning the Italian army, 21.6.1915; about the Alsace-Lorraine question, 9.10.1915; about Bavaria and Alsace-Lorraine, 1.11.1915; about Alsace-Lorraine, 19.11.1915; about Greetings Bethmanns, 22.7.1917 - letter (mach.) of the assessor Bilfinger with a record about the conversation Moy-Haussmann, mach.., 5.11.1915 - Letter (handschr.) from Wendorff about personnel matters of an official in Sigmaringen, 29.11.1921 - Letter (masch.) from Philipp Wieland with a recommendation for the journalist Stobitzer, 29.11.1918; about the occupation of party secretary positions and the cooperation of national liberals and Freisinniger Volkspartei, 29.11.1918 - Letter (handschr.) from Richard Wilhelm for the occupation of the envoy post in Beijing, 19.4.1921; about own and Haussmann's translations of Chinese poems, 7.6.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Wiemer about the forthcoming Morocco debate in the Reichstag and its preparation, 3.11.1911 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Theodor Wolff with the request for regular cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, 26.12.1908; because of some articles and about the Africa-Agreement with England, 4.3.1914; because of a regular cooperation of Haussmann, 10.4.1917 (mechanical); about an article of Haussmann, 19.5.1917, 16.9.1917; because of a discussion with English diplomats about Ruhrgebiet issues, 29.3.1920; about Simons as potential president of the Reich, 13.4.1921; with an invitation, 15.12.1921; with thanks for an article and for the occupation of the cabinet, 30.12.1921 (masch.) - letter (especially masch.)) Haussmann's to Theodor Wolff on the situation after the Easter message, on future politics and on difficulties of the parliamentary system, 14.4.1917; on his cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, spring 1917 (handschr.); on America and the U-boat War, 6.2.1917; on the Weimar Constitution, 2.9.1919 - letter (masch.) of Count Zeppelin because of an essay in the magazine "März", 16.3.1910

Haußmann, Conrad
Reichstag (mainly faction meetings)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 25 · Akt(e) · 1890-1922
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Redemanuskripte "Die Fehler der bürgerlichen Demokratie" und "Die Jungen und die Zeit", Autumn 1920 Faction Meetings 1914-1916 - Notes for Faction Meeting on Possible Outcomes and Objectives of War, handschr., 29.11.1914 - Notes for Meeting with Delbrück on War, handschr.., 30.11.1914 - Resolution of the Reichstag on war victims, printed, 30.11.1914 - First draft of a demonstration of confidence of the president, handschr., 2.12.1914 - Attitude of the executive committee of the progressive people's party Gross-Berlin to peace goals, mach.., 1915 - Keywords for a speech in the parliamentary group after the Baralong affair, handschr., 1915 - Draft proposal for a potato ban, handschr., 9.3.1915 - Notes on foreign policy questions and peace conditions, handschr.., 10.3.1915 - Draft of a parliamentary group resolution on the expedient reorganization of economic and trade relations with Austria-Hungary, handschr., 18.5.1915 - Invitation to the Minutes of the Party Conference in Eisenach on War Aims and Peace Conditions, masch.,1.

Haußmann, Conrad
War Memoirs and Field Mail Letters
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 126 · Akt(e) · 1914-1926
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Letter from Dr. O. Wiemer about the introduction of a new fleet bill, mechanical, 12.9.1915 - Letter from the publishing house "Licht und Schatten" with the request for cooperation, mechanical, 24.9.1915 - Letter from Haussmann to the War Minister v. Marchthaler about unequal wages for employees in the War Clothing Office, mechanical, 24.9.1915 - Letter from the publishing house "Licht und Schatten" with the request for cooperation, mechanical, 24.9.1915 - Letter from Haussmann to the War Minister v. Marchthaler about unequal wages for employees in the War Clothing Office, mechanical, 24.9.1915 - Letter from the publishing house "Licht und Schatten" with the request for cooperation, mechanical, 24.9.1915 - Letter from Haussmann to the War Minister v. Marchthaler about unequal wages for employees in the War Clothing Office, mechanical, 24.9.1915 - L from the publishing house "Licht und Schatten" with the request for cooperation, mechanical, 24.9.1915 28.9.1915 - Letter from Paul Kienle about the mood, handschr., 29.9.1915 - Letter from Wiemer about the Reichstag sessions, handschr., 2.10.1915 - Letter with a complaint that the Württemberg authorities do not take care of the regiment, mechanical, 6.10.1915 - Letter from the Kriegsrohstoffabteilung with thanks for a reference to leather and tanning agents in Antwerp, mechanical, mechanical, and chemical, 20.10.1914 - Letter of mine owner Emil Sauer to the will of war, mechanical, 1.12.1914 - Letter of the German-Turkish union, mechanical, 10.2.1915 - Field post letter of Louis Kirchner about the behaviour of the officers, mechanical, 4.12.1915 - Letter of Ernst Jäckh about the confidence of Hindenburg, mechanical, 1.12.1914 - Letter of the German-Turkish union, mechanical, 10.2.1915 - Field post letter of Louis Kirchner about the behaviour of the officers, mechanical, 4.12.1915 - Letter of Ernst Jäckh about the confidence of Hindenburg, mechanical, 1.12.1914 - Letter of the German-Turkish union, mechanical, 4.12.1915 - Letter of Ernst Jäckh about the confidence of Hindenburg, mechanical, 4.12.1915 - Letter of Ernst Jäckh about the confidence of Hindenburg, mechanical, 4.12.19, 8.9.1916 - Letter by Schultheiss Blickle from Winterlingen about the importance of colonial property, mechanical, 11.9.1916 - Letter with news about the party, handschr., 17.12.1916 - Feldpostbrief mit politischen Ansichten, handschr., 25.9.1917 - Criticism of Haussmann's current attitude by a former voter, handschr., 24.10.1917 - Telegram by Marchthaler about fights of a division, 23.8.1918

Haußmann, Conrad