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Archival description
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0715 · File · 1895-01-01 - 1902-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1239/1895; EndVNr: E 675/1896; and others: Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, page 22, the Postal Museum, (1895), page 124, the Botanical Museum, page 256, and the Museum of Decorative Arts, Berlin, (1896), pages 126 et seq., 242 et seq. Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, Braunschweig, 143 et seq., and the Miner's Collection, Erfurt, (1896), page 173 - Exchange with private person, (1896), page 257 et seq. Cooperation with the German Colonial Society, (1895), pp. 74, 89, and the Ethnological Assistance Committee, Berlin, (1895, 1896), pp. 41, 219 ff.- Donde-Expedition, (1895), pp. 1 ff.- Dt. Togo Expedition, (1896), pp. 134 - S.D.S. 88, 93 - Neuhaus: Presentation of a Yao boy, (1895), pp. 86 f - Klingholz: Sketches of a grave near Daresalaam, (1896), pp. 107 - Partial estate of Emin Pasha, (1895), pp. 113 ff - Bernardien: Production of a Dinka figure in plaster, (1896), pp. 149 et seq. Arabic lettering, pp. 169 - Kollmann: Report on his activities as a collector, (1895), pp. 193 et seq. Zenker: Report on riots in Yaoundé, (1896), pp. 205 et seq. - Application of a magic instrument of Isala, (1896), pp. 228 - Grünwedel: Evaluation of a work by Janssen on Islam, (1896), pp. 231 et seq. "Eugen Wolf 's Afrikanische Sammlungen für den Fürsten Bismarck, (1896), Ztg.-Artikel, p. 235 - Hagen: Report on the Intended Melting of Ashanti-Gold in Hamburg, (1896), p. 237 ff - Stuhlmann: Bericht über "Penishütchen" bei den Mafiti, (1896), p. 256.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0713 · File · 1894-01-01 - 1902-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 584/1894; EndVNr: E 1318/1894; and others: Cooperation with dMV Botanical Museum, pp. 35, 141 f., 196, dMV NaturkundMVuseum, pp. 19, 35, 144, 186, 188, 215, and the Postmuseum, Berlin, (1894), pp. 150 - Exchange of duplicates with the Ethnological Museum, St. Gallen, pp. 216, the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1894), pp. 1, the Städtisches Museum, Bremen, pp. 34, 225, and the Ethnographisches Museum, Bergen, (1894, 1902), pp. 134, 225 - Cooperation with the German Cameroon Committee, pp. 49, 73 et seq, the German Togo Committee, p. 82, the Ethnological Aid Committee, p. 231 et seq, the editorial office of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, p. 12, and the German Antisklavereikomitee, Koblenz, (1894), p. 4 - S.D.S. 64., 66. - 72., 75.- Weule: Request for plaster casts for the exhibition, (1894), p. 50 - Wangemann: Pipes in Nord-Transvaal, (1894), p. 55 - Bastian: Purchase of collections of state-supported expeditions, (1894), p. 87 et seq. Stuhlmann: Report from the mission Tununguo, (1894), pp. 152, business trip of Luschans to the world exhibition in Antwerp, (1894), pp. 178 ff. - by Dohna: "Lebens-Notizen des Siegmar Staesser", (1894), pp. 199, by Luschan: Hoffnung auf Enricherung der Slg. nach dem Erfolg über die Wahehe, (1894), pp. 212 f.- Däubler: Request for endorsement of the title Sanitätsrat, (1894), pp. 236 ff. - Actien-Bauverein "Passage": Transmission of hair of Africans, (1894), pp. 251 f. - Büchle: Donation of skulls, (1894), pp. 256 f. - Klingholz: Transmission of plaster casts of grave ornaments from the vicinity of Daresalaam, (1894), pp. 259.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0717 · File · 1896-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 6/1897; EndVNr: E 795/1897; and others: Exchange of doublets with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Stuttgart, (1896), pp. 35, 236 ff., and the museums in Philadelphia, (1897), pp. 61 ff.Exchange of duplicates with private persons, (1896, 1897, 1902), p. 5, 193 - Cooperation with the Ethnological Assistance Committee, p. 74, and the German Togo Committee, Berlin, (1897), p. 264 - Cooperation with the Steyler Mission, (1897), p. 31 et seq. Irangi Expedition, (1897), pp. 80 by Luschan: Report on the Unresolved Property Issue of S.D.S. with Regard to the Intended Foundation of a Colonial Museum, (1897), pp. 38 by Ramsey: Report from [Udhidhi], (1896), pp. 44 ff.- Zenker: Acquisition of a fetish, pp. 55 f., Use of forks by the [Ngumba], (1897), pp. 211 f. - Stuhlmann: Report on paintings of the Wahehe and Wabena, the attack on the Zelewski expedition, (1897), pp. 92 f. - Plehn: Sendung von Skeletten, (1897), pp. 104 f. - Conradt: Bericht über Musikinstrumente, (1897), pp. 128 f.- Kollmann: Bericht über die Toteninsel bei [Bakoba], (1897), pp. 156 ff.- [Fülleborn:] Report über Ohrpflöcke und Tatauierungen mit Pflanzensaft, (1897), pp. 244 f.- Exhibits of the Collection of the Togo Expedition for the Trade Exhibition, (1897), pp. 265 ff.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0734 · File · 1905-01-01 - 1922-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1672/1905; EndVNr: E 2263/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, pp. 95, the Egyptian Museum, pp. 60 et seq., 118 et seq., and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, (1905), pp. 60 et seq. - Donation to the Museum of Prehistory and Early History, Berlin, (1922), pp. 271 - Exchange of doublets with the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905, 1906), pp. 243 et seq. Cooperation with the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, (1905), pp. 56 et seq. - Cooperation with the High Command of the Schutztruppe, (1906), pp. 251 et seq., and the Psychological Institute of the University, Berlin, (1905), pp. 334 et seq. Collaboration with the universities, Chicago, pp. 72, 304, Vienna, pp. 137 f., the Liederkranz-Club, Johannesburg, pp. 53 f., and the British South-Africa Company, Cape Town, (1905), pp. 229 ff - Collaboration with missionaries, pp. 43 f., 80 ff., 163, 235, 322 ff., and the Basler Mission, (1905), p. 47 - by Luschan: Report on the purchase of a bark boat, Abschr., p. 143, Report on the purchase of the comp. Andrews and denture deformations with the Barotse and Batonga, (1905), p. 154 ff - Busch: Donation of stones with Bushman drawings, (1905), pp. 67 ff. - Deetjen: Report on upper lip jewellery of Makalanga women, pp. 128 ff., Report on the change of utensils, the disappearance of snuffboxes and grass fabrics, (1906), pp. 169 ff. - Peters: "The Exploration of Ruins in Zambesia.", (o.D.), Ztg.-Article, p. 132 - Andrews: "The Webster Ruin.", (1906), p. 183 ff - Government of Rhodesia: Rejection of the exhumation of skeletons, (1905), p. 190 - Schweinfurth: Offer of "Palaeolithic siliceous manufacts" from Upper Egypt, p. 259, "Type series of the Eolithic manufacts of Thebes.", p. 260 ff, "Type Series of the Palaeolithic Manufacts of Thebes", pp. 265 et seq., "List of the localities exploited by me in the surroundings of Thebes for the collection of pebble manufacts", (1905), Druckschr.., Bl. 269 f.- Ankermann: Report on the Collection Schauer, (1905), Bl. 286 f.- Hochapfel: Erklärung von Buschmann-Motiven, (1905), Bl. 307 f.- Donation of the Collection Mittelbachert to a Society, (1905), Ztg.-Artikel, Bl. 339.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0732 · File · 1904-01-01 - 1907-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1937/1904; EndVNr: E 855/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1905), p. 58 - Cooperation with the Museums of Ethnology, Hamburg, p. 280, Dresden, p. 281, Cologne, (1907), p. 279, Stuttgart, (1904), p. 29, 176 f., the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, p. 146, the Institute of Anthropology, London, p. 174, and the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, (1905), p. 183 ff - Transfer of duplicates to the antiquity society Prussia, Königsberg, (1905), p. 153 - Transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1905), p. 196, p. 309 - Cooperation with the governors of DSW, p. 175, Togo, (1905), p. 334, and Cameroon, (1904), p. 64 - Cooperation with Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, pp. 41, the German Mediterranean Society, Berlin, pp. 167, the Société d' Études coloniales, Brussels, pp. 223, the American Geographical Society, New York, and the University Library, Vienna, (1905), pp. 159 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904, 1905), pp. 77 f., 151, 222, of the Congregation of Missionaries Oblates of the Immaculate Virgin Mary (1904), pp. 5 ff., of the Mission of hh. Heart of Jesus, (1905), pp. 179 f., and the Basel Mission, (1905, 1906), pp. 288 ff.- Merker: Location of drilled stones, (1905), Abschr., pp. 42 f.- Hofmarschallamt: Loan of a chair by Njoya von Bamum, (1905), p. 67 - Armbandsammlung Döring, (1905), p. 75 f. - Judgment on the outstanding sum insured for ECR Rigler, (1905), p. 81 ff - Rehse: Supplements to his manuscript "Kiziba", p. 93 ff., "Foreword to Chapter 11", p. 96, Request for Command to Bukoba and Biographical Notes, (1905), p. 122 - Laufer: Report on the Sanatorium Alhayat in Egypt, (1905), p. 137 ff. - "The Work of the Diafe by Leo Frobenius.", (1905), Abschr., p. 148 f. - Schweinfurth: Bericht über Bogen aus Ägypten, (1905), p. 154 - by Stefenelli: Bericht über den Gebrauch von Masken beim Fetischdienst, (1905), p. 202 ff - Schloifer: "Einladung zur Beteiligung an der Central-Afrikanischen Bergwerks-Gesellschaft m.b.H.", p. 213, "Entwurf. Gesellschaftsvertrag ...", pp. 215 et seq., "Report to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", pp. 218 et seq., "Special report on the goldfields belonging to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", Printed by Druckschr., (1905), pp. 219 et seq. - "List of African ethnographic objects brought by Mr Paul Bieger from Lagos", (1905), pp. 239 et seq. "Name and meaning of the stamps (s. 3447) of missionaries Merkel and Sitzler, (1905), pp. 306 ff. - "Verzeichnis der Sammlung Rosen", (1905), pp. 316 ff. - Rosen: Publikationspläne und Abrechnung über seine Gesandtschaftsreise nach Abessinien, (1906), pp. 327 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0798 · File · 1907-01-01 - 1913-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 332/1907; EndVNr: E 561/1909; and others: Cooperation with the Governor of Cameroon, p. 76, the Society of Northwest Cameroon, p. 48 ff. (1908), and the Basel Mission, p. 114, p. 118, p. 142, p. 189; Ankermann: Reiseplan, p. 2 f. (1907), Report on Glauning's Death, p. 100, "... Report about my previous activities in Cameroon ...", pp. 108 ff., Report about the estate Glauning, (1908), pp. 133 f.- "Ethnographische Forschungsreise.", (1907), Ztg.-Artikel, pp. 17.- "Abrechnung ...", (1907), pp. 31 f.

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Blecher, Adolf (1869-1938)
RMG 1.649 a-b · File · 1894-1951
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1900-1919 in Rehoboth, Otjimbingue, later parish office Germany, the 2nd woman, Emma Blecher, née Böhle was missionary sister, no own file available; letters and reports, 1900-1919; curriculum vitae, application, medical certificate, 1894; "funeral speech at the grave of my expensive wife", Mathilde Blecher, née. Siebel, 1906; Donation of Platzes Ouises by Lazarus Cloete, copy of the document, 1907; lease contract for mission plot with farmer Herforth, Hoachanas, 1908; report on d. Death of his 2nd wife Emma Blecher, née Böhle, 1911; Correspondence on pay matters, 1929; Samuel Beukus, Rehoboth, complains to Adolf Blecher about d. Successor of Adolf Blecher in Rehoboth, Missionary Hermann Schroer, 1930; obituary for Adolf Blecher, 1938; correspondence with Martha Blecher, née Stegemann, 1938-1951; obituary for Martha Blecher, 1951;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.584 a-c · File · 1849-1865, 1866-1875, 1875-1892, 1965
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1851-1877 in Berseba, Stellenbosch, 1877-1887 in Capeland, from 1887 parish office in Wynberg, Capeland, extensive file, in need of restoration; letters and diary reports, 1849-1892; pedigree Krönlein; missionary Johann Georg Krönlein, Friedrich Hermann Rust, 8 p., Dr., 1965

Rhenish Missionary Society
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, D 6 B Böddeken · Fonds · 1804-1974
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: Until the beginning of the 18th century there were no special forestry offices in Paderborn, neither in the court chamber nor in the individual offices. The forest administration was also carried out by the office pension masters. In 1705 a chief forester was appointed as "wood inspector" for the sovereign forests and it was only in the middle of the 18th century that the local forestry gained a certain independence. The forest administration was now transferred to the official authorities and their subordinates, the forest rangers and forest keepers. In the later Oberförsterei Böddeken existed the service farms Telegraf, Neuböddeken, Gellinghausen and Sprengelborn. As part of the reorganization of the forestry administration in 1817, the Prussian administration set up forest inspections staffed by forest masters as subordinate authorities to the government. Subordinated to these were the chief forest rangers, to whom several protective districts administered by sub forest rangers were subordinated. Until 1803 the areas of the present Böddeken Forestry Office were owned by the Böddeken Monastery and the Paderborn Cathedral Chapter. Area changes were caused by separations and separations, in particular by the Wewelsburg separation. After the first survey and division of the forest district had taken place in 1833/34, the first estimate and the first plant were completed in 1856 after various attempts. The Oberförsterei Böddeken was at that time subject to the Paderborn Forest Inspectorate. Already in 1833 the Sprengelborn forestery, formerly belonging to the Oberförsterei, had been sold. Since 1861, however, it has served as a sub-forestry farm for Eggeringhausen. In 1882 the area of Böddeken consisted of the following protectorates: Telegraf, Altböddeken, Wewelsburg, Neuböddeken, Atteln, Eggeringhausen and Gellinghausen. Around 1900 Atteln was ceded to the new Oberförsterei Dalheim. Parts of Neuböddeken were used to form the Henglarn protectorate, while the remainder continued to exist as the Neuböddeken hunting ground or lower forestery. According to an assessment work of the Oberförsterei (D 6 B Böddeken No. 61), which was established in 1900, the forest district at that time consisted of the forest locations Telegraph, Blindeborn, Kluss, Teufelskammer, Kölnische Mark, Okenthal and Kiefernkamp. In 1947, the Böddeken Forestry Office comprised a forestry master post in Böddeken, a head forester post in Gellinghausen, the Telegraf, Altböddeken, Wewelsburg, Henglarn, Neuböddeken, Eggeringhausen and i. G. district forester posts as well as two employee posts (see D 6 B Minden No. 305). In 1934 the Öberförsterei Böddeken became the state forestry office of the same name. In 1949, the new state of North Rhine-Westphalia incorporated the forestry administration into the district governments, as bureaucratic forestry departments subordinate to the district president. This meant for Böddeken that it was subordinate to the Minden forest department of the Detmold government president. On April 1, 1952, the forester's office, built in 1908 and moved from Wewelsburg to Gellinghausen in 1928, was dissolved. In 1956, the forest departments became departments. From 1 January 1970, the tasks of the higher forestry authorities were transferred from the presidents of the provinces to the directors of the Chamber of Agriculture as state representatives. On 31.12.1971 the forestry office Böddeken was dissolved. The State Forestry Office in Paderborn became the successor authority. Inventory history and indexing: The inventory D 6 B Böddeken initially comprised an access originally handed over to the former State Archives Münster with a duration of 1819 to 1860, which later reached here in connection with the division of responsibilities between the former State Archives Münster and Detmold, the access 42/1967, which has a duration of 1920 to 1955 and was handed over directly from the Forestry Office Böddeken to the State Archives Detmold, as well as some documents from the access 50/1969. The signature scheme of the older files is very complicated (Fach ..., Nr. ..., Kap. ..., Tit. ..., Sect. ..., Lit. ..., lit. ...). In the case of the more recent files, this registration plan was replaced by a considerably simplified one (Dept. ... / Roman number / No. ... / Arab number /). From the middle of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century it is possible to determine an order by title (Tit.), number (No.) and volume (Vol.) for some files. For example, the following titles stood for the following file plan items:Title III: Area and border matters Title X: Forestry and police matters Title XIII: Accounting and registration matters Title XIV: Various items The new order was initially based on a 1871 registration plan for the forestry offices, although the individual subject groups were changed in order to separate the actual forestry and hunting matters from the administration. A subdivision into intermediate and sub-groups was not necessary for the time being due to the small size of the file. For this reason, some of the subject groups remained unoccupied for the time being. The classification of the find book was revised after the more recent file additions 125/2004 (now: D 6 B Böddeken no. 49 to 88), 11/1989 (now: D 6 B Böddeken no. 89-90), 50/1969 (now: D 6 B Böddeken no. 91 to 93 as well as 157 and 158) and 89/2009 (now: D 6 B B Böddeken no. 94 to 156) were listed. There was no cassation of documents - in particular the wood receipts manuals and forest culture plans - as most of the operations of the forestry office obviously remained within the authority. The file D 6 B Böddeken No. 76 contains a so-called "Chronicle of the Oberförsterei", which was kept in the years 1924 to 1974 and goes back to the year 1855 in terms of content. The file D 6 B Altenbeken No. 464 also contains a short history of the former Böddeken forestry office for the years 1820 to 1971. A group picture from 1913, probably taken in the Böddeker forest, a portrait of the head forester R., taken at Whitsun 1900 on the balcony of the Oberförsterei in Neuböddeken. of Eschwege and two portraits of the forestry officers Detmar Hüffer and Wegener from 1890 and May 1927 respectively were added to the collection D 75 (picture collection) under the signature D 75 No. 9096. Further documents of the Oberförsterei Böddeken can be found in the files D 6 C Büren. It is to be quoted after order no.: D 6 B Böddeken Detmold in 1972, 2012 and 2013 signed. Simon and Schumacher

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 81 Hamburg · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities The legation in Hamburg was one of the most important diplomatic representations of Prussia in Germany. Its importance lay above all in the field of trade and customs policy and shipping. Special emphasis was placed on the economic geographic location of the embassy's area of responsibility as the starting point for German overseas trade and as the end point of the important inland waterways Elbe and Weser. The legation gained an additional significance in the context of colonial politics. The development of the competence of the Hamburg legation is quite complicated, but it should be noted that the three Hanseatic cities of Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck as well as the two Mecklenburg usually belonged to the legation area. From the Tilsit peace of 1807 until the annexation of the Hanseatic cities and Oldenburgs by France in December 1810, the competence of the mission extended to Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz in addition to the states mentioned. After the dissolution of the Hamburg legation in 1810 due to the French annexation of the German North Sea coast, the diplomatic contacts of Prussia to Mecklenburg, bound to the person of the previous legation in Hamburg, were essentially perceived by the legation in Dresden. After the Paris Peace of 30 May 1814, the legation was newly founded and was given a large area of responsibility, which extended not only to the Hanseatic cities and Mecklenburg but also to Hanover, Brunswick, Oldenburg, Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe-Detmold. In 1832 the representatives near Hanover, Braunschweig, Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe-Detmold were taken over by the Kassel legation. In 1837 Oldenburg was included in the newly founded mission in Hanover. The area of responsibility thus narrowed to the Hanseatic cities and Mecklenburg remained constant until the dissolution of the Hamburg legation, which took place on 31 March 1920. Heads of Mission 1804 - 1811 Grote, Count August Otto from 1814 - 1830 1830 - 1832 Maltzan, Mortimer from 1832 - 1848 Haenlein, Johann Christian Ferdinand Louis from 1848 - 1859 Kamptz, Carl Ludwig Georg Friedrich Ernst Albert from 1859 - 1867 Richthofen, Baron Emil Carl Heinrich from 1867 - 1869 Kamptz, Carl Ludwig Georg Friedrich Ernst Albert from 1869 - 1872 Magnus, Anton from 1872 - 1875 Rosenberg, Baron Adalbert from 1875 - 1885 Wentzel, Robert Albrecht Friedrich Otto from 1885 - 1890 Kusserow, Heinrich from 1890 - 1894 Thielmann, Baron Max from 1894 - 1895 Kiderlen-Waechter, Alfred from 1895 - 1898 Wallwitz, Count Nikolaus from 1898 - 1902 Metternich, Count Paul from 1902 - 1907 Tschirschky and Boegendorff, Heinrich Leonhard from 1907 - 1908 Heyking, Baron Edmund from 1908 - 1915 Bülow, Gustav Adolf from 1915 - 1920 Quadt von Wyckradt und Isny, Albert inventory description: Inventory history The inventory consisted of five registry or (A-E), which came into the archive between 1834 and 1940. In 1840 a find book was created for Group A, in which the other tax layers were also entered. Accessions No. 8042 to 8168 were combined into groups in January 1870, some of them classified as worthless (cf. VI. HA Nl. Friedländer, G., No. 13, fol. 33). During the Second World War, the Rep. 81 Hamburg stock was transferred to the salt mines in Staßfurt and Schönebeck and brought to the Soviet Union at the end of the war. In 1955 he was returned to the Central State Archives in Merseburg. The stock was divided into the part before 1807 and the part after 1807. The latter part was newly recorded in 1968 by Joachim Nossol and arranged in 1969 under the guidance of Dr. Joachim Lehmann and Roswitha Nagel according to factual aspects. The lowest level of classification is arranged chronologically - while preserving factual contexts. The editorial work was done by the archivist Maria Lehmann, the find book was written by Magdalena Sabor. The history of the institution was written by Dr. Joachim Lehman. In the course of the re-listing of the I. HA Rep. 81 Hanover legation, a file was found which belongs to the Hamburg legation in terms of provenance (old signature Rep. 81 Hanover B 4 a). The Hamburg legation comprises a total of 1,350 files from the period 1804 to 1920, Merseburg, signed in June 1981. Nagel revised Berlin, signed in February 2011 Dr. Puppel last assigned number: ____ to order: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 81 Hamburg legation: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 81 legations and consulates after 1807, Hamburg legation finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.

EZA 5/287 · File · 12.1907 - 03.1915
Part of Evangelical Central Archive

Contains: Support from the DEKA. - Instruction of foreign priests in tropical hygiene. - Activity of the Hamburg Colonial Institute. - Study trips to the mission areas. - Deutsches Institut für ärztliche Mission in Tübingen, 1910 - 1911 - Status of the ecclesiastical care of the German protectorates in Nov. 1912 (tabular overview), 1912 - Financial expenditure of the EO for the benefit of the German Protestant congregations in Johannisburg, Pretoria, Dar es Salaam and Tanga. - Tabular overview 1913 - German - East Africa. - Map showing the mission stations active in the country in 1910 - Axenfeld, K.: (Missionsinspektor) Church supply for the Protestant white population in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a. Travelogue (copy), 22 p., n.d., circa 1913/ - Mirbt, C.: Study trip to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a . Travelogue 1913.; Prints: Hamburg Colonial Institute. - Course Catalogue Winter Half-Year 1908/1909, 1908 - Desgl. 1910/11, 1910 - Desgl. Summer Half-Year 1911, 1911 - Seminar for Oriental Languages, Berlin: List of Lectures and Exercises, Winter Semester 1910/11, 1910 - Desgl. Summer Semester Half-Year 1911, 1911.

RMG 2.621 · File · 1910-1934
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

A visit to the Finnish missionaries in Ondonga and in our former field of work Oukuanjama, Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, c. 1930; International Unifying Force of the Gospel (Hereros in Betschuanaland), H. Pfitzinger in Ramoutsa, South Africa, c. 1932; The problem of Christian marriage among the Southwest African heathen Christians, 1922; About d. Insufficiency of the religious education of our inborn helpers and the demands arising therefrom, Heinrich Vedder, 1911; Zur Psychologie d. Glaubenslebens unserer afrikanischen Christen, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, 1913; Was d. Südwestafrikanische Aufstand d. RMG nahm und gab, Johannes Spiecker, o. J. 1911/12]; Die geistliche Bedienung d. Christen u. d. Unterweisung d. Heiden auf d. Farmen u. Eisenbahn-stationen, Friedrich A. Meier, 1922; Die Bedeutung d. RMG für d. Kolonisation Deutsch-Südwestafrikas, o. J.; Cooperation of indigenous Christian women, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann with Note von Schw. Lina Stahlhut, 1913; How must our and the evangelists preaching be in today's time? August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, 1912; What can we do to prevent the increase of great sins in our churches? Nikodemus Kido, 1912; Die Seelsorge in unseren Gemeinden, Friedrich Peter Bernsmann, 1911; Gründen d. gegen d. Einrichtung e. Zentralkasse sprechen, Friedrich A. Meier, Adolf Blecher, 1912; Die Zentralkasse, ihr für u. wieder, ist sie zeitgegemäß und wie könnte d. Einrichtung getroffen werden? Wilhelm Eich, 1911; Das Lehrverfahren im Muttersprachunterricht auf d. Unterstufe (Hereroland), Kurt Nowack, 1910; Leitsätze zur Reform unseres Missions-Schulwesens (Schulreform Hereroland), Karl Friedrich Wandres, Heinrich Vedder, Kurt Nowack, 1910; Our position and our behaviour towards our indigenous staff, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, Note by Johannes Warneck, 1934; Which methods and which goal must we pursue in the education of our indigenous assistants? Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1928; Practical proposals for the establishment and operation of the seminar to be established, Heinrich Vedder, 1910; How do we have to deal with the Roman mission and its work, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 1910; The necessity of the education of our natives to work illuminated from the Christian and social standpoint, Heinrich Johann Brockmann, 1910; (The file is enclosed);

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.628 · File · 1886-1934
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Listing of the papers corresponds to the order in the file, only there it is chronologically descending]; Eine Erstlingsgarbe, Tobias Fenchel, 10 p., hs., 1886; Namaqualand, N. N., o. J.; How do natives treat their diseases by their own means, and in what relation to it d. Magic?, Tobias Fenchel, 14 p., hs., 1893; To understand d. Missionsarbeit unter d. Namavolk, N. N., 24 p., c. 1901; To what extent can the Institut Wupperthal and the former mission colony Otjimbingwe in economic development give finger pointers for the reserve Rietmond, Carl Berger, 11 p., 1902; Leitende Gesichtspunkte für Kirchenzucht im Groß-Namaland, Heinrich Pabst, 14 p., hs., 1903; Die farbige Raasse u. d. nationale Aufgabe in d. Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, (Translation e. Article from The United Presbyterian), Prof. Dr. Franz R. Beattie, 10 p., 1905; Die Erziehung d. Aboriginal, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1905; Zur Instituts- u. Schulfrage (für halbbweiße Kinder), Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 7 p., hs.., 1907; The general situation regarding the continuing state of war: To what extent can we contribute to the security of the country, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 6 p., ms., 1906; The school reform question of our mission schools in German Southwest Africa, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 16 p., ms., 1907; The question of religious education of the natives, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 6 p., ms. 1908; Missionsnöte u. Erfolge in Südafrika, Prof. Marais, Stellenbosch, 9 p., ms., 1908; Über d. Recht d. Naman u. Bergdaman, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 36 p. hektograph. 1908; Which duties does the mission have towards those church members who wander back and forth and how can control over them be exercised? Presentation on the topic: Control over our indigenous members of the congregation, our duties towards them, Hermann Nyhof, 1910; The Catholic mission, its way and its successes within our area and the means that allowed us to meet it effectively, Hermann Nyhof, 22 p., hs., 1911; The language question in d. Namamission, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 21 p., ms., 1911; Which tasks does d. Modern times to our missionary work, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 13 p., 1912; Position of the missionaries to the. Natives on the one hand and whites on the other, Wilhelm Albert Peter, 18 p., hs., 1912; Die Besetzung d. Diamantfelder, Emil Karl Laaf, 4 p., hs., 1912; What can we do to educate our communities to independence? hs., 1913; Which methods and which goal must we pursue in the education of our indigenous assistants, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 10 p., ms., 1928; How should our church discipline be shaped in the Protestant sense? Friedrich Hermann Rust, 14 p.. ms., 1926; About the status of our RMG in Germany before, during and after the war, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 5 p., ms., 1920; What dangers in his professional and private life does the missionary in German Southwest Africa have to beware of and how can he prevent them? Christian Ludwig Kühhirt, 14 p., ms., 1914; Our position and our behaviour towards indigenous employees, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer with statement by Johannes Warneck, 2 versions, 1934;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Outer mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel, E 1 Berndorf v.O. 1 · File · 1938 - 1952
Part of Regional Church Archive Kassel
  • Contains: Contains inter alia: Women's and World Mission, Bethel Mission, Rhenish Missionary Society
  • 1938 - 1952, Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel, E 1 Berndorf v.O. Berndorf parish archive
  • description: Contains: Contains, among other things: Women's and world mission, Bethel Mission, Rhenish Missionary Society