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FA 1 / 72 · File · 1885 - 1902
Part of Cameroon National Archives

'Mutation des Soldats Haoussa du Togo à Yaoundé afin d'y établir un contact avec les caravanes de marchands Haoussa de l'Adamaoua et leur redirection vers la côte du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 85 · File · 1904 - 1905
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Anjang- (Cross-) Aufstand, - Schadensersatzansprüche der Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, 1904 - 1905 Untersuchungen gegen den am 22. 1.1904 getöteten Stationsleiter Graf von Pückler-Limpurg, Ossidinge, wegen angeblicher Schuld am Ausbruch des Aufstandes, 1904

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 976 · File · 1914
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Visit of State Secretary Dr Solf (Minutes). - Meeting of the Association of Cameroon and Togo Plantations, Cameroon Department, in Victoria. - Minutes, 1.9.1913 Visit of the State Secretary Dr Solf (minutes). - Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce for Central Cameroon in Duala. - Minutes, 10/9/1913

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 21 · File · 1889 - 1904
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Combating unrest and insurrection. - Cameroon hinterland research expedition (Dr Eugen Zintgraff). - Business trip (Chancellor Count Pfeil, Marcus), Greater and Lesser Batanga, Kribi, Kampo, Spanish Muni, Gabon, St Thome (with detailed statement by the Governor of Soden), 1889 [fol. 1 - 54] Trade and commerce. - Establishment of factories of the company Knutson, Valdau & Heilborns Afrikanska Handelsaktiebolag on the Massake, Ndian and Rio del Rey under certain conditions. - Report of the Governor of Soden to the Foreign Office, 1899 [fol. 57 - 59]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 76 · File · 1903 - 1906
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Tour to Lake Chad on 6.8.1904 (Governor von Puttkamer) - Preparations for the tour (among other requests, authorisation to go on an official tour, collaboration with the British authorities in Nigeria). - Behaviour of expedition leader Bauer. - Report by Governor von Puttkamer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 28.3.1904 Setting up a trading post in Garoua. - Unsuccessful attempts by German and British firms, 1902 - 1904 Transit traffic. - French transit traffic in the territory of the Protectorate of Cameroon, 1903 - 1913Garoua as the commercial centre of Adamaoua. - Report by Captain Thierry Colonial Group of the Protectorate of Cameroon. - 1st company. - Removal of the garrison and marching of the company to the Chari with a view to occupying the frontier with French territories and, subsequently, orders to return to Douala, 30.11.1903 Individual case. - Atangana, Non-Commissioned Officer, taken over by the Colonial Troop of the Protectorate of Cameroon to be enrolled in the GendarmerieMarch from Yaoundé to the Residentur of Garoua with 19 former Soldiers of the Gendarmerie enrolled again, 16.12.1903nTour to Lake Chad of 6.8.1904 (Governor von Puttkamer) - Execution. - Report from Governor von Puttkamer Reports from the general administration departments. - Residentur de Garoua septembre 1903 - janvier 1904, 1903 - 1904Services de l'administration locale. - Garoua. - Subordination of the Lamidat of Tibati. - Circular from Governor von Puttkamer, 15.4.1904 Local government departments. - Garoua. - Setting up of the Residentur in charge of the Lake Chad countries. - Circulaire du Gouverneur von Puttkamer (Projet), 15.4.1904Questions des frontières régionales. - General political, military and economic conditions. - Waza (burnt by Gaban populations) Report by First Lieutenant Stieber, Kousseri, April 1904 General political, military and economic conditions. - Insecurity on the Garoua-Maroua road and on the Moubi-Kousseri mail road. Report by First Lieutenant Stieber, Kousseri, 10.4.1904 Assassination of the Deputy Resident in Garoua, Captain Thierry, on 16.9.1904 near Moubi. - Punitive expedition from Garoua - Maroua - Gawar - Madagali - Ouba - Moubi - Gawar - Maroua from 18.11.- 23.12.1904 (Captain Langheld), 1904nn

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 81 · File · August - Oktober 1894
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Initiation of an investigation into the unauthorised execution of the Wute (Ngila) expedition (Lieutenant Dominik) and the return march through the Bakoko area [fol. 59] Claims for compensation by the companies C. Woermann and Jantzen & Thormählen for damage caused in the Bakoko-Bassa region, October 1894

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 102 · File · 1895 - 1896
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Statements of various companies against the execution, January 1895 [fol. 34 - 38] European expedition members. - Directory, 1 April 1895 [fol. 41] Investigation against Chief Bome of Edea for treason and his death by drowning and escape during transport to Douala, June-July 1895 [fol. 71 - 83] Public safety. - Expulsion of Duala traders from Edea and the Sanaga area for supplying primers to natives, especially the Bakoko, June-July 1895 [fol. 57 - 70] Conducting military reconnaissance of the Sanaga area against the intentions of the governorate. - Reports of Deputy Governor von Puttkamer, 9-18 August 1895 [fol. 99 - 107] Reconnaissance of the Sanaga area. - Reports by Rittmeister von Stetten, June 1895 [fol. 108 - 116] Transport. - Itinerary Kribi Jaunde. - Description, 1895 [fol. 128 - 129]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 89 · File · Juni 1905 - Januar 1907
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the general administration departments. - Mbo. - November-December 1906, 1906 [fol. 154 - 156] Fondsa-Tuala Expedition (Captain Schniewindt), 1905 - 1906 Mbo. - Establishment by the Mbo Expedition (Captain von Krogh), February - March 1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 83 · File · 1898 - 1900
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Dienststellen der Lokalverwaltung. - Dikoa. - Cancellation of the newly established military post. - Objection by Lieutenant-Colonel Pavel with reference to military requirements, (signature uncertain), July 1902 [fol. 21 - 23] Offices of the local administration. - Dikoa. - Objection by Captain Langheld regarding the possible resurgence of the Emir Subeiru (Zuber) of Jola and his influence on the sultanates in Bornu , (signature uncertain), September 1902 [fol. 26 - 27] Labour and porters. - Measures taken by the protection force for Cameroon to recruit workers from the Jaunde-Wute region and the neighbouring landscapes for the new large planting ventures in the Cameroon protectorate. - Governor von Puttkamer to Captain von Kamptz, 30 March 1899 [fol. 53 - 58] Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Purchase of 3024 kg of ivory from the Wute-Adamaua expedition worth 54432 marks by the factories in Yaoundé, 20 November 1899 [fol. 66] The Niger Company, Ltd. - violation of the joint treaty by sending an expedition to Tibati. - Complaint by Emir Subeiru (Zuber) of Jola (translation), 22 Mar. 1899 [fol. 87] Local government offices. - Establishment of the Joko military station by Captain von Kamptz and instructions for the head of the station, Lieutenant Nolte, 20 September 1899 [fol. 95 - 96] Local government offices. - Dikoa. - Administration of the military post, 1903 - 1906 [fol. 125 - 126]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 79 · File · 1888 - 1894
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Nyong Expedition (Kund-Tappenbeck-Dr. Weissenborn) - Situation in Yaoundé after setting up the Station and reasons for returning after crossing the Sanaga and arriving at Nguila. - Extract from Tappenbeck's last letter, 1889 Scientific station in the territory of Cameroon (Captain Kund). - First Lieutenant Morgen takes charge of the Station Chief's affairs. - Transcript, 23.10.1889

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 77 · File · 1885 - 1886
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Bekämpfung von Unruhen und Aufständen - 'The West-Kamerun-Expedition (Dr. Schwarz and von Prittwitz and Gaffron II, November 1885, January 1886), 1885 - 1886 [fol. 1 - 55] Field missions and expeditions. - Dienstreisen. - Dr. Krabbes: Langasi, Donga, Tiko am Bimbia, Mbinga, Wapaki-Land, 1886 Dienstreisen und Expeditionen. - Dienstreisen - Governor von Soden: Rumbi und Machke, 1886 Research station in Kamerungebiet (Hauptmann Kund). - Plans for the establishment of the station, 1888 Expeditionen Dr. Zintgraff (1886 - 1892) Ausreisevorbereitungen, 1885

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 96 · File · 1886 - 1895
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Combating Riots and Insurrections. - Budiman landscape (occupation), 12 May 1886 [fol. 9 - 10] Settlement of disputes and opening of the Dibombe, Ndokoboi and Ndokobedi rivers for trade between the two tribes. - Treaty between the chiefs Etoka of Wuri and Ngale of Budiman, 12 May 1886 [fol. 11 - 12] Succession of the deceased King Kwa - appointment of Chief Mbe of Mutimba-Lembe as rightful successor, 23 April 1892 [fol. 199 - 200] Abo expedition, 18-21 October 1891

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 92 · File · Mai 1910 – Oktober 1911
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Vol. incompletnnContextes de l'assassinat et de l'administration faible et défaillante de la Station de Doumé reprochée au Premier-Lieutenant Schipper. - Télégramme des firmes installées à Yaoundé à la Chambre de commerce du Cameroun méridional, Kribi, 6.6.1910nnMajor Dominik chargé de la répression de la rébellion. - Demande des firmes installées à Yaoundé au Gouvernement, 6.6.1910nnnAssassinat du Commerçant Bretschneider de la firme John Holt & Co, Ltd, début Mai 1910. - Rapport de l'employé Wolff, 23.5.1910nnRésultat officiel provisoire de l'enquête, 6.6.1910nnMesures militaires dans le District de Doumé. - Tentatives de la Chambre de commerce du Cameroun méridional, Kribi, 30 June 1910nnConditions générales politiques, militaires et économiques. - Région de Batouri - Rapport du Premier-Lieutenant Zipse, 2 August 1910nnnCroquis de la punition des Belle dans la zone de Deng-Deng par l'expédition du Premier-Lieutenant Peter, sans échelle. Dessin en couleur sur papier mm (avec esquisse d'ensemble 1:1 500 000), Novdition punitive contre les Bamvelle dans la zone de Ndeng Ndeng en novembre 1910 (Premier-Lieutenant Peter), 1910nnConditions des anciens insurgés détenus. - Rapport du Premier-Lieutenant Schlosser, Lomié, 9.2.1911nnnRépression de la rébellion des Maka du Nord du 31.5.1910 (Major Dominik), 1910 - 1911nnnEngagement des combattants auxiliaires indigènes, (1910 - 1911)nnRapport du Capitaine Marschner, Doumé, 5.5.1910nnn

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 86 · File · 1905 - 1906
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Opération au Sud du Protectorat du 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Capitaine Scheunemann, Premier-Lieutenant Bertram, Capitaine Schlosser). - Responsibility of companies based in Kribi for the outbreak of the rebellion. - Reports from Governor von Puttkamer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, June, August 1905. - Yaoundé. - Occupation of the position of Head of Station after the replacement of First Lieutenant Dominik. - Requests from commercial companies established in the Southern District, 1905 Workers and porters. - Provision of porters by the District Station of Kribi, February - May 1905 Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First-Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Background to the expeditions of Captain von Stein-Lausnitz and Captain Dominik, the interests of the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun and the Maka rebellion. - Report by Governor von Puttkamer, 1905nGendarmerie of the administration on the Ngoko. - Justification of manpower, 1.6.1905 Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Fortification of the Kribi Station against possible Boulou attacks. - Request from firms in the Southern District, 18.4.1905 Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Difficulties in recruiting ammunition carriers from Édéa to Yaoundé by the Édéa District Post, November 1905 Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Continuation of operations against the Esso, Maka and Njem. - Orders, 18.1. and 17.5.1906 Operation south of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 to 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Captain Schlosser). - Collaboration with the Southern Expedition. - Memorandum for the Akonolinga post, 28.2.1906 Operation in the South of the Protectorate from 25.5.1905 - 4.3.1907 (Captain Scheunemann, First Lieutenant Bertram, Cer). - Difficulties in recruiting porters encountered by Captain Dominik, Yaoundé, due to the disproportionate losses of porters from the Expedition of the South, February - May 1906. - Bertoua. -Setting up an administrative district. - Report by First Lieutenant Müller, 22.5.1906 General political, military and economic conditions. - Bertoua region. - Report by Captain von Stein, 22.3.1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 88 · File · 1904 - 1907
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Réparation des dommages. - Njem rebellion. - Losses of the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun in autumn 1903, 1903 - 1904 Violation of the ban on trade in the Nzimu and Njem area by the trader Wenzel of Woermann & Co, August 1905 Request from the Verein Westafrikanischer Kaufleute (Association of German Traders in Africa), Hamburg, concerning the ban on importing gunpowder and rifles to the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 5.2.1907 Combating disturbances and rebellions - Expedition to the Northern Maka region from 22.11.1906 - 20.01.1907. - Execution - Captain Dominik's report Inspection tour through the Southern Districts from 18.2. until the end of March 1907 (Brigadier General Müller) - Execution, 1907nMap on the submission of the Yetyang region, 1: 200,000, pen-and-ink drawing with coloured markings, June 1907 Expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), DKB 1 1907/347-352, 391-399 (map 349), 1904 - 1905 Establishment of the administration in the Ngoko by the expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), May-July 1904

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 80 · File · 1891 - 1893
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Ramsay, Hans - Justificel, 1891nnRamsay, Hans - Prise en charge des affaires du Chef de l'expédition par le Capitaine Ramsay après le décès du Capitaine von Gravenreuth, tombé aux environs de l'entrée de la ville de Buea le 16. 11.1991. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 13.12.1891nnCas individuels - Gemmingen, Freiherr von, Capitaine hors service - Installé en tant que Chef de la Station d'Édéa, 1892nnArmes et équipements. - Prise d'assaut de Buea en octobre 1891. - Dépannage de la Maxim-Mitrailleuse non opérationnelle en Allemagne, 1892nnLivraisons des armes et munitions. - Registre, 5.12.1891nRavitaillement de Yaoundé par une expédition venant d'Édéa sous la direction du Lieutenant von Brauchitsch, Février 1892nnDéficiences dans la gestion actuelle des moyens financiers par le Capitaine von Gravenreuth. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 31 March 1892nnnComptabilité, 1892 - 1893nnBalinga. - Mise en place de la Station par le Capitaine Ramsay et installation du Premier-Lieutenant Volckamer von Kirchensittenbach comme Chef de Station le 8.5.1892, 1892nnnStation scientifique Yaoundé et son Chef Georg Zenker. - Rapport du Capitaine Ramsey, Juin 1892nnServices de l'administration locale. - Inventaire, 7.5.1892nnAbandon de la tentative d'avancer jusqu'au Lac Tchad. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 5.7.1892nnnPlainte du Médecin-assistant Dr Richter contre le Capitaine Ramsey pour traitement indigne, 25.5.1892nnBalinga. - Missions de la Station. - Décret du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 4 August 1892nnBalinga. - Mise en place de la Station. - Décret du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 25 July 1892nnnDéroulement de la dissolution de l'expédition. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 19.8.1892nnBataille près de Buea le 16.11.1891 et les raisons du retrait vers Biboundi. - Rapport du Médecin assistant Dr Richter, 1.3.1892nnPièce d'artillerie 3,7 cm de l'usine Gruson, Magedebourg (instruction de démontage. Écrite à la main), 1891nnFeuille de route du Premier-Lieutenant Morgen avec des nouvelles expériences du Capitaine à la suite de la Troupe coloniale du Protectorat de l'Afrique orientale, Hans Ramsay, 1:1 700 000, dessin à la plume avec inscription en couleur, Ramsay, Capitaine, 1892nnPlan d'extension de la Station de Balinga 1: 222,2; dessin à la plume, Ramsay, Capitaine à la suite de la Troupe coloniale du Protectorat de l'Afrique orientale, vers 1892nnPlan de la Station de Yaoundé, M:1 pas 1mm, dessin à la plume de Ramsay, Capitaine à la suite de la Troupe coloniale du Protectorat de l'Afrique orientale (3. 4.1892)nnEdéa - Poursuite des travaux de l'extension de la Station par le Chef provisoire de la Station Lieutenant von Brauchitsch. - Disposition du Gouverneur von Zimmerer, 10.5.1892nnn

Gouvernement von Kamerun