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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/10 IV · Fonds · 1866-2012
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The inventory FL 300/10 IV district court Esslingen: The Commercial, Cooperative and Associations Register was reformed as part of a systematic spin-off of register documents from the Local Court holdings, which was started in 2008, in order to create pure register holdings. It contains documents on the registration jurisdiction of the district court Esslingen, which so far in inventory FL 300/10 IV were registered only in tax lists and from the additions 1989, 1999/076, 2002/002, 2003/059, 2005/058, 2006/045 and 2006/070 originate. The volumes on the Trade and Cooperative Register as well as lists of cooperatives were sent to the State Archives with access 2013/025, the volumes on the Muster- und Zeichenregister, the Vereinsregister as well as evaluated Vereinsregister files with access 2014/060. For the use of trade and cooperative register files of the district court district of Esslingen, please refer to fonds F 264 II. In this inventory, the older register tradition is recorded under the abbreviation "HRG", i.e. both the company firms and the individual firms since the beginning of the commercial register in 1866. Also the companies with the first numbers of the series HRA and HRB after 1938 are in stock F 264 II. Since the F 264 II finding aid register was made available in an online version as part of the retroconversion, the time-consuming spin-off of this older register version was dispensed with. Since January 1, 2007, the Central Register Court in Stuttgart has been responsible for the commercial and cooperative register; this has also been accompanied by the conversion to the electronic register. Since 01.01.2014 also the register of associations is centralized there. To the individual register types: The inventory contains files, volumes and other documents (name lists, minutes) to the trade, cooperative, and association register. The commercial register files were named HRA (sole traders and partnerships) and HRB (corporations) according to the distinction customary today. The present volumes are divided into two time layers. From the establishment of the Commercial Register in 1866 until 1938, a distinction was made between sole proprietorships (designation E) and corporate proprietorships (designation G). In 1938, the current designations HRA and HRB were introduced. The volumes of the Commercial Register were rewritten in map form around 1965.note for use:In the case of register documents, there is a 30-year period for the blocking of material files for the main files, while the special files clearly visible as such ("special volumes") are freely spring 2013 and summer 2014, the indexing work was carried out by Andrea Jaraszewski under the direction of the undersigned. The holdings include volumes 1-89 and the tufts 1-975 Ludwigsburg, in December 2014Ute Bitz

BArch, R 703 · Fonds · 1917-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Since 1881, the function of deputy Reich Chancellor has always been transferred to the State Secretary of the Interior; in November 1917, under Reich Chancellors Georg von Hertling and Max von Baden, the deputy function was assumed for the first time by a member of the government without departmental responsibility, the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Progressive People's Party Friedrich von Payer; resignation on 10 Nov. 1918. On 30 January 1933, this office was reestablished as an independent office and occupied by Franz von Papen. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory was transferred to the German Central Archives in Potsdam at the beginning of the 1950s and to the Federal Archives in 1990 together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv that had been relocated to Saxony-Anhalt. Archive processing The processing took place in the Reichsarchiv. The file titles were transferred to the database without significant editorial revision, while retaining the old classification. The content of the notes that were too extensive had to be shortened. Content: Foreign Affairs; Federal Council - Federal States; Finance; Trade; Court Matters; Internal Administration of the Reich; War; Agriculture; Parties; Press; Prussia; Administration of Justice; Reich; Reich Chancellor; Reichstag; Transport. State of indexing: Findbuch 1958, Online-Findbuch 2005 Parts of the estate of Friedrich von Payer can be found in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz and the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart: BArch, R 703/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, EA 6/003 · Fonds · 1945-1951, Vorakten ab 1941
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The documents of the inventory EA 6/003 (old: EA 6/5) were handed over in April 1975 by the Ministry of Economy, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Transport. The files relate to individual cases in the field of prizes which arose between 1945 and 1950 at the prize formation office of the prize department. The pricing unit was responsible for determining the prices of all goods and services. The individual case files contain entries by individual companies, craftsmen and service providers regarding price changes. To prove the necessity of increasing prices, detailed lists of production costs, descriptions of goods and services as well as brochures were submitted along with the inventory, which is arranged according to the General File Plan of the Reich Commissioner for Pricing of 1944. During a review of the title records, it was established that the specifications and structure of the file plan were not strictly adhered to by the registry of the Pricing Office. As a result, one and the same company was given different file numbers. In order to facilitate access to the documents for use, this finding aid has been created in the form of an alphabetical index. No more corrections were made to the title recordings. The finding aid contains information on the name of the company, the duration of the process, the scope and the order number. The inventory was recorded in 1987 and 1988 by Walter Fröhlich and recorded in 1989 and 1990 in the Ludwigsburg State Archives by Mrs. Aufderklamm using the Midosa computer recording program. The database program MS-Access was used to create the finding aid. 6469 numbers in 16 m. m. Stuttgart were included in the inventory, in October 1995 Peter Bohl comments on data preparation: In the course of preparing old Midosa data records for the Internet, the title records were converted to Midosa 95 and the two supplements (order numbers 6470 and 6471) received from the Ludwigsburg State Archives were entered as well. In order to facilitate the overview, the undersigned also prepared a classification according to the initial letters of the companies. The data was then prepared for the Internet using the content management system for online finding aids.Stuttgart, April 2004Johannes Renz

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 600 (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · Fonds · 1848 - 1951
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Note: The holdings contain archival material that is subject to personal protection periods in accordance with § 10 Para. 3 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA and until their expiration is only accessible by shortening the protection period in accordance with § 10 Para. 4 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA or by accessing information in accordance with § 10 Para. 4a ArchG LSA. Find aids: Findbuch 2016 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: As successor to the Neue Aktienzuckerraffinerie Halle, which had existed since 1859 and went bankrupt in 1880, Zuckerraffinerie AG Halle was founded in 1881 with headquarters in Raffineriestraße there. The main purpose of the company was the processing of raw sugar into consumable sugar. Bread, cube, utility, granulated and icing sugar as well as molasses were produced. In 1885, the AG took over the Hallesche Zuckersiederei Compagnie auf Aktien, which had existed since 1835 (Am Hospitalplatz, Halle-Glaucha), the operation of which was abandoned in 1906. In 1922 the refinery joined the Vereinigung Mitteldeutscher Rohzuckerfabriken Halle (VEMIRO), whose representatives (raw sugar factories) held the majority of the shares in the company. As a result, raw sugar was processed only on the basis of factory wage contracts. Sugar sales were organized by Zuckervertriebsgesellschaft AG Halle. In the 1940s, prisoners of war, forced labourers and foreign workers were also used to ensure refinery production. In World War II, the sugar refinery AG was heavily destroyed, expropriated in 1946 and placed under the control of the industrial works of Saxony-Anhalt. As of 1 July 1948, the company was transferred into public ownership as VVB Zuckerindustrie - VEB Zuckerraffinerie Halle. In 1951 it became the VEB "Vorwärts" Zuckerraffinerie Halle. Inventory information: From the administrative archive of the VEB Zuckerkombinat Halle, about 6 linear metres of documents from the Zuckerraffinerie AG Halle were handed over to the Staatsarchiv Magdeburg in 1981, where the files were redrawn on index cards in 1984. The collection was transferred to the newly founded Landesarchiv Merseburg (later Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Merseburg Department) in 1994. In 2013, the search index was retroconverted in the scopeArchiv distorting program. In 2016 the complete revision of the written material was carried out. Additional information: Corresponding holdings: - I 599 VEMIRO, - I 601 ZVG Halle - Holdings of various sugar factories Literature: Karl Sewering: Zuckerindustrie und Zuckerhandel in Deutschland. Poeschel Verlag Stuttgart 1933. Olbrich, Hubert: Sugar museum in upheaval. University publishing house of the TU Berlin, 2012. Olbrich, Hubert: Sugar museum in exile. University publishing house of the TU Berlin, 2013. Olbrich, Hubert: Zucker-Museum, vol. 26. Druckhaus Hentrich, Berlin, 1989 (2016).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 75 · Fonds · 1806-1933
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of the Württemberg legation in Munich: From time to time since 1742, Württemberg has maintained an envoy at the Bavarian court in Munich. The legation did not become a permanent institution until 1804, shortly after Württemberg was elevated to electorate. In contrast to most other Württemberg legations, the legation in Munich continued uninterrupted until 1933. Since 1893, the Württemberg envoy in Munich had also been accredited for Karlsruhe and Darmstadt.The Württemberg representatives in Bavaria were in detail:Ferdinand Reinhard von Wallbrunn1742Christoph Konrad Abel1780 - 1790Albrecht Jakob von Bühler1792Ulrich Leberecht von Mandelslohe1792Karl Heinrich Ernst Freiherr von Bothmer1804 - 1807Friedrich August Freiherr Gremp von Freudenstein1807, interimistChristian Friedrich Kölle1807 - 1808Heinrich Karl Friedrich Levin Count of Wintzingerode1808 - 1810Christoph Ermann Baron von Steube zu Schadnitz1810 - 1815Friedrich August Baron Gremp von Freudenstein1815 - 1816Peter Count of Gallatin1816 - 1817Friedrich August Freiherr Gremp von Freudenstein1817 - 1821Moritz Joseph Philipp Freiherr von Schmitz-Grollenburg1821 - 1844Gottfried Jonathan von Hartmann1825, InterimFerdinand Christoph Graf von Degenfeld-Schomburg1844 - 1868Oskar Freiherr von Soden1868 - 1906Friedrich Rudolf Karl Moser von Filseck1906 - 1909Karl Moser von Filseck1906 - 1918The documents of the Württemberg envoys in Munich from the time before 1806 are kept in the holdings A 74 h. The counter tradition of the Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the Württemberg legation in Munich is in inventory E 50/05. Destruction of files 1867: In March 1867, the Württemberg envoy in Munich, von Degenfeld, was permitted at his request to sell certain files of the legation, for which there was not enough space in the registry, for the purpose of stamping them. He then, on the advice of the Chief Mint Master of Haidt, had them burned in his smelting furnace in the presence of a reliable employee of the legation. a special list of the banished files was not drawn up, as Degenfeld described them in the meticulously kept list of files of the legation. Among the documents destroyed were: Political Reports1844 - 1853 Federal Affairs1821 - 1856, 1854 - 1866 Railway, Post and Telegraph1836 - 1856 Customs Union1831 - 1861 Coinage and Paper Money1837 - 1853 Gesandtschaftliches Personal1804 - 1856 Württembergische und bayerische königliche Höfe1850 - 1863 Switzerland1834 - 1853 (political reports1844 - 1853 Federal Affairs1821 - 1856, 1854 - 1866 Railway, Post and Telegraph1836 - 1856 customs union1831 - 1861 coins and paper money1837 - 1853 Gesandtschaftliches Personal1804 - 1856Württembergische und bayerische königliche Höfe1850 - 1863 Switzerland1834 - 1853 (political reports1844 - 1853).), 1833 - 1851 (Handel)Privatangelegenheiten1832 - 1860 Further history of the collection, report by the editor: Since about 1870, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly submitted documents that were no longer needed to the Württemberg House and State Archives. After the end of the Monarchiv and the dissolution of this ministry in 1920, the remaining legations and consulates of Württemberg were subordinated to the State Ministry. In the summer of 1950, Dr. Max Straub separated the ministerial and legation files for the Munich legation and rearranged the provenance holdings of the legation. The collection was packaged in 1966, and Max Straub's comparatively legible handwritten repertory is still in use. However, in connection with the development project on the holdings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the intended complete creation of online finding aids of this series, the present holdings were retro-converted, which was carried out by Silvia Ebinger in 2005. A slight revision of the title recordings was made by Dr. Albrecht Ernst.Stuttgart, in April 2007Johannes Renz