Affichage de 16 résultats

Description archivistique
Ankermann Cameroon
VII WS 2 · Dossier · 1908-01-01 - 1909-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: The collection of rolls consists of 55 recordings, partly as original rolls, partly as galvanos and old copies, further documents (files, correspondence) and ethnographica are in the Ethnological Museum Berlin, roll no. 54 is labeled no. 53, roll no. 53 is missing according to the original documentation.Rollers no. 51, 22, 39 were included as no. 80 - 82 in the demonstration collection of Erich Moritz von Hornbostel. Roller no. 39 is published on the following LP: The Demonstration Collection of E.M. von Hornbostel and the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv / Die Demonstrationssammlung von E.M. von Hornbostel und dem Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv. Indiana University, Ethnomusicological Series. Georg List, Editor. Ethnic Folkways Library, New York 1963 Walze No. 35 is released on the following CD: Music! 100 Years of the Berlin Phonogram Archive 1900-2000, ed. by Artur Simon
Ankermann, Bernhard
Archivalie - Process
E 575/1898 · Dossier · 1898-01-01 - 1898-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:Acquisition: a.) I/73/1898 b.) I/110/1898: a.) III E 6072-6111 u. 6123-6125, VII A 486-490, p. 494-497, p. 490-493, ethnogr. and four skulls. For this three skulls and a skeleton were added later. (Ubena u. Uhehe), donation Dr. Stierling b.) III E 6126, powder box (East Africa, Ubena), donation Dr. Stierling -- content/contains: Chief Physician of the Kaiserl. Protection troop DOA Stierling in Tanga from 18 May 1898: Donation of Ethnographica - object list - would provide Anthropologica from walking Africans on loan. Consignment 1 box with ethical objects 18.5.1898Letters: 3

Möbius, Karl
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0180 · Dossier · 1906-01-01 - 1906-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:AnfangVNr: E 407/1906; EndeVNr: E 2031/1906; among other things: scientific correspondence - photo lending and permission - official gazette for the protectorate Togo - expert opinion - foundation of an international ethnographic office - publication permissions - newspaper cuttings - preliminary announcement of the art auctions in the Helbing Gallery, Munich 1906.

Börnstein Bismarck Archipelago
VII WS 60 · Dossier · 1912-01-01 - 1914-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: Marking of the rollers: Börnstein Bismar[c]k Arch. or Börnstein Südsee. In the original documentation only 108 rolls are mentioned. Another numbering counts until 190 (see postcard to Hornbostel from 1914: 6 Tins - 108 Walzen - 190 Phonogramme). There are many cross-references under the numbers. Correspondence available. Many of the rollers are transcribed by Hübner and Schneider. For collectors and collection see also Niles 2001. The open questions could not be clarified so far.
Sans titre
Dempwolff East Africa I
VII WS 72 · Dossier · 1906-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: Some rolls recorded in 1906 were later added to the collection under a new number. The rollers 3 (Zeramo) and 28 (Hehe) were taken over as no. 109 and 110 in the Dem. Coll. There is a connection to the collection Dempwolff East Africa II. Extensive correspondence is available. Individual transcriptions can be found in Schneider 1934a and c. Some texts can be found in original language and German translation in Dempwolff 1914:127 ff.
Dempwolff, Otto
DuBois-Reymond China
VII WS 79 · Dossier · 1908-01-01 - 1914-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: The rollers have the following inscriptions: CH DR, Dubois-R., Dubois-Reymond. The rollers were sent to Berlin in various consignments, partly by post, partly by messenger. A detailed description and commentary of the photographs by the collector is available. Extensive correspondence is available. Transcriptions of some pieces in Fischer (1910), Lachmann (1929c) and Reinhard (1939, 1956c). A manuscript by Marie Dubois-Reymond "Diaries on Chinese Music", 1908 - 11, is said to exist (Walravens 2001:349).
Sans titre
Landtman New Guinea
VII WS 179 · Dossier · 1910-01-01 - 1911-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: Label: Landtman Kiwai. Rollers I and II, which were initially labeled as test shots, were inventoried as No. 45 and 46. W.18 was transferred to Dem. Coll as number 41. Detailed information and comments to the photographs were written by the collector himself. Correspondence available. Transcriptions in Schneider 1934a.
Landtman, Gunnar
Moszkowski Neuguinea
VII WS 221 · Dossier · 1910-01-01 - 1910-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • description: Inscription: MOSZK Holl.Neuguinea. The rollers were initially located in the Museum für Völkerkunde and were later handed over to the PHA. Correspondence available. Further documents (files, photos, ethnographica) in the EM. N.B: The reels 13 - 18 could not be played over anymore because of too strong mould infestation.* Audio
Moszkowski, Max
Neuhauss New Guinea
VII WS 230 · Dossier · 1908-01-01 - 1910-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • description: Inscription: Neuhauß New Guinea. For the technique of the photographs see Neuhauss 1911b:6 - 7. The rollers 2, 18, 75, 83 were taken over into the Dem.coll. as no. 42 - 45. Extensive correspondence is available. Detailed remarks to the recordings and many texts are available, partly published in Neuhauss 1911:498 ff. Some transcriptions in Christensen 1957 and 1970, Hornbostel 1920b, and Schneider 1934a, 1937a, 1938b, 1951a. Further documents (ethnographica, films, photos etc.) in the EM. W. 18 is published on the LP FE 4175.* Audio
Neuhauss, Richard
Pöch New Guinea I
VII WS 240 · Dossier · 1904-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: The label of the collection is: P number. These rollers are original recordings with the Edison phonograph, which were intended as preliminary studies for recordings with the Wiener Archivphonograph. In Vienna there are recordings of the same content with the same warrantors that were made a few days later (cf. also Niles 2000: 24). Extensive commentaries, text translations, transcriptions in Niles 2000. Transcriptions also in Graf 1950. Extensive correspondence between Pöch and Hornbostel available. W. 11 is published on the CD 100 years (1/12), comment Don Niles.
Pöch, Rudolf
Thorbecke Cameroon I
VII WS 304 · Dossier · 1908-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: The collection consisted of 45 roll recordings, 37 of which are available. The original inscription of the rolls is THO KA, there was confusion with the Tessmann Collection (Sigel TE KA). The rollers were transcribed and edited by Wilhelm Heinitz for publication (see also Correspondence). Transcriptions and analyses by W. Heinitz in Thorbecke (1919). An assignment of the transcriptions to the rollers is only possible after interception, since the collections Cameroon I and II are not differentiated.
Thorbecke, Franz
Thorbecke Cameroon II
VII WS 305 · Dossier · 1912-01-01 - 1912-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: The collection consisted of 51 drum recordings, of which 50 are available. The original drum inscription is Thorbecke Kamerun II. Remarks on individual recordings are available, but no text transcriptions are available. The recordings were transcribed and edited by Wilhelm Heinitz (see also Correspondence). Transcriptions and analyses by W. Heinitz in Thorbecke (1919). An assignment of the transcriptions to the rollers is only possible after interception, since the collections Cameroon I and II are not differentiated.
Thorbecke, Franz
Wirz New Guinea I
VII WS 338 · Dossier · 1927-01-01 - 1927-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: Inscription: Wirz New Guinea or Wirz New Guinea 1927 (in contrast to the second New Guinea collection of 1930). At EB Schneider: Wirz South Pacific New Guinea. Correspondence received.
Wirz, Paul