Affichage de 31 résultats

Description archivistique
Authorities to Sch.
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 6 · Dossier · 1888 - 1912
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - City of Cologne, 1906 - Military offices, e.g. General Staff of the Army, 1904-1906 - Legations (also abroad) - Historical Society / Posen - Reich Chancellery, approx. 1888-1903 - Embassies (also abroad), 1901 - Consulates (Zurich, Stockholm, Constantinople), 1892-1904 - Ministries (also abroad), 1904-1910 - Church Authority Liverpool, 1903 - Reichskolonialamt Berlin, 1911-1912.

Bolívar, Simón
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 265 · Dossier · 1835, 1869 - 1921, 1935, ohne Datum
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Lists of some of the correspondence partners, n.d. - Althoff, Friedrich Theodor, Minister of Culture, 1900, 1906 - Arlliez (?), 1900 - Baden, Friedrich Grand Duke v., 1896, 1905 - Barnay, Ludwig, actor to Charlotte Rosenstock, 1895 - Berber, Felix, Prof., violin virtuoso (?) to Heinz Braune, 1905 - Bernhardi, Friedrich v., General of the Cavalry, 1899 - Bigelow, Poultney, writer, retired. - Bethmann-Hollweg, Reich Chancellor, 1913 - Bismarck, Herbert Graf v., State Secretary of the Foreign Office, State Minister, 1894 - Bismarck, Otto Fürst v., former Reich Chancellor, 1892, 1896 - Bley, Fritz, 1917 - Bruch, M.., 1900 (?) - Bülow, Bernhard Prince v., Imperial Chancellor: picture-postcard with depiction Bülow, 1907 - Bülow, Marie Princess v., née Princess v. Camporeale, 1901, 1909 - Burmester, Willy, Privy Privy Councillor, Prof., o. D. - Busch, Moritz, writer [to Victor Hehn ? see no. 240], 1883 - Cambon, Jules, French. Ambassador, o.J. - Casement, Sir Roger David, Irish freedom fighter, 1915 - Collier, 1911, retired. - Conze, Alexander, Director of the Archaeological Institute, 1895 - Cornelius, P. v. and ? to Julius Schweitzer: Kopiererlaubnisschein, 1835 - Deines, v. an Focke, 1896 - Delbrück, Clemens v., Deputy Reich Chancellor, 1914 - Delbrück, Hans, historian, 1895 - Eichhorn, Hermann von, General Field Marshal, 1917-18 - End (?), H., Regierungsrat, 1898 - Eulenburg, 1905, 1935 - Faure, Fernand, Director of the "Revue politique

BArch, N 227/20 · Dossier · 31. Aug. 1889 - 11. Jan. 1897
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence with: Shipowner C. Wörmann; Zintgraff, Cameroon; Marshal, (exp. office); The Chancellery of the Kaiserl. Consulate General for Egypt in Cairo; Miscellaneous: Chronological Register of Research Trips to the Individual Areas, 1884-1894; German Colonial War League: Award Certificate for Curt v. Morgen for the Silver Colonial Award

Morgen, Kurt von
Correspondence A - Z
BArch, N 2272/1 · Dossier · 1898-1918
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Heydebreck, Jochen von (Major) Hintrager, Oskar (Government Councillor) Lindequist, Friedrich von (Governor) Rechenberg, Freiherr von (Consul General in Warsaw) Solf, Wilhelm (State Secretary) Waal, H. de (Consul General of the Netherlands in Cape Town)

Schuckmann, Bruno von

Contains: political and private correspondence of Ernst II during his trip through Bulgaria and Romania as well as during his stay in Constantinople (among others with the State Secretary in the Foreign Office Jagow, King Ferdinand [Uncle 4. Grades] and Queen Eleonore of Bulgaria as well as members of the German Embassy in Constantinople); hand drawing of the Turkish Minister of War Enwer Pasha on the transfer of territory from Turkey to Bulgaria; passes; inscription list in Bucharest; congratulatory letter on the start of the journey; official farewell letter of the diplomatic corps in Constantinople; manuscript of a speech of Ernst II.Invoices, receipts, account statement; remuneration documents; business cards Darin: excerpts from the Turkish newspapers "La Defense" and "Hilal" with articles about Ernst II. (and one illustration); postcards from Kalisch (war destruction) and Constantinople among others; 8 photographs of Ernst II in connection with an audience with the Sultan, a stay at the Black Sea and a visit to the imperial steamship "Goeben" [separated; now in Bü 914].

Diplomats, Federal Foreign Office
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1039 · Dossier · 1885 - 1912, ohne Datum
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Bismarck, Fürst Otto v., Reichskanzler, Berlin: Letter (copy) to His Majesty the Emperor about the scholarly proletariat 16.3.1890 - Berchem, Count v., (Federal Foreign Office), Berlin: Conference with Director A. Hellwig and Prof. Foerster 23.7.1886 - Conrad, Geheimer Legationsrat, (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Englers Memorandum on the German-Catholic Question in Posen 9.8.1903 - Cramm-Burgdorf, v., (Braunschweigische Gesandtschaft), Berlin: Acknowledgements for the publication "Die Reform des höheren Schulwesens" 5.1.1903, Professor Lexis 1.2.1903 - Dernburg, Excellence, (Colonial Office), Berlin: Oilfruits from Cameroon 10.5.1907 - Eichhorn, v., Really Secret Legation Council, Berlin: Letter from Althoff concerning appeals and cooperation of the Foreign Office and corresponding reply of G. L. R. v. Eichhorn 1.3.1897 - Goudriaan, Jungheer van, Minister of the Netherlands, Berlin: planned conference 20.6.1902 - Gude, v., Swedish-Norwegian Embassy, Berlin: Lymphatic discharge for Swedish hospitals 4.12.1890 - Günther, v., Reichskanzlei, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the brochure by Savigny "Die Reichstagsauflösung" 18.1.1907 - Goering, Heinrich Ernst, Konsul,: Request of the Devant des Ponts for transfer to colonial service 6.3.1885, Cape Town, trip to Damaraland 7.10.1886 - Holstein, Friedrich v., Excellency, Reich Chancellery, Berlin: Visit of A. 14.7.1895, thanks for the news about Hirschberg 23.7.1895, request to A. for a visit 22.12.1901, reports of Prince Eulenburg on the occasion of the Poland excesses o.D., Request for visit to his friend A. in his private apartment 30.6.1906 - Hutten-Czapski, Count, Strasbourg: wish of acquaintance with A. 9.2.1885, Hanover, because of an honorary pension for Freifrau von Manteuffel or a statue for the field marshal of M. 26.7.1885, entry for the teacher Dalkowski in Wilda in Posen because of threatening dismissal 17.11.1885 - Hansemann, v., Minister, Berlin: Thanks to Dr. Triebke for the donation 15.5.1897 - Hohenthal, Count v., Saxon Minister, Berlin: Realabiturienten und das juristische Studium 23.4.1901 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Berlin: Visit in Charlottenburg 29.10.1892, Oberlehrer Grunewald of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium 23.9.1901 - Humbert, Really Secret Legation Council, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Letter from A. to him because of missed visit 9.12.1890, Answer to A. because of missed visit 3.11.1897, Conference with A. and Conze 11.4.1892 - Jagemann, v., Badische Gesandtschaft, Berlin: Invitation to the Souper o. D. - Kayser, Dr., Geheimer Legationsrat, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Prof. Baron, Bonn July 1888, Berlin, entry of the Referendar Tübben into colonial service 7.1.1891, letter from Schweinfurth 14.4.1891 - Keudell, Baron v., Berlin: Acknowledgment for the report about Prof. Michel 13.2.1900 - Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred v., envoy, Hamburg: Request to Dr. Landerer from Stuttgart for reception 21.9.1895 - Klehmet, R., Geheimer Legationsrat, Berlin: Draft of an answer to the petition of the cathedral provost Dittrich 18.12.1903 (missing) - Klewitz, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Congratulations on the award 16.10.1904 - Knorr v. Rosenroth, Exzellenz, Darmstadt: Transmission of the commemorative publication of the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 9.12.1897 - Koeller, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Acknowledgement for congratulations 19.2.1888, 20.2.1903 - König, v., (Auswärtiges Amt), Berlin: Thanks for information about the Geographical Institute in Weimar 27.1.1892 - Krauel, R., Real Geheimer Regierungsrat und Gesandter, Berlin: Request for a Conversation 27.9.1903 - Krug, Leopold, Prof. und Konsul, Groß-Lichterfelde: Donation of his Herbarium to Dahlem 14.12.1890, Letter of 6.4.1898 - Kusserow, v., Berlin: Appointment of Goering as Commissioner for Angra Pegrena 10.4.1885 - Lanza de Busca, Ch., Graf, Italienischer Gesandter, Berlin: Information about the request of Prof. Volterra to get to know the Polytechnikum Charlottenburg better 23.2.1904, Request for audience for Professor Marigliano 5.1.1901 - Lehmann, Privy Legation Council, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 20.3.1899 - Lewald, Reichskommissar für die Weltausstellung St. Louis: Information about the Villa d 'Este 4.8.1905 - Loebell, Friedrich Wilhelm v., Reich Chancellery, Berlin. Zorn's expert opinion on the Coburg-Gotha domain question 1.12.1904, sending a copy of an article in the Allgemeine Zeitung 22.6.1906 - Marschall von Bieberstein, Freiherr Adolf Hermann, Berlin: Mitteilung über die Gewährung einer Audienz beim Großherzog von Baden 13.4.1888 - Mongenast, envoy, Luxembourg: sending of a work about the Luxembourg Athenaeum 20.7.1904 - Mosler, Privy Councillor, Berlin: Information about the death of his father-in-law, Excellency v. Friedberg 3.6. o. J. - Mühlberg, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin: Press conference and orthography regulation 13.1.1901 - Mutius, Legationsrat von, Berlin: Acknowledgment for the congratulations on the transfer to Beijing 14.1.1908 - Ochsenius, Dr. (C.) Karl, Consul a. D.., Marburg: Promotion of Dr. Kohl to Professor 23.1.1887 - Pourtalès, Count v. F., Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Request for a conference 14.11.1893, Acknowledgment for dealing with his question 20.2.1894 - Ratibor, (Prince) Herzog v., Rauden: Agreement to use his name as co-founder of the Academy for German Literature in Weimar 21.5.1901, letter of 26.2.1900 - Richthofen, v., Excellency, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Award of the large gold medal to Ambassador White 19.11.1902, Lexis meets with the Prime Minister of Holland Knyper 3.5.1902 - Rangabé, Kleon, Greek envoy, Berlin: Dr. Macke's handwriting about Erasmus and Reuchlin 30.4.1900 - Rotenhan, v., Minister of, Rome: Audience with Cardinal Merry del Val o. D., Return in October to Berlin 13.9.1905 - Roth, A. Oberst, Swiss Legation, Berlin: Lectures at the Berlin University 19.1.1887 - Senden, Baron v., (Military Attaché Madrid): Madrid Chapel 23.3.1908 - Speck v. Sternburg, Ambassador, Washington: Professor Keutgen's recommendation from Jena 4.4.1905 - Speßhardt, Consul v., Lemberg: Registration for a meeting 28.7.1902 - Schwarzkoppen, Hauptmann v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Inquiry about the possibility of a visit to the Botanical Garden by Princess Bülow on 17.6.1907 15.6.1907, agreement on the visit of Princess Bülow to the Botanical Garden on 29.6.1912 - Schlözer, Kurd v., German Legation, Rome: Employment of Dr. Schellhass at the historical institution in Rome 23.2.1891 - Tiedemann, Freiherr v., Berlin: Loss of files 18.5.1886 - Tower, Charlemagne, American envoy, Berlin: Introduction of Mr. Alb. A. Showden as representative of the Carnegie Foundation 29.5.1907, Acknowledgement for Lexis' Louis-Werk and the pictures of Mommsen 10.2.1905 - Usedom, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Appointment of Fassbender as Professor 18.12.1900 - Varnbüler, v., Excellency, Württemberg Envoy, Berlin: Immediatgesuch des Dr. Brönnle 4.9.1906 - Wilmowski, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Confession of the officials of the Chancellor 29.4.1895 - Zahn, Legationsrat, Berlin: Visit of the Dutch Prime Minister Knyper to the Reich Chancellery 30.3.1902 - Zimmermann, Legationsrat, Berlin: Request for a visit date (no D.), congratulations on the award (no D.)

Dutch Bible Society, Amsterdam
RMG 1.085 · Dossier · 1933-1935
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Negotiations and correspondence concerning translation, printing and distribution of biblical writings; vote by Mr van Wijk. Head, at the World Mission Conference in Edinburgh concerning linguistic training of missionaries, 2 p., Dr., 1910; Negotiations on the position of the Mission Consul appointed in 1906, 1912; Memorandum of Mission Consul Schepper on Mission Consulates, 1921; Contract of Service for Mission Consul Graaf von Randwijck, 1928; Dr. Tätigkeitsberichte für 1920-1921 u. 1934-1935

Société des missions du Rhin
Exchange of letters (title of processor)
, Kasten 32, Mappe 1 · Dossier · 1912
Fait partie de German Literature Archive Marbach, Archive [Cotta Archive]

Management, General Correspondence. Contains production and editing matters; publishing projects, publishing cancellations, a cruise by Heymel with the diplomat and Secretary of State of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t Wilhelm Solf, Heymel's requests for changes to his poems in the island of Almanch; Heymel's plan to introduce island books to the colonies; a letter by Heymel to a Shakespeare connoisseur, etc.

HZAN La 140 Bü 205 · Dossier · 1887-1890
Fait partie de State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

Übersendung der Korrespondenz Toeppens (in Abschrift) an den Fürsten Hermann; Korrespondenz des Fürsten mit Toeppen; Fusion der Witu-Gesellschaft mit der Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Gesellschaft; Bemühungen um eine kaiserliche Auszeichnung für Konsul Schwabe; Entlassung von Toeppen.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 120 · Dossier · 1915-1921
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from R.C. Ade, Rotterdam, concerning food allowances for interned Germans, handschr., 25.11.1918 - Letter from Alfred Buddeberg concerning work at the military building authority, handschr.., 5.4.1918 - Correspondence with Dr. Baracs Deltour about the subscription of the work "Unsere Zeitgenossen", April/May 1917 - Letter of Haussmann to legal agent Deschler in the matter of Glöckler against Berger, mechanical, 11.4.1917 - Letter of Haussmann to the import and export office because of brewery machines, mechanical, 28.12.1920 - Correspondence because of overnight vacation for district superiors, mechanical, 11.

Haußmann, Conrad

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II concerning, among other things, the whereabouts of the Grand Dukes, the refusal of the German side to end the exile, Ernst II's trip to Finland, inquiries about possible bank deposits of the Grand Dukes in the German Empire, political activity of the Grand Dukes and travel requests of supporters of the Grand Dukes.

RMG 2.612 · Dossier · 1878-1882
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station and annual reports; cover letter to d. Minutes; Correspondence with W. Coates Palgrave, 1878; Requests to Deputation, 1880; Colloquium for the Ordination of Christian Philipp Johann Baumann, Sermon by Christian Philipp Johann Baumann, 1880; Complaint to the English Consul for Attacks in Walvis Bay, 1881; Report on the Peace Conference on Rehoboth, 1882; Letter from Maharero, 1882

Société des missions du Rhin
Oegst geest
RMG 837 · Dossier · 1936-1959
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, especially on cooperation and overcoming the problems caused by the Second World War; Regulation of missionary activity of missions cooperating in Oegstgeest, especially in financial terms, Dutch, 1947; Report on discussion with the Mission Consul, Count von Randwijk in Barmen, 1947; 2nd Rheinfelden Conference, Prefect of the Church Intelligence Service, 1947

Société des missions du Rhin
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 23 · Dossier · 1906 - 1920, ohne Datum
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Société d' Histoire Diplomatique / Paris, 1914 - Deutsches Hochstift / Berlin, 1919 - Volksbund zur Schutze der deutschen Kriegs- und Zivilgefangenen Berlin, 1919 - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Berlin, 1920 - Protokoll einer nicht nähereichneten Organisation Berlin, o. D. - Organization of European Colonial Interests Paris, 1906.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 117 · Dossier · 1875-1921
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Paula Siehr about her experiences during the Russian invasion of East Prussia, handscra.., 21.11.1914 and 3.12.1914 - Letter (masch.) by Walter Simons to a protocol supplement by Haussmann on Hahn and Prince Max von Baden, 10.12.1918; on Stresemann, Haguenin, Brockdorff and Rantzau, 22.3.1919; on the signing of the peace treaty, 14.6.1919; on foreign policy issues, 5.1.1921; on the publication of his letter by Haussmann and the Upper Silesian vote, masch.., 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation, 30.3.1921; against joining the committee for the 60th birthday of Tagore, 13.4.1921; on a non-political meeting with Rudolf Steiner, 20.4.1921; - letter (especially masch.) Haussmanns to Walter Simons on the foreign policy situation, 8.3.1919 (handschr.); congratulations Haussmanns on his appointment as Foreign Minister, 24.6.1920; on foreign policy, 15.10.1920; on foreign policy issues and the attitude of the parties, Febr. 1921 (handschr.); with foreign policy proposals, 23.2.1921; on numerous foreign policy questions, 21.3.1921; on the foreign policy situation and reparations, 30.3.1921 (handschr.); with a recommendation of the China connoisseur Dr. Richard Wilhelm, 30.3.1921; on the mood in the economy of the Entente and on Stresemann, 14.4.1921 - letter of Dr. Krukenberg about the publication of the letter of Simons, masch.., 28.2.1921 - Letter (mach.) from State Secretary Solf about his Kiderlen obituaries, 11.2.1913; about colonial officials and colonial possession, 2.12.1914 - Letter from Haussmann to Scheidemann about his secondment to Kiel and his speech, 8.10.1919 (handschr.) - Letter (mach.) from Haussmann to Eugen Schiffer about the Erzberger case and the right-wing press, 20.1.1920; on the abatement of the strike and others, 3.9.1920 - Letter (handschr.) by Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on a draft programme and on the treatment of worker protection issues therein, 19.5.1894; on the draft party programme, 21.5.1894; on a Junker brochure and the Interparliamentary Peace Conference, 29.7.1894; because of a vacation appointment, 8.8.1894; because of the program draft Quiddes, 12.9.1894; because of the uniform elementary school, 27.12.1895; because of judge's 60th birthday and a memorial article, 21.7.1898; because of a common explanation of their both parliamentary groups and a future co-operation, 13.12.1903; - letter (handschr.) Haussmanns to Reinhart Schmidt-Elberfeld on the draft of the party program, 24.5.1894; on desired changes to Quiddes program draft, 15.9.1894; Haussmanns' concept for a refusal to Schmidt because of a court invitation, (ca. 1.4.) 1895 - Writing (handschr.) by Siegmund Schott to a letter by Pfaus, 1.1.1892; on imperial messages to the Reichstag, 13.5.1893; on a speech by Haussmann, 5.6.1894; on the development of the Volkspartei, 12.1.1895 - letter (handschr.) by K. Schrader on merger negotiations and retention of separate party organizations, 26.8.1909 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Walther Schücking on the Verband für internationale Verständigung, 16.3.1912; on Haussmann's memorandum on a question of private prince law and on a meeting of an International Committee in The Hague, 19.8.1915; to the Royal General Command in Kassel on the prohibition of his publications, 10.11.1916 (mechanical); on his own publication plans and their prevention by censorship, 2.12.1916; with recommendation for a Kiel private lecturer for a trip to Russia, 10.2.1920 (mach.) - letter (mach.) of Haussmann to Walther Schücking on the Belgian question, 28.12.1915; on the war objective discussion, 6.12.1916 - letter (mach.) of Mrs. v. Stauffenberg on national taxes and other, 31.3.1891; about his own position in the Bavarian election reform debate and about the situation with the liberal parties, 22.10.1893 - Letter (masch.) Haussmanns about the commemoration for Friedrich Stoltze, 1.12.1916 - Letter Haussmanns to Gustav Stresemann about a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee, handschr.., 16.1.1922 - letter (handschr.) by August Stein to the resignation of Bülow, 9.8.1909; to the potential resignation of Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) by A. Traeger with a poem, 16.8.1909; letter (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by August Stein, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) with the request for a speech in his constituency, 26.10.1911 - letter (handschr.) (handschr.) by Bethmann, 20.2.1914 (masch.); against public discussions of war aims, 22.2.1915 (masch.) - card (handschr.) from Rudolf Virchow to Paul Langerhans with an invitation, 21.8.1875 - letter (handschr.) from Paul Langerhans with this Virchow letter, 22.10.1902 - letter (handschr.) from Haussmann to M. Venedey because of potential party resignations, 15.1.1894 - letter (handschr.) from M. Venedey about the circumstances in the party in the lake and Black Forest district, 18.1.1894; with thanks for an election speech to the Baden elections, 10.12.1909 - letter (handschr.) from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 19.2.1901; about a psychiatric examination of the case Münch in Winnenthal, 24.10.1910 - letter Haussmann sent to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.) - letter from Prof. Wach about a pending case Münch, 24.10.1910 - letter from Haussmann to Arnold Wahnschaffe because of a meeting with Stegemann in Bern, 16.6.1917 (handschr.)); about the events from 7. to 12. July 1917, 25.10.1920 (masch.) - letter by Arnold Wahnschaffe to details of the July crisis 1917, 20.10.1920 (handschr.); about Bethmann's politics in summer 1917 and possibilities for peace, 4.11.1920 (masch.) - letter (handschr.) by Paul Wallot about the petition for clemency for Maximilian Harden, 2.5.1901 - letter (masch.)) Haussmanns to Max Warburg with the request for contributions for the brochure series "Der Aufbau", 16.11.1918 - letter (masch.) by Max Warburg with proposals on minister occupations, 29.3.1920; on the position of Minister Simon, 13.2.1921; on the occupation of a post in China, 14.2.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Frhr. v. Weizsäcker on railway questions, 11.2.1914; on Kiderlen, 26.9.1914; because of the news from Bordeaux and about the probable duration of the fights in the West, 28.9.1914; because of an essay and about hatred against Western opponents, 31.10.1914; about war aims and a work Hanotaux, 14.12.1914; about news from Switzerland, 1.1.1915; Weiszäcker's business card for the return of the letter Stoskopf (Strassburg) to Haussmann about Bavarian efforts towards Alsace, 4.4.1915; because of a factory in Mühlacker, 9.11.1915; two business cards with thanks for reports about stays in Switzerland, o.D. - writing (mechanical) Haussmann to Weizsäcker with news from Antwerp, 30.9.1914; with a report from Switzerland, 26.10.1914; about waterways, Alsace and Stegemann's visit to Berlin, 10.2.1915; about Stegemann's stay in Berlin, 12.2.1915; about Swiss news concerning the Italian army, 21.6.1915; about the Alsace-Lorraine question, 9.10.1915; about Bavaria and Alsace-Lorraine, 1.11.1915; about Alsace-Lorraine, 19.11.1915; about Greetings Bethmanns, 22.7.1917 - letter (mach.) of the assessor Bilfinger with a record about the conversation Moy-Haussmann, mach.., 5.11.1915 - Letter (handschr.) from Wendorff about personnel matters of an official in Sigmaringen, 29.11.1921 - Letter (masch.) from Philipp Wieland with a recommendation for the journalist Stobitzer, 29.11.1918; about the occupation of party secretary positions and the cooperation of national liberals and Freisinniger Volkspartei, 29.11.1918 - Letter (handschr.) from Richard Wilhelm for the occupation of the envoy post in Beijing, 19.4.1921; about own and Haussmann's translations of Chinese poems, 7.6.1921 - letter (handschr.) by Wiemer about the forthcoming Morocco debate in the Reichstag and its preparation, 3.11.1911 - letter (mainly handschr.) by Theodor Wolff with the request for regular cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, 26.12.1908; because of some articles and about the Africa-Agreement with England, 4.3.1914; because of a regular cooperation of Haussmann, 10.4.1917 (mechanical); about an article of Haussmann, 19.5.1917, 16.9.1917; because of a discussion with English diplomats about Ruhrgebiet issues, 29.3.1920; about Simons as potential president of the Reich, 13.4.1921; with an invitation, 15.12.1921; with thanks for an article and for the occupation of the cabinet, 30.12.1921 (masch.) - letter (especially masch.)) Haussmann's to Theodor Wolff on the situation after the Easter message, on future politics and on difficulties of the parliamentary system, 14.4.1917; on his cooperation in the Berliner Tageblatt, spring 1917 (handschr.); on America and the U-boat War, 6.2.1917; on the Weimar Constitution, 2.9.1919 - letter (masch.) of Count Zeppelin because of an essay in the magazine "März", 16.3.1910

Haußmann, Conrad
BArch, N 255/9 · Dossier · 1898
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Adm. Alex Buller; Dr. Knappe at the Consulate in Canton; Dr. Lenz at the Vice Consulate in Tschifu; Graf Koenigsmarck at the Legation in Tokyo; Adm. Gustav Frhr. v. Senden-Bibran; Minister Frhr. v. Heyking; VAdm. Guido Karcher; Consul Ivo Streich; VAdm. Ernst v. Reiche; Butterweeck at the Consulate in Nagasaki; F. C. Rieloff at the Consulate in Hong Kong; C. C. P. Fitzgerald; Ida v. Falkenhayn; Adm. Felix v. Bendemann

Diederichs, Otto von
BArch, N 1138/53 · Dossier · 1912-1921 und 1937
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Statistisches Warenverzeichnis für Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika" (Statistical Goods List for German Southwest Africa) of the Customs Administration, 1914; compensation and salary of the bank director Junker (Letter from Dr. Fresenius), 1921; Draft of a law concerning the establishment of the budget for the protectorates for the accounting year 1914; Implementing provisions for the transfer of the financial administration of the East African protectorate, the South West African protectorate and Cameroon to the protectorates; Record of the discussion between the American Consul General, Mr. George Murphy, and the Kastl Government Council, 1916; Draft of a Fencing Ordinance; The policy of South Africa during the war until mid-1918; Ordinance of the Imperial Governor of German Southwest Africa, concerning public roads (draft); Ordinance of the Imperial Chancellor, concerning the levying of a special mountain rights tax in the German Southwest African protectorate, 1911; Note on the necessity of the amendments to the provisions on farm purchase; Draft Ordinance of the Imperial Chancellor concerning the levying of fees in administrative matters in German Southwest Africa Also Contains: Music card for a music evening, Aug.1916Memorial book "Gustaf Schlieper zum Gedächtnis", 1937

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, N 1138/50 · Dossier · Aug.1920 - März 1921
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Information on the Administration of South West Africa (Letter to General J.C. Smuts), [1920]; The Basic Provisions of the Italian War Damage Act of November 1918, March 1921; Preliminary Draft Law on Compensation for War Damage in the Former German Protectorates; Transitional Provisions in the Case of Repeal of German Consular Jurisdiction

Kastl, Ludwig
Wilhelm Solf [1862-1936, Diplomat]
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 5598 · Dossier · 1916-1923
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Speeches by Solf on colonial policy (6.1917, with drafts); Hans Sachs [press officer in the Colonial Department of the Foreign Office], memorandum on the German parties (28.8.1917); German propaganda against England; Solf's dismissal (13.12.1918); remembrance of Hindenburg's ceasefire ultimatum (2.3.1919); Democratic Party, Heidelberger Vereinigung, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.); German political party, Heidelberg Association, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.); German political party, Hindenburg (2.3.1919); German political party, Heidelberg Association, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.1919); German political party, Hindenburg (2.3.1919); German political party, Hindenburg (2.3.1919); German political party, Heidelberg Association, relationship with Prince Max (28.9.).1919, to Lina Richter); editorial work on the "Erinnerungen"; [alleged German-Japanese secret contract under Prince Max] (18.8.1921 et al.); loss of a project letter of Wilhelm II on the separation of England from France, October 1918 (1923) Darin: Lriefe Solfs an Lina Richter, Brief Hahns an Johannes Lepsius (11.5.1918); Martin Hobohm, Wir brauchen Kolonien, Berlin, Oct. 1918 (The Popular Enlightenment No. 3), brochure; [Benjamin] De Jong van Beek en Donk, Die Politik Solfs (newspaper clipping 19.12.1918); portrait in: Colonial number (watch fire. Künstlerblätter zum Krieg 1914/18 Nr. 179, Portrait Solf as title drawing); Photo as business carrier in Tokyo (newspaper cut-out); Correspondence of the German Peace Delegation (War Captivity of Heinz Schützinger, 20.12.1919); Letter from [Julius] Ruppel about Solf's Colonial Policy before the War (27.3.1922) Table of Contents [Order meaningless, chronologically rearranged, supplemented by further letters]

Wulfhorst, August (1861-1936)
RMG 1.626 a-g; · Dossier · 1890-1956
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1890-1930 in Ondjiva, Omupanda, Karibib, Swakopmund, Präses d. Ovambomission, estate see RMG 1.627; extensive correspondence, annual, station and travel reports, 1890-1936; travel report by Thusnelda Wulfhorst, née. Härlin, 1892; Private letters from August and Thusnelda Wulfhorst, née Härlin to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1890-1900; "Osondahe", Monatsblatt d. Finnish Mission, May 1909; Correspondence with the German Consulate and Portuguese authorities concerning property claims in Omupanda, 1920-1927; Obituary for August Wulfhorst by Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1936; Correspondence with his 2nd wife, Johanna Wulfhorst, née Härlin, 1937-1956

Société des missions du Rhin