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Archival description
BArch, N 14/14 · File · 1912-1916
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Memorandum on preparatory work for mobilization in the event of a war with a great power for D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a , April 1912; "Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika" - Records of the Major General von Lettow-Vorbeck on contrasts between command and governor Schnee, without date; excerpts from letters to General von Lettow, 1914-1916

Archivalie - Process
E 575/1898 · File · 1898-01-01 - 1898-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:Acquisition: a.) I/73/1898 b.) I/110/1898: a.) III E 6072-6111 u. 6123-6125, VII A 486-490, p. 494-497, p. 490-493, ethnogr. and four skulls. For this three skulls and a skeleton were added later. (Ubena u. Uhehe), donation Dr. Stierling b.) III E 6126, powder box (East Africa, Ubena), donation Dr. Stierling -- content/contains: Chief Physician of the Kaiserl. Protection troop DOA Stierling in Tanga from 18 May 1898: Donation of Ethnographica - object list - would provide Anthropologica from walking Africans on loan. Consignment 1 box with ethical objects 18.5.1898Letters: 3

Möbius, Karl
Carpenter, Karl (inventory)
BArch, N 521 · Fonds · 1808-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Generalmajor Description of the Inventory: Mainly diary entries and letters mainly from his service as commander of the Imperial Protection Forces for Cameroon before and during World War I; records of the Cameroon campaign (1914-1916); lecture manuscripts citation method: BArch, N 521/...

RMG 1.603 a-f · File · 1866-1902
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1866-1901 in Otjimbingue, Omaruru (Okozondke), Okahandja (Augustineum), Clara Viehe, née Rothe was a missionary sister; letters and reports, from 1890 half-yearly, cash and annual reports of the Augustineum; contributions to the "Little Missionary Friend"; copies of correspondence with representatives of the. German colonial government; copies of correspondence with Catholic missionaries, 1879; copy e. Treaty with Samuel Maharero on grazing rights and property of the RMG, 1894; manuscripts:; Customs of the Ovaherero after the birth e. Child, 1879; The Mountain Damra in Hereroland as object of the RMG. Mission, 1883; The indigenous Christians, after their spiritual life and moral behaviour, 1884; Die Herero, 1886; Gemeinde-, Kirchen- u. Synodalordnung für d. Evangelische Missionskirche im Hereroland, 1887; Die Missionstätigkeit Pauli und ihre Anwendung im Gebiete unserer Hereromission, 1891; Reiseberichte:; Bericht über e. Journey to Kaoko, with individual reports about Omaruru, Franzfontein, Okombahe, Otjombuina, 1893; report about e. Journey to Otavi, 1894; letters of Clara Viehe, née Rothe about her husband's death, 1901; The latest fights of Hendrik Witbooi against Herero, 1891

Rhenish Missionary Society
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 1 · File · 1880 - 1922
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Censur book of the Gymnasium Nordhausen for the pupil H. Schnee; - letter of the boy H. to an uncle about his Christmas presents; - matriculation certificate; - certificate of studies and customs of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; - certificate of qualification after completion of the one-year voluntary service obligation; - certificate of leadership of the Inf.-Rgts. No 85; - leaving certificate of the Christian-Albrecht-Universität Kiel; - leaving certificate of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin; - legal examination task of the Oberlandesgericht Naumburg; - examination certificate of the OLG Naumburg; - appointment as trainee lawyer at the OLG; - transfer from Naumburg to the Landgericht Nordhausen; - doctor's diploma; - appointment as Reg.Ref. at RP Erfurt; - Patent as Secondlieutenant; - Appointment as Reg. Assessor; - Appointment to the Foreign Office, Colonial Department; - Certificate of the AA for a monthly renumeration of M 180,--; - Certificate of the AA for an increase of the renumeration to M 210,--; - Comm. Judge in the Bismarck Archipelago; - Appointed Deputy Governor in Herbertshöhe; - Appointed Speaker and Judge in Apia; - AA passport to travel to Apia; - Appointed Deputy Governor Dr Solf; - Invited to return to Germany; - Awarded Landwehr Service Badge to Lieutenant Schnee; - Stayed in Apia because of introduction of German real estate law for Samoa; - Awarded Red Eagle Order 4. Kl.; employment in the Colonial Department of the Foreign Office, Berlin; - appointment to the Legation Council; - appointment to the Advisory Board for Colonial Affairs at the Embassy in London; - travel passport of the AA for relocation to London; - appointment to the Personnel Department of the Colonial Department, Berlin, Berlin; - Lecturer at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, Berlin; - Appointed to the Effective Legation Council and Lecturer Council; - Transfer to the R e i c h s c h - K o l o n i a l a m t; - Directorial business at the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t; - Award of the commemorative coin on the occasion of the uprising in Southwest Africa, 1907; - Award of the 3rd Crown Order Kl.; - Appointment as Commissioner of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t for the Colonial Institute in Hamburg; - Certificate of Appointment to the Privy Upper Government Council; - Award of the Red Eagle Order 3. Kl.; - approval of the farewell for Lieutenant Schnee; - appointment as director with the rank of a council 1st Kl.; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a; - travel passport of the expatriate; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as deputy authorized representative at the Federal Council; - appointment as deputy deputy authorized representative; - appointment as deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy deputy. The colonial commemorative coin was awarded to the colonial minister Dr. Bell on Schnee: Mrs. Ada Schnee was not allowed to travel with her to Paris for the peace negotiations; - Certificate of possession for the colonial badge.

Schnee, Heinrich

Information about German hospital in Zanzibar and on the mainland; correspondence with Wichern and Baron von Nettelbladt; reports from Nettelbladts to EMDOA about hospitals in Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Bagamojo; correspondence with the Foreign Office and field ministers for caretakers

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Correspondence Sauters
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/300 Bü 12 · File · 1890-1950
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains mainly: Letters from Major von Raben to Sauter together with the corresponding photographs from Cameroon (above all Letters from Major Dinkelmann, Colonel General von Linsingen, General Heye, General Wilhelm Groener, Generals Hoch and Föhrenbach, General Goßler, Major Anwaerter and Major Dinkelmann; Letter draft from Sauter to General Heye Darin: Fotografie von Sauter; Entlassung Sauters aus dem Heer, 31.1.1941

BArch, N 253/407 · File · 1883-1928
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Georg von Ammon, 1896 and 1904 Ferdinand Batsch et al. On the Organization of the Navy at the Appointment of Tirpitz as Chief of Staff of the Navy High Command, 1892 - 1896 Paul Bahncke, 1918 - 1916, with: Two submissions to Reich Chancellor Hans Luther about the flag of the German Reich after experiences on a South American voyage Felix von Bendemann, 1897 - 1904, with: Letters from his service as Chief of the Kreuzergeschwaders in East Asia Max von Frischel, 1883 Erich Gühler from a voyage from Guam to Tsingtau, 1883 Erich Gühler from a voyage from Guam to Tsingtau, 1883. Sept. 1910 August von Heeringen, ca. 1896 - 1914, with: Henning von Holtzendorff an Heeringen, Sept. 4, 1897 Paul Hoffmann, 1885 - 1896 Karl Hollweg, 1916 - 1928, with: Hollweg's memorandum "Gedanken über politische Zukunftsziele Deutschlands und Friedenschluss mit Russland" [Thoughts on Germany's Political Future and Peace Agreement with Russia] [Spring 1916], Hollweg's correspondence with Friedrich Thimme and others On Fleet Policy, 1920 - 1921

Tirpitz, Alfred von
Correspondence, Partner K-R
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 232 Bü 334 · File · 1895-1896, 1903-1926
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Offers of collections; takeover of collection objects from New Guinea, Fidji (South Seas), West Africa, Bogainville (Solomon Islands, French Polynesia) Darin: Index of ethnographic objects donated by the Linden Museum to the Leather Museum Offenbach a.M., 1919; photo of a club from the Marquesas Islands (Polynesia)

Contains among other things: Correspondence of Ernst II, Draft of an ordinance and memorandum concerning the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t ; conditions of the German Schutztruppe in South West Africa (including the Herero Uprising, railway construction, port facilities, organisational issues) ; border issues (including correspondence with King Leopold II of Belgium) ; business distribution plans ; budget for 1906 ; newspaper clippings Darin: overview plan of the railway line Windhuk-Rehoboth ; caricature from the "Kladderadatsch" (with illustration of Ernst II).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1039 · File · 1885 - 1912, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Bismarck, Fürst Otto v., Reichskanzler, Berlin: Letter (copy) to His Majesty the Emperor about the scholarly proletariat 16.3.1890 - Berchem, Count v., (Federal Foreign Office), Berlin: Conference with Director A. Hellwig and Prof. Foerster 23.7.1886 - Conrad, Geheimer Legationsrat, (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Englers Memorandum on the German-Catholic Question in Posen 9.8.1903 - Cramm-Burgdorf, v., (Braunschweigische Gesandtschaft), Berlin: Acknowledgements for the publication "Die Reform des höheren Schulwesens" 5.1.1903, Professor Lexis 1.2.1903 - Dernburg, Excellence, (Colonial Office), Berlin: Oilfruits from Cameroon 10.5.1907 - Eichhorn, v., Really Secret Legation Council, Berlin: Letter from Althoff concerning appeals and cooperation of the Foreign Office and corresponding reply of G. L. R. v. Eichhorn 1.3.1897 - Goudriaan, Jungheer van, Minister of the Netherlands, Berlin: planned conference 20.6.1902 - Gude, v., Swedish-Norwegian Embassy, Berlin: Lymphatic discharge for Swedish hospitals 4.12.1890 - Günther, v., Reichskanzlei, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the brochure by Savigny "Die Reichstagsauflösung" 18.1.1907 - Goering, Heinrich Ernst, Konsul,: Request of the Devant des Ponts for transfer to colonial service 6.3.1885, Cape Town, trip to Damaraland 7.10.1886 - Holstein, Friedrich v., Excellency, Reich Chancellery, Berlin: Visit of A. 14.7.1895, thanks for the news about Hirschberg 23.7.1895, request to A. for a visit 22.12.1901, reports of Prince Eulenburg on the occasion of the Poland excesses o.D., Request for visit to his friend A. in his private apartment 30.6.1906 - Hutten-Czapski, Count, Strasbourg: wish of acquaintance with A. 9.2.1885, Hanover, because of an honorary pension for Freifrau von Manteuffel or a statue for the field marshal of M. 26.7.1885, entry for the teacher Dalkowski in Wilda in Posen because of threatening dismissal 17.11.1885 - Hansemann, v., Minister, Berlin: Thanks to Dr. Triebke for the donation 15.5.1897 - Hohenthal, Count v., Saxon Minister, Berlin: Realabiturienten und das juristische Studium 23.4.1901 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Berlin: Visit in Charlottenburg 29.10.1892, Oberlehrer Grunewald of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium 23.9.1901 - Humbert, Really Secret Legation Council, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Letter from A. to him because of missed visit 9.12.1890, Answer to A. because of missed visit 3.11.1897, Conference with A. and Conze 11.4.1892 - Jagemann, v., Badische Gesandtschaft, Berlin: Invitation to the Souper o. D. - Kayser, Dr., Geheimer Legationsrat, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Prof. Baron, Bonn July 1888, Berlin, entry of the Referendar Tübben into colonial service 7.1.1891, letter from Schweinfurth 14.4.1891 - Keudell, Baron v., Berlin: Acknowledgment for the report about Prof. Michel 13.2.1900 - Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred v., envoy, Hamburg: Request to Dr. Landerer from Stuttgart for reception 21.9.1895 - Klehmet, R., Geheimer Legationsrat, Berlin: Draft of an answer to the petition of the cathedral provost Dittrich 18.12.1903 (missing) - Klewitz, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Congratulations on the award 16.10.1904 - Knorr v. Rosenroth, Exzellenz, Darmstadt: Transmission of the commemorative publication of the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 9.12.1897 - Koeller, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Acknowledgement for congratulations 19.2.1888, 20.2.1903 - König, v., (Auswärtiges Amt), Berlin: Thanks for information about the Geographical Institute in Weimar 27.1.1892 - Krauel, R., Real Geheimer Regierungsrat und Gesandter, Berlin: Request for a Conversation 27.9.1903 - Krug, Leopold, Prof. und Konsul, Groß-Lichterfelde: Donation of his Herbarium to Dahlem 14.12.1890, Letter of 6.4.1898 - Kusserow, v., Berlin: Appointment of Goering as Commissioner for Angra Pegrena 10.4.1885 - Lanza de Busca, Ch., Graf, Italienischer Gesandter, Berlin: Information about the request of Prof. Volterra to get to know the Polytechnikum Charlottenburg better 23.2.1904, Request for audience for Professor Marigliano 5.1.1901 - Lehmann, Privy Legation Council, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 20.3.1899 - Lewald, Reichskommissar für die Weltausstellung St. Louis: Information about the Villa d 'Este 4.8.1905 - Loebell, Friedrich Wilhelm v., Reich Chancellery, Berlin. Zorn's expert opinion on the Coburg-Gotha domain question 1.12.1904, sending a copy of an article in the Allgemeine Zeitung 22.6.1906 - Marschall von Bieberstein, Freiherr Adolf Hermann, Berlin: Mitteilung über die Gewährung einer Audienz beim Großherzog von Baden 13.4.1888 - Mongenast, envoy, Luxembourg: sending of a work about the Luxembourg Athenaeum 20.7.1904 - Mosler, Privy Councillor, Berlin: Information about the death of his father-in-law, Excellency v. Friedberg 3.6. o. J. - Mühlberg, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin: Press conference and orthography regulation 13.1.1901 - Mutius, Legationsrat von, Berlin: Acknowledgment for the congratulations on the transfer to Beijing 14.1.1908 - Ochsenius, Dr. (C.) Karl, Consul a. D.., Marburg: Promotion of Dr. Kohl to Professor 23.1.1887 - Pourtalès, Count v. F., Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Request for a conference 14.11.1893, Acknowledgment for dealing with his question 20.2.1894 - Ratibor, (Prince) Herzog v., Rauden: Agreement to use his name as co-founder of the Academy for German Literature in Weimar 21.5.1901, letter of 26.2.1900 - Richthofen, v., Excellency, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Award of the large gold medal to Ambassador White 19.11.1902, Lexis meets with the Prime Minister of Holland Knyper 3.5.1902 - Rangabé, Kleon, Greek envoy, Berlin: Dr. Macke's handwriting about Erasmus and Reuchlin 30.4.1900 - Rotenhan, v., Minister of, Rome: Audience with Cardinal Merry del Val o. D., Return in October to Berlin 13.9.1905 - Roth, A. Oberst, Swiss Legation, Berlin: Lectures at the Berlin University 19.1.1887 - Senden, Baron v., (Military Attaché Madrid): Madrid Chapel 23.3.1908 - Speck v. Sternburg, Ambassador, Washington: Professor Keutgen's recommendation from Jena 4.4.1905 - Speßhardt, Consul v., Lemberg: Registration for a meeting 28.7.1902 - Schwarzkoppen, Hauptmann v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Inquiry about the possibility of a visit to the Botanical Garden by Princess Bülow on 17.6.1907 15.6.1907, agreement on the visit of Princess Bülow to the Botanical Garden on 29.6.1912 - Schlözer, Kurd v., German Legation, Rome: Employment of Dr. Schellhass at the historical institution in Rome 23.2.1891 - Tiedemann, Freiherr v., Berlin: Loss of files 18.5.1886 - Tower, Charlemagne, American envoy, Berlin: Introduction of Mr. Alb. A. Showden as representative of the Carnegie Foundation 29.5.1907, Acknowledgement for Lexis' Louis-Werk and the pictures of Mommsen 10.2.1905 - Usedom, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Appointment of Fassbender as Professor 18.12.1900 - Varnbüler, v., Excellency, Württemberg Envoy, Berlin: Immediatgesuch des Dr. Brönnle 4.9.1906 - Wilmowski, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Confession of the officials of the Chancellor 29.4.1895 - Zahn, Legationsrat, Berlin: Visit of the Dutch Prime Minister Knyper to the Reich Chancellery 30.3.1902 - Zimmermann, Legationsrat, Berlin: Request for a visit date (no D.), congratulations on the award (no D.)

Elfriede War (1889-?)

Curriculum Vitae and copies of testimonies, 1913; photo by Elfriede Krieg u. Helene Semrau, 1915; correspondence, 1913-1961; reports and circulars from Java, 1923-1937; Individual copies of "De Groote Kindervriend (in German: Der große Kinderfreund) as print, editor: Elfriede Krieg, 1929; "Jeugdbeweging (in German: Jugendbewegung) as print, editor: Elfriede Krieg, 1929 u. 1930

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Erich Leistner (1893-1975)

Curriculum vitae, health certificates, vows of secondment, 1936; farewell sermon by Erich Leistner in Leipzig, 1936; letters from teacher Hirsch in Mlalo, 1936; work reports, letters of friendship, correspondence, 1936-1939; contract between the Bethel-Mission u. of the Protestant Church in Tanga, 1936; "Volksmission im Lande des Night-Porter, by Erich Leistner, 1938; "Soldaten enliven eine Gemeinde von Erich Leistner, 1938; Agreement between the Bethel-Mission u. Kontraktor Kirschinger, 1938; Conference of Shepherds and Elders of Shambalei and Digolandes, 1938; Overview of school work in Usambara-Bergland, 1938; correspondence because of Leistner's leave of absence with the LKA Dresden, old-age pensions, etc. Kindergeld, 1936-1946; Correspondence with the Leistner family during internment, 1940-1947; Correspondence concerning entry into the Berlin Mission Society, 1947; Correspondence with the Leistner couple during their work in Cape Town: Protokolle, Berichte, Aufsätze, 1947-1975; Geburtsurkunden von Ehepaar Leistner, 1950; "Zu den Füßen des Tafelbergs von Erich Leistner, 1950; "Aus dem Leben der braunen Gemeinden in u. around Cape Town by Erich Leistner, 1953; conference report of the Protestant Academy at the Cape, 1955; curriculum vitae and speech at the funeral of Erich Leistner, 1975

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Fabri estate

Acquired 2009 by Antiquariat Steinkopf, Stuttgart, from the estate of Rössle]; Inspector Fabri's interpretation of 1 Cor. 12-15, written off by M. W. 1884, by Inspector K. Krafft (1862-1942) received 31.5.1939; Letter Jacobi from Inspector Dr. Fabri, written up in the Bible studies, various possession notes, written off probably 1865/1866; Fabri Matth. 13 and 1. Cor. 15, from possession F. Liederwald (1860-1947); Bible studies held by Insp. Dr. Fabri in the Mission House at Barmen, 1864-1866, various possession notes; Fabri, Dogmatics: The Means of Grace, received from Inspector K. Krafft 25.5.1939; Fabri, short outline of church dogmatics, received from Inspector K. Krafft 25.5.1939; The letter to the Ephesians, copy of Miss. Sundermann, 1942, also contains 1 page quotation Fabri "Der Krieg ist ein Gericht Gottes", drawn L. (Liederwald?); excerpts from a letter: Zur Biographie Heft III (Rössle); interpretation of Matth. 25,1-13, 9.10.1864, Nachschrift (Rössle?); booklet inscribed: Fabri's last speech in Nuremberg, issue IV, also contains; Letters to Fabri's sister Anna; Correspondence Rössle; Two speeches given at the funeral ceremony (of Fabri) in the church of Godesberg; 3 photos of Fabri; leaves of the memory of the beatified church councillor Dr. E. F. W. Fabri of Würzburg. Würzburg 1866, from the possession of the sister of Fabri?; Rössle's essay in the Deutsches Pfarrerblatt, 1943; various obituaries; notebook with various parts, mostly sermons; Die Ohnmacht des Amtes, 1864; Bible studies on the Philippian letter, Ringstedt 1859/1860; The Comforting Name of the Lord and other sermons; Experiences in Brazil, 1892-1900, "written by father 1901/1902", envelope Diarium Carl du ?, written by father Rössle?

Rhenish Missionary Society
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 45 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st About the Aldinger-Ostermayer family: Karl Aldinger and Hertha Ostermayer married on 24 January 1944. The marriage lasted over six decades. Only the death of Karl Aldinger in 2005 brought her to an end. The ancestors of the married couple were widely ramified and can be traced far back through the stored documents of the inventory. Due to the numerous traditional sources and many patient family history researches, they were deeply anchored in the consciousness of Karl and Hertha Aldingers. During the Second World War Karl Aldinger (1917-2005) was a soldier (last lieutenant). He then managed various agricultural estates (Staufeneck estate, Schafhof estate, Alteburg estate). In 1957 he took over the management of the youth hostel in Esslingen, which he continued to run until 1963. He then ran a guesthouse in Saig (Black Forest) until 1990, which came from the inheritance of an aunt of his wife. Hertha Aldinger (1920-2012) had undergone agricultural training and had been a teacher of agricultural household science since January 1944. After 1 July 1944, she no longer worked for the company, but devoted herself to her five children (one had died very early) and supported her husband in his various tasks. The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer documents the ancestors of Karl and Hertha Aldinger in almost all lines back to the end of the 18th century. There are rich documents on the families Aldinger, Trißler, Unrath (ancestors of Karl Aldinger) and Ostermayer, Görger, Baur/Giani, Heldbek/Gaiser, Riedlin and Schinzinger (ancestors of Hertha Aldinger). The documents refer to members of the upper middle class in Württemberg and Baden. Some family members were soldiers in the First and Second World Wars (among others Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), Helmut Ostermayer (1919-1941) and Karl Aldinger) and have left photos, diaries and memories as well as letters from the wartime. The Aldinger family provided agricultural estate managers for several generations. There are numerous physicians from the family circle: Dr. Oskar Görger (1847-1905), who founded his wealth through his practice in Australia, Dr. Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), who was still practicing in his 80s and was thus known in the 50s as Stuttgart's oldest practicing physician, Dr. Karl Schinzinger (1861-1948), also a physician in Australia, and Dr. Albert Schinzinger (1827-1911), who began his career as a surgeon and after his habilitation worked as a professor of medicine at the University of Freiburg (about him Pagel: Biographisches Lexikon outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1499-1500). Also worth mentioning are the pastors: Karl Ludwig Heldbek (1756-1829), pastor in Scharenstetten, Christoph Erhardt Heldbek (1803-1877), city pastor in Weilheim, Emil Heldbek (1849-1884), pastor in Auendorf, and Dr. Paul Aldinger (1869-1944), pastor in Kleinbottwar, colonist and pastor in Brazil. The Ostermayers were merchants for several generations, initially locally in Weilheim/Teck and from around 1870 in the Württemberg state capital Stuttgart. Max (1860-1942) and Gottlieb Ostermayer (1871-1910) finally worked as merchants in India. The Heldbek/Gaiser family also knew merchants whose activities later extended as far as Africa (Lagos). The most famous is Gottlieb Leonhard Gaiser (1817-1892). He tried to found a German colony in Mahinland (east of Lagos), but failed because of Bismarck's colonial-political restraint (Ernst Hieke: Gaiser, Gottlieb Leonhard, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie, 6 (1964), p. 39f.). Robert Karl Edmund Schinzinger (1898-1988), university professor and lecturer in Japan, and Ernst Ostermayer (1868-1918), professor and painter are to be emphasized as representatives of science and art. Albert Joseph Fridolin Schinzinger (1856-1926), the Japanese Consul General in Berlin, worked in the field of politics and diplomacy. 2. processing of the stock: The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer was created step by step. In ancient times, outstanding documents were preserved and entrusted to the next generation. Initially, only a few documents were handed down, mostly letters or documents with a special memoir value. This happened with both the Aldinger and Ostermayer ancestors. Only later generations left behind complete estates, i.e. closed traditions. This was the case with Eduard Ostermayer and his son Helmut as well as Karl and Hertha Aldinger. For Oskar Görger and his wife Marie, original documents have been preserved to a considerable extent, but in smaller quantities. Family research on a larger scale had already been carried out in the 1930s in connection with the Aryan evidence by the Aldingers and the Ostermayers. Lore Braitsch, née Aldinger, collected older documents for the Aldinger family, which she also evaluated (e.g. speech in honour of Dr. Paul Aldinger, cf. Bü 360). After their death in 1998 these documents came to Hertha and Karl Aldinger, so that a family archive for the Aldinger and Ostermayer families grew together. Hertha Aldinger edited this. She supplemented the originals with copies and transcriptions. With admirable patience she transcribed the documents in old, no longer generally legible script, first by hand and later by typewriter. Already in 1996 she worked with computers. Even more important are their evaluations of the family records. She put together different material to certain persons as well as whole family branches, so for her husband Karl (Bü 179) and for herself (Bü 118). She also wrote the couple's memoirs under the title "Our 20 Initial Years" (Bü 246). She also wrote down her personal memories of her parents (Bü 181). For the Ostermayer (Bü 284, 304 and 334), Heldbek (Bü 453, 473) and Schinzinger (Bü 226, 237, 296) families she compiled material and wrote elaborations on the history of these families. Probably also the order of the family archive goes back to them. This only considered a separation of the individual family branches and was otherwise little structured. When the materials were handed over to the Main State Archives in January 2013, they were stored in guide files and the subunits were formed in transparent envelopes. There were also other types of packaging. A handwritten fixation of this order was made on the occasion of the transfer of the family archive to the main state archive in a transfer register (Bü 550). Hertha Aldinger's intensive family research and work have left traces in the state of order. The units were inflated by copies, often multiple copies. Original tradition and copy or transcription were not separated. The original letter series were torn, there was the group of already transcribed pieces and the group of still unprocessed letters. The archival order of the documents restored the series of the original letters. The copies have been reduced. There is little point in keeping an original and a copy of it in the same tuft. Multiple copies of the transcriptions could also be collected. However, different processing stages (e.g. concepts, final version) were left unchanged. There was a larger collection of postcards, which had been arranged after picture motives. This collection also contained described and run postcards, i.e. family correspondence. This had to be reassigned to the letters and cards. The collection of postcards was thus reduced to the undescribed pieces (Bü 506, 509), and the archival indexing attached great importance to a detailed characterization of the Büschel contents in the Contained Notes. This was especially necessary when the title recording for the tuft had to remain very general. The collection was structured in such a way that the central importance of Karl and Hertha Aldinger for the documents is emphasized. Karl and Hertha Aldinger are expressly referred to as related family branches. The spelling of the first names was standardized according to today's spelling: Helmut instead of Hellmut, Karl instead of Carl, Jakob instead of Jacob etc.. The index lists the women among the aforementioned families from the related circle of Aldinger-Ostermayer, but also mentions the marriage name. Women who have married into the circle of relatives are classified under their names of marriage, their names of birth are given in an explanatory manner. The stock P 45 "Familienarchiv Aldinger-Ostermayer" was sorted and listed by the undersigned in Spring/Summer 2013. The duration of the documents ranges from approx. 1770 to 2013, the volume of the stock amounts to 553 units in 6.1 m.Stuttgart, in October 2013Dr. Peter Schiffer

Nachl. 322, Nr. 03 · File · 1908/1913
Part of Berlin State Library. manuscript department

colored card: Matoimochi, with Rumphs signature stamp postcard: Harlekinade Berlin 1912- postcard; A citizens' ball 1803. 35. anniversary of the association of pupils at the K.K.G.M. on 6. February 1913 in the zoo printed card: Dôjôji, with signature stamp Rumpfs postcard on Gerhard Rumpf, dated Tsingtau 1.9.1908, with drawing of Port Said postcard on Heinrich Rumpf, dated. 25.4. 08, with drawing Chinese navy uniformsColored drawing of a sitting Chinese girl, not signed- printed map: fisherwomen in Inage, bay of Tokyo, with hull signature stamp-Colored drawing: boats in China. Port [Tsingtau?] with rowing women, not signed postcard on Andreas hull, with drawing of Gibraltar, dat. 16.11.1907- color drawing: Prague, small-sided individual sheets with vocabulary lists, English, French, Portuguese, partly menus concerning- leaflet with various aioli-recipes, fair copy with title-initial-postcard of Marianne on/for Alice torso- plate 9 (Japanese), tracing - 3 sheets. with color drawings, Chinese. Military 1 sheet with pencil drawings, a.o. ???- pencil drawing: Frauenkopf: Taverne, 12./13,II,31

Expedition unter Hauptmann Rabenhorst zur Besitzübernahme im Herbst 1886; Stellung von Waffen durch das preußische Kriegsministerium; Verhandlungen über den Verkauf von Witu an die Britisch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft.

Annual report, minutes of negotiations, circulars; correspondence, especially on the question of the mission in English colonies, esp. m. Oldham and J. Mott; Call for Peace and Christian Community, the Neutral to the Warring Countries, Dr.; Press Notes of the Evangelical-Lutheran Mission Leipzig; Axenfeld: Prohibits War for the Future German Mission in Non-German Areas, 8 p., Dr.; Stark (ed.): The Martyrdom of the Evangelical Missionaries in Cameroon, 15 p., Dr.

Rhenish Missionary Society
Hand files: vol. 5
BArch, N 253/8 · File · 1906-1910
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Correspondence with Grand Duchess Luise of Baden, Dec. 1907 - Apr. 1908 Telegram exchange with Emperor Wilhelm II. about the acceptance of the naval bill, 1908 Immediatvortrag to the organization of the admiral staff, Dec. 1907 Ludwig Borckenhagen to questions of the education system of the navy, Feb. 1907. 1908 draft of a speech on Kiautschou, March 1908 correspondence with Prince Heinrich of Prussia, May - Sept. 1908 correspondence with Georg Alexander von Müller, March - July 1908 speech by Tirpitz in Kiel on the occasion of an information trip by members of the Reichstag to naval facilities, 1908, see also nos. 23 and 414 Training of Crown Prince Wilhelm in the Navy: among others, memorandum of the Crown Prince about "The Development of our Navy and the Main Types of Warships" with notes by Tirpitz and reciprocal letters of thanks, 1908 - 1909 correspondence with Henning von Holtzendorff, July - Nov. 1909 letter to Gustav Bachmann, Sept. 1909 Tirpitz to Guido to Usedom, Dec. 1909 records of radio systems, 1910 records of table money, o.Dat. Comparison between German and English navy budget, around 1909

Tirpitz, Alfred von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2688 · File · 1895-1909
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Careers of the sons, colonial service of a son in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (1895); fire of the manor (2.10.1899) Darin: Kondolenzdank des Gatt, der Söhne bei dessen Tod (1908-1909)

Hermann Personn (1889-1960)
M 237 Bd. 4 · File · 1939-1965
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

"Inexhaustible wealth, Africans report on their journey to Jesus, 30 p., 1939; obituary of Martin Personn (son), 1939; The districts of Wuga and Bumbuli in the war (towards the end of 1939); deed of ownership of the burial place of Martin Personn in Bethel, 1942; map of Usambara and Buhaya, n.d. ; A walk through the parishes of Usambara and Tanga-Digo today, 8 p. ms.., 1958; death announcement by Hermann Personn, 1960; correspondence with Marie Personn (wife), 1961-1965

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.697 b · File · 1903-1906
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters from local Christians by J. F. Hein, Evangelist, 1905; Telegrams (including 1 "optical telegram"); Hypothekenangelegenheit Charles Ritter, 1903-1906; detailed account of construction and equipment e. Ochsenwagens, 1906; map sketch with travel route to Ovamboland, 1906; Letters to Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker from the Heimatleitung, 1906; Reiseerlaubnis d. German authorities in Outjo, 1906

Rhenish Missionary Society

The chamber was erected on 13.4.1863 for the area of the former district of Dortmund. The original district did not change its external borders until 1913. The district of Dortmund was divided into the city district of Dortmund (enlarged by incorporation) and the districts of Hörde and Dortmund. In 1913 the chamber district was extended to the district of Hamm (from 1930 the district of Unna). In 1917 the independent town of Hamm was added. With the territorial reform of the years 1926-1929 the offices Sodingen (today town Herne) and Annen (town Witten) left the chamber district. From 1.1.1930, the chamber district comprised the city districts of Dortmund, Castrop-Rauxel, Lünen and Hamm, the district of Unna as well as the city of Schwerte and the Westhofen office from the district of Iserlohn. This district was valid until 31.12.1974 with one exception: in 1944/45 Schwerte was briefly assigned to the district of the Iserlohn office at the Chamber of Hagen. Since the municipal reorganization in 1975, the chamber district comprises the city districts of Dortmund and Hamm as well as the district of Unna. Castrop-Rauxel retired, the municipalities Werne, Selm and the new districts of the cities Hamm and Schwerte were added. In 1935 the IHK Dortmund became the seat of the Chamber of Commerce for Westphalia and Lippe in the course of the development of the commercial economy. Although the Chamber of Commerce was theoretically assigned numerous tasks as a subdivision of the Reich Chamber of Commerce, the independence of the individual Chambers of Industry and Commerce and the Chambers of Crafts was de facto preserved. In 1937 the Chamber of Commerce for Westphalia and Lippe was subdivided into the departments IHKn, Chambers of Crafts, Industrial Department, Trade Department, District Compensation Office for Public Contracts, Honorary Courts of Commerce and Industry. Each of the departments had its own advisory boards. In the course of the war preparations and during the war, the Economic Chamber (and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry) were given tasks within the framework of management. In 1942, chambers of commerce were created analogous to the party organization of the NSDAP. The IHKs finally lost their self-administration tasks. Dortmund became the seat of the Gauwirtschaftskammer Westfalen-Süd [Westphalia South Chamber of Commerce] [for the government district of Arnsberg]. In addition to the chambers of industry and commerce, the regional trade associations were also included. Due to the effects of the war, the organisational structure of the Gauwirtschaftskammer remained a torso. 190 m The collection is divided into several layers, which were created by changes in the registry. There are losses in the older strata. Before 1914 there were already large gaps, and contemporary cassations could be found in the so-called war economy registry. The tradition of the file layer 1918-1930 is largely complete. From the file layer from 1931 to 1945 whole groups of files were destroyed in bomb attacks, furthermore unknown quantities of special registries of the Gauwirtschaftskammerregistratur(en) were lost. The documents from the first period after the end of the war were not included in a systematic file plan until later; individual clerk registries for the period up to 1950 (beginning of a new file layer) are missing, e.g. files on the currency reform of 1948. 1. 1863-1914/1918 President Eduard Kleine 1900-1914 (1); elections 1863-1918 with voter lists (8); annual reports 1889-1913 (1); 50th anniversary 1913 (1); Syndici 1872-1914 (3); budget 1877-1900 (4); chamber building 1898-1913 (1); Chamber organisation 1894-1918 (2); Vereinigung der Sekretäre der Handels- und Gewerbekammern Deutschlands 1875-1899 (1); Vereinigung der Handelskammern des rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1903-1918 (2). Local court Aplerbeck 1908 (1); commercial judge elections 1879-1918 (2); articles of association 1884-1918 (4); auditors 1899-1919 (3); commercial chemist 1899-1918 (3); commercial customs 1903-1919 (4). Correspondence with the Chief President of Münster and the government of Arnsberg 1893-1918 (2) and with the Minister of Commerce of Berlin 1882-1914 (6); universal suffrage 1906-1917 (1); coal mining 1886-1918 (2); iron industry 1894-1918 (1); grain and animal feed industry 1917-1918 (1); money transfer 1916-1918 (1). District Railway Council Cologne 1883-1918 (6); railway project Dortmund-Schwerte-Letmathe-Frankfurt 1890-1914 (3); waterway advisory boards for the Dortmund-Ems Canal, including canals 1907-1914 (1); port Dortmund 1886-1918 (1); Dortmund-Ems Canal (4). Customs tariffs 1905-1918 (1); German colonies 1909-1917 (3). Maschinenbauschule Dortmund 1893-1918 (2); Technische Hochschule Dortmund (planned) 1905-1909; Städtische Schifferschule Dortmund 1912-1915 (1); Städtische Fortbildungsschule Dortmund 1881-1918 (5), desgl. Unna 1911-1917 (1); stenographic examination office 1912-1916 (1). Chambers of Commerce 1884 (1); Chambers of Labour 1908-1918 (1); Chambers of Experts 1910-1915 (1); RWWA Cologne 1904-1918 (1); Bismarck Monument 1911-(1927) (1); German Economic Association 1904-1918 (1). 2. War and post-war files 1914-(1930) Certificates for army deliveries 1914-1918 (6); imports, export and transit bans in the First World War 1914-1918 (7); state forced organization (general) 1914-1919 (5); Kriegsausschuß der deutschen Wirtschaft 1914-1918 (1); Economic General Staff 1916 (1); War Bonds 1915-1921 (1); War Gains Tax 1915-1920 (1); War Aid Cashiers 1914-1920 (1); Advice Centres for Trade and Crafts 1914-1916 (1); Emergency Money 1914-1919 (1); Closures 1917 (1); Enemy Assets 1915-1918 (1). Foreign receivables 1914-1921 (5); occupied territories 1915-1918 (3); war and peace goals 1915-1918 (1); demobilisation 1918-1922 (3); civilian food supply 1915-1921 (2); purchasing companies 1915-1921 (5); prices, price testing agencies 1914-1919 (3); Generalkommando Münster 1914-1919 (2); war offices Düsseldorf u. Kriegsamt Düsseldorf (3); war and peace goals 1915-1918 (1); war and peace objectives 1915-1922 (3); shopping companies 1915-1921 (5); prices, price testing agencies 1914-1919 (3); Generalkommando Münster 1914-1919 (2); war offices Düsseldorf u. Münster 1917-1919 (2); demand for demobilisation 1918-1919 (2); cultivation of raw materials 1915-1919 (12). War welfare, war damaged, war survivors 1914-1918 (3); prisoners of war 1915-1917 (1); military service 1914-1918 (8); relief service 1916-1918 (2); armistice, peace treaty 1918-1930 (5); vote in Upper Silesia 1919-1929 (1); Saar region 1919-1931 (1); confiscation of German foreign assets 1919-1931 (3); German foreign receivables 1919-1930 (2); reparations 1924-1930 (8); reconstruction in Belgium and northern France 1919-1921 (1). Ruhr occupation 1923-1930 (3); Ruhrabwehrkampf 1925-1930 (1); economic administration in the occupied territory 1923-1926 (1); railway control 1923-1927 (1); food supply of the Ruhr area 1923-1924 (2); Rhein-Ruhr-Hilfe 1923 (1); customs regulations of the occupation authorities 1923-1925 (2); occupation damages 1923-1928 (20). 3. 1918-1930 Elections to the General Assembly 1919-1930 (6); General Assemblies 1918-1930 (9); Committees (general) 1919-1930 (2); Retail Committee 1919-1932 (2); Transport Committee 1921-1924 (1); Committee on Mining and Iron Industry 1921 (1); Tax Committee 1919-1922 (1); Committee on Motor Vehicles 1925-1929 (1); Deaths, Anniversaries 1921-1930 (5); Press Releases 1922-1930 (3); Lectures in the Chamber 1925-1929 (3); Administration 1920-1932 (2); Budget 1919-1934 (2); Chamber Building 1927-1942 (24); Obituaries Victor Weidtman and Richard Stegemann 1924-1927 (1). Chamber of Commerce Acts 1919-1929 (3); Association of the Managing Directors of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce 1919-1930 (3); Association of middle officials of the German official industry and trade representations 1919-1930 (1); Pensions Compensation Fund 1924-1932 (1); individual Chambers 1919-1930 (30); DIHT 1918-1930 (3); Committees of the DIHT 1918-1930 (16); State Committee of the Prussian Chambers of Commerce 1919-1931 (4); Foreign Chambers 1918-1930 (4). Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian Industrial Area 1918-1930 (7); Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Krefeld and Münster 1920-1929 with annual reports (13); Association of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce of the South Westphalian Industrial District 1919-1921 (1); Merger of Chambers 1923-1930 (4); Joint Statistical Office of the Ruhr Chambers with quarterly reports 1921-1929 (3). Law (general) 1919-1931 (5); Imperial Administrative Court 1926-1931 (1); Commercial Courts 1919-1929 (3); Bankruptcy Act, Law 1924-1930 (28); Industrial Code 1921-1930 (1); Intellectual Property 1919-1930 (6); Auctions 1920-1930 (2); Commercial law 1919-1930 (4); unfair competition 1910-1930 (4); sales 1919-1930 (24); gifts, discount savings associations 1924-1930 (2); experts 1919-1930 (17); auditors 1919-1936 (2); information, expert opinions 1918-1933 (32). Correspondence with the Ministry of Commerce 1919-1930 (1) and the government of Arnsberg 1919-1929 (1); Reichszentrale für den Heimatdienst 1919-1930 (3); Reichsverfassung 1918-1930 (3); Bürgerräte 1919-1921 (1); Sozialisierung 1918-1926 (4); tax burden on the economy 1919-1925 (3); Enquête Committee 1926-1928 (2); Economic Democracy 1929-1930 (1); City Regulations 1922-1930 (1); RM Revaluation 1924-1930 (2); plant closures 1919-1930 (4), including Südrandzechen; exhibitions and Trade fairs 1919-1931 (21); dimensions and weights 1924-1930 (1); Siedlungsverband Ruhrkohlenbezirk 1920-1930 (2); Westf. Heimstätte GmbH, Münster 1925-1930 (1); settlement and housing 1919-1931 (4); incorporation 1922-1930 (5); economic situation reports 1920-1930 (12); price statistics 1919-1930 (3); labour market reports of the Landesarbeitsamts Westfalen-Lippe 1919-1931 (10). Hard coal mining 1920-1930 (6); iron and steel industry 1919-1928 (1); metal and others Industries 1919-1931 (2); Mechanical engineering 1919-1926 (1); Gas and gas supply 1926-1930 (6); Electricity supply 1919-1930 (3); Water management 1919-1930 (2); Food and beverage industry 1918-1930 (2); Breweries and distilleries 1918-1930 (1); Clay, stone and earth 1919-1930 (2); Construction 1919-1930 (2); Printing 1919-1929 (1); Restaurants and hotels 1917-1930 (3); Laundries 1920-1928 (1); Currency and emergency money 1918-1930 (4); Money and credit crunch 1922-1930 (4); Cheques and other cheques Bills of exchange 1919-1931 (3); balance of gold and payments 1922-1931 (1); securities 1919-1930 (2); banks and stock exchanges (general) 1919-1930 (3); savings banks and municipal banks 1921-1930 (1); stock exchanges in Dortmund 1921-1930 (2). Trade (general) 1911-1931 (2); wholesale prices 1928-1931 (1); advertising 1921-1930 (1); monopolies 1917-1930 (5); pharmacies 1919-1930 (1); wood, coal, oil, etc. Branches of trade 1917-1930 (19); metal thefts 1920-1930 (1); meat and livestock trade 1917-1930 (4); grain trade 1910-1930 (6); potato trade 1919-1930 (3); food trade 1919-1930 (6); tobacco and wine trade 1917-1930 (3). Retail trade (general) 1918-1931 (4); retail prices 1921-1930 (6); retail outlets 1919-1930 (2); consumer financing 1926-1927 (1); Edeka Association 1922-1930 (1); employee trade 1919-1931 (1); commercial agents 1919-1930 (4); crafts 1920-1930 (3); agriculture 1920-1930 (3); 33rd travelling exhibition of the German Agricultural Society in Dortmund 1927 (6). Transport 1917-1930 (2); railway (general) 1919-1931 (8); railway councils 1919-1930 (4); railway construction projects 1903-1930 (10), etc. Rheinisch-Westfälische Schnellbahn 1922-1927, Dortmund-Münster 1903-1927 (2); railway passenger and baggage traffic 1921-1931 (6); timetables 1925-1931 (3); freight traffic 1918-1931 (6); Private siding connections 1919-1932 (5); railway tariffs 1918-1931 (15); preferential tariffs in the Ruhr area 1927-1930 (4); trams 1921-1930 (1); Ruhr-Lippe-Kleinbahn 1928-1932 (1). Inland navigation (general) 1918-1930 (4); towing monopoly 1919-1930 (1); waterway advisory boards 1919-1930 (4); Hansa canal 1922-1930 (1); Dortmund-Ems canal 1919-1930 (5); Mittellandkanal 1919-1930 (1); canals and canal projects 1919-1930 (5); Lippe side canal 1918-1926 (1); port of Dortmund 1919-1930 (1). Road construction 1920-1930 (6); motor traffic 1920-1931 (5); bus routes 1924-1930 (1); transport companies 1924-1928 (3); air traffic 1919-1930 (2); Dortmund Airport 1921-1931 (5); Luftverkehrs-AG Westfalen (WELU) 1925-1930 (1). Post (general) 1919-1931 (9); telephony and telegraphy 1918-1930 (8); postage 1920-1931 (4); postal cheque office, traffic 1909-1930 (2); radio 1924-1930 (2); tourism 1919-1930 (2). Foreign trade (general) 1919-1930 (7); foreign law 1925-1930 (1); export reports 1925-1930 (1); trade espionage 1919-1930 (6); foreign trade fairs 1927-1930 (2); immigration and emigration, foreign Germans 1919-1930 (2); League of Nations 1926-1928 (2); trade treaties 1920-1930 (2); trade with individual countries 1912-1930 (37), above all with the USSR 1920-1930 (1920-1930); export reports 1925-1930 (1); trade espionage 1919-1930 (6); foreign trade fairs 1927-1930 (2); trade with individual countries 1912-1930 (37), above all with the USSR 1920-1930 (1920-1930); Foreign intelligence services 1919-1930 (11); import and export regulations 1914-1930 (17); foreign exchange trading 1921-1927 (1); consulates 1919-1930 (4); foreign travel 1924-1930 (2); customs (general) 1919-1930 (5); processing traffic 1921-1931 (7); German and foreign customs 1920-1930 (4). Taxes (general) 1919-1930 (3); Reich taxes 1919-1930 (3); financial and tax law 1924-1930 (5); financial equalization 1923-1930 (5); real taxes 1927-1929 (3); financial committees and offices 1921-1930 (8); property taxes 1919-1930 (5); Property tax 1919-1930 (5); turnover and luxury tax 1919-1930 (4); excise taxes 1924-1930 (4); municipal taxes 1921-1930 (7); business taxes 1921-1930 (11); business tax reform 1925-1927 (3); business taxes in individual municipalities: Annen 1920-1929 (3), Aplerbeck 1920-1929 (3), Barop 1922-1929 (3), Brackel 1921-1927 (2), Brambauer 1921-1927 (2), Castrop 1910-1930 (5), Derne 1922-1927 (2), Dortmund 1920-1932 (2), Fröndenberg 1924-1930 (1), Hamm 1906-1930 (4), Hörde 1924-1927 (2), Kamen 1919-1930 (3), Kirchhörde 1920-1929 (3), Lünen 1921-1930 (3), Lütgendortmund 1921-1927 (2), Marten 1921-1927 (2), Mengede 1921-1927 (2), Pelkum 1921-1930 (4), Rauxel 1904-1925 (2), Rhynern 1922-1930 (1), Schwerte 1921-1930 (4), Sodingen 1920-1923 (1), Unna 1924-1930 (1), Wellinghofen 1921-1930 (1), Westhofen 1921-1930 (1). Employees and workers (general) 1918-1930 (3); Labour courts 1921-1930 (1); Works Constitution, Councils 1918-1928 (2); Tariffs and wages 1919-1930 (7); Working time, protection 1919-1930 (5); Strikes 1919-1930 (2); Unemployment of employees 1925-1931 (2), Reich Insurance Ordinance 1919-1930 (3); Accident Insurance 1923-1930 (2); Disability Insurance 1921-1930 (1); Miners' Social Insurance 1925-1929 (1); Unemployment Insurance 1920-1930 (2); Unemployment Welfare 1918-1930 (5); Housing Construction 1926-1930 (1). Education (general) 1923-1930 (4); Vocational training 1919-1930 (9); Shorthand 1920-1930 (4); Mechanical engineering schools 1920-1930 (1); Vocational schools 1918-1930 (6); Vocational school fees in the municipalities of the chamber district 1921-1930 (18); Commercial schools in Dortmund and Unna 1905-1930 (5); Apprenticeship 1924-1929 (3). Chamber of Crafts Dortmund 1900-1930 (1); Chamber of Agriculture 1926-1930 (1); Chamber of Experts 1922-1931 (1); Chamber of Architects 1926-1928 (1); Chamber of Consumers 1920-1922 (1). Associations and federations (general) 1911-1930 (5); industrial associations 1919-1930 (1); CDI 1918-1919 (1), RDI 1919-1930 (3); Langnamverein 1920-1930 (2); Bergbau-Verein 1927-1930 (1); Association of German Iron and Steel Workers 1919-1930 (1); VDMA 1919-1926 (1); Hansabund 1919-1930 (1); Westfälischer Industrieklub 1921-1928 (1); Bund für Nationalwirtschaft und Werksgemeinschaft 1924-1930 (1); Transport associations, mainly VV Industriebezirk 1920-1930 (4); Verkehrsverein Dortmund 1919-1930 (3); Binnenschiffahrtsverbände 1917-1930 (7); Außenhandelsverbände 1920-1925 (1); Russlandausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft und ähnlichen Ausschüsse 1919-1930 (56); kaufmännische Verbände und Vereine 1922-1930 (1); Central-Gewerbe-Vereine 1919-1927 (1); Westfälische Kaufmannsgilde, Dortmund 1924-1930 (1); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kaufmanns-Erholungsheime 1918-1930 (1); Hauptgemeinschaft des Deutschen Einzelhandels 1929-1930 (1); employers' associations 1919-1930 (1); Institut für Konjunkturforschung 1924-1930 (1); RWWA Köln 1919-1929 (1); Volkswirtschaftliche Vereinigung des rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1920-1930 (1); Reichsverband der deutschen Volkswirte 1919-1929 (1); Westfälische Verwaltungsakademie, Bochum 1925-1931 (1); Associations for Commercial Education 1912-1930 (2); RKW 1925-1930 (1); Verband der Vereine Creditreform 1919-1929 (1); Deutscher See-Verein 1918-1930 (1); Kolonialvereine 1919-1930 (1); Tannenberg- u.a. Monuments 1927-1930 (2). 4. 1931-1945 Statutes 1932-1939 (1); Executive Board/Committee 1931-1942 (6); Members of the General Assembly 1932-1941 (3); General Assemblies 1930-1934 (1); Committees 1931-1941 (2); Retail Representation of the Chamber 1934-1941 (4); Anniversaries 1931-1941 (22); Lectures 1932-1940 (1); Journal "Westfälische Wirtschaft" 1932-1937 (3). Chamber organization (general) 1931-1941 (8); staff of the chambers 1932-1942 (6); IHK special-purpose associations 1929-1937, especially for the chambers Bochum, Dortmund, Essen, Münster (5); Vereinigung der IHKn des niederrheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiets 1931-1935 (1); Arbeitsgemeinschaft der westf. Chambers of Industry, Commerce and Crafts 1933-1935 (1); Chambers of Foreign Trade 1931-1944 (5); International Chamber of Commerce, Paris 1931-1944 with German Group (2); DIHT with committees 1930-1934 (4). Imperial, state and municipal law 1927-1942 (4); citizenship 1931-1939 (2); arbitration courts and courts of honour 1931-1943 (8); settlements and bankruptcies 1929-1940 (27); debt settlement 1939-1943 (5); industrial property law 1927-1943 (39); unfair competition 1930-1942 (4); Unification Offices for Competition Disputes 1932-1940 (6); Out and Final Sales 1927-1939 (2); Prohibitions on Allowances 1931-1943 (3); Cartels and Syndicates 1931-1938 (1); Auctioneers 1931-1942 (2); Commercial Law 1932-1943 (1); Joint Stock Companies 1931-1939 (2); Stock Corporation Law 1931-1939 (2); GmbH Law 1937-1940 (1); Terms of Delivery and Payment 1931-1938 (3); Experts, Experts, Auditors 1931-1944 (36); Information 1931-1937 (8); Baumeister Titles 1931-1936 (4); Economy 1931-1939 (3); Eastern Aid 1930-1933 (1); Consequences of the Versailles Treaty 1931-1940 (2); NSDAP 1933-1944 (1); DAF 1933-1944 (2); organization of the economy / development of the commercial economy 1932-1944 (5); Reichsnährstand 1933-1938 (1); Reichskulturkammer 1933-1939 (1); technical division of the commercial economy 1934-1940 (5) and of industry 1934-1939 (2); delimitation of trade, crafts and industry 1934-1943 (5); urban development 1931-1937 (3). Reichswirtschaftskammer 1934-1939 (2); Gauwirtschaftskammern (general) 1938-1940 (1); Reichswirtschaftsgruppen 1934-1940 (3); Jewish businesses 1938-1939 (3); Ernährungsamt beim Oberpräsidenten Münster 1939-1944 (16); economic situation reports (general) 1931-1939 (2); Situation reports of the IHKs Dortmund 1931-1939 (11), Essen 1931-1937 (3), Düsseldorf 1931-1939 (2), Bielefeld 1936-1939 (2), Hagen 1936-1939 (2), Duisburg 1936-1939 (2), the joint statistical office of the IHKs Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Krefeld, Münster 1931-1937 (2); economic situation reports for mining 1936-1939 (2); RKW 1931-1938 (4). Imperial agencies (monitoring agencies) for wool 1934-1941 (2), silk 1936-1941 (1), cotton 1934-1942 (2), bast fibres 1934-1942 (1), rubber and asbestos 1934-1940 (1); leather management 1934-1942 (6), textile management 1934-1941 (3); iron and steel industry 1934-1941 (2), silk 1936-1941 (1), cotton 1934-1942 (2), bast fibres 1934-1942 (1), rubber and asbestos 1934-1940 (1); leather management 1934-1942 (6), textile management 1934-1941 (3); iron and steel industry 1934-1941 (3) Steel management 1934-1941 (6); Metal management 1934-1941 (7); Coal management 1939-1941 (4); Price formation and monitoring 1931-1942 (13); Monthly price reports 1937-1940 (4); Trade fairs at home and abroad 1930-1939 (7); Settlement association Ruhr coal district 1931-1939 (2). Insurance 1931-1941 (1); Money, coins and currency 1931-1936 (1); Banking 1931-1939 (1); Gas, electricity, water 1931-1937 (2). Retail trade (general) 1931-1938 (2); trade in milk products 1927-1939 (2), margarine 1933-1939 (3), potatoes 1931-1937 (1), furniture 1937-1938 (1); pharmacies, drugstores 1930-1932 (8); sales representatives 1931-1939 (2). Wholesale (general) 1933-1941 (2); grain trade 1931-1939 (3), trade in base metals 1931-1936 (1); Committee on Agricultural Market and Sales Issues in the Rhine-Westphalian Industrial Area 1930-1932 (1); agricultural debt settlement 1932-1937 (1); press, printing industry 1931-1939 (6). Oberhausen freight base 1930-1936 (2); traffic (general) 1930-1939 (1); overall traffic plan Ruhr area 1937 (1); postal services (general) 1931-1941 (6); telegraph and telephone services 1931-1941 (2); railway traffic (general) 1927-1939 (3); Railway and motor vehicles 1931-1939 (3); rail freight transport 1930-1939 (4); private sidings 1931-1939 (2); rail passenger transport, tariffs 1931-1941 (12); timetables 1931-1943 (3); sea and inland waterway transport (general) 1930-1944 (1); Canals (general) 1931-1944 (2); Dortmund-Ems Canal 1931-1942 (3); Inland navigation statistics 1931-1939 (1); Port of Dortmund 1930-1944 (1); Air traffic 1931-1940 (1); Air protection 1931-1942 (1); WELU 1930-1938 (1); Dortmund airport 1930-1942 (1); Local public transport in Dortmund 1931-1943 (1); small trams and streetcars 1931-1944 (1); motor vehicles (general) 1931-1940 (5); petrol stations 1934-1942 (1); long-distance goods transport 1931-1939 (5); motorways 1933-1937 (2). Foreign Germans, emigration 1931-1940 (1); "Propaganda" abroad 1931-1940 (2); Foreign trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Trade with foreign states 1930-1944 (6); Russian Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1940 (2); Foreign Trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Foreign Trade with Foreign States 1930-1944 (6); Russia Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1941 (4); Foreign Trade Office for Westphalia and Germany 1931-1940 (6); Foreign Trade (general) 1931-1939 (5); Foreign Trade with Foreign States 1930-1944 (6); Russia Committee of the German Economy 1931-1941 (4) the Ruhr district, Hagen 1931-1943 (13), their special reports 1939-1942 (3); import restrictions 1931-1935 (3); foreign exchange control 1931-1941 (44); export promotion 1931-1939 (3); clearing with foreign states 1932-1936 (6); compensation 1934-1936 (1); German customs duties 1931-1941 (2); processing traffic 1931-1934 (2). Public finance 1930-1942 (7); tax offices 1931-1934 (2); taxes (general) 1931-1941 (3); tax consultants 1931-1939 (1); Reich taxes 1931-1937 (2); Motor vehicle taxes 1930-1942 (1); income tax 1931-1941 (3); turnover tax 1931-1939 (4); municipal taxes 1931-1939 (1); business taxes 1931-1937 (1), in Dortmund 1931-1936 (1) and 1931-1936 (1). in the district of Unna 1931-1938 (1). Work assignment 1931-1940 (8); wages and tariffs in individual Westphalian branches 1931-1938 (3); payments under the collective bargaining agreement 1933-1938 (3); labour market situation, unemployment in Westphalia-Lippe 1931-1939 (7); granting of leave 1931-1939 (2); remuneration in the public service 1931-1940 (2); performance competition of German companies 1937-1940 (3); unemployment 1930-1939 (3); Emergency situation of older employees 1932-1938 (3); job creation 1932-1936 (1); social security (general) 1931-1939 (1); welfare 1931-1939 (2); collection and support 1931-1939 (1); Adolf Hitler Donation of the German Economy 1933-1939 (3); Winter Relief 1931-1937 (3); Settlement and Housing 1931-1940 (3); Barracks for Foreign Workers 1942-1945 (1949) (1). Bochum Administrative Academy 1931-1943 (1); Haus der Technik, Essen 1931-1941 (2); scientific institutes 1930-1943 (3); vocational training 1931-1943 (9); shorthand 1931-1942 (3); Vocational and technical schools in the chamber district 1931-1943 (4); vocational school contributions 1929-1942 (3); apprenticeship 1931-1939 (8); young skilled workers 1936-1937 (1); apprenticeship 1935-1941 (3); examinations 1936-1943(58). Chambers of Trade and Agriculture 1931-1944 (1); associations and federations (general) 1931-1943 (7); Hansabund 1931-1933 (1); intergovernmental trade associations 1931-1940 (2); RDI 1931-1933 (1); Langnamverein 1931-1935 (4); Haus- und Grundbesitzervereine 1931-1937 (1); political associations 1931-1938 (1); Raiffeisen-Genossenschaften 1930-1933 (1); congresses, conferences, events (especially in Dortmund) 1932-1944 (4). 5. 1945 to June 1950 Presidium 1945-1950 (1); General Assembly, Elections 1947-1950 (8); Joint Economic Policy Committee 1946-1949 (1); Retail Representation 1948-1950 (1); Committees 1946-1949 (5); Administration 1945-1950 (2); Budget (1942) 1945-1950 (2); Reconstruction of the Chamber building 1946-1951 (2); Personnel 1929-1951 (3); Anniversaries 1945-1950 (4); Lectures in the Chamber 1946-1950 (1); Newsletter of the Chamber 1946-1950 (1); Activity reports 1946-1950 (5);0 former Gauwirtschaftskammer 1945-1954 (1). Chamber organisation, law 1945-1950 (9); staff of the chambers (1937)-1950 (1); individual chambers 1945-1950 (5); regional and supraregional chamber organisation (1943) 1945-1949 (7); DIHT 1949-1950 (3); chamber association NRW 1946-1950 (6); joint statistical office of the NRW chambers 1946-1955 (1). Constitution and Administration (general) 1946-1950 (3); War Damage Law 1943-1949 (5); Burden Compensation 1948-1950 (2); Industrial Law (general) 1946-1950 (1); Auctions 1948-1950 (1); Competition Law 1946-1950 (6); Industrial Property Law 1946-1950 (6); Honorary Commercial Courts 1944-1950 (1); Bankruptcy law 1948-1950 (1); settlement of debts 1945-1950 (1); commercial law 1945-1950 (1), register 1945-1950 (3); stock corporation law 1943-1949 (1); cartels 1946-1950 (1); deliveries and payments 1945-1950 (2); expert opinions, information 1945-1950 (3); experts (1937) 1944-1950 (3); trade customs 1948-1950 (1). Economic Council of the United Economic Area, Frankfurt 1947-1948 (2); District Economic Office Dortmund 1946-1949 (2); Arnsberg Government 1945-1949 (1); Military Government 1945-1950 (3); War Economy (1933) 1945-1947 (1); Reparations, Dismantling 1947-1950 (6); Claims on the State, Wehrmacht, NSDAP 1945-1949 (6); requisitions by the occupying forces 1945-1948 (5); war equipment 1945-1948 (5); denazification 1945-1950 (5); appointment of trustees 1945-1950 (2); restitution 1947-1950 (2). Economic policy (general) 1945-1950 (4); Ruhr problems 1945-1950 (2); food industry 1945-1950 (1); permits 1945-1947 (12); reconstruction (general) 1945-1950 (1); situation reports (general) 1945-1950 (1), of companies 1945-1950 (5); Economic statistics (general) 1943-1950 (6); statistics of retail trade 1945-1946 (1), iron and steel industry 1930-1954 (3), textile industry 1948-1950 (2), rolling mills 1945-1946 (1), coal mining 1936-1949 (1); Rheinisch-Westfälisches Firmenjahrbuch 1947-1951 (3). Management of goods (general) 1945-1950 (5), iron and steel 1945-1950 (1), non-ferrous metals 1945-1950 (1), paper 1945-1949 (1); petroleum 1945-1948 (1), explosives 1945-1948 (1), textiles 1946-1949 (1), coal 1945-1946 (1); Prices, price monitoring 1945-1950 (7); trade fairs and exhibitions 1945-1950 (8); new settlement of industrial enterprises 1945-1950 (1); machine tool inventory in the chamber district 1945-1949 (3). Iron and steel industry 1945-1950 (1); breweries 1945-1950 (1); electricity and gas 1945-1950 (6); mining 1945-1950 (1); light industry 1945-1950 (9); construction 1945-1950 (5); Service industries 1945-1950 (1); hotels and restaurants 1945-1950 (1); crafts 1945-1950 (1); architects 1945-1949 (1); commerce (general) 1945-1950 (3); retail trade (general) 1945-1950 (5); wholesale trade (general) 1945-1950 (2); Factory trading 1946-1950 (1); interzone trading 1945-1948 (5); shop closing 1945-1950 (1); individual branches 1945-1950 (4); mail order 1945-1950 (2); spirits trading 1948-1950 (2); cooperatives 1944-1950 (1); Insurance industry 1945-1950 (2); monetary affairs, banks, savings banks 1944-1950 (4); agency services, exchange offices 1945-1950 (2); press 1945-1950 (2); newspapers, magazines 1945-1950 (4). Transport (general) 1945-1950 (1); Transport statistics (1936)-1948 (1); Transport losses 1945-1952 (1); Transport industry 1945-1949 (2); Rail transport (general) 1945-1950 (5); Timetables 1945-1950 (3), Rail tariffs 1945-1950 (1); Aviation 1948-1950 (1); Dortmund-Ems canal, Dortmund port 1945-1950 (2); sea and inland waterway transport and statistics 1945-1950 (4); motor vehicles (general) 1945-1950 (2); trams and light rail vehicles 1945-1950 (1); buses 1945-1950 (2); fuels, petrol stations 1945-1950 (1); tourism, travel agencies 1945-1950 (1). Foreign trade (general) 1945-1950 (9); Foreign trade information service 1947-1950 (3); Foreign trade meetings of the chambers 1946-1950 (5); Foreign trade statistics 1946-1949 (1); Foreign trade with individual countries 1947-1950 (4); Imports (general) 1946-1950 (2); Export markets 1945-1950 (2); Customs 1946-1950 (1); German foreign assets 1948-1950 (1). Public finances and taxes 1945-1950 (1); income tax 1944-1950 (2). Labour market statistics 1939-1950 (5); housing statistics 1933-1949 (1); social policy, labour law 1945-1950 (2); employment offices 1945-1950 (1); working time, wages, salaries 1945-1950 (6); company social policy 1945-1950 (1); trade unions 1945-1950 (1); Co-determination 1945-1950 (1); labour force deployment 1945-1950 (3); refugees 1945-1950 (2); rationalisation 1945-1950 (3); war-damaged, survivors 1946-1950 (1); accident insurance 1945-1950 (1); housing 1944-1950 (1). Vocational guidance 1946-1950 (1); Vocational training 1946-1950 (2); Vocational training officers of the chambers 1945-1950 (1); Centre for industrial vocational education of the [German] Chamber of Industry and Commerce, SitzDortmund 1946-1950 (1); Vocational and technical schools 1945-1950 (3); Apprenticeship 1945-1950 (2); Apprenticeships 1941-1950 (4); Books, libraries 1945-1950 (4). Associations and associations (general) 1945-1950 (3); employers' associations 1945-1950 (1); industry associations 1945-1950 (2); working group of small and medium-sized enterprises 1948-1950 (1); trade associations 1945-1950 (3); transport associations 1946-1950 (1); educational associations 1945-1950 (1); events in Dortmund 1946-1948 (3); art exhibitions, including correspondence with sculptor Benno Elkan 1950-1970 (1). 6. from 1950 debtor lists 1948-1965 (3); company identification and signets 1954 (3); reparations and dismantling 1950-1960 (1); weekly markets 1948-1951 (1); water management 1950-1952 (1); electricity management 1950-1960 (2); energy management general 1950-1961 (1); industry and situation reports of individual companies 1950-1967 (44); map collection approx. 1930-1970 (1); Statistical Service of the Chambers 1951-1953 (7); Workplace census in the chamber district 1950 (1); Air pollution control and noise abatement 1950-1965 (2); Insurance industry 1950-1955 (1); Registration of craftsmen in the commercial register 1950-1960 (1); Alweg-Hochbahn 1950-1957 (1); trams 1945-1956 (1); Dortmund-Ems-Kanal 1948-1953 (1); ports in Dortmund, Hamm and Lünen 1948-1973 (3); Dortmund airport 1948-1969 (1); Export financing 1950-1957 (1); foreign representation of chamber firms 1950-1952 (1); housing construction 1950-1952 (2); housing construction for refugees in Dortmund 1950-1954 (3); subsistence aid, emergency aid and refugee loans 1950-1952 (1); Vocational training departments of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of the vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers 1953 (1); statistics of the vocational schools and students in the chamber district 1951-1959 (9); file regulations of the chambers 1951-1954 (1); working group of German commercial airports 1950-1951 (1); art exhibitions of the chambers (1)

Kiautschou War 1914: Vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/6861 · File · 1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Report about the victory celebration of the Japanese on the occasion of the taking of Tsingtau Copies from newspapers about the fight for Tsingtau Lists of the members of the Reich who had travelled from Tsingtau to Beijing and other places Report about consequences and accompanying phenomena of the war for the private, public and economic life of the Germans in China Letters from China to relatives about processes and events there

German Imperial Naval Office
Kiautschou War 1914: Vol. 5
BArch, RM 3/6863 · File · 1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Letters from prisoner-of-war camps to relatives Memorandum concerning expulsions of Germans from Japan Transfer agreement from Tsingtau to Japan Report on the German prisoners of war from Tsingtau, the siege of Tsingtau, English prisoner-of-war camps, siege and transfer of Tsingtaus

German Imperial Naval Office
Kiautschou War 1914: Vol. 6
BArch, RM 3/6864 · File · 1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Named list of medical personnel and officials deployed during the siege of Tsingtau Reports on perceptions and experiences during the military operations in the Kiautschou Protectorate Letters from prisoner-of-war camps on conditions there Communications on prisoner-of-war camps

German Imperial Naval Office
Lamprecht Estate
Nachlass Lamprecht · Fonds · 1856/1915
Part of Bonn University and State Library

Karl Lamprecht (1856-1915) was one of the best-known and most distinguished German historians of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He studied history in Leipzig and Göttingen, habilitated in Bonn in 1880 and worked at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität first as a private lecturer and from 1888 as an extaordinarius. In 1890 he was called to Marburg and in 1891 to the University of Leipzig, where he worked until his death in 1915. In his research and publications, especially in his "Deutsche Geschichte" (German History) published between 1891 and 1909, Lamprecht stressed the importance of cultural history and the material prerequisites for the legal development of peoples and societies. In the course of this dispute, numerous historians took a stand against Lamprechts views and, in the tradition of Leopold von Rankes, emphasized the primacy of political and personal history. Today Karl Lamprecht is considered one of the founders of economic and social history. Other important fields of activity were the history of the country, university pedagogy and foreign cultural policy. 1915 Karl Lamprecht died leaving behind an extensive scientific legacy. In 1920 he was taken to Walbeck Castle (Geldern district), where his older daughter Marianne lived as the wife of the owner Walther Friedrich Klein-Walbeck since 1920. In 1931 and 1933, small parts of the estate were sent to the Leipzig Institute for Universal History, where they were either burned or badly damaged during the war. The remaining stock in Walbeck, or partially outsourced stock, also suffered damage from fire bombs and water during the Second World War. After the death of Marianne Klein-Walbeck (née Lamprecht) in 1946, the estate came into the possession of her younger sister Else Rose-Schütz (née Lamprecht). However, part of the estate was blasted off at that time and remained at Walbeck Castle, united with the Klein-Walbeck family archive. The Bonn University and State Library received the estate of Karl Lamprecht between 1957 and 2012 in a total of three tranches. The main estate remaining with Else Rose-Schütz (Tranche 1) was sold to the Bonn University Library in 1957. A very small part remained in family ownership. The part of the estate remaining on Klein-Walbeck (tranche 2) was deposited in the Kleve District Archive in 1996. In 2010, this part of the estate was transferred to the Bonn University and State Library. The positions that belonged to the Klein-Walbeck family archive in terms of cause and provenance remained in the district archive. In 2012, ULB Bonn received the letters still in family ownership (Tranche 3). In a project sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the entire estate in HANS was newly catalogued and verified in Kalliope. In addition, about two thirds of the documents have been digitised and are accessible online in the ULB's Digital Collections.