Showing 36 results

Archival description
A day in Jimba
ALMW_II._MB_1895_4 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From a letter from Miss. A little turner in Jimba. Scope: p. 67-72. Includes, among other things: - (SW: demographic information about the station; school and lessons - baptismal students and catechumens; church services; Martin - native Christian; translation of the catechism; Ngoma - entertainments; nightly drumming)

Leipziger Missionswerk
Christmas in Africa
ALMW_II._MB_1900_9 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Anonymous. Scope: pp. 160-163. Includes, among other things: - (SW: various Christmas trees; translated Christmas carols; Christmas Eve; famine and illness in the Wakamba stations; Miss.'s illness)

Leipziger Missionswerk
BArch, R 1001/3002 · File · März 1902 - Mai 1905
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disarmament of the local population Establishment of a station in Ruk-Attoll Born, Some remarks about music, poetry and dance of the Yaplente, 1903 Born, Some observations of ethnological nature about the Oleai Islands (o.D.) Map of Palau, m.: 1:300 000 with registered shipping lines, trade and mission stations (o.D.)

BArch, NS 38/3366 · File · 1935-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: TH Aachen, University of Berlin, University of Teacher Education Beuthen, University of Bonn, State Academy Braunsberg, TH Braunschweig, University of Breslau, Bergakademie Clausthal, TH Darmstadt, TH Dortmund, TH Dresden, Forstliche Hochschule Eberswalde, Hochschule Eichstätt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Elbing, University for Teacher Training Eßlingen, University Group for Teacher Training Frankfurt (Oder), Philosophical-Theological University Freising, University Gießen, University Göttingen, University Hamburg, TH Hannover, Veterinary University Hannover, Realgymnasium and Oberrealschule Harburg, University Heidelberg, University of Applied Sciences Hohenheim, University of Cologne, University of Music Cologne, University of Königsberg, University of Leipzig, Leipzig Graduate School of Music, University of Marburg, TH Munich, University of Music Munich, University of Munich, Academic Study and Career Guidance Munich, Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences, State Gymnasium Osnabrück, College for Teacher Training Pasing, Philosophical-Theological College Passau, Philosophical-Theological College Regensburg, University Rostock, College for Teacher Training Rostock, TH Stuttgart, University Tübingen, College for Architecture Weimar, Deutsche Kolonialhochschule Witzenhausen, 1935-1936

PrAdK 0735 · File · 1914 - 1917
Part of Archive of the Academy of Arts

Minutes of the following sessions:<br />Section for the Fine Arts, Senate and Cooperative (Participants in varying composition: Alexander Amersdorffer, German Bestelmeyer, Wilhelm v. Bode, Peter Breuer, Adolf Brütt, Otto H. Engel, Reinhold Felderhoff, Philipp Franck, Richard Friese, August Gaul, Hans Herrmann, Ernst Herter, Hildebrand, Ludwig Hoffmann, Hermann Hosaeus, Oskar Hossfeld, Ulrich Hübner, Julius Jacob, Louis Jacoby, Gerhard Janensch, Ludwig Justi, Friedrich Kallmorgen, Arthur Kampf, Heinrich Kayser, Conrad Kiesel, Fritz Klimsch, Georg Koch, Karl Koepping, Max Kruse, Hugo Lederer, Max Liebermann, Hans Looschen, Ludwig Manzel, Meyer, Paul Meyerheim, Ernst Pfannschmidt, Bruno Paul, Fritz Schaper, Schmidt, Franz Schmitz, Walter Schott, Rudolf Schulte at Court, Raffael Schuster-Woldan, Franz Schwechten, Heinrich Seeling, Paul Seidel, Max Slevogt, Constantin Starck, Louis Tuaillon, August Vogel, Hugo Vogel, Anton v. Werner):<br />7 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Introduction of Ulrich Hübner into the Senate; changed award conditions for the Grand State Prize, copy of the ministerial decree of Dec. 9, 1914. 1913; confiscation of postcards with illustrations of sculptural works of art; approval of the elections of the Senate for the Landeskunstkommission; allocation of the surplus of the Great Berlin Art Exhibition to the Kunstausstellungsgelderfonds; award of the title of professor to Ulrich Hübner, Max Uth, Adolf Meyer and Hugo Ungewitter (Bl. 1).<br />30 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Bericht über den Aquarellmaler Max Fritz (Bl. 4).<br />18. Febr. 1914 (Senate): Approval of the proposal list for invitations to the next member exhibition, the proposed collective exhibitions and the inclusion of a small collection of works by the late sculptor Ignatius Taschner; draft regulations for academy exhibitions; Advice on the approval of a Martersteig memorial exhibition and an international exhibition by the Association of Artists and Art Friends; application for the title of professor to the painters Mattschaß, Grotemeyer, Maß and Baurat Seeling; scholarships from the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung for Roloff, Hänsch and Korn (Bl. 5).<br />17 Apr. 1914: Review of the applications for the Grand State Prize; decision on the winners of the State Prize competitions: Painter Paul Plontke, sculptor Otto Placzek, (pp. 8, 10).<br />17 Apr. 1914 (Senate): Assessment of the painter Gustav Richter; award of the title of professor to the sculptors Dammann and Breitkopf-Cosel; election of Heinrich Seeling to the advisory board of experts for the protection of the city of Berlin against defacement; scholarship of the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung for the sculptor Willy Kluck; quarterly award of the studios in Rome (pp. 8, 10). 12).<br />19 May 1914 (Senate): Assessment of the painters Alfred Stöcke, Grotemeyer, and Bielefeld (p. 15).<br />30 June 1914: Decision on the winner of the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize for Sculptor 1914: Joseph Sommer (p. 18).<br />30 June 1914 (Senate): Decision on Scholarships from the Louisa-E.-Wentzelschen Stiftung: painter Erich Feyerabend, sculptor Friedrich Heuler, graphic artist Friedrich Maron, architect Hellmuth Korth (p. 19).<br />13 July 1914 (Senate): Application for the title of professor to sculptor Joseph Limburg, painter Hans am Ende, painter Otto Modersohn; prize assignment for the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1915; Amersdorffer's expert opinion on the painter and architect Dreßler (page 22).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund; Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915 (page 27).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund; Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915 (page 27).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund. 1914 (Senate): Re-election of the vice-president of the Senate Schwechten; reappointment of the head of a master studio for architecture, vacant due to the death of Otzen; consultation on the proposed Friedrich Ostendorf; expert opinion by Engel on the painter Gotthilf Schnee; significance of the Prussian Art Association; Election of Liebermann as deputy of Looschen at the Permanent Deputation for Advertising at the Elders' College of the Berlin Merchants' Association; re-election of Kampf and Meyerheim to the Board of Trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation, of Hildebrandt to the Board of Trustees of the Adolf Ginsberg Foundation, of Liebermann to the Board of Trustees of the Dr.-Hermann Günther Foundation; question of an invitation to the Academy competitions for 1915; announcement of decrees of the Ministry of Culture (p. 29).<br />27 Nov. 1914: decision on the prize winner of the Dr.-Ing.Hugo-Raussendorff Prize in 1914, the painter Kurd Albrecht, and the winner of the v. -Rohr Prize 1914, the architect Pohle (p. 29).<br />Dec. 21, 1914: Remembrance of Giovanni Sgambati; spring exhibition 1915; composition of the exhibition commission for the Great Berlin Art Exhibition; Menzel Monument; acceptance of the Fischer and Wentzel-Heckmann Foundations; Schwechtens is elected to the expert advisory board of the city of Berlin; Dagnan-Bouveret and Saint-Saëns leave the academy (p. 29). 31f.).<br />15th Jan. 1915 (cooperative): Commemoration of Rudolf Weyr and Anton v. Werner; deficit of the Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1914; election lists for the elections of members (p. 50).<br />22nd Jan. 1915 (cooperative): election of Ernst Pfannschmidt and Friedrich Oskar Hossfeld as new members (p. 55).<br />12th Febr. 1915 (Genossenschaft): Composition of the admission and arrangement commission for the Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915; demand for greater competence for the cooperative in the preparation of academic exhibitions (pp. 56-58).<br />17 Febr. 1915 (Senate): Proposals for the succession of the deceased v. Werner as director of the Hochschule für die bildenden Künste: Kampf, Dettmann, Manzel, Kallmorgen; establishment of a commission for reforms of academic teaching (pp. 35, 61).<br />17 Febr. 1915: laureate of the I. Michael-Beer-Prize: painter Berthold Ehrenwerth; no award of the Prize of the II. Michael-Beerschen Stiftung für Kupferstecher (pp. 36, 59).<br />15. March 1915 (Senate): Resolution to award support from the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung to Korn, Brandes, Petrich und Miehe and from the Stadt-Charlottenburg-Stiftung to König und Dahmen (pp. 36, 59). 39, 64).<br />19 March 1915 (cooperative): Introduction of the new members Hossfeld and Pfannschmidt; election of Engel, Meyerheim, Liebermann, Brütt, Seeling and Hoffmann as senate members; discussion and vote on Hoffmann's motion to elect the members of the committee for exhibitions by the cooperative and rejection of 'co-optation' by the senate; motion against the propaganda of the 'Preußischer Kunstverein' (Bl. 65-67).<br />30 Apr. 1915 (Senate): Acceptance of the legacy of Koepping; refusal of the purchase of the v. -Werner portraits of Koner; extension of the register of the master student P. Joseph (Master School Humperdinck); notification of the appointment of Kampf as director of the Hochschule für die bildenden Künste (bl. 41, 73).<br />30 Apr. 1915: adjournment due to lack of quorum (bl. 72).<br />18. May 1915 (cooperative): commemoration of Oskar Frenzel; election of Friedrich Kallmorgen as chairman, of Hans Meyer as deputy chairman (p. 76).<br />4 June 1915 (Senate): entrusting of the committee for academic exhibitions with the submission of proposals for the purchase of works of art; Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1916; election of Franck to the Commission for the Guidance of Questions on the New Regulation of Academic Teaching (pp. 45, 78).<br />11 June 1915: Division of the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1915: Herbert Garbe and Willy Kluck (pp. 46, 79).<br />16 June 1915: Splitting of the Sheet Metal Prize for Landscape Painters 1915: Erich Feyerabend and Erich Müller; Helfft Prize 1915 for Adolf Harten (pp. 47f., 80f.).<br />23 June 1915 (Senate): Acceptance of the S. -Fischer-Stiftung; list of suggestions for the purchase of works of art (p. 84).<br />28 Oct. 1915 (Senate): Election of Manzel as deputy chairman of the Senate; resolution of an exhibition of war pictures in the Academy; proposals for the purchase of works of art; appointment of Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation and the Dr.-Ing.Hermann-Günther-Stiftung, von Hildebrand on the board of trustees of the Adolf-Ginsberg-Stiftung; travel report of the scholarship holder Adolf Harten (p. 93).<br />Dec. 21, 1915: Schmidt-Michelsen prizewinner: Walter Miehe (p. 96).<br />Dec. 11, 1916 (Senate): Introduction of Hans Herrmann; proposal for reoccupation of the v. Werner's master studios: Slevogt, Hugo Vogel, Dettmann; election of Hübner to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation (p. 98). <br /> Feb. 23, 1916 (Senate): support from the Schmidt-Michelsen Foundation for Korn, Douzette, and Brandis; protest against the plan to tax 'living art' through the war profits tax (p. 102).<br />12 May 1916 (Senate): Application to Georg Schmitt, Bennewitz v. Loefen, Max Schlichting, L. Corinth and Felderhoff for the title of professor; submission of Lederer's draft for the university ballot box (page 105).<br />5. July 1916 (Senate): Confirmation of the election of Schwechten as president, of Gernsheim as deputy, re-election of the senators Kallmorgen, Breuer, Kayser and Rüfer; re-election of Kallmorgen and H. Meyer as chairmen and deputies respectively in the Fine Arts Section and of Gernsheim and Rüfer in the Music Section; application for the title of professor to Rudolf Schäfer and Em. Grosser; amendments to the Maeder Foundation's draft statutes; letters of thanks from the Singakademie and Herter (p. 110).<br />Oct. 2 1916 (Senate): Election of Manzel as deputy chairman of the Senate; takeover of the composition of a cantata by Kahn for the emperor's birthday celebration in 1917, speech by Krebs; Max Bernhardt rejects the leadership of the Lippe-Detmoldschen professor title; re-election of Hübner and Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation, of Hildebrand to the board of trustees of the Adolf Ginsberg Foundation and of Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Dr.-Ginsberg Foundation.Hermann Günther Foundation; examination of a medal of Eue (Bl. 113).<br />27 Nov. 1916 (Senate): confirmation of the election of Schumann as deputy president; rejection of a Bruno Schmitz exhibition; Boese's request for further use of a state studio; election of Kampf instead of Anton v. Werner to the board of trustees of the Emil Wentzel Foundation (Bl. 120).<br />8 Jan. 1917 (Senate): Remembrance of Dücker, Scholz and Rudorff; exhibition rooms for the Federal Foreign Office for the collection 'Deutsches Bauwesen im Kriege'; planning of an Alfred-Rethel exhibition and a second exhibition of war paintings; proposal for the award of a prize to teachers of the teaching institute of the Verein der Künstlerinnen zu Berlin: Siegert, Seeck and Schottmüller; dedication of Richard Müller's war drawings to the Emperor; re-election of Liebermann and Looschen to the Municipal Deputation for Advertising; election of Schwechten to the Advisory Board of Experts of the City of Berlin; acceptance of the Roeder Foundation; amendments to the statutes of the Wentzel-Heckmann Foundation; rejection of the extension of the matricel of the master student Salingré (Bl. 121).<br />Section for Music, Senate and Co-operative (participants in varying composition: Heinrich Barth, Friedrich Gernsheim, Engelbert Humperdinck, Hugo Kaun, Friedrich E. Koch, Carl Krebs, Hermann Kretzschmar, Philipp Rüfer, Philipp Scharwenka, Xaver Scharwenka, Felix Schmidt, Georg Schumann, Max Seiffert, Ernst Eduard Taubert):<br />17 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Application for the title of professor to Schattschneider and Franz Nekes, for the title of music director to Max Kaden, Krantz, Traugott Heinrich, Fritz Panzer and Schneider; Schumann's delegation to the police headquarters for consultations on regulations for the business operations of concert agents; amendments to the statutes of the cooperative of German composers; assessment of the new 'Euphonion' sound system by August Ludwig, composition by Wilhelm Grimm, ballad by Robert Linarz (Bl. 2).<br />21 Febr. 1914 (Senate): Minister's Notices: Instruction to John to shorten his composition, award of the title of Music Director to Kühn, Krelle, Traugott Heinrich, Adolf Göttmann und Ernst Potthof, of the title of Professor to Leo Zellner; Application for the title of Professor to Moritz Bauer, Heidingsfeld, Binder und Max Krause; Complaint to the Ministry about Breitkopf

Letters addressed to Trittelvitz personally, especially from mission members from Africa, 1899-1911; "Kindergabe vom April 1901; Afrika-Reiseberichte von Trittelvitz from 1904-1905; Visitationsbericht, bound in Hohenfriedeberg, 1905; Brief von Friedrich von Bodelschwingh zum Verhältnis der EMDOA - Bethel, 1899; Memorandum Trittelvitz zum Zusammenschluss Bethel u. Barmen, 1903; Statement on the takeover of the mission in Japan, 1905; correspondence from Trittelvitz with the missionaries Ruccius, Gilsdorf, Ostwald, Gleiß, u.a. on questions of music, questions of marriage, Bible translation, 1901-1904; correspondence Trittelvitz - Michaelis, 1904-1905; contract of service Trittelvitz, 1909; correspondence with Held and others. Ronicke, 1908-1948; Information about the fate of missionaries in the field and in internment, 1940-1948; private correspondence with Gustav von Bodelschwingh, 1895-1946; "Father von Bodelschwingh and his work, 70 p. ms, ca. 1945; Obituary for Sister Mathilde Wegener, 1945; Correspondence from the last years of life, death announcement and condolences, 1950-1958; Correspondence Lina Trittelvitz, death announcement, condolences, 1958-1963

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
News from Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1898_7 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's diary. Hofmann. Scope: p. 99-102. Contains, among other things: - "First ghost sacrifice to obtain rain." (SW: little rain; magic - offering of sacrifices; drums; Kilumi-range) - "2. famine, snakes etc." (SW: famine and atrocities in the north - rural exodus; hunting; snake doctor Kimia) - "3rd mission work." (SW: School and Education; Divine Service)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_12 · File · 1899
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: From Miss's diary. Muller. Scope: p. 202-206* 269-270. Contains, among other things: - "1. The first pagan baptisms in Madschame." (SW: Baptism; Schangali's participation in the celebration; Johanna and Stefano baptized) - "2nd Missionary Work to the Women of Madschame." (SW: Miss Müller at the market at Kikafu to preach; attending church service) - "3rd school lesson." (SW: rehearsing songs; vocabulary; frequent visit of Chief Schangali) - "4th Christmas." - "Fifth, a campaign against the Masai." (SW: Lieutenant Merker; Chief Schangali; against the people of Toilito in Sira) Darin: Illustration "The board students in Madschame. (Family Müller and Miss. Room.)"
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1898_26 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the monthly chronicle of Miss. Althaus and Bleicken. Scope: p. 359-365. Contains, among other things: - (SW: traditional law; construction activity; feared spread of Catholics) - "New candidates for baptism. The chieftains' quarrel." (SW: Presentation of the candidates; dispute between Koimbere and Mareale) - "Personal." (SW: Bleickens disease; construction by von Lany) - "Mission work on catechumens etc." (SW: School and teaching; prints in Kimamba; Mareale marries three women - polygamy; singing lessons) - "The 5th Conference of Jaggam Missionaries." (SW: Mr. Bale - "laterna magica" - showing pictures)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mulango in Kitwi
ALMW_II._MB_1900_20 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diary. Clean. Scope: pp. 276-278. Includes, among other things: - "First end of famine in Kitwi." (SW: rainy season; harvest) - "2. A new breeding rod." (SW: Vaccination against smallpox; release of many from sorcery) - "3. Our orphans." (SW: Christmas; full dedication to the costume students; instruction of the baptismal students; writing, reading and biblical stories; singing)

Leipziger Missionswerk
BArch, NS 38/4456 · File · Juni-Nov. 1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Kreis Ostland: Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, TH Danzig, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Danzig, Akademie für praktische Medizin Danzig, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Elbing, Universität Königsberg, Handelshochschule Königsberg, Meisterateliers für die bildenden Künste Königsberg, Kreis Kurmark: University of Berlin, Hochschule für Musik Berlin, Hochschule für Kunsterziehung Berlin-Schöneberg, Vereinigte Staatsschulen Berlin-Charlottenburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Cottbus, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Frankfurt (Oder), Universität Greifswald, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Lauenburg i. Pom.., Forstliche Hochschule Eberswalde, Kreis Mitteldeutschland: University of Teacher Education Beuthen, University of Breslau, TH Breslau, University of Teacher Education Dresden, Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, Bergakademie Freiberg, University Halle-Wittenberg, University of Teacher Education Hirschberg, University Jena, University of Applied Sciences Köthen, University Leipzig, Pedagogical Institute University Leipzig, Handelshochschule Leipzig, Landeskonservatorium Leipzig, Forstliche Hochschule Tharandt, Kreis Niederdeutschland: TH Braunschweig, Bergakademie Clausthal, University of Göttingen, University of Hamburg, TH Hannover, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, University of Teacher Education Hannover, Forstliche Hochschule Hann. Münden, University of Kiel, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Kiel, University of Rostock, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Rostock, Deutsche Kolonialhochschule Witzenhausen, Kreis Westdeutschland: Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Bonn, University of Bonn, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Dortmund, Medizinische Akademie Düsseldorf, Universität Gießen, University of Cologne, University of Marburg, University of Münster, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Weilburg, Kreis Südwestdeutschland: TH Darmstadt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Darmstadt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Eßlingen, Universität Frankfurt am Main, Universität Freiburg, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Hohenheim, Badische Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, TH Stuttgart, Akademie der bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Universität Tübingen, Universität München, TH München, Universität Würzburg, Akademie der bildenden Künste München

BArch, NS 38/3275 · File · 1935
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Reports of the offices for employment service of the student bodies of the universities TH Aachen, Hochschule für Musik Berlin, TH Berlin, Handelshochschule Berlin, Tierärztliche Hochschule Berlin, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Berlin, Staatschule für freie und angewandte Kunst Berlin-Charlottenburg, Akademische Ausbildungsanstalt für das künstlerische Lehramt Berlin, Universität Bonn, TH Braunschweig, Universität Breslau, TH Breslau, TH Danzig, TH Dresden, Medizinische Akademie Düsseldorf, Universität Frankfurt am Main, University of Freiburg, University of Gießen, University of Greifswald, University of Hamburg, TH Hannover, University of Heidelberg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Hirschberg, Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, University of Kiel, University of Cologne, Hochschule für Musik Köln, University of Königsberg, Handelshochschule Königsberg, Hochschule für Architektur Königsberg, University of Leipzig, Handelshochschule Leipzig, Landeskonservatorium Leipzig, University of Marburg, Forstliche Hochschule Hann. Münden, University of Munich, TH Munich, Hochschule für Musik Munich, Hochschule für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Nuremberg, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Hochschule für Musik Stuttgart, TH Stuttgart, Hochschule für bildende Kunst Weimar, Hochschule für Musik Weimar, Deutsche Kolonialhochschule Witzenhausen, Universität Würzburg

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 1068 · File · 1939-1940
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Richtlinien über die Vormerkung von Zivilanwärtern für den staatlichen einfachen mittleren Polizeiverwaltungsdienst, 31.1.1939 (Guidelines on the Reservation of Candidates for the State Simple Middle Police Administrative Service), 31.1.1939, as well as on the Establishment and Presentation of Assessments of Officers of the Uniformed Ordnungspolizei, June 1939; Decrees concerning the Participation of the Ordnungspolizei in the National Socialist Combat Games, 19.5.1939, March by a Police Association before Adolf Hitler at the Reich Party Congress, June, Aug. 1939, Educational measures at the uniformed order police, 21.6.1939, Prohibition of unwanted music, June, Oct. 1939, Reorganization of the SD-headquarters of the SS-Oberababschnitt Südwest, 29.9.1939, Overview of the names of the police battalions, 28.9.1939, Behavior of the relatives in the police towards fellow countrymen, 7.10.1939 as well as the establishment of a colonial police, 31.10.1940.

RMG 2.678 · File · 1938-1959
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Contributions to Nama spelling, translation work of missionaries, literature for local Christians, answers to the questionnaire of the World Mission Conference 1938, music in the evangelical mission of Southwest Africa;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Otto Hagena (1902-1943)

Correspondence, monthly and school reports, 1927-1933; vows of secondment and instructions, 1928; beginnings of secondary school work in the Bukoba area, 1929; necessity of a central school and the the first steps towards this, 1929; reflections on the introduction of American Negro songs in Africa, contained in correspondence at the end of 1929 and the beginning of 1930; The consecration of our Kigala Church on 4th Advent, 1930; From the Growth and Becoming of a Haya Community, 32 p. ms.., 1932; Zur Frage der Centralschule, 1932; Correspondence and reports by Otto Hagena, 1934-1943; Versorgungsangelegenheiten, 1937; Musik in der Heidenmission, answers to questionnaires, 1939; Lieder der Bahaya, 1939; Curriculum Vitae of Otto Hagena, 1943; Condolences and condolences. Commemorative speech on the death of Otto Hagena, 1943; correspondence with Adelheid Hagena, née Johanssen, 1943-1958; death notice of Adelheid Hagena, 1970

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
ALMW_II._MB_1895_28 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's diary. Althaus, 11. July - 8.Aug. 1895. Scope: S. 397-403. Includes among others: - (SW: school attendance of the son of chief Koimbere - Kanina; singing songs; translating songs into Kidschagga; church services; school in Mwika; chief Bararia)

Leipziger Missionswerk
BArch, NS 38/2352 · File · 1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Guided tours for students of the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, Lehrinstitut für Dentisten Karlsruhe, Badisches Staatstechnikum Karlsruhe, HTL Kiel, Handwerkerschule Krefeld, Handwerkerschule Kassel, HTL für Hoch- und Tiefbau Kassel, Höhere Fachschule für Textilindustrie, Färberei- und Appreturschule Krefeld, Höhere Fachschule für textile Flächenkunst Krefeld, Konservatorium Konstanz, Handwerkerschule Königsberg, HTL for structural and civil engineering Königsberg, Westdeutsche Volksbücherreichschule Cologne, Handwerkerschule Kiel, HTL for structural and civil engineering Cologne, Lehrinstitut für Dentisten Königsberg, Fachschule für Textilindustrie Langenbielau/Silesia, Staatsbauschule Leipzig, Höhere Lehranstalt für Chemie, Bakteriologie und Röntgen Leipzig, Deutsche Volksbüchereischule Leipzig, Ingenieurschule Technikum Lemgo, Leipzig School of Arts and Crafts, Leipzig Master School for Graphic Arts, Lübeck Nautical School, Leipzig Technical School for Book Printers, Leipzig German Booksellers Training Institute, Leipzig Technical College for Structural Engineering, Lübeck Higher Technical College for Textile Industry, Lambrecht Nautical School, Leer Nautical School, Leipzig Engineering College, Mittweida School of Engineering, Magdeburg Craftsmen School, Magdeburg Technical College for Structural and Civil Engineering, Staatsschule für Kunst und Handwerk Mainz, Lehrinstitut für Dentisten München, Westfälische Schule für Musik Konservatorium und Musikseminar Münster, Niederrheinische Bergschule Moers, HTL München, Höhere Landbauschule Neuhaldensleben, Ohm- Polytechnikum Nürnberg, Gärtnerlehranstalt Oranienburg, HTL für Hoch- und Tiefbau Oldenburg, Höhere Landbauschule Quakenbrück, Upper Silesian Mountain School Peiskretscham, State Building School Plauen, Experimental and Research Institute for Horticulture Pillnitz, Church Music School Regensburg, Higher Technical School for Textile Industry Reichenbach, Music School Sonderhausen, Cultural Building School Siegen, Higher Technical School for Textile Industry Sorau, Mountain School Siegen, HTL for Cultural Building Suderburg, Higher Agricultural School Schweidnitz, Higher Agricultural School Schleswig, Kulturbauschule Schleusingen, Ingenieurschule Technikum Strelitz, Handwerkerschule Stettin, VTL for Mechanical Engineering, Ship Engineers and Marine Machinists Stettin, HTL for Ship Engineers and Marine Machinists Stettin, Seefahrtschule Stettin, Kunstgewerbeschule Stuttgart, Höhere Bauschule für Hoch-, Tief- und Wasserbau Stuttgart, HTL for Structural and Civil Engineering Trier, Seefahrtschule Ostseebad Wustrow, Higher School of Agriculture Kassel-Wolfsanger, School of Woodcarving Bad Warmbrunn, Engineering Academy Wismar, School of Engineering Weimar, United Seafaring- and Seemaschinistenschule Wesermünde, Lehr- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Weihenstephan, Wuppertal-Barmen (Weaving Mill), VTL für Maschinenwesen Wuppertal, Handwerkerschule Wuppertal-Barmen, Technikum Wolfenbüttel, Niederschlesische Bergschule Waldenburg, VTL for Mechanical Engineering Würzburg, Anhaltische Landesbauschule HTL Zerbst, Ingenieurschule Zwickau, Zieglerschule Zwickau, Bergschule Zwickau, Höhere Fachschule für Textilindustrie Zittau, Staatsbauschule Zittau, Hauswirtschaftsschule Altona, Laborantinnenschule Breslau, Gymnastikschule Charlottenburg, Anna Herrmann-Schule Berlin, Pestalozzi Fröbelhaus Berlin, Medau Schule Berlin, Dr. Böttichers Chemische Lehranstalt Dresden, Palucca-Schule Dresden, Eleonorenschule Darmstadt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Dresden, Gymnastikschule Hilda Senff Düsseldorf, Mensendieckschule Frankfurt am Main, Hauswirtschaftslehrerinnenseminar Freiburg, Haushaltungs- und Gewerbeschule Flensburg, Loges-Schule Hannover, Staatliche Schule für Frauenberufe Hamburg, Gymnastikschule Gertrud Volkersen Hamburg, Haushaltungs- und Gewerbeschule für Mädchen Halle/Saale, Hauswirtschaftslehrerinnenseminar Karlsruhe, Ostpreußische Mädchengewerbeschule Königsberg, Lehranstalt für Frauenberufe Kiel, Household School Cologne, Women's High School Kassel, School for German Gymnastics, Agriculture and Craft Loheland, Carola School Secondary School for Home Economics Leipzig, Gymnastics School Kallmeyer Marquartstein Münster, Günther School Munich, Household and Trade School Magdeburg, Schule für Bewegungskunst Gymnastik und Tanz Marburg, Schule Schwarzerden/ Rhön, Handels- und Gewerbeschule für Mädchen Potsdam, Koloniale Frauenschule Rendsburg, Handels- und Gewerbeschule für Mädchen Rheydt, Haushaltpflegerinnenschule Salzkotten, Bildungsanstalt für Frauenberufe Weimar, Gymnastikschule Edith Jahn Zoppot

BArch, NS 38/3045 · File · Juni 1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Aachen State School of Construction, Aachen Textile School, Augsburg School of Construction and Engineering, Bad Frankenhausen Engineering School, Bad Köstritz School of Horticulture, University of Berlin, Berlin Faculty of Agriculture, Berlin College of Music, Berlin Building School, Berlin Neukölln State School of Construction, Berlin-Charlottenburg College of Music Education, Reichswerbeschule Berlin, engineering school "Beuth" Berlin, Staatsbauschule Beuthen, college for teacher training Beuthen, craftsman school Bielefeld, engineering school Bingen, University of Bonn, college for teacher training Braunschweig, master school of the German craft Braunschweig, TH Braunschweig, Bremen Art Academy, Bremerhaven Ship Engineering School, Wroclaw State Building School, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw Technical College, Wroclaw Engineering School, Wroclaw Master School of German Crafts, Chemnitz Academy of Technology, Clausthal Mining Academy, Cottbus Textile College, Berlin-Dahlem Experimental and Research Institute for Horticulture, Engineering School Darmstadt, TH Darmstadt, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Dortmund, Ingenieurschule für Luftfahrttechnik Hessen-Nassau, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Darmstadt, Staatsbauschule Deutsch Krone, Staatsbauschule für Hoch- und Tiefbau Dresden, TH Dresden, Akademie der bildenden Künste Dresden, Akademie für Kunstgewerbe Dresden, University for Teacher Training Dortmund, Engineering School Dortmund, Engineering School Duisburg, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Wuppertal, Technical College for Textile Industry Wuppertal-Barmen, Staatsbauschule Eckernförde, University for Teacher Training Elbing, Seefahrtschule Elsfleth, Staatsbauschule Erfurt, University Erlangen, Engineering School Essen, Folkwang School for Music, Dance and Speech Essen, Folkwang Meisterschule Essen, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Eßlingen, Ingenieurschule Eßlingen, HTL for Structural and Civil Engineering Frankfurt am Main, Hochschule für Musik Frankfurt am Main, Ingenieurschule Frankfurt am Main, Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, State building school Frankfurt am Main, Freiberg Mining Academy, Geisenheim Experimental and Research Institute for Wine, Fruit and Horticulture, Giessen University, Glauchau Building School for Building and Civil Engineering, Gleiwitz Engineering School, Görlitz State Building School, Görlitz Engineering School, Gotha State Building School, Greifswald University, University of Göttingen, Engineering School Gumbinnen, University Halle-Wittenberg, College for Teacher Training Hamburg, University Hamburg, Engineering School and Master School of the German Crafts Hanover, College for Teacher Training Hanover, TH Hanover, University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Faculty of Forestry Hann. Münden, University of Heidelberg, Hildburghausen Engineering School, Hirschberg Teacher Training College, Holzminden State Building School, Höxter State Building School, Idstein State Building School, Ilmenau Engineering School, Jena University, Jena University of Applied Sciences for Opticians, Kaiserslautern Engineering School, Karlsruhe University of Teacher Training, Karlsruhe University of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe University of Music, Karlsruhe Technical University, Kassel State Building School, Cologne Engineering School, Cologne State Building School, Cologne University of the Arts, Kiel Engineering School, Köthen University of Applied Technology, Ingenieurschule Konstanz, Textilfachschule Krefeld, Ingenieurschule Lage/ Lippe, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Leipzig, Konservatorium Leipzig, Staatsbauschule Leipzig, Universität Leipzig, Montanistische Hochschule Leoben, Seefahrtsschule Lübeck, Staatsbauschule für Hochbau Lübeck, Ingenieurschule und Staatsbauschule Magdeburg, Adolf-Hitler-Staatsbauschule Mainz, Ingenieurschule Mannheim, Ingenieurschule Mittweida, Ingenieurschule München, Meisterschule für Deutschlands Buchdrucker Munich, Staatsbauschule München, Fachschule für Textilindustrie M. Gladbach, Staatsbauschule Münster, Staatsbauschule Nienburg, Hochschule Nürnberg, Ohm-Polytechnikum Nürnberg, Staatsbauschule Plauen, Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Pillnitz, Kreisbauschule Regensburg, Fachschule für Textilindustrie Reichenbach, Technikum für Textilindustrie Reutlingen, Holztechnikum Rosenheim, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Rostock, Universität Rostock, Ingenieurschule Saarbrücken, Textile Technical School Sorau, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Siegen, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Suderburg, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Schleusingen, University of Applied Sciences Schneidemühl, Seefahrtsschule Stettin, Engineering School Stettin, State Building School Stettin, Master School of German Crafts Stettin, Arts and Crafts School Stuttgart, Building School Stuttgart, University of Music Stuttgart, TH Stuttgart, Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Agricultural University Tetschen-Liebwerd, Forestry University Tharandt, State Building School Trier, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Trier, University of Tübingen, Horticultural School Weihenstephan, University of Teacher Education Weilburg, Engineering School Weimar, University of Architecture and Fine Arts Weimar, University of Music Weimar, Seefahrtschule Wesermünde, Hochschule für Welthandel Vienna, Ingenieur-Akademie Wismar, Kolonialschule Witzenhausen, Ingenieurschule Würzburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Würzburg, Ingenieurschule Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Fachschule für Maschinenbau Wuppertal, Fachschule für Textilindustrie Wuppertal- Barmen, Seefahrtsschule Wustrow, Landesbauschule HTL Zerbst, Staatsbauschule Zittau, Ingenieur- und Zieglerschule Zwickau

BArch, NS 38/4358 · File · Sept.-Nov. 1935
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains : RdS, Reichsleistungskampf Division; TH Aachen, University of Berlin, Handelshochschule Berlin, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Berlin, Hochschule für Politik Berlin, Akademische Hochschule für Musik Berlin, Vereinigte Staatsschulen für freie und angewandte Kunst Berlin-Charlottenburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Beuthen, University of Bonn, Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, TH Braunschweig, University of Breslau, TH Breslau, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Cottbus, University of Teacher Education Danzig, University of Teacher Education Dortmund, TH Dresden, Academy of Fine Arts Dresden, University of Teacher Education Elbing, University Erlangen, University Frankfurt am Main, Bergakademie Freiberg, University Freiburg, University of Teacher Education Friedberg, University Gießen, University Göttingen, University Greifswald, University Halle-Wittenberg, University Hamburg, TH Hannover, Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine, Heidelberg University, Hirschberg University of Teacher Education, Hohenheim University of Agriculture, Karlsruhe University of Music, Kiel University, Cologne University, Königsberg University, Königsberg College of Commerce, Königsberg University of Architecture, Köthen University of Applied Technology, Leipzig University, Leipzig State Conservatory, University of Marburg, University of Munich, TH Munich, University of Münster, College of Economics and Social Sciences Nuremberg, College of Teacher Education Pasing, Philosophical-Theological College Passau, University of Rostock, College of Teacher Education Rostock, TH Stuttgart, Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Forstliche Hochschule Tharandt, University of Tübingen, German Colonial College Witzenhausen

BArch, NS 38/2014 · File · 1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: TH Aachen, Hochschule Augsburg, Hochschule Bamberg, Universität Berlin, Handelshochschule Berlin, Staatliche Kunstschule Berlin, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Beuthen, Universität Bonn, Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, TH Braunschweig, TH Breslau, Universität Breslau, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Cottbus, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Danzig, Akademie für praktische Medizin Danzig, TH Danzig, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Darmstadt, TH Darmstadt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Dortmund, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Hochschule Eichstätt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Elbing, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Eßlingen, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Frankfurt (Oder), Bergakademie Freiberg, Hochschule Freising, Universität Gießen, Universität Göttingen, Universität Greifswald, Universität Halle-Wittenberg, University of Hamburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Hannover, TH Hannover, Universität Jena, Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, Universität Kiel, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Kiel, Universität Köln, Hochschule für Musik Köln, Handelshochschule Königsberg, Meisterateliers für die bildenden Künste Königsberg, Hochschule für angewandte Technik Köthen, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Lauenburg, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig Conservatory, Marburg University, Munich Technical University, Munich University, Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences, Pasing Teacher Training College, Passau University of Applied Sciences, Rostock Teacher Training College, Rostock University, Stuttgart University of Music, Stuttgart Technical University, Tübingen University, Weilburg Teacher Training College, Witzenhausen German Colonial College, Würzburg University

BArch, N 1138/53 · File · 1912-1921 und 1937
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Statistisches Warenverzeichnis für Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika" (Statistical Goods List for German Southwest Africa) of the Customs Administration, 1914; compensation and salary of the bank director Junker (Letter from Dr. Fresenius), 1921; Draft of a law concerning the establishment of the budget for the protectorates for the accounting year 1914; Implementing provisions for the transfer of the financial administration of the East African protectorate, the South West African protectorate and Cameroon to the protectorates; Record of the discussion between the American Consul General, Mr. George Murphy, and the Kastl Government Council, 1916; Draft of a Fencing Ordinance; The policy of South Africa during the war until mid-1918; Ordinance of the Imperial Governor of German Southwest Africa, concerning public roads (draft); Ordinance of the Imperial Chancellor, concerning the levying of a special mountain rights tax in the German Southwest African protectorate, 1911; Note on the necessity of the amendments to the provisions on farm purchase; Draft Ordinance of the Imperial Chancellor concerning the levying of fees in administrative matters in German Southwest Africa Also Contains: Music card for a music evening, Aug.1916Memorial book "Gustaf Schlieper zum Gedächtnis", 1937

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, R 109-I/2817 · File · 1937-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: "Kamerad Sanitätshund", Aug. 2, 1944 "Kampf um den Berg" (a high tour 20 years ago), film by Arnold Fanck and Sepp Allgeier; music: G. Becce), Dec. 4, 1941 "Kaninchen", May 8, 1944 "Der Karpfen", Dec. 31, 1941 "Battle for the Mountain", May 31, 1944 "Battle for the Mountain", May 31, 1944 "Battle for the Mountain", May 31, 1944 "Battle for the Carp", May 31, 1944 "Battle for the Mountain", May 31, 1944 "Battle for the Mountain" (a high tour 20 years ago), film by Arnold Fanck and Sepp Allgeier, Dec. 4, 1941 "Kaninchen", May 8, 1944 "Der Karpfen", Dec. 31, 1944 "Battle for the Mountain", Aug. 2, 1944 July 1944 "Children travel to the holiday country", 1 Dec. 1942 (B58036), 4 censorship cards, 1942-1943 "The little ones from the Gulf of Naples", 24 July 1939 "Crystals", 30 Oct. 1944 "Croatian peasant life", 11 Jan. 1943 "Kitchen magic", manuscript: Martin Rikli, 1943 "Der Kumpel", 12 Apr. 1944 "Land hinterm Deich", 2 June 1944 "Das Land der Motzen" (Romanian State Filmst.), 20 July 1944 "Lustgärten aus galanter Zeit", 14 Oct. 1941 "Lustig sein - fröhlich sein", 21 Aug. 1944 ?? "Masuren - Eine Landschaft in Ostpreußen", July 31, 1944 "Meisterturner unter die Zeitlupe genommen von Kurt Stanke", Oct. 18, 1944 "With Dr. Lutz Heck through Cameroon", Nov. 3, 1939 "Mooswunder", July 2, 1941 (B55603) "Nippon the Land of the Rising Sun", Nov. 4, 1942 (B57783), only 1 censorship card "Nordic Primeval World", Sept. 12, 1941 (B55883), only copy 1 censorship card "Peter Parler" (master builder of the cathedral in Prague), 29. July 1944 "Ponys", without "Post nach den Halligen", 27. Apr. 1944 "Pulsschlag des Meeres" (RG Rikli, KM Stanke), 4. February 1937 (B44646)

BArch, NS 38/3650 · File · 1933-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: TH Karlsruhe, Badische Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, University of Kiel, Hochschule für Musik Cologne, University of Cologne, Handelshochschule Königsberg, Albertus University Königsberg, Staatliche Hochschule für angewandte Technik Köthen, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Lauenburg i. Pom., University of Leipzig, Engineering School Mannheim, University of Marburg, University of Munich, TH Munich, Academy of Music Munich, University of Münster, Hindenburghochschule Nuremberg, Hans Schemm-Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Pasing, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Passau, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Rostock, University of Rostock, TH Stuttgart, Forstliche Hochschule Tharandt, University of Tübingen, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Weilburg, Hochschule für Baukunst Weimar, Deutsche Kolonialhochschule Witzenhausen, Theologische Schule Elberfeld, University of Würzburg, 1933-1936; Acknowledgments of the Rectors of Colleges for Congratulations on the New Year, 1935-1936

Student body reports
BArch, NS 38/3784 · File · Juli-Dez. 1935
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: TH Berlin, University of Berlin, Hochschule für Musik Berlin, Tierärztliche Hochschule Berlin, Vereinigte Staatsschulen für freie und angewandte Kunst Berlin-Charlottenburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Beuthen, Universität Bonn, Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, TH Breslau, Universität Breslau, TH Braunschweig, TH Darmstadt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Dortmund, Akademie der bildenden Künste Dresden, TH Dresden, Medizinische Akademie Düsseldorf, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Elbing, Universität Erlangen, Universität Frankfurt am Main, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Frankfurt/Oder, Universität Freiburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Friedberg, University of Gießen, University of Göttingen, University of Greifswald, University of Halle, University of Hamburg, TH Hannover, University of Heidelberg, Agricultural University of Hohenheim, University of Jena, TH Karlsruhe, University of Kiel, University of Cologne, University of Königsberg, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, University of Leipzig, University of Marburg, University of Münster, Pasing Graduate School of Teacher Education, University of Rostock, TH Stuttgart, University of Tübingen, Weilburg Graduate School of Teacher Education, Colonial University of Witzenhausen, University of Würzburg, Association of German Students in Zagreb; "Der Deutsche Student", Journal of the German Student Body; Hochschulkreis Niedersachsen; Nationalsozialistische Schlesische Hochschul-Zeitung; Niedersächsische Hochschulzeitung; Reichsverband der deutschen Zeitschriften-Verleger; Reichsstudentenwerk; Report on the Reich Camp of the Department for Teacher Education of the DSt in Wolfshagen/Harz from 3. January 2006October 8, 1935; DSt, District of Central Germany; DSt, District of Lower Germany; DSt, District of West Germany; NSDStB, Main Office Press and Propaganda

Tooth New Guinea
VII WS 349 · File · 1928-01-01 - 1932-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: There are detailed remarks to the recordings and texts. Extensive correspondence available. At Hornbostel's suggestion, Zahn changed his intention to record only Christian songs. See also Zahn 1920 (Mission and Music). The rollers were sent to Berlin in several shipments, there are several documentaries written by Zahn. The roll recordings of the Triton choir are not mentioned in the document, but cf. letter of 26.10.1928. W. 33 is published on the CD 100 Jahre (1/15).
BArch, NS 38/4350 · File · Jan. 1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: TH Aachen, Handelshochschule Berlin, Universität Berlin, TH Berlin, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Beuthen, Universität Bonn, Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, Universität Breslau, TH Breslau, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Cottbus, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Danzig, Akademie für praktische Medizin Danzig, TH Danzig, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Darmstadt, TH Darmstadt, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Dortmund, Pedagogical Institute TH Dresden, Medical Academy Düsseldorf, Art Academy Düsseldorf, College for Teacher Training Elbing, University Erlangen, University Frankfurt am Main, Mining Academy Freiberg, University Freiburg, University Gießen, University Göttingen, University Greifswald, University Halle-Wittenberg, University Hamburg, TH Hannover, College for Teacher Training Hirschberg; University of Hohenheim, University of Jena, University of Kiel, University of Teacher Education Kiel, University of Applied Sciences Königsberg, University of Königsberg, University of Applied Sciences Köthen, University of Teacher Education Lauenburg i. Pom, University of Leipzig, University of Marburg, Academy of Fine Arts Munich, University of Munich, University of Münster, College of Economics and Social Sciences Nuremberg, College of Teacher Education Pasing, University of Rostock, University of Tübingen, College of Teacher Education Weilburg, College of Music Weimar, German Colonial College Witzenhausen, University of Würzburg

BArch, NS 38/3150 · File · 1935-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: List of non-Aryans in the FAD of Sept. 1935; student bodies of the TH Berlin, Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Berlin, Universität Berlin, Staatliche Akademie Braunsberg, TH Braunschweig, Universität Breslau, Universität Danzig, TH Danzig, TH Darmstadt, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Medizinische Akademie Düsseldorf, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Frankfurt (Oder), Universität Göttingen, Universität Greifswald, Universität Hamburg, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Universität Heidelberg, Hochschule für bildende Künste Karlsruhe, Universität Köln, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Lauenburg i. Pom., University of Leipzig, State Conservatory of Leipzig, TH Munich, University of Munich, University of Music Munich, University of Münster, University of Economics and Social Sciences Nuremberg, Philosophical-Theological University Regensburg, University of Rostock, University of Music Stuttgart, University of Tübingen, German Colonial College Witzenhausen