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Description archivistique
7,2001 Afrikahaus J. K. Vietor (Bestand)
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,2001 · Fonds · 1862 - 1932
Fait partie de State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: The company was run under this name as its own business since 1888 by Johann Karl Vietor, but was able to make use of the branches in Ghana, Togo, Dahomey, Cameroon, Liberia and Guinea, which had been founded by other members of the Vietor family since 1857. After the severe setback in the First World War, the company was rebuilt in Liberia, Ghana and Togo, but this was destroyed by the world economic crisis, so that the company died out in 1932. It was partly in close contact with other companies co-founded by J. K. Vietor. Content: Business papers before the First World War, in particular land purchases, inventories, insurance of factories in Togo (Anedlo, Palime, Lomé), in Ghana (Keta) and in Dahomey (Porto Novo) - Complete company registration after the First World War, in particular Reich compensation for war and colonial damage, correspondence with other companies and own branches - Liquidation

G254 · Fonds · 01 Jan 1889 - 31 Dec 1921
Fait partie de National Archives of Australia

This artificial series has been registered to bring together an accumulation of records which was created by several agencies responsible for the administration of German New Guinea. The records are all written in German, are difficult to translate and it is therefore difficult to identify exact recording agencies. As a result, the records have all been registered conditionally as one series and a single number system of arrangement and control has been imposed until further research is carried out. The series consists of files created by the various agencies dealing with the administration of German New Guinea. The file covers are mainly buff and blue. Some covers are printed with the file number, agency title, date range and file title. Other file covers are all handwritten. Much of the material deals with matters of various "Imperial Courts" of the different districts. These matters include smuggling, larceny, contravention of the Bird of Paradise Hunting Ordinance, legal matters (wills, mining leases) and accounting matters of the "Principal Treasury". The files date from 1889 to 1914. One file, [No 33], entitled "Documents and Miscellaneous Papers prior to British Occupation" actually contains files from 1911 to 1921 dealing with legal matters during the British Occupation.

Sans titre
G2 · Fonds · 01 Jan 1911 - 31 Dec 1914
Fait partie de National Archives of Australia

This series is in German only. No English translation is available. The files in this series cover a wide variety of topics relating to the German administration of the Island Territory ('Inselgebiet'). This covered the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands. Material relating to the mainland appears to have been left in New Guinea and destroyed during the Japanese invasion.

Sans titre
G255 · Fonds · 01 Jan 1885 - 31 Dec 1991
Fait partie de National Archives of Australia

This series consists of material created by the Imperial Government of German New Guinea. The material was seized by the Australian Government when the Territory was captured during the First World War. The records of this series were among a large collection of material relating to the former territory of German New Guinea which came into the custody of the then Commonwealth Archives Office in 1963. This material is believed to have been shipped to Australia from Rabaul in 1937 for safekeeping following the volcanic eruption in May of that year. The collection comprised all the extant material from the four periods of colonial administration: (1) the New Guinea Company 1885-1899, (2) German Imperial administration 1899-1914, (3) British Military Administration 1914-1921, and (4) Australian Civil Administration of the mandated territory. There is record of the material having been examined in Canberra in August 1937 by Miss M Jacobs of the Department of History, University of Sydney. The collection was then in the custody of the National Library but was subsequently stored in large wooden crates at the premises of the Government Printer at Kingston. It remained there, more-or-less forgotten, until rediscovered in 1963 during a re-location of the Government Printing Office. It was transferred to the custody of the Commonwealth Archives Office on 20 August 1963 and accessioned as AA1963/83. A handwritten inventory was prepared (in English.) Various conversion to 'G' series were effected and, in 1991, the remaining records created by the Imperial German administration 1899-1914 were separated and arranged to constitute this series by a visitng archivist from the German State Archives (Bundesarkiv), Dr. Jurgen Real. Note that Dr. Real's arrangement is in accordance with the practice of the Bundesarkiv, and not with the precepts of the Australian CRS system. The original order is not maintained - the items are not attributed to a particular agency recording and the original item number control is ignored in favour of an imposed simple numerical sequence. The inventory received from Dr. Real in December 1992 displays a number of discrepancies in the numerical sequence. In particular numbers 48, 293, 498, 547, 548 and 934 have not been used. Also several numbers were used twice; these have been differentiated by use of 'A' and 'B' suffixes. Dr Real's inventory is entirely in German. An English translation was arranged by Australian Archives in 1993 and this version has been entered in the ANGAM2 database. The records were subsequently microfilmed and, in 1994 and after a sojourn of 57 years in Australia, the original records were returned to Papua New Guinea. They are now held by the National Archives of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby. Microflilm copies are available for use in this office. The reference copy is G255/4. This series consists of records covering all matters relating to the administration of the German settlements on the mainland of New Guinea (that is, on the North-East Coast), on New Britain and New Ireland. It complements series G1 (1899-1911) and G2 (1911-1914) which consist of records of the Imperial Government of German New Guinea relating to the external Island Territories (Carolines, Marianas and Marshall Islands) - that is, those territories which were not subsequently administered by the occupying power which succeeded the German government at Rabaul after 1914. In 2018, the microfilm was digitised and uploaded to National Archives RecordSearch database.

Sans titre
A1781 · Fonds · 01 Jan 1921 - 31 Dec 1937
Fait partie de National Archives of Australia

This series was created by top-numbering from CRS A1780
and was intended to contain records of the Custodian of Expropriated Property as opposed to the records relating to the Public Trustee (CRS A1782). In fact this series now contains at least one file which is purely a record of the Public Trustee while CRS A1782 now consists mainly of the Custodians records. No reason can yet be discerned for this change in policy and no indication can be given for the basis for the distinction between the two series. This seriescontains records relating to the management of properties in
New Guinea, to the disposal of Expropriated assets, various
administrative transactions and some policy and routine of the Central Office of the Custodian. Some top numbering has occurred from GRS A1345.

Related series unregistered
Subject index cards for correspondence files, single number series
with 'A' prefix, 1931-1937
Register of files and associated files, record of sales, 1926-1957
Subject index cards for correspondence files, 'A', 'S' and 'T'
series, 1931-
Nominal (purchases) index cards for correspondence files, 'A', 'S'
and 'T' series, 1931-
Plantation index cards for correspondence files, 'A', 'S' and 'T'
series, 1931-
Register of original contracts of sale in action, 1951-
Record of sales, 1926-1957
Original contracts for sale of expropriated property, 1926- (Less)

Sans titre
Diels estate (title)

Direktionskorrespondenz und weitere Unterlagen 1937-1941: 1 portfolio, loose-leaf collection; copies or handwritten, authors: Diels, Dr. Friedrich Bolle, R. Pilger; Prof. Dr. Hoppe (all Botanischer Garten Berlin), Milos Deyl (botanist, Prague); Wilhelm Engelmann (publishing bookshop Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), Wimmer (priest, editor of the Lobeliaceae for the plant kingdom). contents: air-raid protection measures in the Botanical Museum (removal of alcohol collection etc.)); financial means of the Englerstiftung; whereabouts of lost herbarium loans (Spanish Civil War); reminder to return herbarium loans; printing of various volumes of the Pflanzenreich (Richtlinien zur Korrektur, Korrespondenz mit der Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), editing of the Lobeliaceae für Pflanzenreich scientific manuscripts on the flora of SW Africa, individual letters [see FA1/1] diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript; diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript

Estate Mattfeld (Title)

Personal documents [FA3/1] Various documents: 1 folder with a) curriculum vitae, 01.09.1945, copy, typewritten, two pages; b) report from the Botanical Congress 1950 in Stockholm (incl. documentation on contacts to the reconstruction of the BGBM herbarium and library); c) various correspondence from him 1945-49 (copies or Copies to the Dean's Office of the University of Natural Sciences, 11.04.1945 Kisten mit Ms. [FA5] Abies: handwritten preliminary work, materials, SW photographs of Abies (especially Abies nebrodensis in S-Italy), three reprints of Abies von Mattfeld in Notizblatt des Bot. Gart. u. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem vol. 9/1925, vol. 10/no. 95/1928, vol. 10/no. 96/1929 Preliminary work for: Cyperaceae of German-Sw-Africa (20 double-sided handwritten loose leaves) and the Cyperaceae of New-Guinea (34 double-sided handwritten loose leaves) Plant photographs: album of loose paper pages held together by herbarium cardboard (with SW photographs, inserted into the pages at the corners), various plants, various places (and the like).a. ex Hort. Bot. Berlin), on the back of the photos pencil lettering on the object and location materials for floristic mapping, etc., 2 booklets [FA..]* diaries from the years of study and war (1913-1918), travel diary (1921, From the Baltic Sea to Friaul) and SW photos (landscape, probably Germany) (all in one briefcase) [P37

I.4.137 - NL Fritz Loose

Foreword: * 25. January 1897 in Brüx, Bohemia † 24. December 1982 in Freiburg im Breisgau After completing a civic school, the training as a technician took place on the Königshöhe in Teplitz. During the First World War he took part in the battle of Skagerrak as a war volunteer in the Kriegsmarine on the cruiser Lützow. At the beginning of 1917 he was transferred to the II. seapilot department. There a practical training took place at the Wilhelmshaven seafaring station on a 3-leg Friedrichshafen biplane with a 150 HP petrol engine. At the end Loose was used as a station pilot of the bomb school for observers at the Baltic Sea. In the spring of 1918 he was assigned as a front pilot at the North Sea flight station Helgoland, then to List on Sylt, where he flew naval reconnaissance until the end of the war and received the golden sea pilot badge. After his release from military service, Loose was with the North Sea Volunteer Airmen's Department in support of North Sea mine sweepers. At the end of September 1920, however, the Allies imposed a general ban on flying and destroyed the aircraft. In 1920 he got a job in Dresden in the motor vehicle department of the police headquarters. In his spare time he worked on the construction of the first glider of the Flugtechnische Verein in the workshops of the TH Dresden. This was called "Schweinebauch" and was a single-stemmed biplane. Fritz Loose soon became a flight attendant at this club and took part in the beginnings of gliding in Germany. Loose received the glider pilot's license No. 23, issued on June 17, 1922. So far Loose had only flown planes made of wood and canvas. The landing of the Junker pilot Wilhelm Zimmermann on the Elbe in 1922 with the all-metal Junkers F 13 aircraft inspired him to apply to the Junkers Air Transport Department. In January 1923, Loose received practical and extensive training as a pilot at the Junkers headquarters and passed the flight test to obtain a civil pilot's license in Berlin. His first cross-country flight took him from Dessau to Berlin in a Junkers F 13 with a Mercedes 160 hp six-cylinder engine. He worked as an experimental pilot on behalf of the Reichswehr and transferred Junkers machines to the customers. In Stockholm he received his Swedish aviation license. Further flights led to Izmir and Spain. He participated in wound transports for the Spanish Red Cross on the Moroccan front in the war against the Rifkabylen. After the merger (1926) of Junkers-Luftverkehr and Deutsche Luftreederei Aero Lloyd to form Deutsche Luft Hansa, Loose Werksflieger remained with Junkers. Demonstrations, flyovers, approaches and record flights of various types were among his tasks. He also flew as chief pilot of Professor Junkers personally in the F 13 directional aircraft with the registration D-282 (until 1929). On 1 March 1930 Fritz Loose was appointed flight captain of Junkers Flugzeugwerke. From the Aero-Club of Germany he was entrusted with a Junkers A 50 for the inspection flight of the Europa-Rundflug in 1930. The competition management denied him the right to participate in the actual 10,000 kilometre round flight, as he had already flown the route and was thus in an advantageous position. Afterwards Loose made a trip to the USA to participate in the National Air Races in Chicago on an airplane of the Italian Savoia-Marchetti-Werke. In 1931 Loose was employed as a pilot of the Junkers Aircraft Department (Jfa). In this function a Cierva-Autogiro C-19 Mk III gyrocopter approved in England was demonstrated by Fritz Loose on behalf of Deutsche Lufthansa at many flight days and caused a sensation. Altogether he flew this plane for about 30 hours and covered about 4500 km. It was the forerunner of today's helicopters. During the aviation advertising campaign The German Youth of Hajo Folkerts, the son-in-law of Prof. Junkers, he took over the leadership of the 6-seater Junkers F 13 from A. Grundke and carried out 12,000 take-offs and landings on more than 70 provisional airfields with more than 80,000 children and young people until 1933. In 1933 Loose became a training officer and flight instructor at the German Air Sports Association in Dresden. From 1934 to 1938 he built up a mission flight service for the Lutheran Church (ALC) with a converted Junkers F 13 in New Guinea. After his return to Germany in 1939, Fritz Loose was a pilot and flight operations manager at the Junkers plants in Dessau, Bernburg and Leipzig, which had since been nationalised, until 1945. There he flew in about 1000 Junkers Ju 88. Loose spent the time after the war with relatives in the Erzgebirge and fled to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952. In 1955 Fritz Loose came to Bonn-Hangelar and took over the office of an airfield manager, which he held until 1968. He once again acquired the newly introduced private pilot's license. In addition, he was honorary representative of the air surveillance and member of the examination board for powered flight of the regional council in Düsseldorf. With his retirement he moved to Freiburg im Breisgau. The collection contains documents from his entire career (correspondence, photo albums, films) as well as some private documents. The estate was purchased by the family in 1998. It has a scope of 75 units of description with a duration of 1914-1988.

G250 · Fonds · 01 Jan 1893 - 31 Dec 1897
Fait partie de National Archives of Australia

This series contains a bound volume, with printed columns, recording letters received under headings. These headings include Number, Date of Document, Date of Receipt, Document sent by, Contents, How dealt with and Location of Document. The word 'Gerichts' has been added to the title, probably c.1895, to distinguish this volume from CRS G30 the 'Ver Waltungs Journal' (Administration Daily Register).
The original has been sent to Papua New Guinea

Sans titre
New Guinea campaign records, 1914-18 War
AWM33 · Fonds · 18 Jul 1903 - 19 Jun 1926
Fait partie de National Archives of Australia

AWM33 is an artificial series of records relating to the military occupation of German New Guinea by the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force during 1914-1921 and to the writing of The Official History of Australian during the War of 1914-18: Volume X, The Australians at Rabaul: the capture and administration of German possessions in the southern Pacific by Seaforth Simpson McKenzie (published 1927).While it is a composite of private donations and officially transferred records accessioned by the Memorial between 1928 and 1965, the bulk of the series consists of Department of Defence records transferred through the Official Historian between 1928 and 1940. The series date range 1914-1926 reflects the administrative context in which the records were created, rather than the subsequent composite accumulation of the records themselves.The records were initially housed together as "New Guinea campaign records" (also known as the "Holmes Collection") in a filing cabinet, and were arranged into sub-groups based on type of record and the provenance of the accessions. Divider cards separated records under the following headings:HOLMES COLLECTION(Items [1]-[8])This group seems to have been so named because of the important acquisition of Colonel Holmes' diary from the Department of Defence in 1928, and the later donation of records from Holmes' family in 1963.REPORTS AND DESPATCHES - HOLMES AND PETHEBRIDGE(Items [9]-[12/19])As with "Reports miscellaneous 1914-1918" and "Reports miscellaneous 1919-1922" below, this group contains reports and memoranda from the various Administrators of German New Guinea to the Department of Defence. All three groups of records were transferred through the Official Historian, and the separation of the Holmes and Pethebridge material is probably a reflection of S S Mackenzie's distinction between the earlier and later stages of the Administration in the Official History.REPORTS ETC. MISCELLANEOUS(Items [13]-[40])Most of the items in this group are "miscellaneous" in nature, and were donated between 1956 and 1964 by individuals who served in the AN

New Guinea Company, Berlin (inventory)
BArch, R 8133 · Fonds · 1884-1936
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: In 1885, the New Guinea Company was formed in Berlin from the consortium that had undertaken numerous voyages of discovery in New Guinea between 1884 and 1885 under the direction of Adolph von Hansemann. The aim was to establish a state in the South Seas with its own sovereign rights under the protection of the German Reich; in May 1889, the German Reich temporarily took over bisSept. In 1892 the administration of the protectorate, the costs continued to be borne by the company; when the investments in 1893 increased to 7 million. In April 1895 the administration was transferred to the German Reich; the company thus became a purely private acquisition company, which in 1900 was transformed into a German colonial company; its headquarters became Rabaul; after the ownership of the New Guinea company had been confiscated by Australia in 1920, it sought a new field of activity in Venetzuela and Cameroon. Characterization of the content: Takeover of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands by the German Reich with the help of the New Guinea Company (Imperial Protection Letters); annual reports of the management and business correspondence. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8133/...

Compagnie de Nouvelle-Guinée
Pritzel Estate (Title)
/E. Pritz. · Fonds
Fait partie de Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin

notebooks, 1 box with 20 notebooks, 1902-1935, handwritten location lists, fieldbooks, determination lists [from the estate of Werdermann]* 2 albums with original photos (by Pritzel) from his Capland-Australia-New Zealand-New Guinea-Java trip with Pritzel 1900-1902 with captions probably by Pritzel [(1) c. 30 photographs from Australia published in "Die Pflanzengeographie in 200 Lichtbildern" (Leipzig: Seemann, 1914; 30 p. 200 photographs), catalogue attached 2nd edition by S Pritzel; (2) ; s.a. Diels