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Donation Consul (ret.) Wolfgang Zielke

Wolfgang Zielke, Consul 1967-1969 and Head of the Consulate General of the German Democratic Republic in Tanzania 1977-1979, bequeathed his collection of books on Africa's contemporary history to the ZMO in 2012. From 1952 to 1955, Wolfgang Zielke had studied foreign policy at the Academy of Political and Legal Sciences in Potsdam-Babelsberg. He then worked in the GDR Foreign Ministry as an attaché at the embassy in North Korea, as embassy secretary in the People's Republic of China, Uganda, Ghana, as a legation counsellor and head of the trade mission in Gambia. After the fall of communism, he finally worked as an education officer for African affairs in the social sector until 2003. Wolfgang Zielke is a member of the Association for International Law and Politics (Author: Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Bibliothek, Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V.).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/18 · Fonds · (1847-) 1870-1926 (-1965)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. About Weizsäcker: Life data and career: 1853 February 25Born as son of the court chaplain Karl Weizsäcker (1822 - 1899) in Stuttgart1861Father Karl Weizsäcker Professor of Theology at the University of Tübingen (1889) Chancellor)1870/71Participated in the campaign against France1876First higher service examination for the judicial service1877Second higher service examination for the judicial service1877 November 15Auxiliary judge at the Stuttgart City Court1879 January 24Justizassessor at the Calw Higher Administrative Court (remaining in his previous position)1879 March 18Dr. jur.1879 July 8Marriage with Paula von Meibom, daughter of the later Reichsgerichtrat Victor von Meibom1879 October 1Judge at the Amtsgericht für den Stadtdirektionsbezirk Stuttgart1882 November 1Auxiliary Judge at the Landgericht Stuttgart1883 July 19Ministerial Secretary of Justice with the title and rank of Land Judge1885 November 6Land Judge in Ulm, Labourer at the Ministry of Justice1886 September 27Functioning Chancellery Director of the Ministry of Justice1887 March 3Titles and Rank of a Regional Court Council1889 December 27County Court Council in Hall, Lecturer Council of the Ministry of Justice1892 May 13Lecturer Council at the Ministry of Justice with the title "Ministerialrat "1896 February 24 Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crowns1897 February 24Titles and Rank of a Ministerial Director. As such he belonged to the 4th rank, with which the personnel needle was connected.1899 February 24Honour Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown1899 July 31Ministerialdirektor beim Justizministerium1900 April 19Wirklicher Staatsrat und Chef des Departements des Kirchen- und Schulwesens1901 February 25Staatsminister des Kirchen- und Schulwesens1906 February 25Großkreuz des Ordens der Württembergischen Krone1906 June 20Leitung der Geschäfte des Ministeriums der Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten1906 June 27Enthebung von der Verwaltung des Ministries des Kirchen- und Schulwesens. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Minister of Family Affairs of the Royal House, Chancellor of the Order1906 December 3Chairman of the Ministry of State (Prime Minister)1916 October 5Rise to the hereditary baronage of the Kingdom of Württemberg1918 November 6Resignation of the Weizsäcker government1918 November 8Dismissal as President of the Ministry of State and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs1926 February 2Decease in Stuttgart; burial at the Prague Cemetery 2. The history and content of the collection: After Weiszäcker's death in 1926, the estate initially remained in the widow's apartment in Stuttgart, where it was moved to the house acquired in 1931 on the Moozacher Halde near Lindau. On 21 June 1975, Baroness Marianne von Weizsäcker transferred the estate to the Main State Archives in Stuttgart. After its reorganization, it is available for scientific research. Usage for publications which deal in particular with the work of the Prime Minister Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker and which do not only contain occasional references to his activities require the consent of Professor Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Weizsäcker.The estate consists mainly of Weizsäcker's handfiles from his term as Minister of Culture, President of the Ministry of State (Prime Minister), Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Family Affairs of the Royal House, mixed with individual registry files of the Ministry of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as official, semi-official and private correspondence and numerous newspaper clippings. In addition, there are correspondence, notes, documents relating to publications and newspaper clippings from his retirement. Some few documents from the estate of his father, Professor Karl v. Weizsäcker, have been included in the inventory (Bü 4)The estate of the Minister President v. Breitling (Bü 31) contains files of foreign provenances, letters to the Minister of State v. Fleischhauer (Bü 80, 86 and 93), correspondence of the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Freiherr Julius v. Soden (Bü 151) and letters of Weizsäcker to General Fritz von Graevenitz (Bü 146).Parallel tradition is mainly found in the files of the Royal Cabinet (E 14), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (E 46 - E 75), the Ministry of State (E 130) and the Ministry of War (M 1/2) lying in the Main State Archives, in particular the following files should be pointed out:E 14: Royal Cabinet IIBü 487: Weizsäcker's application for release from office from 5. November 1918E 46: Ministry of Foreign Affairs IIIBü 1285 - 1300: Handakten von Weizsäcker: Bü 1291: Acceptance of the command of a Prussian army corps by Duke Albrecht von Württemberg (1905/06)Bü 1292: Records of an interview with the State Secretary of the Interior Delbrück in Berlin concerning the Alsace-Lorraine question (1910)Bü 1294: Russische Politik (1910)Bü 1295: Succession to the throne in Monaco (Duke Wilhelm von Urach) (1910/12)Bü 1296: Bundesfinanzen, Deckung der Kosten der Wehrvorlage (1912)Bü 1297: Berichte des Württembergischen Militärbevolltigten in Berlin betreffend Wehrvorlagen (1912)Bü 1298: Albanian succession to the throne (1912/13)Bü 1299: Report by Weizsäckers to the King on Berlin Financial Conferences (1916)E 73: Gesandschaftsakten Verzeichnis 61Bü 12 e - 12 i: Reports of the Federal Council Plenipotentiaries (1897-1918); Bü 12 g also contains reports of the Military Plenipotentiary in Berlin (July - August 1914)Bür 42 d - 42 e: Berichte der Gesandtschaft MünchenE 74 I: Württembergische Gesandtschaft in BerlinBü 164 - 168: Political Reports 1914 - 1918E 75: Württemberg Embassy in MunichBü 154 - 156: Reports of the Württemberg Ambassador in MunichE 130b: State MinistryBü 5860: Weizsäcker's files on the draft law concerning amendments to the Civil Servants' Act of 28 April 1949 June 1876 (1906/07)M 1/2: Special files of the Minister of War and his AdjutantM 660: Estate of Fritz von Graevenitz Significance of the estate: The personal-private and confidential character of numerous documents of this estate contributes nuances to the picture of this time which are naturally missing in the official papers. This is true of Weizsäcker's term as cult minister, during which he campaigned for the abolition of spiritual supervision of schools and for constitutional reform, and it is even more true of the period from 1906 to 1918, during which, as President of the State Ministry, he headed the affairs of government and was also State Minister of Foreign Affairs. The question of Württemberg's relationship to the Reich and, in general, of federal cooperation, as well as the views of the Württemberg government on German foreign policy before the First World War and, above all, the Württemberg attitude to German politics during the war, are given sharper contours by the documents of this estate. During this time, the correspondence with his friend Alfred von Kiderlen-Waechter, the reports of the Württemberg envoys from Berlin (v. Varnbüler) and Munich (v. Moser) as well as the reports of the Württemberg military representative in Berlin and in the Great Headquarters (v. Graevenitz) are of particular importance. Since the tradition of the two legations and the reports of the military representative in the official files are incomplete - most of the documents of the military representative in Berlin have been destroyed - the reports from the estate are able to close some gaps. In terms of content, these semi-official reports, written in personal-private form - v. Graevenitz was Weizsäcker's counter-sister and also v. Varnbüler was personally close to him - say much more than the official reports of these Württemberg diplomats. 3. on the organisation of the stock: Weizsäcker arranged his documents according to subject matter or persons without a systematic structure. After his death, some connections were lost during relocations and probably also during uses of the estate. In the course of time, various smaller attempts at order were made, but these only extended to individual documents. For example, evaluation notes were added to some files, such as 'less valuable except for letters' or 'worthless except for any individual letters'. Further on there was an order which contained at least 18 tufts or individual pieces and which can still be reconstructed with the following numbers:1 Memories23 Letter from Friedrich Grand Duke of Baden, 19234 Bethmann Hollweg5 Fritz von Graevenitz (Letter to Weizsäcker, 1911-1918)6 Kiderlen-Waechter7 Letters from Adolf Freiherr Marschall von Bieberstein, (1906) 19088 Letters from Moser von Filseck, 1906-19139 Letter from Ritter, Königiglich Bayerischer Gesandter in Stuttgart, 190910 correspondence with Wilhelm Herzog von Urach, 1906-192411 correspondence with Queen Charlotte von Württemberg, 1922-192512 Philipp Albrecht Herzog von Württemberg, 1914-192413 motivation of the dismissal of the Reich Chancellor Prince Bülow by Emperor Wilhelm II.14 Warschuldfrage 1925-192615161718a Varnbülerberichte vom 14. Juli 1909 (Daily Telegraph-Affäre)Parts of the estate were filmed by the Federal Archives in 1965, and after the estate had been transferred to the Main State Archives, it was systematically arranged and recorded by the Director of the State Archives, Dr. Eberhard Gönner, between 1975 and 1979. The 18 tufts mentioned above could not remain in their previous composition. The temporal classification of Weizsäcker's notes caused certain difficulties, because they could not always be clearly identified as contemporary notes or later notes for planned publications. The title recordings were revised by Eberhard Gönner from November 1985 to March 1986, whereby the correspondences were further broken down and indices created. For reasons of clarity, the "Contained" and "Darin" notes as well as the "Subjects" have generally been numbered consecutively. The "Contains" and "Darin" notes generally correspond to archival units (documents or subfascicles), the "Concern" only exceptionally.177 tufts of files with a total of 2.6 m. Stuttgart, in March 1986Eberhard Gönner
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 48 · Fonds · 1539-1932
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Origin and editing: During the formation of the large selection stock "Haus- und Staatsarchiv" in the 1870s and 1880s, the group "Staatssachen" was formed as Section III. The editor Ludwig Dietz mainly assembled files from the Margravial Archives, the Foreign Ministry (Diplomatic Section), Secret Cabinets, the War Ministry, and the Baden Army Commandos, and, as an exception, from the conversion, it seemed advisable to intervene editorially in order to make the online finding aid more user-friendly and clearer, at least in wording and textual form, without being able to make a new indexing: The title recordings were streamlined and provided with an additional "Contains" note. Also, in the area of name and location details in particular, clarifications had to be made. The expressly mentioned provenance data were noted in the field "Final provenance". Content: The originally so-called "Secret State Archives" mainly comprise the main and state actions of the state of Baden. Foreign policy and the war and military affairs of the early modern period and the 19th century form a focal point here. In addition to the files on the German Confederation, particular attention should be paid to those on the acquisition of the state and the territorial and succession issue. Reference should also be made to the group of treaties. Transitions to stocks I. Personalia (46) and II. Household and farm objects (47) of the Haus- und Staatsarchiv, the Großherzogliches Familienarchiv, the Geheimer Kabinett (60), the Staatsministerium (233) and the Kriegsministerium (238) are fluid. Usage: The stock is microfilmed. Use only via microfilm. Literature: Hansmartin Schwarzmaier/Hiltburg Köckert, The holdings of the General State Archive Karlsruhe, Part 3, Haus- und Staatsarchiv sowie Hofbehörden (46-60), Stuttgart 1991, pp. 38-50.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/56 · Fonds · 1806-1920
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The documents in this inventory include the trade, commercial and customs matters directly concerning Württemberg as well as documents on the role of Württemberg in the German Customs Union. These include the individual sectors of the manufacturing industry, but also the banking sector. The inventory E 40/56 consists of the following registry headings: "Internal" for trade and industry from E 41 Verz. 63 and E 46 "Salt works" from E 46 and "Salt and salt industry" from E 41 Verz. 63 "Applications" for trade and industry" from E 41 Verz. 63 and E 49 Supplement 1938 "Zoll / Handel" from E 36 Verz. F In addition, there are some documents from E 36 Verz. 60 and E 41 Verz. 63, which were filed according to the country headings. In particular, further holdings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be relevant for the areas listed below: Economic Policy, Trade and Commerce in the German Reich: E 40/16 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Allgemeine Außenpolitik, Norddeutscher Bund, Deutsches Reich, Bundesrat und Bundesangelegenheiten 1866-1918Prints on trade and industry: E 40/37 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Press matters, submission of printed works, copyrightState banking and finance: E 40/52 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Public finances, real estate, statistics and topographyCommercial police: E 40/54 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Police mattersWarfare economy: E 40/72 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Kriegssachen und Militärangelegenheiten und E 74 Württembergische Gesandtschaft in BerlinHandelsschulen: E 40/74 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Science, Culture, Church and School AffairsCommercial Legislation: E 40/76 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: JusticeThe majority of the title recordings were made by Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl at the end of the 1990s. Since the allocation of categories in the old lists was very inconsistent, so that further growth was always to be expected, the inventory was left for a longer period of time as a temporary solution and the completion of the finding aid book was waited until the completion of all title entries and their final allocation. The stock now comprises 531 tufts (4.4 m).Stuttgart, in February 2011Johannes Renz c) nationality mark: A]Austria [B]Belgium [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DK]Denmark [E]Spain [EAT]Tanzania [F]France [UK]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GR]Greece [H]Hungary [I]Italy [IRL]Ireland [J]Japan [JA]Jamaica [MEX]Mexico [NL]Netherlands [NL]Netherlands [PE]Peru [PL]Poland [RI]Indonesia [RUS]Russia [TR]Turkey [USA]United States of America

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/11 · Fonds · (1781 -) 1806 - 1873
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The present collection E40/11 contains documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Württemberg territorial acquisitions from 1806 onwards and the associated general foreign policy as well as a few documents from the period from 1806 onwards concerning earlier Württemberg acquisitions. It is composed of the following sections:Relevant parts of the section "Rheinbund" E 36 Verz. 1 "Occupations" from E 36 Verz. 2 "Mergentheimer Okkupation" from E 36 Verz. 3 "Günzburg" from E 36 Verz. 9Single parts from the sections "Baden", "Bavaria", "Würzburg" and "Hohenzollern" from E 36 Verz. 60 "Deutschorden", "Johanniter-Orden" from E 41 Verz. 64A detailed history of the authorities of the Ministry can be found in the preface to Bestand E 40/10, to which reference is made at this point. The list, structured purely by territorial subject, included documents on the acquisitions of territory by Württemberg and the other central southern German states after 1803/06 as well as on general and special foreign policy. The majority of the holdings contain documents from the early period of the Kingdom of Württemberg up to about 1820. Later documents were only drawn on E 40/11 if there was a clear reference to the preceding territories of Neuwürttemberg. Documents on territorial acquisitions, border issues and related treaties can also be found in the following holdings:E 40/14: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Foreign Policy: Confederation of the Rhine, German Confederation and individual federal statesE 63/7: Commissions for the Execution of State Treaties with BavariaE 63/8: Commission for the Dispute of German Order MattersE 63/9: Commissions for the Execution of State Treaties with BadenThe new holdings now include 1456 tufts with 18.0 linear metres. Regalmetern.Stuttgart, February 2011Johannes Renz b) Nationality mark: Switzerland [B]Belgium [A]Austria [CZ]Czech Republic [PL]Poland [F]France [UA]Ukraine [F]France [SK]Slovakia [I]Italy

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/17 · Fonds · 1884-1925
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The German colonies were founded mainly on the initiative of private individuals or trading companies, for whom the German Reich acted as a protective power. In addition to general political, legal and economic matters of the German colonies, the holdings also include documents on Württemberg personnel employed in the colonies (including disciplinary matters and awards of orders), church and school affairs, cultural affairs, medical affairs, public relations as well as colonial associations and federations.A detailed history of the authorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be found in the preliminary remark to fonds E 40/10, to which reference is made at this point. The present fonds E 40/17 consists of the earlier signatures E 46 Fasz. 591 - 597 and E 49 Verz. 3 B. A. 21 together. A large part of the documents was filed in the registry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the heading "Bundesangelegenheiten" (B. A.), only Bü 55 originates from the heading "Verwendungen" (cf. concordance at the end of the finding aid book). Strictly speaking, it is therefore an appendix to fonds E 40/16, but for the sake of clarity it has been made independent. The extradition of the documents from the old fonds as well as the creation of the title recordings was mainly carried out by Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl and was completed by the undersigned in spring 2007. The final editing, however, was only carried out after the final allocation of all ministerial documents to the newly created holdings. The present stock comprises 55 numbers with 0.87 running metres of shelving.Stuttgart, November 2010Johannes Renz

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/18 · Fonds · (1792 -) 1806 - 1918 (- 1924)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: This collection comprises documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the general and interdepartmental foreign policy of Württemberg with regard to non-German states in Europe and the rest of the world. This also includes the Empire of Austria (-Hungary), which already owned large non-German territories when it was founded in 1804/06 and which left Germany completely after the war against Prussia in 1866. Documents on the remaining states of the Confederation of the Rhine, the German Confederation and the German Empire from 1871 onwards - including Prussia (as a whole) - were to a large extent assigned to holdings E 40/14, while those on the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine in the period 1871 - 1918 are again to be found in holdings E 40/16. The holdings essentially consist of the following parts:E 36 Verz. 60: Relevant parts of the categories "France" and "Austria "E 41 Verz. 63: Category "Different States" with sub-categories, if they are non-German statesE 46 (Categories by States)E 49 Verz. 21 and 22 (Categories by States)E 49 Supplement 1938A detailed history of the authorities of the Ministry can be found in the preface to fonds E 40/10, to which reference is made here.the country categories correspond to the composition of the world of states in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Numerous Italian small and medium-sized states, for example, are found as predecessors of the Kingdom of Italy for the first half of the 19th century as separate categories. Documents on the colonial possessions of various European states can be found both under the heading of the motherland and under their own headings (Australia, South Africa), but for reasons of content not all documents filed under the "country headings" were classified in the holdings E 40/14 or E 40/18. If the files did not contain any general political or interdepartmental matters, they were classified in the holdings E 40/54 - E 40/78. Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl began the formation and archival cataloguing of the holdings, which was later continued by the undersigned. The newly formed stock now comprises 540 tufts or 6.21 linear metres of shelving. Stuttgart, February 2011Johannes Renz b) nationality mark: A]Austria [AUS]Australia [BG]Bulgaria [BIH]Bosnia-Herzegovina [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DK]Denmark [DZ]Algeria [E]Spain [ET]Egypt [F]France [GB]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GEO]Georgia [GR]Greece [H]Hungary I]Italy [IND]India [IR]Iran [IRL]Ireland [J]Japan [MA]Morocco [NL]Netherlands [PE]Peru [PL]Poland [PY]Paraguay [RA]Argentina [RO]Romania [RUS]Russia [SYR]Syria [TR]Turkey [UA]Ukraine [USA]United States of America

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/16 · Fonds · (1864 -) 1866 - 1918 (- 1924)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: With the foundation of the German Reich in January 1871 and the establishment of the Foreign Office as an imperial institution, the powers of the Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs were severely restricted and most Württemberg missions abroad were dissolved in the following years. However, through official correspondence with various institutions of the North German Confederation and later of the German Reich, numerous documents were gathered from which the present holdings were formed. This consists of the following parts:E 36 Verz. F (only one file)E 46 "B[andes] A[ngelegenheiten]", formerly Bü 251 - 590 und 1265 - 1266 (m. L.)E 49 Verz. 3 "B[andes] A[ngelegenheiten]"E 49 Verz. 22, rubrics "Bundesr[at]" and "Reich "A detailed history of the ministry can be found in the preface to fonds E 40/10, to which reference is made here.Since the North German Federation, like the Second German Reich, was already dominated by Prussia, the year 1866, in which the German Federation was finally dissolved and Austria's supremacy in Germany ended, appeared as a suitable border year for the General Acts on General Foreign Policy. In the end, the collection reaches back to the time of the early Weimar Republic, since a border year of 1918 became superfluous due to the dissolution of the ministry in 1920. The documents cover all general matters concerning the North German Federation (from 1867) and the German Reich (from 1871). This also includes the files concerning the imperial legations and consulates, which partially replaced the Württemberg missions abroad (cf. holdings E 50/00 - E 50/61 as well as E 65 - E 75). However, the documents concerning relations with the individual German federal states are not included in the inventory. Since here a considerable number of files chronologically exceed the "cut-off year" 1866/67 on both sides, a separation did not seem to make sense here. Questions of territory with the neighbouring states of Württemberg for the period of the early Kingdom of Württemberg are to be found in inventory E 40/11 (acquisitions of territory from 1806 onwards), later smaller border clearings and general foreign policy relations with the other German federal states in inventory E 40/14. The section "German Affairs 1866 - 1871", in which the ministerial tradition of the emergence of the Second German Empire and in particular the wars waged in the run-up to it (German War 1866 and Franco-German War 1870/71) is located, was again completely added to inventory E 40/72 (war matters and military matters), since here the political and military aspects are extremely closely interlinked. Numerous other documents on Württemberg's relations with Prussia, the North German Federation, its position as the federal state of the German Reich and its involvement in federal affairs within the framework of the Bundesrat are kept in inventory E 74 (Württemberg Embassy in Berlin), since the respective Württemberg envoy in Berlin was at the same time also authorized representative to the Bundesrat. In these cases, it is therefore possible to speak in part of a counter tradition to the existing stock, which now comprises 841 tufts or 16.30 linear metres of shelving. Most of the title recordings were made by Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl at the end of the 1990s. The final editorial office was provided by the undersigned. Stuttgart, February 2011Johannes Renz b) nationality mark: [A]Austria [AUS]Australia [B]Belgium [BR]Brazil [CH]Switzerland [CHN]People's Republic of China [CZ]Czech Republic [DZ]Algeria [F]France [GB]Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GR]Greece [I]Italy [IND]India [J]Japan [LT]Lithuania [MD]Moldova [N]Norway [NL]Netherlands [PL]Poland [RA]Argentina [RO]Romania [RUS]Russia [S]Sweden [TN]Tunisia [USA]United States of America [ZA]South Africa

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 v · Fonds · 1807-1817, 1865-1873, mit Vorakten 1
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

The Württemberg Embassy in Switzerland was established in the first half of 1807 in connection with the conclusion of a trade agreement between Württemberg and Switzerland. After the recall of the envoy in 1817 it remained unoccupied(1). It was not until 1865, again in the course of a trade agreement, that it was re-established and existed until a large part of Württemberg foreign policy was transferred to the Reich in 1871(2). Württemberg envoys in Switzerland were: Johann Baptist Martin Edler Arand von Ackerfeld, Legation Council (June 1807-Jan. 1812) August Friedrich von Batz (Febr. 1812-Jan. 1814) Carl Philipp von Kaufmann, Privy Legation Councillor (Jan. 1814-Dec. 1817) Friedrich Heinrich Karl Freiherr Hugo von Spitzemberg (1865-Oct. 1866) Maximilian Adolf Freiherr von Ow, Privy Legation Councillor and Chamberlain (Oct. 1866-July 1871). The envoy of Ow proposed in 1866 the establishment of a consulate in Bern, whose consul was to represent him during his stays in Florence as an envoy in Italy and "take care of the current business, unless it requires special diplomatic treatment", for example passport matters; this was approved by King Charles in November 1866, consul in Bern became the merchant Albert Rooschütz (Nov. 1866-May 1873). In the absence of the envoy, his registry was kept and continued by the consul, also from 1871 until the dissolution of the consulate in 1873(3). The seat of the envoy was presumably Zurich until December 1816, and then permanently Bern(4). In 1865-1871 the legation and the consulate were located in the same building, probably in the house Hirschengraben 171, where the envoy lived(5). The files of the first registration layer (1807-1817) were probably sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs soon after the envoy was recalled. In the "Archive Register" of 1873(6), only the files of the second layer (1865-1873) are listed; these came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1877. The delivery to the Staatsfilialarchiv and classification into the later holdings E 70 under directory numbers 52 and 52 a (for the first or second registration layer, with overlaps) probably took place before 1896, since the files of directory 53 were already there at that time(7). The State Archives presumably received the holdings together with other diplomatic files and holdings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1901(8). The lists of singles are kept in holdings E 61 x volume 35 and 37. The corresponding counter-files from the registry of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are to be found in holdings E 50/16 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). In the first registration layer, correspondence series predominate, especially for relations (diplomatic reports to the king); documents on international treaties were created as fact files. In the second registration layer, both subject files and subject series were formed, and finally both registration layers contain individual case files on subjects' affairs.the categories I-III of the second registration layer were recorded in 1971 by archive assistant Herwig John, the processors of the remaining files could no longer be determined.the old registration signature of the "archive register" serving as an order criterion is listed as pre-signature 1, the old archive signature as pre-signature 2.The stock E 70 v comprises 110 tufts (1.8 running m).Stuttgart, in May 2000 Hartmut Obst(1) cf. E 70 v Bü. 43(2) cf. E 70 v Bü. 56 and 61(3) cf. E 50/60 Bü. 32(4) cf. E 70 v Bü. 44(5) cf. E 70 v Bü. 57(6) in E 50/60 Bü. 32(7) cf. E 50/60 Bü. 32(8) cf. K. O. Müller, Das Württembergische Staatsfilialarchiv in Ludwigsburg, in: Archivalische Zeitschrift 1925 Vorsignatur 2 - Order number: E 41 Verz. 63 Fasz. 44110 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 164 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 192 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 196 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 21 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 265 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 297 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 284 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 2101 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 2102 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 2103 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 32 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 33 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 34 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 35 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 36 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 37 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 38 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 39 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 310 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 311 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 312 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 313 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 347 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 414 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 415 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 416 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 417 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 418 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 419 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 420 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 421 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 422 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 423 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 424 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 425 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 448 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 526 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 527 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 528 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 529 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 530 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 531 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 532 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 533 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 534 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 535 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 536 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 537 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 538 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 549 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasc. 639 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 640 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 641 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 642 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 643 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 650 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 744 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 745 E 70 Verz. 52 Fasz. 746 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 152 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 154 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 170 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 2104 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 2105 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 3106 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 3107 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 3108 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 451 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 457 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 458 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 459 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 460 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 555 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 593 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 581 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 582 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 695 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 694 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 6100 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 690 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 687 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 683 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 691 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 688 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 689 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 775 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 7109 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 798 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 799 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 767 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 753 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 785 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 877 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 879 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 868 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 869 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 880 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 886 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 871 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 972 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 973 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 974 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 1063 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 1078 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 1076 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 1066 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 1056 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 1061 E 70 Verz. 52 a Fasz. 1062