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All-German Association (Existing)
BArch, R 8048 · Bestand · 1886-1939
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The All-German Association was founded on 9 April 1891 under the name "Allgemeiner Deutscher Verband" with its headquarters in Mainz as a reaction against the German-English Zanzibar Treaty. The main tasks were to revive German national consciousness, to support German nationality abroad and to promote German interests in Europe and overseas, especially German colonial policy. In 1894 the name was changed to Alldeutscher Verband. In 1918 the seat was moved to Berlin. The association's programme was expansionist and nationalistic. Especially in the Habsburgs' Austro-Hungarian Empire, anti-Semitism and anti-Slavism were already pronounced before the First World War. With his ideological aim he acted as an intellectual precursor of Hitler's fascism. In March 1939 he was dissolved by Reinhard Heydrich on the grounds that his programme had now been fulfilled. Processing note: Findbuch (1960/70) Inventory description: Inventory history In 1942, the last chairman of the association, Dr. Heinrich Class, handed over the remains of the association archive to the Reichsarchiv. In 1943 further files of Prof. Calmbach (Stuttgart) were added to the Reichsarchiv. In 1950, the German Central Archive in Potsdam (later Zentrales Staatsarchiv Potsdam) took over the AV documents, which had been stored out together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv during the Second World War. Due to a lack of old finding aids, there is no information about possible war-related losses. Archive evaluation and processing As a result of the first simple indexing of the documents in the German Central Archive in Potsdam, a finding index was created in 1960 which described 720 file units with a circumference of 9.2 linear metres. In 1970 the collection was reworked, partly refoliated, renumbered and redefined in terms of content. As a result, a preliminary finding aid book was created, which was technically processed in the period from 2003 to 2005. The search book can now be searched online on the website of the Federal Archives. Characterisation of the contents: Main points of the tradition: Foundation, organisation and history of the association, meetings of the board, meetings of the executive committee, general correspondence by year, relations and relationships with organisations and persons, publications and situation reports of the office, submissions and public declarations 1895-1933, collections, war target movement in the 1st World War. World War II, Ethnic and Anti-Semitic Movement, Position on Christianity, Position on State and Government during the Weimar Republic, Relations with Austria-Hungary, Anschluss Österreichs, Verhältnis zum Ausland Erschließungszustand: Findbuch (o.Dat.), Online-Findbuch (2005) Citation method: BArch, R 8048/...

BArch, R 67 · Bestand · 1914-1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: In January 1915, the Hamburgische Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz and the Frankfurter Verein vom Roten Kreuz joined forces through the Prussian Ministry of War with the aim of bringing about a unified working group of all those involved in the investigation of missing persons and the care of prisoners. For the investigation of missing persons the name "Ausschuss für deutsche Kriegsgefangene" was chosen and for the care of prisoners the name "Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche". By May 1915 it had been possible to combine all the major Red Cross associations in Germany into a single working group. In September 1915, the Working Group and the Central Committee of the German Red Cross Associations in Berlin agreed on the principles of their respective responsibilities in the areas of missing persons investigation and prisoner welfare. The two headquarters in Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main became official information centres in the sense of the Hague Land Warfare Ordinance; at the same time they were attached to the Central Evidence Bureau of the Prussian War Ministry. Their tasks included the search for missing soldiers, the procurement of official death certificates and the improvement of postal traffic with prisoners of war. In addition, the Committee for German Prisoners of War of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross endeavored to provide information in the occupied territories of France, Russia, and Romania and to improve the situation of foreign prisoners of war in Germany. In July 1916, Rudolf Lismann, a senior member of the Committee for German POWs of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross, founded the Archive of the Committee for German POWs, later the Archive for POW Research. His aim was to produce a comprehensive documentation of the prisoners of war of the First World War from a uniform point of view. The collection areas included the relief organizations of the Red Cross associations, missing persons, prisoners of war and civilians, the position of prisoners under international law, refugees, hostages and refugees. Status: December 2003 Inventory description: In January 1915, the Hamburgische Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz and the Frankfurter Verein vom Roten Kreuz joined forces through the mediation of the Prussian Ministry of War, with the aim of bringing about a unified working group of all the offices concerned with the investigation of missing persons and the care of prisoners. For the investigation of missing persons the name "Ausschuss für deutsche Kriegsgefangene" was chosen and for the care of prisoners the name "Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche". By May 1915 it had been possible to combine all the major Red Cross associations in Germany into a single working group. In September 1915, the Working Group and the Central Committee of the German Red Cross Associations in Berlin agreed on the principles of their respective responsibilities in the areas of missing persons investigation and prisoner welfare. The two headquarters in Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main became official information centres in the sense of the Hague Land Warfare Ordinance; at the same time they were attached to the Central Evidence Bureau of the Prussian War Ministry. Their tasks included the search for missing soldiers, the procurement of official death certificates and the improvement of postal traffic with prisoners of war. In addition, the Committee for German Prisoners of War of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross endeavored to provide information in the occupied territories of France, Russia, and Romania and to improve the situation of foreign prisoners of war in Germany. In July 1916, Rudolf Lismann, a senior member of the Committee for German POWs of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross, founded the Archive of the Committee for German POWs, later the Archive for POW Research. His aim was to produce a comprehensive documentation of the prisoners of war of the First World War from a uniform point of view. The collection areas included the relief organizations of the Red Cross associations, missing persons, prisoners of war and civilians, the position of prisoners under international law, refugees, hostages and refugees. State of development: Findbuch (1984) Citation method: BArch, R 67/...

German Community Day (inventory)
BArch, R 36 · Bestand · 1906-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: After Adolf Hitler had been appointed Reich Chancellor of the German Reich on January 30, 1933, the NSDAP gradually undermined the democratic system of the Weimar Republic over the following months and finally eliminated it. Decisive stages were the abolition of fundamental rights after the fire of the Reichstag on 28 February 1933 and the abolition of parliamentarism by the so-called Enabling Act of 23 March 1933. The latter abolished the separation of powers and conferred all legislative powers on the government under Adolf Hitler for four years. A further step was the smashing of the parties and unions. After the KPD had been banned, the trade unions dissolved and the SPD rendered incapable of action, the other parties dissolved on their own. In the course of these measures, the six existing municipal umbrella organisations also lost their independence. On May 22, 1933, the chairmen and managing presidents of the German/Prussian Association of Cities, the Reichsstädtebund, the Deutscher Landkreistag, the Deutscher Landgemeindetag, the Preußischer Landgemeindetag West, and the Association of Prussian Provinces were forced to give their consent to the transfer of the various associations into a new unified association. From now on, this "German Community Day" was to be the sole corporate representation of all German city and community associations recognised by the NSDAP. In order to standardize the previous associations with their 80 sub-organizations, the provisional Lord Mayor of Munich, Karl Fiehler, was appointed as "Representative for the Standardization of the Municipal Central Associations". The management of the new association was taken over by Dr. Kurt Jeserich, provisional director of the Institute for Municipal Science in Berlin, and Dr. Ralf Zeitler, speaker at the Reich Employers' Association. The merger process, which lasted for months, finally came to an end in the Law on the German Community Day of 15 December 1933, which finally established the formation of the new association. As the only existing communal top organization, the German Community Day, which as a corporation under public law was fundamentally subordinate to the Reich Minister of the Interior, was forced to include all cities, rural communities, administrative districts, provinces and later also the Reichsgaue in its capacity as self-governing government units. After the integration of Austria and the Sudetenland into the German Reich in 1938, the annexation of West Prussia, Gdansk and Poznan in the following year, the sphere of influence of the German Association of Municipalities was extended to the new parts of the Reich and their Gau administrations. In principle, the association took over the municipal representation of interests for all areas placed under German sovereignty. On February 14, 1934, Karl Fiehler, the previous commissioner for unification, was appointed the first chairman of the German Association of Municipalities. Fiehler was head of the NSDAP's local government department. The personal union was intended to coordinate the orientation of the NSDAP's work in local politics with the work of the German Community Congress and thus to comply with the principle of the harmony of party and state proclaimed at the 1933 Reich Party Congress in Nuremberg. The management of the German Association of Municipalities was subject to the instructions of the chairman and Reichsleiter of municipal politics. Through this entanglement of party and state authorities, the German Community Day came under the "organizations supported by the NSDAP", which was also partly advantageous, since the technical work could be made more effective under the supremacy of the party office. The association was now much more representative of the state. However, the idea of a unitary association with clearly defined tasks and closer ties to the state was nothing new; quite a few saw in it the possibility of better asserting municipal interests. The forced standardization and the practice of the totalitarian state, however, only allowed the possible advantages of the new uniform association to recede into the background. The association was supervised by the Reich Minister of the Interior, who appointed the chairman, the members of the board and the specialist committees. The executive committee and specialist committees were only allowed to meet after being convened by the minister, who also determined the agenda. In addition, he approved the budget and he himself or a deputy had to chair the committees. In addition to the 20 specialist committees, which only had the right to advise the chairman, the state and provincial offices were the only subordinate bodies of the Berlin office. Although the association had a highly centralised structure, the necessary expansion to include regional working groups and county departments in order to increase the exchange of experience led to an organisational structure that was comparable in its approach to that of the old associations. The fact that the association no longer had the right to represent municipal interests before the Reich and Land authorities on its own initiative had a particularly drastic effect. Only after a request by the authorities should the association be allowed to express itself from now on. Before 1933, however, it was precisely this right of initiative that had been decisive for the active representation of interests vis-à-vis the state and the self-determination of municipal associations as part of a pluralistic social order. Despite the organisational and political changes, the German Community Day also played an important role between 1933 and 1945, above all as a community advisory centre and as a mediator of practical experience in the field of local administration. Even the exchange between municipalities and state administration was by no means discontinued, which is evidenced by the active expert activities of the German Association of Municipalities (Deutscher Gemeindetags). A certain continuity in the association's work could also be ensured by the fact that a larger number of executives from the dissolved associations transferred to the new association. The organisational structure of the German Association of Municipalities was basically very similar to that of the German/Prussian Association of Cities. Thus the German Community Day took over the coat of arms of the German/Prussian Community Day, the Holstentor, and also its registry. The annual meetings of the German Association of Municipalities also followed on from similar events of the predecessor institutions. As a result of the bombing of Berlin during the Second World War, the German Community Day moved part of its administrative offices in August 1943 from Berlin to Wels/Upper Austria. The main tasks of the departments there were Ia (civil servants, employees and workers), II (finances and taxes), III (welfare, health and social policy), V (schools), Va (culture), VI (real estate, construction and housing) and Rv (defence of the Reich). It should be noted that only Division III with all registries moved to Wels. The other departments - probably only working staffs - took only parts of their registries with them. Also the cash administration and the personnel office moved to Wels. Departments Z (Central Department: General Administration, Management), I (Constitution and Administration), IV (Economy and Transport) and the Department for the Eastern Territories remained in Berlin. After the collapse of the German Reich in 1945, the German Community Day, due to its status as a "supervised organization", was regarded by the Allies as a part of the NSDAP's outlines and, together with the other organizations of the NSDAP, banned and formally dissolved. The administrator appointed by the Berlin magistrate for the concerns of the German Association of Municipalities did not succeed in correcting this misunderstanding. It was not possible to set up a kind of municipal chamber as the successor to the German Association of Municipalities. The "German Association of Cities", which had already re-constituted itself in 1946, was granted the right to ownership of the property of the German Association of Cities, but it could not bear the financial burden of the reconstruction and repair of the building on its own. Together with the Berlin Senate, the "Verein zur Pflege kommunalwissenschaftlicher Aufgaben e.V." was finally founded and established in 1951 as an asset holder of the German Association of Municipalities. The association, which was soon renamed "Verein für Kommunalwissenschaften", took over the office building in Straße des 17. Juni and also the files stored there. The building, today known as the Ernst Reuter House, was planned by Albert Speer for the German Community Day, erected from 1938 and finally occupied by the German Community Day in 1942. The German Association of Cities, the largest municipal umbrella organisation, initially set up its headquarters in Cologne due to its special status in Berlin. It was not until 1999 that the head office was partially relocated to the Ernst-Reuter-Haus in Berlin. In addition to the German Association of Cities and Towns, the central associations at district and municipal level were also newly formed after the Second World War. The Deutscher Landkreistag and the Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund, together with the Deutscher Städtetag, represent the most important municipal interest groups. The Federal Association of Municipal Central Associations offers these three associations the opportunity to present their interests in a bundled manner and to jointly express their views on overarching problems. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory R 36 consists entirely of the files of the administrative offices relocated to Wels during the war. Apart from the cash documents and personnel files, the whereabouts of which could not be clarified, the Wels stockpiles have survived the war and the turmoil of the post-war period without any losses. They were taken by a member of the German Association of Communities via Linz/Donau, Offenburg, Frankfurt/Main to Siegburg, where the files were first kept at the newly founded German Association of Counties. With the approval of the Federal Association of Municipal Central Associations, the latter handed them over to the Federal Archives in 1953. The records in the Federal Archives represent only a small part of the total records. An estimated three-quarters of the total holdings, which consisted of the non-displaced registry parts of the German Association of Municipalities and the old registries of the dissolved umbrella organisations, remained in Berlin. After the Second World War, the files were stored at the Verein für Kommunalwissenschaften, which handed them over to the Landesarchiv Berlin as a deposit in 1968. There the German Community Day is registered today with 8600 file units. The second largest part of the collection is the legacy of the German and Prussian Association of Cities with 4286 files, whereby its war economy files from the years 1914 to 1918 form a separate collection with 1279 file units. Furthermore, the tradition of the Reichsstädtebund, the Association of Prussian Provinces, the German and Prussian Landkreistag, the German and Prussian Landgemeindetag and other associations that were absorbed into the German Gemeindetag in 1933 can be found in the Berlin State Archives. The German Association of Cities also handed over its old registrations to the Landesarchiv Berlin until 1985. Already in 1937/38 a small part of the files of the predecessor institutions of the German Community Day had been transferred to the Prussian Secret State Archives - today the Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage. These holdings had been moved to Stassfurt during the war and then to the German Central Archive of the GDR, Merseburg Department. Today the tradition of the German and Prussian Association of Cities and Towns, the Association of Prussian Provinces, the Prussian County Council and the Prussian West Community Council is again in the Secret State Archives in Berlin-Dahlem. Documents of the German and Prussian Association of Cities, the Reichsstädtebund and the German and Prussian Landkreistag amounting to some 2600 file units, which had been transferred to the Reichsarchiv Potsdam in 1938, were lost in the fire at the archive building in April 1945. Archive evaluation and processing The present finding aid book represents a revision of the finding aid book produced in Koblenz in 1957. Volume counts, as far as they had been specified in the file numbers, were taken over for the volume sequences. In addition, further tape sequences were created for archiving purposes. The transactions contained in individual volumes ("booklets") were included in the titles. For the illustration of the volume and issue divisions, the file numbers are displayed in the index. Furthermore, the titles and the classification, which were based entirely on the file plan of the German Association of Municipalities, were slightly changed. For example, file plan items have been grouped together and the names of individual subgroups have been standardized. The changes were made carefully in order to reproduce as faithfully as possible the traditional registry order, as far as it has been preserved. There were no cassations. Furthermore, it should be pointed out that a large part of the files had been created by the predecessor institutions and then continued by the German Association of Municipalities after 1933. Content characterization: Administration of departments, committees, personnel and salary matters 1926-1945 (24), personnel files 1927-1944 (25), budget, cash and accounting 1939-1943 (2), course of business and management 1936-1945 (10), Publishing affairs 1933-1945 (16), constitutional and administrative affairs 1926-1944 (10), civil service affairs 1916-1945 (350), employee affairs 1932-1944 (41), worker affairs 1932-1944 (55), labor law 1934-1944 (32), Hospital staff 1926-1945 (26), four-year plan 1936-1944 (8), general financial matters, financial equalisation 1920-1945 (40), budget, cash and accounting of municipalities 1923-1944 (37), taxation and tax law 1918-1945 (81), Contributions and fees 1932-1944 (6), wealth and debt management 1922-1944 (24), savings banks, banking 1928-1944 (17), welfare 1915-1945 (354), economic welfare 1914-1945 (126), health 1912-1944 (60), health 1909-1945 (108), Youth welfare 1913-1945 (68), unemployment assistance 1925-1945 (93), social insurance 1921-1945 (62), accident insurance 1925-1945 (100), hospitals 1920-1944 (12), institutions 1912-1945 (177), work service 1924-1944 (41), welfare education 1928-1945 (59), Youth education 1921-1945 (35), Sport 1906-1945 (49), Cemetery and Funeral 1917-1944 (31), Economy and Transport 1935-1939 (3), Education 1913-1945 (167), Vocational and Continuing Education 1920-1944 (26), Technical and Higher Education 1920-1945 (25), Popular education 1933-1945 (8), art, monument conservation, nature conservation 1926-1945 (123), religious affairs 1931-1943 (9), tourism 1934-1944 (3), urban development, roads 1931-1945 (29), road construction, road traffic 1925-1945 (39), agriculture, Forestry and Water Management 1927-1945 (23), General Affairs of the Reich Defence 1939-1944 (4), War Welfare 1937-1945 (18), War Food Economy 1919-1944 (79), Air Protection 1926-1945 (53) State of Development: Online-Findbuch (2007) Citation method: BArch, R 36/...

Main office Ordnungspolizei (stock)
BArch, R 19 · Bestand · 1917-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Established in June 1936 by Heinrich Himmler's decree as Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police; the Main Office was responsible for the administrative and protective police (including traffic and water police), the gendarmerie, the municipal and Feuerschutzpoli‧zei police, and the Technical Emergency Aid Long text: Overview of the internal official organization of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei The Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich of 30 June 1936 provides for a comprehensive overview of the internal administrative organization of the Main Office. Jan. 1934 (RGBl. I,75) the police sovereignty rights of the countries were transferred to the Reich. As a result, a police department (III) was established in the Reich Ministry of the Interior on May 1, 1934, which, after the merger of the Reich Ministry of the Interior with the Prussian Ministry of the Interior in November 1934, was united with the police department (II) of the latter. Organizationally, this development came to an end on 17 June 1936 with the appointment of Heinrich Himmler as "Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior" (RGBl. I,487). By decree of 26 June 1936 (MBliV, 946), the Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police divided his authority into the main offices of Ordnungspolizei and Sicherheitspolizei and subordinated them to their own bosses. The head of the Ordnungspolizei was Kurt Daluege, the former head of the police department of the Reich and Prussian Ministry of the Interior, who became ministerial director and SS-Obergruppenführer (most recently general colonel of the police and SS-Oberstgruppenführer). On 31 August 1943 he was replaced by the General of Police and Waffen-SS Alfred Wünnenberg (m.d.F.b.) until the end of the war. The administrative police, the protective police (including traffic and water police), the gendarmerie, the municipal police, the fire police and the technical emergency aid belonged to the department of the order police. The Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei was divided into "offices", of which there were initially only two: the Office of Administration and Law (VuR) and the Command Office (Kdo). The Administration and Law Office was responsible for handling all administrative police, legal and economic tasks of the entire Ordnungspolizei. Until the end of 1938, it was divided into departments, then into official groups, groups, sub-groups and subject areas. In the course of the organisational changes in the main office of the Ordnungspolizei it was dissolved in September 1943 (see below) and was headed by Ministerialdirektor Bracht until 1943. The command office dealt with all management and other general service matters of the order police. It was initially divided into offices and, since the end of 1940, into groups of offices according to the military model, etc. such as the Office of Administration and Law. From September 1943 there were special inspections at the Command Office for the technical fields of work (communication and motor vehicle systems, weapons and equipment) as well as for veterinary, air-raid protection and fire-fighting matters. The heads of the office were Lieutenant General von Bomhard (until October 1942), Lieutenant General Winkelmann (until March 1944), Major General Diermann (until July 1944) and Major General Flade (until May 1945). These two core offices of the Ordnungspolizei main office were joined by two other offices in the course of 1941. By circular decree of the Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police of 14 January 1941, the Colonial Police Office was established in preparation for the colonial deployment of the Ordnungspolizei. However, it lost its importance with the deterioration of the military situation in 1943 and was dissolved in March 1943 by order of the Führer. On 9 May 1941, the Fire Brigades Office was formed as the fourth office and on 30 December 1941, the Technical Emergency Assistance Office was formed as the fifth office in the Ordnungs- Polizei main office. Fundamental changes in the organization of the Ordnungspolizei main office occurred after Himmler's appointment as Reich Interior Minister (August 1943). With effect from 15 September 1943, the offices of Administration and Law, Fire Brigades and Technical Emergency Aid were dissolved. The tasks of the Office of Administration and Law were mainly transferred to the two new bodies, the Economic Administration Office and the Legal Office. However, the legal office was dissolved at the beginning of December 1943. The majority of his areas of work came to the Office of Economic Administration. By the end of the war, this office had essentially taken over the tasks and position of the old administration and law office again. Its chief became the SS-Obergruppenführer and general of the Waffen-SS and police August Frank from the SS-Wirtschaftsverwaltungshauptamt. Most of the areas previously dealt with by the Fire Brigades and Technical Emergency Aid Offices fell to the Command Office, parts also to the newly formed "Reichsämter" Volunteer Fire Brigades and Technical Emergency Aid. The designation "Reichsamt" expressed the special character of these organizations as public corporations. As an office directly subordinated to the head of the Ordnungspolizei, the Sanitäts-Amt, which was detached from the Kommando-Amt (Amtsgruppe III) on 1 Oct. 1944, is to be mentioned. Relocation measures during the war (For this and the following section compare: Jürgen Huck; alternative places and file fate of the main office Ordnungspolizei in the 2nd World War in: Neufeldt, Huck, Tessin: Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936 - 1945; Koblenz 1957) Until 1942, most of the Ordnungspolizei main office was housed in the old office building of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior in Berlin NW 7, Unter den Linden 72/74. In the course of the year 1942, the office administration and law was transferred to Berlin-Halensee, Kurfürstendamm 106/107. His successor, the Wirtschaftsverwaltungsamt, had to leave the building as a result of bombing and in February 1944 moved into an office building in Berlin-Lichterfelde, Unter den Eichen 126, together with the official groups I (Economy) and III (Accommodation) and the group "Personnel". The official group II (administration) sat in the barracks camp in Berlin-Zehlendorf, Potsdamer Chaussee, and the official group IV (supply and law) in the building Unter den Linden 72/74 until its dissolution in February 1944. At the end of March 1944, after parts of the group "Personal" and the official group II had already gone to Biesenthal, the entire economic administration office was transferred to the alternative camp "Heidenberg" near Biesenthal/Mark in the district of Oberbarnim. After the air raid of 23/24 November 1943 had severely damaged the building Unter den Linden 72/74, the Kommando Office was transferred to the barracks of the alternative camp "Paula" near Biesenthal in December 1943. Only the inspection L (Luftschutz) remained in the service building in Berlin, Schadowstraße 2, until April 20, 1945. The inspection Feuerschutzpolizei (in the Offiziersschule der Ordnungspolizei in Eberswalde), parts of the inspection Veterinärwesen (in Cottbus) and parts of the personnel groups (in the Offiziersschule der Ordnungspolizei in Berlin-Köpenick) were accommodated elsewhere. The group "War History" was transferred to the Waffenschule der Ordnungspolizei in Dresden-Hellerau in August 1943 and one year later to the castle of Prince Carl von Trauttmannsdorff in Bischofteinitz near Taus (Bohemia). On the other hand, the parts of the motor vehicle inspection initially transferred to Dresden were moved to Biesenthal in November 1944, so that this inspection was closed in the "Paula" camp until April 1945. In March 1945, the relocation to Potsdam-Babelsberg was ordered for the offices of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei in and around Berlin. As a result of the rushing war events, this and other projects (Suhl and Weimar) could not be carried out. At the end of March/beginning of April 1945 it was therefore decided to divide the main office of the Ordnungspolizei into a south and a north staff. The division of services between the two staffs is opaque. The mass, however, has been assigned to the south staff. In the 2nd half of April, the "Süd" task force moved to the officers' school of the Ordnungspolizei in Fürstenfeldbruck. A large part of his staff was dismissed here. On April 28, 1945, the miniaturized working staff drove to Eben/Achensee (Tyrol) and was captured by the Americans in mid-May 1945 in Rottach-Egern (Tegernsee). The "North" task force left Biesenthal on 18 April 1945, reached Flensburg via Lübeck at the beginning of May and was captured there by the English at the Harriesleefeld fire brigade school. Inventory description: Inventory history Reference: Koblenz Inventory Fate of the files of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei The mass of files of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei must be considered lost. The processes that led to this loss are still largely in the dark. We are relatively well informed about the fate of larger parts of the old registries of the Chief of the Ordnungspolizei, which mainly contained files of the former police departments of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior and the Reich Ministry of the Interior as well as those of the Prussian State Police dissolved in 1935/36, and about the files of the group "War History". The old registries of the Chief of the Ordnungspolizei were located in the so-called "Archive of the Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei", which was renamed "Aktenverwaltung des Hauptamtes Ordnungspolizei" from October 1941 on the objection of the General Director of the State Archives. During the war, the holdings of this file administration can be found in the service buildings Unter den Linden, Kurfürstendamm and Breitestraße. From 1941 to 1944, about 8,500 volumes of files from the police department registries of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior, taken over by the head of the Ordnungspolizei, were handed over to the Prussian Secret State Archives in Berlin-Dahlem. The Secret State Archives had for the most part outsourced these files to Central German mines. From there, together with the other outsourced holdings, they probably came to the Central State Archives II of the GDR in Merseburg. Files of unknown size of the police department of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, mainly through the Schutz- und Kriminalpolizei-, which had been taken over by the head of the Ordnungspolizei in 1936, arrived in 1941/42 from the Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei to the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam, where they were most probably destroyed by the air raid of 14./15. 4. 1945. The files of the Prussian State Police from 1933 to 1935, which were transferred to the Wehrmacht in 1935, appear to have been transferred to the Army Archives in Potsdam during the war. Here they were probably burned as a result of the air raid of April 1945. Far more incomplete than the old registries are our knowledge about the fate of the current registries at the Main Office Ordnungspolizei. At the end of the war the following registrations have to be proved: O - Adjutantur O - HB Head Office O - Jurist O - Kdo Adjutantur O - Kdo WF Weltanschauliche Führung O - Kdo Org/Ia Organisation, Einsatz, Führung O - Kdo I - Ib Nachschuf O - Kdo I Ausb Ausbildung O - Kdo I Sp. Sport O - Kdo I KrG War History O - Kdo II P O - Kdo II P Allg) Personal Data O - Kdo II P R 1) O - Kdo II P Disciplinary Matters 2) O - Kdo II P KrO War Orders and Decorations of Honor 3) O - Kdo In K Inspection Motor Vehicles 4) O - Kdo In N Inspection Communications 5) O - Kdo In WG Inspection Weapons and Appliances 6) O - Kdo In L inspection air raid protection 7) O - Kdo In F inspection fire police 8) O - Kdo In Vet inspection veterinary 9) O - W personal data 10) O - W verse supply 11) O - W I economy 12) O - W II administration and law 13) O - W III accommodation 14) O - medical 15) O - I. - S Inspector General of the Schutzpolizei O - I. - G Inspector General of the Gendarmerie and Schutzpolizei der Gemeinden 16) O - I. - Sch Inspector General of the Schools O - I. - FSchP Inspector General for Fire-fighting 17) (Fire Police and Fire Brigades) O - I. - FwSch Inspector General for Firefighting 18) extinguishing system (fire schools, factory fire brigades and fire show) 19) O - RTN Reichsamt Technische Nothilfe 20) O - RFw Reichsamt Freiwillige Feuerwehren 21) Secret registry Most of these 35 running registries seem to have been completely lost. Only the following incomplete news about their whereabouts have become known to the Federal Archives so far. A part of the personnel files of the command office (registries O-Kdo II P) seems to have been moved in 1943/44 in agreement with the Reichsamt Technische Nothilfe to the castle Eisenhardt in Belzig/Mark (TN school). His fate is unknown. Another part came in spring 1945 first to the police administration Gera, then to Weimar or Gschenda, Kr. Arnstadt, was temporarily brought back to Biesenthal and went in April 1945 with the south staff to Fürstenfeldbruck. Already in Biesenthal the mass of files about the law for civil servants burned, and further losses entered on the march from there to Fürstenfeldbruck by low-flying fire. In Fürstenfeldbruck and at the beginning of May 1945 in Eben, the mass of the files carried along by members of the South Staff was burned. The personnel files of the Economic Administration Office (registry O-W Pers.) were moved to Thuringian towns together with those of the Commando Office in the spring of 1945. They arrived via the police administration in Gera at the Linda police supply camp near Neustadt a. d. Orla - according to other news also to Gschwenda - and returned to Biesenthal for a short time when the Americans arrived, after considerable parts had been burned in Thuringia due to a misunderstood radio message. From there, they were taken to Fürstenfeldbruck by the hourly staff in April 1945, losing their lives in air raids. Here and in Eben, most of the files were destroyed at the end of April/beginning of May 1945. According to other sources, however, it was burned in Maurach/Achensee at the beginning of May 1945 according to further files. A special fate had the files of the group "War History" of the command office (registry O-Kdo I KrG). In the course of the war, a "special archive" had been created for the group through the release of material from the area of the Ordnungspolizei that was important for the history of the war. Among its best sands, the diaries of the SS Police Division established in 1939, the 35th SS (Police) Grenadier Division established in 1945, the SS Police Regiments, the Police Shooting Regiments, the police battalions and other police troop units, as well as a collection of the most important decrees of the Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei (Ordnungspolizei - Ordnungspolizei - Order Police Department) are to be emphasized. These valuable documents were completely destroyed at the end of April/beginning of May 1945 by members of the group "War History" in Bischofteinitz/Bohemia. It is still unclear to what extent the records of the chief of the Ordnungspolizei are kept today by GDR offices. It is only certain that the holdings "Reichsministerium des Innern" of the Central State Archives I in Potsdam under Dept. III contain 46 volumes about the police from the period 1934 to 1937 and personnel files from the main office of the Ordnungspolizei. The remains of the personnel group registries not destroyed in Fürstenfeldbruck and Eben, and apparently also parts of other registries of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei, were confiscated by the Americans. After the occupation of the Offiziersschule der Ordnungspolizei in Fürstenfeldbruck, the police inspected the files they had found, took them to a warehouse, transported them away in the autumn of 1945, leaving behind the person of no interest to them. The material remaining there from the personnel registry of the Economic Administration Office was transferred directly to the Federal Archives in November 1954 via the Bavarian Main State Archives, Dept. I, that of the Command Office in January 1955 and in July 1957 from the Bavarian Police School Fürstenfeldbruck. As early as December 1956, about 550 personnel notebooks of the Kommando-Amtes with the initial letters M - Z had arrived here, which, initially confiscated, had been handed over by the American military government to the Command of the Schutzpolizei in Wiesbaden in 1949 and there - with a stock of originally about 900 notebooks - had been reduced by the handing over of documents about reused police personnel to their office. The main mass of the removed files, however, was first transferred to the file depot of the U.S. Army (Departmental Records Branch) in Alexandria/Virginia and filmed within the Records Group 1010/EAP 170 - 175 (Microfilm Guide 39). The transfer from there to the Federal Archives took place in April 1962. Further file takeovers took place from documents that had initially been brought together in the Document Center in Berlin - first in 1957 personal files on gendarmerie officials via the Hessian Ministry of the Interior, then in 1962 on a larger scale and directly in connection with the so-called Schumacher Collection of documents from various organizational units and at about the same time Daluege's reconstructed files from biographical materials of the Adjutantur of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei. Other provenances that have been grouped according to biographical criteria can still be found in the Berlin Document Center. In the summer of 1957, the former chief of the command office, Lieutenant General of the Ordnungspolizei a. D. Adolf v. Bomhard, two volumes of files personally secured by him (R 19/282 and 283) and, in addition, the documents listed under C in the Annex. 1958 followed tax, salary and wage documents of former employees of the main witness office of the Ordnungspolizei of the Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder in Karlsruhe. Finally, files of the Reich Office Voluntary Fire Brigades were handed over by the Oberfinanzdirektion Hamburg in 1957 and 1964. Archival evaluation and processing Reference: Koblenz stock In view of the insignificance or absence of other records handed down by the police and the need under pension law for proof of service time for members of the police force, a thorough cassation was dispensed with. On the other hand, in order to fill at least some of the gaps in the status quo, not only the official printed matter of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei was listed, but also important matters concerning the Ordnungspolizei from the holdings of the Federal Archives R 43 (Reich Chancellery), R 18 (Reich Ministry of the Interior), R 2 (Reich Ministry of Finance), R 22 (Reich Ministry of Justice), NS 19 (Personal Staff Reichsführer SS), NS 7 (SS and Police Jurisdiction) and R 36 (Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Community Day) were incorporated, without the aim of completeness. On the other hand, the stocks R 20 (chief of the gang combat units; schools of the order police) and R 70 (police services of integrated, affiliated and occupied areas of the 2nd world war), which must be consulted anyway with appropriate investigations, were completely omitted. When classifying the stock, it was not possible to structure the stock in accordance with the registry principle, given the incomplete nature of the preserved files, any more than it was possible to do a close analogy to the administrative structure of the main office. Therefore, an ideal structure of the competence area of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei was developed which was adapted to the importance of the subject areas actually handed down in the inventory. Dr. Neufeldt, Mr. Huck, Mr. Schatz, Dr. Boberach, Dr. Werner and Mr. Marschall were particularly involved in the chronological order in which the inventory was developed. Koblenz, October 1974 Content characterization: Adjutant of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei 1933-1945 (24), Dienststellenverwaltung 1933-1945 (50), Nachrichten- und Befehlsblätter, Erlasses, Besprechungungen 1933-1945 (41), Orga‧nisation and Zuständigkeit 1933-1945 (58), Haushalt 1933-1944 (9), General service law and police service law 1931-1945 (37), courses and schools 1930-1945 (89), assessment, promotion, secondment and transfer of members of the police 1931-1945 (38), remuneration and pensions 1933-1945 (19), Criminal and disciplinary matters 1937-1945 (8), uniforms and orders 1933-1945 (8), Comradeship Association of German Police Officers 1933-1945 (6), personnel statistics 1938-1945 (7), accommodation, equipment and armament 1933-1945 (8), Sanitäts- und Vete‧rinärwesen, Polizeisport 1933-1945 (12), Polizeiverwaltungs- und Vollzugsdienst 1935-1945 (93), Einsatz von Polizeiverbände und -einheiten 1933-1945 (108), Personalakte 1917-1945 (1.067), State Hospital of Police in Berlin. Medical records (ZX) of patients 1940-1945 (1946) (3,149), file of the State Hospital of Police in Berlin (n.a.) State of development: Findbuch (1974) Citation method: BArch, R 19/...

BArch, R 8076 · Bestand · 1921-1939
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: After the International Olympic Committee (IOC) had awarded the 1936 Summer Olympics to Berlin, the mayors of Garmisch and Partenkirchen tried to reach the IV Olympic Games in their communities in that year. Olympic Winter Games. In June 1933 the time had come: the two communities prevailed within Germany against the competing cities Braunlage and Schreiberhau. Foreign competitors Montreal in Canada and St. Moritz in Switzerland were also left behind. In the run-up to the Winter Olympics, the two communities were united on 1 January 1935 to form a market community (Garmisch-Partenkirchen) against their resistance. In a short time, the preparatory organisation of the Winter Games had to take place from 1933 onwards, which was to be secured financially not only by support payments from other towns and municipalities, but also by an additional citizen's tax for the inhabitants of Garmisch and Partenkirchen. In total, costs of 2.6 million Reichsmarks had to be shouldered. On August 23, 1933, the Organizing Committee was founded in Garmisch-Partenkirchen to organize the Winter Games. The President of the Organizing Committee was Dr. Karl Ritter von Halt (1891-1964), Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Munich-based Bankhaus Auffhäuser. His deputy and treasurer was the director of the Bayerische Gemeindebank Friedrich Döhlemann, general secretary was Baron Peter Le Fort. Dr. Hermann Harster was responsible as press officer. The committee was particularly responsible for organising the construction and repair work. In record time, the Olympic Ski Stadium with the Great Olympic Hill, in which the opening and closing ceremonies were also to take place, and the Olympic Art Stadium were built. At the Riessersee the sports facilities for speed skating, ice shooting and bobsleigh races were extended or newly built. The course of the skialpine competitions, which took place for the first time as part of the Olympic Games, also had to be determined. In addition, logistical planning had to be carried out, for which the 1935 German Winter Sports Championships had to be regarded as a test run. Traditionally, the significance of the Winter Olympics was still lagging behind that of the Summer Games. The IV. The Winter Olympics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen were a first step out of the shadow of the Summer Games. From 6 to 16 February 1936, 646 athletes from 28 nations took part in 17 competitions in bobsleigh, ice hockey, figure skating, speed skating, alpine skiing and Nordic skiing. Ice-shooting and military patrol were conducted as demonstration competitions. In the course of the ski alpine competitions, which took place for the first time, there had previously been disputes with the International Ski Federation because the IOC refused to let ski instructors take part in the competitions as professionals. The ski associations of Austria and Switzerland then boycotted the Winter Games. The logistical effort as well as the organisation of the competitions and the accommodation of the athletes were accompanied by a high number of visitors. Only with the efficient use of public transport was it possible to ensure that around 500,000 people could attend the games as spectators. The final event alone with the awarding of all medals was attended by approx. 150,000 people. Cooperation with the Reichsbahn was therefore necessary, and the Reichspost was also an important partner for radio broadcasting. The media marketing and broadcasting of the games was a prelude to the Summer Games. This shows that above all public relations work was an essential part of the work of the organising committee. At home and abroad, advertising was done for the Olympic Winter Games in order to present the Reich as a supposedly civilized and peaceful country. After it had been prevented that the USA boycotted the games because of the racist politics of Germany, the organizing committee did everything to use the Olympiad for propagandistic purposes. Karl Ritter von Halt had all signs with anti-Semitic inscriptions removed and banned anti-Jewish smear campaigns in order not to endanger the prestige object "Olympic Games". The Winter Games were a test run for the Summer Games, which is why the IOC and NOK (then the German Olympic Committee), as well as the government of the Reich, attached particular importance to them. In the presence of Adolf Hitler and numerous leading members of the NSDAP, they were opened in the ski stadium on 6 February 1936. Outstanding athletes were the Norwegian figure skater Sonja Henie, the Norwegian speed skater Ivar Ballangrud and the German skier Christl Cranz. The staff of the organizing committee of the IV Olympic Winter Games included: President: Dr Karl Ritter von Halt Secretary General: Baron Peter le Fort Adjudant to the President: F. von Podewils, Raymund Nölke, Ilse Damköhler Sports organization: Hans Nölke, Renate Fischer Registration office: Anastasia Hartmann, Josephine Dangl, Toni Jeggs, Elisabeth Zehner Registration: Anni Schwab, Hans Karg, Adolf Wiedemann Head of deployment: Major Feuchtinger Traffic and Order: Captain Walter Titel, Mrs. Michael Olympic Construction Office: Joseph Dürr, Josef Hartl, Ludwig Gareis, (Arthur Vollstedt) Programme: Dr. Fritz Wasner, Ms Rönnebeck Olympic Traffic Office: Max Werneck, Max Urban, Anton Wiedemann, Heinrich Witztum, Erich Junker, Heinrich Wegener, Lina Rühling, Eva Ackert Bobsleigh top management: Alex Gruber, Hans Edgar Endres, Ms Dangl Treasurer: Friedrich Döhlemann Inventory description: Inventory history The records of the organizing committee of the IV. After the end of the Winter Games, the 1936 Winter Olympics went to the Reichsarchiv, where it remained for the time being - apart from a loan of the holdings to the Organising Committee, probably on the occasion of the 1940 Olympic Games. From 1946 the collection was in the Central State Archives of the GDR, from where it was borrowed again from 1953 to 1964, this time to the National Olympic Committee of the GDR. Copies were also made in this context. In 1964, with the exception of a few files, the holdings were returned to the Central State Archives. Since 1990 it has belonged to the holdings of the Federal Archives. The remaining 0.2 running meters, which remained with the National Olympic Committee of the GDR after 1964, were transferred from the DR 510 stock to the R 8076 stock in December 2004. A further nine archive units were subsequently transferred to R 8076 in January 2007, in the course of orderly work on various holdings, including R 8077. Archive evaluation and processing No information can be given on war-related file losses. In 1964, G. Oehmigen and W. Thilo of the Department of Contemporary History of the Research Centre at the Deutsche Hochschule für Körperkultur Leipzig drew up a list of the files on loan to the NOK of the GDR based on a file plan available in the former Reichsarchiv. In the Central State Archives of the GDR, only the first half of the stock was recorded on index cards. A new indexing took place in 2005/2006 in the Federal Archives. Since the original file titles did not appear meaningful, new titles were created and supplemented by content notes. In addition, a new classification was developed, which is oriented to the tasks of the organizing committee. In connection with the redrawing by Mathis Leibetseder, Rouven Pons and Stefan Selbmann, a post-cassation was also carried out. Due to their low information value, order slips for admission tickets, invoices for telephone calls by individual employees, receipts for Olympic badges, health stamps and documents for the payment of citizen's tax for the employees of the organising committee were collected. The photographs of the Olympic Winter Games, the German Winter Sports Championships and other sports competitions found in the collection were removed and transferred to the picture archive of the Koblenz Office of the Federal Archives. Characterisation of content: General administration: personnel 1933-1937 (44), finances 1933-1939 (84), liquidation of the committee 1935-1937 (7); preparation of the winter games: Correspondence 1932-1936 (25), meetings 1932-1937 (35), reporting 1933-1937 (23), cooperation 1927-1936 (19), awards 1933-1937 (7), sports facilities 1932-1936 (54), notifications 1934-1936 (54), tickets 1933-1936 (35), foreign exchange, transport, logistics, accommodation 1934-1936 (17), tradesmen 1934-1936 (3); organization of competitions: Public and press work 1933-1936 (112), planning and execution 1921-1936 (5), festival and supporting programme 1933-1939 (6), ice, bobsleigh and skiing 1933-1936 (54), other competitions 1933-1935 (15) State of development: online find book (2006, 2007) Citation: BArch, R 8076/...

BArch, R 55 · Bestand · 1920-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Joseph Goebbels, who had already been head of the NSDAP's Reich Propaganda Department since 1929, had certainly developed plans for a Ministry of Propaganda even before the seizure of power.(1) The Reichskabinett (Reich Cabinet) dealt with the issue of the Propaganda Department on 11 September. The arguments for the foundation, which the Reich Chancellor (Hitler) himself presented, sounded extremely harmless ex post and far from future realities: "One of the predominant tasks of this ministry would be the preparation of important acts of government. On the oil and fat issue, for example, which now occupies the cabinet, the people should be enlightened in the direction that the farmer would perish if something were not done to improve the sale of his products. The importance of this matter also for the war measures would have to be pointed out ..." Government action would only begin if the awareness-raising work had taken place and worked for some time. ..."(2) On 16 March 1933, however, Goebbels described the future tasks of his ministry programmatically three days after his appointment in a remarkably open manner in front of press representatives: "If this government is now determined never to give way again, never and under no circumstances, then it need not make use of the dead power of the bayonet, then in the long run it will not be able to be satisfied with knowing 52 percent behind it ..., but it will have to see its next task in winning the remaining 48 percent for itself. This is not only possible through objective work". And about the nature of his propaganda he proclaimed: "Not any aesthete can judge the methods of propaganda. A binding judgment can only be given on the basis of success. For propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.(3) A timid attempt by Hugenberg to at least delay the decision to establish the Ministry of Propaganda in the cabinet meeting of March 11, 1933 failed miserably. Already on 13 March 1933 the law on the establishment of the RMVP was signed by the Reich President and the "writer" Dr. Goebbels was appointed minister.(4) Almost three weeks later, on 5 April 1933, Goebbels noted in his diary: "The organisation of the ministry is finished".(5) In difficult negotiations(6) with the ministries, which had to cede parts of their competences to the new ministry, the responsibilities were determined in detail. The RMVP was responsible for all tasks relating to intellectual influence on the nation, advertising for the state, culture and economy, informing the domestic and foreign public about them, and the administration of all institutions serving these purposes. As a result, the business area of the RMVP will be: 1. from the business area of the Federal Foreign Office: News and education abroad, art, art exhibitions, film and sports abroad. 2. From the RMI division: General Domestic Enlightenment, Hochschule für Politik, introduction and celebration of national holidays and celebration of national holidays with the participation of the RMI, press (with Institute for Newspaper Science), radio, national anthem, German Library in Leipzig, art (but without art-historical institute in Florence, copyright protection for works of literature and art, directory of nationally valuable works of art, German-Austrian Convention on the Export of Art, Protection of Works of Art and Monuments, Protection and Maintenance of Landscape and Natural Monuments, Nature Parks, Preservation of Buildings of Special Historical Importance, Preservation of National Monuments, Verband Deutscher Vereine für Volkskunde, Reich Memorial), Music Conservation, including the Philharmonic Orchestra, Theatre Matters, Cinema, Combating Trash and Dirt 3. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Economics and the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture: Economic Advertising, Exhibitions, Trade Fairs and Advertising 4. From the business areas of the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation: Traffic Advertising Furthermore, all radio matters dealt with by the Reich Ministry of Posts and the Reich Ministry of Transportation are transferred from the business area of the Reich Ministry of Posts, unless they concern the technical administration outside the premises of the Reich Broadcasting Company and the radio companies. In matters of technical administration, the RMVP shall be involved to the extent necessary to carry out its own tasks, in particular in determining the conditions for the awarding of broadcasting rights and the regulation of fees. In particular, the representation of the Reich in the Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft and the broadcasting companies is fully transferred to the RMVP. The RMVP is in charge of all tasks, including legislation, in the designated areas. The general principles shall apply to the participation of the other Reich Ministers." (RGBl. 1933 I, p. 449) These competences were exercised by seven departments, so that the business distribution plan of 1 Oct. 1933 (7) shows the following picture: Ministerial office (with five employees), directly subordinated to the Minister. State Secretary, at the same time Head of Press of the Reich Government I. Administration and Law with one main office Administration, three departments as well as the registry II. Propaganda with 10 departments 1. Positive world view propaganda, shaping in state life, press photography 2. Jewish question, foundation for victims of work, Versailles treaty, national literature, publishing etc. 3. Demonstrations and regional organisation 4. Opposing world views 5. German University of Politics 6. Youth and sports issues 7. Economic and social policy 8. Agricultural and eastern issues 9. Transport 10. Public health III. Broadcasting with three sections 1. Broadcasting 2. Political and cultural affairs of broadcasting 3. Organisation and administrative issues of German broadcasting IV. Press, simultaneously press department of the Reich government with eleven papers V. Film with three papers VI. Theatre, music and art with three papers VII. Defence (defence against lies at home and abroad) with eight papers Goebbels was obviously not satisfied with the official title of his ministry. The extensive tasks in the fields of culture and the arts did not come into their own and the word propaganda, of which he was aware, had a "bitter aftertaste" (8). His proposal to rename his department "Reichsministerium für Kultur und Volksaufklärung", however, met with Hitler's rejection. (9) In July 1933, a circular issued by the Reich Chancellor drew the attention of the Reich governors to the exclusive competence of the Reich or of the new Ministry for the above-mentioned competences and called on them to cede to the RMVP any existing budget funds and offices of the Länder. (10) At the same time, 13 regional offices were established as the substructure of the Ministry, the sprinkles of which corresponded approximately to those of the regional employment offices, and 18 imperial propaganda offices, which subdivided the territory of the regional offices once again. After the Reichspropagandastellen were already converted after short time (approx. 1934) to Landesstellen, in each Gau of the NSDAP a Landesstelle of the RMVP was located. Their leaders were in personal union at the same time leaders of the Gaupropagandaleitungen of the NSDAP, which in its leadership, the Reichspropagandalleitung, was also perceived by Goebbels in personal union. (11) As a result, conflicts of loyalty between the Gaupropaganda leaders/leaders of the RMVP regional offices were unavoidable in disputes between Goebbels and individual Gauleiters. According to theory, the regional offices were supposed to monitor and implement the political decisions made in the ministry in the individual districts, but in practice their heads were often more dependent on their respective Gauleiter than on the ministry due to the above-mentioned personal union. By the Führer decree of 9 September 1937 (RGBl. 1937 I, p. 1009), the Landesstellen were renamed Reichspropagandaämter and elevated to Reich authorities. After the integration of Austria there were no less than 42 Reichspropagandaämter with 1400 full-time employees. (12) In addition to the state offices and Reich Propaganda Offices, a whole range of offices, organizations, associations, societies and societies soon developed, which are to be counted to the subordinate area of the Ministry. (13) Despite the apparently clear regulation on the responsibilities of the RMVP, the 13 years of its existence were marked by disputes over responsibilities with other ministries, in particular with the ministers Rust, Rosenberg and Ribbentrop, of whom Goebbels, as is known, held very little personally. Successes and failures in the competence disputes cannot be followed in detail here; they depended to a large extent on Hitler's relationship with Goebbels. For example, Goebbels did not succeed in extending his competence in theatre to the Prussian State Theatres in Berlin. By contrast, in 1943 the RMVP assumed responsibility for carrying out the Eastern propaganda, while Rosenberg, as Reich Minister for the occupied Eastern territories, was left with only the authority to issue guidelines. (14) In the conflict with the Federal Foreign Office over the delimitation of responsibilities for foreign propaganda, an arrangement was reached in a working agreement in October 1941. (15) Wehrmacht propaganda also remained long and controversial. Despite many efforts (16), Goebbels did not succeed in making a decisive break in the competencies of the OKW/Wpr department until the end of the war in March 1945. Propaganda into the Wehrmacht and about the Wehrmacht at home and abroad was then to be taken in charge by the RMVP. It is not possible to determine whether the planned organizational consequences have yet been implemented. (17) Another major success for Goebbels was the establishment of the Reichsinspektion für zivile Luftschutzmaßnahmen (Reich Inspection for Civilian Air Defence Measures), which was headed by the RMVP (18), and his appointment as Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War Operations by Führer Decree of 25 July 1944 (19). For the last months of the Third Reich, Goebbels had reached the zenith of power with this function, apart from his appointment as Reich Chancellor in Hitler's last will and testament of April 29, 1945, which had become effective only theoretically. As Reich Plenipotentiary for the total deployment in war, he had extremely far-reaching powers over the entire state apparatus with the exception of the Wehrmacht. (20) Until that date, the competences of the RMVP had changed only slightly in the main features of all disputes over jurisdiction. That it nevertheless grew enormously and steadily until 1943 (21) was mainly due to diversification and intensification in the performance of its tasks. After 1938, the expansive foreign policy of the Third Reich necessitated further propaganda agencies to direct and influence public opinion in the incorporated and occupied territories. In the occupied territories with civil administrations, "departments" (main departments) for "popular enlightenment and propaganda" were usually set up in the territories with military administration, "propaganda departments", which exercised roughly the functions of the Reich Propaganda Offices. Their position between their superior military services and the RMVP, which sought to influence the content of the propaganda and from where part of the personnel came, was a constant source of conflict. As an indication for the weighting of the individual areas of responsibility of the Ministry in relation to each other, the expenditures for the individual areas in the 10 years from March 1933 to March 1943 are mentioned. With a total volume of 881,541,376.78 RM (22), the expenses for the Active propaganda: 21.8 Communications: 17.8 Music, visual arts, literature: 6.2 Film: 11.5 Theatres: 26.4 Civil servants and equipment: 4.3 Salaries, business needs, including film testing agencies and RPÄ: 12.0 By 1942, the RMVP and its division had been continuously expanded, before facilities in the subordinate area were shut down and departments in the ministry were merged as part of the total war from 1943 onwards. The business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was as follows: (23) Ministerial Office, reporting directly to the Minister with adjutants, personal advisers and press officers of the Minister, a total of 10 employees State Secretaries Leopold Gutterer, Reich Press Head Dr. Otto Dietrich, Hermann Esser Budget Department (H) with 11 departments; reporting to the Head of the Department, the Main Office and the House Administration Personnel Department (Pers) with seven departments Legal and Organisation Department (R) with three departments Propaganda Department (Pro) with the following ten departments: 1. Political Propaganda 2. Cultural Propaganda 3. Propaganda Exploration 4. Public Health, Social Policy 5. Economy 6. Imperial Propaganda Offices 7. Major Events 8. Youth and Sports 9. Representation 10. Budget of the Department, Preparation of the Peace Treaties, Stagma and other Press Department of the Imperial Government I. Department German Press (DP) with 13 Speeches II. Foreign Press Department (AP) with 19 papers III. Journal Press Department /ZP) with five papers Foreign Press Department (A) with the following five groups: 1. Organization 2. Europe and Middle East 3. Non-European 4. Propaganda Media 5. Deployment abroad and in the Reich Tourism Department (FV) with four units Broadcasting Department (Rfk) with the following eight units 1. Coordination, Interradio and others 2. Broadcasting Command Office 3. Mob Department 4. Broadcasting Programme Support 5. Foreign Broadcasting 6. Broadcasting Industry 7. Broadcasting Organisation 8. Rundfunk-Erkundungsdienst Filmabteilung (F) with five departments Schrifttumsabteilung (S ) with eight departments Theaterabteilung (T) with seven departments Bildende Kunst (BK) with four departments Musik-Abteilung (M) with ten departments Reichsverteidigung (RV) with six departments Abteilung für die besetztischen Ostgebiete (Ost) with twelve departments Generalreferate with State Secretary Gutterer directly subordinated: 1. Exhibitions and Fairs 2nd General Cultural Department (General Cultural Department for the Reich Capital) 3rd General Department for Reich Chamber of Culture Matters 4th Technology (propaganda, radio, film, sound, stage, press, service installations of the RMVP) Press Recording Office for the PK reports of the Press Department of the Reich Government (directly subordinated to the Reich Press Head) A major change in this distribution of responsibilities took place in September 1944 (24). The art departments of theatre, music and visual arts were dissolved and merged into a single department of culture (cult). The East Department was integrated into the Propaganda Department as a main department, the Tourism Department was shut down and the General Departments of the Reich Cultural Chamber, Armaments and Construction and Propaganda Troops were dissolved. Notes (1) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 28. (2) R 43 II/1149, p. 5, excerpt from the minutes of the ministerial meeting of 11 March 1933. (3) R 43 II/1149, pp. 25 - 29, wording of Goebbels' speech of 16 March 1933 according to W. T. B. (4) R 43 II/1149, RGBl. 1933 I, p. 104 (5) J. Goebbels: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei, p. 293 (6) In an elaboration presumably by Goebbels on a "Reichskommissariat für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda" to be created (R 43 II/1149, pp. 49 - 53) further competences had been demanded. In particular, additional responsibilities were demanded of the German section of the RMI and section VI of the AA, as well as in foreign propaganda. (7) R 43 II/1449, pp. 126 - 133. Heiber gives a diagram of the organisational development of the RMVP at department level with the names of the department heads on the inside of the cover of his Goebbels biography. (8) See speech to representatives of the press on the tasks of the RMVP of 16 March 1933 in R 43 II/1149. It was not without reason that there was a language regulation for the press according to which the term propaganda was to be used only in a positive sense (R 55/1410, Decree of the RMVP to the RPA Nuremberg, 8 Nov. 1940). (9) R 43 II/1149, p. 169, Note by Lammers of 9 May 1934 on a lecture to the Reich Chancellor. (10) R 43 II/1149. (11) After the establishment of the Reichskulturkammer organization, they were also state cultural administrators in the substructure of the RKK. (12) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 185. (13) Ebendort, p. 136 ff. there are hints for some institutions. (14) The Führer's order concerning the delimitation of responsibilities dated 15 Aug. 1943, cf. R 55/1435, 1390. (15) Boelcke, Kriegspropaganda, p. 126/127. (16) Lochner, Joseph Goebbels, p. 334, p. 442. (17) R 55/618, p. 123; cf. also the depiction of Hasso v. Wedel, the propaganda troops of the German Wehrmacht. Neckargemünd 1962, Die Wehrmacht im Kampf, vol. 34 (18) Führer decree of Dec. 21, 1943, R 55/441 (19) RGBl. 1944, p. 161, R 43 II/664 a. (20) This competence is virtually not reflected in the RMVP files available in the BA. However, it is well documented in R 43 II. See R 43 II/664 a. (21) See the annual budget negotiations on increasing the number of posts in R 2/4752 - 4762. (22) R 55/862, Statistical overview of monetary transactions. Accordingly, 88,5 % of the expenditure was covered by the licence fee. It remains unclear whether the old budgetary expenditure has been taken into account. (23) R 55/1314 According to this schedule of responsibilities, the files held in the Federal Archives were essentially classified. (24) Newsletter of 13 Sept. 1944 in R 55/441. Inventory description: Inventory history The RMVP records have suffered substantial losses, although the main building of the Ministry, the Ordenspalais am Wilhelmplatz, was destroyed relatively late and almost accidentally in March 1945. Large parts of the old registries, including the previous files from the Federal Foreign Office and the Reich Ministry of the Interior (1), had already been destroyed by air raids in 1944. Moreover, in the last days of the war before and during the conquest of Berlin by the Soviet Russian army, files were also systematically destroyed. (2) In view of the total collapse and devastation of Berlin by the air war, it is not surprising that hardly any manual or private files of RMVP employees have been handed down. Notable exceptions are, in particular, documents from Ministerialrat Bade (press department) (3) and hand files of the head of the broadcasting department, Ministerialdirigent Fritzsche. In this context, the diaries of Goebbels should also be mentioned, which, with the exception of those edited by Lochner in 1948, had been lost for almost 30 years. (4) The bulk of the volumes available in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz until 1996 was transferred from Alexandria (cf. Guide No. 22) and from the Berlin Document Center to the Bundesarchiv in the years 1959 - 1963. The personnel files still held back were added to the portfolio in 2007. The RMVP files kept by the Ministry of State Security of the GDR (mainly personnel files, personnel processes of the theatre, music and defence departments), which were stored in the so-called NS archive until 2006, are also assigned to the holdings. Not in Allied hands was only a small collection from the Music Department and some documents from the German Press Department, which were transferred to the Federal Archives in 1969 as part of the land consolidation with the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Some original RMVP files can still be found at the Hoover Institution Standford, the Yivo Institute New York and the Wiener Library London. Fortunately, all three institutions were willing to produce microfilms for the Federal Archives (5). In 1974, the Rijksinstitut voor Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam (Rijksinstitut for Oologsdocumentatie Amsterdam) kindly handed over some original fragments of files to the Federal Archives. In 1946, officers of the French and Soviet secret services found films of about 35,000 documents that had been filmed in the RMVP and buried near Potsdam at the end of the war with the help of an American mine detector (6). The films were taken to Paris to make re-enlargements of them, and it is possible that they will still be kept in the French secret service. The Americans apparently did not receive copies because they had withheld from the French documents of other provenance found in the CSSR. Only incomplete information is available about the content of the films; it can be assumed, however, that not exactly unimportant files have been filmed. Notes (1) Only a few handfiles and a few volumes on the promotion of music have survived. (2) Files of the Reichsfilmarchiv that had been moved to Grasleben/Helmstedt were even to be destroyed by agents of the RSHA when they threatened to fall into the hands of the English (cf. R 55/618). (3) Cf. Kl. Erw. 615, which is a selection of the bath papers from the time around 1933 in the Hoover library. (4) Frankfurter Allgemeine, 21 Nov. 1974, reader's letter. Insignificant fragments from Goebbels' estate from his student days can be found in the Federal Archives under the signature Kl. Erw. 254. (5) A collection of newspaper clippings concerning Goebbels in the amount of 82 Bde for the years 1931 - 1943 was not filmed at the Yivo-Institut. (6) See the documents in: National Archives Washington, RG 260 OMGUS 35/35 folder 19. Archival processing The order and indexing work on the holdings was relatively time-consuming and difficult, as the order of the files was extremely poor. On the one hand there were no detailed file plans or other registry aids for the mass of files from the budget and personnel departments, on the other hand the file management in the ministry, which at least in its development phase was always deliberately unbureaucratic, left a lot to be desired. Especially during the war, when inexperienced auxiliaries had to be used more and more during the war, the Ministry's staff often complained about the inadequacy of the registries. The organisation of the RMVP's records management showed typical features of office reform (1): Registries were kept on a departmental basis, with each registry having a "self-contained partial list of files". The documents were stored in standing folders (System Herdegen). Instead of a diary, an alphabetical mailing card was kept, separated according to authorities and private persons. The reference numbers consisted of the department letter, file number, date as well as an indication, on which card of an order file the procedure was seized. All in all, the files of the Budget and Human Resources Department were in a certain, albeit unsatisfactory, state of order when they entered the Federal Archives. Numerous volumes from the other departments, on the other hand, were formed in a chaotic manner, possibly as a result of a provisional recording of loose written material when it was confiscated. These were often amorphous and fragmentary materials that lacked the characteristics of organically grown writing. So it was practically impossible to form meaningful band units in all subjects. In the case of some "mixed volumes" with written material on numerous file numbers, only the most frequent ones were noted in the finding aid book. Due to the high loss of files, no strict evaluation standard was applied to the files. The main items collected were volumes from the budget department on preliminary checks in the subordinate area and individual procedures for the procurement and management of managed goods for the purposes of the Ministry. Formal records of non-compliant positions in the business division and a number of unarchivalable documents from the Human Resources Department will still be kept for the foreseeable future for the purpose of issuing service time statements. It is not listed in this guide. Preparatory work for the indexing of the Koblenz part of the stock was carried out by Mr. Oberarchivrat Regel (1967) with regard to the files of the budget department on the Reich's own film assets, Mr. Ltd. Archivdirektor Dr. Boberach (1966) with regard to correspondence and the reference files of the head of the broadcasting department, Hans Fritzsche and Ms. Archivoberinspektorin Schneider, née Fisch (1966) for files of the propaganda department. In 2005, the inventories of the finding aids of both sections of the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda were imported into the database of the Federal Archives via a retroconversion procedure. The data records were then combined in a classification. Despite the inhomogeneity of the traditions of most specialist departments, it was advisable to maintain the division by departments. (2) Within the departments, the structure was essentially based on file numbers and factual contexts. The file numbers used in the RMVP were - as far as possible - used as aids for further subdivision. The final step was the integration of the personnel files and personal documents from the NS archive (approx. 5000 individual transactions) and the former Berlin Document Center (approx. 700 transactions). The documents taken over are mainly documents from the personnel department (in addition to personnel files also questionnaires and index cards), theatre (applications, appointments, confirmation procedures) and imperial defence (applications in propaganda companies). The personal records also contain isolated documents on denazification from the period 1946-1950. Since a relatively large number of individual transactions from the NS archives were often only a few sheets, transactions that objectively related to one transaction (e.g. applications for interpreting) were merged into one file. The names of the individual persons as well as the old signatures from the NS archive can still be traced via the BASYS-P database. Both the files from the NS archive and those from the former BDC are not always filed according to the provenance principle. However, the files were not separated again. Most of the files taken over from the former BDC are personal files and questionnaires as well as personnel index cards of individual employees of broadcasting stations. A search is still possible via the BASYS-P database. The procedures for the donation "Artist's thanks" still present in the personal records of the former BDC concerning the Theatre Department were not adopted in this context (approx. 15,000 procedures). The names are entered in the BASYS-P database and can be searched there. Notes (1) Rules of Procedure and Registration of 8 May 1942 in R 55/ 618. (2) The structure of the business distribution plan of Nov. 1942 was used as a basis. Abbreviations AA = Federal Foreign Office Department A = Department Abroad AP = Foreign Press BDC = Berlin Document Center BdS = Commander of the Security Police ChdZ = Chief of the Civil Administration DAF = German Labour Front DASD = German Amateur Broadcasting Service e.V. DNB = Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro DRK = Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Dt. = Deutsch DVO = Durchführungsverordnung french = French Gestapo = Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt KdF = Kraft durch Freude KdG = Kommandeur der Gendarmerie KdS = Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei Kl. Erw. Small acquisition KLV = Kinderlandverschickung LG = District Court MA = Military Archives, Department of the Federal Archives MdR = Member of the Reichstag MinRat = Ministerialrat MdL = Member of the Landtag NDR = Norddeutscher Rundfunk NSV = National Socialist Volkswohlfahrt o. Az. = without file number or date = without date OKW = Oberkommando der Wehrmacht OLG = Oberstes Landesgericht OLT = Oberleutnant ORR = Oberregierungsrat OT = Organisation Todt PG = Parteigenosse PK = Propagandakompanie RAVAG = Österreichische Radio-Verkehrs-AG Reg. Pres. RMI = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMJ = Reich Ministry of the Interior RMK = Reich Ministry of Justice RMK = Reich Chamber of Music RMVP = Reich Ministry of Education and Propaganda ROI = Reichsoberinspektor RPA = Reichspropagandaamt RPÄ = Reichspropagandaämter RPL = Reichspropagandalleitung RR = Regierungsrat RRG = Reichsrundfunkgesellschaft RS = Reichssender RSHA = Reichssicherheitshauptamt RSK = Reichsschrifttumskammer SBZ = Soviet Occupation Zone SD = Security Service SD-LA = SD-Leitabschnitt SDR = Süddeutscher Rundfunk Sipo = Security Police STS = Secretary of State and a. = among others v. a. = above all VGH = Volksgerichtshof VO = Regulation WDR = Westdeutscher Rundfunk ZSTA = Zentrales Staatsarchiv (Potsdam) citation method: BArch R 55/ 23456 Content characterization: Rounded delivery complexes are available only from the budget department and from the personnel department. From the point of view of financing and personnel management, they illuminate almost all areas of the Ministry's activities. From the specialist departments, the volumes from the Propaganda Department should be emphasized, which document above all the design of propaganda and the propagandistic support of foreign workers and resettled persons in the last years of the war. Also worth mentioning are mood and activity reports of individual RPÄ and suggestions from the population for propaganda and for leading the total war. In the Radio Department there is some material about the design of the radio program and the propaganda reconnaissance with reports about the opposing propaganda, which were compiled from the bugging reports of the special service Seehaus. A separate complex of this department are 14 volumes of pre-files from the RMI with handfiles of the Oberregierungsrat Scholz as representative of the Reich in supervisory committees of broadcasting companies in Berlin from 1926 - 1932. Of the film department there are only a few, but interesting volumes about the film production of the last war years with numerous ministerial documents. The majority of the theatre department's traditions are based on documents on professional issues and the Reich's dramaturgy. From the music department the promotion of musical organizations from the years 1933 - 1935 with pre-files from the RMI, the support and job placement of artists as well as material about the musical foreign relations is handed down. The files of the Department for the Occupied Eastern Territories offer rich sources for questions of Eastern propaganda. The losses are greatest in the departments Law and Organization, Magazine Press, Foreign Press, Foreign Countries, Tourism, Literature and Fine Arts. State of development: Publication Findbuch (1976, reprint 1996), Online Findbuch (2007). Citation style: BArch, R 55/...

Reich Security Main Office (inventory)
BArch, R 58 · Bestand · Ca. 17. Jh. - 1945 (1946, 1957-1960)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: On October 1, 1939, summary of the (Prussian) Secret State Police Office (Ge‧stapa), the office of the Political Police Commander of the (non-Prussian) Länder, the Reich Criminal Police Office, the Security Police Main Office, and the Sicherheits‧haupt‧amtes (SD Main Office) of the SS in the newly erected Security Police Main Office, which was established by the Chief of Security Police and SD, Reinhard Heydrich (since October 30, 1939). January 1943 Ernst Kaltenbrunner) Reichssi‧cher‧heits‧hauptamt (RSHA); in October 1943 the RSHA was established as follows: Amt I Per‧sonal, Training and Organisation of the Security Police and the SD, Amt II Haushalt und Wirtschaft, Amt III Deutsche Lebensgebiete, Amt IV Gegner-Erforschung und -Be‧kämp‧fung (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt), Amt V Verbrechensbekämpfung (Reichskriminal‧poli‧zei‧amt), Amt VI Auslandsnachrichtendienst, Amt VII Weltanschauliche Forschung und Aus‧wer‧tung Content characterisation: Part 1 (formerly: ZStA, 17.03): 1917-1945 (138): Personnel, organisation, business administration of various SS and SD offices 1917-1919, 1933-1945 (12), political situation (with reports), labour movement, communist and social democratic actions, church affairs (both domestic and foreign) 1921-1945 (22), training activity (also church political training) 1936-1944 (13), Literaturnach‧weise (historical and contemporary documents) 1927-1943 (9), lecture directories, Seme‧ster and seminar papers, various records 1923-1945 (15), Hexenwesen, Zauberei (with references) 1932-1942 (36), Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt, Berlin 1933-1943 (14), Geheime Staatspolizei Bremen 1934 (1), Staatspolizei(leit)stellen - mit verschiedenen Außen(dienst)stellen und Grenz(polizei)kommissariaten - Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Königsberg (Prussia), Munich, Saarbrücken, Prague 1933-1944 (15), Commander of the Security Police and the SD in the Be‧reich of the Military Commander in France, Paris 1944 (1) Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 58): 1920-1945 (1.670): Administration: Central authorities of the Security Police and SD 1933-1945 (21), Central and Unterbehör‧den 1933-1945 (6), Reichsstiftung für Länderkunde 1943-1944 (5), Correspondence and administration of written records 1933-1945 (20), Procurement, in particular Weapons and equipment 1933-1945 (15), vehicles 1936-1944 (10), literature 1941-1944 (9), budget, cash and accounting 1933-1945 (13), personnel affairs in general 1933-1945 (10), affairs of individual departments and persons 1936-1945 (97), Involvement of university teachers by the Orient Research Centre 1944-1945 (3), Ein‧stellung, education and training 1930-1945 (22), disciplinary measures 1934-1944 (4) Monitoring and prosecution of political opponents: Principles and guidelines 1933-1945 (6), status reports and overviews from the gesam‧ten Reichsgebiet 1931-1944 (34), status reports, v.a. individual state police officers 1933-1939 (68), imposition of protective custody and "special treatment" 1933-1945 (5), Über‧wachung and persecution of the labor movement in general 1928-1944 (27), popular front, united front 1925-1940 (15), German united party 1937-1940 (3), Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and socialist splinter groups 1931-1943 (23), Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and communist splinter groups 1932-1942 (41), individual social democratic, socialist or communist political organizations 1926-1942 (17), socialist and communist youth and sports organizations 1931-1941 (26), "Red Aid" 1930-1939 (16), cultural political organizations, free thinkers 1927-1941 (12), socio-political, professional and other organizations 1920-1941 (7), Ge‧werkschaftsbewegung 1922-1944 (20), anarcho-syndicalist movement 1930-1940 (5), Catholic and Protestant churches 1933-1945 (16), sects and freemasons 1933-1943 (10), Jews in the "Old Empire" 1933-1944 (16), Jews in integrated and occupied territories 1937-1944 (4), Zionist movement 1933-1944 (5), anti-Semitic propaganda 1936-1941 (6), national, liberal, conservative and monarchist opponents 1931-1945 (11) Surveillance of the NSDAP, its branches and the Wehrmacht: NSDAP and Wehrmacht in General 1933-1943 (1), Ribbentrop Office 1937 (1), German Labour Front 1933-1940 (2), Foreign National Socialist and Fascist Groups and Foreign Emigrants in Germany 1934-1942 (1), 20. July 1944, 1944 (1) Supervision of non-political organizations and economic enterprises: non-political organizations 1929-1941 (3), sports, youth and social associations 1930-1942 (2), consumer cooperatives 1934-1941 (6), artificial language organizations (Esperanto and others) 1933-1943 (10), economic enterprises, v.a. Insurances 1933-1942 (13) Defense against and fight against espionage and sabotage: Defense against espionage, treason and sabotage in general 1933-1945 (22), Lan‧desverrat and espionage 1933-1945 (9), sabotage and assassinations 1933-1945 (13) Measures against foreigners and in the integrated, affiliated and occupied Gebie‧ten: Treatment of foreigners in general 1933-1944 (3), foreign workers 1934-1944 (3), prisoners of war 1938-1945 (4), national minorities in Reich territory and in incorporated, affiliated and occupied territories 1934-1944 (1), state police measures in Austria 1938-1943 (7), daily reports of the state police headquarters Vienna 1938-1940 (11), mood and situation reports from Austria 1939-1944 (6), Sudetenland, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1938-1945 (4), incorporated eastern territories and Generalgou‧vernement for the occupied Polish territories 1939-1945 (3), Denmark and Norway 1940-1945 (14), Eupen-Malmedy, associated western territories (Alsace, Lorraine, Luxem‧burg) 1940-1943, occupied western territories (Netherlands, Belgium, France) 1940-1944 (8), Occupied Eastern Territories (Baltic States, USSR) 1941-1945 (24), Yugoslavia, Hungary, Siebenbür‧gen, Macedonia, Operation Zone Adriatic Coastal Country 1941-1945 (6) Persecution and fight against non-political crime: Remainders of the criminal police 1935-1944 (3) Surveillance of public opinion and mood of the people: Principles of reporting by the SS Security Service (SD) 1937-1945 (2), Be‧richte on the 1939 domestic political situation (2), reports from the Reich: General, opponents, cultural areas, folklore and public health, administration and law, economics, Luft‧krieg 1939-1943 (39), SD reports on domestic issues 1943-1944 (10), regional Stimmungs‧berichte 1943-1945 (2), propaganda against foreign reports and "anti-state" influencing of public opinion 1933-1944 (3), combating antinationalsozialisti‧schen Literature 1933-1944 (11), Review and prohibition of books and brochures 1933-1943 (66), monitoring of the press 1933-1945 (55), broadcasting 1933-1945 (20), music, theatre, film, art 1935-1943 (2), science, education and popular education 1939-1945 (1), folklore 1939-1944 (1), situation of the general administration 1939-1945 (4), administration of justice 1939-1942 (1), economy 1939-1943 (1) procurement and evaluation of news from abroad: Foreign news in general 1938-1945 (16), monitoring of trips abroad 1936-1939 (10), German citizens and emigrants abroad 1933-1943 (6), German minorities abroad 1933-1943, news about individual countries: Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Albania, Algeria, Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Bel‧gien, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nie‧derlande, Norway, Austria, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Rhodesia, Romania, Schwe‧den, Switzerland, Soviet Union, Spain, South Africa, Syria, Transjordan, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Hungary, Uruguay, Venezuela, United States of America, Cyprus 1931-1945 (188) Individual cases of persecution and surveillance: Lists, files and collective files, v.a. about political opponents from the Weimar Republic 1934-1944 (7), card index about clergy retired from church service, Or‧densangehörige and civil servants 1940-1944 (5), card index of the SD to files about individual Perso‧nen also outside of Germany with personal data and information about the reason of the file keeping, a.o. Emigrants, diplomats, foreign legionnaires, lodge membership, political activity, Spionage‧verdacht, loss of service card 1936-1938 (157), SD file on persons in individual places, especially in northern Germany with a focus on Lower Saxony, including information on profession, organization (including KPD, Freemasons, denominational associations, companies, Be‧hörden), with additional stamp "Jude" o.Dat. if necessary. (223), SD card indexes on Germans and foreigners, especially Ireland, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Tsche‧chen and Hungary 1933-1943 (22) Annex: Personal documents 1883-1945, 1957-1960 (73) Part 3a (formerly: ZPA, PSt 3): 1913-1946 (616): Amt IV Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Office IV): political surveillance in the area of various state police (leading) positions 1929-1942 (135), Lage‧berichte 1938-1941 (4), KPD, SPD 1920-1944 (115), political emigration, directories of fugitive political opponents 1931-1944 (34), Distribution of illegal pamphlets 1927-1940 (43), jurisdiction against political opponents and interrogation practice 1933-1943 (21), various areas of surveillance 1913-1946 (27), internals, supplements 1933-1944 (16) Main Security Office of the RFSS: Monthly and situation reports, daily reports 1933-1939 (34), KPD, SPD, Red Massen‧selbstschutz, Red Frontkämpferbund 1924-1940 (50), Rheinischer Separatismus 1919-1940 (7), distribution of illegal pamphlets 1931-1941 (23), jurisdiction against politi‧sche opponents 1931-1938 (9), various areas of surveillance 1931-1939 (23), Perso‧nalangelegenheit Professor Dr. Scheidt 1936-1944 (1) Various offices of the RSHA, including state police (leit)stellen Berlin, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Stettin, Vienna 1920-1945 (73) Supplement: Structure of the main offices and offices of the Reichsführer of the SS o.Dat. (1) Part 3b (formerly: ZStA, 17.01 St 3): 1919-1946 (1.344): Office IV Secret State Police Office: printed reports of the Secret State Police and memorandums 1923-1942 (29), situation reports of the Secret State Police Office 1933-1942 (63), statistical reports of the State Police Offices 1938-1942 (30), reports of the State Police Offices in Germany and the occupied territories 1941-1943 (23), Anwei‧sungen, ordinances, orders and search lists of the Secret State Police, etc. Personal data and reports on doctors and guards in concentration camps 1928-1946 (42), materials of the Secret State Police Office on the dissemination of illegal writings, arrests, investigations, trials and the Tätig‧keit of the party organizations of the KPD 1928-1945 (81), various materials 1930-1945 (33), German, foreign and international organizations, parties and projects vor‧nehmlich of the labor movement 1919-1945 (291); various departments (RSHA and others) 1929-1945 (58); reports and notifications of the state police departments 1921-1945 (417); font collection: Illegal writings with reports and reports of the Secret State Police on their distribution and registration 1926-1945 (203); Supplements: various offices (RSHA and others) 1930-1946 (74) Part 4 (taken over by the Polish archive administration): approx. 17th century - 1945 (771): various agencies (RSHA and others; focus: RSHA Office VII Weltanschauli‧che Research and evaluation, with illegal and confiscated materials), approx. 17th century - approx. 1945 (771) Part 5 (Boberach/Muregger project): approx. 1782 - approx. 1946 (approx. 3,902): SD-Hauptamt and agencies III, VI and VII - Control and prosecution of ideological opponents: Jews, members of Christian denominations, Freemason lodges (with illegal and confiscated materials), ca. 1782 - ca. 1946 (ca. 3,902) State of development: Part 1 (former: ZStA, 17th century)03): Database/Find Index Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 58): Database/Publication Findbuch: Boberach, Heinz: Reichssicherheitshauptamt (fonds R 58) (Findbücher zu Bestände des Bundesarchivs, Bd. 22), Koblenz 1982, reprint 1992 u. 2000 Annex - Personnel documents: database Part 3a (formerly: ZPA, PSt 3): database/findbuch (1967) Part 3b (formerly: ZStA, 17.01 St 3): database/findbuch, vol. 1-3 (1968) Part 4 (taken over by the Polish archive administration): Provisional directory Part 5 (Boberach/Muregger project): Database/Preliminary Findbuch Reichssicherheitshauptamt R 58 Part I: SD-Hauptamt und Ämter III, VI und VII, edited by Heinz Boberach and Dietrich Muregger Subsequent developments in database citation style: BArch, R 58/...

Reich Statistical Office (inventory)
BArch, R 3102 · Bestand · 1904-1947
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1872 Establishment of the Imperial Statistical Office by the Imperial Chancellor with the issue of a business instruction by the Imperial Chancellor, first subordinated to the Imperial Chancellery, since 1879 to the Imperial Office of the Interior and since 1918 with simultaneous renaming into the Imperial Statistical Office to the Imperial Ministry of Economics, 1934 Merger with the Prussian Statistical Office The task of the Office was the collection of material for Imperial Statistics, its technical and scientific examination, processing and publication, expert reporting on statistical issues. Inventory description: Inventory history Due to the effects of war and the collapse of the German Reich, the records of the Reich Statistical Office suffered heavy losses. At the Berlin headquarters in the Neue Königstraße, parts of the statistical material were destroyed during bomb attacks in May 1945. During the demolition of the building in 1945, the central registry was completely destroyed and approximately 10 of the 200,000 volumes of the library were lost. In the years 1943/44 several departments or departments with their written material had been moved to alternative locations. Much of the material that remained in the territories later occupied by Soviet troops was destroyed, while others were sent to the then Central State Archive in Potsdam. In April, the Dargun and Weimar branches were able to bring important material to Schwerin, from where the staff of the Reich Statistical Office there were able to flee to Hamburg at the end of April with parts of the documents in Schwerin. In Schwerin the original material of industrial production statistics and the mass of price statistics documents fell into Russian hands. The parts of the tax statistics that had been moved to Wernigerode were transported to Derenburg in Hesse before the retreat of the American troops. The stocks brought to Würzburg suffered losses due to bomb damage; the remaining documents were preserved. After 1945, the stock that had been relocated to the western occupation zones and the fragments of the traditions rescued from the Soviet occupation zone were concentrated in three places: 1. in the British occupation zone in the Statistical Office in Hamburg and Minden 2. and in the American occupation zone in the Ministerial Collecting Center in Fürstenhagen near Kassel; from there larger parts were brought to the USA 3. in the French occupation zone in the Office for Statistics and Economic Development in Baden-Baden. Essentially, the documents that fell into the hands of the Western occupying powers at the time were sent to the Federal Archives via the American Document Center in Berlin, the Federal Statistical Office or the USA. Archival evaluation and processing The successive transfer of parts of the collection from the Reich Statistical Office to the Federal Archives has led to a gradual recording of the holdings. The documents on the excise tax statistics, which came to the Federal Archives in 1952 with written documents from other American departments, were indexed in a finding aid book. The material returned from Alexandria in 1958 was provisionally developed in 1959. After a return of the files from the Berlin Document Center in 1962 and further splinter deliveries, a provisional completion of the indexing could be achieved in 1968. All the documents of the Statistical Office of the Reich that had entered the Federal Archives were indexed by a index of finds, whereby parts of the material recorded in the index of consumption statistics were re-signed. The publications of the Statistisches Reichsamt available in the Budnesarchiv at that time were recorded in a second index. Later, the Federal Statistical Office, in particular, was able to adopt further documents from agricultural statistics, industrial production statistics and the Reich Office for Defense Economic Planning and social statistics. Further exhibitor provenances were incorporated from the traditions of the Reichsnährstand and the Reichsstelle für Raumordnung which had been passed on to the Federal Archives. In addition, the Imperial War Museum in London handed over to the Federal Archives some relevant documents of small volume. In the winter of 1975, these additions were also incorporated into the inventory. Characterization of content: The following groups of written documents are to be named as the main focus of the collection: - Social statistics - Industry - Financial and tax statistics - Transport and communications - Abroad - Money and loans, insurance Part 1 (formerly: ZStA 31.02): Organisation and business operations 1922-1945 (186); Population and area 1925, 1933-1943 (28); Cross-sectoral economic activities 1910-1944 (533); Armament and war economy 1933-1947 (312); Industry 1910-1946 (542); Agriculture and forestry, fishing 1913, 1924-1945 (93); Transport and transportation 1924-1945 (475); Post and telegraph 1913-1944 (12); Crafts 1895, 1936-1944 (8); Arts and culture 1930-1944 (88); Medicine and sport 1928-1945 (72); Social services 1909-1945 (164); Education 1937, 1939-1944 (4); Finance and taxes 1913-1945 (177); Money and credit, insurance 1876-1946 (223); Justice and crime statistics 1937-1941 (3); Foreign countries 1904-1944 (640). Part 2 (formerly: BArch R 24): Administration 1923-1945 (16); Trade and transport statistics 1927-1944 (11); Social statistics 1927-1945 (1633); Population, business and cultural statistics 1910-1944 (5); Financial and tax statistics 1913-1945 (527); Summary economic statistics 1934-1945 (53); industrial production statistics 1936-1945 (35); general foreign statistics 1927-1945 (107); statistical communications - Memel 1932-1934 (2). State of development: Findbuch für Teil 1 (1982) Findbuch für Teil 2 (1975) Citation method: BArch, R 3102/...

Reichslandbund Press Archive (holdings)
BArch, R 8034-II · Bestand · 1893-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Formed in 1921 through the merger of the Federation of German Farmers with the Deutscher Landbund as an agricultural policy organization and lobby of agricultural associations, the Reichslandbund was of significance for national socialist influence in farming circles; in 1933 it was incorporated into the Reichsnährstand (Hauptabteilung I). Description of the holdings: History of the holdings The establishment of the Reichslandbund press archive, which was one of the largest and oldest German press archives, began as early as 1893, after the founding of the Bund der Landwirte (Federation of Farmers) in 1893. When the Bund der Landwirte (Federation of Farmers) merged with the Deutscher Landbund to form the Reichslandbund in 1921 and the Reichslandbund was transferred to the Reichsnährstand in 1933, the press archive was continued. The files, together with the material files of the Reichslandbund, were transferred to the Central State Archives of the GDR. Content characterisation: The press archive contains collections of press clippings on the following topics: Domestic politics, economy and culture, including: political and other events 1905-1945, I. and II. World War II, consequences of war, occupied territories 1912-1945, relationship Reich - Länder 1894-1945, Reichstag and Reichstag elections 1893-1942, National Assembly, workers' and citizens' councils 1918-1931, Reichsrat, Reichswirtschaftsrat 1897-1944, Kaiser and Reich President 1894-1941, Reich Chancellor, Imperial government 1894-1944, parties, associations, federations 1871, 1893-1945, army, fleet, air force 1896-1945, justice and police 1894-1944, population structure, classes and stratification of individual population groups 1894-1945, Prussia 1895-1944, other German countries A-Z 1898-1944; Economy and trade, in the process: Economy and Economic Policy 1899-1944, Organisation of the Economy 1897-1944, Industries and Individual Products 1893-1945, Trade and Crafts 1893-1944, Agriculture and Forestry, Food and Fisheries, General 1893-1945, Confederation of Farmers and Reichslandbund 1893-1945, Reichsnährstand 1933-1945, other agricultural organizations 1893-1944, agricultural production 1893-1945, agricultural workers, social affairs of agriculture 1893-1945, finances and loans 1893-1945, agricultural training 1905-1945, exhibitions 1908-1945, peasant and rural culture and art 1904, 1933-1945, peasant inheritance 1894-1945, forestry and fishing 1895-1945, trade, trade contract policy, customs tariff, Prices 1894-1945, chambers of commerce and associations 1893-1944, retail trade, restaurants, consumption 1904-1944, finance, taxes, customs, banking, stock exchange and credit 1894-1945, insurance 1893-1944, railways and road traffic 1894-1944, Inland and maritime shipping 1894-1943, post 1898-1944, social policy and welfare 1895-1945, health 1899-1945, housing 1904-1944, schools and universities 1896-1944, churches and sects 1898-1945, science, art, culture, sport 1901-1945; Foreign policy. Politics, economy and culture abroad: German foreign policy and foreign policy of other countries, international alliances and treaties 1896-1944, colonial policy 1897-1944, army and fleet 1900-1944, trade unions, social democracy, social policy 1904-1944, international economic and trade relations, economy, food and agriculture of foreign countries 1893-1944, international transport 1894-1944, culture and education, press 1905-1945, documents on individual countries in Europe, Asia and America 1993-1945 state of development: Findbücher (1978) Citation method: BArch, R 8034-II/...

BArch, R 8056 · Bestand · (1914-1916) 1935 - 1938
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Founded in 1880 as the "Deutscher Schulverein" (German School Association) based in Berlin; renamed Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland (VDA) in 1908; the aim was to maintain the cultural and social Le‧bens of foreign and ethnic Germans, in particular by establishing and maintaining kindergartens, schools and libraries; in 1933 the association was given the name Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland. Portfolio description: Founded in 1880 as "Deutscher Schulverein" (German School Association) based in Berlin, renamed Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland (VDA) in 1908. The aim was to foster the cultural and social life of Germans living abroad and ethnic Germans, in particular by establishing and maintaining kindergartens, schools and libraries. In 1933 the association received the designation Volksbund for the German nation abroad. State of development: Online-Findbuch Citation method: BArch, R 8056/...

BArch, R 8057 · Bestand · 1917-1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Volksbund für Freiheit und Vaterland was founded in 1917. The aim of the bourgeois-liberal unification was the creation of a Verständigungsfrie‧dens to end the First World War and the struggle for a domestic reorganization. The meeting was chaired by Ernst Francke and deputies were Gustav Bauer and Adam Ste‧gerwald . After the end of the war, the Volksbund stood up for a German state under Ein‧schluss German-Austria and a moderate colonial policy. The dissolution of the association took place in January 1920. Content characterisation: Main points of the tradition: management and meeting documents, propaganda activity, accounting, member file Indexing status: finding file Citation method: BArch, R 8057/...