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Archival description
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0729 · File · 1903-01-01 - 1905-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 914/1903; EndVNr: E 1685/1903; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 12, 15, the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of Hygiene, Berlin, (1903), pp. 12 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Munich, (1903), pp. 45 - Handing over of duplicates to the Museums für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, (1904), pp. 153 et seq, 235, and Cologne, (1905), pp. 159 et seq. - transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1903), pp. 175 - cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 50, Cameroon, pp. 43, and Togo, (1903), pp. 119 - cooperation with the German-Westafrican trading company, Hamburg, (1903), pp. 131 et seq. Cooperation with missionaries, (1903), pp. 8 - Composition and distribution of the Virchow estate, (1903), pp. 10 ff - by Luschan: Negotiations for the donation of the Brunet Collection, (1903), pp. 22 f., 25th [Brunet:] Curriculum vitae, list of orders and publications, (1903), p. 24 - Engelhardt: Sendung von Schnitzereien der Bakoko, (1903), p. 47 f.- Willmann: "Report on several magic means, which originate from magic doctors (Wafumu) of the Wamyamwesi from Mpuge in Unyamwesi north of Tabora ...", (1903), Abschr., Bl. 50-May: peacekeeping measures of the governorate of Loanda, Bl. 52 et seq., Report on Loanda, Bl. 56 et seq., "List of zoological and ethnographic objects collected in 1903 by Lieutenant-elect May", (1903), Bl. 67 et seq. von Smend: Report on various stove forms, (1903), pp. 73 et seq. - Rehse: Offer of skeletons, (1903), pp. 89 - Domke: Sendung von Ethnographica, (1903), pp. 134 - Schwartz: Bitte um Kauf eines Phonographen, (1903), pp. 142 et seq. Schilling: Description of the castles of the Tamberma, (1903), pp. 166 f.- Traeger: Collection of musical instruments, ceramics and wickerwork, (1903), Sketches, pp. 190 ff.- Schweinfurth: Loan, (1903), pp. 212 ff.- "Verzeichnis der Photographieen aus Ethiophien von Arnold Holtz, (1903), pp. 217 f.- Cleve: Bericht über Zahndeformierungen und Sprachforschungen, (1903), pp. 237 ff.- Müller: Bericht über den Götzen Ekougolo, Angebot seiner Slg., (1903, 1904), pp. 243 ff.

RMG 1.659 a-b · File · 1895-1902, 1913-1954
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1903-1951 in Otjosazu, Franzfontein, Outjo, Okombahe, Usakos, Swakopmund; letters and reports, 1902-1950; curriculum vitae, application, medical certificate, 1895-1902; sketch of a mission property to be acquired in Outjo, 1905; death announcement for Mrs. Helene Brockmann, née. Upmeyer, 1935; draft e. Präsesinstruktion with notes by Heinrich Vedder, 1938; Kassenbericht d. Generalkasse Südwestafrika, 1947; obituary for Heinrich Johann Brockmann 1951; obituary for Dora Brockmann, née Hollerbaum, 1954;

Rhenish Missionary Society
* I.4.137 058 * I.4.137 - 058 · File · 1938 1953 1954 1978 1982
Part of Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Historical Archive
  • Contains also: transcript pioneer of aviation and father of whites (about Fritz Loose) * Contains: e.g. curriculum vitae Friedrich Loose (period 1897-1954), medical certificate on the occasion of Fritz Loose's return from New Guinea (8.6. - 8.6.)1938), curriculum vitae Fritz Loose (period 1917-1970), transcripts of various assessment certificates (e.g. period 1918-1920, Norderney air station; 1932-1933, Deutsche Luftfahrt-Werbeaktion, 13.6.1933), typoscript with the note "Für Kindermann" concerning the following persons Atlantikflug in east-west direction, single pages of the Typoscript about Looses New Guinea trip, different Typoscriptpages with correction notes (letters, single pages of essays, Typoscript with the title "Junkers" (report about Atlantikflug), copy of the questionnaire for the collection of technical-scientific archives of the aerospace of the Deutsches Museum Munich (1982) with copy and corresponding cover letter, curriculum vitae Fritz Loose (period 1914-1968), curriculum vitae Friedrich Loose (form betr. Application for the post in the Joint Ministerial Gazette ... bwz. i. d. Schwarztschen Vakanzen-zeitung ... written out in full ... Position...; 31.3.1954), certificate of the Flugplatz-Gesellschaft Hangelar GmbH for Fritz Loose (27.11.1958)
ALMW_II._32_196 · File · 1914-1985
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Two fiches. Contains: "Abschrift / Photocopie" of the book of the same name, published 1916 in Leipzig (Verlag der Ev.-luth. Mission), with an overview of the author's life, a "Kirchengeschichtlichen Abriß über die Entstehung des Ev. Luth. Kirche im Paregebirge bis zum 1. Weltkrieg" (by Kiesel, Moshi / Tanzania), a "Statistik über das Jahr 1914" (by Senior Fuchs) and "Erläuterungen" (by Dannholz), presumably written 1985. 82 pp.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Diehl, Johann Jacob (1878- )
RMG 1.654 · File · 1899-1909
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missionary construction technician, 1901-1908 in Windhoek, Karibib, Okahandja, Otjimbingue, Rehoboth; letters and work reports, 1901-1909; curriculum vitae, certificates, 1899-1901; instruction for Johann Jacob Diehl, 1901; construction report of the Windhoek Mission Church, 1902; report on the visit to the station building in Otjizewa, 1903; proposals for e. Building regulations for the Herero Conference, 1906;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Gauger, Traugott
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, L 2, Nr. 356 · File · 1912-1974
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains:<br />- Curriculum vitae<br />- (detailed report from 1913: father worked as a merchant on a mission in West Africa)<br />- References<br /><br />- Personal details:<br />- Personal name: Gauger. Report from 1913: Father working as a merchant in the Basel Mission in West Africa)<br />- Certificates<br /><br />- Personal details:<br />- Personal name: Gauger, Traugott<br />- Date of birth: 03.11.1885<br />- Place of birth: Accra (West Africa)<br />- Date of death: 27.10.1976<br />- Year of joining: 1913<br />- Year of leaving: 1976<br />- Education: Deacon; nurse<br />- Worked for: Heilbronn Hospital<br />- Place of work: Heilbronnn* 1912-1974, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 10 · File · 1869-1875 und undatiert
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Description: Contains, among other things: - Clipping with handwritten musical notes - receipt for board money from the Basel Missionary Society dated December 11, 1869 - poems in rhyme form, including one about Heinrich Bohner - concept paper "Restoration [!] of the episcopate" - addresses noted on the back of a business card - notes on missionary activity and the situation in West Africa - notes on Gedebo language - notes on theological and ecclesiastical keywords - draft of the article "Names for African Natives" for "The Spirit of Missions" - handwritten compilation of Auer's publications in an unidentified hand, after 1875 - handwritten curriculum vitae of Auer entitled "Bishop Auer's Life" in an unidentified hand, after 1875
  • Contains, among other things:<br />- clipping with handwritten musical notes<br />- receipt for expenses from the Basel Missionary Society dated December 11, 1869<br />- poems in rhyme, including one about Heinrich Bohner<br />- concept paper "Restoration [!] of the episcopate"<br />- Addresses noted on the back of a visiting card<br />- Notes on missionary activity and the situation in West Africa<br />- Notes on Gedebo language<br />- Notes on theological and ecclesiastical keywords<br />- Draft of the article "Names for African Natives" for "The Spirit of Missions"<br />- Handwritten compilation of publications by Auer in an unidentified hand, after 1875<br />- handwritten curriculum vitae of Auer with the title "Bishop Auer's Life" in an unidentified hand, after 1875
  • 1869-1875 and undated, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 43 Estate of Johann Gottlieb Auer
Heider, Edward (1846-1881)
RMG 1.612 · File · 1872-1881, 1896
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1872-1881 in Berseba, Hoachanas; Letters and travel diaries, 1872-1881; View of the destroyed station Hoachanas (pencil drawing), 1875; description of Hoachanas: Lage, Bewohner, Schule, Kirche, 1876; report by Mrs. Johanne Heider, née Werbeck about the death of her husband, 1881; curriculum vitae and application of Eduard Heider junior for admission to the mission seminary, 1896;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Herrmann, Rudolf (1884-1912)
RMG 1.691 · File · 1905-1913
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1911-1912 in Namakunde, Omupanda; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, 1905; medical certificate, personal papers, 1911; letter reports from Namakunde and Omupanda, 1912; message of death, obituary for Rudolf Herrmann, Dr., 1912; request for estate, 1913;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.634 a-c · File · 1931-1939, 1947-1956, 1957-1963, 1964-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Draft e. Agreement between the NGK (Ring Gibeon), the Finnish Mission and the RMG on the mission under the contractovambos in the police zone, 1947; curriculum vitae (copy) of Hildegard Redecker, 1951; minutes of the extraordinary meeting with the Herero foremen and church elders of the Herero community in Omaruru, 1955;

Rhenish Missionary Society
BArch, N 18/1 · File · 1869-1914
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains: - Origin of the clan; - Youth and cadet years; - In the Prussian army; - At the military academy; - In the Great General Staff; - Berlin - Glogau - Frankfurt/Od. - German South-West Africa; - War in German South-West Africa; - Again in Metz; - Chief III B; - "Battalion Druff" in Hannover 1869-1914, Federal Archives, BArch, N 18 Heye, Wilhelm Contains:<br />Origin of the clan;<br />Youth and cadet years;<br />In the Prussian Army;<br />On the military academy;<br />In the Great General Staff;<br />Berlin - Glogau - Frankfurt/Od. - German Southwest Africa;<br />War in German Southwest Africa;<br />Back in Metz;<br />Hef III B;<br />"Battaillon Druff" in Hannover
Heye, Wilhelm
Personal documents
Stadtarchiv Solingen, 01 · File · 1889 - 1973
Part of City Archive Solingen (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Birth certificate; confirmation certificate (1903); curriculum vitae (written in June 1966); certificates of service and good conduct of the Imperial Navy; employment references; identity card for displaced persons and refugees; passport (1953); re-registration certificate (1965); income tax card (1973).