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Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0751 · Akt(e) · 1911-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1761/1911; EndVNr: E 1596/1912; and others: Cooperation with the Meereskundemuseum, (1911), pp. 20, and the Naturkundemuseum, Berlin, (1912), pp. 107, 164, 316 - Exchange with the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, (1911, 1912), pp. 13, 253 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1911, 1912), pp. 26 f., 396 et seq., the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Görlitz, (1912), p. 90 - Distribution or exchange of doublets with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Basel, p. 184, Hamburg, p. 179, 184 et seq, Lübeck, pp. 73 ff., Frankfurt a.M., pp. 183, 186 f., and Stuttgart, (1912), pp. 184, 189 - Cooperation with the Royal Library, Berlin, (1912), pp. 93 f.- Cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1911), p. 19 - Cooperation with the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun, Hamburg, (1911), p. 59, and the Kriegsmarine-Ausstellung, Fulda, Magdeburg, (1911, 1913), p. 63 - Graetz: Report on the "German Motorboat Expedition through Africa", p. 113 ff.., "The Watua (Batua).", (1912), pp. 123 ff. - Staudinger: Skeletons, (1912), pp. 168 ff. - Ankermann: Visit of the Collection Kracke, p. 198, the Collection Konietzko, p. 400, and report on a business trip to Hamburg and Lübeck, (1912), p. 344 - van Gennep: Report on cultural circles, p. 229 ff., and on textiles from North Africa, (1912), p. 246 ff. Fischer: Report on Bushman art and a grave, (1912), pp. 321 ff. - Negotiations with the Reichskolonialamt, Berlin, and the Kolonialinstitut, Hamburg, on the exploration of the ruins in East Africa, (1912), pp. 332 ff. - Report on Nomoli (soapstone figures) from French Guinea, [1912], pp. 408 f. - Re-inventarization, (1959), pp. 346.

BArch, RM 5/2010 · Akt(e) · 1903
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: - The activity of the Landing Corps [of the Cannon Boat] S.M.S. "Habicht" during the Herero Uprising in German South West Africa, Jan/Feb 1904". Print, 1905 - Immediatvortrag: "Die Herausgabe der weiteren Volände des seegeschichtlichen Werkes des Kapitäns zur See Stenzel", 11.3.1907 Contains among others:<br />"Die Tätigkeit des Landungskorps [des Kanonenbootes] S.M.S. "Habicht" während des Herero-Aufstand in Deutsch-Süd-West-Afrika, Jan./Febr. 1904". Print, 1905<br />Immediatvortrag: "Die Herausgabe der weiteren Volände des seegeschichtlichen Werkes des Kapitäns zur See Stenzel", 11.3.1907 1903, Bundesarchiv, BArch, RM 5 Admiralstab der Marine / Seekriegsleitung der Kaiserlichen Marine
Donations to the University and its Institutes
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 2039 · Akt(e) · 1885-1946
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Feedback for the prorectorate reports; painting by Alexander Ecker by university painter Hermann (1887); donation by Robert Wiedersheimer of Ethnographica from New Guinea to the Museum für Urgeschichte; psychiatric objects by Mr. Langermann; various books, some with detailed indexes; 2 "Negerschädel" from Togo by Dr. Beck (1894); bust of general physician Beck (1894); photo collection West-Bormeo (1894); lattice micrometer (1898); Otto von Puchstein reports 20 Aegyptica; several Peruvian mummies and skulls (1900); casts and Egyptian fragments (1900); physical instruments (1902); wax model of an embryonic lizard skull to the anatomy (1903);16 lithographs to the Psyciatrische Klinik zur Wanddekoration (1903); collection of stuffed birds (1903); petrifactions (1903), donations of money; special prints by hans Spemann; estate of the pianist Olga Naswanoff (1939); painting Amazonenschlacht by Max Beckmann from the estate of Joachim Kleemann (1937) and renunciation of the Senate; donation Stelzmann; Portheim Foundation (1941),

Jubilee Art Exhibition 1886
PrAdK 0330 · Akt(e) · 1883 - 1886
Teil von Archive of the Academy of Arts

Table of Contents/Rubrum (pages 3-9). Correspondence with the main board of the Allgemeine Deutsche Kunstgenossenschaft Düsseldorf, A. Achenbach, H. Deiters, (pp. 19-22, 27-30, 240), inter alia on the appointment of the jury for the art exhibition: as representative of the Düsseldorfer Kunstakademie: Gregor v. Bochmann, Eugène Dücker, Ferdinand Fagerlin, Christian Kröner, Benjamin Vautier, Heinrich Lauenstein, Max Volkhart (pp. 240).<br />Format with the Munich Artists' Cooperative, E. Stieler (pp. 264f.). Participation of the Weimar artists, list of artists (pp. 273f.). Correspondence about the participation of foreign artists in the exhibition (pp. 181, 190-193), Scandinavian artists (pp. 263, 282-286), Italian artists (pp. 268f., 282f.), English artists (pp. 287, 309, 321, 347), Russian artists (pp. 346), Dutch artists (pp. 275-277, 295, 367), Belgian artists (pp. 361, 385f..), Belgian artists (pp. 385f.), and the participation of foreign artists in the exhibition (pp. 181, 190-193), Jean Portaels), Austrian artist (pp. 362f.); no participation of Japanese artists (pp. 258).<br />Managing director of the art exhibition by Fritz Gurlitt (pp. 23-25, 114-121, 128f., 133, 140, 154). Conversion of the hygiene exhibition building for the anniversary art exhibition 1886 (pp. 33-38). Financing of the exhibition both by budget funds of the Ministry of Culture and by additional funds from the Magistrate (pp. 39-48, 75, 77, 82-89, 93, 99f., 153, 157, 185-187, 194, 243, 260, 279, 344f., 371, 395, 401).<br />Appointment of the members of the Ministry of Culture to the Commission for the Jubilee Art Exhibition: Greiff, Spieker, Jordan (pp. 49). Honorary Presidium and Honorary Committee for the Exhibition: Suggestions, Appointments (pp. 80, 101-103, 105, 130-132, 143, 171-178, 195, 202f., 207f.), List of Members of the Honorary Committee (pp. 144f..), and the list of members of the Honorary Committee (pp. 144f.), 204-206, 236, 292).<br />Suggestions for the design of the exhibition: Gustav Eilers (pp. 63f.), Kyllmann and Heyden, including an introduction to ancient Pergamon and Olympia as well as a diorama of the German colonies in West Africa and New Guinea (pp. 65-73, 364). Participation of the commission of the Verein Berliner Künstler in the design of the anniversary art exhibition, secretary Konrad Dielitz (pp. 122-127, 136). Association of Berlin artists to support its needy members and their surviving dependants (pp. 278, 288). Structural measures for the exhibition (pp. 262, 339). Glass paintings for the exhibition building (Bl. 290f.). Construction of a church on the exhibition site as a hall for the works with religious themes (sheet 219). Proposals by the architect Orth (pp. 198f., 226), Johannes Otzen (pp. 210-212, 280f.). Postponement of the Vienna Art Exhibition in favor of the Berlin Jubilee Art Exhibition (pp. 90-92, 115f.).<br />Inquiries about the exhibition program, free tickets, etc. Verein für deutsches Kunstgewerbe zu Berlin (pp. 95-98), Verein der Steinbildhauer, Peter Steffens (pp. 310). Request by Fritz Hummel to send a portrait of Leopold Ranke to the exhibition (pp. 408).<br />Program of the exhibition (pp. 147, 152, print, 161), Invitation to send the exhibition (pp. 107f), Application form (pp. 167). Sale of tickets by Soenderop

Max Dauthendey
Molo 1440 · Akt(e) · 1914, 1918
Teil von Archive of the Academy of Arts

Portrait before his departure for New Guinea as well as photo of the funeral service, with greetings of the woman, Annie Dauthendey

Missionary Conferences in New Guinea
RMG 3.014 · Akt(e) · 1904-1936
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

39 Lectures, sermons, travelogues[Overview in file]: - The thanksgiving offering of the Rayküsten Congregation to the RM / 1928- Gifts with a mouth / - New Guinea - a land of harvest joy / - Becker / Sermon Col. 3: 16-17 / 1909- Blum, Wilhelm / Sermon on Ps. 84, 6-8 / 1905- Diehl, Wilhelm / Sermon on 1.Kor.13,13 1904- Diehl, Wilhelm / Psychology and Ghost Worship at our Papuas / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / How do we involve our young Christians in financial achievements / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the founding and development of our company / Report on the history of our company / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our company / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our young Christians / Report on the history of our company. Development of the station Bogadjim during the first 25 years / 1912- Diehl, Wilhelm / Discussion of the language question in view of the unification of the language area Bongu-Bogadjim / 1913- Döge, Walter / Among the inhabitants of the Adalbert Mountains / 1936- Döge, Walter / An excursion to the foothills of the Bismarcksgebirge / 1931- Eckershoff, Heinrich / The collaboration of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Eiffert, Georg / The gospel and the Papuan pagan custom / 1911- George, Heinrich / Azera Reisebericht / 1924- Glitz, Gustav / Vom Bau unserer Rheno-Westfalia / 1910- Hanke, August / Which moral and religious demands do we have to make on baptized applicants and baptized Papuans? 1903- Hanke, August / On Uniform Orthography in New Guinea / 1905 / Hanke, August / The Numeric Words in the Languages of our Field of Work / 1905- Hanke, August / Casus formation of the Nomen substantivum and its meaning in the Bongus Language / 1906- Hanke, August / Report on the Development of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Hanke, August / Sermon on Jes. 21, 11-12 / 1914- Helmich, Heinrich / The treatment of our natives by the missionary in everyday and personal intercourse / 1905 - Helmich, Heinrich / The formation of a Christian terminology in the Siar language and in the language of Siar. the associated difficulties / 1907- Helmich, Heinrich / The uniform design of our Sunday service / 1909- Helmich, Heinrich / Sermon on the 25th anniversary of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Helmich, Heinrich / Procurement of a municipal ordinance with special consideration of what was initially required / 1913- Hoffmann, Albert / Mission u. Colonization in their mutual relationship with special consideration of New Guinea / 1902- Hoffmann, Albert / Thoughts about our mission area and the continuation of the work in New Guinea / - Kriele, Eduard / The current situation of the New Guinea mission and the resulting tasks for its continuation due to pers. Observations instead of a general report / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on John 13, 34-35 / 1908- Schütz, Friedrich / The subject matter and his treatment in our elementary schools / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on Ps. 62, 2 / 1912- Schütz, Friedrich / The cooperation of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Viering, Alfred / New Guinea / / Viering, Alfred [?] / A significant conference for our New Guinea mission / 1929- Weber, Ernst / Recruiting and training indigenous helpers / 1908- Welsch, Jakob / How can the problem of input of youth education be solved? / - Welsch, Jakob / The missionary in relation to his church / 1935- Welsch, Jakob / Some questions answered by the paper: The missionary in relation to his church / 1936- Welsch, Jakob / The Papuans are an easy-going people[&] Magic

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Trade and industrial affairs, Vol. 6
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 109, Nr. 1539 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Akt(e) · 1897 - 1898
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Trade reports - Compilation of the most common goods in trade with German East Africa - Report on trade and industrial relations in the southern Russian cities. Contains: Import of French colonial sugar into Holland p. 5 - Proposals on transport companies in the Near East p. 8 - Warning of the company "Societa Generale di Commissione Esportazione ed Importazione" in Napoli (=Naples) p. 12, p. 20 - Fabrication of tulle curtains in Russia p. 14 - Bogus companies "Bankvereinigung Grün