Affichage de 35 résultats

Description archivistique
RMG 2.140 · Dossier · 1880-1952
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from Siar, 1900-1904; General Report of the New Guinea Mission for 1900 (1901); Conference Report on the Establishment of a Health Station, c. 1901; Conference Paper "The Importance of Literature among a Literature-less People! 1901; condolence of the imperial governor to Bergmann's death, 1904; correspondence with the German Foreign Office in Berlin for seduction of a Papuan girl by a German official, 1902-1904; correspondence with and for wife Karoline Bergmann, née. Ott, 1931-1950; Ein Brief des Siar-Christen Bel an Frau Bergmann, 1950; Obituary for Karoline Bergmann, with letter of condolence, 1952; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from Siar (circulars, travel letters etc.), 1888-1896; Vol. 3; Letters and. Reports from Siar, 1896-1898; private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1887-1900; letter from Missionary Bamler from Tami to Gustav Bergmann, 20.09.1896; vol. 4 Nachlass; Bergmann to his parents and siblings, 1880-1897; program of the memorial service for housemother Busch, 1886; comparison of words of the Siar- and. Bogadjim language, not published; Karoline Bergmann to the Bergmann family, 1887-1893; various correspondence to the Bergmann and Ott families, 1887-1946; Ida Helmich to Karoline Bergmann and son Theo, 1906; report on the first christening ceremony at Siar Ragetta, 1906; letters from Papua school children to son Theo, 1906

Société des missions du Rhin
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 2039 · Dossier · 1885-1946
Fait partie de University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Feedback for the prorectorate reports; painting by Alexander Ecker by university painter Hermann (1887); donation by Robert Wiedersheimer of Ethnographica from New Guinea to the Museum für Urgeschichte; psychiatric objects by Mr. Langermann; various books, some with detailed indexes; 2 "Negerschädel" from Togo by Dr. Beck (1894); bust of general physician Beck (1894); photo collection West-Bormeo (1894); lattice micrometer (1898); Otto von Puchstein reports 20 Aegyptica; several Peruvian mummies and skulls (1900); casts and Egyptian fragments (1900); physical instruments (1902); wax model of an embryonic lizard skull to the anatomy (1903);16 lithographs to the Psyciatrische Klinik zur Wanddekoration (1903); collection of stuffed birds (1903); petrifactions (1903), donations of money; special prints by hans Spemann; estate of the pianist Olga Naswanoff (1939); painting Amazonenschlacht by Max Beckmann from the estate of Joachim Kleemann (1937) and renunciation of the Senate; donation Stelzmann; Portheim Foundation (1941),

Exchange of letters L - Z
Best. 614, A 35 · Dossier · 1932-1937
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Länderkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Ortsgruppe Leverkusen-Küppersteg Führung, 1937; Landesstelle der Reichsvereinigung Deutscher Lichtspielstellen, Cologne "Questionnaire for the future members of the Reichsvereinigung Deutscher Lichtspielstellen e. V., Berlin und ihrer Landesverbände" for the purpose of obtaining membership, o.D.; Rheinische Landesbildstelle, Cologne Loan of ethnological films for the promotion of the Winterhilfswerk, 1934; Lepper, W., Honnef Taxation of an amphora; Lettow-Vorbeck, Ada von, Neckargemünd Photos of crosshairs from the works of Willi Foy, 1937; Lieverwirth, O.H., Kaiserslautern Acquisition of ethnographic collections from Dutch East India; Lippmann, Martin, Frankfurt Collection activity for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on his expedition to South Nigeria, 1935; Lohbeck, Ernst, Wesel Acquisition of ethnological photos; Lübbert, Konteradmiral, Berlin Acquisition of a "Neumecklenburg-Schnitzerei, 1936; Ludwig, Julius, städt. Deputy, Cologne planned special exhibition for the year 1936 on the occasion of the Olympic Games, 1936; 1st "Wajang", shadow play, batik and magnificent weapons from Java 2. bark fabrics from all over the world 3. ikat and other fabrics from Indonesia. Zöhrer, Dr. Ludwig G.A., Vienna Lecture in Cologne about his trip to the Tuareg in 1935, 1937; Mexican Consulate, Cologne (Consul Leopold Kiel) Special exhibition "Arts and Crafts of the Mexican Indians", 1935; National Socialist German Workers' Party, local group Köln-Zollstock Dienstbefreiung für den Pg. Josef Kessel sen. für Wahlvorbereitungen, 1936; Baumgarten, Letterhead: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (N.S.D.St.B.)), Cologne Leave of absence from the museum service for the management of training camps of the N.S.D.St.B. from May to August 1934; Neuerburg, Heinrich "Haus Neuerburg", Cologne Loan of 5 ship models for the exhibition "Schiff und Schiffahrt", 1935; Neuss, Waler, Honnef Donation of a Finnish wedding ring, 1937; Nordische Gesellschaft Köln Lecture events of the Westkontor; therein: Lecture programme for the Kontore, 2 p., 1934; founding of an association to support the Düsseldorf museums; information about the association to support the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum regarding its founding. Number and social status of the members, use of membership funds, 1933; Chief President of the Rhine Province (Haake, Chairman of the Association of Rhineland Local Museums), reorganization of the association in organizational and statutory terms, 1934; Pressler, C.W., Berlin, purchase of an Indonesian collection, 1934; Kameradschaft 1. Oberrh. Infantrie-Regiment 97, Cologne, leadership; therein: Invitation of the comradeship to the monthly compulsory meeting on March 14.1936; theme of the lecture by Captain Schröder: Own experiences in war and peace in our former colony Deutsch-Ost-Afrika; 1936; Reichsarbeitsdienst, Dienstabteilung 3/212 Kevelaer Dienstabteilung 3/212 Radevormwald, provision of ethnographics for the decoration of the team rooms, 1936; Reichs- und Preußischer Minister für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung, Berlin Runderlaß wegen unentgeltlichen Eintritts für Provinzialkonservatoren und selbständige Kunstwissenschaftler zu den Museen, 1935; Reichsnährstand, Landesbauernschaft Rheinland, Bonn Description of the traditional costumes in the district of Cologne, 1935; Reichspostdirektion Köln Establishment of a special post office in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on the occasion of a stamp exhibition and the special show: "Ethnology and Stamps", 1937; Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H., Reichssender Köln Radio report on the 30th anniversary of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on 12.11.1936; Giant, Günther, Lord Mayor, Cologne Invitations to exhibitions of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933-1936; Rodens, Franz, Cologne Agreement with Andreas Scheller on a report in the Westdeutscher Beobachter on Cologne museums and especially on the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; Söderström, Jan, Furuberg, Sweden Information on Ethnographika, 1934-1936; Scheller, Maria, Cologne Replacement of two by their deceased spouse (Andreas S., Cologne); The German writer, Günther, and the German writer, Günther, are the first to be informed about the history of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.), 1932-1933; Schoeller, Mrs. Hugo, Düren, acknowledgement of receipt for the donation of the New Guinea collection of her mother Mrs. Geheimrat Peill, 1933; Pater Schüttler, Missionshaus Knechtsteden, loan of ethnographics for an Angola exhibition, 1937; Stagma (Staatlich genehmigte Gesellschaft zur Verwertung musikalischer Urheberrechte), Cologne, copyright claims for the works of art lent out on 2 January 1933; Pater Schüttler, Missionshaus Knechtsteden, 1933; and the collection of the works of art lent on 2 December 1933.3.Works performed in a concert in 1932, lawsuit, court summons; 1933-1934 Stollenwerk, Karl, Monschau Literatur zur Rassenforschung, 1935; Stotzenbrug, Liese, Essen Ankauf Peruischer Trinkgefäße, 1936; Väth, Felix, Mainz Ankauf Südamerikanischer Ethnographika, 1934; Haake, Heinz, Landeshauptmann (Chairman of the Verband der rheinischen Heimatmuseen) Dissolution of the association and its organs in its present form, scheduling of a constituent meeting of the association in its new form, 20.6.1934; West German Observer G.m.b.H., Gauverlag der NSDAP Köln-Aachen darin: Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika - Special exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1 p., maschrftl., copy; Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika - Visits the special exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1 p., maschrftl., copy; A life as a researcher in New Guinea. Lecture: Pater Franz J. Kirschbaum "Sprachen, Kulturen und Geisterkult bei den Eingeborenen Nord-Neuguineas", 3 p., maschrftl., copy, 1936; Reichsrundfunk-Gesellschaft, Reichssender Köln u.a. Lectures by Andreas Scheller about sports competitions of non-European peoples (during the Olympic Games) 1936; Zollamt Köln duty free import of ethnographics, 1937 old signatures: 35.

RMG 2.162 · Dossier · 1907-1921
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, application and health certificate, 1907; correspondence about Glitz' training as a boatman, 1908; certificate about the qualification for coastal navigation, 1908; instruction for Gustav Glitz, 1908; letters and reports from Hong Kong and New Guinea, 1908-1911; "Sketch of the old steam engine" and boiler, scale 1:10, 1908; employment certificate, 1921

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.149 · Dossier · 1895-1966
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1895-1899; Conference Paper "Our Position on the Roman Mission", 14 p. hs, 1897; Map sketches of Astrolabe-Bai and Pomeranian Bay, as well as of the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land from Gorinna to Bunsenspitze, scale 1:250.000, drawn by Hanke, 1897-1898; Narrative of the Moon God in the Bongu language, with German translation, 1898; paper "Die Erziehung u. Behandlung unserer Eingeb.n hinsichtlich ihrer sittlichen, geistigen u. materiellen Entwicklung", 19 p., ed. 1899; Private Letters to Inspectors, 1895-1902; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1899-1905; Biblical Stories in the Bongu Language, 16 p.., Dr., 1901; Vol. 3; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1906-1912; "Painting the Body with Red Color by the Papuans", IN: Brudergruß, 18th ed, 1906; "Reisebericht über eine Erkundungsreise in das Gebiet der Djeba-Lpete", 1912; Korrespondenz mit August Hanke im Heimaturlaub, 1909; vol. 4; Letters and reports from New Guinea (also family letters), 1913-1918; Nachricht vom Tod von August Hanke, 1918; Correspondenz mit Johanna Hanke, geb. Heider in New Guinea, 1919-1920; correspondence with Johanna Hanke in Germany, 1921-1966; death certificate, obituary and letter of condolence for Johanna Hanke, 1966

Société des missions du Rhin
Held Dutch New Guinea
VII WS 108 · Dossier · 1938-01-01 - 1939-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: The collection is registered as penultimate in the EB Schneider and was still completely galvanized, but the majority of the galvanos were lost in the war. See also Art 1967c:104-5. Correspondence available. Accordingly, Hero was recommended by Josselin de Jong (letter of 31.10.36). Detailed remarks on the recordings and complete lyrics are available (original Dutch, English translation by L. van Proosdij 1995).
Held, Gerrit Jan
Stadtarchiv Hof, N 34; 102 · Dossier · ohne Datum
Fait partie de Hof City Archive (Archivtektonik)
  • without date, Stadtarchiv Hof, N 34 Prof. Dr. Herbert Weidner (9.5.1911 - 18.5.2009) description: Contains: - The permanent civil servants and volunteers of the Zoological Museum at the time of the Directorial Administration 1882-1969 (manuscript) - - South Sea expedition of the Hamburg Scientific Foundation, first year of expedition under the direction of Professor Dr. Friedrich Fülleborn 15.5.1906 - 30.6.1909 (fragment) - - Letter from Herbert Weidner to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Hamburg concerning the succession of Zoology Professor Dr. C. Kosswig Contains: <br />- The permanent civil servants and volunteers of the Zoological Museum at the time of the Directorial Administration 1882-1969 (manuscript) <br />- Südsee-Expedition der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Stiftung, first year of expedition under the direction of Professor Dr. Friedrich Fülleborn 15.5.1906 - 30.6.1909 (fragment) <br />- Letter from Herbert Weidner to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Hamburg concerning the succession of zoology professor Dr. C. Kosswig
Fülleborn, Friedrich
RMG 3.001 · Dossier · 1915-1918
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reports by H. Eckershoff and H. George, Asafo and Taeao ; Luther's Little Catechism, translated into the Papuan language by H. Eckershoff, 1918

Société des missions du Rhin
BArch, R 1001/2306 · Dossier · Jan. 1897 - Juni 1900
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The education of the Papuans as workers in the recruitment of workers in the protectorate of German New Guinea, including the islands of the Caroline Islands, Palau and Mariana Islands. Ordinance of Oct. 1899

RMG 3.013 · Dossier · 1900-1926
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Conference Protocols from 1900-1907; "The Balaie-Keku Language" by G. Eiffert, 21 p., ms., o.J.; "The Language Conditions in the Astrolabe Bay in German New Guinea", by A. Hanke, 8 p., Dr., Berlin 1905; List of New Guinea Literature ; Various Language Samples ; Correspondence

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.176 · Dossier · 1928-1937
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Application, CV and certificates, 1928-1929; Information about Loos, 1928-1929; Correspondence about further education, 1930; Employment contract as carpenter of the RMG in New Guinea, 1931; Letters and reports from there, 1931-1932; Decision not to serve the Lutheran Mission, 1932; Correspondence about further employment of Loos, 1933-1937; Employment certificate, 1937

Société des missions du Rhin
Max Dauthendey
Molo 1440 · Dossier · 1914, 1918
Fait partie de Archive of the Academy of Arts

Portrait before his departure for New Guinea as well as photo of the funeral service, with greetings of the woman, Annie Dauthendey


List of Melanesian languages (used by DPW) (150-195 pieces) ,3 pages handwritten in pencil; etymologies in Melanesian languages, data from data from Codrington (e.g. 322ff), Ray (e.g. 431), Friederici, Ivens;mostly only 1 page, including table of lute development in the respective language (from theUMN or UIN), about 90 pages handwritten in pencil; Mota (after Codrington-Palmers and Ray), 1-8 Mota-Urmelanesisch, 1-26 Mota-Uraustronesich; ditto for Polynesian languages: 2 pages Rotuma, 2 Maori, 3 Mangareva; summarizing table of the Urmelanesian phonemes and their reflexes in Melanesian languages, sorted by groups: 4 languages of the Western Islands, 7 of Manus = Admiraltyinsein, 1 < Berlinhafen, Manam, 7 of Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen, 3 < French Islands, 2 < Siasi, 4 < SW-Neupommern, 10 of the Tuna-Group, New Ireland, Loyalties, New Hebrides, Solomon Islands etc.together about 75 pages handwritten; Sa'a after Ivens, 14 pages, Sa'a and Ulawa, lute development 1-10; Fidji after Hazlewood, 340 words (= etymologies?), 1-14 handwritten in pencil; Pala after Peekel, Berlin 1909, 120 words, 3 pages; others like Aneitum after Kern, 150 words; Wuvulu, Mota, etc., approx. 75 pages handwritten in pencil

Dempwolff, Otto
Missionary Conferences in New Guinea
RMG 3.014 · Dossier · 1904-1936
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

39 Lectures, sermons, travelogues[Overview in file]: - The thanksgiving offering of the Rayküsten Congregation to the RM / 1928- Gifts with a mouth / - New Guinea - a land of harvest joy / - Becker / Sermon Col. 3: 16-17 / 1909- Blum, Wilhelm / Sermon on Ps. 84, 6-8 / 1905- Diehl, Wilhelm / Sermon on 1.Kor.13,13 1904- Diehl, Wilhelm / Psychology and Ghost Worship at our Papuas / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / How do we involve our young Christians in financial achievements / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the founding and development of our company / Report on the history of our company / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our company / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our young Christians / Report on the history of our company. Development of the station Bogadjim during the first 25 years / 1912- Diehl, Wilhelm / Discussion of the language question in view of the unification of the language area Bongu-Bogadjim / 1913- Döge, Walter / Among the inhabitants of the Adalbert Mountains / 1936- Döge, Walter / An excursion to the foothills of the Bismarcksgebirge / 1931- Eckershoff, Heinrich / The collaboration of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Eiffert, Georg / The gospel and the Papuan pagan custom / 1911- George, Heinrich / Azera Reisebericht / 1924- Glitz, Gustav / Vom Bau unserer Rheno-Westfalia / 1910- Hanke, August / Which moral and religious demands do we have to make on baptized applicants and baptized Papuans? 1903- Hanke, August / On Uniform Orthography in New Guinea / 1905 / Hanke, August / The Numeric Words in the Languages of our Field of Work / 1905- Hanke, August / Casus formation of the Nomen substantivum and its meaning in the Bongus Language / 1906- Hanke, August / Report on the Development of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Hanke, August / Sermon on Jes. 21, 11-12 / 1914- Helmich, Heinrich / The treatment of our natives by the missionary in everyday and personal intercourse / 1905 - Helmich, Heinrich / The formation of a Christian terminology in the Siar language and in the language of Siar. the associated difficulties / 1907- Helmich, Heinrich / The uniform design of our Sunday service / 1909- Helmich, Heinrich / Sermon on the 25th anniversary of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Helmich, Heinrich / Procurement of a municipal ordinance with special consideration of what was initially required / 1913- Hoffmann, Albert / Mission u. Colonization in their mutual relationship with special consideration of New Guinea / 1902- Hoffmann, Albert / Thoughts about our mission area and the continuation of the work in New Guinea / - Kriele, Eduard / The current situation of the New Guinea mission and the resulting tasks for its continuation due to pers. Observations instead of a general report / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on John 13, 34-35 / 1908- Schütz, Friedrich / The subject matter and his treatment in our elementary schools / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on Ps. 62, 2 / 1912- Schütz, Friedrich / The cooperation of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Viering, Alfred / New Guinea / / Viering, Alfred [?] / A significant conference for our New Guinea mission / 1929- Weber, Ernst / Recruiting and training indigenous helpers / 1908- Welsch, Jakob / How can the problem of input of youth education be solved? / - Welsch, Jakob / The missionary in relation to his church / 1935- Welsch, Jakob / Some questions answered by the paper: The missionary in relation to his church / 1936- Welsch, Jakob / The Papuans are an easy-going people[&] Magic

Société des missions du Rhin
science funding
Best. 1070, A 181 · Dossier · 1914-1931
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:1914 Jan. 1 - Berlin: Die Dt. Omitholog. Gesel1schaft asks the RT to prohibit the ruthless shooting of birds of paradise in the German protectorate of New Guinea because of the danger of extinction. Signatures: Heinroth, Reichenow, GS.1 p., print.1916 Febr. 5 - Düsseldorf: submission by Alwine Clason, chairman of the Stadtverband für Frauenbestrebungen, and Maria Bewerunge, deputy chairman of the Vereinigung Düsseldorfer Künstlerinnen und Kunstfreundinnen, to the Abg.Haus wegen Errichtung einer Kunstakademie für Frauen in Düsseldorf.3 S., Drucke1920 Nov. 1 - Cologne: Memorandum for the establishment of a school for physical education in Cologne.21/% S., masch.-schriftl. Absrchrift.o. D. (after 1921 June 29): Memorandum on the founding and establishment of the Catholic Institute of Philosophy planned for Cologne, which is to be named the "Albertus Magnus Academy" in honour of the great Cologne teacher Albertus Magnus. Written by Prof. Dr. Switalski from Braunsberg, currently Köln.4 S., Druck.192(4) Mai 27 - Berlin: Schreiber reminds Marx of the promise to write to Cardinal Bertram about Prof. Steinmann. He urges you to take his rather careful wording literally. Prelate Steinmann - Rome has the same request. Eh. Signature.1 S., Eigenhädig Ausf., Kopfbogen 'RT'.1924 June 2 - Berlin: Cardinal Bertram rejects the promotion of an appointment of Prof. Altons Steinmann - Braunsberg to Breslau vis-à-vis Marx, not for reasons based on his teaching, but in a personal manner. The Archbishop of Cologne would probably also resist the appointment of Professors Wittig and v. Tessen to Bonn. Eh. Signature.21/2 p., masrch.-schriftl. Ausf., Kopfbogen.1925 March 12 - Freiburg: Dr. Sacher, ed. of the Staatslexikon der Görresgesellschaft, writes Marx that he could only start the great work because the employee fees are covered by subsidies a fonds perdu. Contributions were made by the Pope, individual Americans and a German leather factory with a total of 10,000 marks. This amount has been devalued by inflation, while most of the aid promised has been withdrawn. When assigning the keywords he can hardly accommodate the art. if he cannot increase the fee to 8-10 RM per printed page. This lacks about 10,000 RM. Sacher asks Marx to win patrons for the Staatslexikon or to open up support funds. Eh. Signature.2 S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf., Kopfbogen des Staatslexikons.1926 June 26 - Berlin: Following a discussion, Hermann Muckermann sends Marx copies of a memorandum of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science concerning the establishment of an Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. Marx may for the sake of private business!.. Securing the building of the institute. Eh. Signature.1/2 p., mach.-typewritten copy, personal headband. In the appendix the memorandum,1 p., print.o. D.: Speeches by A. v. Harnack and Marx on a mainslog of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft.5 and 4 p., mach.-schriftl. In Marx' speech improvements by the hand of the Prelate Schreiber. 1928 July 24 - Berlin: Pünder notifies Marx that his own and the Reich Ministry of the Interior's investigations into the composition of the German National Committee for Spiritual Cooperation have been delayed. The two v. Harnack chairmen and the 2nd Planck chairmen; the two v. Harnack chairmen and the other 5 members of the Presidium have not yet been appointed. Min.-Dir. Pellengahr announced that the list of members, which until now had only included university professors, would be extended. Prelate Schreiber is a member of the Commission. Eh.Unterschrift.P/4 S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf., Kopfbogen 'Der StS in der Reichskanzlei'.[1928 act. 31 - Salzburg: Prince Archbishop Ignatius Rieder and Archabbot P. Klotz OSB, President and Vice-President of the University Association, respectively, invite Marx to the Salzburg University Day, which is held on the occasion of the celebration! Opening of the Pope. philos. Institute takes place. The Cardinal Archbishops Pfiffl-Wien and Faulhaber-München as well as the Pope Nuntius Sibilia, Seipel, Min.President Held, the Austrian Min.-Presidents (retired) Hussarek, P. Gemelli, Rector of the Sacred Heart Jesu University Milan, and the Rector of the University of Nymwegen, also representatives of the Görres Society, the Leo Society and the Association of Academics have announced their participation. Ew. Excellency will understand that we attach very special and extraordinary importance to your participation in the planned great festival. The entire German Catholic people should gain the impression from the powerful festive rally that their leaders are convinced of the necessity of a German Catholic university and also believe in the possibility of the re-establishment of such a university. Eh. Signatures.31/. S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf.1928 Nov. 12: Marx answers Rieder that he wishes best success to the excellent and far-sighted plans, ... whose execution are of extraordinary advantage for the Catholic teaching and the reputation of the Catholic science. The coming weeks will be of special importance for the fate of the German people. The possibility of serious conflicts is not excluded. Under these circumstances I must not dare to leave here.P/4 p., copy of Masch.-Schreiben, without authentication.1928 Nov. 21 - Salzburg: Prince Archbishop Rieder thanks Marx for his good wishes and regrets his absence. He's asking for a welcome telegram. Eh. Signature.1 5th, machine-written version, on it draft of the welcoming telegram, by Marx himself.1929 June 27 - Berlin: The German College of Politics invites Marx to a meeting of the Board of Trustees, Eh. Signature: Dr. Simons.1 5th, machine-written copy, head bow. On the back, notes by Marx from the meeting.1931 June 5 - Freiburg: Sacher reports to the staff of the State Dictionary about a longer private audience with Pope Pius XI and a reception at Cardinal-StS Pacelli. Eh. Signature.2 5th, copy. Ausf., head bow of the State Dictionary.

_MfN.01 153 · Dossier · 1888 - 1917
Fait partie de University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin

Contains: among others: - Table of contents of the files up to 1911 - The preservation of natural monuments : Speech of the deputy Wetekamp, 30.03.1898 - Report on finds of gold, tellurium and precious stones in Australia - Outbreak of Mont Pelée on Martinique in 1902 - How to stop the crumbling of the island Helgoland? 1904 - Find of a sperm whale skeleton at Wennemannswisch - Expert opinion for awarding professor titles etc. an Max Blanckenhorn, Paul Oppenheim, Friedrich Solger, Hans von Staff - Questions concerning the occurrence of fossil dinosaurs in the Lindi hinterland in D e u t s c h -O s t a f r i k a , 1910 - Collection of fossil pebble sponges by the dentist Anton Schrammen in Hildesheim - Question of the divining rod - Collection of fossil plants and animals by Paul Richter in Quedlinburg.

Verschueren New Guinea
VII WS 322 · Dossier · 1936-01-01 - 1937-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin
  • Audio* description: According to Lt. Briefwechsel Verschueren had already used wax rollers for Jaap Kunst. In Lamsweerde (1994:273) you can find a list of these reels. Transcriptions in Art 1950. Transcriptions are also available from Marius Schneider, a planned publication together with Hans Nevermann obviously did not come about. Schneider prepared a publication of the sound recordings (title cited in Schneider 1939: 277), which however did not appear...
Sans titre