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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 172 · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  1. Behördengeschichte In der Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig (16. - 19. Oktober 1813) fügten die alliierten Truppen, zu denen auch preußische Verbände gehörten, Napoleon eine verheerende Niederlage zu. König Friedrich August I. von Sachsen, ein Verbündeter Napoleons, geriet bei der Erstürmung der Stadt Leipzig in Gefangenschaft und wurde zunächst ins Berliner Stadtschloss, später dann ins Schloss Friedrichsfelde überführt. Die französische Armee, die Dresden nach dem Sieg bei Lützen am 2. Mai 1813 besetzt hatte, kapitulierte am 11. November 1813. Die Verwaltung des Königreich Sachsen sowie des Herzogtums Sachsen-Altenburg und der reußischen und schwarzburgischen Fürstentümer wurde dem Zentralverwaltungsdepartement übertragen. Dessen Leiter, Freiherr Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein, richtete zum 21. Oktober 1813 das Generalgouvernement der verbündeten Mächte im Königreich Sachsen ein. Als Leitungsgremium wurde ein Gouvernementsrat unter dem Vorsitz des am 9. Dezember 1813 ernannten russischen Generals Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Repnin-Wolkonski eingerichtet. Ihm gehörten russische, preußische und sächsische Beamte an, wobei letztere auf die neue Obrigkeit vereidigt wurde. Repnin-Wolkonski stieß eine Reihe von Verwaltungsreformen an. Auch wurde in Dresden eine Industrieschule eingerichtet, in Leipzig eine Chirurgisch-Medizinische Akademie. Die königlichen Kunstsammlungen, die Brühl’schen Terrassen und der Große Garten in Dresden wurden für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet. Die Frauenkirche wurde restauriert. Zur Fortführung des Kriegs wurden Landwehr und Landsturm errichtet und ein Banner der freiwilligen Sachsen als Freikorps aufgestellt. Dennoch erlebte der partikulare Patriotismus einen Aufschwung, der auch von den fremden Besatzungsmächten nicht übergangen werden konnte. Um Befürchtungen, das Königreich werde aufgelöst, zu begegnen, versprach Repnin noch in seiner gedruckt erschienenen Abschiedsrede: "Sachsen bleibt Sachsen, und seine Gränzen unangetastet. Eine liberale Verfassung wird die Selbständigkeit des Staates und die Wohlfahrt jedes Einzelnen sichern." (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 7, Bl. 3 VS). Nach dem Beginn des Wiener Kongresses übergab Repnin-Wolkonski die Leitung des Generalgouvernements am 8. November 1814 dem preußischen Staatsminister Freiherrn Eberhard Friedrich Christoph Ludwig von der Recke und dem Generalmajor Freiherrn Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold von Gaudy (auch Gaudi). Sie führten beide die Amtsbezeichnung des Generalgouverneurs. Aus der Zeit nach dem Übergang von Russland an Preußen stammt die Geschäftsordnung des Generalgouvernements vom 12. Dezember 1814. Sie basiert auf älteren Instruktionen (Leipzig, 25. Okt. 1813; Leipzig 1. Nov. 1813; 8. Nov. 1813; Wien, 25. Okt. 1814), die in der betreffenden Akte jedoch nicht enthalten sind (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 15). Die Grundzüge der Geschäftsordnung des Generalgouvernements dürften jedoch in den Jahren 1813 und 1814 unverändert geblieben sein. Das Generalgouvernement umfasste das Generalsekretariat, vier Sektionen bzw. Verwaltungsabteilungen sowie die Zentralsteuerkommission. Daneben bestand noch der Gouvernementsrat als "Vortrags-Versammlung sämtlicher Herren Gouvernements-Räthe". Das Generalsekretariat war die schriftgutführende Stelle innerhalb des Generalgouvernements. Es führte die Journale und beaufsichtige den Geschäftsgang. Darüber hinaus erledigte das Generalsekretariat alle übergeordneten Materien ("Generalia"), die nicht bei den einzelnen Sektionen ressortierten, sowie die Leitung der Höhere Polizei. Die Angelegenheiten der Höheren Polizei waren vom Vortrag im Gouvernementsrat befreit, wurden allein von den Generalgouverneuren entschieden. Bis zum Übergang an Preußen wurde das Generalsekretariat von Staatsrat Freiherrn Andreas von Merian geleitet, danach von Staatsrat Friedrich Wilhelm August Werner von Bülow. Bülow leitete neben Oberst Dietrich von Miltitz und einem Kriegsrat Krüger auch die 1. Sektion des Generalgouvernements. Dieser Sektion oblagen Angelegenheiten der Justiz, der allgemeinen Polizei, des Medizinal- und Armenwesens, der Gemeinden, Körperschaften und öffentlichen Institute sowie der Kirchen und Schulen. Die 2. Sektion kümmerte sich dagegen um die Finanzen, soweit diese nicht in den Bereich der Zentralsteuerkommission fielen. Zuständig waren hier Karl Ferdinand Friese und der Finanzrat Julius Wilhelm von Oppel. In der 3. Sektion regelte Kriegsrat Krüger die Angelegenheit der Militärverpflegung, während die 4. Sektion mit den restlichen Militärangelegenheiten betraut war, sofern diese nicht in den Geschäftsbereich des Generalmilitärkommandos fielen. Generalmajor Carl Adolf von Carlowitz und Major von Brockhusen waren die zuständigen Beamten. Mitglieder der Zentralsteuerkommission waren Kriegsrat Krüger, Rat und Präsident Moritz Haubold von Schönberg und Hofrat Ferber. Die Sektionschefs hatten jeweils zum Monatsende einen Geschäftsbericht zu verfassen, der über die Generalgouverneure an Staatskanzler Fürst von Hardenberg weitergereicht wurde. Was Entscheidungen anging, so hatten die Sektionschefs der 1., 2. und 4. Sektion über alle Angelegenheiten gemeinschaftlich zu befinden. Bei Differenzen entschieden die Generalgouverneure nach Vortrag im Gouvernementsrat. Eine ganze Reihe wichtiger Angelegenheiten konnte generell nur unter Beteiligung der Generalgouverneure entschieden werden. Die Plenarversammlungen fanden montags, mittwochs und sonnabends ab 10 Uhr vormittags statt. Ansonsten waren die Geschäftszeichen zwischen 9 und 13 bzw. 16 und 19 Uhr. Sofern sie nicht im Zuge der Verwaltungsreform umgebildet wurden, bestanden die königlich-sächsischen Zentralbehörden neben dem Generalgouvernement fort. Das Generalgouvernement übte jedoch die Dienstaufsicht über sie aus. Da das Generalgouvernement bis 1814 dem Zentralverwaltungsdepartement, danach dem Preußischen Staatskanzler nachgeordnet, es selbst aber den sächsischen Behörden übergeordnet war, stellte es eine Art Mittelbehörde dar. Die königlich-sächsischen Behörden sanken dagegen zu Provinzialbehörden herab. Mit den Gouvernementskommissaren und den Polizeibüros verfügte das Generalgouvernement darüber hinaus über neu gebildete, nachgeordnete Dienststellen. Nach dem Abschluss des Friedensvertrags zwischen Preußen und Sachsen am 18. Mai 1815 räumte Preußen das Königreich Sachsen, behielt jedoch das gleichnamige Herzogtum. Das Generalgouvernement wurde als Generalgouvernement des Herzogtums Sachsen von Dresden nach Merseburg verlegt. Der sächsische König, der aus der Gefangenschaft nach Dresden zurückkehrte, entließ seine Untertanen im herzoglichen Teil Sachsens mit salbungsvollen Worten aus ihren Verpflichtungen ihm gegenüber: "Ich soll von euch scheiden, und das Band muß getrennt werden, das durch eure treue Anhänglichkeit Mir und Meinem Hause so theuer war, und auf welches seit Jahrhunderten das Glück Meines Hauses und eurer Vor-Eltern sich gründete. Zufolge der den verbündeten Mächten ertheilten Zusage entlasse Ich euch, ihr Unterthanen und Soldaten der von Mir abgetretenen Provinzen eures Eide und eurer Pflichten gegen Mich und Mein Haus, und Ich empfehle euch, treu und gehorsam zu seyn euerm neuen Landesherrn." (I. HA Rep. 172, Bl 84 VS) König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen hieß sie mit ebenso salbungsvollen Worten willkommen: "Durch die Schicksale der Völker nunmehr von einem Fürstenhause getrennet, dem Ihr Jahrhunderte lang mit treuer Ergebenheit angehangen, geht Ihr jetzt zu einem andern über, dem Ihr durch die befreundenden Bande der Nachbarschaft, der Sprache, der Sitten, der Religion verwandt seyd. Wenn Ihr Euch mit Schmerz von frühern, Euch werthen Verhältnissen lossagt, so ehre Ich diesen Schmerz, als dem Ernste des deutschen Gemüths geziemend, und als eine Bürgschaft, daß Ihr und Eure Kinder auch Mir und Meinem Hause mit eben solcher Treue fernerhin angehören werdet. [ ] Nur Deutschland hat gewonnen, was Preußen erworben." (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 286, Bl. 89 VS) Das Generalgouvernement wurde mit Inkrafttreten der Provinzialverfassung im März 1816 aufgelöst. 2. Bestandsgeschichte Von welcher Behörde die Überlieferung des Generalgouvernements übernommen wurde, ist nicht bekannt, genauso wenig der Zeitpunkt der Übernahme. Noch eine sich unter den Jahresberichten des GStA PK befindende Übersicht über "den Zustand der Reposituren" aus dem Jahre 1872 vermerkt für den Bestand des Generalgouvernements "völlig ungekannt" (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1900, Bl. 160). Der Bestand befand sich zwar im GStA PK, die Vergabe der Repositurnummer und die Bearbeitung des Bestandes war aber noch nicht erfolgt. Erst 1923 wurden die Akten durch Staatsarchivrat Dr. Meyer als Repositur 172 aufgestellt (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1930, Bl. 57’). Nach kriegsbedingter Auslagerung wurde der Bestand im Deutschen Zentralarchiv, Abt. Merseburg auf Karteikarten erschlossen. Ein Findbuch wurde nicht erstellt. 2012 erfolgte die Übertragung der Erschließungsinformationen in die Archivdatenbank. Im Zuge der Retrokonversion wurden einzelne Verzeichnungseinheiten überprüft bzw. neu verzeichnet. 3. Literatur Roman Töppel, Die Sachsen und Napoleon. Ein Stimmungsbild 1806-1813, Köln u.a. 2008. 4. Verweis auf andere Bestände und Archive Im GStA PK: siehe die restlichen Bestände der Tektonikgruppe "Sonderverwaltungen der Übergangszeit 1806-1815", insbesondere: - GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 114 Zentralverwaltungsrat der verbündeten Mächte, (1812) 1813-1815. Im Sächsischen Staatsarchiv - Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden: siehe Tektonikgruppen "1.3 Hofbehörden 1485-1831" und "1.5 Behörden und Einrichtungen der Erblande", insbesondere: - HStA DD, 10030 Hilfs- und Wiederherstellungskommission für Sachsen, 1813-1821 - HStA DD, 10031 Friedensvollziehungs- und Auseinandersetzungekommission, 1815-1821 5. Anmerkungen, Bestellungen, Zitierweise Die Akten sind zu zitieren: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 172 Alliiertes und Preußisches Gouvernement für das Königreich bzw. Herzogtum Sachsen Nr. ( ) Dr. Leibetseder 09.08.2012 Findmittel: Datenbank; Findbuch, 3 Bde.
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Baden, Sammlung 1995 D · Collection · 1800-1922
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Inventory history: "Saved for Baden" in 1995, a rare source genre in Germany, 923 so-called homage addresses, previously unknown evidence of the lively participation of the citizens of the country in the fortunes of their princely house, were saved from the New Castle Baden-Baden. They could be acquired as an almost closed collection; only a few were sold at auction in 1995 or were excluded from sale and remained in the possession of the margravial family. Most of the addresses date from the reign of Grand Duke Friedrich I (1852-1907). During this period of constitutional monarchy, the distance between the now mature subjects and their sovereign had decreased. Above all as representatives of cities, associations, professional associations, political, cultural and charitable institutions of the country or countries connected with Baden and even individually, they paid their respects to this and his wife Luise, born Princess of Prussia, especially for weddings, birthdays and other anniversaries of their house. Due to her extensive charitable activities and as the daughter of Emperor Wilhelm I, the Grand Duchess herself also received homages. The addresses of the military associations, which honour the Grand Duke in his capacity as the supreme commander of the country, are particularly numerous and magnificent, and the connection between the two houses of Baden and Prussia is reflected both in the artistic design of the addresses and in their texts. Thus, the Grand Duke's appreciation of his role as the father of the country can sometimes evoke themes from the history of the Reich, such as Baden's relationship with Prussia, the imperial unit whose patrons included the Grand Duke, colonialism or increasing militarism. A large number of the addresses united in this collection and their containers are elaborately designed and give an impression of the craftsmanship of the time, whereby the historicist style predominates. Among them are some works of the Karlsruhe professors for decorative painting at the school of arts and crafts, Hermann Götz and Karl Eyth; the portfolios are headed by the Durlach company of Eduard Scholl and his successor, and numerous old signatures bear witness to the fact that the addresses of homage also attracted attention among their recipients. They were inventoried several times and kept in the library or in the natural history cabinet. These earlier signatures are also noted in our repertory. Among the older ones are the handwritten signatures of the Hofbibliothek Karlsruhe on rhombus-shaped labels (inventory and holdings since 1995 in the Badische Landesbibliothek; our abbreviation: H). The handwritten or stamped signatures on rectangular labels can be traced back to later inventories since the 1880s by the gallery inspector Dr. Karl Kölitz (our abbreviation: K), Richter (our abbreviation: R) and probably Count Schweinitz as well as Albert Hartmann, Baden-Baden (our abbreviation: B). Lydia Filaus took over their input into the computer program Bismas. The remaining title recordings were made by Dr. Hansmartin Schwarzmaier and after preliminary work by Hiltburg Köckert the undersigned. Since the addresses are already cited in the literature with provisional signatures during the indexing, a concordance of these and the now valid signatures is added to the repertory. The current number sequence of the addresses corresponds to their storage according to formats in the magazine. Since the title entries of the addresses in the find book are structured according to their occasions, these numbers jump there. The 11 addresses remaining in the castle Salem were taken up with the designation Salem 1ff. in the repertory and described after slides taken in the new castle Baden-Baden 1995. Older "congratulations" for the margraves of Baden (18th century) can be found in the manuscript collection of the Großherzogliches Haus-Fideicommisses, others in the collection 69 Baden, collection 1995 G. Karlsruhe, March 2002Dr. Jutta Krimm-Beumann Conversion: The online finding aid for the present inventory is a result of the project "Conversion of old finding aid data" of the General State Archive Karlsruhe, which was carried out by Guido Fögler in 2006/2007. The project was supervised by Alexander Hoffmann and Hartmut Obst.Karlsruhe, in June 2007Dr. Martin Stingl

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Baden, Sammlung 1995 F I · Collection
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Origin and tradition: The Grand Ducal photo collection from the reign of Frederick I and his wife Luise probably originated from gifts, orders and acquisitions (e.g. while travelling). It is not yet possible to say to what extent there was a real will to collect, but the collection was carefully preserved, partly noted in inventory lists and probably moved from Karlsruhe Castle to the New Palace in Baden-Baden in 1919. There, even after the death of Grand Duchess Luise, he occasionally grew. When the castle inventory of 1995 was dissolved, the State of Baden-Württemberg was able to acquire the entire photo collection for the General State Archives; a selection of family photos and some magnificent volumes remained the property of the House of Baden. He also owns an essential part of the photo collection of the last Grand Duke, Frederick II, who fortunately was not kept in the Freiburg Palais after 1919. Content: The medium of photography was highly valued and consciously used at the Baden court as a modern form of princely representation. The distribution of portrait series to the public can be reconstructed and the long reign of Frederick I enabled the presence of the "father of the country" or the "parents of the country", as can be found among the Hohenzollern, the Wittelsbachers or the Habsburgs. Documents from these photo commissions to the court photographers make up a not insignificant part of the collection. The proportion of gifts and souvenir pictures received after anniversaries, celebrations, manoeuvres, exhibitions, inaugurations, etc. is greater; the handing over of portraits of foreign visitors also belonged to this group, especially in the context of the summer stays in Baden-Baden. One of the most important gifts are probably the works with which photographers wanted to attract attention, acquire the title of court photographer or receive further commissions; in this way, works from the early days of photography came into the Grand Duke's possession: signed prints by Charles Clifford, the Upper Italian and Southwest German series by Jakob August Lorent in 60x80 format already admired at the time of their creation (Lorent also left to the Grand Duke a detailed description of his recording and development process) or, to name regionally effective photographers, photographs by Richard/Heidelberg, Tillman-Matter/Mannheim, Th. shoe man

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 39 · Fonds · (Vorakten ab 1831) 1882-2010
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. on the Gauger/Heiland family: Joseph Gauger is the first person documented in the collection with originals. He was descended from a Swabian family that can be traced back to the 16th century and that early confessed to Pietism. His father, Johann Martin Gauger (1816-1873), was head of the Paulinenpflege, his half-brother Gottlob Gauger (1855-1885) was in the service of the Basler Mission and was active 1878-1888 in Africa at the Gold Coast and afterwards in Cameroon, where he died. Joseph Gauger's brother Samuel (1859-1941) was also a pastor and last dean in Ludwigsburg. Born in 1866 in Winnenden, Joseph Gauger became an orphan early on, at the age of 13. He graduated from the Karlsgymnasium in Stuttgart. He first attended the teacher training seminar in Esslingen and became a teacher in Dürnau after graduating. From 1889 to 1893 he studied law in Tübingen, then Protestant theology. Afterwards he became vicar in Mägerkingen and Großheppach, 1898 finally town parish administrator in Giengen. The emerging Swabian career was broken off by the marriage with Emeline Gesenberg from Elberfeld. She was to stay in Elberfeld to care for her father, so the young couple moved into their parents' house in Hopfenstraße 6. There was also a Pietist community in Elberfeld. Joseph Gauger found employment as the second inspector of the Protestant Society, which provided him with a solid foundation for an equally pietistic career in his new Rhineland homeland. Later he was able to obtain the position of Director of the Evangelical Society. The Evangelical Society in Elberfeld had dedicated itself to mission in Germany since 1848. Here Gauger became responsible for the publishing work and the so-called writing mission. Since 1906 he was editor of the weekly "Licht und Leben", an activity he carried out until 1938, shortly before his death. From 1923 he also published the widely read political monthly "Gotthardbriefe". In 1911 Gauger became a member of the board of the Gnadauer Verband and in 1921 - not least because of his musical talent - chairman of the Evangelischer Sängerbund. In 1921 he also became a member of the Constituent Assembly of the Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union. His favourite sister Maria married Jakob Ziegler, who worked at the Ziegler Institutions in the pietist community of Wilhelmsdorf (near Ravensburg) as a senior teacher and later director at the boys' institution. Due to the very intensive correspondence and frequent visits to his sister, Joseph Gauger remained attached to Swabian pietism. During the Third Reich, Joseph Gauger and his family were followers of the Confessing Church. Joseph Gauger was finally banned from publishing, his publication organ "Licht und Leben" was banned, and in 1939 he was expelled from the Reichsschrifttumskammer. In 1934 his son Martin refused the oath to Adolf Hitler, whereupon he - a young public prosecutor - was dismissed from public service. Since 1935 he has worked as a lawyer for the 1st Temporary Church Administration of the German Evangelical Church and since February 1936 for the Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany in Berlin. When the war broke out in 1939, he also refused military service and fled to the Netherlands. However, he was seized here, arrested and later taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp. He therefore had to give up his church service in 1940. In 1941 he was murdered by the Nazis in the Sonnenstein Killing Institute near Pirna. The younger son of Joseph Gauger, Joachim, was also harassed by the Gestapo for his work for the Gotthard Letters and "Light and Life". After the death of Joseph Gauger (1939) and the complete destruction of the Gauger House in Elberfeld following an air raid in June 1943, the family returned to the south. Siegfried Gauger, after a short time as town vicar in Schwäbisch Gmünd, had already become town priest in Möckmühl in 1933 and had settled there with his wife Ella. Martha Gauger has lived in Heidenheim since her marriage to Theo Walther in 1934. Hedwig Heiland moved in 1943 to Gemmrigheim, the new parish of her husband. The parsonage there also offered space for the mother Emeline Gauger and the nanny of the Gauger children, Emilie Freudenberger. A little later, after her early retirement in 1947, her sister Maria Gauger also moved to Gemmrigheim. After his release from captivity as a prisoner of war, Joachim Gauger had also moved professionally to Möckmühl, where he ran the Aue publishing house. Only Paul Gerhard had stayed in Wuppertal, where he lived in the Vohwinkel district. Emeline Gauger's mother and sister Maria moved from Gemmrigheim to Möckmühl in 1951, which became the centre of the Gauger family, as a result of the forthcoming move of the Heilands to Stuttgart. Because now the mother lived here with three of her children: Siegfried, Maria and Joachim. The family gathered here regularly for sociable celebrations and the grandchildren of Emeline Gauger often came to visit here during the holidays. It was not until the grandson generation of Emeline and Joseph Gauger entered working life in the 1970s that the family scattered throughout Germany. Despite everything, this generation remained in contact with each other and organized regular family reunions. 2nd history of the stock: Bettina Heiland, Marburg, and Susanne Fülberth, Berlin, handed over the family documents Gauger/Heiland to the Main State Archives for safekeeping in January 2011 after the death of their mother Hedwig Heiland. Some further documents were submitted in June 2013. Hedwig Heiland, née Gauger, born 1914, was the youngest child of Joseph and Emeline Gauger and had survived all siblings and close relatives at the age of 96. The documents handed over originate from different persons in the family. Important documents come from her aunt Maria Ziegler, her father's favourite sister who lives in Wilhelmsdorf. She kept the letters of Joseph Gauger and his wife to their relatives in Wilhelmsdorf (to which she also belonged), a remarkable series of correspondence. Memorabilia such as her place card for the wedding of Joseph and Emeline in Elberfeld in 1898 and individual books by Joseph Gauger and the history of the family are also included. After her death Hedwig Heiland received her from her daughter Ruth Dessecker. Other documents come from mother Emeline Gauger, including letters to her and valuable memorabilia as well as files. They must have come to Hedwig Heiland after her death in 1964 or after the death of her daughter Maria, who lived with her. The documents of the brother Siegfried, city priest in Möckmühl, who died in 1981, are also rich. They date back to before 1943, when the parents' house in Elberfeld was destroyed. Worth mentioning are the dense series of letters of his brother Martin (the Nazi victim) and his parents, as well as his sister Hedwig to him. Furthermore there are letters of Sister Maria (until she moved to Möckmühl in 1950). Less dense is the letter tradition of the brothers Paul Gerhard and Emil Gauger to the city priest. Only the memorial book of the young Siegfried, which has a very high memorial value, his children did not want to do without. It is therefore only available as a copy, but in two copies. Sister Maria Gauger was primarily important as a photographer from the early days of Elberfeld. In addition to files on her own life and fate, she kept a family guest book in Möckmühl, which contains many interesting entries on family life and mutual visits. This is also included in the original stock. Her cousin Maria Keppler, née Ziegler, and her husband Friedrich also sent documents to Hedwig Heiland, especially correspondence and photographs. After the death of her husband Alfred in 1996, the documents of the older family Heiland also came to Hedwig Heiland and were kept by her. These were correspondences and the pastor's official records as well as family history materials, investigations and genealogical tables, but also documents from the mother Anna Heiland. In addition, the family of Hedwig and Alfred Heiland had a large number of younger records. Hedwig Heiland also proved to be a collector here, who rarely threw away a document and preferred to keep it. It didn't stop at collecting and picking up. Hedwig Heiland also arranged the documents and supplemented them with his own notes and investigations. Numerous notes on the family history of Gauger bear witness to this. Hedwig Gauger read the letters from her youth, extracted important dates and took notes. On the basis of the documents she kept and evaluated, she made a film in 2007 entitled "This is how I experienced it. Memories of my family and my life, told by Hedwig Heiland née Gauger" (DVDs in P 39 Bü 469). It consists essentially of an interview with her and numerous photos about her life and the fate of her family. Hedwig Heiland was particularly committed to the rehabilitation of her brother Martin. She intensively supported the research on his fate with information, compilations and also with the lending of documents. She collected the results, i.e. books and essays, and compiled the state of research almost completely. For the exhibition "Justiz im Nationalsozialismus" she read letters of her brother Martin Gauger and other documents about his life, which are stored as audio documents on a CD (P 39 Bü 468). Despite the richness of the available material, gaps in the tradition are to be noted. The sudden destruction of the Elberfelder Haus der Gaugers in 1943 resulted in a severe loss of family documents. About Maria Ziegler from Wilhelmsdorf and Siegfried Gauger, who did not live in Elberfeld anymore at that time, other documents from this time have fortunately been preserved, which compensate this gap somewhat. Another gap exists in the correspondence of Hedwig Heiland during the 70s to 90s of the last century. Even then, there must have been a rich correspondence, of which there is hardly anything left. The correspondence of Hedwig Heiland, on the other hand, which has been richer again since 2000, is present; it was hardly ordered, but has not yet been thrown away. In 1993 documents concerning Martin Gauger were handed over to the Landeskirchlichen Archiv Hannover for archiving. They received the inventory signature N 125 Dr. Martin Gauger. The 1995 find book on these documents is available in the inventory as no. 519. 3rd order of the stock: The documents originate from different provenances and had been arranged accordingly. A delivery list could be prepared and handed over for the inventory. Letters from Hedwig Gauger to his fiancé Alfred Heiland from the 40 years and also the letters in the opposite direction have been numbered consecutively, which points to a very intensive reading and thorough order, which, however, is an extreme case. In the letters Joseph Gauger wrote to his sister Maria after 1920, the covers of the tufts contain summaries of the most important pieces and references to outstanding family events mentioned in the letters. This information can be used as a guide during use. However, the original order of the documents was badly confused by the frequent use by the family and by third parties. One has not or wrongly reduced the taken out pieces. Frequently, individual letters were found in the photo albums with photos that were related to the content of the letter, but had to be returned to the original series. A photo album (P 39 Bü 353) had been divided into individual sheets so that the photos required for publications could be passed on to third parties as print copies. Hedwig Heiland had attached self-adhesive yellow notes to many letters and provided them with notes and references in order to be able to orientate herself better in her family-historical research. For conservation reasons, these notes had to be removed. In addition to the restoration of the original order, further measures were necessary for the order of the stock. Many documents were too broadly characterised as "other" or "miscellaneous". Tufts with very different contents were incorporated into existing units. A larger box still contained completely disordered, but nevertheless valuable letters from the period 1943-1952, which had to be sorted and indexed. Thematically similar tufts could often be combined into one unit. For example, mixed tufts containing letters from different scribes to the same recipient were divided and transformed into tufts with uniform scribes. This order according to the principle "a tuft, a letter writer" could not always be carried out. Letters of the married couple Emeline and Joseph Gauger, for example (to Maria Ziegler) are so closely interlocked that they cannot be split into two separate tufts. Sometimes Emeline signed her husband's letter with a short greeting of her own, sometimes she is greeted in the name of both, but often Emeline wrote her own passages on the letterhead and sometimes there are whole letters from her. Separation is also impossible in terms of content. Similarly, letters from Emeline Gauger and Maria Gauger in their Möckmühl days cannot be separated from those of Siegfried Gauger. Such letters were classified according to the author author. The index refers to the other persons. The present order and indexing was based on family interests. Essentially, in addition to the corrections and restructuring measures mentioned above, the documents had to be arranged and made accessible for scientific research. For this reason, a greater depth of indexing was necessary, above all, by means of title recordings with detailed content annotations. An overall order of the holdings according to the different origins of the documents did not prove to be meaningful for a family archive of the present size. The uniformity of the documents produced by Hedwig Heiland was therefore accepted and maintained. Accordingly, the title recordings of the correspondence of members of the Gauger family are arranged according to the letter writer and not according to the letter recipient. Letters usually contain more information about the author than about the recipient. Letters from non-family members and from letter writers to whom little material has grown, on the other hand, were classified according to the recipient principle ("Letters from different correspondence partners to XY"). The present collection documents the fate of a Swabian family closely linked to Pietism over almost two centuries. Outstanding is the relatively well-known theologian Joseph Gauger, who is richly documented with his correspondence and in his writings. The marriage of his sister Maria Ziegler also gives a glimpse of the Pietist settlement in Wilhelmsdorf and the Ziegler Institutions. The family's attitude during the Nazi period and especially the fate of his son Martin, who was imprisoned for his conscientious objection and finally killed, are also reflected in the inventory. Relations with the family of the Berlin prison pastor and member of the Kreisau district of Harald Poelchau are also documented. Dense series of letters from the Second World War (letters from Hedwig Heiland to her husband Alfred, letters from Alfred Heiland to his wife Hedwig, letters from Maria Gauger to her brother Siegfried) tell of the hard everyday life of the World War II. In addition, the collection illuminates the everyday family life of a Swabian family over at least two generations. The collection comprises 529 units in 5.20 linear metres, the duration extends from 1882 to 2010 with prefiles from 1831. 4. Literature: Article Joseph Gauger in Württembergische Biographien I (2006) S. 87-88 (Rainer Lächele) Article Joseph Gauger in NDB Vol. 6 S. 97-98 (Karl Halaski)Article Joseph Gauger in Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie Bd. 3 S. 584Article Martin Gauger in Wikipedia Further literature is included in stockStuttgart, June 2013Dr. Peter Schiffer
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/7 · Fonds · (1626-) 1804, 1822-1917, 1993
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

I. The history of the von Linden family: The von Linden family originally comes from the diocese of Liège. The progenitor is a certain Adam van Linter, who is mentioned in documents 1604-1615 and who was the owner of the estate in Hoeppertingen (Belgian Limburg). His son Peter, who probably emigrated to Franconia because of the political and religious unrest in the home country of the Linter family, acquired a farm in Habitzheim (Odenwald) around 1650. In Kurmainz some members of the Catholic von Linden family were promoted to high offices: Franz von Linden (1712-1789) was a member of the Court Chamber Council and head cellar of the Camera Administration in the Vice-Chamber Office of Aschaffenburg, Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1719-1795) was a Privy Councillor and Director of the Court Chamber of the Electorate of Mainz. Franz Damian Freiherr von Linden (1745-1817), a grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, was privy councillor and later director of the state government of the prince primate in Aschaffenburg. His second eldest son Franz Joseph Ignaz was Württemberg's Privy Legation Councillor and lord of Nordstetten, Isenburg and Taberwasen. Another grandson of Johann Heinrich Freiherr von Linden, the jurist Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836), held the position of Reich Chamber Court Assessor from 1796 to 1806. After the dissolution of the Imperial Chamber Court, Franz Freiherr von Linden entered the service of the Kingdom of Württemberg. King Friedrich I of Württemberg appointed him president of the newly founded Catholic Church Council in 1807. In 1815 Franz Freiherr von Linden was appointed Württemberg Plenipotentiary at the Congress of Vienna, then Württemberg Ambassador to the Bundestag in Frankfurt. 1817-1831 he was president of the Schwarzwaldkreis (Black Forest District) and Franz Freiherr von Linden was the progenitor of the VII lines (the lines are counted according to the number of lines): Genealogical handbook of the nobility vol. 68 of the complete series. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII, Limburg/Lahn 1978, p. 196-215; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels Vol. 109 der Gesamtreihe, Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. XVIII, Limburg/Lahn 1995, p. 356-376; Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierte Adel Vol. XXIII, Neustadt/Aisch 2000, p. 351-365.) of the House of Linden: From his seven sons mentioned in the following these VII lines of the house come: From Edmund (1798-1865) the I. (count's) line (Burgberg), from Franz a Paula (1800-1888) the II. (count's) line (Burgberg). (Count's) line, from Carl (1801-1870) the III. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen), from Joseph (1804-1895) the IV. line (Hausen) with the 1st branch (in the USA) and the 2nd branch (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), by Ernst (1806-1885) the V. line (Bühl), by Ludwig (1808-1889) the VI. line (Bühl). In 1844 Edmund Freiherr von Linden (1798-1865) and his cousin Heinrich Freiherr von Linden (1784-1866), the eldest son of the aforementioned Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, were raised to the rank of papal counts. In 1846, the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt recognized Heinrich's raising of rank, and in the same year Edmund Graf von Linden received Württemberg's recognition of the raising of rank. In the year 1850 the papal earldom was also founded on Franz a Paula and II. Line extended. The elevation to the Württemberg rank of counts took place in 1852, with the exception of the III. line (Hausen), all of the VII lines in the Württemberg male tribe were extinguished. The III. line divides into a 1. branch, whose members live in the USA, and into the 2. branch (Hausen). TWO. Biographical outlines of Hugo and Joseph Freiherr von Linden: Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936):The 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line is also the origin of the ministerial director Hugo Freiherr von Linden. He was born on 1 February 1854 in Ludwigsburg as the son of Carl Freiherr von Linden (1801-1870) and his second wife Mathilde Freifrau von Linden née Countess Leutrum von Ertingen (1815-1892). Hugo Freiherr von Linden studied law at the universities of Tübingen, Strasbourg and Berlin after graduating from high school in 1872. In 1877 he passed the state examination. After working at various courts in Württemberg, he became Secret Legation Secretary in the Württemberg Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1883. In the same year he was appointed the King's chambermaid, which involved honorary services at social events of the court. In 1906 Hugo Freiherr von Linden was promoted to Ministerial Director and Head of the Political Department of the Ministry in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in 1900 Hugo Freiherr von Linden worked out the marriage contract between Duke Robert von Württemberg and Archduchess Maria Immaculata Raineria from Austria (cf. Hugo Freiherr von Linden married Elisabeth Schenk Freiin von Stauffenberg (1864-1939) in 1893, the daughter of the Vice President of the German Reichstag, Franz August Schenk von Stauffenberg. He is the progenitor of the 2nd branch (Hausen) of the III. line (Hausen).Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1804-1895):Joseph Freiherr von Linden comes from the IV. line (Hausen). Line (Nine houses). He was born on 7 June 1804 in Wetzlar as the son of the already mentioned Reichskammergerichtsassessor Franz Freiherr von Linden (1760-1836) and his second wife Maria Anna von Linden née Freiin von Bentzel zu Sternau (1769-1805). Joseph Freiherr von Linden spent his childhood and youth in Württemberg, u. a. in Kirchheim, where he became lifelong friends with the son of Ludwig Herzog von Württemberg (1756-1817) and Henriette Herzogin von Württemberg née Prinzessin von Nassau-Weilburg (1780-1857), Alexander Herzog von Württemberg (1804-1885). After studying law in Tübingen, Joseph Freiherr von Linden and his older brother Carl stayed in France from 1825 to 1827 in order to improve his knowledge of the French language and literature (cf. order numbers 3 and 4), after which he worked as a judge in various Württemberg cities. 1839-1848 Joseph Freiherr von Linden represented the knighthood of the Danube district in the Second Chamber. From 1842-1850 he was - like his father before him - President of the Catholic Church Council. 1848 was the revolutionary year in which Linden was appointed Minister of the Interior of Württemberg, but had to be dismissed on the same day due to the protests of the population. 1 July 1850 King Wilhelm I appointed Linden Minister of the Interior again and handed him over the office of Minister of the Interior of Württemberg in the years 1850 to 1851 and 1854 to 1855. During this time von Linden stood up for the restoration of the old constitution, which earned him the accusation in liberal circles that he was reactionary. Linden's achievements in the economic field should not be underestimated: He promoted the founding of the Stuttgart stock exchange, created a new trade code and encouraged the founding of the Weinsberg wine growing school. In the field of church politics, von Linden contributed significantly to the balance between the Kingdom of Württemberg and the Catholic Church. After the death of King Wilhelm I, his son and successor King Karl dismissed von Linden as minister on 20 September 1864. In the following years, Joseph Freiherr von Linden worked as a diplomat for Württemberg. In 1865 he became Württemberg envoy in Frankfurt and at the Hessian courts, 1868 envoy at the customs parliament in Berlin, and in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War he was appointed prefect of the Marne département occupied by the Germans (cf. order numbers 32 and 34, order numbers 15 and 16). 1830 Joseph Freiherr von Linden married Emma Freiin von Koenig-Warthausen (1810-1893). The marriage produced four children: Richard (1831-1887), who was cavalry captain of the Württemberg military (see order numbers 34 and 41, order numbers 15 and 49), Franziska (1833-1919), who married Dr. Fridolin Schinzinger (1827-1865) in 1859 (order numbers 25, 35 and 36, order numbers 11, 13 and 14), Elise (1836-1914) and Josephine (1838-1881), both of whom remained single.Of the other outstanding members of the von Linden family, for whom there is only little material in this collection (order number 42, order number 8), Karl Graf von Linden (1838-1910), the founder of the Völkerkundemuseum (Lindenmuseum) in Stuttgart, named after him, and Marie Gräfin von Linden (1869-1936), who was the first woman to study at the University of Tübingen and who was later appointed Professor of Parasitology at the University of Bonn, should be mentioned briefly. III. history, content and structure of the collection: The present holdings combine documents from the estate of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv in 1962 by Mr. Regierungsoberinspektor Reginald Mutter (cf. the title in the old repertory for holdings Q 1/7), a great-great grandson of Joseph Freiherr von Linden. One year later, the Main State Archives purchased these archival records, which were initially incorporated into the former holdings J 50 (Smaller Estates). Robert Uhland produced a typewritten finding aid in 1963. When the Q holdings were created in 1972, the holdings designated as the estate of Linden were removed from the J 50 holdings and assigned to the newly created Q 1 series (political estates), where they received the signature Q 1/7. The small estate consisted only of a tuft, which contained several documents, which were listed in the above-mentioned find book. In the 90's the stock Q 1/7 got increases by taxes from private side: In 1990, Mrs. E. Niethammer, Kirchheim/Teck, handed over documents from the estate of the Protestant pastor family Dierlamm to the Main State Archives as a gift, which were initially incorporated into the holdings Q 1/7 as Büschel 2. These are the documents now listed under heading 2 of this inventory (order numbers 37 to 41). These include business cards and letters from Joseph Freiherr and Emma Freifrau von Linden to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 37, order number 45), tickets from Sara Schinzinger to Pfarrer Dierlamm (serial number 40, order number 47) and several sermons on corpses for members of the House of Linden (serial number 41, order number 49). Among them are documents from the estate of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden (serial numbers 7-23) and pictures, especially of members of the House of Württemberg (section 3.2, serial numbers 43-48). In addition, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden has handed over to the Main State Archives an extensive collection of material compiled by him on the family history of Linden, including photocopies of literature and copies or photocopies of archival records of the von Linden family. Finally, Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden transferred newspaper articles written by him about the formation of the island Surtsey off the coast of Iceland to the Main State Archives in 1993, which were initially classified as tufts 5 in the Q 1/7 inventory. The diaries 1870-1935 of his grandfather Hugo Freiherr von Linden, which were handed over by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden in 1992 as a deposit under retention of title to the Main State Archives, were returned to the owner in 1995. (Cf. Tgb.-Nr. 4143/1993 and Tgb.-Nr. 2918/1995) In the course of the indexing the stock received further growth from the stock J 53 (family papers of Württemberg civil servants). The excerpts from family registers concerning Julius Graf von Linden and Loring Graf von Linden (serial numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 50 and 19) and documents on the sale of the manor Nordstetten to the forester of Fischer-Weikersthal (serial number 1, order number 17) kept under the signature J 53/10 were also classified in the present inventory. As already mentioned several times above, today's holdings Q 1/7 include not only the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden but also several other estates of members of the House of Linden and collections or documents on the family history of Linden. For this reason, the previous inventory name "Nachlass Joseph Freiherr von Linden" was extended to "Familienunterlagen von Linden". In view of the small size of the holdings and the incompleteness of the holdings, it is not possible to speak of a family archive, however, since materials on various members and lines of the von Linden family are completely or almost completely lacking: no original archival records on the members of the von Linden family who were in the service of the Electorate of Mainz, the Prince Primate and the Grand Duke of Hesse are to be expected (v. a. Johann Heinrich von Linden, Damian Franz Freiherr von Linden, Heinrich Graf von Linden). there are also only a few archival records of the lines dating back to the sons of Franz Freiherr von Linden: From the I. (Counts) and II. (count's) lines, there are no original documents, with the exception of extracts from the family registers of Julius and Loring Graf von Linden (order numbers 5 and 6, order numbers 19 and 50). Also missing are documents of the V. line (Bühl), the VI. (Swiss) line and the VII. line. Smaller estates are only available from the III. line (Hausen) and the IV. line (Hausen). line (Neunthausen), but the documents from the estates of Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden and Minister of State Joseph Linden are only fractions of the original estates. It can be assumed that the family still owns some of the material mentioned above and of other members of the von Linden family, but unfortunately parts of the archival records of the von Linden family were also destroyed in the fire at the Burgberg and Hausen palaces during the Second World War.In addition to the personal documents on individual members of the family, the present collection also lacks documents on economic and property management, documents and invoices, which are to be expected in a nobility archive. The structure of the collection is based on the division of the widely ramified von Linden noble family into the various lines, as it is listed in the Genealogical Handbook of the Nobility. Within the individual lines, the bequests and holdings of the family members were arranged according to date of birth, so that the older family members were listed before the younger ones. The bequests of Franz Joseph Ignaz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.1) and Franz Freiherr von Linden (section 1.2) are at the beginning of the holdings. The latter estate includes a legal opinion on the effect of the Reich's decision of 27 April 1803 on the judicial proceedings of the chamber of justice, two letters from Franz von Linden to Minister of Justice Maucler on the progress made in the training of the sons Carl and Joseph von Linden, and the correspondence between Carl and Joseph von Linden during their stay in France with their parents, some of which was written in French.The estate of the Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden comprises several printed programmes and invitations to cultural and official events, mainly in Stuttgart (section 1.5.1), and letters from members of the Princely House Wied to Hugo Freiherr von Linden as well as a memorandum from Wilhelm I. Prince of Albania Prince to Wied (section 1.5.2). Section 1.6 forms the estate of the Württemberg Minister of State Joseph Freiherr von Linden. It is the second largest estate in the stock Q 1/7. The estate is divided into the categories: Family and personal affairs (1.6.1) with documents on weddings, wedding jubilees and a travel description, correspondence (1.6.2) with letters from members of the House of Württemberg (above all Alexander Duke of Württemberg) to Joseph Freiherr von Linden and isolated letters from family members, activity as prefect of the Marne Department (1.6.).3) and printed matter about Joseph Freiherr von Linden (1.6.4): the wife of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, Emma Freifrau von Linden, and the daughter of the Minister of State, Franziska Freiin von Linden, only have very small estates (headings 1.7 and 1.8); the materials from the estate of the Protestant parish family Dierlamm were left as an independent complex (heading 2). The content of the section has already been discussed above, and under section 3 you will find collections, mainly on the family history of Linden: The first section is section 3.1 with the already mentioned extensive collection of material on the family history of Linden, which Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden compiled and handed over to the house as photocopies. Section 3.2 contains photos of members of the House of Württemberg, of Joseph Freiherr von Linden and of other personalities in Württemberg history; sections 3.3 and 3.4 contain newspaper articles by Franz-Karl Freiherr von Linden and a lock of hair by Joseph Freiherr von Linden.Further archives on Joseph Freiherr von Linden are kept by the Hauptstaatsarchiv in fonds J 1 (collection of historical manuscripts) no. 256 b: Joseph Freiherr von Linden: "Aus meiner politische Karrierebahn" 1830-1862, part 2 of the memoirs dictated by Linden to his granddaughter Sara Schinzinger around 1890. The copy kept in J 1 is a copy for which Professor Schinzinger from Hohenheim, a grandson of the Minister of State von Linden, lent the original to the archive in 1925. Günther-Otto Maus in Baesweiler, a direct descendant of Joseph Freiherr von Linden, was filmed in 1977 and is now kept in the Main State Archives under the signature F 554 in fonds J 383 (microfilms and manuscripts in foreign archives, libraries). In January 2015, Günther-Otto Maus purchased the original diary from Günther-Otto Maus and it is now part of the collection under the signature Q 1/7 Bü 51. An index of the archive of the Barons of Linden in Neunthausen, which was compiled in 1892/1893, is part of the collection J 424 (Inventories of Non-State Archives: Caretakers' Photographs).In addition, reference is briefly made to the E stocks (ministerial stocks), in which extensive material on the work of State Minister Joseph Freiherr von Linden and Ministerial Director Hugo Freiherr von Linden is kept, and Q 1/7 can be used for various research purposes: First of all, of course, the history of the von Linden family, the history of nobility, mentality, social and cultural history, and finally the history of the German occupation of France during the war of 1870/1871. The Q 1/7 holdings were catalogued in 2001 by the archive inspectors Alexander Morlok, Matthias Schönthaler and Jens Ulrich under the supervision of the undersigned. The final editing, input and classification of the title recordings, the introduction as well as the compilation of the overall index were the responsibility of the undersigned. 0.5 linear metres of the stock was held. Literature about the von Linden family and individual family members:: Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Adelslexikon Vol. VII. 1989. p. 394f.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Vol. 68. Freiherrliche Häuser Vol. VII (1978) p. 196-215 and Vol. XVIII (1995) p. 356-376.Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels: Der in Bayern immatrikulierten Vol. XXIII. 2000. 351-365.Junginger, Gabriele: Countess Maria von Linden. Memories of the first Tübingen student. 1991.Koenig-Warthausen, Wilhelm Freiherr von: Josef Freiherr von Linden. Württemberg Minister of the Interior 1804-1895 In: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken IX S. 218-276.Linden, Franz-Karl Freiherr von: Grandfather's diaries. [Article about Hugo Freiherr von Linden (1854-1936)]. In: Schönes Schwaben 1993 Issue 1 S. 78-83 Menges, Franz: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) Vol. 14 S. 589-590Moegle-Hofacker, Franz:; On the Development of Parliamentarism in Württemberg. The "Parliamentarism of the Crown" under King Wilhelm I. 1981.Schneider, Eugen: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB) Vol. 51 S. 719-721 Stöckhardt, E.: Joseph Freiherr von Linden. Royal Württemberg Minister of State (retired) Member of the Württemberg Chamber of Lords of State for Life. In: Deutsche Adels-Chronik Heft 15 S. 187-190 und Heft 16 S. 215, 216 und 226, 227th Württembergischer Verein für Handelsgeographie, Museum für Länder- und Völkerkunde, Lindenmuseum Stuttgart (publisher): Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the association. Celebration of the 100th birthday of Count Karl von Linden. 1939.

Stadtarchiv Worms, 040 · Fonds
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Description of holdings: Abt. 40 Gemeindearchiv Herrnsheim (before 1945) Scope: 307 archive cartons 2 lfm Amtsbücher (= 2538 units = 49 lfm) Duration: 1445 - 1945 The preface to the present holdings Abt. 40 - Gemeindearchiv Herrnsheim (bis 1945) - des Stadtarchivs Worms is intended to give a brief insight into the development of the registry and archive material on the one hand at the time of its safekeeping in the Bürgermeistei Herrnsheim, and on the other hand since its takeover by the city of Worms. Subsequently, the indexing work is explained, with reference to special features and supplementary holdings. A short outline of the local history is sent in advance in the wording of the inventory overview of the Stadtar-chiv Worms, literature references to deepen the information on the local history can be found as an appendix to this foreword. I. About the local history about four km northwest of Worms; first mentioned in documents in 771; after the chamberlains of Worms (gen. von Dalberg, knightly family) had further enlarged their property in the village im-mer and extended their rights, they received it in 1375 as a fief (de facto rule in the village, market and court); Philipp Kämmerer von Worms made the village his residence: around 1460 construction of a castle on the site of today's castle, at the same time fortification of the village; 1470-92 reconstruction of a chapel of the parish church St. Peter (with numerous altars, patronage: monastery St. Peter's Abbey); 1470-92 conversion of a chapel of the parish church St. Peter (with numerous altars, patronage: monastery St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey St. Peter's Abbey). Cyriakus/Neuhausen) to the family grave (thus situation of a small residence, which is well readable from a structural point of view until today); 1581 introduction of the reformation by Kurpfalz, 1635 extensive cremation of the place, Dalbergische local rule up to the end of the old empire; around 1900 approx. 2100 inhabitants; 1798-1814 French rule, from 1816 Grand Duchy and/or Volksstaat Hessen; 1816 Kanton Pfeddersheim, 1835 Kreis Worms, 1848 Regierungsbezirk Mainz, 1850 Regierungsbezirk Worms, 1852 - 1942 Kreis Worms; incorporation into Worms on 1.4.1942. II. municipal registry and archive In 1826, in accordance with the government decree of 25.7.1826, a register of the collections of laws, ordinances and instructions available in the Herrnsheim archive was compiled. The archive was refurbished in 1830/31 in connection with the construction of the new community centre. New furniture was commissioned and manufactured, including a filing cabinet for the archive and another for the mayor's office. Also the receipt of the Wwe. Ph. Ch. Schöneck from Worms of 20.4.1831 about 12 guilders and 19 cruisers for the repair of 28 steep cartons for the Bürgermeisterei-Archiv in Herrnsheim gives an insight into the file storage in Herrnsheim. On 30 October 1830, a circular was sent to all the provincial mayor's offices concerning the management of the files, concerning the "Order of the Provincial Municipal Archives". It is demanded that the official documents be sorted according to the aforementioned headings, that the files be sorted chronologically according to objects until 1830, then stored in cardboard boxes or cupboards in closed premises. The latter requirements were met - as explained above - in the new furnishing of the community centre. According to the circular, all receipts should be attached and the collection completed by 1 February of each year. On 27 March 1838 Mr. Völcker was commissioned by the district council to revise the municipal registry in Herrnsheim. In accordance with the registration plan for the mayors, he should inspect and arrange the documents on site and only receive his fees if he has completed this work in accordance with the regulations. Obviously this was not the case, because on July 26, 1838 the county council of Staedel assigned Mr. Peth from Bermersheim with the order of the municipal registry in Herrnsheim. A further inventory, which now also includes the files, was created for the community of Herrnsheim - presumably between 1905 and 1910 for valuation for insurance purposes. In the care of the mayor were an archive cabinet, two large file cabinets, a small file cabinet and an old file box. In addition to official and legal gazettes, various ordinances, handbooks and technical literature, 56 fascicles, the value of which could not be determined, are listed for the registry plan groups I - XXVI. In the following, numerous fascicles are listed both with details regarding assignment to the registry plan, duration and evaluation. Particularly noteworthy are e.g. the fair protocol book of 1716, guardianship bills and wills etc. 1699-1821, official and court protocols 1778-1798, fire register 1817, 1835 and 1848 as well as a new one. Also a local building plan (3 sheets), which is no longer available after current distortion, is proven in this inventory, estimated at 200 Marks. It should also be noted that there were several murals in the town hall, the Duke Dalberg, Emperor Wilhelm I, Emperor Wilhelm II and the Empress as well as members of the hess. Grand Duke's family, there were also other pictures, one, the volcanic eruptions showed another, the battlefield around Metz. The files mentioned in this inventory, which the registrar kept, seem to be available except for the volume listed here Birth, marriage and death registers 1780-1798. The next overview of the municipal archive Herrnsheim is provided in 1937 by Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Becker with his compilation of the inventories of the municipal archives of the district Worms. Here Prof. Henkelmann from Bensheim checked the existence of the community Herrnsheim and according to the file groups of the hess. The registry plan of 1908 is summarized. It should be noted that the oldest pieces mentioned here, e.g. the Morgenbuch (1626-1666; Dept. 40 No. 370), the Verordnungsbuch des Franz Heinrich Käm-merer von Worms Frhr. v. Dalberg (from 1742; Dept. 40 No. 1), the instrument of those at Neuhau-sen, about the provision of two Geharnischter at Herrnsheim (1445, no. 5), baker's order of 1736 (copy, dept. 40 no. 371) as well as further pieces already listed above in the inventory at the beginning of the 20th century, e.g. the fair protocol book, official and court records. In October 1914, the decree book of Franz Heinrich Kämmerer v. Dalberg as well as the instrument of those of Neuhausen were made available for use by the Grand Ducal Hessian House and State Archive in Darmstadt on behalf of the former Referendar Müller. Note: It is noticeable that the municipal council minutes are not available as a complete series, the earliest protocol book even only in 1836 begins. It is to be assumed and in comparison to other church archives as unusual to notice that this volume was at all the first protocol volume for Herrnsheim. It was acquired on 3 May 1836 alongside various other registers. According to the inventory (see above) three volumes were available at the beginning of the 20th century (1836/40, 1856/75 and 1875 ff), the pieces were valued at 90 marks. At least for the absence of a ribbon an explanation could be found in the files. The former mayor Brandt refused the publication of the protocol book in 1856. In 1986, the city archives once again attempted to investigate the failure of the municipal council records between 1840 and 1919, but the then head of the town Josef Wolf had to fit as well. There is also a gap in the series of municipal accounts with the corresponding volumes of deeds between 1924 and 1940. For the years after 1940, the accounts as well as the accounts and the corresponding documents of the Geschwister-Zimmer-Siftung for the period between 1921 and 1941/42 are missing. The loss of some files or the one or the other transaction can be explained by the fact that it happened that these were lost during the loan e.g. to the district office in Worms. For this reason, Herrnsheim refused to hand over correspondence with Freiherr Heyl'schen Güterverwaltung concerning the question of space for the fire station of the fire brigade to the Hessian Building Department in Worms. On his cover letter it was noted: did not happen, otherwise the files (like so many before already) would not be findable any more one day. In order to prevent the loss or destruction of files by air raids, Martin Fell and his wife were requested by the local administration on 21.9.1942 to secure important documents every evening and to salvage the files in the event of damage to the town hall caused by air raids. On 29.4.1943, in the course of the incorporation of Herrnsheim, the files were first transferred to the cellar of the Cornelianum in Worms. On the basis of the different file aprons the different used Regist-raturplans can be recognized, first 1836, then 1908 and finally after 1942 (with the inscription 'Stadtverwal-tung Worms'). Some file covers were preserved as samples in abbot 40 no. 2532 - no. 2534). For the fascicles belonging to the classification group XXI.09. Dalbergische Grundstücksangelegenheiten, the file aprons have inscriptions similar to those shown for files in Dept. 159. III. listing The written material taken over in the course of the incorporation 1943 was registered in the 70iger years after the Bär'schen principle, whereby as a rule the titles of the office books and minutes as well as those after the hess. file plans from 1836 or 1908 on the file aprons were taken over traditional inscriptions. This first registration work originally comprised 371 units, whereby the last registered units (from no. 331) were supplemented at later dates and comprised a running time until 1966. On 24 June 1971, the then District Court Director Dr. Heinz Pfannebecker handed over 12 documents to the City Archives, which obviously originated from the provenance of the Herrnsheim Mayor's Office. Most recently, in 2002, title recordings of sources from the still unlisted partial stock were made in connection with Volker Brecher's work on the war economy in Worms. Here, files were taken into account that were thematically related to prisoners of war, foreigners, etc. for the period between 1938 and 1950. In the inventory of Dept. 40, which had already been recorded, a few files exclusively with the term after 1945 were taken into account in the first registration. These were segregated and returned with the still unlisted part of the stock, which also included files after 1945, in order to be processed later in connection with Dept. 6 Municipality of Worms (after 1945). Since individual files may have already been used under their old signature, a list of these pieces can be found in the appendix of this finding aid book, which is currently stored in 29 archive boxes (plus some loose pieces) in the magazine of the Raschi-Haus (Regal 25) together with the total of six linear metres of written material after 1945. With the new indexing of the inventory Abt. 40 - Gemeindearchiv Herrnsheim - was started in December 2005, the indexing work was completed in July 2006. In addition to the written material already listed, unlisted material was also taken into account. The indexing work was carried out according to the Bär principle, whereby a new numbering inevitably resulted with the dissolution of earlier larger indexing units, i.e. new signatures were assigned for these documents. Therefore a concordance between old and new signatures was created and attached to this find book. The entire inventory was entered into the AUGIAS archiving program and simultaneously indexed (company, location, person and subject index). The basis for the classification was the hess. The file plan of 1908 was chosen and modified and supplemented according to local needs. For reasons of data protection, approx. 140 files were provided with blocking notices for use. The relatively high number results from the fact that a large number of civil documents are available for which the Civil Status Act provides guidelines for use or non-use. Thin folders from the period around 1930/40 were collected, which contained Generalia - often only in the size of 2-3 sheets - and had no direct reference to matters in Herrnsheim; in addition, two bundles of calibration maps were sorted out, which have no informative value whatsoever. In total, the scope of the cassation covers three archive boxes. The municipal archive Herrnsheim is kept to the extent of 2538 units of description (numerically up to 2534) in 308 archive boxes (49 linear metres, of which 2 linear metres are official books). The duration ranges from 1445 to the 1970s, with a focus on the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Despite incorporation in 1942, the cut for the index was set at 1945 so that two border data did not have to be taken into account within only three years, i.e. 1942 as the year of incorporation on the one hand, 1945 as the border year for the files handed down by the city administration before 1945 (Dept. 5) and after 1945 (Dept. 6) on the other. Therefore, the files were left in Dept. 40, in which at least one document from 1945 was still contained - irrespective of whether the temporal focus of the file tended to concern the period after 1945. IV. State of preservation The state of preservation of the files and official records of the present municipal archives can be described as good by and large. Unfortunately a larger number of pieces affected with mould is to be registered in particular under the calculations and documents, as well as the handbooks and diaries over incomes and expenditures: 45 with light mould infestation, with mould and water damages 7 pieces and 14 volumes are sport and have mould milk damages. Besides, a part of the document books to the calculations as well as a large number of the handbooks and diaries (approx. 140 pieces, i.e. approx. 5.5 es total stock) show beside mould and spores also water damages. Ten official books (invoice receipts and property tax section directories) are bound in such a way that parchment, which as a rule is inscribed with liturgical texts, forms the spine of the book in second use. Also thread-stitched files, as known from Prussian administration, can be found in Dept. 40. These are the official records (Protocollum Judicale, Dept. 40 No. 295 - 298). V. Tips for the use of the inventory The signatures of the individual sources are indicated with : City Archive Worms Dept. 40 No..... The often underestimated significance of the following sources should be pointed out here. In the volumes of documents relating to the invoices, in addition to newspapers (e.g. Dept. 40 No. 2409), there are also work chords (Dept. 40 No. 2469), invoices of various companies (Dept. 40 No. 2502), e.g. on work performed and material used for it (Dept. 40 No. 2504). The correspondence registers (e.g. Dept. 40 No. 651, No. 652) were also kept in full text in some years, so that the complete correspondence between the higher authority or private persons on the one hand and the mayor's office on the other hand can be traced in connection with the corresponding fact files. The significance of the inventory of estates as a source genre for genealogical, social and economic research should be pointed out in particular. The inventories are in the present stock under the classification group X.02.e. Inheritances and guardianship matters registered. There are also files on asset sharing and wills. For ease of use, the units of description have been sorted roughly alphabetically by surname, with all occurring surnames "underlined" at the same time. With regard to the index of persons, it should be noted that in very few exceptional cases the correct alphabetical order was broken. If the usual spelling of a common name was extremely changed, the allocation was made within the normal one, e.g. 'Pardong' instead of 'Bardong', here the classification took place under 'B'. If family names were used with equal weight in different spellings and their proximity was recognizable within the alphabet, no standardization or assignment was made, e.g. Ertelmeyer/Erdelmeyer. The company index was created so that smaller businesses in the municipality, which normally only run under the personal name (e.g. J. Hübner, Buchdruckerei), could also be recorded. It would be very difficult to find small companies within the index. Now the list can be flown over within the company index - also in case of classification (depending on how the transaction is usually called) partly under the first name, partly under the last name or under the business object. The prefix "Fa." was omitted because it was not used regularly [possibly also at different times] even by one and the same company. That's why it's uncertain to what extent he's really part of the name. Apo counters and restaurants mentioned by name were also included in this index. General designations such as locksmith's shop and glazier's shop have been added to the index. VI. supplementary archive holdings Dept. 13 No. 1777 'Gewerbebetriebe zu Herrnsheim' (1860-1888) Dept. 30 Hess. Kreisamt Worms (e.g. files in the area of trade supervision, admission to the Hessian state association) Abt. 49 Gemeindearchiv Pfeddersheim (Herrnsheim as a municipality belonging to the canton of Pfeddersheim) Abt. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalbergarchiv Hess. State Archive Darmstadt: Family Archive of Dalberg (Dept. O 1 A-B) VII Literature BARDONG, Otto, Harlesheim - Herlisheim - Herrnsheim. Contributions to local and parish history, in: Herrns-heim 771-1971, edited by Otto Bardong, Worms 1971, pp. 43-104. BÖNNEN, Gerold (edited on behalf of the city of Worms), Geschichte der Stadt Worms, Stuttgart 2005. WOLF, Jürgen Rainer/SPENGLER, Hugo (Bearb.), Family Archive v. Dalberg (Dept. O 1 A-B) 1424-1846 (= Repertories of the Hessian State Archive Darmstadt 22/1), Darmstadt 1985. Herrnsheim. Portrait of a community, edited on the occasion of the 1225th anniversary in 1996 by the local community of Worms-Herrnsheim.

In the 14th century, the family of ministers of Düngelen established themselves in the town of Castrop-Rauxel. During the 15th century, Düngelen became one of the most important noble families in the county of Mark. Through marriage, Haus Bladenhorst fell to the von Viermund family around 1500 and to the von Romberg zu Brünninghausen family after 1610. The attack on the von Rombergs was long controversial. In the late 17th and 18th centuries Brünninghausen and Bladenhorst were administered together. After 1810 Bladenhorst broke away from the joint administration. Gisbert von Romberg transferred Bladenhorst to his son Clemens von Romberg, who in turn transferred it to his son Conrad von Romberg. The entire mining property of the von Romberg family was transferred to Bladenhorst in 1855. By marriage with Caroline von Romberg Bladenhorst fell to Baron von Weichs in 1881. Bladenhorst was sold to Klöckner-Werke in 1926 after lengthy preliminary negotiations. History of the stock The largest part of the stock was apparently moved to Haus Brünninghausen in the 18th century. On Bladenhorst remained the currente registry of the estate administration. After the death of Gisbert von Romberg, some documents and files were returned to Bladenhorst. The stocks stored there were recorded by Dr. Nordhoff in 1866. Parts of his inventory have been preserved in file number 100. In 1896, a fire broke out at Haus Bladenhorst that severely damaged or even destroyed parts of the stock. When the house was sold in 1926, the von Weichs family transferred the holdings as a deposit to the State Archives, which between 1908 and 1955 also took over the entire Romberg von Buldern archive, including the older holdings of Haus Bladenhorst, in several stages. In 1962 the deposit was supplemented by smaller supplements. The written material handed over in 1926 was accessible until 2002 in four partial collections of varying quality. On the occasion of the completion of the indexing work on the entire Romberg archive, the work on the deposit was also completed in 2002. The severely damaged documents were recorded by Prof. Ludwig Schmitz-Kellenberg in handwriting soon after 1926. Its indexing, which was hardly legible due to the peculiar writing style, was included in the VZ database and at the same time critically revised; at the same time, the holdings were checked for restoration requirements. The file was divided into three parts until 2002. (1) The so-called "Archive" with 98 units between 1493 and 1821 had been superficially recorded by R. Keimer around 1926. It comprises mainly residual traditions of the older Bladenhorst stock. The inventory was newly recorded. (2) The so-called "Registratur" comprised in XXV sections the files of the estate administration since about 1810 with previous files since the 16th century (522 Nrr. ) as well as a collection of 33 maps. The map holdings had already been removed and transferred by Dr. Sagebiel to the map collection of the State Archives (No. A 21265 - 21308) and listed. The indexing of R. Keimer covered up to 27 subvolumes under signatures that had already been extensively used by regional research. The re-drawing followed the numerus currens of the older class and allowed the order formed by Keimer with its units and signatures (according to the formula "Archive" 100) to exist. Three numbers were missing, approx. 15 volumes had been shifted the layer (3). (3) Approximately 5.5 linear metres of registry material was unrecorded until 2002. It mainly consisted of accounting documents which were included in summary form (No 622-922). A partial cassation was waived for legal reasons. The three layers were indexed by a common classification and an index and are now available as a finding aid. Source value The older documents and files up to 1800 are included in the archive of Romberg. The files after 1800 document the administration of the property of a noble estate until 1926, which was increasingly overlaid by mining and industry. Railways, mining and the chemical industry gradually restricted the land holdings of Haus Bladenhorst and its agriculture and forestry. This process is meticulously reflected in the files. Furthermore, the tradition of Romberg's mining estate in the 1850s is important. For the city history of Castrop(-Rauxel) the inventory is valuable because of numerous references to the city and court of Castrop. Literature: Culture and Homeland (Castrop-Rauxel) 13 (1961)

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Ortenberg, H. v. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The estate splinter of Heinz von Ortenberg presented here was donated to the Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage in March 2003 (Akz. 118/2009) by his nephew Karl-Theo Schneider (Hofheim). Heinz von Ortenberg was the personal physician of the former Emperor Wilhelm II in Doorn. According to the "Arzt vom Dienst" lists, he was in Doorn at the following times: 30.10.-08.03.1940 20.03.-10.07.1940 03.08.-15.12.1940 01.06.-18.06.1941. The records relate to correspondence in connection with Ortenberg's employment as a personal physician in Doorn and from the subsequent period of this activity, as well as pictorial material mainly from members of the House of Hohenzollern. Duration: 1938 - 1949, without date Scope: 0.03 lfm To order: VI. HA, Nl Ortenberg, H. v., No. ... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family archives and estates, Nl Heinz von Ortenberg, No. ... Berlin, January 2010 (Sylvia Rose, Chief Archive Inspector) Selected literature on the person: - Leandro Silva Telles, Heinz von Ortenberg, médico do Kaiser e de Santa Cruz do Sul. Santa Cruz do Sul (Coleção História de Santa Cruz 3) 1980 by Heinz von Ortenberg: - On the importance of sugar for the nutrition of the soldier, Med. Diss. v. 5. Jan. 1904 by Heinrich von Ortenberg, Assistenzarzt im Deutsch-Ordens-Inf.-Reg. No 152, Deutsch-Eylau/Westpr., Berlin 1904, 31 S. (from the catalogue of the State Library PK) - From the diary of a physician. Feldzugsskizzen aus Südwestafrika, Berlin 1907 Life data of Heinz (partly also Heinrich) von Ortenberg 1.12.1879 born in Salzwedel Father: Arthur Karl Wilhelm von Ortenberg, born 30.11.1844 Riga, high school professor in Salzwedel Mother: Bertha Friedericke Karoline, née Gerlach, 28.2.1854 Salzwedel Siblings: Lilli, née 24.3.1878, Walter Martin, née 15.4.1883 11 September 1903 Joined the army 1904 Assistant doctor in the Deutsch-Ordens-Inf.-.Reg. No 152 Deutsch-Eylau then in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika 1906 resignation from military service as senior physician a.D. due to accidents suffered during the campaign in Deutsch-Süd-West-Afrika "feld- und garnisondienstunfähig" from 1908 head of a medical-surgical clinic in St. Cruz (Brazil) 1914 Reentry into the army Prisoners of war in Gibraltar 1916 Stay in Bulgaria 1918 Retirement from military service as staff doctor (ret.) 30 October 1939 Beginning as personal physician of Wilhelm II in Doorn/Netherlands 1941 Death of his brother von Ortenberg 4 June 1941 von Ortenberg cared for the emperor in the last days until his death Heinz von Ortenberg had property in Brazil, where he also lived for many years. His date of death could not be determined. The above data on life were included in the letter of 29.3.1940 in order no. 1, the rankings of the Royal Prussian Army of 1904 and 1905, the Archivale I and the Archivale I. HA Rep. 176 Heroldsamt No. 6922 and the following websites: - - Description: Life data: born 1879 finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 3 · Fonds · (1667-) 1850-1946
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition The history of the Presidential Department The history of the Prussian government was divided into three or four departments, namely the Presidential Department (Department P), Administration (Department I) and Tax and Treasury (Department II). In the tradition of the presidential department two registry layers could be determined. The first layer distinguished between general files and special files with consecutive numbering. The files of this first layer were transferred to the file plan of the second layer, which was used since about 1905. The structure of the second layer represented the last state of order of the presidential registry. It consisted of 14 main groups, which roughly reflected the departments existing since 1852. Personnel files formed an additional main group. The respective main groups were marked with Roman numerals from I to XIV, the upper groups with capital letters. Only the E group, authorities and officials, in the main group I, sovereignty, was further subdivided. These bullet points are preceded by lower case letters. Within the main groups, counting was started from the beginning. The repertory of authorities in the presidential registry was designed for growth in the individual main groups, i.e. a number range was usually reserved within a main group of each upper group. From 1 January 1932, the administration of the general administration, the administration of the health service, the building construction, the interior and the district administration as well as some special areas was converted to the uniform file plan of the Prussian administration. This was based on decimal classification and replaced the thread-stitched files with mechanical standing files. In the presidential registry, however, the files were at least partially continued according to the old file plan. The repertory of the authorities contains notes on which files should be transferred from the current registry to the so-called ground registry, i.e. to the old registry, and which should be transferred to the archive. Some files contain the word "destroyed". However, these indications do not provide reliable information about the actual fate of the files. A reference to the transfer of the documents to the standing registry was found with some file titles (especially with personnel files). In various cases, files from other sections or departments or from previous authorities were included in the presidential files as previous files. Reference is made above all to the written material of the Royal Prussian Commissarius (cf. fonds Ho 231). Contents and Evaluation Principles of Registration Polish archivist Beata Waclawik from the Allenstein State Archives worked her way into the Prussian registry and file system within the framework of a scholarship from the Volkswagen Foundation from 20.4 to 15.8.1990. During her work at the Sigmaringen State Archives, she began the indexing of the presidential department. Their distortion performance flowed into the present repertory in revised form. When the inventory was recorded, the file references listed in the repertory of authorities were used as the basis for the recording. Nearly all file covers were also provided with a file subject, which largely coincided with that in the repertory. The file title was compared with the file content and, if necessary, modified and normalized. In various cases, files from other sections or departments or from previous authorities were included in the presidential files as previous files. If these were listed in the repertories of the sections and not marked with registration signatures of the presidential department, they were returned to the corresponding section. However, if they were integrated into the registration scheme of the Presidential Department, they remained there, even though they had not experienced any further growth in the Presidential Department. Laws and ordinances were not thrown out in principle. Maps and plans, as long as they were not integrated into the fascicle, were removed for conservation reasons and incorporated into the map selection. Areas and places that were no longer on German Reich territory after 1918 were identified, as far as possible, on the basis of their administrative affiliation when the file was created. The signing was done with the archival development program Midosa 95 in the years 1998 to 2000 by the undersigned. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present stock comprises 16.1 linear metres (in unpackaged condition) and 895 units of registration, beginning with numbers 32 to 926. The numbers 1 to 31 are listed in stock Ho 235 T 2. For reasons of data protection, the 380 personnel files also contained in the inventory could not be taken into account for this online find book. Contains above all: State sovereign matters Royal Prussian House and Princely Hohenzollern House Celebrations in the presence of members of the Royal House and on feast days of members of the Royal and Princely House; other events within the families; intended acquisition of the Zollern cone by the Royal House; Title dispute between the Prussian government and the princely house - class rule Relationship of the government to the class rule Fürstenberg and Thurn und Taxis in Hohenzollern - state constitution and state colours - seizure of the Hohenzollern principalities by Prussia and the resulting constitutional changes; Contract of assignment; celebrations of homage; takeover of civil servants; colours and coats of arms of Hohenzollern; change of the name of the country; commemoration of the Anschluss an Preußen - Behörde und Beamte Organisation der Landesverwaltung Reorganisation of the administration after takeover of the principalities by Prussia; employment of a Prussian commissariat; Establishment and dissolution of an Immediatkommission (Immediate Commission); regulation of official responsibilities; administrative reforms; discussions on the possible new regulation of Hohenzollern's nationality - distribution of business and instructions for the government - business and service instructions; Fire regulations for the government building; establishment of a department for indirect taxes; business audits; office reform; business distribution plans - administrative reports - Immediate newspaper reports - civil servants - general takeover and swearing in of civil servants by the Prussian State; disciplinary investigations; Distinguishing marks on service caps; visit of ministers and senior officials to Hohenzollern; employment and training of civil servants; conduct outside the service; political conduct; support - Regierungspräsidium Verwaltung des Regierungspräsidiums - Regierungsungskollegium und Regierungsreferendare Stellenbesetzungen; Training; transfers; personal and official conditions; sketches prepared by members of the government - office, clerical and sub-official staff Recruitment; training; examination; substitution; transfer; staff reduction - archives, registries and libraries Establishment of a government archive and a Princely Hohenzollern House and Domain Archive; List of files of the presidential registry; use of the State Archives; segregation of files; library matters - district committee, district and other authorities and their officials administration of the higher offices; position of the higher officials or County councillors; Hohenzollern deputation for the homeland system; establishment of the district council or of the District Committee; District Health Insurance Fund of the Road Construction Administration; District Forestry Officers; Higher Insurance Offices; Dissolution of the Sigmaringen Main Customs Office - judicial authorities and their officials, administration and organisation of justice; State Examination of Legal Candidates; Public Prosecutor's Office; Complaints in judicial cases; judicial reform; lists of jurors; formation of courts of lay assessors; investigation against the lawyer Dopfer in Sigmaringen; service of the police attorney Ruff von Hechingen - general instructions acquisition and loss of the Prussian subject status; Authentication of documents; Flagging of public buildings; Service vehicle - legislation Real charges separation; Water cooperatives; Family fidei Kommisse; Relocation of the state border against Württemberg; Land mergers; Literature on high customs laws - statistics, topography and meteorology Orthography of the name Wehrstein; Transmission of statistical notes; Establishment and operation of a meteorological station; Communications on the Prussian Court and State Manual or to the Prussian State Calendar - Award of orders and titles - Award of orders and titles; Award of office titles; Title dispute between the government and the Princely House of Hohenzollern; Titular system; List of holders of orders - Elections of the two Prussian chambers; Elections of the House of Representatives; Political conditions in Hohenzollern; election of the Reichstag by the North German Federation and the German Reich - Official Gazette; distribution of newspapers and periodicals Official Gazettes; promotion of the distribution of periodicals; promotion of subscriptions to pictures and books - military affairs Mobilisation Execution and/or Modification of mobilization plans; protection of Hohenzollern in the event of war with Switzerland; occupation of Hohenzollern by Württemberg troops in the German-German war; wars of 1866 and 1871; demobilization; return of prisoners of war after the 1st World War. World War II - Other claim to the so-called hundredthal positions; investigation against Hohenzollern officers and crews for misconduct at the Battle of Oos in 1849; "Small Guard"; planned acquisition of the Koller Bathhouse in Hechingen for military purposes; military surveying of Hohenzollern; weapons of the former civil defence; garrisoning; Catholic military pastoral care; Memorial Day; Application by candidates for pension for the office service - municipal matters Landeskommunalverband Landeskommunalverband Landeskommunalverband and its civil servants Amtsverbände and Landeskommunalverband; employment relationships of civil servants - Kommunallandtag Bildung; election; meetings; convocations; meetings of the Landesausschuss; budgets; chairman and his deputy; treatment of the domain question - Landesausschuss Members and their swearing-in - legal regulations negotiations of the 1. Chamber on the Provincial Constitution; extension of the autonomy rights of the provinces; local self-government; implementation of the law on the extension of the powers of the Chief President and simplification of administration at the regional association of municipalities - finances - taking out loans for, inter alia, the purchase and conversion of the Hotel Schach into a country house; actions for embezzlement and other legal proceedings. a. against the President of the Regional Court (retired) Evelt; budget relations; sales of real property - supra-regional representations elections to the Prussian state council; provincial council - savings and loan fund organization - Fürst-Karl-Landesspital 50th anniversary; directors; Meetings of the Regional Commission of the Hospital - Agricultural School - Road Construction Self-administration in the field of roads - Official Associations Taking out loans; Budgets; Administrative Reports; Determination Decisions; Official Supervision of Associations - Mayors and Municipal Councils Supervision of Municipal Council Elections; Behaviour of the local councils; meeting of the mayors, local heads and bailiffs - debt repayment fund - establishment - disciplinary investigations - municipal regulations - drafts; improvements - charity support soup kitchens; support for the poor; support for the widow of the former district president Frank von Fürstenwerth - graces gifts - Stephanie Foundation for the dowry of devout virgins; Karl-Anton-Josephinen Foundation for the support of first marital unions and jubilee couples; König Wilhelm Foundation or Preußische Striftung für hilfsbedürftige erwachsene Beamtentöchter; Kaiserin-Augusta-Stiftung und Kaiserin-Augusta-Verein für deutsche Töchter - Ehrenämter des Regierungspräsidenten Chairman of the Provinzialverein des Roten Kreuzes für die Hohenzollerischen Lande; Bezirksverband der Cecilienhilfe - Bausachen und Verkehrsanstalten Bausachen Takeover of princely buildings and inventories; Construction of the Hohenzollern Castle; hall and meeting room in the government building; roads and other buildings; official residence of the district president; Hedingen grammar school in Sigmaringen - post and telegraph system Badisch-Prussian telegraph line; postage freedom for some civil servants; transfer of the postal system in Hohenzollern to Württemberg - railway railway projects; Introduction of the railway law in Hohenzollern; Hohenzollerische Landesbahn - Kultur Musik Private music lessons; anniversaries of singing associations - preservation of monuments, antiquities Acquisition and collection of antiquities and architectural monuments; conservation of monuments; inventory of architectural and artistic monuments; Landeskonservator; implementing provisions of the excavation law of 1914; Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde in Hohenzollern; archaeological research in Hohenzollern carried out by the Württemberg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments - Trade and Commerce - Stone Science; introduction of new branches of industry; raising of the trade business; training schools for craftsmen; promotion of silk breeding; cloth factories - agriculture; Formation of the Landesökonomie-Kollegium; Replacement of the real burdens; reports on the state of the seeds; central office of the Association for Agriculture and Trade; Federation of Farmers (Hohenzollerischer Bauernverein); disciplinary proceedings - police Political police investigations for treason; observation of the political activities of German refugees in Switzerland; fight against social democracy; Surveillance of the anarchic movement, political surveillance; treatment of anonymous letters; revolution in 1918; Kapp Putsch; communist activities - penal institutions supervisory personnel of the Hornstein penal institution; intended repurchase of Hornstein Castle by the Barons of Hornstein - press supervision; editor of the Hohenzollernsche Wochenblatt; State aid for the Hohenzollerische Blätter published in Hechingen for the publication of official communications - associations - monitoring of associations - fire insurance - building fire insurance; accounting of public fire insurance institutions in Prussia - medical affairs - occupation of medical civil service posts; organisation of medical administration; Private clinic in Hechingen; examination of the management of the senior medical officers - church matters General separation of the church from the state; protests of Catholic clergy against the burial of Protestants in Catholic cemeteries; festive days - Catholic Church Affairs of the Catholic Church; church disputes in the Upper Rhine and Baden areas, respectively. Kulturkampf; occupation of parish offices; conduct of priests; occupation of the archbishop's chair and cathedral chapter offices in Freiburg; planned separation of Hohenzollern from the sprinkler of the archdiocese of Freiburg; exercise of patronage law; branches of orders; relationship between church and schools; award of titles; Confirmations and church consecrations; ecclesiastical jurisdiction; blocking money use law; expenses for the diocese administration in Freiburg - supervision of asset management in the Catholic dioceses and parishes - law on asset management; election of church leaders; Service instructions for the church councils; exercise of state supervision; collection of church taxes - Protestant church - Church conditions of Protestant residents; remuneration of pastors; collections to support poor Protestant congregations and theology students; Church councils; holding and localities for the divine service; Protestant inner mission - Jewish community of faith - Jewish cult relations - School system - Secondary schools - Personnel matters; Behaviour of teachers; Relationship of the Hedingen Gymnasium to the Archbishop of Freiburg - Elementary schools - Personal matters, v. a. Disciplinary investigations; municipal education; school commissioners and school inspectors; foundation of Protestant community schools; law on the maintenance of public elementary schools - cashier's offices - cash registers and banks Planned establishment of banks; annual reports of the Stetten salt mine and revision of the salt works fund - budget, salaries and pensions - debts Memorandum on the repayment of the high customs debts of the province; raising of a state loan - disposition fund - personal files

  1. about sermons on corpses: There have been sermons on corpses as eulogies or sermons in the church since the Middle Ages. There are already approaches to this in pre-Christian antiquity. The custom of writing them down and later printing them, however, did not emerge in Lutheran Protestantism until shortly after the Reformation. The Catholic Church opposed - above all the lavish - funeral orations to prohibitions. After all, there is also evidence of sermons on corpses for Zwinglians, Calvinists and Catholics, albeit to a lesser extent. Because of the financial expenditure corpse sermons were printed above all for wealthy aristocrats and citizens. The heyday of printed funeral sermons was the decades before the 30 year war and the turn from the 17th to the 18th century. Around the middle of the 18th century, the custom of printing sermons on corpses declined sharply. There are also sermons on corpses from the 20th century, but these are much simpler than specimens from the heyday. Depending on the time of origin, but also on the social status of the deceased, the sermons can be more or less lavish. They range from the simple printed sheet with a maximum of four pages to the large folio-format volume with 200 or more pages, decorated with several copper engravings, notes and many different mourning texts. Some funeral sermons are also divided into several volumes, e.g. the Epicedia or only certain Epicedia separately bound. Such sumptuous writings are, of course, only conceivable in the heyday of sermons on corpses and only for people from high social status. Sermons on corpses contain different components. The actual sermon on the dead, i.e. the sermon at the funeral, forms the core of Scripture. Often it is based on a specific biblical passage as a leitmotif which the deceased could determine for himself or which has a relation to the activity of the deceased. A scripture may contain several such sermons which may have been delivered at the funeral, funeral service or other funeral service. In comparison, sermons on corpses often contain a curriculum vitae of the deceased (referred to as "Personalia" or "curriculum vitae"), which was read out during the celebrations and cannot describe the person of the deceased too negatively for reasons of piety. The third component is Epicedia, the mourning poems of relatives, friends or - in the case of aristocrats - high-ranking servants. Elaborate copper engravings - quite a majority - can decorate a funeral sermon. Often the deceased is depicted with a portrait, sometimes also in an allegorical representation. With several copper engravings the funeral procession (= corpse procession) can be represented or the coffin in different views. Music is relatively rare. The lyrics of sung mourning songs can be found more often, notes of such songs or even other musical performances at mourning ceremonies are already a precious rarity (cf. the separate list in the appendix). The present collection comprises a total of 2098 funeral sermons. Without consideration of the duplicates there are 797 different pieces. They can be divided into three groups, into sermons on corpses of members of the House of Hohenlohe (188 without duplicates), into sermons on corpses of other aristocrats who were frequently either related, in-laws or neighbours (332), and into sermons on corpses of commoners (277). Among the latter group, servants and other employees of the various high-wage houses predominate. Also included are - albeit with a rather small proportion - other personal writings, such as poems on the occasion of a birthday, a wedding or an anniversary, "Leichenge poems" (identical with Epicedia) and also writings on the occasion of celebrations in Hohenlohe on the occasion of the death of the emperor, etc. The collection of sermons represents a selection of material from several Highlohic archives. The origin of the individual funeral sermons can usually no longer be determined. Naturally, the funeral sermons must be seen as a relevant source of sepulchral culture. They are also indispensable for genealogical and other research, not least because of the often included curriculum vitae. The contained genealogical information is absolutely reliable, even if the evaluations in a funeral sermon cannot be too negative. General expressions about piety, lifestyle and virtues of the deceased, on the other hand, are not to be taken too literally. Sermons on corpses are also valuable sources for the history of art, literature and music as well as for theology, and social and economic history is increasingly devoting itself to them. Because of the biographies of counts and princes of the House of Hohenlohe, their wives and children and because of the copper engraved portraits they are valuable sources on the history of the House of Hohenlohe. Servants and other servants of Highloh courts are also documented by them, as are friends, relatives and neighboring nobles. The materials about funeral ceremonies at Highloh courts, which contain some of the collected funeral sermons, touch on Highloh cultural history. The funeral sermons show the social circle that was involved in the funeral ceremonies in an exposed way. Literature: Rudolf Lenz: Leichenpredigten als Quelle historischer Wissenschaften, 3 vol., Cologne Vienna 1975-1984, especially: Rudolf Lenz: Gedruckte Leichenpredigten, vol. 1, p. 36 ff. 2. Zur Bearbeitung des Bestandes: As part of a project of the Historical Commission that also included sermons on corpses of other archives and libraries, Dr. Elisabeth Zimmermann recorded the Neuenstein sermons for the first time between summer 1948 and summer 1949. The drawing was done according to the model of Stollberg's catalogue and was comparatively detailed. The result was a card index, which was incomplete at the beginning of the 70s (when the Hohenlohe Central Archive was taken over by the state). The stock had become considerably disordered. In the meantime, further Hohenlohische archives had been relocated to Neuenstein, whose sermons on corpses were also to be integrated into the collection. As a result, the size of the collection had increased considerably. In 1987 the employee Fritz Kempt began a new indexing under the guidance of Oberarchivrat Dr. Moegle-Hofacker, which took into account the entire material at hand. The title recordings were largely completed by Kempt until his retirement in December 1988. The final work including the editing of the find book was done by the undersigned in winter 1994/95. In the present find book the sermons of the corpses are described according to the following scheme. In the upper right corner, the relevant lift-out number for storage in the magazine is indicated. If this is marked with an asterisk (), several copies are available which are listed as duplicates at the end of the description. Alternatively, a duplicate can also be used. The excavation number can be divided into 6, 6 a and 6 b or 6.1 and 6.2. In such a number assignment there should normally be two funeral sermons bound together to form a volume. Bold highlighted, the excavation number is followed by the order number relevant for the arrangement in the finding aid book and then the name of the deceased person as the most important information, as this is used to classify the funeral sermon. As far as known, the "personal data" are added in a separate block: Birth name, Date and place of birth, date and place of death, funeral dates, marriage date, spouse, place of marriage and details of status, occupation, offices and memberships. The second block contains the data for the funeral sermon. This includes the presignature, all sermons for the corpse in the narrower sense (i.e. sermons for the funeral service, burial and other funeral ceremonies) with details of the author and, if applicable, the Bible quotation used. It also contains information on other components of the funeral sermon such as personalia (curriculum vitae), epicedia with information on the authors, copper engravings with picture descriptions, painters and engravers, notes, coats of arms and information on the print and scope of the script. At the end of this block there may be references to literature (autobiographies, lists of writings, etc.). The duplicates may be listed in a third block. The characterization of the persons involved in the creation of the funeral sermons, i.e. the authors of sermons or Epicedia or the artists, is usually taken from the funeral sermon and refers to the time at which it was written. The designations of their functions have sometimes been modernised, especially in Part I. In the second part, which comprises various regions of the former empire, the functional designations are often reproduced as in the sermon on the corpse (abbreviated), since the dissolution and modernization would have required too much special knowledge. The order of the sermons was according to the three groups: Hohenlohe, other aristocrats and commoners. Within these groups, the name alphabet is authoritative. The classification is determined by the name that the person used when he or she died. Married daughters from the Hohenlohe family are therefore no longer to be found under Hohenlohe. However, such references are taken into account in the index by means of references. For emperors and kings the first name is decisive for the classification, for other aristocrats the sex name. The order of the index cannot agree with the storage order for several reasons. Some funeral sermons are bound together with others to form thick volumes, the format of the funeral sermons changes too often. The collection shall also be kept open for further access. Therefore the storage in the magazine takes place according to numerus currens. The stock, which received the designation "GA 90 Leichenpredigten", comprises 2098 volumes in 17.5 linear metres. m.The files in the relevant stocks are to be consulted about funeral ceremonies in the house Hohenlohe beside the funeral sermons also, which can contain also funeral sermons or parts of it.Neuenstein, in December 1996Dr. Schiffer
Stadtarchiv Mainz, VOA 6 · Fonds · 1820 - 1934
Part of City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

After Bischofsheim's incorporation, the almost 9 m files of the VOA 6 holdings were transferred to the Mainz municipal archives in the course of two deliveries. On 01.12.1934, 161 "Rechnungs-Archivalien" (Invoice Archives), mostly from the second half of the 19th century, were handed over by the local administration of Mainz-Bischofsheim (Zug.: 1934/96). At the beginning of 1939 she had 60 parcels of "finished files" ready for stamping. The then director of the city archive, Dr. Dertsch, singled out 40 packages with files mainly from the second and third decades of the 20th century as not worthy of archiving. They concerned social welfare, food supply during and after the First World War, "general course of business", state and Reichstag elections as well as forest and municipal affairs. On 03.03.1939 20 packages (without access number) were taken over. These included eight packages of "various old files from 1820-1920", four packages each of militaria and "school affairs until 1930", two packages of mayoral and municipal elections between 1850 and 1914, and one package each of agriculture (1870-1900) and construction ("older files"). With the two entrances, the documents of the Bischofsheim municipal administration that had been handed down and intended for permanent storage did not reach the Mainz municipal archives in their entirety. A part remained in the place, so that the Bischofsheimer tradition is today divided. In Bischofsheim, mainly files and official books from the early modern period and the first half of the 19th century are kept. This is a collection which was listed in its core as early as 1914 in the inventories of the municipal archives of the district Groß-Gerau (cf. Becker, Wilhelm Martin (ed.): Invententare der Gemeindearchive des Kreises Groß-Gerau, Darmstadt 1914 (Invententare der nichtstaatlichen Archive im Großherzogtum Hessen, vol. 3: Invententar der hessischen Gemeinde-Archive, H.1), pp. 7f. The Bischofsheimer directory was compiled by the teacher Bechtolsheimer and supplemented by the Kreisurkundenpfleger). After the Second World War, the holdings were obviously supplemented with more recent materials (cf. Inventory Catalogue of the Municipal Archive of the Municipality of Bischofsheim). In: Bischofsheimer Geschichtsblätter, H.40, September 1967, p.212-219). Although the 701 volumes (without duplicates of invoices) kept in the Mainz City Archives run from 1733 to 1937, they focus on the second half of the 19th century and the first three decades of the 20th century. Thematically, the areas "Church Affairs" and "Education" stand out. Reference should also be made to the files on voluntary jurisdiction, the French occupation after the First World War and the construction industry. When it was taken over by the town archives, the files were roughly arranged according to the 1908 registration plan for the grand ducal mayor's offices. When examining the archives, however, it became apparent that, on the one hand, the titles of the files given by the registration plan often did not describe their contents sufficiently and, on the other hand, that there was often no organic and, in many cases, no factual connection between the individual documents of a file volume. This made the distortion work more difficult. In order to ensure sufficient indexing, new file units had to be formed in part - disregarding archival principles. For the same reason, the titles were formulated in as much detail as possible and often supplemented with notes ("Contains", "Contains, etc.", "Contains, etc."). Reference was made to foreign documents as well as to newspapers and printed matter, photographs and plans (except for construction files) with "Darin auch". Only a few documents were collected, above all incomplete forms and questionnaires for statistical surveys, which were available in several copies, as well as advertising material from companies outside the Sprengels of the Mainz City Archive. A comparison between the delivery notes or lists from 1934 and 1939 on the one hand and the found stock on the other hand suggests that a small amount of material was destroyed between the time of the takeover and the distortion. It must remain unclear whether this was due to an archival decision or to the effects of war. In the final classification, the complete adoption of the 1908 registry plan did not seem to make much sense, as numerous departments would have been occupied with little or no occupancy at all. For this reason, a new scheme was developed on the basis of the registry plan and on the basis of the classifications found in other suburban archives of the Mainz Municipal Archives, which seeks to take account of the actual files found. Due to a personnel change, two editors were involved in the creation of the finding aid book, whose different "manuscripts" could not be completely suppressed during the final editing. It began with the drawing in spring/summer 1988 by Mrs. Andrea Eckel, was completed in winter 1990/91 by the undersigned, Mr. Heiner Stauder, who also carried out the classification and wrote the preface. The search book was entered into the database "Archibal" in November 1999 by Mrs. Gerda Kessler in cooperation with Mrs. Ramona Göbel (Chief Inspector of the Archives). Local history of Bischofsheim: The beginnings of today's Bischofsheim date back to the time of the Frankish occupation of the land. Both archaeological finds and the ending of the place name on "-heim" speak for this. However, the prefixed place of destination is not a personal name, as is usually the case, but an ecclesiastical official designation. Staab concludes that the bishop of Mainz was the founder of the Franconian settlement. He probably also owned the local church, which was probably dedicated to Saint Martin. It probably passed into the possession of the Sankt Viktor monastery near Weisenau around 1000, which was the most important landlord of the Mainz monasteries and monasteries wealthy in Bischofsheim alongside the cathedral monastery. It also received a large tithe in most of the district and had the right of patronage, which it retained even after the introduction of the Reformation in Bischofsheim during the 16th century. In the second half of the 13th century, members of various branches of the Reichsministerialengeschlechts von Bolanden could be seized as holders of sovereign rights. At the beginning of the 14th century the Hohenfels line had apparently prevailed, but in 1331 members of this house sold the village of Bischofsheim with court, people and all accessories for 400 pounds of heller to Count Rudolf von Wertheim and Gottfried von Eppstein. The aristocracy of Wertheim soon seems to have passed into the hands of the arch monastery of Mainz, which pledged it to Henne von Erlebach in 1417: von Weilbach. One of his descendants, Adam von Erlebach, and his wife Margarethe came in the same way into possession of the Eppsteiner share, which the pledgee lord sold to Count Philipp von Katzenelnbogen in 1478. After his death in the following year the Landgraves of Hesse inherit him, whose Darmstadt line succeeded in putting themselves into the complete possession of Bischofsheim. In 1577, after lengthy negotiations, the lords of Hattstein sold their rights to Landgrave George I to succeed von Erlebach, and two years later the archbishopric of Mainz did the same. Thus Bischofsheim has belonged to Hesse (-Darmstadt) since 1579. The change of rule in 1577/79 and the Reformation, which was presumably already in place before that, left the possessions and rights of the Mainz monasteries and monasteries untouched. Not until 1802/03 did their estates fall to the Hessian state in the course of secularisation. This transition was one of the many innovations that took place during the 19th century. In the wake of the constitution issued by the Grand Duchy of Hesse in 1820, the judiciary and administration were separated, which necessitated a reorganization of the state. Bischofsheim, which had previously belonged to the Rüsselsheim office, was assigned to the Dornberg district in the province of Starkenburg or to the Groß-Gerau district court. While the division of the judiciary remained largely the same over the next 110 years - only in 1879 did the district court of Groß-Gerau become the district court with the introduction of the German Court Constitution Act of 3 September 1878 - the territorial division of the administration was subject to several changes. In 1832 Bischofsheim was added to the district Groß-Gerau, after the dissolution of the districts in the course of the revolution of 1848 to the administrative district Darmstadt. When the districts were restituted in the course of the reaction in 1852, Bischofsheim returned to the Groß-Gerau district, where it remained until it was incorporated into Mainz in 1930. With the constitution of 1820, the traditional municipal constitution was also no longer compatible, which is why a new municipal order was issued in 1821. In Bischofsheim it also replaced the mayor's office with the mayor, who together with the deputy and the local council formed the local executive committee. However, in Bischofsheim the term "Schultheiß" seems to have been in use for some time. A further innovation in the first half of the 19th century meant the abolition of the traditional agricultural constitution: the rule of the land and the rule of the tenth disappeared with the transfer of the land charges, which had largely been carried out in Bischofsheim until 1842. At this time the Bischofsheimer still lived predominantly from agriculture. Their village had not yet expanded beyond the local embankment, which had been built to protect the inhabitants of the Mainufergemeinde from the often threatening floods. A profound socio-economic and demographic change began with industrialization in the second half of the 19th century. Numerous employees of the companies being established in the neighbouring communities, namely MAN in Gustavsburg and Opel in Rüsselsheim, came from or moved to Bischofsheim. However, the most important employer for the Bischofsheimers was the railway, which had a decisive influence on the history of the town. After the Mainz-Darmstadt line had been opened in 1858 and the Mainz-Frankfurt line in 1863, the Bischofsheim railway station was expanded at the turn of the century to become the largest marshalling yard in southern Germany and Mainz's relief freight yard. This contributed significantly to the growth of the settlement and population. The influx of railway employees and factory workers also created a Catholic community, after Bischofsheim - apart from some Jews - had been purely Protestant. The changes in the course of industrialization naturally also affected the activities of the municipal administration. Reference is made here to the construction of schools and local roads, which is reflected in the files at hand. These also provide information about the consequences of the French occupation of the Rhineland after the First World War and the passive resistance. Since this was exercised in particular also by numerous railwaymen, it came in Bischofsheim to numerous expulsions by the occupation authorities. At the end of the 1920s, the local government planned to lay gas and water pipelines. These two projects brought the community into severe financial distress in the context of the global economic crisis. In this situation, the idea of incorporation into Mainz was awakened for the first time, which was finally realised after hard disputes between the population and the local council. On 01.01.1930 Bischofsheim was incorporated into the city of Mainz together with neighbouring Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Bretzenheim and Weisenau, which hoped to benefit from an expansion of its area. In 1930 their area doubled from 4096 ha to 8195 ha, of which 930 ha were in the Bischofsheim district. After the incorporation, Fischer, who had been mayor since then, initially acted as head of the village until, after the National Socialist seizure of power, he was replaced by the party member Fritz Eitel, who also headed the Ginsheim-Gustavsburg district. During his term of office the discrimination of the Jewish population began, which reached its first climax in the pogrom night of 9/10.11.1938. At that time the synagogue in Bischofsheim was damaged. The remaining Jewish inhabitants in Bischofsheim were victims of the Holocaust during the war. Victims were also claimed by the Allied bombing raids, which targeted the railway station, but often also affected the settlement. After the war, the Rhine became the border between two occupation zones or federal states. As a result, the connection between Mainz and Bischofsheim was dissolved, and Bischofsheim declared itself an independent parish again in the district of Groß-Gerau. Mayor and local leader of Bischofsheim (1853-1945), (Source: Mangold, p. 114 and Bischofsheimer Geschichtsblätter 14, 1965 (special issue). A listing of the mayors before 1853 was omitted, since the archives showed deviations from the terms of office, which were mentioned in the gen. Literature can be called. For checking and, if necessary, correction, archival records must also be consulted which are kept in the municipal archives in Bischofsheim. In particular the invoices are to be consulted.) 1853-1862: Johannes Schneider, mayor; 1862-1865: Michael Dammel, mayor; 1865-1909: Philipp Jakob Wiesenecker, mayor; 1910-1920: Heinrich Hünerkopf, mayor; 1921-1933: Georg Fischer, mayor, from 1930 local head; 1933-1939: Friedrich Eitel, local head; 1939-1945: Georg Fischer, local head of population development Bischofsheim Quellen, unless otherwise stated: Mangold, p. 73. 1792: Total: 400; 1829: Total: 668; 1861: Total: 1078; 1865 (statistical overview in volume 621): Total: 1169, of which Protestant: 1093, Catholic: 6, Jews: 70, Houses: 146; 1873: Total: 1404, (according to the German Federal Statistics Office): 1,964, (according to the German Federal Statistics Office): 1,971. Hartwig-Thürmer, p. 11ff.): of which cath.: 50, Jews: 60; 1895: Total: 2264; 1900: Total: 2961; 1910: Total: 4456, of which ev.: 3686, cath.: 717, Jews: 46; 1930: (according to "Groß-Mainz", p. 5:) Total: 5438, of which Protestant: 4358, Catholic: 982, Jews: 31, Houses: 690; 1939: Total: 6407 (Hartwig-Thürmer, p. 11ff.); 1948: Total: 7412 (Hartwig-Thürmer, p. 11ff.) Bischofsheimer Geschichtsblätter 1950 ff. (= publication organ of the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Bischofsheim); "Groß-Mainz". Special edition of the Mainzer Anzeiger on 1 January 1930. Supplement to edition no. 303 of 31.12.1929; Hansel, Klaus: Das Stift St. Victor vor Mainz. Phil.Diss. Mainz. Gernsheim 1952; Hartwig-Thürmer, Christine: Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, Bischofsheim. The Mainspitze under the swastika. Frankfurt/M. o.J.; This: "Here it was already bad ...". In: When the last hopes burned. 9/10 November 1938. Mainz Jews between integration and annihilation. Mainz 1988 (Mainz Edition, Vol. 5), pp. 115-125; Leiwig, Heinz/ Neliba, Dieter H.: The tip of the Main in the crosshairs of the Royal Air Force and the 8th USAAF - Bischofsheim 1939-1945 -. Ginsheim-Gustavsburg 1985; Mangold, Georg: Bischofsheim. A historical homeland book. Mainz 1929 (Starkenburg in its past, vol. 5). Müller, Wilhelm (editor): Hessian place name book vol.1: Starkenburg. Darmstadt 1937; Ruppel, Hans-Georg/ Müller, Karin (Bearb.): Historical place index for the area of the former Grand Duchy and People's State of Hesse. Darmstadt 1976 (Darmstädter Archivschriften, vol. 2); Staab, Franz: Studies on the Society on the Middle Rhine during the Carolingian period. Wiesbaden 1975 (Historical regional studies, vol. 11).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 119 · Fonds · 1811, (1816), 1835-1974 und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st biographies: The GU 119 holdings essentially comprise documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria, Duchess of Urach. The collection also includes partial estates and fragments of estates of relatives of Princess Wiltrud, especially from the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach). Specifically, these are the estate documents of the parents of Princess Wiltrud, King Ludwig III and Queen Marie Therese of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess Modena), Aunt Wiltrud, Princess Therese of Bavaria, and the grandparents of Wiltrud, Luitpold Prinzregent and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany). In the following, the biographies of the personalities represented in the GU 119 inventory, of whom there are partial estates, are briefly discussed. 1.1 Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria)Wiltrud Marie Alix Princess of Bavaria was born on 10 November 1884 in Munich as the tenth of thirteen children of Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, later Prince Regent and King Ludwig III of Bavaria, and Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria. Only a few documents on the childhood and youth of Princess Wiltrud can be found in the present inventory (subcategory 1.1.1), so that only little information can be given about this period. Accordingly, Princess Wiltrud and her siblings were taught by house teachers. The mother Princess Marie Therese also took care of the upbringing of the children and until Prince Ludwig took office she had hardly any representative duties to fulfil. Prince Ludwig's family lived mainly in Schloss Leutstetten near Lake Starnberg. A large estate belonged to Leutstetten Castle, which belonged to Prince Ludwig's private estate and which he developed into an agricultural model estate. When Prince Ludwig succeeded Prince Regent Luitpold after the death of his father Prince Regent Luitpold in 1912, his wife Princess Marie Therese and his daughter Princess Wiltrud also had to take on more and more representative tasks, about which the information in the present holdings in the category 1.During the First World War Princess Wiltrud supported her mother in her extensive charitable activities. Together with her mother, her sisters and their court ladies she packed gift packages (so-called "Liebesgaben") for the Bavarian soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers at the front, in which ham, chocolate, canned goods and partly also laundry were packed (cf. subcategories 1.9.1 and 1.9.2). Friends of the royal family from Sárvár (Hungary), where Queen Marie Therese owned a large estate, and from Sulden (South Tyrol), where the royal family often went on mountain tours, also benefited from these gift packages. The recipients of these coveted "gifts of love" often thanked Princess Wiltrud with field letters, sometimes extensive reports on war events and photographs of the front and the occupied territories. These partly quite descriptive materials have been preserved in subcategories 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 of the present inventory. In addition, Princess Wiltrud and her mother visited hospitals and hospitals and gave comfort to the soldiers and officers of the Bavarian army who were lying there. Finally, Princess Wiltrud also worked temporarily in the "war sewing room" set up by her mother in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, where 600 to 800 seamstresses and knitters worked. The "Kriegsnähstube" provided the Bavarian troops moving into the field with laundry quickly and unbureaucratically. When in November 1918 the social democratic politician Kurt Eisner proclaimed the republic in Munich, the royal family left Munich and initially withdrew to Schloss Wildenwart. The end of the monarchy in Bavaria was a decisive turning point for Princess Wiltrud and the other members of the House of Bavaria. Princess Wiltrud, like all representatives of the German princely houses, lost her privileges. Princess Wiltrud first lived at Wildenwart Castle until her marriage and on 25 November 1924 Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria married Wilhelm (II) Duke of Urach in Munich. On the following day the church wedding took place, also in Munich. The marriage remained childless. After her marriage, Duchess Wiltrud lived alternately at Schloss Lichtenstein and Palais Urach in Stuttgart. When her husband died in 1928, Duchess Wiltrud also took over the care of the youngest children of Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria). In the 1930s, Duchess Wiltrud moved to the former royal hunting lodge in Oberstdorf, which she had inherited from her father's estate and which she had renovated especially for this purpose. At times Duchess Wiltrud also visited Schloss Lichtenstein and Schloss Wildenwart. Duchess Wiltrud showed an interest in music, fine arts, history and botany, which can be seen in the printed matter and materials preserved in this collection. In addition, she undertook several voyages, including a longer voyage by ship on the "Monte Rosa" in 1935 to Brazil, Senegal and Morocco. From 1901 to 1903 she travelled the Balkans with her mother and younger sisters. During this time she also made a boat trip on the Adriatic with her mother, her younger sisters and Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, about which she also wrote a travel diary, which was published in excerpts in a magazine. A copy of this journal can be found in Bü 719. She also wrote articles about a trip to the Arlberg (Austria) in magazines (Bü 719). In addition, she frequently travelled to visit her stepchildren, her siblings and their families, and the other relatives, which is not least reflected in the extensive correspondence preserved in this collection. In addition to the aforementioned travel descriptions, Duchess Wiltrud also published poems in magazines and calendars under her name (Bü 842). Like many members of the House of Bavaria, Duchess Wiltrud was deeply religious and had received a strictly Catholic education. The Duchess also maintained close contact with Catholic clergy and nuns, as can be seen from her correspondence with them (especially Bü 249 and 250). Not least the memberships of Duchess Wiltrud in religious associations, brotherhoods and congregations, which are documented in Bü 731, and the multitude of religious publications and the collection of material in the sub-categories 1.11.1 and 1.18.3 bear witness to the religiousness of the Duchess.Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria died on 28 March 1975 in Oberstdorf. She was buried in the cemetery of Großengstingen near Reutlingen. 1.2 Therese Princess of BavariaTherese Charlotte Marianne Auguste Princess of Bavaria was born on 12 November 1850 as the third of four children and sole daughter of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, later to become Prince Regent of Bavaria, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany).Together with her brothers Ludwig, who was later to rule Bavaria as Prince Regent and King Ludwig III, Leopold and Arnulf, she was taught by her mother and not by house teachers, as was customary in princely houses at the time. As an adult, she spoke twelve languages. In addition to her talent for languages, the princess developed a keen interest in the natural sciences and the geography and culture of foreign countries at an early age. Since she was denied university studies as a woman, Princess Therese acquired her extensive scientific knowledge through self-study. The princess acquired considerable expertise in geography, ethnology, botany and zoology - especially ornithology (ornithology) - and Princess Therese began her extensive travels as a young woman. Together with her brother Prince Leopold and his wife Gisela Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria) she travelled North Africa, Spain, Portugal and France. Princess Therese almost always travelled incognito, often under the name of a "Countess Elpen", and with a small entourage. In 1898 she undertook an expedition of several months to South America, from which she brought a rich collection of zoological, botanical and ethnological material, including over 200 species of fish. These collections were later bequeathed to the Zoologische Staatssammlung München and the Münchner Völkerkundemuseum. Unfortunately, the collections were almost completely destroyed during the Second World War. Princess Therese discovered on her travels also previously unknown animal species, such as the catfish in Colombia, a longhorn beetle in Ecuador and a singing chirp in Trinidad. On her travels to South America, she also explored several Indian tribes in the Amazon region that were unknown to date in European scientific circles. In 1893 Princess Therese travelled North America, where she was particularly interested in the Plains Indians. In addition to ethnological and zoological studies, the princess also conducted botanical studies on her travels. The plants discovered by her in the process found their way into botanical literature with the addition of the name "theresiae". Princess Therese published scientific treatises and travelogues about her numerous journeys: In 1880 the article "A trip to Tunis" about her trip to North Africa was published. The experiences of her trip to Russia were included in the treatise "Travel Impressions and Sketches from Russia", which was published in 1895. The impressions of Princess Therese's travels to Central and South America were processed in the publications "On Mexican Lakes", "My Trip to the Brazilian Tropics", "On the Purpose and Editions of My Trip to South America in 1898", "Writings on a Trip to South America", "On a Trip to the West Indies and South America", "Some Words on Cultural Development in Pre-Spanish Peru" and "Travel Studies from Western South America", published between 1895 and 1908. About the Pueblo Indians she wrote in 1902 the essay "Einiges über die Pueblo-Indianer". Princess Therese published her first essays on her travels under the pseudonym "Th of Bavaria" in order to prevent her a priori being denied recognition as a woman by male experts. In addition to these publications, Princess Therese also documented her travels with the help of the then newly invented roll-film camera, of which only the most important were given to Princess Therese in the course of her life: On December 9, 1897, the princess was the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Munich "for her excellent knowledge of the natural sciences, proven by excellent books" ("propter insignem rerum naturalium scientiam praeclaris libris comprobatam"). In 1892 she became an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Geographic Society in Munich. In 1897 Princess Therese became a corresponding member of the Geographic Society in Lisbon and in 1898 an honorary member of the Geographic Society in Vienna. In 1908 Princess Therese received the Austro-Hungarian Medal of Honor for Science and Art. One year later she was awarded the title of "Officier de l'Instruction publique" by the French Ministry of Education. At the same time, Princess Therese became an honorary member of the Société des Américanistes de Paris, and after the death of her father, Prince Regent Luitpold, the Princess gave up her long journeys and dedicated herself to charitable and social projects and institutions for which she took over the protectorate. At the beginning of the First World War, she set up a hospital for the wounded in her "Villa Amsee" in Lindau. Pictures of this military hospital are available in Bü 986 and 1166 of this collection. Princess Therese, who was abbess of the Damenstift St. Anna in Munich, remained unmarried throughout her life. According to the relevant specialist literature, the princess fell in love at a young age with her cousin Prince Otto, who later became Otto König von Bayern, but who suffered from a mental illness and was therefore out of the question for marriage. Still in later years Princess Therese was interested in the state of health of her cousin King Otto, as the correspondence with Philipp Freiherr von Redwitz and Georg Freiherr von Stengel, the court marshals of King Otto, which is preserved in this collection, proves about the state of health of the king (subcategory, Bü 1105, 1107 and 1149). Princess Therese died on 19 September 1925 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. Princess Therese is remembered in Bavaria today by the "Therese-von-Bayern-Stiftung", founded in 1997 to promote women in science. The foundation supports habilitations and scientific projects of young academics and regularly awards the "Therese-von-Bayern-Preis". In 1997 a television documentary entitled "Princess Therese of Bavaria - Researcher, Collector, World Traveler" about the Princess was produced. Furthermore, in the same year H. Bußmann and E. Neukum-Fichtner the publication ""Ich bleiben ein Wesen eigener Art" - Princess Therese of Bavaria. Ludwig III, King of Bavaria-Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, the later King Ludwig III, was born in Munich on 7 January 1845 as the son of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, the later Prince Regent, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany), who was educated by house teachers, including the clergyman Karl Rinecker. From 1864 to 1865, the Prince studied philosophy, history, law, economics and art history at the University of Munich, without however obtaining a degree in the individual subjects. In the war of 1866 Ludwig served as lieutenant and orderly officer of his father Prince Luitpold. As the son of a subsequent prince, Prince Ludwig initially had no prospect of the Bavarian royal crown, since it passed to King Ludwig II and King Otto, the sons of Ludwig's uncle King Maximilian II and thus cousins of Prince Ludwig. Instead, however, Ludwig was entitled to the Greek royal throne because Ludwig's uncle Otto had no descendants. However, when King Otto had to leave Greece in 1862 due to a military revolt, Ludwig lost his prospects for the Greek royal throne, and on 20 February 1868 Prince Louis of Bavaria Marie Therese married Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena in Vienna. Prince Ludwig showed great interest in agriculture, veterinary medicine and technology. In 1868 he became Honorary President of the Central Committee of the Agricultural Association of Bavaria. The Leutstetten estate on Lake Starnberg, which he acquired in 1875, was converted by Ludwig into a model agricultural estate, which earned him the nickname "Millibauer" among the population. Finally, Prince Ludwig supported the expansion of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal and the Bavarian Canal Association. Prince Ludwig was politically active in the Catholic Conservative Patriotic Party, the later Centre Party, for which he ran unsuccessfully in the 1871 Reichstag elections. In addition, the Prince was a member of the Reich Council, where he stood up for Bavarian interests and emphasized the interests of the individual states vis-à-vis the Reich. In the Imperial Council, Prince Ludwig also spoke out in favour of direct relative majority voting, which earned him great praise from August Bebel. Bebel said that if in Germany the Emperor were elected by the people from one of the ruling princely houses, then Prince Ludwig would have the best prospects of becoming German Emperor. In the years after 1900 Ludwig also frequently performed representational duties for his father Prinzregent Luitpold. When Prince Regent Luitpold died in 1912, Prince Ludwig succeeded him as Prince Regent of Bavaria in December. Right at the beginning of Prince Ludwig's reign, there were discussions in Bavaria about the royal question. The Centre Party and the Bavarian Prime Minister Georg von Hertling spoke out in favour of transforming the regency into a royalty and thus in favour of deposing Otto, who was a minor due to mental illness. After hard political conflicts and a constitutional amendment, Otto König von Bayern was finally declared deposed, and Prince Regent Ludwig was able to ascend the Bavarian throne as King Ludwig III on 5 November 1913. During the First World War, Ludwig III was commander-in-chief of the Bavarian troops and from 1915 also Prussian Field Marshal, the latter function being limited exclusively to representative tasks. At the beginning of the war Ludwig hoped to be able to extend the Bavarian Palatinate by parts of Alsace. On November 2, 1918, Ludwig announced the establishment of a parliamentary system of government in Bavaria. However, Ludwig could no longer install a new state government with the participation of the majority Social Democrats (MSPD), as he had already been dismissed by the Social Democratic politician Kurt Eisner on November 7, 1918. From Wildenwart Castle he went to Anif Castle near Salzburg, where he issued a declaration on 13 November exempting the officials, officers and soldiers in Bavaria from the oath of allegiance. King Ludwig III continued to refuse to abdicate formally and to renounce his claims to the throne, living temporarily in Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Wildenwart Castle after the introduction of the republic in Bavaria. The king also stayed in Sárvár (Hungary), where he died on 18 October 1921. Ludwig III and his wife Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria, who had already died on February 3, 1919, found their final resting place in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Munich. The eulogy at the funeral ceremony on November 5, 1921, was given by Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber, Archbishop of Munich-Freising. A printed version of the speech can be found in Bü 839 of this collection; illustrations of the funeral are available in Bü 934 and 1170. Ludwig's heart was buried in the Chapel of Grace in Altötting, in accordance with the tradition of the Bavarian royal house (cf. the illustrations in Bü 1087). 1.4 Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena)Marie (Maria) Therese Henriette Dorothea Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena was born on the 2nd of January in Modena. Born in July 1849 in Brno as the only child of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria-Este Prince of Modena and Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria), her father died of typhoid fever in Brno on 15 December 1849, just a few months after Marie Therese's birth. Marie Therese's mother married Karl Ferdinand Archduke of Austria in 1854. This marriage produced six children, four of whom reached adulthood. In detail these are: Friedrich Erzherzog von Österreich Herzog von Teschen (1856-1936), Karl Stephan Erzherzog von Österreich (1860-1933), Imperial and Royal Admiral, Eugen Erzherzog von Österreich (1863-1954), High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Imperial and Royal Field Marshal, and the daughter Maria Christina Erzherzogin von Österreich (1858-1929). The latter married Alfonso XII in 1879. Archduchess Marie Therese was descended from the House of Austria-Este, a line of the House of Austria that ruled the duchies of Modena and Guastalla in Upper Italy until their incorporation into the Kingdom of Italy in 1859. Marie Therese had inherited on her father's side the throne claims of the Stuarts to the English throne through the houses of Savoy and Orléans, which is why she was the legitimate queen of Scotland for the Stuart followers and legitimists as Mary III and the legitimate queen of England, France and Ireland as Mary IV. Of course Marie Therese's claims to the throne on the English, French, Scottish and Irish royal dignity were never claimed by her. Archduchess Marie Therese was educated strictly Catholic and received instruction from house teachers. At the funeral ceremonies for the late Mathilde Archduchess of Austria in 1867, she met Ludwig Prinz of Bavaria, with whom she immediately fell in love. The Archduchess succeeded in marrying Prince Ludwig against the resistance of her family and, above all, her uncle Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este. Marie Therese originally wanted to marry Ferdinand (IV), titular Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria-Tuscany, who was the son of Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany, who went into exile in 1859 and lived in exile in Austria and Bohemia. The wedding of Archduchess Marie Therese and Ludwig Prince of Bavaria took place on 20 February 1868 in Vienna. The marriage produced a total of thirteen children, ten of whom reached adulthood. Princess Marie Therese took care of the education of her children. Since she hardly had to fulfil any representation duties in the first years of her marriage, there was enough time for her to do so. Princess Marie Therese devoted herself to social charitable tasks. Since 1889 she headed the Bavarian Red Cross. In this function she also visited Henri Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross (see Bü 584). During the First World War she set up - as already mentioned - a so-called "war sewing room" in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, which quickly and unbureaucratically provided the soldiers at the front with laundry. In Leutstetten she set up a so-called Alpinum, in which she almost completely assembled the alpine flora. Princess Marie Therese was also an enthusiastic hobby artist and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria died at Wildenwart Castle on 3 February 1919. She was first buried in the castle chapel at Schloss Wildenwart. After the death of her husband, her remains were buried together with those of her husband on 5 November 1921 in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Munich. 1.5 Luitpold Prinzregent von BayernLuitpold Prinz von Bayern, the later Prinzregent von Bayern, was born in Würzburg on 12 March 1821 as the son of Ludwig Prinz von Bayern, the later King Ludwig I of Bavaria, and Therese Prinzessin von Bayern (née Prinzessin von Sachsen-Hildburghausen), the later Queen of Bavaria, who was taught by renowned personalities and tutors. The most notable are the theologian Georg von Oettl, who was a pupil of Johann Michael Sailer and later became Bishop of Eichstätt, the painter Domenico Quaglio, the natural philosopher Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert, the philosopher George Philipps and the national economist Friedrich Benedikt von Hermann. The prince had a military career since 1835. Already in 1848 he was promoted to lieutenant general. In 1856 he was appointed commander of the 1st division. From 1861 Luitpold was field witness for the army inspection. He took part in the 1866 war as commander of the 3rd division. In the years after 1866 he was entrusted with the reorganization of the Bavarian military on the model of Prussia. In the war of 1870/71 the prince was detached as a representative of Bavaria to the Great Headquarters. In 1876 Prince Luitpold was appointed Fieldmaster General in the rank of Field Marshal General. Politically Luitpold was in the years before 1866 on the side of the Greater Germans and for a rapprochement to Austria. 10 June 1886 took over Prince Luitpold first the regency for his nephew Ludwig II King of Bavaria, who had been declared mentally ill and unable to govern. After the death of King Ludwig, Luitpold took over the regency for his mentally ill nephew Otto König von Bayern, the brother of King Ludwig II. Although the population was initially reserved towards Luitpold, the Prince Regent soon won the affection of large parts of the Bavarian people. Prince Regent Luitpold ruled strictly constitutionally. Luitpold's reign was retrospectively glorified by his contemporaries as the "Prinzregenten period", which was characterized by economic upswing, an improvement in living conditions and, above all, cultural prosperity. The latter in particular is inseparably linked with the Prinzregenten period. Under Luitpolds regency, Munich developed into a cultural centre in Germany. "Luitpold Prinzregent von Bayern died on 12 December 1912 in Munich. He was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 1.6 Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany)Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany was born on 1 April 1825 in Florence as the daughter of Leopold II. Grand Duke of Tuscany and Maria Anna Grand Duchess of Tuscany (née Princess of Saxony), she married Luitpold Prince of Bavaria on 15 April 1844 in Florence. The marriage produced the sons Ludwig, the later King Ludwig III, Leopold, later Field Marshal, and Arnulf, later Colonel General, and the explorer Princess Therese, the deeply religious Princess Auguste Ferdinande who, together with the house teachers, took care of the strict Catholic education of her children. Princess Auguste Ferdinande showed great interest in the arts - she had a talent for drawing - and in history. Princess Auguste Ferdinande died on 26 April 1864 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 2. on the content, order and distortion of the holdings: As mentioned above, the GU 119 holdings include several partial estates of members of the House of Bavaria. By far the largest and most extensive partial legacy is that of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach, née Princess of Bavaria (category 1). In the following, the contents of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud will be discussed in more detail.2.1 Estate of Wiltrud Duchess von Urach (née Prinzessin von Bayern)The most extensive part of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud in the inventory GU 119, apart from the photographs, is the correspondence of the Duchess Wiltrud (section 1.2). Within the correspondence, the letters of relatives of Wiltrud and her husband represent an important and large group. Section 1.2 begins with letters from members of the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) to Princess Wiltrud (sub-section 1.2.1). Above all, the letters of her parents Ludwig III King and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria are to be mentioned here (subcategory The correspondence with Wiltrud's siblings and their families must also be mentioned here: in detail, these are letters from Rupprecht Crown Prince of Bavaria, from the princes Karl, Franz and Wolfgang of Bavaria and from the princesses Adelgunde (verh. Princess of Hohenzollern), Maria (Duchess of Calabria, Princess of Bourbon-Sicily), Mathilde (Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Hildegard, Helmtrud and Gundelinde (Countess of Preysing-Lichtenegg-Moos) of Bavaria (subcategory Letters from the spouses and children of the siblings can also be found in subcategory In addition, letters from the other representatives of the royal line (subcategory and the ducal line of the House of Bavaria (subcategory as well as from the House of Leuchtenberg (subcategory, which is related to the House of Bavaria, can also be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. Finally, subheading 1.2.1 also includes letters from members of the Bavarian court (subheading and servants of the royal family in Bavaria and Sárvár (Hungary) (subheading Among the letters from members of the court, the letters of Bertha Freiin von Wulffen, the educator and later court lady of Princess Wiltrud, are particularly noteworthy (Bü 440-447). The close relatives of Princess Wiltrud also include the members of the House of Austria (Habsburg), with whom Wiltrud's mother Marie Therese was Queen of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena, and Wiltrud's grandmother Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany. Last but not least, the House of Bavaria with the House of Austria in the 19th century was also the marriage of the Elisabeth Duchess in Bavaria with Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria and the marriage of her daughter Gisela Archduchess of Austria with Leopold Prince of Bavaria as well as the marriage of the Adelgunde Princess of Bavaria with Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este related. The letters of representatives of the House of Austria can be found in subcategory 1.2.2 of this inventory. This includes letters from members of the Austria-Hungary line (subheadings and, Austria-Este (Ducal Family of Modena) (subheading and Austria-Tuscany (subheading as well as from members of the Court of the House of Austria (subheading In addition to two letters from the Zita Empress of Austria Queen of Hungary (née Princess of Bourbon-Parma) (Bü 368), the letters of the High and German Master Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) and of the German and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) are also included. Field marshal Friedrich Archduke of Austria (Bü 390) and the aristocrat Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 346 and 347).) Duke of Urach can be found mainly in subcategory 1.2.3. In addition to letters from her brother-in-law Karl Fürst von Urach (subcategory, letters from the children of Duke Wilhelm (II.) from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria) (subcategory can be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. The letters of the spouses of the children and the grandchildren of Duke Wilhelm (II.) are also included in subheading On the other hand, there are no letters from the husband Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach to his wife Wiltrud in this collection. Duchess Wiltrud also had an extensive correspondence with the Altieri, Enzenberg, Thun-Hohenstein, Vetter von der Lilie, Forni and Bayer von Ehrenberg families (subcategory, who were related to the House of Urach. The family relations with these families came about through the marriages of the Auguste Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Enzenberg, Countess of Thun-Hohenstein) and Mathilde Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Württemberg). Principessa Altieri), who were half-sisters of Duke Wilhelm (II.), as well as the marriage of the Marie Countess of Württemberg, who was a daughter of Wilhelm Duke of Württemberg and Wilhelmine Princess of Württemberg (née Freiin von Tunderfeld-Rhodis), with the Count of Taubenheim. Subheading contains letters from Urach staff. The relatives of Duke Wilhelm (II.) also include the representatives of the House of Württemberg (subcategory 1.2.4), including Charlotte Queen of Württemberg (née Princess zu Schaumburg-Lippe) (subcategory, Albrecht Duke of Württemberg and Philipp Albrecht Duke of Württemberg (subcategory, Louis II Prince of Monaco (subcategory 1.2.5) and Elisabeth Princess of and to Liechtenstein (née Princess of Urach) and her husband Karl Prince of and to Liechtenstein (subcategory 1.2.6), from whom letters are available in each case. In addition to the members of the aforementioned princely houses, Princess Wiltrud also corresponded with the members of the other princely houses in Germany and Europe (subcategories 1.2.7 and 1.2.8). The most notable are Elisabeth Queen of Belgians (née Duchess of Bavaria) (Bü 122), the Grand Duchesses Maria Anna (née Infanta of Portugal) and Charlotte of Luxembourg (Bü 247 and 124), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 243) and Alfonso XIII King of Spain (Bü 504). Among the representatives of the German ruling or former ruling princely houses, Friedrich II Grand Duke of Baden (Bü 359), Max Prince of Saxony (Bü 366), Professor of the Catholic Liturgy and the Languages of the Christian East in Fribourg/Üechtland, and Hermione Princess of Prussia (widowed Princess of Schönaich-Carolath, née Princess Reuß) (Bü 106), the second wife of Emperor Wilhelm II, should be mentioned. A telegram is available from Emperor Wilhelm II, who was visited by Duchess Wiltrud in Haus Doorn/Netherlands (Bü 319). correspondence with the members of the princely houses is followed by letters from members of the nobility (Unterrubrik, the barons (Unterrubrik and the nobility (Unterrubrik in Germany and Austria. Letters from aristocrats can also be found in the correspondence series "aristocratic acquaintances from Bavaria" (subcategory and "aristocratic and bourgeois acquaintances from Württemberg" (subcategory 1.2.11). The letters of aristocrats existing in the two correspondence series were explicitly left in the respective series and not classified in subcategories to in order to retain the formation made by Duchess Wiltrud.Among the letters of personalities of public life (subcategory 1.2.13) are especially in Bü 250 the letters of the clergy Michael von Faulhaber, archbishop of Munich-Freising, Giovanni Battista Montini, papal undersecretary of state and later Pope Paul VI, Carl Joseph Leiprecht, bishop of Rottenburg, Sigismund Felix Freiherr von Ow-Felldorf, bishop of Passau, and Prelate Konrad Kümmel (Bü 27), editor of the "Katholisches Sonntagsblatt". Correspondence by Johann Baptista Sproll, bishop of Rottenburg, can be found in Bü 38. Among the letters of writers, the letters of the writers Emmy Giehrl (née Aschenbrenner, pseudonym "Tante Emmy") (Bü 246) and Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort (Bü 68) are particularly noteworthy. Duchess Wiltrud also maintained personal contact with the latter, since Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort had also lived in Oberstdorf since 1939. almost all the correspondence in this collection is so-called unilateral correspondence, which means that only the incoming letters from the correspondence partners in GU 119 are to be expected. Only occasionally can one find letter concepts or drafts by Duchess Wiltrud among these partners, including those from letters that were not sent later. Only some of the letters of Princess Wiltrud to her parents Ludwig III Königin and Marie Therese Königin von Bayern as well as to her aunt Therese Prinzessin von Bayern are included in the inventory of GU 119 in the partial estates of King Ludwig III. (heading 3), Queen Marie Therese (heading 4) and Princess Therese (heading 2) (Bü 1098, 1099, 1101-1103 and 1112). The letters of the parents and the aunt Princess Therese to Princess Wiltrud, on the other hand, are listed in the sub-categories and in the estate of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 344, 345, 350 and 352-354). If one looks at the running time of Wiltrud's correspondence in the present collection, it is noticeable that, apart from a few exceptions, hardly any letters to Wiltrud are contained from the period after 1960. An interesting insight into the way of thinking of the German nobility in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century is provided by the extensive correspondence of Duchess Wiltrud kept in GU 119 (category 1).2) as well as the correspondence of the Therese Princess of Bavaria (section 2.1), the Ludwig III King of Bavaria (section 3.1), the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (section 4.1) and the Luitpold Prince Regent of Bavaria (section 5.2). In addition, the correspondence for prosopographical and biographical research, especially on the nobility in Germany and Austria, as well as on the history of individual German princely and noble houses, is of particular importance.Duchess Wiltrud's interest in the genealogy of the House of Grimaldi, the Princely Family of Monaco, is reflected in the extensive materials on the history of the House of Monaco and in the correspondence of the Duchess with Louis II, Prince of Monaco and the members of the houses Chabrillan and Lévis-Mirepoix (Bü 520 and 1244). Documents on court life, court society and protocol, especially at the Bavarian royal court, which give an insight into the court and the representative duties of the Prince Regent and later King Ludwig III of Bavaria and his family, can be found in Section 1.5. These include in particular the materials on Ludwig's official visits to Bavarian cities and on state visits, including those of Kaiser Wilhelm II to Bavaria. Individual documents also deal with the Württemberg royal court and the House of Urach. Here the memories of the Emilie von Sonntag of Florestine Herzogin von Urach (née Prinzessin von Monaco) (Bü 144) and of Wilhelm (I.) Herzog von Urach (Bü 356) are to be mentioned, for example. Documents on weddings, birthdays, funerals and other family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria and Urach as well as in other princely houses are to be found in category 1.As already mentioned, the illustrations, photographs and photographs form the most extensive category (1.16) of the GU 119 collection in addition to correspondence. The largest subcategory are the illustrations of persons and group photographs (subcategory 1.16.1). This subheading contains pictures of Princess Wiltrud, her parents, her siblings and other members of the House of Bavaria (subheading as well as members of the Houses of Austria (subheading, Hohenberg (subheading, Urach and Württemberg (subheading There are also illustrations of representatives of the ruling or former ruling princely houses in Europe (subcategory and in Germany (subcategory, of the other aristocrats in Germany, Austria and the rest of Europe (subcategories and and of citizens (subcategory and of public figures (subcategory The structure of the illustrations essentially follows the structure of the correspondence, with the illustrations of persons, the group shots and the shots of events, the persons depicted on the shots are usually listed in the Containment note. Often the information on the back of the photographs, most of which were taken by Duchess Wiltrud, was adopted. It was not possible to verify this information in view of the amount of work and time involved. In addition, the identification of persons on photographs which do not show any information on the reverse side often had to be omitted for the same reasons.subheading 1.16.2 includes illustrations of events. This subheading mainly includes recordings of official events, representation commitments (subheading and family celebrations as well as family events (subheading The illustrations of these sub-categories thus represent partial additions to the written documents on court life, court society, representation obligations of the House of Bavaria kept in sub-categories 1.5 and 1.7, as well as family celebrations and family events. 1.16 also includes illustrations of the Duchess Wiltrud's travels, places, buildings and landscapes, works of art, animals, ships, zeppelins, etc. The extensive picture collections listed in section 1.16 supplement the illustrations and picture collections kept in the GU 99 holdings (photo collections and albums of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg), some of which also come from the Duchess Wiltrud's possession or were created by her. The illustrations in the holdings GU 99 and GU 119, together with the materials on court life, on the representation obligations of the House of Bavaria and on family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria, Austria and Urach kept in the aforementioned sections 1.5 and 1.7, represent an interesting source for the history of the houses mentioned. In addition, the above image holdings and the materials in sections 1.5 and 1.7 are of significance for the history of culture and mentality and the everyday history of the nobility.2 As already indicated, documents on Duchess Wiltrud are to be expected in the holdings of photo albums and collections of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg (holdings GU 99) as well as in the holdings GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach) and GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach).2.2 Partial estate of Princess Therese of BavariaIn addition to documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria), GU 119 also contains partial estates and fragments of estates of other members of the House of Bavaria. The most extensive part of the collection is the one of the explorer Therese Princess of Bavaria (1850-1925), which is listed in category 2. These are documents from the estate of Princess Therese, which have been transferred to her niece Duchess Wiltrud. As can be seen from Bü 297, the materials kept in the inventory of GU 119 were handed over to Duchess Wiltrud by Oberarchivrat Franz Xaver Deybeck of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich, since they were out of the question for safekeeping in the Department of the Bavarian Main State Archives' Secret House Archives, in which the greater part of the written estate of Princess Therese is kept. Deybeck regarded some of the documents from the princess's estate as "wastepaper", only of "personal value and significance" and thus for the "Hausarchiv ohne Wert", as some of Deybeck's inscriptions on the corresponding envelopes reveal. The structure of the partial estate of Princess Therese is essentially based on the structure of the estate of Duchess Wiltrud. Subcategory 2.1 Correspondence mainly contains letters from relatives in Bavaria (subcategory 2.1.1), Austria, Austria-Este and Austria-Tuscany (subcategory 2.1.2). Among them are letters from Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena) (Bü 1110, 1112, 1120-1122), Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena) (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena). Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1131), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este) (Bü 1123 and 1124) as well as Eugen Archduke of Austria, High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Field Marshal, Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, Stephanie Crown Princess of Austria (née Princess of Belgium and later married Princess Lónyay of Nagy-Lónya) (all Bü 1135). Princess Therese also corresponded with members of the Houses of Württemberg and Urach. The queens Pauline, Olga (born Grand Duchess of Russia) and Charlotte (born Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113), Florestine Duchess of Urach (born Princess of Württemberg), Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach and Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (all Bü 1114) as well as Auguste Eugenie Countess of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113) are to be mentioned here. Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115). of the correspondents among the representatives of the other ruling and formerly ruling princely houses in Germany and Europe, Carola Queen of Saxony (née Princess of Saxony) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115) are here. Princess Wasa) (Bü 1104), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 1125) as well as Elisabeth Queen of Belgium (née Duchess of Bavaria) and Josephine Queen of Sweden and Norway (née Princess of Leuchtenberg) (both Bü 1136).In addition, two letters of the writer, pacifist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bertha Freifrau von Suttner (née Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau) (Bü 1152) are included in the partial estate of Princess Therese, the most extensive category after the correspondence in the partial estate of Therese Princess of Bavaria. Particularly worth mentioning are the illustrations of Therese Princess of Bavaria (subcategory and of other members of the House of Bavaria (subcategory Other partial estates and fragments of estates, especially of representatives of the House of BavariaRubric 3 unites documents from the estate of Ludwig III, King of Bavaria. It contains letters from the princesses Wiltrud and Hildegard to their father King Ludwig III. (Bü 1099, 1103 and 1237) and a notepad of Prince Ludwig, later King Ludwig III, with entries for his military service in 1863 (Bü 1092). In addition, the partial estate of Ludwig III contains telegrams from Johanna Freiin von Malsen to King Ludwig III and to "Countess Elpen" (incognito of Therese Princess of Bavaria), both of whom were in exile in Lucerne, about the illness and death of Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria in 1919 (Bü 1178). There are also ten audiance books of Prince Ludwig from the years 1902 to 1913 which contain information about the names of the persons received in audiences by Prince Ludwig and about the topics discussed in the audiences (Bü 1091). These audience booklets served Princess Wiltrud and her sisters as a reminder for conversations with the court lords, diplomats, ministers and generals. The audience booklets are an interesting source of information about court life at the Bavarian royal court. The partial estate of the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria kept in category 4 contains only letters and postcards to the Queen. Among them are the letters of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 1098, 1101 and 1102) and Therese Princess of Bavaria (Bü 1126-1128). the documents from the partial estate of the Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, which form category 5, include the correspondence of the Prince Regent with his sister Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (born Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1155), the printed speech of Bishop Johann Michael Sailer on the occasion of the marriage of Prince Luitpold to Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany (Bü 1095) and poems of Prince Luitpold with dedications and a. to Olga Grand Duchess of Russia (proclaimed Queen of Württemberg), Marie Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Hanover) and Alexandra Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Saxony-Altenburg). The partial estate of Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany) (rubric 6) contains, among other things, a letter from her father, Grand Duke Leopold II. from Tuscany (Bü 1194) to Auguste Ferdinande and letters from Auguste Ferdinand to her court lady Natalie Gräfin von Rotenhan (Bü 1148) the fragment of a diary in Italian (Bü 1188), copies of literary texts (subcategory 6.3) and printed matter of a religious nature (subcategory 6.5); Section 7 unites the estate splinters of Hildegard Princess of Bavaria (subcategory 7.1), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed) and Elisabeth of the Holy Roman Empire (widowed). Archduchess of Austria-Este (subcategory 7.2), Mathilde Archduchess of Austria (subcategory 7.3), Therese Freifrau von Giese (subcategory 7.4) and Gustav Freiherr von Perfall (subcategory 7.5). Letters from the Therese Princess of Bavaria to Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este (Bü 1108), as well as letters from the Alexandra Princess of Bavaria and the Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née. With the exception of Princess Wiltrud, the Department of Secret Archives of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich keeps the main estates of the members of the House of Bavaria represented in this collection. 2.4 The order and indexing of the holdingsThe holdings of GU 119, together with the Archives of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Grafen von Württemberg, were deposited in 1987 in the Main State Archives. There, the archives of the House of Urach form the GU series of inventories within the tectonics (inventory classification). During the reorganization of the archives by Wolfgang Schmierer, director of the archives, the documents of Wiltrud Herzogin von Urach were given the signature GU 119. Where it seemed appropriate, the units found were retained, for example in the correspondence series. In the course of the development work, numerous documents were separated from the GU 119 holdings and above all added to the GU 96 (Miscellaneous and Unclear), GU 117 (Wilhelm II.) Duke of Urach), GU 118 (Amalie Duchess of Urach née Duchess of Bavaria), GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach), GU 123 (Carola Hilda Princess of Urach), GU 128 (Margarethe Princess of Urach) and GU 134 (Mechthilde Princess of Urach). As a rule, the married ladies listed in the present inventory, especially those of the high nobility, are always listed under the married name, i.e. the surname of the husband, whereby the maiden name is mentioned in brackets in the title entry. In exceptional cases the married ladies are also mentioned under the maiden name, and the married name is then in brackets. In the person index married ladies are listed under both names, with the addition of the respective girl's name or married name after the marriage. For example, Adelgunde Fürstin von Hohenzollern (née Prinzessin von Bayern) is mentioned in the person index under "Hohenzollern, Adelgunde Fürstin von, née Prinzessin von Bayern" and under "Bayern, Adelgunde Prinzessin von, verh. Fürstin von Hohenzollern". In the case of the married members of the count's, baronial and aristocratic houses, the maiden name or married name was determined - insofar as this was possible with justifiable effort and with the help of the Genealogical Manual of the nobility. If the maiden name or married name is already mentioned in a note of the Duchess Wiltrud, this was taken over without examination of the same on the basis of the relevant literature. Since there was no comparable possibility of research for bourgeois wives, only in those cases in which identification was possible on the basis of notes and inscriptions of Duchess Wiltrud, the respective maiden name or married surnames were taken over without checking the information of Duchess Wiltrud. The archives of the inventory of GU 119 may only be inspected with the prior permission of the chief of the House of Urach. The finding aid book of the inventory GU 119 was completed in winter 2007. Before packing, the stock comprises approx. 13 linear metres with 1247 numbers.Stuttgart, November 2007Eberhard Merk

Urach, Wiltrud Gräfin von Württemberg