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Archival description
2 circumcised boys
ALMW_II._BA_A4_1244 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,2 X 5,8. Description: white-painted faces, feather-hair ornaments, bows and arrows, herd of cattle in background, small boy (Maasai or Arusha?) on the left.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_VIII/429,Auf.285 · Item · 1900-1909
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,5 X 15,7. Description: Profile, arm spirals, necklaces and earrings, clothed, wearing an umbrella, bow and arrow, feather at the back of the head has been supplemented by retouching, neutral background. Remark: retouched, faded.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1895_16 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: The Miss. Althaus in Mamba, beginning Febr. 1895. Scope: S. 208-211* 223-226. Includes among others: - (SW: physical appearance of natives; tattoos and make-up; piercing of earlobes; hairstyles; clothing) - (SW: varied clothing and jewelry; snuff box; first food - banana; division of labor; apartments; alternating market in Kilema, Marangu, Mamba; chief Mareale in Marangu)
Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A11_205 · Item · 1901-1910
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Schanz?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,6 X 10,5. Description: with stick, on way. Reference: Cf. print templates sample book, No IIg/27 (7.8 X 10.8) "Large storage basket in the inner courtyard of Mareale in Marangu".

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ii/1 · Item · 1920-1930
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,7 X 11,0. Description: young african. Woman, white dress, stockings and shoes, white headscarf; with 2 children: clothed, right and left standing from her; houses with roofs made of plant fibres in the background.

Leipziger Missionswerk
A noble woman in Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1895_13 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: By Miss. Cooper. Scope: pp. 168-171. Contains, among other things: - (SW: trade on the mission; a lot of visit by ways over station hills; Nuya - mother of chief Schangali; jewellery; repair work on station buildings - help of Nuya; visit in her homestead)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A5_543 · Item · 1911-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Guth?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,6 X 7,7. Description: Group of pupils (men, women, teenagers), partly with Slates, in them European with tropical helmet. Reference: See proofs no. 10/806a (11.5 X 8.9) "Church in Christmas Ornaments".

Leipziger Missionswerk
A warrior
ALMW_II._BA_A2_7(676) · Item · 1907-1930
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,6 X 9,7. Description: Maasai or Arusha? shoulder-length braid, large knife and stick, wide right edge. Person, house with thatched roof i. Background. Reference: Album 19, No. 467 (10,7 X 8,1) "Tomb at Meru-Malala of the murdered missionaries Ovir, Segebrock". See single photo 115 (11,1 X 8,2) "The renewed burial place of Segebrock and Ovir in Akeri am Malala, district Aruscha, Tanganjika Territory. Besides, there is a catechumen from "Aruscha".

Leipziger Missionswerk
African people
ALMW_II._BA_DV_IXa/315 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,3 X 12,1 Description: large group of women (Arusha?), about 100 persons, traditional leather clothes, left round house made of plant fibres and corn field, some women singing/ dancing.

Leipziger Missionswerk
African Umbrella
ALMW_II._BA_A3_1058 · Item · 1927-1938
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Guth?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,5 X 11,4 Description: 2 African children on their way to European buildings, holding banana leaves over their heads. Remark: An image section has been selected. Reference: Cf. postcard box, no. P20a (14,0 X 9,0) "Evangelisation (Missionar Guth) East Africa", without series, "echte Photographie, Verlag der Ev.-luth. Mission Leipzig, written to Miss Buschbeck; P20b (14,2 X 9,0).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0739 · File · 1878-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2051/1906; EndVNr: E 616/1907; and others: Exchange with the Egyptian Museum, Berlin, (1907), Abschr., p. 152 - Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, p. 30 ff., and the Oceanographic Museum, Berlin, (1907), p. 235 - Cooperation with the Ethnological Museums, Cologne, (1907), p. 35 ff., and Frankfurt am Main, (1908), pp. 44 f. - Cooperation with the Royal Geological Survey, Berlin, (1907), pp. 242 f. - Transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1906), pp. 48 f., 77 f. - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1907), inter alia for the protection of the ruins of Songamanara and Kilwa-Kissiwani, pp. 57 ff., 160 ff. and Togo, (1906), pp. 81, 178 - Cooperation with the BGAEU, Berlin, (1906), pp. 51, the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, pp. 185 ff., Verein Wachsenburg, Druckschr., pp. 189 ff, and the Commission for the Study of the Protected Lands, Leipzig, (1907), pp. 192, 201 - Cooperation with a missionary, (1907), pp. 65 f.- Magnus, Pechuel-Lösche: Farbtafel mit den Bezeichnung der Farben, (1878), pamphlet, pp. 6 f.- "Vorgeschichtliches aus Kamerun. In: German Colonial Bl. (1906) 24, p. 78 - "A Research Trip to the Congo", 1907-01-05, Ztg-.Artikel, p. 96 - Perrot: Accompanying Letter to the Shipment, (1906), p. 114 f - Bartholomai: Description of the Zulu Clothes, [1907], p. 121 f - Note on the Return of Weasels from Africa, 1907-02-07, Ztg.-Artikel, p. 148 - Brownes' Journey to the Pygmies. In: German Reichsanzeiger : 1907-02-13, p. 164 - Fülleborn: Report about a loam bread from Anecho, (1907), p. 166 - by Smend: Bitte um Photoplatten für die Kolonialausstellung, (1907), p. 219 f., Motifs of his photographs, (1908), pp. 225 ff.- by Prince: Skulls from DOA, (1907), pp. 241.- "Desiderata for Ugogo.", (1907), pp. 253 f.

Aruschamann (carrier)
ALMW_II._BA_DV_VIIIb/54 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 9,4 X 13,2. Description: Upper part of the body laterally, plait hairstyle, a piece of leather tied over it, cloth as clothing.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A19_469 · Item · 1922
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,7 X 7,9 Description: African girls and children, one of them blindfolded, Frau Blumer, Magdalena and Arnold, children either European clothes or long white shirts.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Arusha Warrior
ALMW_II._BA_A19_313 · Item · 1915-1925
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,2 X 7,8. Description: Group of about 13 men, collar and headdress, one wrapped in patterned cloth.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Arusha women
ALMW_II._BA_A19_207 · Item · 1907-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 9,0 X 5,6. Description: about 15 persons, women and children, dressed with leather/cloths, on the left house wall, clay wall and roof made of plant fibres, further rectangular building in the background. Remark: Photo faded.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Carriers (mainly women)
ALMW_II._BA_A5_589 · Item · 1900-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,0 X 7,9. Description: Women with cloths clothed, partly wearing bricks on head, li. 2 Europeans (with tropical helmets), in connection with 588 as well as the following pictures.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Ndemasi of Mwika
ALMW_II._BA_A11_369 · Item · 1901-1910
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Schanz?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,5 X 10,5. Description: Half-body mount on wall, europ. dressed, with clock chain and hat.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_VIIIa/224,Auf.187 · Item · 1900-1905
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 9,9 X 13,9. Description: Close-up bust, retouched background, dressed with white cloths, earrings (among other things safety pin), moustache and chin beard. Remark: retouched.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Salema
ALMW_II._BA_A8_15(115) · Item · 1900-1917
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 5,0 X 11,1. Description: European class, shoes, cylinder, sitting on chair, background: hedge fence. Reference: Cf. print templates sample book, no. X/496, Auf. 213, Diap. 106.a.I6 (15.0 X 11.2) "Hunted Leopard."

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ig/568,Auf.Nr421,Nr143,Diap.a.III.16.61 · Item · 1900-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,9 X 12,2 Description: Pare?, in front of 2 rectangular houses with slightly arched roof of plant fibres, chief with cap, sitting, next to him 5 other men with Kanzu and Fez, behind them women with children and other men.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Saroni
ALMW_II._BA_A19_204 · Item · 1907-1910
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,9 X 11,7. Description: sitting on stool, blanket or cloth as clothing, with pipe (older man), sandals. Remark: Publication: Missionsblatt 1911, No 6. Reference: Photo was inscribed, not legible, because pasted in.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Schogolo of Mbaga
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ie/594 · Item · 1927-1938
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Guth?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,0 X 11,4. Description: Group picture in front of a round, traditional house with pointed plant fibre roof, Schogolo and European man each with a small child on his lap, sitting on the floor, 16 men standing behind (European clothes, scarves, caps), in front 20 women and children sitting (scarves and long shirts). Remark: Auf. 509, Nr 151, Neg. A 3, similar photo exists in the Museum für Völkerkunde Leipzig (in connection with the initiation of the Pare boys).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Selenkia in Mamba
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ii/653,Neg.A71(1) · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,7 X 12,3. description: chief with Kanzu, jacket and hat, right beside him European, both sitting, behind them 34 men and 2 boys in semicircle, clothed with scarves (1 of them dressed europ.) sitting/standing, behind them round house of plant fibres (Chagga?, East Kilimanjaro design?) and bananas; see artwork pattern book Ii / 654: almost identical.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Selenkia in the Mamba
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ii/654,Neg.A72(2) · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,8 X 11,9. Description: Cf. artwork pattern book Ii / 653 (almost identical), chief (Kanzu, European jacket, hat), Europeans both standing, behind them sitting/standing in a semicircle clothed 33 men, 2 boys, 2 small stools.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Sinare
ALMW_II._BA_DV_VIIIa/427,Auf.293Nr132 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 9,8 X 12,6. Description: Close-up of upper body, dressed with white cloth, cap, earrings, in the background homestead visible (blurred). Remark: retouched.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Children's school in Mamba
ALMW_II._BA_DV_If/XIV · Item · 1900-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,0 X 8,1. description: in front of building with stone walls: group of children sitting on bench/ standing at table, europ. clothes/ scarves, with europ. dolls, with booklet, 2 african. Women in the background (1 with blouse, 1 with shirt/cloth and small child on arm). Remark: glued with adhesive tape.

Leipziger Missionswerk