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Colonial Police School Vienna - teaching aids
BArch, R 20/71 · Akt(e) · 1941-1942
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Guidelines for Colonial Tactical Training at Colonial Police Schools Structuring of a Colonial Police Battalion (mot.) Curriculum Distribution Plan for Pioneer Training, June 25, 1942 The Peoples of the Earth (Races, Peoples, Languages), lecture by Dr. Robert Routil on 13 July 1942) Police officers as administrative officials, lecture by Amtsrat Lentz, n.d. Germany's colonial struggle, lecture by the head of department at the Reichskolonialbund Mickausch, n.d. Islam in East Africa, lecture by Dönch, 28. June 1941 Koloniale Rohstoffe, lecture by Amelunxen, 3 May 1941 Eingeborenenfragen, lecture by Depersdorf on 7 June 1941 Der Reichskolonialbund als Träger der kolonialen Propaganda, lecture by Mickausch Deutsche Kolonialpolitik, lecture by Privy Councillor Methner, 5th ed. May 1941 Koloniale Rassenzusammensetzung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 5 May 1941 Die Afrikaner heute und morgen, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 17 May 1941 Eingeborenen-Erziehung, lecture by Prof. Westermann, 30 June 1941 Die Frau in den Kolonien, lecture by Dr. Etta von Becker-Donner, 22 June 1942