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Archival description · Fonds
Part of Archive of the Hanseatic City of Rostock

Period: 1508 - 1946 Scope: 19 linear metres = 921 units of description Cataloguing: ordered and indexed, index (2005) Citation method: AHR, No. ... or AHR, Mayor and Council: Construction, Maintenance, Utilities, No. ... Content: Organisation of the building authority (1784-1850, 5 units) - Building yard, building material (1643-1932, 55 units) - Award of municipal contracts (1635-1938, 6 units) - Construction of desert areas, exemption from contributions (1576-1819, 10 units) - Construction planning, urban expansion (1863-1938, 42 units).- Visit to municipal buildings (1694-1914, 11 units) - Town Hall (1533-1938, 32 units) - Buildings and facilities (1535-1938, 98 units) - Monuments (1682, 1814-1946, 23 units) - Building regulations, building police (1617-1938, 44 units).- Supervision of private buildings (1817-1908, 41 units) - building cooperatives, construction companies (1919-1937, 4 units) - city fortifications, defences (1508-1934, 76 units) - streets, squares, bridges, sewers (1651-1941, 51 units).- Street cleaning, street lighting, public toilets (1606-1938, 34 units) - Streets A - Z (1561-1934, 276 units) - Waterborne, water art, wells, pumps, pipes (1550-1930, 62 units) - Waterworks (1859-1940, 23 units) - Gasworks (1856-1938, 19 units) - Electricity Station (1896-1938, 9 units). Overview: Until 1812, the responsibility for the city buildings lay with the city treasury, because it ultimately had to pay the costs for construction and maintenance. The municipal building yard with the necessary material and equipment was administered by the building clerk, as specialists city masons, city carpenters and tower coverers stood in the service of the council. Since the beginning of the 19th century, this structure has been the subject of criticism. The starting point was a revision of the expenditure of the city treasury, which was found to be too high. After visiting the city buildings, the Hundertmännerkollegium was of the opinion that many buildings urgently needed repair. The repairs carried out could have been carried out more cheaply if more expertise had been given to carrying out the tasks and supervision had been better exercised. Finally, in January 1812, an independent building department was formed, which, however, remained part of the Kassendepartement and only since 1854 appears in the lists of authorities as an independent building authority. The building department or building authority was led collegially by a member of the council - he bore the name Director - and four civil deputies. An instruction of 1830 named the responsibilities for the municipal buildings, as far as these were not in combing, weight, poor order or other administrative branches. The responsibility extended to the city, the suburbs and the city field mark, to the port and shipping facilities on the beach and the Warnow as well as to Warnemünde. As officials, the instruction named the building scribe, the carpenter, the excavator master and the crane supervisor. A foreman worked in Warnemünde on a fee basis. The fact that the position of port master carpenter was replaced by that of city master builder in 1835 indicates a change in the emphasis of the work. The planned expansion of the port and the new regulation of the Warnow, made a division of tasks necessary in 1885. The city master builder took over the building construction department, the port construction director the electricity and port construction departments as well as sewage and road construction. Overall, the demands placed on urban construction have increased enormously. The growth of the town required planning services for the new residential areas in front of the Kröpeliner Tor, the Steintor, the Mühlentor and the Petritor. Before the First World War, the Council's Urban Expansion Committees became the most important advisory body on urban development issues. With regard to the construction work, the city was responsible for the necessary development and road construction work, but it also had to create public buildings (e.g. hospitals, schools, municipal theatres) and utilities (gas works, waterworks, power station) in order to secure the community's existence. During the Weimar Republic, combating housing shortages became a central issue. It was not until 1925 that significant progress was made here through the continuation of urban expansion towards the west. The building police regulations for all buildings in the city were initially characterized primarily by the requirements for fire safety. Individual regulations touched half-timbered structures, thatched roofs, wooden gables, tarred roofing felt or chimneys. The regulations for Warnemünde (1848, 1908), for the Kämmerei and hospital area as well as for Rostock, the suburbs and the Stadtfeldmark (1894, 1929) were summarised in extensive building regulations. In Rostock, the Kämmerei was initially responsible for enforcing these regulations, in Warnemünde the Gewett. In 1899 a building police department was set up at the police station, which took over the building supervision for Rostock. After a reorganization, the building supervision was transferred to the building authorities in 1935. Publications: Dehn, Gustav: Organisation des Stadt-Bauamtts, Bauwesens, in: Festschrift der XXVI. Versammlung des Deutschen Vereins für öffentliche Gesundheitspflege, Rostock 1901, S. 129-131 Deutschlands Städtebau. Rostock. Ed. by the Council of the Seestadt Rostock, Berlin-Halensee 1922 and 1927