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Deutscher Kolonialverein Justiz Englisch

Individual associations: A - D

Contains among other things: Badges of the Confederations. - Overview board, 1930 Association for Proletarian Enlightenment ("Fiery Knights") - Communication of the Gauleiter Hildebrandt to the Reich Secretary of the NSDAP Bouhler, 1926 ...

In: Schumacher Collection (inventory) >> R 187 Schumacher Collection >> Federations, clubs, associations >> Individual associations

Kamba mission. Negotiations with the Africa Domestic Mission.

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 80 1 - 1912. Paul to "Official Brother" - "Hostile Measures against the Property of the Campaign Mission (and Missionaries)." (handwritten; 1 p.) - "Handover of the Campaign Mission and its...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk