Affichage de 217 résultats

Description archivistique
FA 1 / 88 · Dossier · 1904 - 1907
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Réparation des dommages. - Njem rebellion. - Losses of the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun in autumn 1903, 1903 - 1904 Violation of the ban on trade in the Nzimu and Njem area by the trader Wenzel of Woermann & Co, August 1905 Request from the Verein Westafrikanischer Kaufleute (Association of German Traders in Africa), Hamburg, concerning the ban on importing gunpowder and rifles to the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 5.2.1907 Combating disturbances and rebellions - Expedition to the Northern Maka region from 22.11.1906 - 20.01.1907. - Execution - Captain Dominik's report Inspection tour through the Southern Districts from 18.2. until the end of March 1907 (Brigadier General Müller) - Execution, 1907nMap on the submission of the Yetyang region, 1: 200,000, pen-and-ink drawing with coloured markings, June 1907 Expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), DKB 1 1907/347-352, 391-399 (map 349), 1904 - 1905 Establishment of the administration in the Ngoko by the expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), May-July 1904

Sans titre
BArch, N 2225/123 · Dossier · Juni 1900 - März 1908
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Newspapers, newspaper clippings and press correspondence, etc. about: Rivalry between Germany, France and Spain in the struggle for political and economic power in Morocco

Ellguth, Joachim Friedrich von Pfeil und Klein
Newspaper clippings Lindenmuseum
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 232 Bü 629 · Dossier · 1908-1943
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Inauguration of the Lindenmuseum; Collection Dr. Tafel; Collection Dr. Fritz; Völkerkunde-Museum Bremen; Dr. von Bälz; Karl Mauch Darin: 1st Deutsche Kolonialzeitung Nr.17 vom 27. April 1912; 2nd "Die sozialpsychologische Perspektive der Völkerkunde" by Ths. Achelis; 3rd Announcements No. 9, November 1912, 13th year of the Association of Preceptors and Real Teachers of Württemberg

Newspapers (stock)
Stadtarchiv Bad Berleburg, Z · Fonds
Fait partie de Bad Berleburg City Archive (Archivtektonik)

Description of stock: The stock of newspapers contains newspapers that have appeared in Berleburg or have a local reference. The Wittgnesteiner Kreisblatt, published for the first time in 1852 by the Berleburg publisher Matthey, is an important source material. The newspaper is printed by Berleburger Druckerei Winckel. In 1933, the Wittgensteiner Kreisblatt was brought into line with the seizure of power and given the new name National Zeitung. Wittgenstein appears only in the subtitle. Since these two collections show strong signs of use, they have been filmed with the help of the Medienarchives Dortmund and are available to users as microfilms. After the end of the Second World War in 1946, the Westfalenpost was the first to receive a licence from the British military government to appear under the title "Westfalenpost - Wittgensteienr Nachrichten". Since 1948 the newspaper has had the title Westfalenpost. The collection has been in the city archives from 1946 to the present day. 1950 follows the Westfälische Rundschau, which appears with a local section for Wittgenstein. The local editorial office of the Westfälsichen Rundschau will be closed in 2009. The Siegener Zeitung can be found in the stock of the city archive with the establishment of the local editorial office in 1986. The stock contains the Siegener Zeitung from 1986 until today. The following local newspapers and advertising papers can be found in the archive stock Wittgensteiner Wochenpost 1988 to today SWA/WWA Wittgensteiner Wocheneanzeiger 1992 to today

Newspapers (stock)
Stadtarchiv Hof, Z · Fonds
Fait partie de Hof City Archive (Archivtektonik)

According to the inventory delimitation in the Hof City Archives, newspapers are continuous collections that appear at least every fortnight. In the case of periodicals that appear less frequently than every fortnight, they are assigned to inventory Z if a periodical has a newspaper-like character in terms of its appearance (newsprint) or content (topicality). In cases of doubt, the finding aids of the reference library series (4° F, 8° F; see OPAC of the Hof University of Applied Sciences) should be used to determine whether a periodical is available in the Hof City Archives. The official gazettes of the StadtHof, the districts Hof, Rehau and Münchberg are in stock BA. Many newspapers have been filmed, also newspapers that are not originally available in the Hof City Archive; in these cases the microfilms should always be used (see holdings MIK-D and MIK-S). The assignment to one of the chapters 1.-4. of the index of the holdings Z has been carried out according to the main content of a newspaper. The Hofer Anzeiger since 1968 is listed in chapter 1.2 (Frankenpost) (except special editions). 1. newspapers from Hof (with additional issues) 1.1. Hofer-Anzeiger and forerunners (1783-1967, 1976) 1.2. Frankenpost (from 1945) 1.3. Oberfränkische Volkszeitung and forerunners (1893-1971) 1.4. Der Streiter für völkische Politik und Gerechtigkeit(1923) 1.5. Völkische Presse. Battle Gazette of the Frankens Peoples Movement (1924, 1925) 1.6. Nationale Volkszeitung. First and only illustrated evening newspaper of Upper Franconia (1929) 1.7.Fränkisches Volk, Bayerische Ostmark, Hofer Tageblatt, Hofer NS-Zeitung (1933-1945) 1.8.Blickpunkt (since 1984) 1.9. Hofer Neueste Nachrichten (1871-1876) 1.10. Hofer Extrablatt -Extrablatt für Hof und Umgebung, Rehau, Regnitzlosau und Umgebung (1980-1990) 1.11. Hofer Fränkische Presse. Independent local newspaper for the town and district of Hof, Münchberg, Naila, Rehau (1949-1950) 1.12. Hofer Tageblatt and its predecessor (1878-1906) 1.13. Sonntagsblatt for the Protestant-Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Edition Upper Franconia and forerunners (from 1926 - 2003) 1.14. Hofer evening newspaper (1895) 1.15. Hofer newspaper. Organ for all popular interests (organ for the Oberfränkischer Webergauverband) (1873) 2. newspapers from other places 2.1.Bavarian day. Publisher: Die 12. Amerikanische Heeresgruppe für die deutsche Zivilbevölkerung (1945) 2.2. Bayreuther Zeitung (1803, 1813) 2.3. Deutsche Rundschau in Polen (1939) 2.4. Dorfzeitung (Hildburghausen) (1872) 2.5. Frankfurter Presse (1945) 2.6. Hessische Post (1945) 2.7. Kulmbacher Tagblatt. Messenger from the Upper Main (1929-1930) 2.8. Munich Latest News. Business newspaper, Alpine and sports newspaper. Theater- und Kunstchronik (1862, 1871, 1944) 2.9. Die Neue Zeitung. An American newspaper for the German population (1946) 2.10. Nordbayerische Zeitung. Fürther Anzeiger (1944) 2.11. The Reich. German weekly newspaper (1943) 2.12. Vogtlandblick. Weekly paper for Plauen, Auerbach, Hof, Oelsnitz, Reichenbach, Klingenthal and surroundings (1994-2010) - Sonntagsblick. Vogtland 2.13. Die Woche (1900-1944) 2.14. Leipziger Zeitung (1826) 2.15. Berlinische Zeitung (1847) 2.16. Augsburger Abendzeitung (1868) 2.17. Neue freie Volkszeitung (Munich) (1885) 2.18th Munich Messenger (1886) 2.19. Hirschberger Nachrichten (1923) 2.20. Liller Kriegszeitung (Lille)(1914-1917) 2.21. The Champagne Comrade (1915-1917) 2.22. Champagne Kriegs-Zeitung (1916) 2.23. Neue Ordnung (Zagreb) (1943) 2.24. Geroldsgrüner Blättla (Geroldsgrün) (from 1993) 2.25. Tagblatt/Bayerische Ostmark Selb/Fichtelgebirgs-Warte (Selb) (1925-1926, 1934-1944) 2.26. Bamberger Tagblatt (Bamberg) (1928) 2.27. Leipziger Zeitung (Leipzig)(1752) 2.28. Dresdener Anzeiger or Nachricht (Dresden) (1730) 2.29. Der Bote vom Waldstein (Zell) (1936-1938) 2.30. Adorfer Wochenblatt (Adorf) (1840) 2.31. Anzeiger für dieStadt Oelsnitz und für allemmtliche Ortsen des Amtes Voigtsberg (Oelsnitz) (1840) 2.32. Voigtländischer Anzeiger (Plauen) (1840) 2.33. Bavarian Diaspora Sheets (Rothenburg o.d. Tauber) (1902) 2.34. Economic reports from the Gau Bayerische Ostmark (Bayreuth) (1942) 2.35th Fränkischer Merkur (Bamberg) (1847) 2.36. Oberkotzauer Zeitung (Oberkotzau) (1934) 2.37. Selbitzer Bürgerblatt (Selbitz) (from 2002) 2.38. Nailaer Stadtnachrichten (Naila) (from 2002) 2.39. Münchberg-Helmbrechtser Zeitung (Münchberg) (1937) 2.40. Mitteilungsblatt der Gemeinde Konradsreuth (from 1985) 2.41. Der Stebener. Official Gazette of the market Bad Steben (from 2002) 2.42. Information sheet of the municipality Weißdorf. Official announcements of the municipality Weißdorf (from2002) 2.43. Information sheet of the market Sparneck. Official announcements of the market Sparneck (from 2002) 2.44. Newsletter Municipality of Köditz (from 2002) 2.45. Stadt-Rundschau-Schwarzenbach a. Wald (from 2002) 2.46. Official Gazette of the City of Rehau (from 2002) 2.47. Helmbrechtser Anzeiger. Selbitzer Zeitung (1936, 1940-1941) 2.48. Showcase. Newsletter of the municipality Döhlau - Tauperlitz - Kautendorf (2005) 2.49. Bayerische Ostmark. Rehauer Tagblatt (1936-1939)/Rehauer Tagblatt (1960-2009) 2.50. Marktredwitzer Tagblatt/Bayerische OstmarkMarktredwitz (1936-1937) 2.51. Kirchenlamitzer Anzeiger. Marktleuthener Nachrichten (1935) 2.52. Allgemeine Zeitung (Munich) (1885-1887) 2.53. Weißenstadter Zeitung (1953-1967) 2.54. My community. Information from the municipality of Döhlau (2009) 2.55. Wochen-Blatt for the market Redwitz and Umgegend/Anzeige-Blatt for the market Redwitz (1845-1850) 2.56. Der Bote ausden sechs Aemtern (1851-1858) 2.57. Ascher Wochenblatt (1850-1853) 2.58. Münchberger Wochen-Blatt (1842-1861) 2.59th Nailaer Wochen-Blatt (1846-1861) 2.60. Zentralarchiv für Politik und Wirtschaft (Munich) (1926 - 1931) 2.61. Oberkotzauer Heimatbote (Oberkotzau) (1997-2004) 3. Amtsblätter, Intelligenzblätter 3.1. Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt für denevang.-luth. church district Hof (1945) 3.2. Bavarian government gazette. Völkischer Beobachter - Amtlicher Teil (1935-1944) 3.3. Bayreuther Intelligenzzeitung/Bayreuther Anzeiger derLandesverwaltungen und Gerichte (1801-1811) 3.4. Bayerisches Intelligenzblatt (1813-1818) 3.5. Kreisamtsblatt von Oberfranken und Vorläufer (1812-1922) 3.6. Mitteilungsblatt desReichskommissars für die Preisbildung (1938-1945) 3.7. Verordnungsblatt der NSDAP. Gau Bayerische Ostmark (1941-1942) 4. magazines, trade journals and other 4.1. DasAusland. Weekly for geography and ethnology (1877-1892) 4.2. The bazaar. Illustrierte Damenzeitung (1889-1894) 4.3. The book for all. Illustrated family newspaper (1898) 4.4.Concordia. Zeitschrift für die Arbeiterfrage (1871-1875) 4.5. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. Organ of the German Colonial Society (1888-1894) 4.6. Deutsche Wacht (1925) 4.7. FliegendeBlätter (1884-1905) 4.8. Die Gartenlaube. Illustrated family paper (1868-1906) 4.9. The border messengers. Zeitschrift für Politik, Literatur und Kunst (1864-1906) 4.10. Illustrirte Zeitung(1883-1941) 4.11. Illustrated Observer (1943) 4.12. Youth. Munich Illustrated Weekly for Art and Life (1900-1906) 4.13. Motorist practice. Monthly communications for motorists and motorcyclists (1936-1938) 4.14. The criticism. Newsreel of Public Life (1894-1897) 4.15. The Body. Half-monthly publication for all former bodies (1921-1933) 4.16. After work (1915) 4.17. Reichszeitung der deutschen Erzieher. National Socialist teachers' newspaper (1935) 4.18. Over land and sea. Allgemeine Illustrierte Zeitung(1879-1906) 4.19. The survey. Overview of progress and movements in the entire field of science, technology, literature and art (1905) 4.20. Our Army (1943) 4.21.The Wehrmacht (1943) 4.22. World and House. The German Family Gazette (1909) 4.23. Werkmeisterzeitung. Organ of the German Association of Master Craftsmen (1892-1916) 4.24. The Future (1895-1916) 4.25. The Week (1929) 4.26. The Salon for Literature, Art and Society (1870-1879) 4.27. Deutsche Warte. Survey of the life and work of the present (1871-1872) 4.28. Neue Militärische Blätter (1875-1876) 4.29. In the new Reich. Weekly for the Life of the German People in State, Science and Art (1871-1881) 4.30. The Present. Weekly for literature, art and public life (1872-1886) 4.31. Seasons. Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und gesellschaftliche Unterhaltung (1867) 4.32. amusements. A house library of entertainment and instruction (1867) 4.33. From rock to sea. Spemann's Illustrirte Zeitschrift für das Deutsche Haus (1887-1891) 4.34. Europa(1864-1867) 4.35. Deutsche Rundschau (1879-1888) 4.36. Westermanns Illustrirte Deutsche Monatshefte (1868-1890) 4.37. Fliegende Blätter (1849-1887) 4.38. Kladderadatsch(1883-1886) 4.39. Das Neue Blatt. An illustrated family journal (1871) 4.40. Blitz regional (2008) 4.41. German gymnastics newspaper. Leaves for the Affairs of the Whole Gymnastics System (Leipzig) (1861-1895)

ALMW_II._32__NachlassJaeschke_Verschiedenes · Pièce · 1904-1982
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Reports of the Former German Missions in Tanganyika Territory East Africa to the Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions of the National Lutheran Council of America" 1951 (ed., 94 p.) - "Mbuya ya vandu vuu. (Monthly leaf of the Lutheran parishes of Kilimanjaro and the neighbouring mountains)." Moshi, 1st year, October 1904-September 1905 - Fiedler, K.: Christianity and African culture - Conservative German missionaries in Tanzania 1900-1940 (manuscript with corrections; excerpts) with accompanying letter Fiedler an Jaeschke (Ratingen 1982) - Kiethe, S. und Drephal o. - E.: Theological final examination 1964 at the Theological Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Leipzig. Large term paper: Systematic theology. Topic: The church critically presented in the view of Bruno Gutmann on the basis of his book "Church Building from the Gospel". (typing; 58 or 50 p.) - Jaeschke, E.; Boehner, K.: Maisha ya Dk. Dk. Bruno Gutmann. Mwanafunzi na Mchungaji wa Wachaga. o.J. (Computer printout; 16 p.) - Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Annual Report, Moshi 1981. (English; typewritten; 72 p.) - Kordes, H.: The ambivalent adventure of foreign educational aid in the poor world. Illustrated by the example of the "Ruralization" of primary schools in Dahomey (West Africa) o.J. (printed; with photos; copy; 5 p.) - special prints from the Schwabacher Tagblatt November 1975. "Who wants to help Africa, must provide water" for the 90th birthday of Missionary Pätzig - Erlangen 1976. Mission work of the Ev.-luth. Church in Bavaria. Africa Department. Tanzaniainformation 1/76 and 2/76 (20 and 9 p. respectively) - Nkoaranga 1975. Stroothenke an Jurkeit (typewritten; 8 p.) - Ruf, W.: Reiseerfahrungen in Tanzania. Report for the Board of the Leipzig Mission (1972) (typewritten; 5 p.)

Jäschke, Ernst
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_5 · Pièce · 1923-1963
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Leipzig 1963. Ihmels (letter of thanks) - Andalusia Camp 1940. Hentschel to Ihmels (copy) - Leeuwkop Camp 1940. Tscheuschner to Lörtscher (2 copies) - o.O. 1943. Lawton, Brandt, Schmidt to friends (newsletter) - Hamburg, Dresden 1941. Freytag, Lehmann to the mission workers in the homeland (newsletter) - Munich 1953. Ev.-luth. Landeskirchenrat an Erlanger Zentralstelle der Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (impression) - Moshi o.J. Riedel an ? (telegram) - Baviaanspoort 1944. Carstens to Memmen - Marangu 1956. Njau to Gutmann (transcript) - Berlin 1937. Reich and Prussian Ministers of the Interior to Chief Presidents of the Province of Westphalia (concerning "Collection Law of 5 November 1934 ... Circular of 9 June 1937 ... unlawful church collections") - Würzburg 1942. "Wolfgang" to "father" (private) - Schwabach 1955. Private letter to parents or grandparents - o.O., o.J. ? to ? (Part of a letter?) - "Our medical mission" annual report presented at the general meeting of the Missionsärztlichen Verein zu Leipzig ... 1941 by Küchler (typewritten, 4 p.) - 122nd Annual Report of the Leipzig Mission. 16 S. (ed.) - Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (ed.): Vom Dienst der Leipziger Mission. n.d. 8 p. (dr.) - From the service of the Leipzig Mission. 124th Annual Report 1942/43 and 125th Annual Report 1943/44 (8 pages each, printed) - Annual Report 1940/41 of the Hotschuan-Mission e.V. 16 pages. The plough of God. Annual report 1944/45 of the Hotschuan-Mission e. V. 16 p. (dr.) - "Mission people we want to think about" 2 p. (dr.) - Freytag, W. "Look over the borders. On the state of world mission." Hamburg 1946. (printed 32 p.; copy of machine 15 p.) - Machame 1959. Schmiedel to College of the Leipzig Mission (annual report 1958; typed; 15 p.; copy) - Moshi, St.: Welcome address to the leaders of the Church in Africa and Europe who were guests in Tanganyika. 1960. 4 p. - Roever, H.: Letter from Rev. H. Roever. Perambalur, Tiruchy Dt. (S. India) o.J. 4 S. (printed) - 2 newspaper clippings (Nürnberger Stadtspiegel 1955 "Pfarrer Jaeschke nahm Abschied von Nürnberg"; "Landesmissionsfest: Aufruf zur Nächstenliebe" ohne Quellenangabe, o.J.) - "Mitteilungsblatt des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Sonderaufgaben 2. Jg., No. 5/6, Munich 1947, p. 20/21 (machine copy) - Kaul, R.: Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergerschen Stenographie für Kaufleute. Dresden 1923. 74 p. (printed) - "Vorträge von Dr. Mergner aus Würzburg" 1948 - "Reiseplan" o.J. - Castell 1948 1948 - "Reiseplan für die Ärztliche Mission 1948" - "Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für Ärzte in Übersee" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Abrechnung" - Sausenhofen 1948 - Pfarramt an Herrn Mergner (13 pupils in grades 5-8 write about a lecture by Mergner)

Bacmeister, Walter
Personal documents
BayHStA, Nachlass Rose, Franz Karl Anton 1 · Dossier · 1912-1945
Fait partie de Bavarian State Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Work references (e.g. General-Anzeiger, Mülheim an der Ruhr 1912; Mülheimer Zeitung, Mülheim an der Ruhr 1914; Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft für Südwest-Afrika 1914; Verlag des Reichskolonialbundes München 1943); professional correspondence; Rose's court documents and complaints; back tax claims (Reichsschrifttumskammer, 1941); housing assignment (1945)

Poster collection (stock)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Slg. 8 (Benutzungsort: Magdeburg) · Collection · 1848 (ca.) - 2006
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: scope Inventory information: The poster collection comprises printed announcements of various formats and types, including leaflets and flyers from political parties and organisations, announcements from public authorities, advertising posters for cultural events and special editions or single copies of various newspapers and magazines with predominantly political statements.

Rear Admiral a.D. Schlieper
BArch, RM 3/9791 · Dossier · Jan. 1913 - Sept. 1918
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German colonial newspaper. Organ of the German Colonial Society, 31st year, No. 19 (print), 1914

Office du Reich à la Marine
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Bü 225 · Dossier · 2. Januar - 30. Dezember 1901
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • January 2 - December 30, 1901, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Württemberg Legation in Munich Includes, among other things, the following German customs policy; Chinese Boxer uprising; Bavarian reserve rights concerning railways and mail; Bavarian Farmers' Day <br />Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr 78 vom 19.3, Nr. 267 vom 26. September 1901; Augsburger Abendzeitung Nr. 95 vom 6. April, Nr. 135 vom 17. May, Nr. 293 vom 23. October 1901; Das Vaterland Nr. 22 vom 31. May 1901; Münchener Neueste Nachrichten Nr. 275 vom 15. June 1901 description: Contains and others: German customs policy; Chinese Boxer uprising; Bavarian reserve rights concerning railways and mail; Bavarian Farmers' Day - Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr 78 vom 19.3, Nr. 267 vom 26. September 1901; Augsburger Abendzeitung Nr 95 vom 6. April, Nr. 135 vom 17. May, Nr. 293 vom 23. October 1901; Das Vaterland Nr 22 vom 31. Mai 1901; Münchener Neueste Nachrichten Nr. 275 vom 15. Juni 1901
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Bü 224 · Dossier · 3. Januar - 28. Dezember 1900
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Includes among others: Bavaria's Relationship to the Reich; German Fleet Policy; Boer War; Boxer Uprising in China; Lex Heinze <br />Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 46 vom 16. Februar 1900; Bayerischer Kurier Nr. 347 vom 17. Dezember 1893 3 January - 28 December 1900, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Ministerium der Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten betr. Württembergische Gesandtschaft in München description: Contains a. o.: Bavaria's Relationship to the Reich; German Fleet Policy; Boer War; Boxer Uprising in China; Lex Heinze - Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 46 vom 16. Februar 1900; Bayerischer Kurier Nr. 347 vom 17. Dezember 1893
BArch, R 58/877 · Dossier · 1937-1943
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Der Arbeitsmann", 1937 "Unsere Fahne", 1937-1938 "Kampf der Gefahr", 1937 "Arbeitertum", 1938-1941 "Die Räder", 1935-1939 "NS-Fliegerkorps", 1939 "Deutsche Kolonialzeitung", 1939 "Die Deutsche Polizei", 1943 Publications of former "Systemgrößen" in the illustrated program of the NS community, 1939 Contains also: Prohibition of a planned publication on concentration camps in "Der Hoheitsträger", 23 Sept. 1943