Affichage de 296 résultats

Description archivistique
Food and stimulant trade affairs
StK_3160 · Dossier · 1948-1956
Fait partie de Saarland State Archive

Contains: Re-establishment of the former consumer cooperative of the Warndt in Geislautern and return of its assets: Memorandum; increase in the allocation of farmed food for pensioners, pensioners, widows, orphans and war-disabled persons; absorption of the surplus profit; syndicate of the Saarland food and luxury food retail trade; Asko consumer cooperative; costs for food products in the Saarland 1949-1950; International association of food retailers' organisations; wage costs; ordinance on the management of goods in dairy shops; consumer cooperative of the Völklinger Hütte and private retail trade; taxes and levies for Brenner's own growth (schnapps); ban on discharging bread and bakery products; sale of fresh meat in colonial goods shops.

FA 1 / 812 · Dossier · 1891 - 1911
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Coffee. - Dispatch of samples to Germany and promotion of coffee cultivation in the Cameroon Protectorate, 1891 - 1911

Sans titre
[Group picture] 26.1.1913
1116 · Pièce · 1913
Fait partie de State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Glued to the back: Standing: 1st Mr Henke, 2nd Mr Spieth, 3rd Mrs Funke, 4th Sister Marie Weitz, 5th ?, 6th Mr Salkowski, 7th Mr Behrens, 8th Miss Eichhorn, 9th Mr Hatzki, 10th ?, 11th Mr Meier, 12th Mr Funke, 13th Mr Friebel. - Sitting: 1. Mr. Reinhard, 2. Mrs. Däuble, 3. Mrs. Salkowski, 4. Mr. Eberwein No. 1.,7.,9.,11.und 1. are gentlemen of the Bremen Factors is manager of the Cotton Kernel Factory and had invited us before his journey home for coffee in the palm forest of Olympio on Sunday, 26. Jan

Sans titre
RMG 2.174 · Dossier · 1929-1932
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Employment negotiations, 1929-1930; curriculum vitae and certificates for the bride Liesel Taube, 1930; report on a fact-finding trip to various German companies for the marketing of copra, 1930; employment contract with R. Herrmann as merchant and plantation manager, 1931; correspondence for the order of woodworking machines, 1931; travel report, letters and reports on the plantation Nagada, 1931-1932; map sketch of the Nagada plantation, 1931

Société des missions du Rhin
BArch, R 904/800 · Dossier · Febr.-Juni 1919
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Copy of a letter from the Commissioner of the former governorate for German South West Africa, Privy Councillor Kastl to the governor in Windhoek on the willingness of the population of South West Africa to contribute to alleviating the famine in Germany, Feb. 24, 1919 Report of the Reich Health Office (President Dr. Ramm) on the necessity of the supply of cod liver oil for the improvement of infant nutrition, Feb. 17, 1919

In the grove near Moschi
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ik/659,Neg.A.77 · Pièce · 1910-1914
Fait partie de Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,5 X 11,6 Description: at the coffee table under a large tree: B. Gutmann and wife, sister E. Vierhub, another sister, another missionary (standing) and wife, 2 african. Teenagers standing behind the table.

Sans titre
In the land of the Wakamba
ALMW_II._MB_1898_14 · Dossier · 1898
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Anonymous. Scope: pp. 175-177. Includes, among other things: - (SW: Journey of Dr. G. Kolb and Miss. Clean; Kenya and Kilimanjaro mountains; description of the area and its inhabitants) - (SW: about love; easy and pleasant contact with women; mission success - stations - Ikutha, Malu, Ikanga, Motha; slave trade; ghost faith; alcohol)

Sans titre
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 76 · Fonds · 1907-1949
Fait partie de Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

The present collection comprises 223 units of indexation with a term of 1933-1945 and was transferred to the former Lippische Landesarchiv in Detmold soon after the Second World War, in November 1945. With the Second Law on the Gleichschaltung of the Länder with the Reich of 7 April 1933, the office of Reich Governor was created in the Länder. In the brief phase of the seizure of power, the Reich governors were subject to the control of the National Socialist-dominated state governments appointed by them, which had quasi-dictatorial powers, and only Hitler. They were his underlords in the countries. Already with the law on the reconstruction of the Reich of 30 January 1934, the Reichsstatthalteramt lost its importance. The power and legal relationships were shifted in favour of the central authorities in Berlin and against the state governments and the imperial governors. With the Reichsstatthaltergesetz of 30 January 1935, the Reichsstatthalter only became instances of the Reichsregierung in the sense of a Reichsmittelbehörde; in addition, their position became increasingly representative. On 16 May 1933, the President of the Reich, Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Dr. Alfred Meyer, head of the Gaue Westfalen-Nord, based in Münster, as governor of the two smallest Reich states, Lippe and Schaumburg-Lippe, at Hitler's suggestion. One week later, on 23 May, in his capacity as Reich Governor, he placed a man of his special trust, Hans-Joachim Riecke, a qualified farmer and Gauinspekteur (Gauinspector), with the antiquated title of Minister of State at the head of the Lippe state government. This one was reporting directly to Meyer. Riecke's honorary deputy as head of the state government was the Detmold NSDAP district leader, the Lagens painter Adolf Wedderwille. Since the power positions and powers of the Reich Governors in the administration increasingly eroded in the years after 1933, without the office being abolished despite its apparent loss of significance, Meyer - like others of his colleagues - strove to unite administrative and government positions in his hands. After Riecke's departure to the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture on February 1, 1936, he was appointed head of the Lippe State Government by executive decree. On 17 November 1938, he became Chief President of the Province of Westphalia in Münster. In addition, in November 1941 he was appointed Deputy Minister in the newly created Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories under Alfred Rosenberg, and from 29 May 1940 he was entrusted by Hitler with the management of the affairs of a Reich Defence Commissioner. Meyer only occasionally visited Detmold in his capacity as Reich Governor for both Lippe. Münster remained his official seat. Meyer's local husband and inspector of the Detmold government work, based in the small Reich governor's office with only 3-4 employees, which was moved to Berlebeck on the Friedrichshöhe in 1937, was Karl Wolf, a member of the government from 1933 to 1943. Even in his role as head of the Lippische Landesregierung, Meyer rarely came to his new office. With Wedderwille, who after Riecke's transfer became full-time deputy head of the Lippe government and resided in Riecke's former office, he had a reliable governor in the Lipperland in party and state administration. Meyer's main fields of activity and positions of power were in Münster and Berlin and not in the small residential town on the Teutoburg Forest. Thus his faithful paladin Adolf Wedderwille gradually became the most powerful man in all of Lippe, especially during the war with his double role. Since February 1936 the Lippe laws and ordinances were passed under the name: The Reichsstatthalter in Lippe and Schaumburg-Lippe (state government of Lippe) and were signed either by the Reichstatthalter Dr. Meyer himself or in representation Wedderwille. Until April 1945 Lippe was ruled in this form. From the above it becomes clear that there could be, and indeed had to be, certain intermixtures and overlaps in the registry of the Reich Governor's Office. Some written or file documents would have been better kept in the registry of the Minister of State or the NSDAP district leader in terms of content and form. Also some petitioners were certainly not clear whether they should write to Meyer in his capacity as Gauleiter, Reichsstatthalter or head of the state government. Thus the pre-archival order was largely maintained and, above all, the signatory did not clean up the holdings (e.g. in the case of Section 5, Minister of State). For research on the Lippe NS period, the holdings L 80.03 (Minister of State) and L 113 (NSDAP and NS organisations in Lippe) as well as the L 80 holdings in general should therefore also and above all be consulted. It is to be quoted after order no.: L 76 No.. Literature: Andreas Ruppert and Hansjörg Riechert, Rule and Acceptance. National Socialism in Lippe during the war years. Analysis and Documentation, Opladen 1998. Hans-Jürgen Sengotta, The Reich Governor in Lippe 1933 to 1939. Reich Law and Political Practice, Detmold 1976. Andreas Ruppert. The circle leader in Lippe. On the function of a middle instance of the NSDAP between local groups and Gau. in. Lipp. Mitt. 60 (1991), pp. 199-229 Heinz-Jürgen Priamus, Alfred Meyer - Biographical Sketch of an NS Perpetrator, in: National Socialism in Detmold, edited by Hermann Niebuhr and Andreas Ruppert, Detmold 1998, pp. 42-79 Detmold, July 2003 (Bender)

Latest news from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1894_8 · Dossier · 1894
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: After letters from Miss. Päsler in Kwarango. Scope: pp. 171-174. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Illness of Miss Böhme - Departure with Miss. Old house to the coast; missing wood supplies obstruct the house construction; rainy season; food - beans, Wimbi, Plantanen; purchase of cattle)

Sans titre
NLA OS, Dep 24 b, IV Nr. 1726 · Dossier · 1904 - 1907
Fait partie de Lower Saxony State Archive, Osnabrück Department

Civil Supply Certificate from the Imperial Protection Force for South West Africa 1907 - Dated postcards with inscriptions: Las Palas 1904 - Swakopmund 1904 - Daily distribution of rations to prisoners of war in Windhoek 1904 - Windhoek, Garnisionsküche 1905 - Old Zulu with pipe 1906 - Bastard beauty in Keetmannshoop digitized on CD available 19.02.2007 in ECR 200 No. 105

free addition to Liebigs Fleisch-Extract; Series: Kanalbauten1. The Panama Canal2. The Emperor's Canal near Hangtschou (China)3. Suez Canal - entry into the canal with Port Said4. Dortmund-Emskanal (The Henrichenburg lift)5. North Holland Canal6. Nord-Ostseekanal - Schleuse bei HaltenauThe famous Liebig collectible pictures were widely distributed in Germany between 1872 and 1940, a total of 1138 series with six pictures each as a rule. As a promotional gift they were added to the "Liebig's Fleisch-Extract", a luxury product that before the First World War was only affordable for wealthy circles. The pictures, produced in elaborate print quality, are a testimony to the way of thinking and perception of the last and penultimate century that has hardly been evaluated to date - to ideas of European and non-European history, the world of work, the colonies, family and gender orders, and many other areas of bourgeois culture.

Life and activity in Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1899_1 · Dossier · 1899
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Hofmann in Ikutha. Scope: p. 18-23* 38-40. Contains, among other things: - "One. The famine." - "Two. The housekeepers." (SW: description of the servants; Kikamba; household activities; 1st washing machine; drinking water supply) - "3. the daily routine." - "Four. All sorts of unskilled labor." (SW: medical care; begging; reasons for attending church; famine)
Sans titre
ALMW_II._BA_DV_IIi/40,Auf.44 · Pièce · 1895-1900
Fait partie de Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Over a beer (left). Phototype: Photo. Format: 15,5 X 10,2. description: 2 houses (West-Kilimanjaro construction: covered with banana bark), hedge fence around farmstead, the "beer" group facing the camera's back, sitting on the ground; men: 10 2 somewhat aside, clothed, with plait hairdo (similar to Maasai), spear, dog; behind "dancing negroes" approx. 9 persons, clothed with scarves. Remark: retouched, standing at photo: "Neg. and photo missing"; publication..: Conf.sheet 1909.

Sans titre
Madschame women cooking beer
ALMW_II._BA_DV_IXa/270,Auf.305Nr132 · Pièce · ohne Datum
Fait partie de Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 15,9 X 10,9 Description: 4 women, with scarves around their hips, arm spirals, mucky ears and throat, standing between banana plants, with clay jugs on fire, back right house (West-Kilimanjaro construction: covered with banana bark).

Sans titre
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Vc/209 · Pièce · ohne Datum
Fait partie de Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,5 X 11,0. Description: Farm with 3 Chagga houses (West-Kilimanjaro construction: covered with banana bark), hedge fence, open roof of plant fibres, group of men (clothed) sitting under trees, bananas in the background.

Sans titre