28 Treffer anzeigen

Bundesarchiv China Deutsches Reich Englisch

"Fleet and coal stations in China", possession of Kiautschou

"Fleet and coal stations in China", possession of Kiautschou

Boxer Rebellion": General Information

Boxer Rebellion": General Information

Cable laying from Shanghai to Tsingtau (Kiautschau)

Cable laying from Shanghai to Tsingtau (Kiautschau)

Chief of the Cruiser Squadron of the Imperial Navy (inventory)

Chief of the Cruiser Squadron of the Imperial Navy (inventory)

Chinese postal facilities in the Kiautschou area

Chinese postal facilities in the Kiautschou area

Chinese postal services in the Kiautschou area and in the Shantung province (...

Chinese postal services in the Kiautschou area and in the Shantung province (Shandong)

Colonies of other countries in China

Colonies of other countries in China

East Asian Expeditionary Corps and East Asian Occupation Brigade (holdings)

East Asian Expeditionary Corps and East Asian Occupation Brigade (holdings)

Events in China, measures in connection with unrest: East Asian Expeditionary...

Events in China, measures in connection with unrest: East Asian Expeditionary Corps

German - Asiatische Bank AG, Berlin, Shanghai, Hamburg

German - Asiatische Bank AG, Berlin, Shanghai, Hamburg

Government of the Kiautschou protectorate (existing)

Government of the Kiautschou protectorate (existing)

Kiatschou: Occupation of the station in China

Kiatschou: Occupation of the station in China

Kiautschou - Chinese Silk Industry Company

Kiautschou - Chinese Silk Industry Company

Kiautschou - Construction of an ironworks in the province of Schantung

Kiautschou - Construction of an ironworks in the province of Schantung

Kiautschou - German-Chinese Silk Industry Association

Kiautschou - German-Chinese Silk Industry Association

Kiautschou - German-Chinese Trade Agreement

Kiautschou - German-Chinese Trade Agreement

Kiautschou - Publication of a book on Germany for Chinese people

Kiautschou - Publication of a book on Germany for Chinese people

Labour issues and labour relations in German New Guinea, including the recrui...

Labour issues and labour relations in German New Guinea, including the recruitment of foreign, mainly Indian and Chinese, workers

Maps of the German protectorate Kiautschou: Railways in China, distance map f...

Maps of the German protectorate Kiautschou: Railways in China, distance map for the protectorate

Mobilization, expedition to China

Mobilization, expedition to China

Protection of foreigners in China in the event of a Chinese-French war

Protection of foreigners in China in the event of a Chinese-French war

Riots in China

Riots in China

Settlement and employment of Chinese and Japanese on European properties in t...

Settlement and employment of Chinese and Japanese on European properties in the South Seas

Shanghai - Kiautschou (Tsingtau)

Shanghai - Kiautschou (Tsingtau)

State Treaty with China on the Recruitment of Workers

State Treaty with China on the Recruitment of Workers

Subject area 28 (Protection troops and expedition against China)

Subject area 28 (Protection troops and expedition against China)

The development of the procurement of workers for tropical colonies from Chin...

The development of the procurement of workers for tropical colonies from China and Java until the beginning of the war in 1914 - elaboration of the agricultural expert Dr. Bredemann of 13 Sept. 1915

Warlike actions abroad - China (with sketches)

Warlike actions abroad - China (with sketches)