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Military Political Reports: Vol. 3

Contains among other things: Situation in Poznan, West Prussia, East Prussia, Upper Silesia; service conditions with volunteer formations, 1st Jan. 1919; border protection East; foundation of the German People's Council Gdansk, 3rd Jan. 1919;...

In: Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine >> RM 6 Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine >> Leiter des Reichsmarineamtes (1919) und Chef der Admiralität (1919 - 1920) >> Reichsmarineamt/Admiralität.- Allgemeines >> Militärpolitische Berichte; BArch, RM 6 Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine

Naval Station of the Baltic Sea of the Prussian Navy and Imperial Navy (, Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine) (inventory)

History of the Inventor: The naval station of the Baltic Sea, built in 1853 as a naval station command in Gdansk, was moved to Kiel in 1865. The station chief had territorial authority over all naval authorities and naval parts existing in his are...

In: Prussian and Imperial Navy 1849 to 1918/1919 >> commanders