8 Treffer anzeigen

Kamerun Kultur Englisch

Agriculture in Cameroon. - General information: Vol. 2

Contains among other things: The culture of Manihot Glaziovii and the extraction and preparation of rubber in East Africa P. Wolff, A visit to the countries of Lake Chad F. Wolff, The economic area of the Kano railway in northern Nigeria

In: Agriculture in Cameroon. - General information

French Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Loango

description: Genre: Portrait: 24; Group representations: 8; Single representations: 12; Mat. Culture: 10; Writing: 2No. of cartons: 17No. of compartments (with top and back sheets): 18No. of photos (available in total): 63Titles of individual cart...

In: Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin >> BGAEU

Günther, Carl