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Archival description
FA 1 / 4 · File · 1899 - 1911
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Political situation in the Dagomba Empire (capital Yendi) and the neighbouring areas: Possibility of establishing a station for the final subjugation of the Dagomba - Report Commissioner Falkenthal, 1900 [fol. 13] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Dr Heim, payment of remuneration for October and November 1900 to the former Deputy Governor of Togo, Chancellor Assessor Dr Heim. - Request from the Deputy Governor of Togo, Horn, to the Governor of Cameroon, 1900 [fol. 24] Condition of the road network, in particular the connection from the coast to the hinterland of the Togo protectorate. - Report by Prof. Dr Wohltmann on his trip to Togo to clarify transport issues in December 1899 (extracts), 1900 [fol. 34] Police force. - Return of surplus uniforms from the time of the Ashanti Uprising to the Governorate of Cameroon, 1900 [fol. 43] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Warnecke, gardener. - Training at the Botanical Gardens in Victoria, 1900 [fol. 46 - 51] Administration of justice. - Banishment of prisoners from Cameroon to Togo to reduce the risk of escape. - Members of the police force in Cameroon. - Individual cases (Jo, Johnson, Mbia, Mokoko, Nginda), 1901, 1906, 1907 [fol. 47, 52-55, 59, 68, 143, 181-182] Cocoa cultivation in the Atakpame district. - Request for fruit from Cameroon for seed production, 1888 [fol. 74 - 79] Concreting work for the piles in the construction of the landing stage in Lome. - Request for an expert opinion from Building Secretary Seiffert, Douala, 1904 [fol. 84] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - von Rotberg, District Judge of Togo (from 1 February 1902) and District Officer of Klein-Popo (from 20 February 1903). Dismissal in connection with the complaint of insult by the station chief Geo. A. Schmidt / P. Müller and Schnitz, Steyler Mission, 1903 [fol. 96 - 105] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Zech auf Neuhofen, Governor. - Home leave, 1905 - 1908 [fol. 106-107, 147-158, 187-191] Lome customs office. - Exemption from export duty on large and small livestock exports from Togo to Cameroon. - Request from the Governor of Cameroon to the Foreign Office and its decision on the duty-free export of large livestock from the landing stage in Lome, 1905 [fol. 109 - 114] Shortcomings in co-operation and disputes between the Governor of Cameroon and the Governors of Togo. - Intervention of the Foreign Office, 1901 - 1905 [fol. 109 - 114] Administration of justice. - Legal proceedings against Father Schmitz, Steyler Mission, for insulting the head of the station Geo A. Schmidt, Atakpame, - Determination of the place of trial Lome or, for reasons of public safety, Duala, 1905 [fol. 117 - 125] Consul General for the Gulf of Guinea. - Authorisation of the Imperial Commissioner and Governor of Togo as Consul in the Republic of Liberia (1889) and the British and French possessions in his jurisdiction (Gold Coast and Niger Coast, Dahomey), 1889, 1905, 1910 [fol. 126, 133, 198] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Gaber, James, clerk of the Lomé district office. - Wanted for removal from duty to take up employment in Cameroon, 1905 [fol. 128, 176] Police force. - Settlement of the bounty for recruitment of the Pik in 1900, 1906 [fol. 151 - 156] Police force in Cameroon. - Recruitment for the police force in Cameroon in Togo in 1900 - Settlement of the bounty, 1906 [fol. 151 - 156] Landing bridge in Lome. - Collapse of the middle section on the night of 18-19 May 1911, 1911 [fol. 202]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0730 · File · 1899-01-01 - 1904-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2/1904; EndVNr: E 696/1904; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 266, the Natural History Museum, pp. 44, 254, 266, the German Colonial Museum, pp. 165, and the Arsenal, Berlin, (1904), pp. 156 - Distribution and exchange of duplicates with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Lübeck, pp. 83, 123 ff., and Stuttgart, (1904), pp. 225 f., 238, 247.- Cooperation with the Museum Society, Essen, (1904), p. 271.- Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1903), p. 23, and Togo, (1904), p. 248.- Cooperation with a missionary, (1904), p. 110 ff., and the White Fathers, (1903), p. 80 ff., 272 ff.- Hutter: "Cost estimate No. I a scientific (ethnographic) expedition in western Sudan ...", p. 47 ff., "Cost estimate No. II ...", (1903), p. 55 f.- Krieger: Report from Moschi, (1903), p. 71 - by Luschan: Comment on the Provisional Magazine in Dahlem, p. 79, Support of the Red Eagle Order for Kandt, p. 91, Significance of Ethnography in Connection with the War in DSW, (1904), p. 138 - van Eyndhoven: "Investigation of 2 Samples of Asphalt from Egypt", (1904), p. 88 f - Rehse: "Marriage. by the Muziba, (1904), pp. 93 f.- Ruamugara: "History of Kiziba.", (1904), Deprecation, pp. 94 f.- Gruner: Bericht über die Folgen der Umwandlung von Misahöhe in ein Beziksamt, Bl. 97, "Description of the Captured Fetish Bird in Tzugbedye - davango ...", (1904), Bl. 99.- AA: Verfügung zum Rechnungsungsmodus zwischen dem MV und dem Gouvernement von DOA, (1904), Bl. 100.- by Pückler: Verwendung von Haussa-Lanzen, (1904), Abschr., Bl. 106 - Frobenius: "Sketch of a journey into northern German-Southwest Africa (border area between the English and Portuguese possessions)", (1904), Bl. 139 ff. by Stefenelli: Report on Yu-Yu customs, (1904), pp. 167 ff. - Langheld: because of the war no collection, (1904), pp. 171.- by Stein: "Catalogue of ethnographic collections from the years 1899-1904", (1904), pp. 195 ff.- Ankermann: "Bericht über die Besichtigung der Sammlung des Frhr. v. Stein in Darmstadt." (1904), pest control measures for the collection of Stein, p. 215, p. 224, Schmidt: "Liste über die Photographieen aus dem Atakpame Bezirk Togo." (1904), p. 288 f. - Mischlich: Bericht über Fetisch-Hütte, p. 291.

* I.2.060 C 02652 * I.2.060 C - 02652 · File · 1912-1913, 1920-1922, 1927
Part of Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Historical Archive
  • Reference: I A 3; I A 4; ZR I 275 A 2 * Contains: Specifications for the construction of radio stations on Yap (New Pomerania), Nauru and Samoa o. D.; concession for the construction and operation of radio telegraph stations in the German South Sea protectorates 1912 (print); confiscation notice concerning authorization for the operation of radio stations in Yap (West Caroline), Rabaul (Neuguniea), Nauru (Marshall Islands) and Apia (Samoa) by the Reich Minister for Reconstruction of 08.07.1920; licence for the establishment and operation of a radiotelegraphic link between Germany and the African protectorates of Togo and Deutsch-Südwestafrika of 12.07.1913; agreement between the Reichs-Postamt, Berlin and Telefunken concerning the establishment of a radiotelegraphic link between Germany and the African protectorates of Togo and Deutsch-Südwestafrika of 12.07.1913; agreement between the Reichs-Postamt, Berlin and Telefunken concerning the establishment of a radiotelegraphic link between Germany and the African protectorates of Togo and Deutsch-Südwestafrika of 12.07.1913. Installation of the radio stations in Africa from 18.07.1913; confiscation notice concerning authorisation to operate radio stations in Togo (Kamina) and Deutsch-Südwestafrika by the Reich Minister for Reconstruction from 08.07.1920; file note concerning the running time of the large stations Windhoek and Kamina 1927
02652 · File · 1912-1913, 1920-1922, 1927
Part of Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Historical Archive

Specifications for the construction of radio stations on Yap (New Pomerania), Nauru and Samoa o. D.; concession for the construction and operation of radio telegraph stations in the German South Sea protectorates 1912 (print); confiscation notice concerning authorization for the operation of radio stations in Yap (West Caroline), Rabaul (Neuguniea), Nauru (Marshall Islands) and Apia (Samoa) by the Reich Minister for Reconstruction of 08.07.1920; licence for the establishment and operation of a radiotelegraphic link between Germany and the African protectorates of Togo and Deutsch-Südwestafrika of 12.07.1913; agreement between the Reichs-Postamt, Berlin and Telefunken concerning the establishment of a radiotelegraphic link between Germany and the African protectorates of Togo and Deutsch-Südwestafrika of 12.07.1913; agreement between the Reichs-Postamt, Berlin and Telefunken concerning the establishment of a radiotelegraphic link between Germany and the African protectorates of Togo and Deutsch-Südwestafrika of 12.07.1913. Installation of the radio stations in Africa from 18.07.1913; confiscation notice concerning authorisation to operate radio stations in Togo (Kamina) and Deutsch-Südwestafrika by the Reich Minister for Reconstruction from 08.07.1920; file note concerning the duration of the large stations Windhoek and Kamina 1927. corporations: Deutsche Südsee-Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie AG, Cologne; Deutsch-Afrikanische Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie AG; Reichsminister für Wiederaufbau, Berlin; Reichspostamt, Berlin.scope: 51.reference: I A 3; I A 4; ZR I 275 A 2.

Cotton in Togo: Vol. 6
BArch, R 1001/8226 · File · März 1913-Aug. 1920, Aug. 1925-Febr.1930
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map of the Togo protectorate within the scope of the planned Lome - Atakpame - Banjali railway. M.: 1:1 000 000, o.D.

Map of Togo, 4 sheets
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XI. HA, AKS, E Nr. 51377 · File · 1902
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

4 sheets, - champagne. E 1 (Misahigh). - Champagne. E2 (Lome). - Champagne. D 1 (Kete-Kratschi). - Champagne. D 2 (Atakpame); colour print; - Duie card is incomplete in the GStA PK handed down. (te, 2017 Oct.); various formats; 1:200000;

work reports
30/3 · File · 1914-1920,1936
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Collection of quarterly and annual reports from the stations Agu, Akpafu, Amedzofe and Atakpame in German or English. - Note: Stitched in archive folder, approx. 2 cm thick.