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Stadtarchiv Zeitz Objekt Englisch

Personalities ; Chronicle

Contains: Zeitzer compatriot "Zeitzer Köpfe" An original biographical study by Karl Demmel-Zerbst and others - Clemens and Gustav Denhardt - Karl Pretzsch - Curt Floericke - Johann Christian Schubert

In: Central German Newspaper


Contains: Our home in the picture Clemens Denhardt

In: Zeitzer Latest News >> Our home in the picture


Contains: Zeitz compatriot Clemens and Gustav Denhardt

In: Central German Newspaper


Contains: Fresh shine for the commemorative plaque of the Denhardt brothers on the Wendischer Berg

In: Central German Newspaper


Contains: Zeitzer compatriot Clemens Denhardt For his 90th birthday

In: Zeitzer Latest News >> Zeitzer compatriot


Contains: Clemens and Gustav Denhardt Report of a hobby researcher on the fate of his great-grand-uncle thesis: Germany acquired Helgoland not in exchange for Zanzibar but for Witu-Land

In: Central German Newspaper