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Archival description
FA 1 / 66 · File · 1905 - 1906
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Victoria 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 1 - 9] Distribution of European Civil Servants. - Victoria, 23 January 1906 [fol. 10] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Victoria, 23 March 1906 [fol. 11] Status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 12 - 23] Causes of death of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 14] Marital status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 17 - 18] Plantation statistics. - Victoria, District, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 28 - 43] Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Duala, District Office, Annual Reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 47 - 53] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Duala, 22 July 1906 [fol. 56 - 57] Status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 59 - 67] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon protectorate. - Directories. - Kribi, 31 December 1905 [fol. 84 - 87] Marital status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 60] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kribi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 78] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Edea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 101 - 112] Distribution of European civil servants. - Lists. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 113] Movement of the white population. - Edea, January 1906 [fol. 114 - 115] Companies.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 116] Firms Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 119] Reports of the general administration departments. - Yaoundé 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 126 - 130] Movement of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé - Planning, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 134 - 136] Status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Barombi-See), January 1906, March 1906, 15 April 1906 [fol. 137 - 170] Marital status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 138] Movement of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 144] Status of the indigenous population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 145 - 147] Status of the non-native, non-white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 148] Causes of death of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 149] Firms.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 150] Plantation statistics. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 151 - 155] Distribution of European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe, 1 January 1906 [fol. 156] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 5 Dec. 1905 [fol. 158] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf), 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Ossidinge, 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 169 - 174] Distribution of the African members of the protection force for Cameroon. - Strength report. - Bascho (Basso), March 1906 [fol. 172] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf) 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 173 - 186] Movement of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 187] Movement of the white population. - Fontemdorf-Tinto, 14 July 1906 [fol. 187 - 189] Fontemdorf (Tinto). - Budget - Economic control lists, 31 March 1906 [fol. 190 - 191] Reports of the general administration departments. - Rio del Rey 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 193 - 195] Causes of death of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 194] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Rio del Rey, 1 April 1906 [fol. 198] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Jabassi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 200 - 205] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lolodorf 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 211 - 217] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 219] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 221 - 223] Status of the white population. - Lolodorf, January 1906 [fol. 218 - 226] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 227 - 230] Status of the non-native-born non-white population. - Kampo, January 1906 [fol. 231] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 234 - 236] Plantation statistics. - Buea, District, 1906 [fol. 237 - 240] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ebolowa 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 244 - 247] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Ebolowa, 1 January 1906 [fol. 248 - 249] Reports of the general administration departments. - Bamenda 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 251 - 260] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Joko 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 262 - 281] Status of the white population. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Kampo (South Cameroon Society only), 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Joko, January 1906 [fol. 283] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Bamenda, 17 June 1907 [fol. 284] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Joko, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 285] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 288 - 294] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 284] Causes of death of the white population. - Banjo, 1905 [fol. 296] Marital status of the white population. - Banjo, January 1906 [fol. 298] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 31 March 1905 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), January 1906 [fol. 309] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Secondary factories of the main factory in Garua. - List, July 1906 [fol. 301] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 1 January 1906 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Kribi, 31 March 1906 [fol. 309] Movement of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), 1905 [fol. 310] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala. Main Customs Office. Annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 316 - 317] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala, Bezirksksamtskasse, annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 318] Public Health: Annual reports. - Annual reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 321 - 328] Native cocoa crops in Victoria district, - Directory, 1906 [fol. 332 - 334] Flotilla budgeting : revenue of government steamers. - HERZOGIN ELISABETH and NACHTIGAL, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 341] Companies. - A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch. - Takeover of the business of the company, which ceased trading on 20 May 1904, by John Holt & Co, Ltd, 1906 [fol. 342] Companies. - John Holt & Co, Ltd - Takeover of the business of the company A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch, which ceased to exist on 20 May 1904, 1906 [fol. 342] Activities of the chambers of commerce in Duala and Kribi. - Decree of the Foreign Office on the failure of the governorate to report and its justification with the non-appearance of the Chamber of Commerce in Duala and the alleged non-existence of the Chamber of Commerce for the southern district in Kribi, 1906 [fol. 346 - 352] Labour relations in the districts. - Report by Labour Commissioner von Lüdinghausen. - Victoria, 1906 [fol. 358 - 360] Regulations of the Gouvernement. - Directories, April 1905 June 1906 [fol. 364] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Annual report 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Buea Governorate Workshop 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Plantation Statistics. - Entire protectorate, 1905 [fol. 367 - 372] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, March 1906 [fol. 375 - 388] Sea and river traffic in the Kamerun protectorate (records). - Coastal sites, January-December 1905 [fol. 373] Annual reports of the governorate. - Annual Report (1905/06) Volume 1: Draft [fol. 394 - 438] Customs. - Accounting year 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 439] Revenue of the protectorate. - Overviews. - Accounting year 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 441] Revenue from head and metallurgical taxes as well as tribute payments in the accounting years 1903/04 and 1904/05 - Overview, 1905 [fol. 442] Decrees and decrees, announcements and ordinances of the governorate. - General 1896, 1898 Sketch of the landscapes north of the Sanaga River in the Edea district, ca. l:300 000, Krücke, Bezirksamtmann, (1906) Ordinances and decrees. - Kribi , (signature uncertain), 1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0751 · File · 1911-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1761/1911; EndVNr: E 1596/1912; and others: Cooperation with the Meereskundemuseum, (1911), pp. 20, and the Naturkundemuseum, Berlin, (1912), pp. 107, 164, 316 - Exchange with the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, (1911, 1912), pp. 13, 253 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1911, 1912), pp. 26 f., 396 et seq., the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Görlitz, (1912), p. 90 - Distribution or exchange of doublets with the Museums für Völkerkunde, Basel, p. 184, Hamburg, p. 179, 184 et seq, Lübeck, pp. 73 ff., Frankfurt a.M., pp. 183, 186 f., and Stuttgart, (1912), pp. 184, 189 - Cooperation with the Royal Library, Berlin, (1912), pp. 93 f.- Cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1911), p. 19 - Cooperation with the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun, Hamburg, (1911), p. 59, and the Kriegsmarine-Ausstellung, Fulda, Magdeburg, (1911, 1913), p. 63 - Graetz: Report on the "German Motorboat Expedition through Africa", p. 113 ff.., "The Watua (Batua).", (1912), pp. 123 ff. - Staudinger: Skeletons, (1912), pp. 168 ff. - Ankermann: Visit of the Collection Kracke, p. 198, the Collection Konietzko, p. 400, and report on a business trip to Hamburg and Lübeck, (1912), p. 344 - van Gennep: Report on cultural circles, p. 229 ff., and on textiles from North Africa, (1912), p. 246 ff. Fischer: Report on Bushman art and a grave, (1912), pp. 321 ff. - Negotiations with the Reichskolonialamt, Berlin, and the Kolonialinstitut, Hamburg, on the exploration of the ruins in East Africa, (1912), pp. 332 ff. - Report on Nomoli (soapstone figures) from French Guinea, [1912], pp. 408 f. - Re-inventarization, (1959), pp. 346.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0724 · File · 1900-01-01 - 1905-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 950/1900; EndVNr: E 644/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, (1901), p. 140, and the German Colonial Museum, Berlin, (1900), p. 10 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, p. 114 f., and the Natural History Museum, Cologne, (1901), p. 183 ff. Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1900, 1901), pp. 13, 104, and Togo, (1901), pp. 220 - Cooperation with the Krupp Educational Association, Altendorf, pp. 128, 187 f., the Colonial Economic Committee, pp. 119, the Northwest Cameroon Society, Berlin, pp. 268, and the South Cameroon Society, Hamburg, (1901), pp. 226 ff. Cooperation with Herrnhuter Missionaren, p. 70, and the Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft, (1901), p. 100 - Müller: Acquisition of the Götzen Ekongolo unmöglich, (1900), p. 24 f. - Rigler: Remarks on the Distribution of His Collection to German Museums, (1900), p. 34 f. - Meinhof: Attitude of colonial officials towards the native population, (1901), p. 67 - von Luschan: Assessment of the Collection of Zech, p. 72, Assessment of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, p. 87 f., 95 f., 172 f., Bitte an von Götzen und Fülleborn sich nach Sinne des ethnographischen Sammelns einzubommen, p. 127, Exclusive acceptance of lawfully acquired objects for the MV, (1901), p. 170 - "Art, Science, and Literature" In: Dt. Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger, (1900), Abschr., p. 89 - Ubisch: Sammelauftrag des Zeughaus, Berlin, (1901), p. 90 - Minist. der geistl. Affairs: Refusal to support the expedition of Heinemann and Schrader, (1901), p. 107 - Schrader: Lebenslauf, (1900), p. 109 - Dt. Kolonialschule Wilhelmshof: "Timetable for the winter semester 1900/1901", and "Schülererverzeichnis des Sommersemesters 1900.", printed version, p. 107 - Schrader: Lebenslauf, (1900), p. 109 - Dt, Bl. 123 f.- "Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Sonder-Ausstellung C.G. Schillings (2nd Journey 1899/1900)", (no year), printed by.., pp. 131 f. - Founding minutes of the Museum Association, Essen, (1901), pp. 187 f. - Mischlich: Bericht zur Zahnpflege, (1901), Abschr., pp. 221 ff. - Laasch: Bericht über einen Fetisch, (1901), pp. 252 f. - Maas: Bericht über einen arabischen Frauenschmuck, (1901), pp. 260 ff - Gruner: Sendung eines Skeletts, (1901), pp. 282.

FA 1 / 88 · File · 1904 - 1907
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Réparation des dommages. - Njem rebellion. - Losses of the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun in autumn 1903, 1903 - 1904 Violation of the ban on trade in the Nzimu and Njem area by the trader Wenzel of Woermann & Co, August 1905 Request from the Verein Westafrikanischer Kaufleute (Association of German Traders in Africa), Hamburg, concerning the ban on importing gunpowder and rifles to the Protectorate of Cameroon. - Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 5.2.1907 Combating disturbances and rebellions - Expedition to the Northern Maka region from 22.11.1906 - 20.01.1907. - Execution - Captain Dominik's report Inspection tour through the Southern Districts from 18.2. until the end of March 1907 (Brigadier General Müller) - Execution, 1907nMap on the submission of the Yetyang region, 1: 200,000, pen-and-ink drawing with coloured markings, June 1907 Expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), DKB 1 1907/347-352, 391-399 (map 349), 1904 - 1905 Establishment of the administration in the Ngoko by the expedition on the Ngoko (First-Lieutenant Scheunemann), May-July 1904

Gouvernement von Kamerun