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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 66/1 · Fonds · (1629-) 1809-1832 (-1864)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The organisational rescript of the 26. In November 1809, the Grand Duchy of Baden was divided into ten districts named after mountains and rivers, with so-called district directorates as administrative authorities, following the example of France. The following district directories were located in the area of today's State Archives in Freiburg:Directorate of the Lake District based in Constance1809-1832Directorate of the Danube District based in Villingen1819 abolished and assigned to the Lake District; Only the offices of Hornberg and Triberg were abolished for the KinzigkreisDirektorium des Wiesenkreises with its seat in Lörrach1815 and completely assigned to the DreisamkreisDirektorium des Dreisamkreis with its seat in Freiburg1809-1832Direktorium des Kinzigkreis with its seat in Offenburg1809-1832A district director stood at the head of each directorate, who was assisted by a district council for the legal and state police as well as for the state economic area of responsibility. At the beginning, the business circle of the district directorates included the administration of civil law, supervisory activities in the financial and school administration, police tasks and the cultivation of agriculture.1832 the district directorates, which had meanwhile been reduced to six, were replaced by four district governments based in Constance (Seekreis), Freiburg (Oberrheinkreis), Rastatt (Mittelrheinkreis) and Mannheim (Unterrheinkreis). Inventory history: In the course of the inventory exchange from the General State Archive Karlsruhe in the years 2000 and 2002, the State Archive Freiburg received a total of 75.60 linear metres of files in four deliveries, which had previously been integrated into pertinence inventories there. Since August 1, 2002, Bettina Fürderer, a doctoral student, has been working part-time under the supervision of an archivist and has started to create provenance-compliant holdings for the files of accesses 2000/68, 2002/50 and 2002/57. The files of the first access 2000/40 had already been processed at an earlier point in time. Since the end of 2007 the work begun by Bettina Fürderer has been continued by the undersigned. Order and distortion work: The structure of the general records was largely based on the pre-Fackler registry order from the 19th century. In addition to files without a local reference, general files also include files that have been created for one subject for several municipalities or that concern an entire administrative district (example: district medical office in the administrative district of Lörrach). The local files were structured according to the Baden official registration order of 1905 by H. Fackler (see below), but without the Roman and Arabic numerals used there, whereby the subdivision planned for individual main points was almost always dispensed with due to the small number of file books. The municipalities are listed alphabetically. For each municipality, the respective district is indicated, according to today's status, abbreviated with the identification letters of the motor vehicles, and for municipalities that are no longer independent today, the name of the new municipality is also indicated. The person index contains the names of natural persons as well as the names of professional and lordships, and in the case of files with up to ten sheets of paper, the number of sheets was always mentioned. In the case of files with more than ten sheets of paper, "1 fascicle" (fasc.) was initially indicated as the circumference; in a later phase of distortion, it was then indicated in centimetres (cm). Freiburg, October 2009 Erdmuthe KriegThe holdings have been continuously supplemented since 2009 by files of the Dreisamkreisdirektorium found in the district and district office holdings. It now comprises 743 fascicles and measures 20.2 running metres Freiburg, March 2015 Dr. Christof Strauß Classification for the Grand Duke of Baden official registries: I.Right of residence and poor affairsII.MiningIII.ExpropriationIV.FisheriesV.ForestryVI.Municipal administration1.Municipal organisation (general)2.Municipal services3.Municipal assets4.Citizenship and enjoymentVII.Trade and commerce, tourism1. organisation of trade economy2. structure of trade economy3. promotion of trade education4. catering industry5. markets, livestock trade and itinerant trade6. prices and wages7. energy supply8. trade supervision and care for the unemployedVIII. hunting matters IX. judicial system1. civil law2. voluntary jurisdiction3. criminal lawX. churches and religious communitiesXI.CostsXII.Credit and bankingXIII.County and district associationsXIV.Arts and scienceXV.SurveyingXVI.Agriculture1.Agriculture and national culturea)General cultural care)Viticulture and vine pestsc)General pest control)Business management, cultivation and harvest statistics)Agriculture2.Animal breeding3.Property traffic4.Associations and exhibitionsXVII.Measure and WeightXVIII.Medicine1.Medical Staff2.Healthcare in General3.Food4.Diseases5.Hospitals6.Loonies7.Corpses and FuneralsXIX.Military and WarfareXX.Natural Events and AccidentsXXI.Orders and AwardsXXII.Police1.General Police Administration2.Police Criminal Matters3.Security Policea)Public Order and Security in Generalb)Defense of State Enemy Activity until 1933c)Desgl. after the "seizure of power "d)Passport and legitimation system4.Morality police5.Building industry6.Fire police and fire cases7.Associations and meetings8.Found objects9.Nature conservationXXIII.Post and telegraph systemXXIV.Press and publicationsXXV.Citizenship and emigrationXXVI.State Finance1.State Property and State Accounting2.Tax Matters3.Customs Matters4.Coin MattersXXVII.State Organization1.Reich Constitution and Reich Matters2.Grand Ducal House3.State Constitution4.State Administration5.District Administration6.State Service XXVIII.State Relations with AbroadXXIX.LandlordsXXX.StatisticsXXXI.FoundationsXXXII.PrisonsXXXIII.Roads, roads and railwaysXXXIV.Education and training1.Educational establishments2.Educational establishments3.Compulsory educationXXXV.Insurance1.Workers' insurancega)Generalb)Health insurancec)Accident insurancegd)Invalidity insurance)Unemployment insurance2.Employee insurance3.Fire insurance4.Agricultural insurancega)Hail insurancegb)Livestock insurance5.Other insuranceXXXVI. veterinary insuranceXXXVII.Water and shippingXXXVIII.Welfare facilities

BArch, R 3001 · Fonds · 1877-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: After the unification of the court organization and the procedural law of the federal states on January 1, 1877, the legal department of the Reich Chancellery became independent as Reichsju‧stizamt (since 1919 Reich Ministry of Justice); October 22, 1934, unification with the Prussian Ministry of Justice; 1934/35, takeover of the state justice administrations.01): Old registry (alphabetically sorted by keywords) 1877-1934: Civil servants 1872-1937 (250), civil service law 1872-1933 (229), public authorities 1875-1932 (36), Berg‧recht 1882-1934 (7), relations with foreign countries 1872-1933 (23), land law 1875-1934 (80), civil law 1869-1934 (931), Alsace-Lorraine 1875-1920 (42), financial law 1876-1934 (329), business 1873-1936 (185), industrial law 1867-1934 (178), finance law 1876-1934 (329), business 1873-1936 (185), trade law 1867-1934 (178), Berg‧recht - Criminal cases 1869-1934 (914), special law 1876-1920 (10), citizenship 1876-1934 (68), Heads of State 1875-1934 (103), constitutional law 1885-1929 (45), criminal procedure and code of criminal procedure 1871-1934 (481), criminal law and criminal law commission 1867-1935 (598), copyright 1875-1934 (215), Association Law 1878-1934 (23), Constitution 1868-1934 (279), Traffic Law 1875-1934 (188), Administrative Law 1908-1934 (49), International Law 1868-1934 (793), Commercial Law 1884-1934 (178), Civil Procedure and Code of Civil Procedure 1874-1934 (222) New Registry 1934-1945: Loss of German citizenship 1934-1938 (57), staff and Organisationsan‧gelegenheiten 1934-1945 (120), occupation of the district courts and the district attorneys 1900-1943 (1.050), occupation of regional courts and public prosecutor's offices 1903-1945 (134), lawyers and notaries 1940-1945 (78), criminal legislation and youth law 1935-1944 (63), individual criminal cases 1934-1945 (ca. 800.000), criminal justice 1929-1944 (30), penal system 1930-1945 (291), civil law, peasant law and administration of justice 1934-1944 (130), commercial law 1934-1943 (12), public limited companies and stock corporation law 1933-1945 (191), conversion of corporations 1934-1943 (220), Traffic and Genos‧senschaftsrecht 1933-1943 (39), commercial law 1934-1942 (42), banks and savings banks 1934-1942 (72), stock exchange 1934-1943 (6), insurance law 1934-1943 (17), Gewer‧bewesen 1934-1944 (23), air raid 1935-1940 (5), colonial activity of Germany 1936-1943 (2), Absences care 1939-1944 (51), foreign affairs 1934-1942 (29), budget and administration 1934-1943 (220), justice budget 1917-1938 (8), state and economy, four-year plan 1936-1943 (15), Reichsgrundbesitzverzeichnisse der Reichsjustizverwaltung 1935-1939 (41), Buildings in individual Higher Regional Court districts 1879-1941 (85), accommodation of the court prisons 1934-1937 (93), accommodation of the Local Courts 1935-1938 (122), accommodation of the Regional Courts 1936-1937 (10), verschie‧dene Office building of the Reichsjustizverwaltung 1936-1937 (3) Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 22) (1877-1933) 1933-1945: Main office.- Circular decrees 1936-1945 (23), Office of the Minister Gürtner: Service diary with personal and material registers 1933-1935 (18), private correspondence 1932-1941 (67), submissions and notes on individual criminal proceedings 1940-1941 (1), Office of the Minister Thierack: Correspondence with the Reichsführer SS and the Reichssicherheitshauptamt 1942-1944 (1), speeches, lectures and essays 1943-1945 (2), office of the State Secretaries Schlegelberger, Freisler, Rothenberger and Klemm: Lectures and essays 1942-1943 (1), legal treatment of Poles and Jews as well as matters of Oberreichsanwalt‧schaft at the People's Court 1941-1942 (1), correspondence with the head of Sicherheits‧polizei and the SD Kaltenbrunner 1944 (1) Constitution and Administration: Circular orders 1936-1945 (1), Constitution in general 1933-1944 (4), Sudetenland 1938-1942 (1), Großhamburggesetz 1937-1944 (1), Staats‧oberhaupt 1936-1944 (2), Austrian affairs 1938-1939 (1), Legislation in general 1934-1945 (8), constitutional treatment of international treaties 1936-1943 (1), Reichstag, Reichsrat, Preußischer Landtag and Staatsrat 1931-1938 (1), Volksab‧stimmung from 10. April 1938, 1938 (1), legal status of the NSDAP, its branches and affiliated associations 1934-1945 (4), NS-Rechtswahrerbund 1942-1945 (2), Deut‧sche Arbeitsfront, Deutsches Frauenwerk und Hitlerjugend 1935-1945 (3), Parteigerichtsbar‧keit of the NSDAP as well as SS and police jurisdiction 1938-1945 (2), Simplification of Ju‧stizverwaltung on the occasion of the Second World War 1939-1945 (2), Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 1938-1944 (10), economic disputes between parts of the former Tsche‧choslowakei 1939-1941 (1), Generalgouvernement 1942-1945 (1), Reich citizenship and citizenship 1935-1944 (2), resettlement of Reich and ethnic Germans 1939-1944 (2), name changes and management of titles of nobility, orders and decorations, Berufsbe‧zeichnungen 1934-1944 (8), replacement of aristocratic pensions 1838 (1), blood protection legislation, Treatment of Jews and Minorities 1935-1945 (5), Supreme Reich and Landesbehör‧den, History of the Administration of Justice 1801-1944 (4), Distribution of Responsibilities in Reichsjustizmi‧nisterium 1935-1945 (17), Distribution of Responsibilities of Other Supreme Reich Authorities and the Offices of the NSDAP 1934-1944 (3), Press and Publications, v.a. "German Justice" 1935-1945 (3), other Reich and state authorities, corporations and Stiftun‧gen 1934-1943 (2), statistics and surveying 1935-1944 (2), Repräsentationsver‧pflichtungen 1934-1945 (11), national holidays and ceremonies 1939-1944 (1), Öffentlich‧keitsarbeit and disputes in the press 1934-1945 (20), Reichshauptstadt Ber‧lin, municipalities and associations of municipalities 1935-1944 (6), course of business and internal service 1934-1945 (25), rules of procedure and participation of the NSDAP party chancellery 1933-1945 (16), communications in criminal cases, criminal service cases and personnel matters of other authorities, v.a. Security Police and SD 1934-1944 (7), Statistics of Geschäfts‧entwicklung in the Reich Ministry of Justice 1934-1945 (5), Administration of written records and Aktenein‧sicht by third parties, Rules of Procedure for the Supreme Reich Authorities 1934-1945 (14) Legal and service relationships: Officials in general 1937-1944 (7), German Beamtenge‧setz 1937-1945 (2), training and career for the judicial and administrative service 1936-1945 (19), seniority 1934-1944 (5), application of legislation in Alsace, in Loth‧ringen and Luxembourg 1939-1945 (6), secondment of officials, in particular to the NSDAP and the Wehrmacht as well as to the Generalgouvernement and the occupied territories 1938-1945 (72), civil servant organizations 1934-1944 (5), overviews of the staff in Reichs‧justizministerium 1935-1945 (3), appointment, transfer and promotion of civil servants 1940-1945 (17), waiting and retirement officials 1935-1944 (3), Criminal law 1937-1944 (4), civil servant duties 1934-1945 (10), uniforms 1934-1945 (5), civil servant rights, Per‧sonalakten, job titles and leave of absence 1934-1945 (14), training and Schu‧lung of civil servants 1934-1945 (17), property rights of civil servants 1934-1945 (37), Employment contracts of judges, prosecutors and trainees 1935-1945 (19), law studies, legal examinations and preparatory service 1934-1945 (79), employment contracts of civil servants in the upper and lower middle grades 1934-1945 (33), Employment contracts of lawyers and interpreters 1935-1945 (3), employment contracts of bailiffs and other enforcement officers 1934-1945 (39), legal contracts of employees and workers 1934-1945 (36), honours gefalle‧ner Followers 1941-1944 (1) Civil law and civil law: General administration of justice 1932-1944 (48), judicial reform 1933-1945 (45), court constitution 1933-1944 (32), judicial office and letters 1933-1944 (14), administration of justice and control of the administration of justice 1932-1945 (74), legal profession 1934-1945 (31), court organisation 1931-1945 (24), Reichsgerichtsentscheidungen in Zi‧vil- und Strafsachen 1938-1945 (16), Staatsanwaltschaften und Volksgerichtshof 1934-1945 (9), substantive civil law 1933-1945 (17), Schuldrecht und einzelnen Schuldverhält‧nisse 1933-1945 (104), Sachenrecht 1926-1944 (29), Familienrecht 1934-1944 (5), Marriage Law, v.a. Individual cases 1932-1945 (122), family and guardianship law 1934-1945 (20), inheritance law 1935-1944 (12), commercial law 1875-1945 (98), list of companies exempt from compliance with commercial law regulations 1940-1944 (25), copyright and industrial property law 1934-1944 (25), patent law 1934-1945 (15), Verfahrens‧recht der Streitigen Zivilgerichtsbarkeit 1934-1945 (89), procedural law of the voluntary Ge‧richtsbarkeit, v. v. guardianship law 1934-1945 (20), inheritance law 1935-1944 (12), commercial law 1875-1945 (98), list of companies exempt from compliance with commercial law regulations 1934-1944 (25), procedural law of the voluntary Ge‧richtsbarkeit, v. v.a. Civil status matters, registry matters, notaries and notaries' offices, land register matters and depositing 1934-1945 (111) Criminal law, criminal law and police: substantive criminal law 1933-1945 (11), judgments and decisions of special and local courts in individual criminal cases 1937-1945 (402), criminal law reform 1933-1944 (134), punishment of crimes and misdemeanours in Allgemei‧nen 1934-1945 (18), high treason and treason 1934-1945 (15), "Protection of the People's Power".- An‧griffe on military strength, labour and public health, "racial disgrace", abortion, maintenance and morality offences, "common nuisance", foreign exchange and Kriegswirtschafts‧vergehen 1934-1945 (19), political criminal law, in particular Insidiousness Act, interference with powers of the churches and the NSDAP, oath violations 1934-1944 (10), killing (also "worthless life"), bodily injury and coercion 1933-1945 (5), insult to honour and Be‧leidigung 1934-1945 (4), war adultery, fraud, extortion, embezzlement, falsification of documents 1934-1945 (3), Attacks on property 1930-1945 (18), thwarting the law, Geheimnis‧schutz 1934-1939 (2), police criminal law and secondary criminal areas 1934-1942 (7), criminal procedural law including reform efforts 1934-1944 (65), special areas of criminal justice 1933-1945 (14), Criminal policy and statistics 1934-1945 (17), Jugendstraf‧recht 1932-1945 (29), compensation of innocent convicts and prisoners 1935-1944 (1), costs of criminal justice, criminal records 1933-1945 (15), the law of grace 1933-1945 (20), execution and enforcement of sentences 1934-1945 (290), Work deployment of prisoners 1942-1945 (30), "murder register" 1939-1945 (4/11 microfilm rolls), organization of police 1935-1944 (9), secret state police and SD 1934-1944 (3), protection and preventive detention 1934-1944 (7), building police 1936-1942 (3), health and food police 1934-1944 (15), security police, v.a. Unrest and state of emergency 1934-1945 (12), passport and registration 1933-1943 (4), press and literature 1934-1944 (6), order and Sittenpo‧lizei 1933-1945 (4) finance: Representation of the German Reich in court 1940-1944 (1), budget 1933-1945 (32), cash and accounting 1936-1945 (22), property and construction matters 1934-1945 (79), government procurement 1934-1945 (30), levies, taxes and fees 1934-1944 (12), court costs 1934-1945 (77) culture and welfare: Church and religious communities, Jewish Kultusvereini‧gungen 1934-1944 (11), science, art and popular education, language care and Recht‧schreibung, German shorthand, calendar and time determination 1935-1944 (6), Fürsorge‧wesen, Winterhilfswerk, Jugendwohlfahrt, Physical training, housing and Gesundheitswe‧sen, hereditary health care, registration and treatment of antisocial, hereditary health courts, medical persons and pharmacists 1933-1944 (29), social insurance 1934-1944 (11), Rundver‧fügungen 1936-1944 (1) Economic affairs: Supply of the population during the war 1934-1944 (7), mining 1935-1944 (5), state and economy, four-year plan 1936-1945 (12), economic Schutz‧maßnahmen 1934-1944 (3), organization of the German economy 1936-1943 (2), money and credit system, foreign exchange control 1934-1945 (15), insurance law and Versi‧cherungsunternehmungen 1934-1945 (32), Traffic criminal cases 1936-1944 (3), Reichswas‧serstraßen and railway 1934-1944 (6), post, telephone, telegraph and radio 1934-1945 (7), motor transport 1934-1944 (4), air transport 1933-1944 (5), shipping 1934-1944 (4), trade matters 1935-1942 (10), labour law and Ar‧beitsgerichts-wesen 1934-1944 (26) agriculture and forestry: Economic Situation and Credit Relations 1933-1944 (34), Natur‧schutz and Pest Control 1934-1943 (4), Animal and Plant Breeding 1936-1942 (1), State Forests and Forest Protection 1934-1943 (2), State Culture, Rural and Urban Sied‧lungen, Lease Protection 1934-1944 (36), Land and Habitat Law 1934-1944 (5), Fidei‧kommisse, v.a. Individual cases 1934-1945 (175), Inheritance Court Law, including deviations from legal succession in individual cases 1934-1945 (67), Water Law 1934-1945 (6), Hunting and Fishing 1934-1944 (8) Wehrmacht and Foreign Affairs: Wehrmacht and Wehrverfassung 1936-1944 (1), Kriegsmarine 1939-1944 (1), Luftwaffe 1935-1944 (1), Wehrmacht Administration and Be‧schaffungswesen 1935-1944 (1), Volkssturm 1944-1945 (1), Duties and rights of the Ange‧hörigen of the Wehrmacht 1934-1944 (6), military administration of justice and disciplinary punishment 1934-1945 (12), benefits for the Wehrmacht 1934-1944 (5), air-raid protection 1935-1945 (35), aus‧wärtige Affairs, u.a. Monthly reports of national groups of the Auslandsorgani‧sation of the NSDAP 1934-1945 (9), legalization of documents 1929-1945 (10), violation of German sovereign rights 1930-1938 (1), foreign foreign legions 1935-1942 (1), Si‧cherung of the Reich border 1938-1941 (1), colonialism and German interests in Aus‧land 1934-1944 (14), exchange of experience and material with foreign countries, v.a. for legislation and administration 1925-1945 (309), Reich defence and war deployment, welfare for soldiers, soldier letters, air raids on German cities, treatment "feindli‧chen" and Jewish property, civil service law, private law, criminal law and civil law, court constitution and administration of justice, industrial property protection and copyright, labour law and social law, Simplification of legal examinations, economic Maßnah‧men 1939-1945 (132), Treaty of Versailles and territorial losses and reintegration of the Saar area 1934-1945 (36), Integration of the Sudeten German territories 1938-1944 (18), Introduction of German law in affiliated and occupied territories, Waffenstill‧standsvertrag with France 1938-1945 (28), International law, v.a. intergovernmental agreements with individual countries 1938-1945 (248), legations and consuls 1934-1944 (10), constitutional organisations under international law, above all League of Nations and Inter‧nationaler Court of Justice 1934-1942 (7), War Prevention Law 1934-1944 (5), Martial Law, Prisenrecht and Air War Law 1914-1945 (38), International Communities of Interests in the Field of Public Law, Commercial and Private Law, Economy, Transport, Culture and Welfare 1934-1944 (122) Personnel Management: Lawyers in the service of the administration of justice including lawyers and notaries 1934-1936 (54), general index of seniority of the Reichsjustizverwaltung: höhe‧rer Dienst 1934-1945 (25), personnel files of the Reichsjustizministerium for the entire business area, including the previous files 1933-1945 (31.500), members of Reichsjustiz‧verwaltung in Austria, with previous files 1938-1945 (200), members of the Academy for Deut‧sches Law 1934-1945 (43), occupation files for the individual Higher Regional Court districts of the German Reich: formerly Prussian Higher Regional Court districts, with previous files 1933-1945 (700), formerly non-Prussian Higher Regional Court districts 1935-1945 (300), Personal‧übersichten on members of the Reichsjustizverwaltung including the Reichsgericht and the Volksgerichtshof 1934-1945 (304), "Golden Book".- Promotions 1940-1942 (8), "Braunes Buch", list of members of the higher judicial service who joined the NSDAP before 30 Jan. 1933 (2), birthday congratulations of judges for Wilhelm II. 1938-1942 (1), congratulatory letter on service anniversaries, awards of orders and Kriegsaus‧zeichnungen in the area of the Reichsjustizverwaltung 1939-1945 (63), Personalangelegen‧heiten of the chambers for commercial matters at the regional courts 1934-1945 (28): in Kammer‧gerichtsbezirk (3), Braunschweig Higher Regional Court districts, Bres‧lau, Celle, Darmstadt, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hamm, Innsbruck, Jena, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Kiel, Königsberg, Linz, Marienwerder, Naumburg, Oldenburg, Rostock, Stettin, Stutt‧gart, Vienna and Zweibrücken (23), personnel matters of lawyers and notaries 1939-1945 (131), Reichsrechtsanwalts- und Reichsnotarkammer (3), Patentanwälte (2), Kammer‧gerichtsbezirk (2), Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Bamberg (3), Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Braunschweig (4), Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Breslau (4), Celle Higher Regional Court District (4), Gdansk Higher Regional Court District (5), Darmstadt Higher Regional Court District (5), Dresden Higher Regional Court District (4), Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court District (9), Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court District (4), Hamburg Higher Regional Court District (4), Hamm Higher Regional Court District (4), Jena Higher Regional Court District (4), Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court District (3), Katowice Higher Regional Court District (4), Kassel Higher Regional Court District (4), Kiel Higher Regional Court District (4), Leitmeritz Higher Regional Court District (4), Cologne Higher Regional Court District (10), Königsberg Higher Regional Court District (4), Munich Higher Regional Court District (4), Naumburg Higher Regional Court District (4), Nuremberg Higher Regional Court District (3), Oldenburg Higher Regional Court District (4), Poznan Higher Regional Court District (4), Prague Higher Regional Court District (4), Szczecin Higher Regional Court District (4), Stuttgart Higher Regional Court District (4) Zweibrücken Higher Regional Court District (5), Directories of Names (1); Replacement files in personnel and other administrative matters, for exampleT. with processes about the restoration of the civil service 1939-1945 (623): District of the Higher Regional Court (66), District of the Higher Regional Court Braunschweig (15), District of the Higher Regional Court Breslau (26), District of the Higher Regional Court Celle (30), District of the Higher Regional Court Gdansk (17), District of the Higher Regional Court Darmstadt (17), District of the Higher Regional Court Dresden (33), Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court District (43), Frankfurt Higher Regional Court District (23), Ham‧burg Higher Regional Court District (8), Hamm Higher Regional Court District (14), Jena Higher Regional Court District (19), Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court District (19), Kassel Higher Regional Court District (19), Katowice Higher Regional Court District (20), Kiel Higher Regional Court District (19), Cologne Higher Regional Court District (40), Königsberg Higher Regional Court District (24), Leitmeritz Higher Regional Court District (25), Marienwerder Higher Regional Court District (13), Naumburg Higher Regional Court District (28), Oldenburg Higher Regional Court District (13), Poznan Higher Regional Court District (11), Prague Higher Regional Court District (14), Rostock Higher Regional Court District, Schwerin (11), Stettin Higher Regional Court District (18), Stuttgart Higher Regional Court District (21) Zweibrücken Higher Regional Court District (21); Press and Political Criminal Cases 1939-1945 (2), Criminal and Service Criminal Proceedings against Judicial Servants 1939-1945 (13), Allegations against the Administration of Justice, v.a. Be‧schwerden and applications of the NSDAP 1939-1945 (6), lists of names (60), reference files in personnel matters 1934-1945 (18) Part 3: (formerly: ZPA, St 1) 1918-1939: documents on political criminal proceedings, in particular against members of the Kommunisti‧schen Partei Deutschlands 1918-1939 (123), Lageberichte des Reichskommissars für die Überwachung der öffentlichen Ordnung 1920-1923 (15) Part 4: (formerly: Collection "NS-Archiv des Miniums für Staatssicherheit der DDR"): Individual Case Files on Political Criminal Proceedings from the "RJM" Part 1933-1945 (11. Edition)402), various criminal proceedings files 1933-1945 (11.425) State of development: Part 1 (former: ZStA, 30.01): Findbuch, vol. 2-4 Part 2 (former: BArch, R 22) (1877-1933) 1933-1945: Findbuch, vol. 2-9, index of finds, list of deliveries Part 3: (formerly: ZPA, St 1): index of finds Part 4: (formerly: collection "NS-Archiv des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit der DDR"): database citation method: BArch, R 3001/...

The chamber's reporting is the result of French legal tradition. Annual reports of the Cologne Chamber of Commerce have been published since 1823. For the first time reporting was made legally binding by the statute of the Chamber of Commerce of Elberfeld and Barmen in 1830. The Prussian decree of 11 February 1848 on the establishment of chambers of commerce made the reporting of the chambers obligatory. Section 24 reads as follows: 'Each year in January, the Chambers of Commerce shall submit a main report to the Minister of Finance on the situation and progress of trade and industry, and shall at the same time submit a copy to the President of the Office of Commerce and the Government. They are obliged to inform the traders and tradesmen of their district of their effectiveness and of the situation and course of trade and trade through the public papers by means of continuous notifications of extracts from the consultation minutes and at the end of each year in a special overview". Further laws of 24 February 1870 and 19 August 1897 expressly emphasised this obligation to submit a report. Since 1897 the reports had to be reproduced in print. Until 1914 the reports were steadily expanded and systematized. This corresponded to the interest of the chambers and the Minister for Trade and Industry, who had the reports published in a supplement of the Prussian Trade Archives until 1872. The Prussian Statistical Bureau, which evaluated the annual reports and based them on comparative overviews of trade and traffic from 1861 onwards, pushed for standardization. The law of 1870, which obliged the chambers to reconcile their interests, did not prevent them from using their annual report as a mouthpiece for their views on economic policy. Free trade and customs were discussed in the annual reports. Although a standardization of the annual reports could not be achieved, the separation of the sections "Views, expert opinions and wishes" (Part A) and "Actual" (Part B) recommended by the Director of the Statistical Bureau, Engel, prevailed. As a rule, Part B contains statistical material which, from today's perspective, provides important data on regional economic and social history. After the First World War, only in exceptional cases did the summary descriptions of the wartime period provided for in the decree of the Prussian Minister of Commerce of 27 October 1914 appear. It was not until 1919 that annual reports were required again. After 1920, many chambers began to produce monthly reports together with neighbouring chambers due to overloading of their scientific officials. The procedure was expressly approved by the Ministry of Commerce, which had been compiling the reports in its magazine "Handel und Gewerbe" since January 1921. Some chambers continued to print annual reports, others presented them in duplicate to the plenary meetings. The monthly reporting of the chambers lasted until 1936. From 1934 to 1939, the Chambers of Commerce produced internal reports every two or three months, some of which were incorporated into their periodicals. With the expansion of official statistics at the Reich, Land and local levels, the Chambers' annual reports lost weight and their character as a decision-making aid for state and municipal administrations. In addition, they were often already outdated when they appeared. Since about 1900 the chambers have countered this development by publishing periodicals, so-called newsletters. After the Second World War, the Law Provisionally Regulating the Law of Chambers of Commerce and Industry did not include a provision on annual reporting, but in practice all chambers publish annual reports and monthly newsletters from 1950 at the latest. The information contained therein is indispensable as a source of regional history. The following overview covers exclusively annual reports from the German-speaking area as well as from Austria-Hungary (before 1918) and the German colonial areas (before 1918). The name of the chamber is preceded by the respective signature in inventory S 6. The annual reports of the DIHT from 1951/52 onwards can be found under the signature S 7 No. 562. Reports of chambers of crafts can also be found in the stock S 7. Reports for the years 1860 to 1872 can also be found in the periodical "Jahresberichte der Handelskammern und kaufmännischen Korporationen des Preußischen Staates" (WWA Library P 11). 76 linear metres I Chambers of Industry and Commerce in today's North Rhine-Westphalia 959 Aachen 1854-1859, 1864, 1868-1870, 1874-1914, 1924-1932, 1949-1996 (1914-1918 "The Aachen Chamber of Commerce and the War") 945 Altena 1853-1854, 1856-1857, 1857-1858, 1859-1861, 1862/1863, 1875-1913 946 Arnsberg 1854-1859, 1873-1908, 1910 ,1911, 1913, 1924-1930, 1937, 1938, 1948, 1950-1956, 1965-1973 960 Barmen (seea. Elberfeld and Barmen, Wuppertal) 1875, 1876, 1881-1913 947 Bielefeld 1849, 1850, 1854-1859, 1864, 1868-1878, 1880-1913, 1926, 1946-1948 948 Bochum 1857-1864, 1871-1903, 1905-1911, 1913, 1925, 1927/28, 1946-1996 961 Bonn 1892-1913, 1949-1980, 1983-1996 892 Detmold 1878/79-1885/86, 1886-1890, 1892-1894, 1896-1913, 1960-1965, 1967-1971 (1955-1982 "Reports from the activities of the Detmold Chamber of Industry and Commerce") 949 Dortmund 1865-1867, 1869-1913, 1924-1932, 1939/40, 1940/41, 1948-1996 962 Düsseldorf 1854-1859, 1871-1892, 1894-1904, 1923-1937, 1947-1949, 1951-1996 963 Duisburg 1855-1859, 1867, 1868, 1870-1872, 1874-1913, 1920-1938, 1945/47-1996 964 Elberfeld and Barmen (seea. Barmen, Wuppertal) 1854-1859, 1870, 1873, 1876, 1881-1913 891 Essen 1853-1866, 1878, 1881-1913, 1922-1925, 1935, 1946-1996 950 Hagen 1849, 1853-1858, 1861-1913, 1949-1970, 1972, (structural report 1946) 951 Iserlohn 1851, 1852, 1854-1859, 1862-1906, 1908-1911, 1913, 1918-1921, 1924-1925, 1927-1928 1023 Cologne 1851-1860, 1862-1914, 1918, 1922- 1932, 1947-1996 966 Krefeld 1848-1913, 1924, 1925, 1935, 1936, 1947-1994 1025 Lennep (seea. Remscheid) 1845, 1847/50, 1853-1855, 1857, 1858, 1884-1913 952 Lüdenscheid 1851-1914, 1925, 1927, 1928 953 Minden 1850, 1854-1859, 1867, 1869-1871, 1873-1903, 1904/05-1913/14 1033 Mönchengladbach 1854-1859, 1871-1877, 1879, 1881-1884, 1904-1906, 1948, 1949, 1951-1971/72 967 Mülheim am Rhein 1872-1913 968 Mülheim a. d. Ruhr 1855-1859, 1868-1882, 1884-1898, 1899/1900-1901/02, 1903/04-1910 954 Münster 1855-1859, 1869-1913, 1934, 1945/47-1996 1036 Neuss 1862-1895, 1909-1913, 1924-1926, 1950-1975 1046 Remscheid (see also Lennep) 1952-1976 862 Ruhrort 1898-1904/05 1054 Siegen 1852, 1854, 1856-1859, 1881-1896, 1933-1936, 1954-1996 1055 Solingen 1854-1859, 1913, 1935, 1936, 1948-1975 1069 Wesel 1854-1859, 1871-1873, 1875, 1876, 1878-1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1913 1073 Wuppertal (see also Barmen, Elberfeld and Barmen) 1933-1936, 1948-1993 II Chambers of Industry and Commerce in the German Reich (in the borders until 1918) 933 Altenburg 1901-1913 929 Altona 1867-1871, 1881-1914, 1922-1935 902 Aschaffenburg 1949ff. 900 Baden-Baden 1950-1964 899 Bayreuth 1863-1896 910 Berlin, Corporation of the merchants 1852-1913 911 Berlin 1902-1913, 1924-1937, 1950ff. 938 Bingen am Rhein 1878-1913 912 Brandenburg a.d. Havel 1899-1913 907 Braunsberg/Ostpreuáen 1866-1872, 1885-1911 984 Braunschweig 1884-1895, 1931-1938, 1948ff. 988 Bremen 1865-1938, 1945ff. 985-1911 984 Braunschweig 1884-1895, 1931-1938, 1948ff. 988 Bremen 1865-1938, 1945ff. 989 Bremen, Chamber of Commerce 1878-1908, 1926-1928 990 Bremen Chamber of Retail Trade 1907-1913 940 Bremerhaven 1867-1880, 1891-1913, 1975ff. 916 Breslau 1850-1913 917 Breslau (joint report for the Lower Silesian Chambers of Commerce) 1921-1936 957 Bromberg 1876-1913 P 11 Buxtehude 1867-1868 o.No. Calw (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart) P 11 Celle 1867 969 Chemnitz 1863-1910 893 Coburg 1954ff. 993 Colmar 1872-1873, 1880-1913 913 Cottbus 1854-1872, 1885-1913 906 Danzig 1854-1913, 1923-1936 980 Darmstadt 1862-1895, 1910-1913, 1924-1932, 1948ff. 935 Dessau 1890-1905 955 Dillenburg 1865-1871, 1877-1913, 1919-1920 970 Dresden 1863-1911 942 Dresden, Chamber of Commerce 1911-1916 1097 Dresden, Member of the Board of the Dresden Merchants 1866-1920 908 Elbing 1854-1908, 1912-1914 939 Emden 1866-1913, 1949ff. 922 Erfurt 1854-1871, 1884-1905 890 Eßlingen 1958-1970 965 Eupen 1860-1872 (P 11), 1888-1900 889 Flensburg 1963ff. 956 Frankfurt/Main 1854-1891, 1895-1896, 1904-1919, 1924-1926, 1948-1963 914 Frankfurt/Oder 1864-1912 974 Freiburg/Br. 1880-1909, 1951ff. 981 Friedberg 1899-1912, 1926-1930 o.Nr. Geestemünde (see Bremerhaven) 986 Gera 1851-1904 934 Giessen 1880-1901 P 11 Gleiwitz 1860-1872 918 Görlitz 1854-1900, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 896 Göttingen 1867-1913 P 11 Goslar 1867-1868 931 Gotha 1898-1913 P 11 Greifswald 1865-1867 985 Greiz 1879-1921 P 11 Grünberg/Schlesien 1871 867 Halberstadt 1874-1888, (1924-199 P 11 Gliwice 1860-1872 918 Görlitz 1854-1900, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 896 Göttingen 1867-1913 P 11 Goslar 1867-1868 931 Gotha 1898-1913 P 11 Greifswald 1865-1867 985 Greiz 1879-1921 P 11 Grünberg/Schlesien 1871 867 Halberstadt 1874-1888, (1924-19) Magdeburg) 924 Halle/Saale 1854-1894, 1903-1913, 1919-1937 991 Hamburg 1881-1913, 1918-1936, 1949ff. 992 Hamburg, Gewerbekammer 1875-1907 P 11 Hameln 1867-1870 958 Hanau 1871-1913, 1963-1969 876 Hannover 1867-1892, 1922-1938, 1946ff. 869 Harburg 1867-1913 975 Heidelberg 1880-1892, 1898-1904, 1912-1913, 1923-1925, 1930-1932 870 Heidenheim (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1962-1967 871 Heilbronn (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1961-1969 982 Hildburghausen 1888-1910, 1919-1920 868 Hildesheim 1867-1872 (P 11), 1949-1972 936 Hirschberg 1854-1872 (P 11), 1888-1908, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 903 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 864 Karlsruhe 1880-1892, 1956-1956 s. Breslau) 903 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 864 Karlsruhe 1880-1892, 1956-1969 982 Hildburghausen 1888-1910, 191920 868 Hildesheim 1867-1872 (P 11), 1949-1972 936 Insterburg 1856-1870, 1874-1912 Karlsruhe 19580-1892, 1956 s. 863 Kassel 1871-1889, 1925-1933,1951ff. 930 Kiel 1871-1872 (P 11), 1877-1913, 1921-1930, 1950ff. 866 Koblenz 1854-1903, 1911-1913, 1925-1937, 1951-1976 904 Königsberg 1854-1913, 1924-1931 976 Konstanz 1896-1913, 1926-1930, 1960-1972 977 Lahr 1880-1929, 1956-1971 919 Landeshut/Schlesien 1854-1899, 1906-1913, (1921-1923 s. Wroclaw) 920 Lauban 1865-1913 P 11 Leer 1869-1870 971 Leipzig 1863-1913, 1925-1938 972 Leipzig, Chamber of Commerce 1873-1919 1026 Liegnitz 1854-1855, 1871-1872 (P 11), 1882-1909, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 1027 Limburg 1868-1913, 1971-1973 P 11 Lingen 1867-1868 1030 Ludwigsburg 1963-1964 932 Ludwigshafen 1886-1887, 1890-1892, 1904-1911, 1949ff. 987 Lübeck 1865-1913, 1920-1921, 1934-1937, 1948-1952, 1957, 1958, 1964ff. 943 Lüneburg 1867-1913, 1949ff. 926 Magdeburg 1854-1913, 1924-1930 1031 Mainz 1853-1892, 1902-1908, 1959-1968 978 Mannheim 1864-1867, 1872-1913, 1923-1932, 1950-1971 905 Memel 1854-1913 994 Metz 1872-1880, 1883-1900, 1905-1913 927 Mühlhausen/Thüringen 1855-1872 (P 11), 1883-1913, 1921 1923, (1932-1933 s. Kassel) 873 Mulhouse/Alsace 1877-1905, 1911-1913 1035 Munich 1869-1892, 1980ff. 1036 Neuss/Rhein 1861-1894, 1909-1913, 1924-1926, 1950-1975 P 11 north 1867-1870 928 Nordhausen 1860-1872 (P 11), 1881-1899 1038 Nuremberg 1871-1876, 1950-1974 1039 Offenbach 1857-1901, 1965ff. 983 Oldenburg 1865-1866, 1873-1888, 1895-1913, 1951ff. 921 Opole 1883-1905, 1937-1938 1040 Osnabrück 1870, 1874-1913, 1950-1953, 1977-1991 P 11 Osterode 1867-1870 P 11 Papenburg 1867-1869 874 Passau 1879-1891, 1901-1913, 1919-1920 979 Pforzheim 1880-1913, 1927-1928 973 Plauen 1862-1913 915 Poznan 1854-1913 923 Potsdam 1898-1913, 1949-1951 1044 Ravensburg (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1957-1975 1045 Regensburg 1855-1893, 1901-1904, 1951ff. 1047 Reutlingen (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1958ff. 1049 Rostock 1899-1902 o.Nr. Rottweil (1867-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart) 888 Saarbrücken 1865-1902, 1951ff. 898 Sagan 1881-1913, (1921-1936 s. Stuttgart), 1951ff. Breslau) 1050 Schneidemühl 1925-1938 1051 Schopfheim 1889-1913, 1925-1929, 1951-1968 1052 Schweidnitz 1854-1872, 1889-1913, (1921-1936 s. Breslau) 1056 Sonneberg 1875-1931 861 Sorau 1871-1919 1057 Stade 1867-1870 (P 11), 1954ff. 1058 Stadthagen 1925-1928 (K 7), 1936-1937 878 Stettin 1854-1913, 1927-1938 1059 Stolberg 1855-1872 (P 11) 925 Stolp 1891-1914 1060 Stralsund 1911-1913, 1924-1931 995 Strasbourg 1871-1914 882 Stuttgart 1857-1889 and 1900-1904 (for the Chambers of Commerce in Württemberg), 1955ff. 1061 Swinemünde 1864-1872 (P 11), 1878-1891, 1905-1913 909 Thorn 1854-1900, 1904-1905, 1908-1914 1062 Tilsit 1854-1913 1063 Trier 1855-1872 (P 11), 1950ff. P 11 Uelzen 1867-1870 1065 Ulm (1857-1889, 1900-1904 s. Stuttgart), 1962ff. 1066 Verden 1867-1871 (P 11), 1886-1913 1067 Villingen 1897-1911 1068 Weimar 1880-1896, 1901-1913, 1928-1937 1069 Wesel 1854-1913 944 Wetzlar 1901-1913, 1924-1927 1070 Wiesbaden 1865-1913, 1950ff. P 11 Wolgast 1868 881 Worms 1857-1913 1072 Würzburg 1874-1881, 1886-1889, 1959ff. 883 Zittau 1862-1863, 1866-1875, 1879-1913 III Chambers of Commerce in the German colonies 1017 Kribi (South Cameroon) 1908-1911 1018 Tsingtau (China) 1900-1913 1019 Windhoek (Southwest Africa) 1910/11 IV Chambers of Commerce in Austria-Hungary and successor states 1008 Bolzano 1870/71, 1880, 1910-1917 996 Brno 1870-1902 (with gaps) 1021 Budapest 1870-1918, 1924-1940 1010 Budweis 1861-1890 997 Eger 1854, 1858-1895, 1910-1911 941 Esseg / Osijek 1904 1004 Innsbruck 1871-1880 1011 Klagenfurt 1870-1916, 1928-1935 998 Kronstadt 1889-1904 (with gaps) 999 Laibach 1870, 1875, 1880 1012 Linz 1898-1903, 1926-1930 1022 Neu-Sohl / Beszterczebánya [today: Banska Bystrica] 1895-1916 1001 Pilsen 1858, 1865, 1870-1890 1002 Bratislava 1866-1912 (with gaps) 1093 Reichenberg 1875-1914 (with gaps) 1013 Rovereto 1870, 1880 1014 Salzburg 1854-1919 (with gaps) 880 Temesvar 1851-1852 1015 Trieste 1871-1933 (with gaps) 1094 Troppau 1880/81, 1910-1918 1020 Vienna 1855-1930 V German Chambers of Commerce Abroad 1074 Barcelona 1923-1932 1075 Brussels 1936-1938 1076 Budapest 1920/21, 1938-1943/44 1083 Buenos Aires 1920-1938 1092 Cairo 1930-1937 1087 Manila 1924-1938 1086 Montevideo 1920/21, 1935, 1937 1088 New York 1912/13 1081 Paris 1930-1933 1082 Rio de Janeiro 1934-1935 1090 Shanghai 1926/27-1936/37 1078 Sofia 1942 1085 Tokyo 1937-1938 1084 Valparaiso 1920-1930

Plan of record groups

Das Museum verfügt über kein Archivgut mehr aus der Kolonialzeit, mit Ausnahme von Originalfotos der Ausstellungsobjekte für die Deutsch-koloniale Jagdausstellung in Karlsruhe 1903 (20.05.-15.06.1903). Motive der Fotos sind vornehmlich Jagdwaffen und Tiere (Primaten etc.). Das gesamte Archivgut (mit ganz wenigen Ausnahmen) befindet sich schon seit Langem beim Landesarchiv. Die Jagdausstellung 1903 fand in der Festhalle (historisch) Karlsruhes statt und wurde von der deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft veranstaltet. Im September 1944 wurde dieses Gebäude bei Luftangriffen zum großen Teil zerstört. Anfang November 1952 wurden die Überreste für den Bau der Schwarzwaldhalle (aktuelles Gebäude) gesprengt. Der „Offizielle Katalog der Deutsch-Kolonialen Jagdausstellung“ befindet sich im Bestand der Bibliothek und ist vor Ort als Digitalisat einsehbar (85 Seiten). Auch die Sammlung der 64 Originalfotografien (22 x 16 cm) inclusive der Bestandskasette sind vor Ort as Digitalisat einsehbar. Darüber hinaus ist das Ölgemälde „Elefanten flüchten vor dem Steppenbrand“ (2 Meter x 3 Meter) des Malers und Großwildjägers Wilhelm Kunert seit Ausstellungende im Eigentum des Museums. Dieses schmückt seit vielen Jahren eine Wand im zentralen Auerbachsaal. Literaturhinweis: Ralf Angst: Das Gemälde „Elefanten flüchten vor dem Steppenbrand“ von Wilhelm Kuhnert im Museum am Friedrichsplatz in Karlsruhe, In: Carolinea 44, S. 173-179, 6 Abb., Karlsruhe, 29.12.1986 Digitalisat

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 75 · Fonds · 1806-1933
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of the Württemberg legation in Munich: From time to time since 1742, Württemberg has maintained an envoy at the Bavarian court in Munich. The legation did not become a permanent institution until 1804, shortly after Württemberg was elevated to electorate. In contrast to most other Württemberg legations, the legation in Munich continued uninterrupted until 1933. Since 1893, the Württemberg envoy in Munich had also been accredited for Karlsruhe and Darmstadt.The Württemberg representatives in Bavaria were in detail:Ferdinand Reinhard von Wallbrunn1742Christoph Konrad Abel1780 - 1790Albrecht Jakob von Bühler1792Ulrich Leberecht von Mandelslohe1792Karl Heinrich Ernst Freiherr von Bothmer1804 - 1807Friedrich August Freiherr Gremp von Freudenstein1807, interimistChristian Friedrich Kölle1807 - 1808Heinrich Karl Friedrich Levin Count of Wintzingerode1808 - 1810Christoph Ermann Baron von Steube zu Schadnitz1810 - 1815Friedrich August Baron Gremp von Freudenstein1815 - 1816Peter Count of Gallatin1816 - 1817Friedrich August Freiherr Gremp von Freudenstein1817 - 1821Moritz Joseph Philipp Freiherr von Schmitz-Grollenburg1821 - 1844Gottfried Jonathan von Hartmann1825, InterimFerdinand Christoph Graf von Degenfeld-Schomburg1844 - 1868Oskar Freiherr von Soden1868 - 1906Friedrich Rudolf Karl Moser von Filseck1906 - 1909Karl Moser von Filseck1906 - 1918The documents of the Württemberg envoys in Munich from the time before 1806 are kept in the holdings A 74 h. The counter tradition of the Württemberg Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the Württemberg legation in Munich is in inventory E 50/05. Destruction of files 1867: In March 1867, the Württemberg envoy in Munich, von Degenfeld, was permitted at his request to sell certain files of the legation, for which there was not enough space in the registry, for the purpose of stamping them. He then, on the advice of the Chief Mint Master of Haidt, had them burned in his smelting furnace in the presence of a reliable employee of the legation. a special list of the banished files was not drawn up, as Degenfeld described them in the meticulously kept list of files of the legation. Among the documents destroyed were: Political Reports1844 - 1853 Federal Affairs1821 - 1856, 1854 - 1866 Railway, Post and Telegraph1836 - 1856 Customs Union1831 - 1861 Coinage and Paper Money1837 - 1853 Gesandtschaftliches Personal1804 - 1856 Württembergische und bayerische königliche Höfe1850 - 1863 Switzerland1834 - 1853 (political reports1844 - 1853 Federal Affairs1821 - 1856, 1854 - 1866 Railway, Post and Telegraph1836 - 1856 customs union1831 - 1861 coins and paper money1837 - 1853 Gesandtschaftliches Personal1804 - 1856Württembergische und bayerische königliche Höfe1850 - 1863 Switzerland1834 - 1853 (political reports1844 - 1853).), 1833 - 1851 (Handel)Privatangelegenheiten1832 - 1860 Further history of the collection, report by the editor: Since about 1870, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly submitted documents that were no longer needed to the Württemberg House and State Archives. After the end of the Monarchiv and the dissolution of this ministry in 1920, the remaining legations and consulates of Württemberg were subordinated to the State Ministry. In the summer of 1950, Dr. Max Straub separated the ministerial and legation files for the Munich legation and rearranged the provenance holdings of the legation. The collection was packaged in 1966, and Max Straub's comparatively legible handwritten repertory is still in use. However, in connection with the development project on the holdings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the intended complete creation of online finding aids of this series, the present holdings were retro-converted, which was carried out by Silvia Ebinger in 2005. A slight revision of the title recordings was made by Dr. Albrecht Ernst.Stuttgart, in April 2007Johannes Renz