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Archival description
FA 1 / 480 · File · 1904
Part of Cameroon National Archives

high altitude cultivation station. - Exchange of part of the botanical garden in Victoria for a plot of land belonging to the West African Planting Society 'Victoria' in Moliko for experimental plantings'

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 115 · File · 1904 - 1908
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Regional border affairs. - Ebolowa [fol. 1 - 30] French incursions against German trading companies on the southern border, 1902 - 1907 [fol. 1 - 36] Combating unrest and riots. - Tour of the Ebolowa district from 17 January to 8 April 1905 (First Lieutenant von Sobbe), April 1905 [fol. 11 - 15] Murder of the merchant Heinrichsen from the Bremer Westafrika-Gesellschaft mbH on 5 April 1905 - Report by First Lieutenant von Sobbe, Ebolowa, 1905 [fol. 21] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to Non-Commissioned Officer Kastilan by Non-Commissioned Officer Greca in the absence of the sick station commander, First Lieutenant von Sobbe, 15 Sept. 1905 [fol. 32 - 33] General political, military and economic conditions. - Ebolowa region. - Report by Sergeant Kastilan, 25 Oct. 1905 [fol. 35 - 37] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to Sergeant Schlieder by Sergeant Kastilan, 19 Dec. 1905 [fol. 47 - 49] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Inspection of inventories, materials and provisions by station manager Captain Zimmermann. - Minutes, 21 Sept. 1904 [fol. 61 - 68] Individual cases. - Heinicke, First Lieutenant. - Appointment as leader of the 5th company in Ebolowa, 12 March 1906 [fol. 72] Individual cases. - von Sobbe, first lieutenant, - relieved as station commander of Ebolowa due to illness, 12 March 1906 [fol. 72] Local government offices. - Ebolowa. - Handover of the military station to First Lieutenant Heinicke by Sergeant Schlieder, 1 April 1906 [fol. 78 - 80] Combating unrest and uprisings. - Enterprise into the territory of the Ntum chiefs and Bitam (First Lieutenant Heinicke, Ebolowa) Authorisation granted by the command of the protection force for Cameroon, 29 May 1906 [fol. 83 - 89] General political, military and economic conditions. - Bule area. - Report by Lieutenant von Sobbe, 8 January 1906 [fol. 95 - 100] Affairs of the chiefs. - Lifelong banishment of the allegedly insane Bule chief Ile to Victoria for causing constant unrest in the Ebolowa district and his final takeover by the Edea district office, 1905 1906 [fol. 105 - 117] Labour and porters' affairs. - Collection of bounties and passage fees for plantation labourers. - Order of the deputy governor Dr Ebermaier, 8.10.1903 [fol. 108 - 109] Ebolowa, district. - Development work on the Sangmelima-Elemovo (Elemvoo) post road, 1907 [fol. 139 - 146] Smallpox immunisation in the Ebolowa district. - Provision of Lymphe, March 1907 [fol. 150] Crossing the German-French border to free two French merchants from Essamasala captivity. - Report by Lieutenant von Oertzen, Akoafim, 1907 [fol. 172 - 182] Investigations by the Ebolowa station against the Jendam chief Assam for burglary of the merchant Köhne, Jantum near Sangmelima, 1907 [fol. 184 - 203] Sketch of the scene of the murder of the merchant Heinrichsen of the Bremer Westafrika-Gesellschaft mbH. in the Ebolowa district on 5 April 1905, no date, Pen and ink drawing with coloured entries by Sobbe, First Lieutenant, 1905 Local government offices. - Ebolowa 1904/05; February-December 1905, 1905 Offices of the local administration. - Ebolowa January-December 1906, 1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 129 · File · 1893 - 1900
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Ndobe. - Establishment of the station and appointment of the head clerk Spaete as stationmaster, 22 November 1893 [fol. 1 - 22] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ndobe. - December 1893, January, March-April, December 1894, 1893, 1894 [fol. 24 - 74] Rio del Rey. - Transfer of powers of punishment in customs matters against natives to Station Chief Clauss, 20 May 1894 [fol. 36 - 44] Conditions in the district of Rio del Rey after the abolition of the trade monopoly of the British and Swedish companies. - Report of the wardmaster Spaete, Ndobe, June 1894 [fol. 48 - 52] Ndobe. - Conditions at the station after the death of stationmaster Spaete at the beginning of July 1894 - Mission report by Bezirksamtmann von Salzwedel, Victoria, 19 July 1895 [fols. 54 - 57] Ndobe. - Temporary dissolution of the station. - Report by stationmaster Clauss, Rio del Rey, August 1894 [fol. 56] Ndobe. - Takeover of the station by customs assistant Romberg, December 1894 [fol. 71] Ndobe. - Budget - income and expenditure, October - December 1893 [fol. 78 - 79] Ndobe, collection of court fees and fines. - Overview, 25.10. December 18?? (p.165) [fol. 80 - 85] Ndobe. - Lease of the station buildings to Knutson, Valdau & Heilborns Afrikanska Handelsaktiebolang and their structural maintenance, 19 Jan. 1895 1900 [fol. 89 - 90] Balunda tribe lawsuit / Calabar people for forcible abduction of 143 tribesmen to Old Calabar, 3 Apr. 1894 [fol. 95 - 116]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 4 · File · 1899 - 1911
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Political situation in the Dagomba Empire (capital Yendi) and the neighbouring areas: Possibility of establishing a station for the final subjugation of the Dagomba - Report Commissioner Falkenthal, 1900 [fol. 13] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Dr Heim, payment of remuneration for October and November 1900 to the former Deputy Governor of Togo, Chancellor Assessor Dr Heim. - Request from the Deputy Governor of Togo, Horn, to the Governor of Cameroon, 1900 [fol. 24] Condition of the road network, in particular the connection from the coast to the hinterland of the Togo protectorate. - Report by Prof. Dr Wohltmann on his trip to Togo to clarify transport issues in December 1899 (extracts), 1900 [fol. 34] Police force. - Return of surplus uniforms from the time of the Ashanti Uprising to the Governorate of Cameroon, 1900 [fol. 43] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Warnecke, gardener. - Training at the Botanical Gardens in Victoria, 1900 [fol. 46 - 51] Administration of justice. - Banishment of prisoners from Cameroon to Togo to reduce the risk of escape. - Members of the police force in Cameroon. - Individual cases (Jo, Johnson, Mbia, Mokoko, Nginda), 1901, 1906, 1907 [fol. 47, 52-55, 59, 68, 143, 181-182] Cocoa cultivation in the Atakpame district. - Request for fruit from Cameroon for seed production, 1888 [fol. 74 - 79] Concreting work for the piles in the construction of the landing stage in Lome. - Request for an expert opinion from Building Secretary Seiffert, Douala, 1904 [fol. 84] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - von Rotberg, District Judge of Togo (from 1 February 1902) and District Officer of Klein-Popo (from 20 February 1903). Dismissal in connection with the complaint of insult by the station chief Geo. A. Schmidt / P. Müller and Schnitz, Steyler Mission, 1903 [fol. 96 - 105] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Zech auf Neuhofen, Governor. - Home leave, 1905 - 1908 [fol. 106-107, 147-158, 187-191] Lome customs office. - Exemption from export duty on large and small livestock exports from Togo to Cameroon. - Request from the Governor of Cameroon to the Foreign Office and its decision on the duty-free export of large livestock from the landing stage in Lome, 1905 [fol. 109 - 114] Shortcomings in co-operation and disputes between the Governor of Cameroon and the Governors of Togo. - Intervention of the Foreign Office, 1901 - 1905 [fol. 109 - 114] Administration of justice. - Legal proceedings against Father Schmitz, Steyler Mission, for insulting the head of the station Geo A. Schmidt, Atakpame, - Determination of the place of trial Lome or, for reasons of public safety, Duala, 1905 [fol. 117 - 125] Consul General for the Gulf of Guinea. - Authorisation of the Imperial Commissioner and Governor of Togo as Consul in the Republic of Liberia (1889) and the British and French possessions in his jurisdiction (Gold Coast and Niger Coast, Dahomey), 1889, 1905, 1910 [fol. 126, 133, 198] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Gaber, James, clerk of the Lomé district office. - Wanted for removal from duty to take up employment in Cameroon, 1905 [fol. 128, 176] Police force. - Settlement of the bounty for recruitment of the Pik in 1900, 1906 [fol. 151 - 156] Police force in Cameroon. - Recruitment for the police force in Cameroon in Togo in 1900 - Settlement of the bounty, 1906 [fol. 151 - 156] Landing bridge in Lome. - Collapse of the middle section on the night of 18-19 May 1911, 1911 [fol. 202]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Annual report (1904/05)
FA 1 / 65 · File · 1905 - 1906
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the general administration departments. - Tinto-Fontemdorf 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 49 - 65] Police action of the Fontem military station against the Bamungu in March 1905, 1905 [fol. 57 - 58] Relocation of the Fontem military station to the Bamileke area. - Proposal of the military station Tinto-Fontemdorf, 1905 [fol. 59 - 60] Fontemdorf (Tinto). - Budgeting - economic control lists, 1 April 1903 [fol. 61 - 62] Mbo and Fondssa-Tuala expedition of the Tinto-Fontem military station in March 1905, 1905 [fol. 63 - 68] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Residentur Garua 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 70 - 84] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lolo village 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 91 - 102] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Rio del Rey 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 103 - 105] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 106 - 113] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 115 - 118] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Victoria 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 120 - 126] Government Hospital Duala. - Nursing statistics 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 129 - 132] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala, District Office, annual reports 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 134 - 140] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala, Bezirksksamtskasse, annual reports 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 141 - 142] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Ossidinge 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 145 - 155] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bamenda 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 156 - 162] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Jaunde 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 163 - 318] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Edea 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 180 - 189] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 175] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Joko 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 196 - 201] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lomie 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 202 - 219] Construction. - Realisation of the construction work in Buea and Soppo. - Annual report 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 229] Reports of the general administration departments. - Jabassi 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 220 - 228] Status of the non-native non-white population. - Lomie (comparison), January 1907 [fol. 232 - 234] Annual reports of the governorate. - Annual Report (1904/05), draft [fol. 235 - 279] Ordinances of the Governorate. - Directories, April 1904 March 1905 [fol. 292] Sea and river traffic in the Cameroon Protectorate (records). - Rio del Rey, January - December 1904 [fol. 302] Sea and river traffic in the Cameroon protectorate (records). - Kribi or Kribi District, January-December 1906 [fol. 304] Annual Report of the Victoria District Court: 1 April 1904 - 31 March 1905 [fol. 308 - 309] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 314 - 317] Jaunde. - Budget - income and expenditure [fol. 327 - 330] Status of the indigenous population. - Duala, c. 1905 [fol. 333] Status of the non-native non-white population. - Lomie, c. 1905 [fol. 334] Status of the non-native non-white population. - Duala [fol. 336] Status of the mixed-blood population. - Duala, 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 337] Status of the native population. - Bamenda, March 1905 [fol. 340 - 341] Status of the indigenous population. - Ebolowa Established tribes and sub-tribes, 31 March 1905 [fol. 342 - 343] Status of the indigenous population. - Lolodorf, 1905 [fol. 344 - 345] Status of the mixed-blood population. - Lolodorf, 1905 [fol. 345] Status of the mixed-blood population. - Kribi, 1905 [fol. 346] Status of the mixed-blood population. - Edea, February 1905 [fol. 347] Status of the indigenous population. - Victoria, December 1904 [fol. 348 - 351] Status of the indigenous population. - Yaoundé, Established tribes and sub-tribes, 1905 [fol. 352 - 353] Status of the indigenous population. - Rio del Rey, 1905 [fol. 354] Status of the indigenous population. - Kampo, 1905 [fol. 355] Status of the indigenous population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Barombi), 1905 [fol. 356 - 359] Status of the indigenous population. - Garua, June 1905 [fol. 362 - 364] Status of the white population. - Garua, June 1905 [fol. 365] Movement of the white population. - Garua, 1904/05 [fol. 366] Causes of death of the white population. - Garua, 1904/05 [fol. 367] Marital status of the white population. - Garua, June 1905 [fol. 368] Route map for the Ssanga-Ngoko area, 1:1 000 000, pen and ink drawing with coloured entries, Scheunemann, Hauptmann, 1905

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 66 · File · 1905 - 1906
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Victoria 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 1 - 9] Distribution of European Civil Servants. - Victoria, 23 January 1906 [fol. 10] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Victoria, 23 March 1906 [fol. 11] Status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 12 - 23] Causes of death of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 14] Marital status of the white population. - Victoria, January 1905 [fol. 17 - 18] Plantation statistics. - Victoria, District, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 28 - 43] Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Duala, District Office, Annual Reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 47 - 53] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Duala, 22 July 1906 [fol. 56 - 57] Status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 59 - 67] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon protectorate. - Directories. - Kribi, 31 December 1905 [fol. 84 - 87] Marital status of the white population. - Duala, January 1906 [fol. 60] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kribi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 78] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Edea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 101 - 112] Distribution of European civil servants. - Lists. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 113] Movement of the white population. - Edea, January 1906 [fol. 114 - 115] Companies.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 April 1906 [fol. 116] Firms Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Edea, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 119] Reports of the general administration departments. - Yaoundé 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 126 - 130] Movement of the white population. - Victoria, 1905 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Movement of the white population. - Yaoundé - Planning, 1 April 1906 [fol. 131] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 134 - 136] Status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Barombi-See), January 1906, March 1906, 15 April 1906 [fol. 137 - 170] Marital status of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 138] Movement of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 144] Status of the indigenous population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 145 - 147] Status of the non-native, non-white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1 January 1906 [fol. 148] Causes of death of the white population. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 149] Firms.- Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), January 1906 [fol. 150] Plantation statistics. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905 [fol. 151 - 155] Distribution of European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe, 1 January 1906 [fol. 156] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 5 Dec. 1905 [fol. 158] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf), 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Ossidinge, 31 Dec. 1905 [fol. 173] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 169 - 174] Distribution of the African members of the protection force for Cameroon. - Strength report. - Bascho (Basso), March 1906 [fol. 172] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf) 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 173 - 186] Movement of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 187] Movement of the white population. - Fontemdorf-Tinto, 14 July 1906 [fol. 187 - 189] Fontemdorf (Tinto). - Budget - Economic control lists, 31 March 1906 [fol. 190 - 191] Reports of the general administration departments. - Rio del Rey 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 193 - 195] Causes of death of the white population. - Joko, 1905 - March 1906 [fol. 194] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Rio del Rey, 1 April 1906 [fol. 198] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Jabassi 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 200 - 205] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lolodorf 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 211 - 217] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 219] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Lolodorf, 1 January 1906 [fol. 221 - 223] Status of the white population. - Lolodorf, January 1906 [fol. 218 - 226] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 227 - 230] Status of the non-native-born non-white population. - Kampo, January 1906 [fol. 231] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 234 - 236] Plantation statistics. - Buea, District, 1906 [fol. 237 - 240] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ebolowa 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 244 - 247] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Ebolowa, 1 January 1906 [fol. 248 - 249] Reports of the general administration departments. - Bamenda 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 251 - 260] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Joko 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 262 - 281] Status of the white population. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Kampo (South Cameroon Society only), 1906 [fol. 283] Status of the white population. - Joko, January 1906 [fol. 283] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Bamenda, 17 June 1907 [fol. 284] Distribution of the European members of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon. - Lists, some with names. - Joko, 1 Jan. 1906 [fol. 285] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 288 - 294] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Joko, 31 March 1906 [fol. 284] Causes of death of the white population. - Banjo, 1905 [fol. 296] Marital status of the white population. - Banjo, January 1906 [fol. 298] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 31 March 1905 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), January 1906 [fol. 309] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Secondary factories of the main factory in Garua. - List, July 1906 [fol. 301] Companies, societies and plantations in the districts of the Cameroon Protectorate. - Directories. - Lomie, 1 January 1906 [fol. 303 - 304] Marital status of the white population. - Kribi, 31 March 1906 [fol. 309] Movement of the white population. - Lomie (administration at Ngoko), 1905 [fol. 310] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala. Main Customs Office. Annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 316 - 317] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala, Bezirksksamtskasse, annual reports 1905, 1905 [fol. 318] Public Health: Annual reports. - Annual reports 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 321 - 328] Native cocoa crops in Victoria district, - Directory, 1906 [fol. 332 - 334] Flotilla budgeting : revenue of government steamers. - HERZOGIN ELISABETH and NACHTIGAL, 1905 - 1906 [fol. 341] Companies. - A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch. - Takeover of the business of the company, which ceased trading on 20 May 1904, by John Holt & Co, Ltd, 1906 [fol. 342] Companies. - John Holt & Co, Ltd - Takeover of the business of the company A. Herschell & Co, Liverpool, Duala branch, which ceased to exist on 20 May 1904, 1906 [fol. 342] Activities of the chambers of commerce in Duala and Kribi. - Decree of the Foreign Office on the failure of the governorate to report and its justification with the non-appearance of the Chamber of Commerce in Duala and the alleged non-existence of the Chamber of Commerce for the southern district in Kribi, 1906 [fol. 346 - 352] Labour relations in the districts. - Report by Labour Commissioner von Lüdinghausen. - Victoria, 1906 [fol. 358 - 360] Regulations of the Gouvernement. - Directories, April 1905 June 1906 [fol. 364] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Annual report 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Buea Governorate Workshop 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 366] Plantation Statistics. - Entire protectorate, 1905 [fol. 367 - 372] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, March 1906 [fol. 375 - 388] Sea and river traffic in the Kamerun protectorate (records). - Coastal sites, January-December 1905 [fol. 373] Annual reports of the governorate. - Annual Report (1905/06) Volume 1: Draft [fol. 394 - 438] Customs. - Accounting year 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 439] Revenue of the protectorate. - Overviews. - Accounting year 1904/05, 1905 [fol. 441] Revenue from head and metallurgical taxes as well as tribute payments in the accounting years 1903/04 and 1904/05 - Overview, 1905 [fol. 442] Decrees and decrees, announcements and ordinances of the governorate. - General 1896, 1898 Sketch of the landscapes north of the Sanaga River in the Edea district, ca. l:300 000, Krücke, Bezirksamtmann, (1906) Ordinances and decrees. - Kribi , (signature uncertain), 1906

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 67 · File · 1905 - 1908
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the Departments of General Administration. - Garua Residency 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 13 - 24] Plantation Statistics. - Victoria, District, 1906 [fol. 27 - 28] White population status. - Lomie (Ngoko administration), January 1906 [fol. 30] Sentences passed in the districts of the Cameroon protectorate (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Entire protectorate, 1905/06 [fol. 43] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Jabassi, 1905/06 [fol. 46] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Dschang (Fontemdorf), 1905/06 [fol. 47] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Ossidinge, 1905/06 [fol. 47a] Sentencing in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Lolodorf, 1905/06 [fol. 48] Sentencing in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Ebolowa, 1905/06 [fol. 49] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Lomie, 1905/06 [fol. 50 - 51] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Bamenda, 1905/06 [fol. 52] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Kampo, 1905/06 [fol. 54] Sentences imposed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi), 1905/06 [fol. 56] Sentences imposed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Rio del Rey, 1905/06 [fol. 57 - 59] Sentences imposed in the districts of the Protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Jaunde, 1905 [fol. 60 - 61] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Edea, 1905/06 [fol. 62 - 63] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Kribi, 1905/06 [fol. 64] Sentences imposed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Victoria, 1905/06 [fol. 67 - 68] Marital status of the white population. - Joko, January 1906 [fol. 37] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, January 1906 [fol. 76 - 89] Sentences passed in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Joko, 1905/07 [fol. 91] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lomie 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 94 - 123] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. Annual report. - 1905/06 , 1906 [fol. 125 - 133] Schutztruppe für Kamerun. - Weapons and equipment. - Distribution of guns and machine guns, August 1906 [fol. 134] Comparison of the activities of the small number of troop doctors and the resulting overvaluation of the troop medical service in the annual report on the activities of the protection force for Cameroon 1905/96 - Memorandum by Medical Officer Naval Chief Surgeon Dr Ziemann, 1906 [fol. 135 - 138] Research and control of diseases: sleeping sickness. - Sleeping sickness in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon. - Questionnaire form, 1903 [fol. 144] Sickness rate and causes of sickness among the white members of the Cameroonian population. - Europeans who died of specific tropical diseases in the coastal areas of Duala, Edea and Victoria. - Overview, March 1900 - April 1904 [fol. 152 - 153]

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 68 · File · 1907
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Workers' mortality on the plantations due to dysentery and measures to combat it - Memorandum by Deputy Governor Dr Gleim, 1907 [fol. 2 - 3] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare, January - December 1906, 1907 [fol. 10] Status of the white population. - Jabassi, January 1907 [fol. 14 - 15] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala. Main magazine. Annual reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 25 - 30] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Lolodorf 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 31 - 35] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Victoria 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 37 - 47] Hydraulic engineering. - Victoria, district. - Construction of the 1005m drainage and reclamation canal from Victoria to the sea. - Report by Deputy District Officer Kirchhof on the merits of Kiessler, the prisoner in charge of supervising the construction, 1907 [fol. 48] Reports of the general administration departments. - Jabassi 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 52 - 71] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala. Harbour Office, annual reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 57 - 61] Reports of the general administration departments. - Bare 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 77 - 91] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ossidinge 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 92 - 99] Cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Experience reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907. - Ossidinge [fol. 100 - 103] Reports from the general administration departments. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 104 - 106] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala, District Office, Annual Reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 108 - 112] Reports of the general administration departments. - Edea 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 115 - 128] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Rio del Rey 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 132 - 137] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Dschang 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 138 - 148] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bare February - March 1907, 1907 [fol. 138 - 148] Reports of the general administration departments. - Joko 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 149 - 160] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ossidinge 1905/06, 1906 [fol. 163 - 171] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bamenda 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 196 - 201] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 184 - 190] Budget, treasury and accounting. - Banjo. - Budget control lists - April 1906 - March 1907 [fol. 191 - 192] Annual report of the Victoria District Court: 1 April 1906 - 31 March 1907 [fol. 204 - 207] Reports of the general administration departments. - Lomie 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 209 - 230] Public Health : Annual Reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 237 - 242] Veterinary Services. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 241] Reports of the general administration departments. - Ebolowa 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 248 - 258] Reports of the general administration departments. - Buea 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 261 - 273] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 276 - 282] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kribi 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 283 - 289] Annual reports of the land surveyors. - Gehlen, cadastral inspector for 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 291] Annual reports of the land surveyors. - Hahn for 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 292] Reports of the offices of the general administration. - Kusseri January-December 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 293 - 302] Status of the white population. - Bascho (Basso), May 1907 [fol. 304] Annual reports of the governorate. - Annual Report 1906/07 Volume 1, draft [fol. 306 - 349] Cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Victoria cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Jabassi [fol. 353] Cultivation trials in the trial gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Entire Cameroon Protectorate [fol. 354 - 358] Livestock breeding. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 359 - 362] Decline in ivory exports from the protectorate of Cameroon. - Report, 1907 [fol. 369 - 372] Sea and river traffic in the Cameroon Protectorate (records). - Coastal sites, (April) 1906, (March) 1907 [fol. 375] Telecommunications. - Development of telecommunications in the protectorate. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 377] Forest administration. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 379] Revenue of the Protectorate. - Overviews. - Financial year 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 380] Status of the white population. - Entire protectorate, December 1906 [fol. 382 - 400] Status of the non-native non-white population. - Entire protectorate, April 1907 [fol. 401 - 402] Status of the native population. - Entire protectorate, April 1907 [fol. 403] Government schools : Duala. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 408] Government Schools. - Victoria [fol. 410] Evangelical Missionary Society in Basel. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 411 - 412] Missionary Society of the German Baptists. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 415 - 422] Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. - Entire Mission Field. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 423 - 425] Co-operative Society of the Pallottines. - Annual Report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 426 - 432] Government Schools: Garua. - Status report, December 1906 [fol. 433 - 434] Labour relations in the districts. - Report by the Lüdinghausen labour commissioner. - Buea, Johann-Albrechtshöhe (Lake Barombi) - Victoria, May 1907 [fol. 441 - 445] Plantation statistics. - Total protected area, 1907 [fol. 446 - 449] Annual report of the Duala Chamber of Commerce 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 480 - 481] Versuchsanstalt für Landeskultur, Victoria. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 451 - 465] Reports of the general administration departments. - Buea. - Annual report 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 471 - 478] Reports of the general administration departments. - Duala, District Treasury, Annual Reports 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 482 - 485] Sea and river traffic in the Cameroon Protectorate (records). - Küstenplätze, January-December 1906 [fol. 487] Sentencing in the districts of the protectorate of Cameroon (statistics), partly with lists of names. - Entire protectorate, 1906/07 [fol. 488 - 490] Ordinances of the governorate. - Directories, April 1906 March 1907 [fol. 491] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Entire protectorate of Cameroon, 1907 [fol. 492 - 495] Europeans. - Numerical distribution of officers and medical officers for Cameroon to the posts and stations. - Overview, 1 January 1907 [fol. 496 - 498] Europeans. - Entire protectorate, 1 January 1907 [fol. 496 - 498] Reports of the general administration departments. - Residentur Garua 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 500 - 516] Sea and river traffic in the protectorate of Cameroon (records). - Yaoundé (Njong) see also Lomie, January-February 1907 [fol. 530] Establishment of native crops on the farm of the Buea station, 1907 [fol. 532] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Yaoundé 1906/07, 1907 [fol. 521 - 528] Native crops. - Crops and agriculture. - Ossidinge district, 1907 [fol. 539 - 543] Crop trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Edea [fol. 544 - 548] Crop trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Bascho [fol. 546] Cultivation trials in the trial gardens. - Experience reports in accordance with Circular Decree No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Duala [fol. 552 - 556] Cultivation trials in the trial gardens. - Field reports according to Circular Decree No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Dschang with Fontem, Mbo and Bamileke area [fol. 560 - 567] Native crops. - Crops and agriculture. - Bamum (Fumban) area, 1907 [fol. 561 - 563] Crop trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907 - Ebolowa [fol. 564] Cultivation trials in the experimental gardens. - Field reports in accordance with Circular No. 242 of 25 April 1907. - Kampo [fol. 565] Introduction of cotton cultivation in the Bamum (Fumban) region. - Report by the gardener Stössel [fol. 569 - 574] Sketch of the district and tribal boundaries of the Joko military station, no. M, pen and ink drawing with coloured inscriptions, thick cardboard, 1907 Sketch of the district and tribal boundaries of the Joko military station - by Heigelin, First Lieutenant of the Schutztruppe for Cameroon and station chief, 1907 General sketch of the old and new Deng Deng road in the area of the Joko military station, 1: 1 000 000 Pen and ink drawing with coloured inscriptions, thick cardboard, von Oertzen, Lieutenant, 1907 Graphic representation of the water level of the Sanaga River at Edea in the period from 1. 4.1906 - 31.3.1907, 1907 Operations in the Deng-Deng area and connections to the French post Kunde, 1906 - 1907

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Annual report 1907/08
FA 1 / 70 · File · 1908
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Reports of the services of the general administration. - Lomie 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 3 - 170] Reports of the services of the general administration. - Bamenda April September 1908, 1908 [fol. 10 - 15] Customs. - Nssanakang (customs station), annual report 1907 under comparison with 1906, 1908 [fol. 13 - 17] Annual reports of the land surveyors. - Moldenhauer for 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 39] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Jaunde 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 40 - 49] Reports of the general administration departments. - Jabassi April 1907 - October 1908, 1907 - 1908 [fol. 50 - 64] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bamenda April - September 1909, 1909 [fol. 58 - 65] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala. Harbour Office, annual reports 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 67 - 71] Budget of the flotilla : revenue of the government steamers. - HERZOGIN ELISABETH and NACHTIGAL, 1907 - 1908 [fol. 69] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Victoria 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 74 - 79] Labour and porters. - Labour Commissioner Victoria, Annual Report 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 78 - 79] Reports of the general administration departments. - Bare 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 80 - 86] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Duala, District Office, Annual Reports 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 89 - 92] Implementation of construction work in Buea and Soppo. - Annual Report 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 95 - 120] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Bamenda April September 1911, 1911 [fol. 122 - 124] Reports of the general administration departments. - Dschang (Tinto, Fontemdorf) 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 131 - 138] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kribi 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 140 - 146] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Kampo 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 147 - 153] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 154 - 164] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Ebolowa 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 174 - 210] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Joko 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 212 - 228] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Edea, 1908 [fol. 231 - 240] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Residentur Garua 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 246 - 254] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Johann-Albrechtshöhe 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 256 - 262] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Ossidinge 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 264 - 267] Banjo. - Budget control lists - April 1907 - March 1908 [fol. 267] Reports from the general administration departments. - Miltu 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 270 - 281] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea, Gouvernementswerkstatt 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 285] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea. - Annual Report 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 285] Reports of the Departments of the General Administration. - Bamenda 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 294 - 302] Status of the white population. - Entire Protectorate - Comparison 1 Jan. 1907, 1 Jan. 1908 [fol. 307 - 329] Road construction. - Road Kribi Bipindi Lolodorf Jaunde [fol. 310 - 311] Plantation statistics. - Lolo village, former district, 1908 [fol. 327 - 328] White population status. - Banjo, Jan 1907 [fol. 331 - 335] Movement of the white population. - Banjo, 1907 [fol. 336] Agriculture and general agricultural and botanical experiments in the districts. - Agricultural products and their prices. - Survey of Banjo Station, 1908 [fol. 339] Status of the non-native non-white population. - Buea, July 1908 [fol. 341] Companies. - Randad & Stein, Hamburg. - Buea, July 1908 [fol. 342] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Buea 1907/08, 1908 [fol. 343 - 348] Status of the non-native-born non-white population. - Victoria, 1 Jan 1908 [fol. 351 - 352] Status of the native population. - Victoria, 1.1.1908 [fol. 352] Kribi District Court: Annual Report for the period 1.4.1907 -31.3.1908 Annual Report of the Victoria District Court: 1.4.1907 -31.3.1908 Annual Report of the Administrative Department of the Railway Board, 1907 - 1909 Construction of Telephone and Telegraph Connections. Lobetal - Kribi, 1904 - 1905

Gouvernement von Kamerun
FA 1 / 976 · File · 1914
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Visit of State Secretary Dr Solf (Minutes). - Meeting of the Association of Cameroon and Togo Plantations, Cameroon Department, in Victoria. - Minutes, 1.9.1913 Visit of the State Secretary Dr Solf (minutes). - Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce for Central Cameroon in Duala. - Minutes, 10/9/1913

Gouvernement von Kamerun