Affichage de 1818 résultats

Description archivistique
Pritzel Estate (Title)
/E. Pritz. · Fonds
Fait partie de Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin

notebooks, 1 box with 20 notebooks, 1902-1935, handwritten location lists, fieldbooks, determination lists [from the estate of Werdermann]* 2 albums with original photos (by Pritzel) from his Capland-Australia-New Zealand-New Guinea-Java trip with Pritzel 1900-1902 with captions probably by Pritzel [(1) c. 30 photographs from Australia published in "Die Pflanzengeographie in 200 Lichtbildern" (Leipzig: Seemann, 1914; 30 p. 200 photographs), catalogue attached 2nd edition by S Pritzel; (2) ; s.a. Diels · Sous-fonds
Fait partie de Archive of the Hanseatic City of Rostock

Period: 1587 - 1945 Scope: 36 linear metres = 4,020 units of description Cataloguing: ordered and indexed, index (1981) Citation method: AHR, No. ... or Gewett: local government Warnemünde, no. ... Content: Business operations (1677-1941, 42 VE) - Personnel affairs (1806-1945, 39 VE) - Insurance of workers and employees (1884-1945, 13 VE) - Finance (1587-1945, 48 VE) - Taxes, duties (1623-1945, 97 VE) - Police and registration, registry office (1801-1943, 32 VE) - Citizenship, population (1757-1940, 13 VE).- Civic senior council, civic deputies (1814-1923, 15 VE) - Workers' and soldiers' council, civil servants' council, strikes (1898-1933, 4 VE) - Political events, National Socialism (1842, 1920-1938, 7 VE) - Spa and bathing (1857-1941, 31 VE) - Medical (1784-1945, 33 VE) - Combating diseases (1848-1944, 18 VE).- Welfare matters (1847-1944, 16 units).- Support, pensions (1799-1945, 32 units).- Youth welfare (1912-1938, 6 units).- Poor people's affairs (1803-1944, 11 units).- Education (1819-1944, 32 units).- Vocational school (1907-1937, 15 units).- Culture and entertainment (1888-1938, 12 units).- Sport and sports facilities (1899-1938, 10 units).- Church affairs (1779-1938, 14 VE).military affairs (1807-1945, 27 VE).house book affairs (1725-1926, 19 VE).fire fighting and fires (1795-1942, 11 VE).- Transport (1888-1943, 28 units) - Parks and gardens (1804-1939, 8 units) - Dune protection (1795-1940, 8 units) - Construction (1866-1944, 29 units).- Construction of individual streets (1844-1943, 25 units).- Construction and operation of public facilities (1812-1945, 77 units).- Housing construction, housing procurement (1910-1945, 13 units).- Road construction, road maintenance (1830-1943, 19 units).- Storage areas and buildings of companies and factories (1851-1950, 42 units).- storage places and buildings of authorities and associations (1921-1943, 17 VE) - building sites, houses and other buildings of citizens (1772-1940, 57 VE) - railway construction, railway station buildings (1873-1940, 16 VE).- Preservation of monuments, monuments (1905-1937, 4 units) - Field, forest and meadow management (1745-1945, 41 units) - Leasing of arable and meadow parcels (1755-1945, 45 units).- Livestock farming, disease control (1777-1945, 43 units) - Trade and industry in general (1888-1943, 14 units) - Individual trade and industry sectors (1778-1944, 64 units) - Trade police, labour regulations (1895-1942, 30 units) - Concessions for restaurants, bars, hotels and pensions (1821-1941, 154 units).- Concessions for trade, commerce, games of chance, amusements (1853-1938, 17 units) - Electricity supply (1906-1939, 4 units) - Jurisdiction, property law, jurors, jurors (1844-1938, 6 units) - Removal of stones from Heiligen Damm (1687, 1 unit) - Legal affairs of the inhabitants of Warnemünde, mainly guardianship and estate matters (1779-1899, 2,662 units). Overview: The sub-collection "Gewett: Ortsverwaltung Warnemünde" contains the relevant files of the Vogtei, the administration, the Badeverwaltung and the Bürgerältestenkollegium. The town of Rostock had acquired the fishing village at the mouth of the Warnow on 11 March 1323 from Prince Heinrich II of Mecklenburg in order to secure access to the sea. Since that time the village has been administered by a municipal bailiff. This was subordinated to the Weddeherren or later to the Gewett, which exercised the supervision, court and police functions in Warnemünde. From the end of the 19th century, tourism became a decisive factor in the town's economic life. The village grew into a health resort. The Citizens' Elder Council lost its function in 1911 after six Warnemünde citizens were generally granted a seat in the Rostock Citizens' Representation. In 1920, the betting was settled. The bailiff was replaced by his own local administration. The most extensive group of files in the collection results from the function of the Gewett as a lower court, which until the end of the 19th century dealt with legal disputes as well as guardianship and estate matters of the inhabitants of Warnemünde. The alphabetical order of files was already made in the court registry after the initial letters of the names of the persons and a serial number within the letter. Publications: Koppmann, Karl: The Restrictions of the Warnemünde Founder with regard to Trade, Shipbuilding and Shipping, in: Beitr. Rost. 3rd vol. 1903 H. 2, p. 47-66 Koppmann, Karl: The bailiwick building at Warnemünde, in: Beitr. Rost. 4th vol. 1907 H. 2, p. 1-20 Barnewitz, Friedrich: History of the port of Warnemünde. Under special consideration of ethnology and soil science, Rostock 1925 Tilse, Gunther: The legal relations at beach, dunes, piers, lighthouse and lighthouse square in Warnemünde, Rostock [1932] Eints, Dieter: Warnemünde bailiffs, Rostock 2006 Prignitz, Steffen: Warnemünde. A maritime history, Rostock 2010