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Communist organizations: vol. 1
BArch, R 1507/2092 · Akt(e) · 9. - 15. Dez. 1932
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-war work, pages 60-65 RHD Emigrant Aid, pages 28-30 Free Radio Association, pages 85-89 International Workers' Aid (IAH), pages 1-10 Children's Organisations, KPD Children's Aid, pages 10-12 Communist Youth Association of Germany, pages 60-65 Mass Defense, RHD Department, pages 33-43 Political Prisoners, Work of the RHD, pages 56-58 Reich Association of the Unemployed, pages 4-6, 44-55 Red Trade Union Youth, pages 78-84 Red Aid of Germany, pages 28-32 Red Cavalry, pages 59 Red Front Fighter League, pages 12-20 Self-Protection Movement, pages 44-52 Thomas-Münzer-Bund, pages 21-27 Disintegration Work of the KPD, pages 63-65

KPD and communism in general: vol. 4
BArch, R 1507/2063 · Akt(e) · Juli 1931
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Agitation and Propaganda of the KPD, pages 24-30, 36-39, 113-120, 127-149 Workers' Samaritan Movement, page 95 Workers' Shooting Federation, pages 89, 90-97 Insurrection and Insurrection Agitation, pages 6-10, 48-51, 152-172 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 6-9, 15-20 Fight Alliance Against Fascism, pages 53-55, 73, 79-81 Communist Youth International, pages 8-10 Communist Party of Germany, pages 5-122, 152-188 Communist Youth Union of Germany, pages 8-9 KPD Intelligence Service, Page 65-72 KPD Ordnerdienst, Page 73-104 Organisation Police, KPD, Page 65 Reichsverband der Erwerbslosen, Page 40 Red Young Front of the RFB, Page 73-104 Red Front Fighter League, Page 73-104 Sport Movement, Page 95-99 KPD Decomposition Work, Page 104-113, 121, 122

Management Reports No. 107
BArch, R 1507/2024 · Akt(e) · 11. Okt. 1924
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Bund Oberland, page 64-66 Bund Sachsen und Reich, page 63-64 Deutscher Arbeiterbund, page 16 German National People's Party, page 60 Frontbann, page 61 Frontjugend, page 61 Frontkriegerbund e. V., Page 16, 18, 61, 118 Frontring, page 60-63 Germanen-Orden, page 66 Großdeutsche Volksgemeinschaft, page 16 Knappenschaft, page 16-18 Nationalbolshevism, page 33 Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, page 15-16 Nationalverband deutscher Baltikumkämpfer, page 19 Nationalverband deutscher Offiziere, Page 60 National Association of German NCOs, page 19, 30-31 Steel Helmet, Federation of Front Soldiers, page 60 Association of Former Baltic States, page 19 United Patriotic Associations of Germany, page 60-63 Völkische Gewerkschaften, page 64 Völkisch-sozialer Block, page 16 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), pages 55-57 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 6-9, 51-53 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 57 Children's Organizations, Children's Aid of the KPD, page 25-29 Communist Party of Germany, page 3-14, 20-24, 35-39, 73-117 Communist Youth Union of Germany, page 12-13, 49-50, 93-103 Cultural Policy Work, page 11-12 Red Group, page 11-12 Red Aid of Germany, page 11, 38 Red Front Fighters Union, page 9-10, 45-50, 88-92, 104

Management Reports No. 118
BArch, R 1507/2030 · Akt(e) · 19. Juni 1926
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Alldeutscher Verband, pages 75-76 Bismarckorden, pages 169 Brigade Ehrhardt, pages 152 Bund der Guten, pages 94 Deutsche Ehren-Legion, pages 185 Deutscher Volksbund "Schwarz-Weiß-Rot", pages 93 Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei, pages 85-86 Frontgeist, Halberstadt, pages 88 Frontkriegerbund e. V., Page 58 Hitler Youth of the NSDAP, pages 181-182 League for International Law, pages 149 National Socialist German Workers' Party, pages 72-74, 87-90, 156, 174-184 National Socialist German Student League, pages 184 National Association of German Officers, pages 75-76 National Association of German NCOs, Page 94 Olympia, Page 75-76, 77, 81-82 Reichsbund Black-White-Red, Page 93 Protection Squadrons (SS) of the NSDAP, Page 90, 179 Steel Helmet, Federation of Front Soldiers, Page 5, 72-74, 83-84, 156, 159-162 Storm Departments (SA) of the NSDAP, Page 90, 179 Tannenbergbund, Page 72-74, 87-88, 155-156, 170-171 Treubund German Order, Page 168 United Patriotic Associations of Germany, Page 72-74 Wehrbund Ostmark, Page 81-82 Wehrwolf, Page 73-74, 91-92 Wiking-Bund, Page 77-80, 158 "Prometheus"-Verleih und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Page 34-37 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), Page 54 Settlement East, Page 65-68 Anti-authoritarian Block, Page 54 Arbeiter-Radio-Klub Deutschlands, Page 57-59 Arbeiter-Samariter-Bewegung, Page 51-52 Arbeiter-Schach-Klub, Page 60 Arbeiter-Schützen-Bund, Page 150 Aufstand und Aufstandagitation, Page 45-46 Bauern- und Landarbeiterbewegung der KPD, Page 5 Beamtenbewegung der KPD, Page 41-43 Bund Rote Marine, Page 26 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 7-14, 138-139 Filmarbeit der KPD, page 34-37 Freie Arbeiterunion Deutschlands (FAUD), page 54 Gegnerabwehr der KPD, page 99-104 Gemeinschaft proletarischer Freidenker, page 70-71 Internationale Arbeiterhilfe (IAH), Page 49-50, 105 Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 54, 150 Communist Party of Germany, Page 9-71, 97-109, 119-130, 133-151 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 23, 53, 148 Cultural policy work, Page 34-37 KPD Intelligence Service, page 29-30 KPD Folder Service, page 15-16 Proletarian Cultural Community, page 55-56 Reich Association of the Unemployed, page 137 Revolutionary Youth Ring, page 61-64 Germany's Red Aid, Page 47-48 Red Frontkämpferbund, Page 5, 17-19, 33, 121-130, 135-136, 140-145, Spartakusbund, Page 138 Sport movement, Page 31-32 Theatre work, Page 34-37 Vagantes, Page 39-40, 149 Decomposition work of the KPD, Page 27-28, 131-132

Management Reports No. 18
BArch, R 1507/2003 · Akt(e) · 7. Dez. 1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 19, 151 Bund der Aufrechten, page 151 Bund der Kaisertreuen, page 9 Hochschulring Deutscher Art, page 151 National Bolshevism, page 105, 123, 174 National Socialist German Workers Party, page 152 Organisation Escherich, pages 53-54, 150-151 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), Page 30, 43, 55, 59, 85, 98, 101, 106, 116-118, 124, 143, 155, 173 Insurrection and agitation, page 176 Foreign countries, communist politics, pages 23-24, 33-35, 46-50, 61-63, 76-77, 113, 135-141, 159-161, 186-189 German Seafarers' Association, page 124 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 100 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 132 Community of Proletarian Free Thinkers, page 104 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 4-7, 26-30, 40-42, 54-55, 67-68, 85-87, 98-101, 118-119, 123-125, 132, 142-144, 172, 182 Communist Party of Germany, page 4-7, 26-30, 41, 51-57, 67-68, 84-87, 97-104, 118-119, 132, 142-144, 163-166, 170, 172-173, 182-183 Communist Youth Association of Germany, pages 29, 101, 104, 120-121 Red Front Fighters Association, pages 67-71, 125, 142-145, 171 Socialist Proletarian Youth of the USPD, Page 104, 120 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 3-7, 14-17, 23, 26-31, 40-42, 54-57, 67-68, 97-103, 122-123, 127, 144, 166 Decomposition work of the KPD, Page 101-104

Management Reports No. 19
BArch, R 1507/2003 · Akt(e) · 14. Dez. 1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 19, 151 Bund der Aufrechten, page 151 Bund der Kaisertreuen, page 9 Hochschulring Deutscher Art, page 151 National Bolshevism, page 105, 123, 174 National Socialist German Workers Party, page 152 Organisation Escherich, pages 53-54, 150-151 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), Page 30, 43, 55, 59, 85, 98, 101, 106, 116-118, 124, 143, 155, 173 Insurrection and agitation, page 176 Foreign countries, communist politics, pages 23-24, 33-35, 46-50, 61-63, 76-77, 113, 135-141, 159-161, 186-189 German Seafarers' Association, page 124 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 100 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 132 Community of Proletarian Free Thinkers, page 104 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 4-7, 26-30, 40-42, 54-55, 67-68, 85-87, 98-101, 118-119, 123-125, 132, 142-144, 172, 182 Communist Party of Germany, page 4-7, 26-30, 41, 51-57, 67-68, 84-87, 97-104, 118-119, 132, 142-144, 163-166, 170, 172-173, 182-183 Communist Youth Association of Germany, pages 29, 101, 104, 120-121 Red Front Fighters Association, pages 67-71, 125, 142-145, 171 Socialist Proletarian Youth of the USPD, Page 104, 120 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 3-7, 14-17, 23, 26-31, 40-42, 54-57, 67-68, 97-103, 122-123, 127, 144, 166 Decomposition work of the KPD, Page 101-104

Management Reports No. 21
BArch, R 1507/2004 · Akt(e) · 28. Dez. 1920
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 21 Frontbund, page 21 Organisation Escherich, page 150, 157, 158, 161 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), page 7-8, 35-43, 83-84, 97, 156 Arbeiter-Selbstschutz Nürnberg-Fürth, page 18-19, 88-89 Aufstand und Aufstandagitation, page 97, 141 Ausland, kommunistische Politik im, page 29-33, 73-76, 96, 138-140, 165-179 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 82 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 18, 106, 157 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), page 3, 5-6, 43-47, 80-85, 100-104, 132-133, 142-150, 161 Communist Party of Germany, pages 2-6, 23, 25, 27, 47-61, 79, 81-82, 85-87, 97, 99-100, 108, 132-133, 135-136, 141-146, 149-150, 154, 162 Communist Youth Association of Germany, page 88, 152 Red Front Fighters Association, page 103-105, 150 Student Movement, page 152 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), page 18, 98 Decomposition Work of the KPD, pages 54, 83, 105-106

Management Reports No. 22
BArch, R 1507/2004 · Akt(e) · 3. Jan. 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 21 Frontbund, page 21 Organisation Escherich, page 150, 157, 158, 161 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), page 7-8, 35-43, 83-84, 97, 156 Arbeiter-Selbstschutz Nürnberg-Fürth, page 18-19, 88-89 Aufstand und Aufstandagitation, page 97, 141 Ausland, kommunistische Politik im, page 29-33, 73-76, 96, 138-140, 165-179 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 82 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 18, 106, 157 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), page 3, 5-6, 43-47, 80-85, 100-104, 132-133, 142-150, 161 Communist Party of Germany, pages 2-6, 23, 25, 27, 47-61, 79, 81-82, 85-87, 97, 99-100, 108, 132-133, 135-136, 141-146, 149-150, 154, 162 Communist Youth Association of Germany, page 88, 152 Red Front Fighters Association, page 103-105, 150 Student Movement, page 152 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), page 18, 98 Decomposition Work of the KPD, pages 54, 83, 105-106

Management Reports No. 24
BArch, R 1507/2004 · Akt(e) · 18. Jan. 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 21 Frontbund, page 21 Organisation Escherich, page 150, 157, 158, 161 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), page 7-8, 35-43, 83-84, 97, 156 Arbeiter-Selbstschutz Nürnberg-Fürth, page 18-19, 88-89 Aufstand und Aufstandagitation, page 97, 141 Ausland, kommunistische Politik im, page 29-33, 73-76, 96, 138-140, 165-179 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 82 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), page 18, 106, 157 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), page 3, 5-6, 43-47, 80-85, 100-104, 132-133, 142-150, 161 Communist Party of Germany, pages 2-6, 23, 25, 27, 47-61, 79, 81-82, 85-87, 97, 99-100, 108, 132-133, 135-136, 141-146, 149-150, 154, 162 Communist Youth Association of Germany, page 88, 152 Red Front Fighters Association, page 103-105, 150 Student Movement, page 152 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), page 18, 98 Decomposition Work of the KPD, pages 54, 83, 105-106

Management Reports No. 28
BArch, R 1507/2006 · Akt(e) · 15. Feb. 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: National Bolshevism, pages 6, 144, 146 Organisation Escherich, pages 162, 176 General Workers Union (AAU), pages 19, 23-24, 81-82, 84, 146, 153-156 Insurrection and agitation, pages 77-80, 150-151 Foreign countries, communist politics in, Pages 44-76, 121-142 Freie Arbeiterunion Deutschlands (FAUD), pages 12, 16, 80-81, 118 International Confederation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, pages 88, 157-158 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 12, 20-22, 41, 82-83, 90, 146, 152-156, 161-162 Communist Party of Germany, Page 11-21, 32, 41-42, 77-80, 87, 89, 116-118, 143-155, 160-161, 168-169 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 10 Reichsbund der kommunistischen Metallarbeiter, Page 159-161, 168 Roter Frontkämpferbund, Page 6-11, 77-79, 161 Student Movement, Page 1-5 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) (page 1-5)

Management Reports No. 30
BArch, R 1507/2006 · Akt(e) · 1. März 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: National Bolshevism, pages 6, 144, 146 Organisation Escherich, pages 162, 176 General Workers Union (AAU), pages 19, 23-24, 81-82, 84, 146, 153-156 Insurrection and agitation, pages 77-80, 150-151 Foreign countries, communist politics in, Pages 44-76, 121-142 Freie Arbeiterunion Deutschlands (FAUD), pages 12, 16, 80-81, 118 International Confederation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, pages 88, 157-158 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 12, 20-22, 41, 82-83, 90, 146, 152-156, 161-162 Communist Party of Germany, Page 11-21, 32, 41-42, 77-80, 87, 89, 116-118, 143-155, 160-161, 168-169 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 10 Reichsbund der kommunistischen Metallarbeiter, Page 159-161, 168 Roter Frontkämpferbund, Page 6-11, 77-79, 161 Student Movement, Page 1-5 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) (page 1-5)

Management Reports No. 31
BArch, R 1507/2007 · Akt(e) · 9. März 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German National People's Party, page 177 Organisation Escherich, page 26-27 General Workers Union (AAU), page 22, 105-106, 124, 170-171 Insurrection and agitation, page 86, 90, 128-129, 150-163 Foreign countries, communist politics, page 41-45, 57-70, 78-84, 121-122, 130-144, 148-149, 183-187, 199-216 Peasant and Agricultural Workers' Movement of the KPD, page 9 Federation of Communists, pages 107-109 Free Workers' Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 10-11, 105-106 Free Association for the Study of German Communism, page 106 International Federation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, Page 13-14 Children's organizations, Children's Aid of the KPD, Page 8 Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 22, 110-111, 128-129, 196 Communist Party of Germany, Page 3-18, 55, 87-90, 98-103, 150-171, 196-197 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 7-8 Reichsbund der kommunistischen Metallarbeiter, Page 16, 172-173 Roter Frontkämpferbund, Page 3-6, 153-163 Sozialistische Proletarierjugend der USPD, Page 89 Theaterarbeit, Page 175 Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (USPD), Page 8-9, 111-112, 158, 175-176, 196-197 Weltbund Esperanto, Page 24

Management Reports No. 32
BArch, R 1507/2007 · Akt(e) · 15. März 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German National People's Party, page 177 Organisation Escherich, page 26-27 General Workers Union (AAU), page 22, 105-106, 124, 170-171 Insurrection and agitation, page 86, 90, 128-129, 150-163 Foreign countries, communist politics, page 41-45, 57-70, 78-84, 121-122, 130-144, 148-149, 183-187, 199-216 Peasant and Agricultural Workers' Movement of the KPD, page 9 Federation of Communists, pages 107-109 Free Workers' Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 10-11, 105-106 Free Association for the Study of German Communism, page 106 International Federation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, Page 13-14 Children's organizations, Children's Aid of the KPD, Page 8 Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 22, 110-111, 128-129, 196 Communist Party of Germany, Page 3-18, 55, 87-90, 98-103, 150-171, 196-197 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 7-8 Reichsbund der kommunistischen Metallarbeiter, Page 16, 172-173 Roter Frontkämpferbund, Page 3-6, 153-163 Sozialistische Proletarierjugend der USPD, Page 89 Theaterarbeit, Page 175 Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (USPD), Page 8-9, 111-112, 158, 175-176, 196-197 Weltbund Esperanto, Page 24

Management Reports No. 33
BArch, R 1507/2007 · Akt(e) · 22. März 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German National People's Party, page 177 Organisation Escherich, page 26-27 General Workers Union (AAU), page 22, 105-106, 124, 170-171 Insurrection and agitation, page 86, 90, 128-129, 150-163 Foreign countries, communist politics, page 41-45, 57-70, 78-84, 121-122, 130-144, 148-149, 183-187, 199-216 Peasant and Agricultural Workers' Movement of the KPD, page 9 Federation of Communists, pages 107-109 Free Workers' Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 10-11, 105-106 Free Association for the Study of German Communism, page 106 International Federation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, Page 13-14 Children's organizations, Children's Aid of the KPD, Page 8 Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD), Page 22, 110-111, 128-129, 196 Communist Party of Germany, Page 3-18, 55, 87-90, 98-103, 150-171, 196-197 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 7-8 Reichsbund der kommunistischen Metallarbeiter, Page 16, 172-173 Roter Frontkämpferbund, Page 3-6, 153-163 Sozialistische Proletarierjugend der USPD, Page 89 Theaterarbeit, Page 175 Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (USPD), Page 8-9, 111-112, 158, 175-176, 196-197 Weltbund Esperanto, Page 24

Management Reports No. 37
BArch, R 1507/2009 · Akt(e) · 3. Mai 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: General Workers' Union (AAU), pages 8, 12-13, 56-57, 82-84, 91, 95, 105 Insurrection and agitation, pages 66, 117 Foreign countries, Communist politics in the KPD, pages 9, 74-75, 118-125 Peasant and agricultural workers' movement, pages 148 Communist League, pages 62-63, 96, 107-108, 132-137 Executive Committee of the Third Reich, pages 132-137 (Communist) International ECCI, pages 2-4, 11-12, 64-65, 85-86, 98-100, 132-137, 140-153 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 13-14, 57-58, 94 International Confederation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, pages 64, 108-109, 156-166 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 6-7, 36-37, 54-56, 59-61, 95, 103, 105-106, 154-155 Communist Party of Germany, Page 2-6, 17, 48-54, 58-60, 76, 79-81, 92-93, 97-105, 140-141, 152 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 63-64, 107 Red Aid of Germany, Page 7-9, 51-54, 106 Red Front Fighter League, Page 10, 101-104 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 3, 14-15, 65, 112, 141-150 Association for Proletarian Cremation, Page 58

Management Reports No. 39
BArch, R 1507/2009 · Akt(e) · 17. Mai 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: General Workers\' Union (AAU), pages 8, 12-13, 56-57, 82-84, 91, 95, 105 Insurrection and agitation, pages 66, 117 Foreign countries, Communist politics in the KPD, pages 9, 74-75, 118-125 Peasant and agricultural workers\' movement, pages 148 Communist League, pages 62-63, 96, 107-108, 132-137 Executive Committee of the Third Reich, pages 132-137 (Communist) International ECCI, pages 2-4, 11-12, 64-65, 85-86, 98-100, 132-137, 140-153 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 13-14, 57-58, 94 International Confederation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, pages 64, 108-109, 156-166 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 6-7, 36-37, 54-56, 59-61, 95, 103, 105-106, 154-155 Communist Party of Germany, Page 2-6, 17, 48-54, 58-60, 76, 79-81, 92-93, 97-105, 140-141, 152 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 63-64, 107 Red Aid of Germany, Page 7-9, 51-54, 106 Red Front Fighter League, Page 10, 101-104 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 3, 14-15, 65, 112, 141-150 Association for Proletarian Cremation, Page 58

Management Reports No. 50
BArch, R 1507/2013 · Akt(e) · 9. Aug. 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Organisation Escherich, page 45, 89-90 Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union (AAU), pages 18-20, 27, 54-65, 87-88 Bund der Kommunisten, page 20, 28 Offices under the leadership of the Berlin Soviet representation, pages 25-28 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, page 8 Free Workers' Union of Germany (FAUD), page 20, 28 International Federation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, page 21 Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 16-18, 24, 27, 47-55, 83-84, 114-117 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Labour in the German Reich, pages 22-24, 74-75 Communist Party of Germany, pages 7-16, 21-31, 72-81, 109-112 Communist Youth Association of Germany, pages 15, 18, 46, 82 Supreme Action Council of the Combat Organization of the KAPD, pages 86-87 Proletarian Workers' International, pages 84-85 Red Front Fighters' Association, pages 13-14, 85-87 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), pages 75-77, 81 United Revolutionary Support Commission, page 18 Decomposition Work of the KPD, pages 14, 45, 79

Management Reports No. 52
BArch, R 1507/2014 · Akt(e) · 23. Aug. 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 32 National Socialist German Labour Party, page 32 Storm Departments (SA) of the NSDAP, page 32 General Workers Union (AAU), page 21, 28-29, 96, 107, 115-119 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 22, 60-65, 66-76 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 21, 29, 80-91, 139-140 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 26-27, 96, 104-107, 115-119, 126, 138 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Work in the German Reich, pages 135-136 Communist Party of Germany, Page 6-25, 31, 71-76, 97-104, 115-118, 122-142 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 27-28, 115-119, 152-154 Reich Association of the Unemployed, Page 18-19, 104, 115-119, 142 Red Front Fighter Association, Page 12, 15 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 94, 134 Decomposition Work of the KPD, Page 77-78, 121

Management Reports No. 58
BArch, R 1507/2015 · Akt(e) · 19. Okt. 1921
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 93 Bund Oberland, page 112 Deutscher Herold, page 157 Deutschnationale Jugendbewegung, page 187-189 National Army Frankfurt/Main, page 111 Organisation Consul, page 74, 91-93, 112, 141 Stahlhelm, Federation of Front Soldiers, page 52 General Workers Union (AAU), page 7, 18-19, 71-73, 100-103, 143-144, 153-155, 167, 178-181, 186 Peasant and Agricultural Workers Movement of the KPD, page 40, 118 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 8, 156-157, 167-168 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 7, 19-20, 73-74, 103 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 7, 16-18, 48-51, 70, 101-103, 109-110, 135, 143-144, 153, 186 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Work in the German Reich, pages 16 Communist Party of Germany, pages 6-17, 45-55, 62-69, 96-99, 104-109, 134, 139-140, 143-150, 183-186 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 11-14, 107, 146-147, 184-186 Teachers' Movement, Page 185-186 Physiocratic Movement, Page 22 Red Help of Germany, Page 14, 69 Self-Protection Movement, Page 60, 195 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 48, 54, 89, 98-99, 107, 126-129, 134

Management Reports No. 64
BArch, R 1507/2016 · Akt(e) · 7. Jan. 1922
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 62, 75-78 Berlin Self-Protection, page 110 Brüder vom Stein, page 11, 39, 96, 98-101 Bund Oberland, page 39 German-Völkische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, page 76-77 Falkenbund, page 110 National Army Frankfurt/Main, page 94-95, 109 National Socialist German Workers' Party, page 62, 77-78 Niederdeutscher Bund, page 74-75 Organisation Aulock, Page 39 Organisation Consul, Page 26 Organisation Escherich, Page 12, 98-101 Organisation Heydebreck, Page 39 Organisation Hubertus, Page 39, 79, 111 Organisation Rossbach, Page 39, 61-62, 79, 95-96, 110-111 Silver shield, Page 11, 39, 96-97 General Workers' Union (AAU), Page 5, 10-11, 38, 53, 73-74, 82, 92 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 47, 52, 83, 112 International Federation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, pages 89 Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 5, 10-11, 17-18, 28, 38, 50, 53-54, 55-59, 70-73, 82, 91, 92, 107-108 Communist Study Group, pages 52-62 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Work in the German Reich, page 42 Communist Party of Germany, Page 6-10, 18-25, 28-33, 36-37, 42-59, 69-72, 82, 90-92 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 38-39, 144 Organisation Plättner, Page 107-108 Reich Association of the Unemployed, Page 5, 17 Red Front Fighter Association, Page 107-108 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 9, 22-23, 30-33, 45, 47, 49, 52, 69, 71, 82 Decomposition Work of the KPD, Page 75

Management Reports No. 65
BArch, R 1507/2016 · Akt(e) · 14. Jan. 1922
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Anti-Semitism, page 62, 75-78 Berlin Self-Protection, page 110 Brüder vom Stein, page 11, 39, 96, 98-101 Bund Oberland, page 39 German-Völkische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, page 76-77 Falkenbund, page 110 National Army Frankfurt/Main, page 94-95, 109 National Socialist German Workers' Party, page 62, 77-78 Niederdeutscher Bund, page 74-75 Organisation Aulock, Page 39 Organisation Consul, Page 26 Organisation Escherich, Page 12, 98-101 Organisation Heydebreck, Page 39 Organisation Hubertus, Page 39, 79, 111 Organisation Rossbach, Page 39, 61-62, 79, 95-96, 110-111 Silver shield, Page 11, 39, 96-97 General Workers' Union (AAU), Page 5, 10-11, 38, 53, 73-74, 82, 92 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 47, 52, 83, 112 International Federation of War-Damaged and War-Remained Persons, pages 89 Communist Workers' Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 5, 10-11, 17-18, 28, 38, 50, 53-54, 55-59, 70-73, 82, 91, 92, 107-108 Communist Study Group, pages 52-62 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Work in the German Reich, page 42 Communist Party of Germany, Page 6-10, 18-25, 28-33, 36-37, 42-59, 69-72, 82, 90-92 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 38-39, 144 Organisation Plättner, Page 107-108 Reich Association of the Unemployed, Page 5, 17 Red Front Fighter Association, Page 107-108 Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), Page 9, 22-23, 30-33, 45, 47, 49, 52, 69, 71, 82 Decomposition Work of the KPD, Page 75

Management Reports No. 96
BArch, R 1507/2021 · Akt(e) · 25. Aug. 1923
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Bismarckbund, page 26 Blücherbund, page 28-29 Brigade Ehrhardt, page 68 German Legion of Honour, page 82-84 German National Youth Movement, page 25 Combat Organization "Fatherland", page 84 National Bolshevism, pages 39-40, 60-61, 76-77, 98 National Socialist German Workers Party, pages 66-67, 95-98 Organization Rossbach, page 26, 49 Reichswehrblock Rossbach, page 26 Scharnhorstbund, page 99 Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten, page 98-99 Vereinigte Vaterländische Verbände Deutschlands, page 29 Völkische Gewerkschaften, pages 26-27 Wehrwolf, pages 81-82, 99 Wiking-Bund, page 127 Bauern- und Landarbeiterbewegung der KPD, pages 32-33 Beamtenbewegung der KPD, page 64 Executive Committee of the III. (Communist) International ECCI, pages 17, 48, 60-61 Free Workers Union of Germany (FAUD), pages 19-23 Communist Workers Party of Germany (KAPD), pages 23 Communist Party of Germany, pages 5-16, 38-43, 57-65, 77-80, 88-94, 106-128 Communist Youth Association of Germany, pages 78-79 KPD file service, pages 8-10, 64-65, 120-126 Red Help of Germany, pages 113-115 Red Front Fighters Association, pages 8-10, 64-65, 120-126 Self-Protection Movement, pages 7-10, 40-41 Student Movement, page 77

BArch, R 1507/2058 · Akt(e) · o.Dat. (1930)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Adler und Falken, page 145, 193 Artaman Movement, page 193 Bund der Geusen, page 193 Deutscher Frauenorden der NSDAP, page 172 Deutschvölkischer Offiziersbund, page 172 Freischar Schill, page 145, 193 Frontkriegerbund e. V., Page 191 National Bolshevism, pages 150-154 National Socialist German Workers' Party, pages 144-212 National Socialist Farmers' and Settlers' Association, pages 187-189 National Socialist Civil Service Association, page 181 National Socialist Beutscher Medical Association, page 170 National Socialist German Student Association, Page 159-164 National Socialist Teachers' Association, page 169 National Socialist Students' Association, page 165-170 Sacrificial Ring of the NSDAP, page 182 Red Swastika of the NSDAP, page 172 Steel Helmet, Association of Front Soldiers, page 187, 191-192 Storm Departments (SA) of the NSDAP, page 182-184 Association of National Socialist Seafarers, Page 181 Agitation and propaganda of the KPD, pages 19, 22, 51-52, Arbeiter Ido- und Esperanto-Bund, pages 83-84 Arbeiter-Abstinentenbund, pages 84 Worker correspondence of the KPD, pages 30-33 Arbeiter-Radio-Internationale, pages 71-73, 83, 89-91 Arbeiter-Radio-Klub Deutschlands, pages 71-73 Arbeiter-Sängerbund, Page 84 Workers' Shooters' Union, Page 46 Association of Revolutionary German Visual Artists, Page 83 Uprising and Uprising Agitation, Page 17-24 Peasant and Agricultural Workers' Movement of the KPD, Page 53-58 Association of Friends of the Soviet Union, Page 84, 88 Executive Committee of the Third Reich, Page 88, Page 83, Association of Revolutionary Visual Artists of Germany, Page 83, Page 17-24, Association of Friends of the Soviet Union, Page 84, 88, Executive Committee of the Third Reich, Page 83, Page 83, Page 83, Page 17, Page 24, Page 84, Page 83, Page 83, Page 84, Page 84, Executive Committee of the Third Reich, Page 17, 88 (Communist) International ECCI, pages 70-71 Community of Proletarian Free Thinkers, pages 83 Interest Group for Workers' Culture (IfA), pages 83-86 International Workers' Aid (IAH), pages 86-88 International Legal Association, pages 82-83 International Proletarian Free Thinkers, Page 83 International Workers' Theater Association, Page 89 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Work in the German Reich, Page 63-68 Communist Party of Germany, Page 17-103 Communist Party of Germany Opposition, Page 91-97 Communist Youth Association of Germany, Page 73-80 Lenin Association, Page 91-97 Military Party Work (HP) of the KPD, Page 20 Reich Association of the Unemployed, Page 31-33 Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition (RGO), Page 24-26 Red Aid of Germany, Page 80-82 Red Front Fighter Association, Page 38-40, 58-63 Self-Protection Movement, Page 36-38, 40-45 Soviet Film Society for Proletarian Culture, page 83 Spartacus League, page 77-80, 91-97 Storm Brigades, KPD, page 26 Theatre Work, page 28, 83 Association of Freethinkers for Cremation, page 83 United Left Opposition, page 91-95 World Federation Esperanto, page 83 Decomposition Work of the KPD, page 33-36, 194-196

Schumacher Collection (inventory)
BArch, R 187 · Sammlung · 1924 - 1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The available documents were compiled by Bruno Schumacher, a German employee of the US Document Center in Berlin (BDC). After the collection was handed over to the Federal Archives, large parts were incorporated into their holdings. Inventory description: With the return of files from the Berlin Document Center in Sept./Dec. 1962, the Schumacher Collection was transferred to the Federal Archives in Koblenz. This collection had been collected by a German employee of the BDC, Bruno Schumacher, in years of work. It contains printed publications as well as files taken from the various provenance and collection holdings kept in the BDC, whereby the selection criterion was the importance, the documentation value, of the material. Archivische Bewertung und Erschließung Schumacher intended to create a material collection of the most important documents on the history of the Nazi era for his hand use and thus to create a key position for himself in the BDC. In selecting and recombining the material, he did not take into account provenance, registry or volume connections, but arranged everything according to a very roughly applied pertinence principle. His memory alone served as a finding aid for the more than 500 volumes. When he retired in 1960, the collection was recorded in lists and an "order scheme" was formed. The aim of the Federal Archives in Koblenz was to dissolve the Schumacher Collection and to assign the documents to the various holdings. In 1963, the official party publications of the Schumacher Collection were incorporated into ZSg. 3 (official party publications). The documents of Bavarian provenance were removed in 1966 and handed over to the Bavarian Main State Archives. Over the years, smaller parts of the collection have been incorporated into the relevant archives and provenance holdings. For example, KPD material from the Schumacher Collection was transferred to the NS 26 Main Archive of the NSDAP (1967). Starting in 2004, the "Research" collection of the former BDC and the subsequent integration of the documents into the Schumacher Collection, now kept in the Federal Archive in Berlin-Lichterfelde, was processed by the project group NS Archive of the MfS. Among other things, it was established here that the indexing information of the archival records recorded at R 187 is partly identical with that of the respective file numbers at "Research". Obvious duplicates and copies have been collected. "Novelties" have been assigned to the Schumacher Collection. Abbreviations BDM Bund Deutscher Mädel or DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront DRK Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Gestapo Geheime Staatspolizei HJ Hitlerjugend ed. published KJVD Communist Youth Association Germany KPD Communist Party Germany NSKOV NS NS War Victim Care NSDAP National Socialist Workers' Party Germany NSDStB National Socialist German Student Union SAJ Socialist Workers' Youth SD Security Service SPD Socialist Party Germany TeNo Technical Emergency Aid TH Technical University USchlA Committees of Inquiry and Conciliation Content Characterization: The collection contains printed matter, files and other written material from governmental and party-official departments v. a. of the years 1933-1945. State of development: Stock in progress. Citation style: BArch, R 187/...