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Description archivistique
'Exploration of Adamaua; Volume 1'
FA 1 / 72 · Dossier · 1885 - 1902
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

'Mutation des Soldats Haoussa du Togo à Yaoundé afin d'y établir un contact avec les caravanes de marchands Haoussa de l'Adamaoua et leur redirection vers la côte du Protectorat du Cameroun. - Arrêté du Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Sans titre
Administration du District 1902 - 1904
FA 1 / 112 · Dossier
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Dienststellen der Lokalverwaltung. - Banjo. - Appointment of Lieutenant Sandrock as deputy station master, 13 Feb. 1902 [fol. 2] Trade of the locals in country produce. - Report by Lieutenant Sandrock, Banjo, April 1902 [fol. 8 - 10] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaoua. - In Tibati. - Report by Lieutenant Sandrock, 4 April 1902 [fol. 11 - 12] Expedition of the station chiefs from Banjo (Lieutenant Sandrock, Lieutenant Houben). - Galim expedition (14-26 March 1902), 1902 [fol. 21 - 28] General political, military and economic conditions. - Adamaua. - Banjo area - report by Lieutenant Sandrock, 15 May 1902 [fol. 31 - 32] Local government offices. - Banjo. - Takeover of the station by First Lieutenant Houben, 18 June 1902 [fol. 33] Expedition of the station commanders of Banjo (Lieutenant Sandrock, First Lieutenant Houben). - Battle at Kumbo on 4 June 1902 and attack by the Bansso (Bascho) on 7 June 1902, 1902 [fol. 34 - 35] Expedition of the Banjo station commanders (Lieutenant Sandrock, First Lieutenant Houben). - Bafut Expedition (June-July 1902), 1902 [fol. 36 - 46] Njoya, Chief of Bamum (Fumban). - Presentation of a flag and a revolver by the Banjo station, September 1902 [fol. 48 - 51] Lake Chad expedition (Lieutenant-Colonel Pavel). - Expedition Bali Banjo (8 Jan. - 7 Feb. 1902) herein also: Murder of First Lieutenant Nolte on 1 Feb. 1902 in Banjo, 1902 [fol. 53 - 57] Individual cases. - Nolte, First Lieutenant. - Murder in the castle of Lamidos Omaru in Banjo on 1 February 1902, 1902 [fol. 58] Merima Issa (brother of Lamidos Omaru von Banjo, shot on 1 February 1902 on the occasion of the murder of Lieutenant Nolte). - Transport to the coast and shooting on the run together with Sariki-n-zaggi and the Kaigama Adamau by the escort detachment under Lieutenant Sandrock on 25 February 1902, 1902 [fol. 68] General political, military and economic circumstances. - Adamaua. - Banjo area. - Report of Lieutenant von Madai, August-October 1902 [fol. 69 - 112] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo June - September 1902, 1902 [fol. 121 - 140] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo 24 January - 12 June 1902, 1902 [fol. 130 - 141] Reports of the general administration departments. - Banjo December 1903, 1903 [fol. 155 - 156] General political, military and economic conditions. - Banjo, Bamun (Fumban) Tikar area. - Report by Lieutenant Müller, (1 Feb. 1904) [fol. 160 - 165] Lake Chad journey of 6 Aug. 1904 (Governor von Puttkamer). - Galim expedition from 15 October to 15 November 1904 (Lieutenant Achenbach), 1904 [fol. 178 - 201] Reports of the departments of the general administration. - Banjo July 1904, 1904 [fol. 184 - 187] Reports of the general administration departments. - Banjo August - September 1904, 1904 [fols. 198 - 199] Location sketch of Banjo station (with ground plan sketch) without scale. Pen and ink drawing with coloured inscriptions, Sandrock, Leutnant, 31.3.1902 New establishment of the station by Leutnant Sandrock after the murder of Oberleutnant Nolte on 1.2.1902, 20.4.1902

Sans titre
Administration of the district; vol. 4
FA 1 / 132 · Dossier · 1905 - 1908
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Combating riots and insurrections. - Jabassi expedition from 15 June - 27 September 1906 (Lieutenant Menzel), 1906 [fol. 1 - 13] Raid on the Biongele factories (presumably on 18 January 1907) Report by the merchant Habich, 1907 [fol. 17 - 117] Reports from the general administration departments. - Jabassi January 1907 - April 1908, 1907 - 1908 [fol. 21 - 169] Business trip to Njanga and surroundings from 16 August - 7 September 1907 (Lieutenant Buthut, Jabassi), 1907 [fol. 24 - 25] General political, military and economic circumstances. - Jabassi (chiefs' meeting on 6 September 1906) Minutes by Lieutenant Buthut, 1906 [fol. 33 - 34] Deployment of the Jabassi expedition (Lieutenant von Stein-Lausnitz) in the Jabassi district. - Proposals by Deputy District Chief Katzer, 13 April 1907 [fol. 48] Mission to regulate traffic on the Jabassi Ba-Ngangte Fumban road from 14 May to 12 June 1907 (Deputy District Chief Katzer), 1907 [fol. 59 - 64] Jabassi. - Handover of the station to Lieutenant Buthut by Deputy District Chief Katzer, 17 July 1907 [fol. 67 - 70] Affairs of the chiefs. - Case against Chief Qua Moto of Mamelo / Quantek and comrades for resisting state authority and deprivation of liberty. - Court hearing in Jabassi, 10 October 1907 [fol. 74 - 77] Jabassi. - Additional report on administrative conditions 9 October 1906 -2 October 1907 [fol. 78 - 110] General political, military and economic conditions. - Biongele area. - Report by Lieutenant Weyse, Jabassi, 15 September 1907 [fol. 79 - 89] General political, military and economic conditions. - Musche. (Mosse) expedition from 11 May to 26 November 1907 (Lieutenant Weyse), 1907 [fol. 79 - 135] General political, military and economic conditions. - Elephant hunt of the Hausa in the Biongele area, Jabassi district. - Report by Lieutenant Weyse, 1907 [fol. 79 - 89] Offices of the local administration. - Jabassi. - Duties of the station after redefinition of the borders against the districts of Duala and Dschang. - Instruction from Governor Dr Seitz, 6.11.1907 [fol. 90 - 92] Mission in the Jabassi district from 12.7.-28.9.1908 (station leader Katzer), also: deployment of the 6th (expedition) company in the Jabassi district, 1908 [fol. 98 - 108] Hausa and Duala trade in the Jabassi district, January--February 1908 [fol. 120 - 128] Jabassi Biongele Musche (Mosse) business trip from 29 November to the end of December 1907 (First Lieutenant Buthut), 1907 [fol. 136 - 142] Operations against the Betschoa (Jabassi district) from February to September 1908 - implementation (First Lieutenant von Heigelin), 1908 [fol. 147-154, 172-184, 187] Mission Njanga Nkongsamba from 31 October to mid-November 1906 (Lieutenant Buthut), 1906 [fol. 159 - 167] Combating the dominance of the Duala and Abo traders in the Jabassi district. - Demand by Lieutenant Buthut, November 1906 [fol. 159 - 169] General political, military and economic conditions. - Joko (in particular the Tukan's action against Ngutte) Report by Captain Dominik, 20 May 1908 [fol. 174] Operations against the Betschoa (Jabassi district) from February - September 1908 - Implementation 27 July - 4 September 1908 (Lieutenant Dickmann), 1908 [fol. 187 - 191]

Sans titre
B 1 (inventory)
Kreisarchiv Höxter, B 1 · Fonds
Fait partie de District Archive Höxter (Archive Tectonics)

Introduction : The holdings at hand comprise files of the Höxter district administration from the years 1824 to 1972, including the Brakel district, which was affiliated to the Höxter district in 1832. It is a remnant, to which other older files disparately found in the Kreishaus Höxter were also assigned. The focus of the collection is on files from the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Since the Prussian district administrator was a state official and the district administration was a state administration until its communalisation on 1 April 1946, the state archives claim the files of the district administrations. For this reason, in a total of ten deliveries from 1939 to 1951, the files of the rural administration - including numerous files of the municipal administration (district committee) that had already existed since 1884 - were handed over to the Münster State Archives. After the establishment of the Detmold State Archive with the administrative district of Detmold as the archive sprinkler, the files initially handed over to Münster came to Detmold. Therefore the majority of the files from the Prussian district time today form the holdings M 2 Höxter in the state archives North Rhine-Westphalia - department East Westphalia-Lippe - in Detmold (before the state archives Detmold). In the main, the archives recorded in this finding aid book are files from the wide area of public safety and order. However, files from the areas of social affairs, construction, trade and industry, housing, agriculture and forestry are also assigned. Höxter, signed in October 2010. Horst-D. Krus Nachtrag:In June 2015/March 2016, for the publication of the online finding aid, the individual units of registration were provided with protection period notes in accordance with the Landesarchivgesetz NRW (State Archives Act of North Rhine-Westphalia). Kreie, Höxter, 14 March 2016Kreisarchiv Höxter B 1 Nr.

Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, C 110 Halle (Benutzungsort: Merseburg) · Fonds · 1838 - 1966
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Findbuch von 1992 (online searchable) Registraturbildner: The Verein für den Halleschen Handel, which was originally founded in 1833 to build a packing yard, is to be regarded as the forerunner of the later Halle Chamber of Commerce. On the basis of proposals made by this association and its president Ludwig Wucherer, a chamber of commerce "for the city of Halle and the Saale-Örter" was established by edict of 18 October 1844. Its district initially comprised the cities of Halle, Wettin and Alsleben as well as the rural communities of Kröllwitz, Rothenburg (Saale) and Salzmünde. In 1856 Eilenburg was added, in 1873 the districts of Bitterfeld, Delitzsch (without the city of Delitzsch), Querfurt, Merseburg, Naumburg, Weißenfels, Zeitz, the Saalkreis, the Mansfelder See- und Gebirgskreis (without the former court commission Ermsleben) joined. In 1881 the city of Delitzsch followed, in 1894 the district Eckartsberga, in 1895 the districts Liebenwerda and Torgau, finally in 1920 the district Schweinitz. The Halle Chamber of Industry and Commerce thus comprised the entire administrative district of Merseburg without the district of Sangerhausen, which belonged to the Nordhausen chamber district, and the former Ermsleben court commission (Mansfelder Gebirgskreis) with the town of Ermsleben and the rural communities of Endorf, Meisdorf, Neuplatendorf, Pansfelde, Sinsleben and Wieserode, which were assigned to the Halberstadt chamber district. When it was founded, the Chamber of Commerce consisted of 9 members, and since 1897 it had 54 members elected in 7 constituencies in the Industry, Mining, Wholesale and Retailing sections. In 1936, the Mittelelbe Chamber of Commerce was created for the area of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Halle, Halberstadt, Magdeburg and Dessau, i.e. for the Free State of Anhalt, the administrative districts of Magdeburg and Merseburg, and the Braunschweig district of Calvörde. The Mittelelbe Chamber of Commerce was created, which combined the chambers mentioned for its district and corresponded to the middle level of the Reich Economic Chamber. After the order of 16 December 1942 had determined the establishment of the Gauwirtschaftskammer Halle-Merseburg, the Industrie- und Handelskammer Halle and the Wirtschaftskammer Mittelelbe were dissolved with effect from 31 December 1942. Also the rights and duties of the Wirtschaftskammer Mittelelbe were transferred to the Gauwirtschaftskammer Halle-Merseburg on January 1, 1943 - as far as they concerned the district of the former Industrie- und Handelskammer Halle. After the end of the war, the competence of the Halle Chamber of Industry and Commerce was extended to the newly founded province of Saxony, until the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the province of Saxony (from 3 December 1946: Saxony-Anhalt) was formed by decree of the Presidium of the Province of Saxony of 20 April 1946. Inventory information: The files grown up at the Halle Chamber of Industry and Commerce were probably subjected to an extensive cassation at the end of the 19th century, from which only those volumes of files were spared that were still needed for the current management at that time. Between 1953 and 1958, this older part of the collection, together with the later files, was delivered in three deliveries to the Merseburg branch of the State Archives. In 1968, this part of the collection was transferred to Magdeburg and supplemented with regard to the index data; in 1969, the remainder of the collection was finally taken over by the Magdeburg State Archives, listed and integrated into the existing collection. During the processing of documents of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Halle district in the 1990s, further documents from the period before 1945 could be identified and assigned to the holdings. Additional information: A typewritten index is available for the examination documents of the individual trades (8.6.). Literature: The Chamber of Commerce building in Halle a. d. Saale. Memorandum on the inauguration on 12 May 1902 - W. Hoffmann, the Halle Chamber of Commerce. Memorandum on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce, Halle 1902 - The Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Halle, edited by the management, Leipzig 1937 - Dalchow, Irmtraud, Die Industrie- und Handelskammer Halle-Dessau: 150 Jahre Kammergeschichte in Mitteldeutschland 1844 - 1994 Festschrift der IHK Halle-Dessau zum 150jährigen Jubiläum, Halle 1995.

Colonial Economic Committee (inventory)
BArch, R 8024 · Fonds · 1890-1933
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Association founded in Berlin in 1896 by Karl Supf for the economic development of the German colonies through scientific investigations, publications, research trips and propaganda activities; since 1902 officially "Economic Committee of the German Colonial Society". In 1936 probably merged into the Reichskolonialbund. Inventory description: Inventory history The fact that an archive was set up in the Colonial Economic Committee is regarded as a confirmed finding. The Colonial Economic Archive, which was established at the Berlin Central Office in 1909, already had records of more than 600 colonial enterprises in its founding year. Due to a lack of documents, it is not possible to determine when the documents were transferred from these archives or the registries to the Reichsarchiv. For the period of the Second World War it can be assumed that the holdings, together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv, were outsourced and taken over after 1945 by the Deutsches Zentralarchiv Potsdam (later Zentrales Staatsarchiv Potsdam). Due to the lack of old finding aids, no information can be given on war-related outsourcing losses. Archive evaluation and processing Together with the documents of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t , the holdings of the Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee are among the most comprehensive non-governmental records of the colonial movement in the Federal Archives. The first processing of the holdings has already been carried out at the Central State Archives in Potsdam. Usually a simple distortion occurred. The new revision resulted in minor changes to the share titles and the reclassification of the portfolio. Content characterisation: Trade, industry and economic relations with other countries; colonial policy; colonial societies, colonial associations, colonial banks, colonial enterprises. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8024/...

Sans titre
FA 1 / 21 · Dossier · 1889 - 1904
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Combating unrest and insurrection. - Cameroon hinterland research expedition (Dr Eugen Zintgraff). - Business trip (Chancellor Count Pfeil, Marcus), Greater and Lesser Batanga, Kribi, Kampo, Spanish Muni, Gabon, St Thome (with detailed statement by the Governor of Soden), 1889 [fol. 1 - 54] Trade and commerce. - Establishment of factories of the company Knutson, Valdau & Heilborns Afrikanska Handelsaktiebolag on the Massake, Ndian and Rio del Rey under certain conditions. - Report of the Governor of Soden to the Foreign Office, 1899 [fol. 57 - 59]

Sans titre
BArch, R 703 · Fonds · 1917-1918
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Since 1881, the function of deputy Reich Chancellor has always been transferred to the State Secretary of the Interior; in November 1917, under Reich Chancellors Georg von Hertling and Max von Baden, the deputy function was assumed for the first time by a member of the government without departmental responsibility, the first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Progressive People's Party Friedrich von Payer; resignation on 10 Nov. 1918. On 30 January 1933, this office was reestablished as an independent office and occupied by Franz von Papen. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory was transferred to the German Central Archives in Potsdam at the beginning of the 1950s and to the Federal Archives in 1990 together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv that had been relocated to Saxony-Anhalt. Archive processing The processing took place in the Reichsarchiv. The file titles were transferred to the database without significant editorial revision, while retaining the old classification. The content of the notes that were too extensive had to be shortened. Content: Foreign Affairs; Federal Council - Federal States; Finance; Trade; Court Matters; Internal Administration of the Reich; War; Agriculture; Parties; Press; Prussia; Administration of Justice; Reich; Reich Chancellor; Reichstag; Transport. State of indexing: Findbuch 1958, Online-Findbuch 2005 Parts of the estate of Friedrich von Payer can be found in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz and the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart: BArch, R 703/...