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G30 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1898 - 31 Dec 1913
Teil von National Archives of Australia

Diese Eingangsjournale, die zuerst von der Neuguinea-Kompagnie und später vom Kaiserlichen Governement verwendet werden, erfassen jeden eingehenden Brief und geben Informationen wie Nummer, Datum des Eingangs, Inhalt, Umgang mit ihm, Ort usw. an.

Behörden des Schutzgebiets Deutsch-Neuguinea
Schiffspapiere s.s. Prinz Sigismund ¹
BP136/4 · Bestand · 1902 - 1914
Teil von National Archives of Australia

Beschreibung der Serie: Dokumente zu den Zertifikaten und Inspektionsberichten für die gesamte Ausrüstung und den Betrieb eines Schiffes. Historie vor/nach der Übertragung: "Vor der Übertragung..." Die "Prinz Sigismund", ein Handelsschiff mit 3302 Tonnen brutto und 1844 Tonnen netto Register, kam am 4.8.1914 aus Japan nach Brisbane. Das Schiff wurde am 5.8.1914 als feindliches (deutsches) Schiff festgehalten und am 6.8.1914 preisgekrönt. Danach wurde sie vor das Preisgericht gebracht, wo sie von der westaustralischen Regierung für den Handel an der Küste dieses Staates von der Commonwealth-Regierung übernommen wurde. Sie wurde inBAMBRA umbenannt. 1927 wurde die "BAMBRA" an die britische Regierung übergeben und anschließend an eine niederländische Schiffbrecherfirma verkauft. Normalerweise wären die Schiffspapiere mit dem Schiff an die westaustralische Regierung weitergegeben worden, aber zu dem bestimmten Zeitpunkt wurde dies übersehen und sie blieben bis zur Übergabe an das Archiv in der Obhut des Zollbeamten Qld. Nach der Übertragung - Die Dokumente sind in deutscher Sprache verfasst, es wurde jedoch festgestellt, dass sich die Dokumente im Wesentlichen auf sie beziehen: - Seetüchtigkeitszertifikat, Docking-Freibordzertifikat, Maschinenzertifikat, Lloyds-Testzertifikat (Anker), staatliches Gutachterzertifikat für Messungen und Seetüchtigkeit, allgemeine Lizenz für die Beförderung chinesischer Auswanderer, Gutachtenzertifikat.

Director of Customs, Brisbane, Queensland
G255 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1885 - 31 Dec 1991
Teil von National Archives of Australia

This series consists of material created by the Imperial Government of German New Guinea. The material was seized by the Australian Government when the Territory was captured during the First World War. The records of this series were among a large collection of material relating to the former territory of German New Guinea which came into the custody of the then Commonwealth Archives Office in 1963. This material is believed to have been shipped to Australia from Rabaul in 1937 for safekeeping following the volcanic eruption in May of that year. The collection comprised all the extant material from the four periods of colonial administration: (1) the New Guinea Company 1885-1899, (2) German Imperial administration 1899-1914, (3) British Military Administration 1914-1921, and (4) Australian Civil Administration of the mandated territory. There is record of the material having been examined in Canberra in August 1937 by Miss M Jacobs of the Department of History, University of Sydney. The collection was then in the custody of the National Library but was subsequently stored in large wooden crates at the premises of the Government Printer at Kingston. It remained there, more-or-less forgotten, until rediscovered in 1963 during a re-location of the Government Printing Office. It was transferred to the custody of the Commonwealth Archives Office on 20 August 1963 and accessioned as AA1963/83. A handwritten inventory was prepared (in English.) Various conversion to G series were effected and, in 1991, the remaining records created by the Imperial German administration 1899-1914 were separated and arranged to constitute this series by a visitng archivist from the German State Archives (Bundesarkiv), Dr. Jurgen Real. Note that Dr. Reals arrangement is in accordance with the practice of the Bundesarkiv, and not with the precepts of the Australian CRS system. The original order is not maintained - the items are not attributed to a particular agency recording and the original item number control is ignored in favour of an imposed simple numerical sequence. The inventory received from Dr. Real in December 1992 displays a number of discrepancies in the numerical sequence. In particular numbers 48, 293, 498, 547, 548 and 934 have not been used. Also several numbers were used twice; these have been differentiated by use of A and B suffixes. Dr Reals inventory is entirely in German. An English translation was arranged by Australian Archives in 1993 and this version has been entered in the ANGAM2 database. The records were subsequently microfilmed and, in 1994 and after a sojourn of 57 years in Australia, the original records were returned to Papua New Guinea. They are now held by the National Archives of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby. Microflilm copies are available for use in this office. The reference copy is G255/4. This series consists of records covering all matters relating to the administration of the German settlements on the mainland of New Guinea (that is, on the North-East Coast), on New Britain and New Ireland. It complements series G1 (1899-1911) and G2 (1911-1914) which consist of records of the Imperial Government of German New Guinea relating to the external Island Territories (Carolines, Marianas and Marshall Islands) - that is, those territories which were not subsequently administered by the occupying power which succeeded the German government at Rabaul after 1914. In 2018, the microfilm was digitised and uploaded to National Archives RecordSearch database.

Behörden des Schutzgebiets Deutsch-Neuguinea
Verwaltungsakten von Deutsch-Neuguinea ¹
G254 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1889 - 31 Dec 1921
Teil von National Archives of Australia

This artificial series has been registered to bring together an accumulation of records which was created by several agencies responsible for the administration of German New Guinea. The records are all written in German, are difficult to translate and it is therefore difficult to identify exact recording agencies. As a result, the records have all been registered conditionally as one series and a single number system of arrangement and control has been imposed until further research is carried out. The series consists of files created by the various agencies dealing with the administration of German New Guinea. The file covers are mainly buff and blue. Some covers are printed with the file number, agency title, date range and file title. Other file covers are all handwritten. Much of the material deals with matters of various "Imperial Courts" of the different districts. These matters include smuggling, larceny, contravention of the Bird of Paradise Hunting Ordinance, legal matters (wills, mining leases) and accounting matters of the "Principal Treasury". The files date from 1889 to 1914. One file, [No 33], entitled "Documents and Miscellaneous Papers prior to British Occupation" actually contains files from 1911 to 1921 dealing with legal matters during the British Occupation.

Behörden des Schutzgebiets Deutsch-Neuguinea