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Description archivistique
84th Infantry Brigade (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 25 · Fonds · 1914-1920
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Brigade Staff: At the beginning of the war, the 84th Brigade belonged to the 29th Infantry Division. The infantry regiments 169 and 170 were subject to it. From March 1915 the staff was separated from the above-mentioned association and used for the formation of the staff of the 104th Infantry Brigade. After the end of the war the mobile staffs took over the tasks of the dissolving deputy units, the deputy command was again given the designation 84th Infantry Brigade. In May 1919, the Brigade Staff was used to form Resolution Staff 55. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the settlement office of the Infantry Regiment 169. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps began, in which the archives of the settlement offices were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 26 fascicles with a circumference of 0.60 linear metres are included in the holdings. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

917 - Plieningen
917 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: Plieningen was probably built by the Alemanni in the 6th century AD. The local lords of Plieningen, whose dynasty died out in 1645 in the male tribe, were feudatories of the Counts of Calw in the 12th century, then of the Guelphs and finally of the Palatine Counts of Tübingen in the 13th century. 1942 the incorporation to Stuttgart took place. The sub-community of Hohenheim was first mentioned in a document around 1100. After several changes of ownership, the Katharinenhospital in Esslingen acquired the Hohenheim estate in 1432 and sold it in 1676 to the Imperial Chief Provisioning Commissioner Immanuel von Garb, who extended it as a Württemberg fief to Garbenhof. In 1768 Duke Carl Eugen moved in the court as a settled fief and gave it to Franziska von Leutrum in 1772. In 1942 Hohenheim was incorporated into Stuttgart together with Plieningen. Scope: 2784 units / 110.5 linear metres Content: Official books (e.g. Accounting records, protocols, tax registers, guild books, building cadastre, purchase books, inventories and divisions) Files (municipal administration, tax matters, construction, traffic and fire-fighting, roads and paths, public waters, economy, agriculture, trade and industry, culture, school and church, police, registration, press, public safety and order, welfare and welfare, health care, sport, funeral services, administration of justice, civil status, criminal justice, army matters, armed forces, air defence, statistics) Duration: 1550-1969 Notes on use: For some files, personal blocking periods must be observed.

926/2 - Vaihingen files, municipal files
926/2 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: The file tradition on Vaihingen begins in the 1820s and lasts until 1945. In 1942 Vaihingen was incorporated into Stuttgart together with the pipe incorporated in 1936. Circumference: 2543 units / 43.2 running metres 24 running metres. Content: Files: Municipal registry For the official registers, see fonds 926. Duration: 1822-1963 (1984, 1985) Hints for use: For the majority of files there are no restrictions on use, some documents are subject to personal blocking periods. Preface: The first documentary mention of Vaihingen dates back to the time around 1100, when the village was owned by the Counts of Calw, before it reached the Palgraves of Tübingen at the end of the 12th century. These sold Vaihingen in 1297 to the hospital in Esslingen. At the beginning of the 19th century the town came to Württemberg. In 1936 Vaihingen was merged with Rohr to form a municipality. On 1.4.1942 the incorporation to Stuttgart took place. The files recorded here were handed over to the City Archive by the Vaihingen District Office in June 1977. They run from 1822 to 1963 and have a circumference of 24 linear metres. The original order according to the Flattich file plan was retained. Further documents can be found in the inventory 926-Vaihingen. Files, which have accrued after the incorporation to Stuttgart, are registered in the inventory 863/1-Bezirksamt Vaihingen. Literature: 900 Years of Vaihingen, commemorative publication for the 900th Anniversary, edited by Heimatring Stuttgart-Vaihingen/Rohr e.V; "Vaihingen, Rohr, Büsnau und Dürrlewang : aus der Geschichte eines Stuttgarter Stadtbezirks", Christine Bührlen-Grabinger ; Dagmar Kraus; Martin Zurowski, 1993 Old inventory signature: 919 Citation method: 926/2-Vaihingen-Flattichakten - Number of file Order method: 926/2-Vaihingen-Flattichakten - Number of file - Title - Duration Stuttgart, in March 2008 Dr. Christa Mack Supplement to foreword The individual family maintenance files, including the family maintenance file as well as individual case files from general welfare, tuberculosis and social and small pensioner welfare whose transfer date could no longer be determined, which were also taken over in 1977, were recorded in 2014/2015 and added to the inventory. The stock now comprises 2543 units with a circumference of 43.2 running metres. Stuttgart, March 2015 Elke Machon

A 0 (inventory)
Kreisarchiv Höxter, A 0 · Fonds
Fait partie de District Archive Höxter (Archive Tectonics)

Introduction : A 0 - Hauptabteilung/HauptamtThe present collection mainly comprises the files of the Hauptabteilung and Hauptamt of the Kreisverwaltung Höxter as they were closed until 1968. It contains with few previous files (from 1924) and some older documents in younger files (from 1893) the files with terms between 1937 and 1968. A few later additions were classified into the inventory. These border years are not caused by legal requirements or changes in the organisation of the authorities or the allocation of responsibilities. Rather, the cut of the registry is conditioned in each case by a change in the form of document filing. Until 1937 a recumbent registry was kept. This year Paul Kölsch, the Kassel representative of the Regis-Gesellschaft in Duisburg, worked out a new file plan for the municipal department. With the new file plan, the conversion of the filing system to a standing file with four-hole mechanism according to the Regis system was carried out. The new registry was put into operation on 11 November 1937. The standing file register was in use until 1968, when it was replaced by a hanging file. The closed standing files were put away as old registry and finally taken over into the district archives. The files before 1937 are in the Detmold State Archives as holdings M 2 Höxter, which also contains a small number of files with terms up to 1944. The file plan was used as a basis for the order of the present inventory. As a rule, it was also possible to keep the order specified by the file numbers when filing the archive records in the magazine. Until 1945, the main department bore the designation A, from 1945 to 1955 Ib and from 1956 0 (zero), which is indicated in each case in the search book under the file numbers. The files of the National Socialist era have not been fully archived, because shortly before the American troops marched into Höxter, part of the files (¿secret files¿) were burned (see no. 762). References to the type of documents destroyed can be found in the lists in No. 1274. The district administrator as head of the district administration was a civil servant, the district a state administrative district since 1933. There was no district assembly during the National Socialist era. The conquest of the town of Höxter by the Allied troops on 7 April 1945 brought the work of the district administration to a standstill for the time being. The occupying power then appointed Hoffmeister as provisional district administrator. On 25 May 1945 Wilhelm Kronsbein, former mayor of the town of Höxter, was appointed district administrator. However, the British military government, which was represented by a district officer (British Resident) in Höxter from May 1945 to May 1951, had the final decision-making authority in all matters. The military government established a municipal administrative structure with the separation of administration and political leadership. From 1946, the head of administration was the head of the Oberkreisdirektor. On 15 January 1946, the first district assembly (appointed by the military government) met with a district administrator at the head. From 1 April 1946, the district administration was no longer a state authority, but a purely municipal administration. On 1 November 1948, the remaining state authorities - the Cadastral, Road Traffic, Health, Veterinary and Nutrition Office and the Government Treasury - were incorporated into the District Administration. On 13 October 1946, a district assembly was elected in a free election. He met for his constituent meeting on 23 October 1946 and elected the district administrator from his ranks. On 24 June 1946, Oberkreisdirektor Kronsbein was replaced by Oberkreisdirektor Buss, who held this position until 1968. Höxter, January 1997 signed Krus Nachtrag v. 06.07.2015:Following the retroconversion of the typewritten finding aid in the first half of 2015, individual data records were marked with blocking notices in accordance with the Archive Act of North Rhine-Westphalia in the version of 16.09.2014 with a view to publication as an online finding aid in the first half of the year and were not (yet) published subsequently. signed KreieKreisarchiv Höxter A 0 No.

A. 2.2 Old registration
Stadtarchiv Fürth, AR · Fonds · 1799 - 1988
Fait partie de City Archive Fürth

The "Altregistratur" holdings essentially comprise documents of the city administration from the second third of the 19th century to the second half of the 20th century, including the NS period. Thematically, the content overlaps in part with the documents from the "Fach" collection, but is extended by its own focal points (e.g. NS period, First World War) and the longer duration. The files are structured according to subject terms with consecutive numbers. The indexing is done by a typewritten finding aid. Content: AR1: World War I AR2: Railways AR3: Meat, fish and potato supply AR4: Airport AR5: Mentally ill AR6: Act No. 8 AR7: Commercial court AR8. Household AR9: (Old) Hospital AR10: Lending facility AR11: Training workshop for metalworking professions AR12: Lung sanatorium AR13: Decoration of orders and decorations AR14: (Security) police AR15: Post and telephone AR16: Reichskulturkammer AR17: Reichsnährstand AR18: (Non-profit) Collections AR19: Pub records AR20: Sparkasse AR21: Statistics AR22: (Horse and pony)) Tram AR23: Inflation and Emergency AR24: Four-Year Plan AR25: Board Files AR26: Elections, Parliament AR27: Elections, Parliament AR28: Waterways AR29: Economic Administration AR30: Forced Expropriation AR31: Social Welfare Office Files AR32: Public Utilities AR33: Expropriation of Jews AR34: Police Directorates AR35: Power Post Lines AR36: Crafts and forced cartels AR37: Marital loans and child allowances AR38: Trade and commerce AR39: Taxes, levies and cash offices AR40: Excise office AR41: Construction AR42: Funeral services AR43: Reception forms AR44: Nutrition AR45: Food monitoring AR46: Social welfare office AR47: Burgfarrnbach administrative office AR46: Burgfarrnbach administrative office

A 5 (inventory)
Kreisarchiv Höxter, A 5 · Fonds
Fait partie de District Archive Höxter (Archive Tectonics)

Introduction : The ¿Law of 3 July 1934 on the Unification of the Health Sector¿ ordered the creation of health offices in urban and rural districts on 1 April 1935, in accordance with the lower administrative authority. The Health Offices were entrusted with the following tasks: health police, hereditary and race care including marriage counselling, public health education, school health care, maternal and child counselling, care for tuberculosis, sexually ill persons, physically handicapped persons, infirmity and addicts. In addition, it was planned to involve doctors in measures to promote personal hygiene and physical exercise as well as in official, court and confidential medical activities. The health offices were state institutions run by a state medical officer. The state health department in Höxter began its service on 1 May 1935. In practice, it continued the work of the district physician, who was appointed official physician and head of the state health department for the Höxter district by decree of 17 April 1935. The seat of the health office became the district hall, in which rooms for health care already existed. The official physician, who had the official rooms in his apartment as a district physician, had to perform his duties from now on in the rooms of the health office. A part of the district house was rebuilt for the health department. Before the law to unify the health care system came into force, the district physician was alone. The district employed only three caregivers, two of whom were taken over by the State Health Office. After the law came into force, the health office employed an assistant doctor, four health care nurses, an office clerk, a health supervisor, three office employees and a technical assistant in addition to the official doctor. In Beverungen, Brakel, Bad Driburg, Steinheim, Lügde and Vörden, the health authorities set up examination centres. By a joint decree of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia of 27 January 1947, it was ordered that the costs of the former state health offices for the accounting year 1947 be provided for in the district budgets. This also applied to the personnel costs of the medical officers. Until the end of the accounting year 1946 on 31 March 1947, the costs of the health offices were still borne by the State Treasury. By decree of 19 March 1947, the Minister of Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia ordered the districts to take over the inventory. Thus the State Health Office Höxter was transferred to the district on April 1, 1947. On 21 August 1947, the inventory was formally handed over to District Inspector Otten by the official physician Dr. Larverseder. The legal regulation took place only later. On 30 April 1948, the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia passed the "Act on the Integration of Special State Authorities of the District Stage into the District and City Administrations". The first state medical officer and head of the health department was Dr. Bruno Rathe (born 17 September 1879 in Rastede/Oldenburg). Adolf Tomfohrde (born January 24, 1887), who began his service in Höxter on December 1, 1935. His successor became Dr. med. Karl Larverseder (born May 19, 1899 in Fürstenzell/Lower Bavaria) on September 1, 1942. He retired early at the end of 1958 and died in December 1959. Corresponding holdings: Kreisarchiv Höxter, A 0 (mainly on personnel, organisation and premises of the health office); Kreisarchiv Höxter, B 1 (mainly on the classification point "Health Care"); Landesarchiv NRW (OWL department), D 102 Höxter; Landesarchiv NRW (OWL department). OWL), M 2 Höxter (Classification Point "Health and Veterinary Affairs") Following the retroconversion of the finding aid book produced in March 2000, in July 2015 the data records were provided with blocking notes in accordance with the Archives Act of North Rhine-Westphalia in the version of 16 September 2014 with a view to publication as an online finding aid book. Two data sets have not (yet) been published (as of 20.07.2015). Usability: A considerable part of the files and processes contained in the holdings are subject to official medical secrecy and may therefore only be used within 60 years of the creation of the documents or the final year of the file, in particular with regard to § 7 para. 6 of the Archivgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen (ArchivG NRW) i.d.F.v. 16.09.2014. In the case of personal archive records, the provisions of § 7 (1) No. 1-3 and § 7 (6) No. 1-4 ArchivG NRW must also be taken into account. Höxter, signed in March 2000/July 2015. Horst-D. Krus/ Ralf-Oliver KreieKreisarchiv Höxter A 5 No. ..........

A:Ackerknecht - [stock, estate] (title)
A:Ackerknecht · Fonds
Fait partie de German Literature Archive Marbach, Archive [Cotta Archive]

Ordnungsgrad: feingeordnet (181 Kästen). Verzeichnungsgrad: katalogisiert (153 Kästen), Bestandsbeschreibung (1 Kästen). Literaturangaben: Güntter 219; Jb. I 319; II 417; XIV 662-673; GuB 123; Der Nachlaß Erwin Ackerknecht. Ein Verzeichnis. Bearbeitet von Fritz Leopold. Marbach 1995 (Deutsches Literaturarchiv: Verzeichnisse-Berichte-Informationen. 17) Mediennummer: BF000118092. Benutzungshinweis: Am Standort. benutzbar. Bemerkungen: Bis auf wenige Kästen vollständig katalogisiert. Bestandsverzeichnis: ----- Prosa ----- "Erinnerungen"; Monographien, Aufsätze und Vorträge über Wilhelm Busch, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Hans Grimm, Gottfried Keller, Franz Nabl, Albert Schwegler u.a.; Abhandlungen, Artikel und Referate zu Bücherei- und Volksbildungsarbeit "Aus der Werkstatt eines Volksbildners" (Korrekturfahnen), "Der Kitsch als kultureller Übergangswert", "Die Kunst des Lesens", "Die Schönliteratur als Scheidewand und als Brücke zwischen den Völkern" u.a.; Beiträge für das "Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens"; Rezensionen u.a. ----- Herausgegebenes (Korrekturexemplare) ----- "Gedichte" von Gottfried Keller, "Das Bilderbuch aus meiner Knabenzeit" von Justinus Kerner u.a. ----- Verschiedenes ----- Notizkalender und -bücher aus den Jahren 1901-1960 u.a. ----- Briefe an und von ----- Friedrich Ackermann, Inge Aicher-Scholl, Ernst Alker, Martin Andersen Nexö, Hanns Arens, Julius Bab, Theodor Bäuerle, Otto Bahrt, Hans Balzer, Conrad Barth, Julius Baum, Heinrich Becker, Johannes Beer, Adolf Beeskow, Fritz Bergemann, Friedrich Bethge, Joachim G. Boeckh, Paul Brockhaus, Reinhard Buchwald, Rudolf Bultmann, Hans Carossa, Werner Deubel, Alfred Döblin, Boguslaw Dohrn, Emil Dovifat, Friedrich Düsel, Josef Eberle, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Hans Heinrich Ehrler, Ernst Feise, Friedrich Felger, Ludwig Finckh, Hans Franck, Bruno Frank und Liesl Frank-Mittler, Wilhelm Frels, Peter Freuchen, Werner Gauss, Adele Gerhard, Albrecht Goes, Wolfgang Goetz, Hans Grimm, Otto von Güntter, Adele Gundert, Erich Guttmann, Hermann Haering, Geno Hartlaub, Otto Hartmann, Gerhart Hauptmann, Verner von Heidenstam, Ernst Heilborn, Hermann Hesse, Otto Heuschele, Theodor Heuss, Artur Heye, Kurt Heynicke, Adolf Hölzel, Walther von Hollander, Arno Holz, Heinrich Horstmann, Paul Jauch, Gerda Joecks, Rudolf Joerden, Heinrich Johannson, Jürgen Jürgensen, Hans Kasdorff, Wilhelm Keil, Anton Kippenberg, Ludwig Klages, Wilhelm Klapp, Richard Kock, Hans Köster, Therese Köstlin, Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer, Arnold Krieger, Therese Krimmer, Max Kuck, Isolde Kurz, Paul Ladewig, Selma Lagerlöf, Friedo Lampe, Martin Lang, Johannes Langfeldt, Georg Leyh, Heinrich Lilienfein, Ernst Lissauer, Eugen Löffler, Werner Mahrholz, Thomas Mann, Hans Margolius, Else Mau, Karl Adolf Mayer, Werner Mevissen, Friedrich Michael, Agnes Miegel, Robert Minder, Werner Möhring, Ernst Moering, Franz Nabl, Reinhold und Alice Nägele, Thomas Nägele, Georg Adolf Narciss, Herman Nohl, Alfons und Marie Paquet, Helmut Paulus, Suse Pfeilstücker, Felix Plage, Harry Polthier, Hans Prinzhorn, Siegfried Ranitzsch, Eduard Reinacher, Karl Röttger, Otto Rombach, Eugen Roth, Kurt Saucke, Wilhelm Schäfer, Erich Schairer, Käte Schaller-Härlin, Anna Schieber, Sofie Schieker-Ebe, Margarethe Schmeer, Wieland Schmidt, Victor August Schmitz, Georg Schneider, Franz Schriewer, Hans Eggert Schröder, Walther von Schroeder, Kurd Schulz, Wilhelm Schussen, Wilhelm Schuster, Karl Schwedhelm, Albert Schweitzer, Ina und Heinrich Wolfgang Seidel, Kurt Sellin, Heinrich Seufferheld, Erich Sielaff, William von Simpson, Adolf Spemann, Eduard Spranger, August Springer, Friedrich Stier, Otto Stoessl, Lulu von Strauß und Torney, W. E. Süskind, Eugen Sulz, Auguste Supper, Otto Tacke, Otto von Taube, Hans Thoma, Wendelin Überzwerch, Heinrich Vierordt, Hanna Voll, Ernst Vollert, Gertrud von Waldkirch, Helen Wild, Gottfried Zarnow, Viktor Zifreund, Paul Zöckler, Max Zollinger u.a.; Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft, Goethe-Gesellschaft, Institut für Leser- und Schrifttumskunde Leipzig, Verband Württembergischer Volkshochschulen, Wilhelm-Busch-Gesellschaft und andere literarische Vereinigungen; Verlage Bassermann, C. H. Beck, Callwey, Bruno Cassirer, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Diederichs, Droemer, S. Fischer, Franckh, Hans E. Günther, Hanser, Harrassowitz, Hiersemann, Hirzel, Insel, Albert Langen, Langewiesche, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Georg Müller, Quitzow, Rauch, Reclam Stuttgart, Rütten & Loening, Schaffstein, Schauer, Franz Schneider, Schünemann, Steinkopf, Suhrkamp, Volk und Buch, Weidmann, Widukind u.a.; Zeitschriften, Museen, Volkshochschulen und Bildungsvereine, Rundfunkanstalten, Stadtverwaltungen, Ministerien, Gemeinde- und Städtetage u.a. - Geburtstagsglückwünsche; Manuskripte, Listen, Korrespondenzen und andere Materialien zu einzelnen Büchereien und Bibliotheken, zu Bibliothekar-Ausbildung und Büchereischulen, zu Büchereigesetz, Beratungsstellen, Tagungen, zum Büchereiverband und dem Verband Deutscher Volksbibliothekare; die Zeitschrift "Bücherei und Bildungspflege" und Ackerknechts Schrift "Die kleine Eigenbücherei" betreffende Papiere; Betrachtungen und Korrespondenzen von Ackerknecht zum skandinavischen Büchereiwesen; Materialien zur Büchereiarbeit während des Nationalsozialismus; Korrespondenzen zur Dürergesellschaft, zu Kino und Lichtspiel; Materialien zur Auseinandersetzung mit Walter Hofmann. ----- Zugehörige Materialien ----- Lebensdokumente; Gedichte und Prosatexte von Hans Grimm, Hermann Hesse, Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer, Franz Nabl u.a.; Übersetzungen aus dem Russischen von Heinrich Johannson. Zum Nachlaß gehören: Zeitungsausschnitte. Nachtrag 2007: Briefwechsel von Erwin Ackerknecht mit Elisabeth Joerden, Rudolf Joerden u.a.; Briefwechsel von Helene Messin mit Rudolf Joerden.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/1 II · Fonds · 1865-1997
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The newly formed inventory FL 300/1 II Local Court Aalen: Commercial, cooperative and association register contains documents on register jurisdiction from deliveries made by the Aalen Local Court on 17.03.2006/25, 21.03.2006/27, 06.04.2006/40, 05.05.2006/51. In addition, the previous bundle numbers 45-75 were incorporated from the existing inventory FL 300/1 I Aalen Local Court. The documents in the commercial register comprise files and volumes from several chronological layers. Initially, a distinction was made between sole proprietorships (designation E/HRE) and corporate proprietorships (designation G/HRG); later, the current terms HRA (sole proprietorships and partnerships) and HRB (corporations) were introduced. While only volumes have been archived on the register of cooperatives so far, only files are available on the register of associations. The special archiving of model register files was added to the holdings.Note for use:Register documents are subject to a 30-year blocking period for the main files, while the special files that are clearly visible as such ("special volumes") are freely accessible.in 2008, the title recordings for the files were made by Sirin Özet under the direction of Ute Bitz, the archivist, who was also responsible for the indexing of the volumes. The final work was carried out by the undersigned. The inventory FL 300/1 II Local Court Aalen: Commercial, cooperative and association register contains 412 files and 23 volumes. Ludwigsburg, March 2009Regina SchneiderAs a supplementary levy under the accession number 2011-05, Aalen District Court received 9 volumes of associations and model registers, which were incorporated into the inventory by Andrea Jaraszewski.January 2011 Ute Bitz

A:Blumenberg - [stock, estate] (title)
A:Blumenberg · Fonds
Fait partie de German Literature Archive Marbach, Archive [Cotta Archive]

Ordnungsgrad: feingeordnet (200 Kästen), ungeordnet (15 Kästen). Verzeichnungsgrad: katalogisiert (200 Kästen), nicht verzeichnet (15 Kästen). Mediennummer: BF000166106. Benutzungshinweis: Am Standort. beschränkt benutzbar. bei Berufungs- und Qualifizierungsgutachten: viele Lebende! Bemerkungen: früher: A:Blumenberg. Bestandsverzeichnis: ----- Prosa ----- Manuskripte (z. Teil mit Materialsammlungen, Zeitungsausschnitten, Notizen etc.) "Arbeit am Mythos", "Ausgeträumte Träume", "Beobachtungen am Mythos", "Das Distanzproblem des Philosophierens", "Geistesgeschichte der Technik", "Geld oder Leben", "Die Genesis der kopernikanischen Welt", "Höhlenausgänge", "Die kopernikanische Wende", "Kopernikus im Selbstverständnis der Neuzeit", "Das Lachen der Thrakierin", "Lebenszeit und Weltzeit", "Die Lesbarkeit der Welt", "Matthäuspassion", "Melanchthons Einspruch gegen Kopernikus", "Metaphorologica Minora", "Nachahmung der Natur", "Die nackte Wahrheit", "Die ontologische Distanz", "Paul Valéry", "Philosophische Anthropologie", "Der Prozeß der theoretischen Neugierde", "Realität und Realismus", "Säkularisierung und Selbstbehauptung", "Selbsterhaltung und Beharrung", "Die Sorge geht über den Fluss", "Technik und Wahrheit", "Theorie der Lebenswelt", "Theorie der Unbegrifflichkeit", Konvolut "Unerlaubte Fragmente", "Der verborgene Gott der Phänomenologie", "Die Verführbarkeit des Philosophen", "Das Verhältnis von Natur und Technik als philosophisches Problem", "Weltmodell und Lebenswelt", "Zu den Sachen und zurück"; Vorlesungen "Antiker und neuzeitlicher Wirklichkeitsbegriff", "Aristoteles Metaphysik", "Descartes", "Schöpfung und Entwicklung" u.a.; zahlreiche weitere kleine Mss; Vorlesungen und Vorträge zu Kant, Leibniz, Plato u.a.; Rezensionen und Lexikonartikel. ----- Verschiedenes ----- Konvolute zur Phänomenologie Husserls, zu Humes Anthropologie (mit Materialsammlung zu Sigmund Freud), zu Hans Carossa, Goethe, Sokrates, Philosophentoden u.a.; Materialsammlungen mit Zeitungsausschnitten, Kopien u.a.; Karteikarten-Sammlung in systematischer Ordnung mit Register. ----- Briefe von und an ----- Theodor W. Adorno, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur , Bertelsmann-Verlag, Fritz Breckweg, Hans Carossa, Wilhelm Emrich, Forschungsgruppe Poetik und Hermeneutik, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Hefte, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Günter Gawlick, Karl-Heinz Gerschmann, Hochland , Uvo Hölscher, Kurt Hübner, Insel-Verlag , Wolfgang Iser, Hans Robert Jauss, Marianne Kesting, Jan Knopf, Reinhart Koselleck, Gerhard Kosellek, Walter Kropp, Michael Krüger (Hanser-Verlag, Akzente ), Ludwig Landgrebe, Karl Löwith, Marion-von-Schröder-Verlag , Merkur, Ahlrich Meyer, Martin Meyer, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Alfons Neukirchen, Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk , Willi Oelmüller, Heinrich Otten, Philipp Reclam Junior , Wolfgang Preisendanz, Henning Ritter, Erich Rothacker, Franz Josef Schöningh, Karl-Eberhard Schorr, Manfred Sommer, Suhrkamp-Verlag , Jacob Taubes, Technische Universität , Universität , Univ. , Univ. , Univ. , Siegfried Unseld, Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort, Robert M. Wallace, Uwe Wolff, weitere Verlage, Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenredaktionen, Rundfunkanstalten, Universitäten u.a.; Leserpost; Einladungen und Absagen zu Interviews, Kongressen u.a.; Familienkorrespondenz; Geburtstagsgratulationen. ----- Zugehörige Materialien ----- Universitäts-Material wie Protokolle von Fakultätssitzungen, Mitteilungsblätter, Rundschreiben, Veranstaltungen, Korrespondenz, Rektoratsunterlagen, Gutachten, Berufungen u.a.; Rezensionen zu Werken von Blumenberg, Rundfunksendungen, Beiträge über ihn u.a. Lebensdokumente; Dissertationen u.a. Qualifikationsarbeiten; Familiendokumente. Zum Nachlaß gehören: Belegexemplare seiner Beiträge; 1 Stenorette-Aufnahmegerät, d.i. Diktiergerät; von Blumenberg besprochene Bänder; Vorlesungsverzeichnisse u.a. Nachtrag 2016: Dissertation, Habilitation, verschiedene Manuskripte; Ausweise und Dokumente aus der frühen Zeit; Familiendokumente, Briefe an ihn von der Familie, Materialien zu eigenen Büchern etc.

6058 · Fonds · 1879 - 1914
Fait partie de Archives New Zealand

At some time after the transfer of the archives to New Zealand in 1955, some records were abstracted into English and arranged in transcript form. Most of the records dealt with in this way were Series 6051 'New Series' files.

Sans titre
Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, Abt. 384.2 · Fonds · 1928-1931
Fait partie de State Archive Schleswig-Holstein
  • 1928-1931, Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, Abt. 384.2n* description: History of the fonds: The Deutschnationale Volkspartei (DNVP) was founded on 24 November 1918 as the successor to various national conservative parties. The party was renamed 'Deutschnationale Front' in 1933 before finally dissolving itself on 27 June 1933. Inventory history: The documents of the Schleswig-Holstein state association of the DNVP were handed over to the then Kiel State Archives in 1935 by the former chairman of the state association, Vice Admiral Hugo Meurer, Kiel.
Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, Abt. 399.1311 · Fonds · 1919-1963
Fait partie de State Archive Schleswig-Holstein
  • 1919-1963, Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein, Abt. 399.1311n* description: History of the fonds' creator: Meno Georg Wilhelm Kiene was born on 3 September 1876 in Nienborstel. He was a deputy sergeant in the German Schutztruppe in German South West Africa. Inventory history: The documents were handed over to the Schleswig-Holstein State Archives from private ownership in 1980.