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A:Grimm - [stock, estate] (title)
A:Grimm, Hans · Fonds
Fait partie de German Literature Archive Marbach, Archive [Cotta Archive]

Ordnungsgrad: feingeordnet (325 Kästen). Verzeichnungsgrad: katalogisiert (325 Kästen). Literaturangaben: Jb. XXVIII 512 f.; XLII 557. Mediennummer: BF000121169. Benutzungshinweis: Am Standort. benutzbar. Bemerkungen: früher: A:Grimm Liste vorhanden Stammbäume der Familien Grimm und Schulenburg befinden sich auf dem Laufwerk. Bestandsverzeichnis: ----- Lyrik ----- Jugendgedichte u.a. ----- Dramatisches ----- Trauerspiel "Die Grobbelaars"; Schauspiele "Im Durstland" u.a. ----- Prosa (mit Materialien) ----- Romane, Novellen und Erzählungen "Das deutsche Südwester-Buch", "Die Dirne auf dem Felde", "Des Elefanten Wiederkehr", "Der Gang durch den Sand", "Heynade und England", "Kaffernland", "Der Ölsucher von Duala", "Die Olewagen-Saga", "Der Richter in der Karu", "Volk ohne Raum", "Wie Grete aufhörte ein Kind zu sein" u.a.; Biographisches "Das Klosterhaus", "Leben in Erwartung" u.a.; Zeitgeschichtliches "Amerikanische Rede", "Bitte an den Nationalsozialismus", "Englische Rede", "Die Erzbischofsschrift", "Die Thomas-Mann-Schrift", "Von der verkannten Wirklichkeit", "Warum, woher - aber wohin?" u.a.; Reiseberichte, Essays, Aufsätze und Briefe "Afrikafahrt West", "Deutsche Diamanten", "Die dreizehn Briefe aus Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika", "Mehr Würde und - mehr Wahrheit", "Mein europäisches Bekenntnis", "Der Schriftsteller und die Zeit" u.a.; Aufrufe, Ansprachen, Offene Briefe, Kritiken, Rezensionen u.a. ----- Verschiedenes ----- Kollegheft 1911; Entwürfe und Notizen zu verschiedenen Arbeiten und zu Südwestafrika; Ankündigung des Klosterhaus-Verlags Lippoldsberg; u.a. ----- Autobiographisches ----- Tagebücher von und über Grimm aus den Jahren 1878-1959; "Persönliche Erklärung"; Lebensläufe, Reisenotizen u.a. ----- Briefe an und von ----- Erwin Ackerknecht, Hans von Albert, Paul Alverdes, Alexander Amersdorffer, Alexander Andrae, Kurt Aram, Hanns Arens, Karl Arnhold, Peter Bamm, Friedrich K. Bartels, Ludwig Friedrich Barthel, Hans Baumann, Eduard Baumgarten, Kurt Beinhauer, Gottfried Benn, Rudolf Benze, Theodor Berndt, Werner Beumelburg, Hermann Beuttenmüller, Rudolf G. Binding, Friedrich Bischoff, Georg von Bleyleben, Walter Bloem, Walter Julius Bloem, Hans Friedrich Blunck, Herbert Böhme, Rudolf Böhmer, Julius und Agnes von Boemcken, Bruno Brehm, Arnolt Bronnen, Elsa Bruckmann, Martin Buber, Adolfo Bundies, Hermann Burte, Otto Carius, Hans Carossa, Hermann Claudius, Carlo Coeckx, Max Lucas von Cranach, Gustav Dessin, Margarete Dierks, Karl Dönitz, Eduard Donay, Edwin Erich Dwinger, Kasimir Edschmid, Arthur Ehrhardt, Fritz Endres, Theo Engelmann, Paul Ernst, Richard Euringer, Paul Fechter, Hans Fervers, Ludwig Finckh, Alois K. Fischer, Eduard von Flottwell, Hans Franck, Walter Frank, Gustav Frenssen, Karl Ehrenfried Fritsche, Karl Fuchs, Hans von der Gabelentz, Reinhold Geheeb, Heinrich von Gleichen-Rußwurm, Joachim von der Goltz, Rüdiger von der Goltz, Georg Grabenhorst, Addi Grimm, Julius und Helene Grimm, Julius und Marie Grimm, Paula Grogger, Heinz Grothe, Heinz Guderian, Hans F. K. Günther, Friedrich und Elisabeth Gundolf, Hasso Härlen, Maximilian Harden, Agnes Harder, Adolf von Hatzfeld, Gerhart und Margarete Hauptmann, Manfred Hausmann, Eberhard Heffe, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz, Bernt von Heiseler, Ilse Heß, Theodor Heuss, Hans Heyck, August Hinrichs, Emanuel Hirsch, Franz Höller, Robert Hohlbaum, Alfred Hugenberg, Kurt Ihlenfeld, Moritz Jahn, Karoline Janik, Hans Windekilde Jannasch, Hanns Johst, Ernst Jünger, Elisabeth Jungmann, Adolf Kaempffer, Eugen und Lien Kalkschmidt, Karl Kaltwasser, Otto Kanold, Ernst C. Kellner, Erich Kernmayr, Heinz Kindermann, Heinrich Kirchheim, Edgar Kirsch, Eva Klare, Karl Klingspor, Fritz Koch, Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer, Ernst Krieck, Arnold Krieger, Käthe Kruse, Paul Landau, Hellmuth Langenbucher, Gertrud von le Fort, Theophil Lehmann, Fritz Löffler, Maria Lorenz, Friedrich Lützow, Karl Benno von Mechow, Max Mell, Herybert Menzel, Adolf Meschendörfer, Heinrich Meyer (Pastor), Agnes Miegel, Rudolf Mirbt, Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Walter von Molo, Kurt Morawietz, Börries von Münchhausen, Franz Nabl, Werner Naumann, Gertrud Niebuhr, Ernst Niekisch, Uwe Lars Nobbe, Herman Nohl, Kurt Oxenius, Leo Perutz, Ursel Peter, Gertrud Petersen, Gustav Pezold, Wilhelm Pleyer, Heinz Jürgen Pondorf, Hermann Pongs, Rudolf Presber, Willi Rehkopf, Hanna Reitsch, Annelies von Ribbentrop, Ingeborg Rosenfeld, Eugen Roth, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, Ernst von Salomon, Kurt Saucke, Albert Schaefer, Wilhelm Schäfer, Ursula Schenk, Sofie Mathilde Schlumberger, Hermann Schneider, Wilhelm von Scholz, Percy Ernst Schramm, Edward Schröder, Rudolf Alexander Schröder, Ernst Schulte Strathaus, Gerhard Schumann, Ina Seidel, Ellen Soeding, Albert Soergel, Adolf Spemann, Wilhelm Stapel, Herbert Steiner, Hellmut Stöber, Otto Strasser, Emil Strauß, Agathe Helene Streffer, Otto von Taube, Frank Thiess, Hannes Tuch, Franz Tumler, Friedrich Franz von Unruh, August Friedrich Velmede, Hans Venatier, Bernward Vesper, Will Vesper, Helene Voigt-Diederichs, Ernst Volkmann, Max Wachler, Winifred Wagner, Carl Walbrach, Josef Magnus Wehner, Bruno E. Werner, Ernst Wiechert, August Winnig, Erhard Wittek, Helmut Wocke, Kurt Woermann, Benno Ziegler, Maxim Ziese, Kurt Ziesel, Heinrich Zillich u.a.; Deutsch-Englische Gesellschaft, Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, Deutsche Dichter-Gedächtnis-Stiftung, Deutsche Hausbücherei, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Deutsches Ausland-Institut Stuttgart, Europäischer Buchklub, Fichte-Gesellschaft, Gesellschaft für deutsches Schrifttum, Nordische Gesellschaft, Reichskolonialbund, Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft, Reichsverband Deutscher Schriftsteller, Schutzverband Deutscher Schriftsteller, Union Nationaler Schriftsteller, Verband Deutscher Erzähler, Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland, Verein Raabe-Stiftung, Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland, Volksverband der Bücherfreunde; Verlage Bärenreiter, Bertelsmann, Breitkopf & Härtel, Diederichs, Diesterweg, Druffel, Dürer, Editorial El Buen Libro, Franckh, Göttinger Verlagsanstalt, Grote, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, Hillger, Insel, Wilhelm Köhler, Koehler & Volckmar, Kraft, Albert Langen, Langen-Müller, Mondadori, Pilgram, Plesse, Reclam Leipzig, Erich Reiss, Rowohlt, Rütten & Loening, Safari, Salzer, Schaffstein, Scherl, Schünemann, Silberburg, Sponholtz, Stalling, Tauchnitz, Teubner, Ullstein, Velhagen & Klasing, Voggenreiter, Warneck, Westermann u.a.; Zeitschriften und Zeitungen "Afrika-Nachrichten", "Die badische Schule", "Berliner Börsen-Zeitung", "Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger", "Berliner Tageblatt", "Corona", "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung", "Deutsche Arbeit", "Deutsche Rundschau", "Deutsche Zeitung", "Deutsche Zeitung in den Niederlanden", "Deutsches Volkstum", "Eckart", "Frankfurter Zeitung", "Gewissen", "Hannoverscher Kurier", "Das Innere Reich", "Kasseler Post", "Kölnische Zeitung", "Königsberger Allgemeine Zeitung", "Der Kunstwart", "Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten", "Die literarische Welt", "Münchner Neueste Nachrichten", "Mündensche Nachrichten", "die neue linie", "Die neue Rundschau", "Niedersachsen", "Stahlhelm", "Der Tag", "Türmer", "Völkischer Beobachter", "Volk und Reich", "Weltwacht der Deutschen", "Westfälische Landeszeitung" u.a.; Rundfunkanstalten, Bühnen, Akademien, Universitätsseminare und Fakultäten, Schulen, Behörden und Ämter u.a. - Geburtstagsglückwünsche; seine Lesereisen betreffende Schriftwechsel mit Verlagen und Buchhandlungen, mit Bibliotheken, Volkshochschulen und Schulen, literarischen und politischen Gesellschaften, Vereinen, Kulturämtern und Parteien; Korrespondenzen mit der Preußischen Akademie der Künste Berlin und der Deutschen Akademie München; Briefwechsel mit nationalen Gruppen und Jugendbünden, mit Regierungs- und Parteistellen und mit den Machthabern in der NSDAP; Gutachten, Rundschreiben, Protokolle und Briefwechsel mit der Reichsschrifttumskammer, darunter Schreiben von Hans Friedrich Blunck; den Shakespeare-Preis 1935/36 betreffende Briefe von Arnold Köster, Alfred Toepfer u.a.; Ansprachen zu den Lippoldsberger Dichtertagen 1934-1981 von Hans Grimm und Wernt Grimm, Programme, Teilnehmerlisten, Zeitungsberichte, Korrespondenzen von Hans Grimm und Holle Grimm; Briefe zu geplanten Übersetzungen seiner Werke; Dokumente zum Vortragsverbot in Schleswig-Holstein im Jahr 1955; Wahlreden, Plädoyers für die Deutsche Reichs-Partei, Korrespondenzen mit der Partei, mit Adolf von Thadden u.a.; Afrika betreffende Briefe an und von: Hans Anton Aschenborn, Carl Berger, Fritz Brenner, Ernst-Ludwig Cramer, Jakob Dekker, Hugo Gutsche, Eva Kieckebusch, Hans Kisker, Eberhard von Koenen, Heinrich Vedder, Frida und Gustav Voigts, Berengar von Zastrow u.a.; Amerika und Grimms Amerikafahrt betreffende Dokumente, darunter Briefe von Hanns Fischer (Chicago), Jane Goodloe, Frederick W. J. Heuser, Arthur Koegel und Gilbert Perleberg; Briefe über England und Grimms Englandreise an und von: Edmund Blunden, Rolf Gardiner, Leonard Ashley Willoughby, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst u.a. ----- Zugehörige Materialien ----- Lebensdokumente, Ehrungen, Nachrufe; Honorarbescheide, Verlagsverträge, Werbematerial für einzelne Bücher und für Lesungen; Unterlagen von Dichterwochen in Pürgg 1953 und 1955; Reisepapiere; Gästebuch Klosterhaus; Würdigungen seines Werks und Untersuchungen von Heinz Grothe u.a.; Lyrik von Hans Baumann, Hermann Claudius, Karl Haushofer u.a.; Romane und Erzählungen von Helene Voigt-Diederichs u.a.; Berichte und Aufzeichnungen von Verschiedenen zu Nationalsozialismus, Zweitem Weltkrieg und Nachkriegszeit, zu Südafrika u.a.; Studien zu Literatur und Philosophie von Leopold Freisler u.a.; Briefe von Addi Grimm an Ellen Soeding, Helene Voigt-Diederichs u.a.; Briefe an Addi Grimm von Hermann Claudius, Helene Voigt-Diederichs, Georg Grabenhorst, Börries von Münchhausen u.a.; Briefe an Holle Grimm von Georg von Bleyleben, Bruno Brehm, Sabine Fechter, Walter Haller, Günter Höhne, Erich Kernmayr, Heinz Mahncke, Wilhelm Pleyer, Karl Springenschmid, Anneliese Venatier u.a.; Briefe an Julius Grimm von Julius Ficker, Frederick Augustus Genth u.a.; Briefe von Wernt Grimm an Addi Grimm, Holle Grimm u.a.; Kondolenzbriefe an die Familie zu Hans Grimms Tod. Zum Nachlaß gehören: Sonderdrucke und Zeitschriften, Zeitungsausschnitte, Tonbandaufzeichnungen und zahlreiche Photographien zu den Lippoldsberger Dichtertagen 1934 bis 1960.

Air Force testing sites (inventory)
BArch, RL 36 · Fonds · 1934-1945
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Technical Office, established in 1933, set up testing facilities for weapons and equipment at various locations that existed until 1945. Inventory description: KOMMANDO DER ERPROBUNGSSTELLEN According to the provisions of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German Reich was prohibited from developing and constructing aircraft for military purposes. Nevertheless, as early as 1920, the Reichswehr Ministry (RWM) set up units with the task of carrying out preparatory work for the creation of development and testing sites for an air force. For example, a "Air Defence" (TA) unit was set up in the Truppenamt (TA) and an aeronautical unit in the Inspektion für Waffen und Gerät (IWG). After the merger of the IWG with the Waffenamt (Wa.A) of the RWM at the beginning of 1927, the aeronautical department became the department 6 F of the testing group (Wa.Prw. 6 F). He was in charge of the development departments disguised as civil engineering offices as well as the test groups in Johannisthal and Rechlin. The testing thus fell within the competence of the testing department of the Weapons Office. At the end of November 1928, the procurement department was also taken over by the Wa.L.Prw. Group. At the end of July 1939, in order to better meet the growing requirements, the Aviation Group in the Weapons Office (Wa.L) was divided into three groups: "Development of aircraft (Wa.L. I)", "Development of equipment" (Wa.L. II) and "Testing" (Wa.L. III). There was also a group on "Procurement" and a group on "Defense Economics and Armaments". On February 8, 1933, on the orders of Reichswehr Minister Blomberg, the Air Protection Office (LA) was formed, which was now also to be responsible for the development, testing and procurement of aircraft, aircraft engines and special aircraft equipment. He was assigned the aviation group in the weapons office, now known as Wa.Prw. 8, as Division L 2. After the transfer of the air-raid protection office to the newly created Reich Aviation Ministry (RLM) in May, the aviation technology department was initially subordinated as the Technical Department (B II) to the General Office (LB) of the RLM, but then, in the course of the reclassification of the RLM to the Technical Office (LC) on October 1, 1933, and, like the latter, directly subordinated to the Secretary of State for Aviation, Colonel General Milch. It was divided into the departments LC I (Research), LC II (Testing) and LC III (Procurement). Colonel Wimmer, as head of the Technical Office, remained responsible for aviation technology, while Captain Freiherr von Richthofen, who headed the LC II department from June 1934, was in charge of the technical aspects of the test centres (e-places). Until the Luftwaffe was unmasked in March 1935, the tests were carried out by the "Test Centres of the Reich Association of the German Aviation Industry" disguised as civilian. The "Commando der Fliegererprobungsstellen" (Command of Pilot Test Centres), which had been established in 1934 and was based in Rechlin, now appeared as the central testing authority. At the head of the command was the commander of the testing stations (K.d.E.), who was at the same time head of the E station Rechlin and superior of the chief of the E station Travemünde. His supervisor was the head of department LC II (Testing). In December 1936, the E posts Rechlin and Travemünde as well as Tarnewitz were directly subordinated to the new Chief of the Technical Office, Colonel Udet, in 1937 and charged with the development and technical testing of the Luftwaffe equipment. In the course of a reorganization of the entire RLM, the Technical Office was directly subordinated to Göring. As a result, Udet changed the organizational structure of the Technical Office again in May 1938 and dissolved the office of Commander of the Test Laboratories. The E posts now received independent command offices, which were technically subordinate to the head of the Technical Office. On February 1, 1939, the Technical Office, the Supply Office and the "Industry and Economy" group of offices were merged to form the new General Airworthiness Inspectorate (GL) and once again placed under the authority of the State Secretary for Aviation. Lieutenant General Udet was appointed General Airworthiness Officer and was now responsible for the management and control of the entire aviation technology as well as for the securing of the entire air force requirement while retaining his function as Chief of the Technical Office. After his suicide on 17 November 1941, the former Secretary of State for Aviation at the RLM, Generalfeldmarschall Milch, assumed these offices in personal union. In autumn 1941 a new command of the testing stations (Kdo.d.E) was established. In technical and operational terms, it was subordinate to the Commander of the Test Centres (K.d.E ), who in turn was subordinate to the Chief of the Technical Office and worked closely with the responsible development departments C to E of the Technical Office (GL/C). This post was held by Major Petersen until the end of the war. After the General Aircraft Master's Office was dissolved on 27 July 1944, the business area and thus the entire technical air armament was transferred to the Chief of Technical Air Armament (Chief TLR). The office was subordinated to the General Staff of the Luftwaffe and thus to the High Command of the Luftwaffe (OKL). The commander of the testing stations was now directly under the command of the Chief of Technical Air Armament, but was then subordinated to the commander of the Ersatzluftwaffe (BdE-Lw) shortly before the end of the war. Until 1945 the following E-positions were established and partially dissolved: Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz, Peenemünde, Udetfeld, Madüsee, Werneuchen, Süd (Foggia), Munster-Nord, Jesau, Arktis-Finsee, Cazeaux (Süd) and Karlshagen. In addition, a large number of test commands and test squadrons were set up from 1941 onwards, some of which were formed only briefly for the testing of individual aircraft types and quickly dissolved again after testing. ERPROBUNGSSTELLEN Torpedowaffenplatz der Luftwaffe Gotenhafen-Hexengrund (ca. 1942-1945) On April 2, 1942, the Luftwaffe Torpedowaffenplatz was repositioned as a branch office. He was subordinate to the General Airworthiness Officer (Technical Office) in terms of military service and discipline. He was assigned to Luftgaukommando I in terms of war classification, economy and administration. With effect from 1 May 1944, the Torpedowaffenplatz was then placed under the command of the E units. He was responsible for the testing of air torpedoes and associated dropping devices. Jesau (1943-1944) This E-Stelle was founded in 1943 as an outpost of the Peenemünde-West testing station. The main task of the E-Stelle Jesau was the execution of surveying work for distance and proximity fuses as well as the testing of the rocket-powered aircraft Messerschmitt Me 163. In August 1944 the E-Stelle Jesau was dissolved. Munster-Nord (1935-1945) As early as 1916, a test and production facility for gas ammunition was set up in Munster-Breloh for the first time on 6,500 hectares. From 1935, manufacturing and testing facilities for chemical warfare agents were again built on the site and the Munster-Nord Army Experimental Station, which was subordinate to the Army Ordnance Office, was set up. Both the Luftwaffe and the Weapons Office use the area for technical testing of high attack bombs and low attack spray containers. Peenemünde-West, later Karlshagen (approx. 1939-1945) After the start of construction work at the end of July 1937, Peenemünde-West started operations on 1 April 1938. Uvo Pauls was in charge until September 1, 1942, succeeding Major Otto Stams and Major Karl Henkelmann at the end of 1944. The task of the E unit was the testing of rocket engines and rocket-propelled, remote-controlled dropping weapons (e.g. Fi 103, Hs 298). The central group of the test centre was the air traffic control, which was responsible for the deployment of the aircraft fleet. She was also assigned a weather station. The following test groups were active at the experimental site, working on different tasks: E 2: Aircraft and missile systems with rocket propulsion, including support of the troop test commands (Fi 103 and Hs 117) E 3: Engines and fuels E 4: Radio and radio control systems E 5: Equipment (power supply, control systems, image station, measuring base) E 7: Drop systems, target and target training equipment E 8: Ground systems The E station was moved to Wesermünde air base near Bremerhaven in April 1945. Rechlin (approx. 1925-1945) Already planned in 1916, the "Flieger-Versuchs- und Lehranstalt am Müritzsee" started operations in 1918 during the First World War. Due to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, however, the installations there were dismantled again at the beginning of the 1920s. As part of the camouflaged continuation of pilot testing in the Weimar Republic, a test airfield was built in Rechlin from 1925. On the initiative of Hauptmann Student, the German Aviation Research Institute (DVL) in Berlin-Adlershof set up a new "Department M" specifically for this purpose. The "Luftfahrtverein Waren e.V.", founded in 1925, acquired the necessary area on behalf of the Reich and took over the operation of the new airfield. Factory and flight operations began in the summer of 1926. From 1927/28 Albatros Flugzeugwerke GmbH in Berlin-Johannisthal leased the facility, which was now called the "Testing Department of Albatros Flugzeugwerke Johannisthal". After the Reichsverband der Deutschen Luftfahrt-Industrie (RDL) had taken over the site at the insistence of the Reichswehr troop office at the end of 1929, it was continued under the camouflage name "RDL Erprobungsstelle Staaken". After the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the facilities in Rechlin were rapidly expanded to become the largest testing station (E station) for aviation equipment. From 1935, the E-Stelle Rechlin was regarded as a showpiece of the Luftwaffe. Until the end of the war, four large building complexes with different uses were built on the huge area: Group North management and technical administration, air base command and weather station; Testing of airframes (from 1936), of radio and navigation equipment, of aircraft on-board devices and equipment, aeromedical tests as well as high-frequency and ionospheric research Group South Testing of engines, of materials as well as of fuels and lubricants East Group Testing of ammunition for on-board weapons and drop-weapons West Group Military testing (only 1935-1938), test group and shipyard, fracture recovery, training workshop Initially, the focus of testing activities in Rechlin was on flight and engine testing. This included the flight testing of the engines, the measurements on the individual engine components as well as the creation of complete aircraft types. Other areas of activity include the testing of aircraft equipment - from on-board instruments to rescue and safety equipment, hydraulic systems - and radio and navigation equipment. From 1933 the testing of weapons was also carried out in Rechlin. The main focus was on the testing of ammunition for firearms as well as the testing of drop ammunition within the framework of flight testing. After the beginning of the 2nd World War, prey planes were thoroughly tested there and the results evaluated. In addition to the purely technical testing of all land aircraft and their equipment, new aircraft types are tested for their military suitability, especially after the start of the war. For this purpose, the Lärz Test Command was set up, to which these aircraft types were assigned for operational testing. From mid-1944 the testing of the new jet aircraft Me 262, Ar 234 and He 162 received highest priority. The E-Stelle Rechlin has undergone several organisational changes during its existence. An overview of the structure and filling of positions is attached as an annex. This is a compilation from the publication of Beauvais. South (Foggia) (c. 1941-1942) In the second half of 1941, the E-Stelle Süd started operations at the airfield in Foggia, Italy. It was intended for the testing of air torpedoes and underwater weapons, which had to be carried out in Grosseto due to unfavourable conditions. At the end of February 1942, it was decided to move the E-Stelle Süd to the French town of Cazaux, southwest of Bordeaux, and operations began at the airfield in May 1942. The test flights were used for the ballistic measurement of various types of bombs or dropping containers, the testing of target devices and bomb droppings. The commander of the E post was Captain Henno Schlockermann. After Allied air raids in March and September 1944, during which the installations were severely damaged and several test aircraft destroyed, operations had to be restricted and then discontinued altogether. By order of 10 October 1944, the E post was officially closed. Tarnewitz (1937-1945) Construction work began in 1935, and two years later the Tarnewitz electric power station was officially put into operation. The task of the new unit was to test new weapon systems for Luftwaffe aircraft. In addition to machine guns and bombs, this also included the newly developed rocket weapons. The various tasks were performed by the groups W 1 (installation), W 2 (ballistics and sights), W 3 (mountings and air discs) and W 4 (on-board weapons and ammunition). From 1938, the E post was subdivided into the specialist groups machine guns and ammunition, including rocket testing (IIA), mountings and air discs (II D), ballistics and sights (II E), installation of weapons in aircraft (II F). Travemünde (1928-1945) In 1928 a seaplane test centre (SES) was founded in Travemünde under the camouflage name "Reichsverband der Deutschen Luftfahrtindustrie Gruppe Flugzeugbau". Originally planned and established after World War I as a secret testing ground for independent naval aviation, the Travemünde testing ground was subordinated to the RLM in 1934 after the National Socialists seized power and expanded further. The focus of the testing activities in Travemünde was the testing of seaplanes and their equipment, naval mines and air torpedoes as well as special ships and boats for maritime flight operations. This also included testing seaplanes, landing on icy and snowy ground, landing attempts on aircraft carriers and rescue measures on the open sea with the aircraft. The E post was divided into the following groups in 1933: A: Navigation, radio, seaman's equipment, special installations B: Operation of aircraft, ships, docks, catapults and vehicles, ground services E: Flight service, holding pilots ready F: Aircraft testing, preparation, execution and evaluation of measurements, reports, assessments G: Testing of on-board devices, radio measuring devices, laboratory, precision mechanical workshop, photo service, duplication K: Administration, personnel, material, buildings, installations M: engines, propellers, aggregates, workshop and test benches Udetfeld (1940-1945) The Udetfeld electric power station was set up in 1940 near Beuthen/Oberschlesien. At the beginning it was led by Major Werner Zober, later by Lieutenant Colonel Rieser. The test leader was Fl.Stabsingenieur Rudolf Noch. The task of the E-Stelle was the testing of small explosive and incendiary bombs, parachute bombs and special detonators as well as the acceptance blasting of all German bomb types. At times she was also engaged in the testing of parachutes and ejection seats. For this purpose it was equipped step-by-step with a measuring base, several discharge points and a picture position. Last tests and measurements took place until shortly before the invasion of the Soviet army at the end of January 1945. The E-Stelle was dissolved by order of 15 February 1945 and its tasks taken over by the E-Stelle Rechlin. Werneuchen (1942-1945) The E post was established in April 1942 at the air base in Werneuchen. She was responsible for the testing and development of search and target devices for air and sea reconnaissance and worked closely with the Aeronautical Radio Research Institute in Oberpfaffenhofen. Field stations for testing ground radio measuring instruments were located in Weesow and Tremmen. The flight testing of newly developed equipment was initially carried out by the test squadron of the Technical Test Command (TVK), and was then transferred to the newly formed night fighter group 10. Their tasks also included the development and testing of equipment for the defence against interference and deception by the enemy air forces. In Werneuchen, the night hunt radio measuring devices FuG 202 "Lichtenstein", the ship's target search device FuG "Hohentwiel" as well as the ground search devices "Würzburg-Riese" and "Freya" were tested. In February 1945, the E-Stelle was moved to Stade and renamed to E-Stelle Stade in April 1945. The E post was commanded by Major i.G. August Hentz until April 1944, then until its dissolution by Major i.G. Cerener. ERPROBUNGSKOMMANDOS und ERPROBUNGSSTAFFELN Erprobungskommando 4 (ERPROBUNGSSTAFFELN Test Command 4) Set-up by order of 1 December 1944 by air fleet 10. Troop testing of the X4 guided missile and testing of operational procedures and tactical capabilities. Test Command 15 Formed from the Experimental Squadron Hs 293 and intended for troop testing of the Gleitbombe Hs 293. Test Command 16 Set up on the Command Path in April 1942 in Peenemünde-West, at the beginning of September budgeting and transfer to Zwischenahn, then in October to Brandis. Testing of the rocket-propelled hunter Me 163 B "Komet". Dissolution on 14 February 1945. Tasks were to be taken over by Jagdkommando 400, which also received the operational aircraft. Erprobungskommando 17 Transfer of the 2./Kampfgruppe 100 from Hannover-Langenhagen to the French Chartes, renaming into E-Kommando XY in January 1942 and temporarily into E-Kommando 100 (March to May 1942), then budgeted as E-Kommando 17. Further development of the X- and Y-process and deployment against England. Mid-September 1942 Renamed 15th Combat Squadron, 6th Experimental and Training Command, 18, set up on 1 August 1942 in Pillau and subordinated to the General of the Air Force by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy (Ob.d.M.). Testing of the aircraft types intended for the aircraft carrier "Graf Zeppelin" including the instruction and training of the flying and ground personnel on this equipment. Test Command 19 Deployment on 1 July 1942 at the Castel Benito airfield near Tripoli on the Command Way. Testing of the aircraft types Bf 109 and Fw 109 for tropical suitability as fighter and battle planes. Personnel of the supplementary groups of the fighter squadron 27 and 53, respectively. Test and training command 20 formation on 1 October 1942 in Travemünde (later Kamp). Testing of on-board special aircraft as well as instruction and training of flying and ground personnel for on-board special aircraft. Test and Training Command 21 Set up on 1 August 1942 in Garz/Usedom. Personnel and equipment of the disbanded II. combat squadron 3. troop testing of the bomb PC 1400X. Test and teaching command 22 Set up autumn 1942 in Lärz. Testing of the Fw 190 fighter bomber version with long range (Jaborei). Personnel of the combat squadron 40, of the fighter squadrons 2 and 26 as well as of a destroyer school. Spring 1943 Transfer to St. André in France and use for the formation of the I./Schlachtkampfgeschwader 10. Test and training command 24 formation on 1 March 1943 in Mark-Zwuschen. Testing of aircraft types suitable for reconnaissance purposes, including equipment (navigation and heading devices). Dissolution in October 1944, assumption of the tasks and the personnel by the experimental association OKL. Test Command 25 Set-up in accordance with the order of 17 April 1943. Troop testing of the aircraft required for day hunting, aircraft radio measuring equipment, weapons and combat procedures as well as deployment within the framework of the Reich Defence. Reclassification into hunting group 10 with the same tasks. Test Command 26 Set-up in accordance with the order of 29 December 1943 by renaming the 11th (Pz.)/battle squadron at the airfield of the Udetfeld E station. Dissolution on 14 February 1945 and transfer of personnel to General der Schlachtflieger. Assumption of the tasks of the supplementary squadron of the Schlachtgeschwader 151. Experimental squadron 36 Set up in Garz according to the order of 10 August 1943 by renaming the 13th/fighting squadron 100. Testing of the suitability for troops of the successor models of the Hs 293 as well as briefing of observers on the He 177 equipped with the Kehlgerät FuG 203. Dissolution on 12 July 1944. Transfer of the personnel to the E-Kommando 25 for the continuation of the testing of the fighter missiles. Test Command 40 The Fliegerforstschutzverband was formed on 5 March 1940 as an independent association from the "Pest Control Group" of the Flugkommando Berlin, which had existed since 1936. It was mainly used for forest pest control and from October 1941 also took over malaria control in the occupied territories. Numerous spraying and pollination flights were carried out for this purpose. Another focus of his activities was the sowing of agricultural and forestry seeds and the spreading of artificial fertilizers. After being placed under the command of the E units on 1 January 1944, the Fliegerforstschutzverband was renamed E-Kommando 40. By order of 3 September 1944, the command stationed in Göttingen was dissolved and the remainder of the command was transferred to Coburg in November 1944, where it was used to set up E-command 41. Erprobungskommando 41 Formation on January 22, 1945 from remaining parts of the Erprobungskommando 40 and subordination in military service under Luftgaukommando VII and operational under Luftflottenkommando Reich. Test Command 100 See Test Command 17 Test Command Bf 109 G Report of arrival at Rechlin on 15 March 1942. Equipped with eleven Bf 109 G-1 and seven pilots in July. No more data. Test Command Ta 152 Positioning on the Command Way on 2 November 1944 in Rechlin. In accordance with the order of January 9, 1945, the deployment was extended until April 1945, and the deployment was reorganized into a group staff with a staff company as well as four task forces and a technical testing squadron. No formation of the four operational squadrons due to takeover of troop testing of the aircraft type Ta 152 by III/Jagdgeschwader 301. Dissolution on January 23, 1945. Test command Ta 154 formation on December 9, 1943 at the air base Hannover-Langenhagen. Testing of the front suitability of the aircraft type Ta 154. Dissolution according to the order of August 1, 1944. Transfer of personnel to the E-command Me 262. Test command He 162, deployment order of January 9, 1945 for an E-command in group strength (but not with this designation). Implementation of the operational testing of the aircraft type He 162 by I./Jagdgeschwader 1. Experimental squadron He 177 deployment on 1 February 1942 in Lärz. Testing of the aircraft type He 177. Dissolution on September 20, 1943. Transfer of personnel to combat squadron 40. Test squadron Ju 188 set up on March 1, 1943 in Rechlin. Transfer at the end of July 1943 to Chièvres near Brussels. Used for 4th/combat squadron 66th test squadron Me 210 set up in late spring 1942 in Lechfeld, relocated in July 1942 to Evreux in France. Operational testing of the aircraft type. After temporary renaming into 16th/fighter squadron 6 and 11th/destroyer squadron 1, finally reclassification into test squadron Me 410. Test squadron Ar 234 set up summer 1944 (July) in Lärz. Operational testing of the aircraft type Ar 234 B as a bomber. Personnel of the combat squadron 76th Erprobungskommando Me 262, deployment on 9 December 1943 at the Lechfeld air base. First testing of the V-model Me 262 and personnel supply of the III./Zerstörergeschwader 26 in April 1944. Starting from August 1944 formation of Einsatzkommandoos among other things in Lärz. At the end of September use of parts of the E-command, the III./ZG 26 to form the E-command "Novotny" and a new E-command 262 in Lechfeld. Official dissolution of E-command 262 on 2 November 1944. Test command Do 335 set up on 4 September 1944 by command of the E-positions. Troop testing of the aircraft type Do 335 as a mosquito night fighter, fighter, reconnaissance and combat aircraft. Relocation to Rechlin on 20 November. Revocation of the dissolution order of 14 February 1945. Test command JU 388 set up on 15 July 1944 in Rechlin. Testing the Ju 388 as a night hunter. Dissolution on 14 February 1945. Transfer of personnel to Combat Wing 76, E-Command Do 335 and various units. Test squadron Me 410 See test squadron Me 210. Troop testing of the aircraft type Me 410. Integration as 9th squadron of the combat squadron 101 and renaming into 12./KG 2 in October 1943 and finally April 1944 into 13./KG 51. Test squadron 600 formation according to order of April 1, 1945, intended for testing the rocket-driven interceptor Ba 349 "Natter". No further data known. Test command "Kolb", order of 20 November 1944. No further information known. Test command "Nebel" (Fog), order of 26 July 1944, for the testing and production of the Me 264 aircraft type, then from December 1944 also for the testing of long-range aircraft. Etatisierung des E-Kommandoos Ende Februar 1945. Lehr- und Erprobungskommando (W) After Colonel Wachtel had already been commissioned since April 1943 to carry out the war operation of the Fieseler Fi 103 (camouflage designation Flak sight FZG 76), the establishment of the Erprobungskommando began in June 1943. In military service it was subordinated to the higher commander of the anti-aircraft artillery schools and in questions of training and testing to the general of the anti-aircraft weapon. It was supplied by Luftgaukommando III, to which it belonged in terms of war classification. On 15 August 1943, the Wachtel Command formed the Flak Regiment 155 (W), which was soon transferred to France. Sonderkommando Fähre (Siebel) The Sonderkommando Fähre was responsible for the provision and operation of air force ferries for the transport of air force goods. (The information on the E-positions and E-commands were published in abbreviated form by Heinrich Beauvais/Karl Kössler/Max Mayer/Christoph Regel: Flugerprobungsstellen bis 1945. Johannisthal, Lipezk, Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz, Peenemünde-West. Bonn 1998). Characterisation of content: The collection mainly comprises work and test reports as well as correspondence between the command of the test centres and the test centres themselves and superior departments and various companies. Most of the test reports are for the two E posts Rechlin (approx. 200 AU) and Travemünde (approx. 160 AU). About 60 volumes of files with pollination and spray reports including the corresponding maps have been handed down by the Fliegerforstschutzverband. Of the remaining e-positions, only minor fragments of files have been preserved. The seven file volumes of the command of the e-offices, which deal with organizational matters of the e-offices and e-commands, are to be emphasized. State of development: Online-Findbuch 2007 Scope, Explanation: 573 AE Citation method: BArch, RL 36/...

A:Kessler - [stock, estate] (title)

Access 2014: 2 sheets sketch of an English novel, mixed lot of personal notes (ca. 1750 sheets), 2 longer type script fragments; 3 letters from him to Jacques de Brion and the bank; 4 letters to him from Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche (1896-1901; 1 br. from the Nietzsche memorial committee), Hugo von Hofmannsthal (including copies of letters, comments and a letter from Hofmanntsthal to M. Goertz), Theodor Plivier (with the typoscript "Democracy"), manuscripts of others: 14 typoscripts of Max Goertz, letters of others: letter of Max Goertz, letters about disputes, concerning letters, HGK; as unsolicited enclosure: 1 postcard, 1 obituary (3 boxes).

Albers, Wilhelm
BArch, N 686 · Fonds · 1879-1919
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Dr. Wilhelm Albers General Physician born on 02 November 1859 in Uelzen, died on 17 December 1919 in Lüneburg 29 March 1879 - 15 February 1883: Kaiser Wilhelm Academy for Military Medical Education 1891 - 1895: Doctor in the Surgical Department of the Charité in Berlin 17 July 1900 - 04 March 1904: East Asian Expeditionary Corps of the East Asian Occupation Brigade until 17 September 1904 December 1901: Chief Physician Feldlazarett 2 in Beijing and Feldlazarett 1 in Tientsin 18 December 1901 - 04 March 1904: Brigadier Physician 1910: Chief Physician and Division Physician of the 5th Division in Frankfurt/Oder 1914-1918: Corps Physician of the XXIIth Reserve Corps (consisting of 43rd and 44th Reserve Divisions), at the beginning of the First World War on the Western Front, from June 1915 on the Eastern Front. Editing note: Index inventory description: Lectures from his time in East Asia. 6 volumes field letters to his wife, 3 volumes with letters of family members and 12 volumes diary entries from the First World War as a corps doctor of the XXII reserve corps citation method: BArch, N 686/...

All-German Association (Existing)
BArch, R 8048 · Fonds · 1886-1939
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The All-German Association was founded on 9 April 1891 under the name "Allgemeiner Deutscher Verband" with its headquarters in Mainz as a reaction against the German-English Zanzibar Treaty. The main tasks were to revive German national consciousness, to support German nationality abroad and to promote German interests in Europe and overseas, especially German colonial policy. In 1894 the name was changed to Alldeutscher Verband. In 1918 the seat was moved to Berlin. The association's programme was expansionist and nationalistic. Especially in the Habsburgs' Austro-Hungarian Empire, anti-Semitism and anti-Slavism were already pronounced before the First World War. With his ideological aim he acted as an intellectual precursor of Hitler's fascism. In March 1939 he was dissolved by Reinhard Heydrich on the grounds that his programme had now been fulfilled. Processing note: Findbuch (1960/70) Inventory description: Inventory history In 1942, the last chairman of the association, Dr. Heinrich Class, handed over the remains of the association archive to the Reichsarchiv. In 1943 further files of Prof. Calmbach (Stuttgart) were added to the Reichsarchiv. In 1950, the German Central Archive in Potsdam (later Zentrales Staatsarchiv Potsdam) took over the AV documents, which had been stored out together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv during the Second World War. Due to a lack of old finding aids, there is no information about possible war-related losses. Archive evaluation and processing As a result of the first simple indexing of the documents in the German Central Archive in Potsdam, a finding index was created in 1960 which described 720 file units with a circumference of 9.2 linear metres. In 1970 the collection was reworked, partly refoliated, renumbered and redefined in terms of content. As a result, a preliminary finding aid book was created, which was technically processed in the period from 2003 to 2005. The search book can now be searched online on the website of the Federal Archives. Characterisation of the contents: Main points of the tradition: Foundation, organisation and history of the association, meetings of the board, meetings of the executive committee, general correspondence by year, relations and relationships with organisations and persons, publications and situation reports of the office, submissions and public declarations 1895-1933, collections, war target movement in the 1st World War. World War II, Ethnic and Anti-Semitic Movement, Position on Christianity, Position on State and Government during the Weimar Republic, Relations with Austria-Hungary, Anschluss Österreichs, Verhältnis zum Ausland Erschließungszustand: Findbuch (o.Dat.), Online-Findbuch (2005) Citation method: BArch, R 8048/...

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 172 · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  1. l'histoire des autorités Lors de la bataille des nations près de Leipzig (16. - 19. octobre 1813), les troupes alliées, auxquelles appartenaient également les fédérations prussiennes, infligèrent une défaite dévastatrice à Napoléon. Le roi Frédéric Auguste Ier de Saxe, allié de Napoléon, fut capturé lors de la prise de la ville de Leipzig et transféré d'abord au château de Berlin, puis au château Friedrichsfelde. L'armée française, qui avait occupé Dresde après la victoire de Lützen le 2 mai 1813, capitula le 11 novembre 1813 et l'administration du royaume de Saxe, du duché de Saxe-Altenburg et des principautés russe et de Schwarzburg fut transférée au département administratif central. Son chef, le baron Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein, établit le gouvernement général des puissances alliées dans le royaume de Saxe le 21 octobre 1813. Un conseil de gouvernorat a été établi en tant qu'organe directeur sous la présidence du général russe Nikolaï Grigorieïevitch Repnine-Wolkonski, qui a été nommé le 9 décembre 1813. Elle comprenait des fonctionnaires russes, prussiens et saxons, qui ont prêté serment devant les nouvelles autorités. Repnin-Wolkonski a lancé une série de réformes administratives. Une école industrielle a également été créée à Dresde et une académie de chirurgie médicale à Leipzig. Les collections royales d'art, les terrasses Brühl et le grand jardin de Dresde ont été ouverts au public. La Frauenkirche a été restaurée. Pour poursuivre la guerre, les Landwehr et Landsturm furent érigés et une bannière des Saxons volontaires fut érigée en corps libre. Néanmoins, un patriotisme particulier a connu un essor que les puissances occupantes étrangères ne pouvaient ignorer. Pour contrer les craintes d'une dissolution du royaume, Repnin promit dans son discours d'adieu imprimé : "La Saxe reste la Saxe et ses frontières intactes. Une constitution libérale garantira l'indépendance de l'Etat et le bien-être de chaque individu." (I. HA Rep. 172, No. 7, Feuille 3 VS). Après le début du Congrès de Vienne, le 8 novembre 1814, Repnin-Wolkonski remit la direction du Gouvernement général au Ministre d'Etat prussien Freiherr Eberhard Friedrich Christoph Ludwig von der Recke et au Général Freiherr Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold von Gaudy (également Gaudi). Ils portaient tous deux le titre de Gouverneur général. Le Règlement intérieur du Gouvernement général du 12 décembre 1814 date de l'après-transition de la Russie à la Prusse et se fonde sur des instructions plus anciennes (Leipzig, 25 oct. 1813 ; Leipzig 1er nov. 1813 ; 8 nov. 1813 ; Vienne, 25 oct. 1814), qui ne figurent pas dans le dossier correspondant (I. HA Rep. 172, n° 15). Cependant, les principales caractéristiques du Règlement intérieur de l'administration générale sont probablement restées inchangées en 1813 et 1814. L'administration générale se compose du Secrétariat général, de quatre sections et services administratifs ainsi que de la Commission centrale des impôts. En outre, le Conseil supérieur existait en tant que "réunion de tous les membres du gouvernorat". Le Secrétariat général était le bureau de conservation des documents au sein du Gouvernement général. Il dirigeait les journaux et surveillait le cours des affaires. En outre, le Secrétariat général était chargé de toutes les affaires supérieures ("Generalia") qui n'appartenaient pas aux différentes sections, ainsi que de la gestion de la Haute Police. Les affaires de la haute police ont été exemptés de la conférence au Conseil des gouverneurs, ont été décidées par les seuls gouverneurs généraux. Jusqu'à la transition vers la Prusse, le Secrétariat général était dirigé par le Conseiller d'Etat Freiherr Andreas von Merian, puis par le Conseiller d'Etat Friedrich Wilhelm August Werner von Bülow. Outre le colonel Dietrich von Miltitz et un Kriegsrat Krüger, Bülow dirigeait également la première section du gouvernement général. Cette section était chargée des questions concernant le pouvoir judiciaire, la police générale, le secteur médical et les secteurs pauvres, les municipalités, les entreprises et les instituts publics, ainsi que les églises et les écoles. La 2ème Section, en revanche, s'est occupée des finances dans la mesure où celles-ci ne relevaient pas de la compétence de la Commission Centrale des Impôts. Karl Ferdinand Friese et le conseiller financier Julius Wilhelm von Oppel en étaient responsables. Dans la 3ème section, le Kriegsrat Krüger a réglé la question de la restauration militaire, tandis que la 4ème section a été chargée des questions militaires restantes, pour autant qu'elles ne relèvent pas de la compétence du commandement militaire général. Le major-général Carl Adolf von Carlowitz et le major von Brockhusen en étaient les responsables. Les membres de la Commission centrale des impôts étaient Kriegsrat Krüger, Rat et le président Moritz Haubold von Schönberg et Hofrat Ferber. A la fin de chaque mois, les chefs de section devaient rédiger un rapport annuel, qui était transmis au chancelier d'Etat, le Prince von Hardenberg, par l'intermédiaire des gouverneurs généraux. En ce qui concerne les décisions, les chefs de section des 1ère, 2ème et 4ème sections devaient se prononcer conjointement sur toutes les questions. En cas de divergence, les gouverneurs généraux décident après avoir pris la parole au Conseil des gouverneurs. Toute une série de questions importantes ne pouvaient généralement être tranchées qu'avec la participation des gouverneurs généraux. Les séances plénières ont eu lieu les lundis, mercredis et samedis à partir de 10 heures. Sinon, les enseignes d'affaires se trouvaient entre 9 h et 13 h ou entre 16 h et 19 h. A moins qu'elles n'aient été remodelées dans le cadre de la réforme administrative, les autorités centrales royales saxonnes ont continué d'exister aux côtés du Gouvernement général. Cependant, l'administration générale exerçait un contrôle officiel sur eux. Le Gouvernement général étant subordonné au Département administratif central jusqu'en 1814, puis au Chancelier d'Etat prussien, mais lui-même supérieur aux autorités saxonnes, il représentait une sorte d'autorité centrale. Les autorités royales saxonnes, quant à elles, sont tombées entre les mains des autorités provinciales. Avec les commissaires du gouvernement et les commissariats de police, l'administration générale avait aussi des bureaux subordonnés nouvellement formés. Après la conclusion du traité de paix entre la Prusse et la Saxe le 18 mai 1815, la Prusse quitte le royaume de Saxe, mais conserve le duché du même nom. Le gouvernement général a été transféré de Dresde à Mersebourg en tant que gouvernement général du duché de Saxe. Le roi de Saxe, rentré de captivité à Dresde, libéra ses sujets dans la partie ducale de Saxe de leurs obligations envers lui par des paroles d'onction : "Je me séparerai de toi, et le lien qui était si fort avec Moi et Ma Maison par ta dévotion fidèle, et sur lequel pendant des siècles le bonheur de Ma Maison et tes ancêtres était fondé, devra être séparé. Selon la promesse faite aux puissances alliées, Je vous renvoie, vous, sujets et soldats des provinces, de vos serments et devoirs envers Moi et Ma Maison qui ont été abandonnés par Moi, et Je vous recommande d'être fidèles et obéissants à votre nouveau souverain". (I. HA Rep. 172, Bl 84 VS) Le roi Frédéric Guillaume IV de Prusse l'a accueillie avec des paroles tout aussi onctueuses : "Par le sort des peuples maintenant séparés d'une maison princière, à laquelle vous êtes attachés depuis des siècles avec une dévotion fidèle, vous passez maintenant à une autre, à laquelle vous êtes liés par les liens amicaux du voisinage, la langue, les coutumes et la religion. Si vous renoncez à vous-mêmes avec la douleur de circonstances antérieures dignes d'intérêt, J'honore cette douleur, comme il convient à la gravité de l'esprit allemand, et comme une garantie que vous et vos enfants appartiendrez aussi à Moi et à Ma Maison avec une telle loyauté plus loin. Seule l'Allemagne a gagné ce que la Prusse a gagné." (I. HA Rep. 172, No. 286, p. 89 VS) L'administration générale fut dissoute avec l'entrée en vigueur de la Constitution provinciale en mars 1816. 2. Historique des participations L'autorité qui a repris la tradition du gouvernement général n'est pas connue, pas plus que le moment de la prise en charge. Une autre vue d'ensemble de "l'état des dépôts" de 1872, qui figure parmi les rapports annuels de la GStA PK, note "totalement inconnu" pour les fonds du gouvernement général (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 n° 1900, p. 160). Le poste se trouvait dans le PF GStA, mais l'attribution du numéro de dépôt et le traitement du poste n'avaient pas encore eu lieu. Ce n'est qu'en 1923 que le Conseil des Archives d'Etat a constitué les dossiers sous le nom de Repositur 172 (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1930, Bl. 57') par le Dr Meyer. Après l'externalisation liée à la guerre, les fonds ont été indexés sur des fiches dans les Archives centrales allemandes, département de Merseburg. Aucun livre de recherche n'a été créé. En 2012, les informations d'indexation ont été transférées dans la base de données des archives. Au cours de la rétroconversion, des unités de distorsion individuelles ont été vérifiées ou nouvellement enregistrées. 3ème roman littéraire Töppel, Les Saxons et Napoléon. Dans le GStA PK : voir en particulier les autres fonds du groupe tectonique "Sonderverwaltungen der Übergangszeit 1806-1815" : - GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 114 Zentralverwaltungsrat der verbündeten Mächte, (1812) 1813-1815 Dans les Archives d'État de Saxe - Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden : voir groupes tectoniques "1.3 Les autorités judiciaires 1485-1831" et "1.5 Les autorités et institutions des terres héritées" notamment : - HStA DD, 10030 Hilfs- und Wiederherstellungskommission für Sachsen, 1813-1821 - HStA DD, 10031 Friedensvollziehungs- und Auseinandersetzungekommission, 1815-1821 5. remarques, commandes, citation Les dossiers sont à citer : GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 172 Gouvernement allié et prussien pour le Royaume et le Duché de Saxe n° () Dr. Leibetseder 09.08.2012 Instruments de recherche : base de données ; find book, 3 volumes.
1.7.3 BBA 89 · Fonds · 1860-2006
Fait partie de Montanhistoric Documentation Centre

Content:Altherrenverband:Minutes of board meetings / conventions / general meetings 1950-1982 (20)Correspondence on the statutes / rules of honour / organization of association life / association 1928-1978 (24)Correspondence with the members, alphabetically 1928-1987 (75) and chronologically 1980-1989 finances:Finance Commission 1948-1975 (9)Mehner Foundation 1933-1968 (8)Vereinshaus GmbH / Other Houses 1905-1984 (23)History Commission 1860-1986 (12)Songbook Commission 1883-1965 (20)Activities:Aachen 1946-1987 (26)Berlin 1934-1943, 1954-1975 (5)Clausthal 1949-1975 (3)Merger 1909-1976 (10)University questions 1952-1988 (16)Scientific work (197)Communications to members / Common memories:Mitteilungen 1904-1994 (49)Membership directories 1911-1936, 1952-1988 (12)Memorials / Publications / Writings of various members 1878-1879, 1924-1982 (24)Foundation celebrations 1861-1987 (21)Photo collection Literature:History of the Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Verein zu Berlin von der Gründung, Winter semester 1860/1861 bis Winter semester 1926/1927, Berlin 1927.The history of the Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Verein e. V. Academic connections to Aachen, Berlin, Clausthal, Lemgo [1961] The history of the Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Verein e. V. 1961 to 1986 Academic connections to Aachen, Berlin, Clausthal, Herford 1986.

Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T. · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The present estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1839-1908), Prussian Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture, was given to the Prussian Secret State Archives in 1921 as a gift from the widow Marie Althoff. In 1924, 1935, 1936, 1951, 1958 and 2000 further smaller parts of the estate were transferred to the (Prussian) Secret State Archives (PK). The estate contains primarily personnel documents, comprehensive reference files from official activities, extensive official correspondence with a large number of partners, newspapers and newspaper clippings and a small partial estate of the widow Marie Althoff, mainly with her correspondence after 1908 The correspondence was filed by Althoff himself according to two types, alphabetically according to the names and professions of the senders, so that both groups (by database query) are to be searched. An additional peculiarity is that about 500 letters are enclosed with other correspondences, namely when the letter writers mainly expressed themselves about other, third parties. In these cases, the letters were not filed under the senders, but under the names of those about whom they were written. Modern distortion maintains this order, but ejects the names concerned in the respective distortion titles. (Example VI HA, Nl F. T. Althoff, No. 805 alphabetical correspondence "Kohl - Koppy" also contains in "Kollmann, Julius, Basel, 1887 - 1888 (3)" a letter by Gustav v. Schmoller about Julius Kollmann from 1884). In the course of entering the database, the individual correspondence partners in the correspondence volumes were added to the contents notes using the register. The number in brackets indicates the number of letters. For the former divisions A I and A II (today No. 1-655) there is a separate detailed analysis volume which should be consulted during research. Its contents are not part of the database, as they would have gone beyond its scope. For the complete technical processing of the magazine, which took place in 2012, the discount was re-signed according to serial numbers for the sake of simplicity. A corresponding concordance can be found at the end of the search. Distortion began in 1921 by Ludwig Dehio. Mrs. Krähe created the list of letter correspondents. In 1939 G. Wentz dispersed the correspondence. In the years 1960-1962 Renate Endler recorded the estate again, including a revision. From 1975-1976 a further revision was carried out by Holger Schenk. The following files were already missing when the still valid find book from the 1960s was compiled: A I No. 18 Academic Freedom, 1905 A I I No. 144 Criminalist Seminar, Halle, 1885 - 1896 A II No. 98 Eduard Simon, 1906-08 B No. 7 Baltzer B No. 21 Cantor B No. 28[Content unknown] B No. 69 Hermite B No. 137 Bd. 2 Netto B No. 168 Bd. 2 Schottki Bei B No. 48 Frobenius, B No. 65 Heffter, B No. 70 Heffner und B No. 169 Sturm missing the main part. The old numbers B No. 98, B No. 106 and B No. 167 are also missing, according to remarks in the find book; in the group "Correspondence Althoff's correspondence sorted by sender's profession", which is very intensively indexed, the contents of the missing pieces have also been included in the database, since their contents may be of partial interest, even if the individual letters no longer exist. These letters then bear the addition"(missing)". The following autograph of Althoff is also kept in the "Small Acquisitions" collection of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv PK: I. HA Rep. 94 Small acquisitions, No. 1711 Friedrich Althoff to an unknown person: Transmission of 4 facsimile Primaner essays of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin from 1901 on the topic "The Beinstellung der Monmämäler in der Siegesallee" with Marginalien Kaiser Wilhelm II, The database was entered by Mrs. Pistiolis, the database correction, determination and addition of the runtimes on the basis of the contained notes and preparation of the foreword was done by the undersigned. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the GStA PK, the estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff, formerly headed as I. Department Rep. 92, was incorporated into the newly formed VI. Department of Family Archives and Bequests in 2001. According to the Internet database "Kalliope, Verbundsystem Nachlässe und Autographen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", another extensive part of the manuscript section of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz is located. This section contains 23 boxes with correspondence, documents, manuscripts, photos, prints and the death mask. Further correspondence of Althoff (312 sheets) is kept in the document collection Darmstaedter (2c 1890) of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Duration: (1723) 1778, 1824 - 1908 (1909 - 1919) and without date Scope: 23 running metres Last assigned number: To be ordered: VI HA, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... Berlin, August 2013 (Chief Inspectoress of the Archives, Sylvia Rose) Life Data February 19, 1839 Born in Dinslaken Father: Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1785-1852), Prussian Dömanenrat Mother: Julie von Buggenhagen (née. 1802) from 1851 1856 to 1861 Gymnasium in Wesel (1856 Abitur) Studied law in Berlin and Bonn from 1856 Membership of Corps Saxonia with subsequent honorary membership 1861 State Exam 1864 Referendar 1867 Legal Assessor Exam 1870 Lawyer 1871 Legal adviser and consultant for church and school matters in Strasbourg from 1872 Dr. h.c. associate professor of French and modern civil law (1880 full professor) in Strasbourg 1882 university lecturer at the Ministry of Culture 1888 secret senior government council 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1897-1907 ministerial director of the I. Education Department (universities and secondary schools) 1900 chairman of the scientific and scholarly staff of the University of Berlin 1897-1907 professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896-1907 ministerial director of the I. 1901 Honorary member of the Göttingen Society of Sciences 1904 Title "Excellence" 1906 Title "Professor" 1907 Title of a "Real Privy Council", Crown Councillor October 20, 1908 died in Berlin-Steglitz Friedrich Theodor Althoff had been married to Marie Ingenohl (1843-1925) since 1865 and had no children. The life data were taken from the literature given. Furthermore, the personnel file Althoffs, 1882-1939 (I. HA Rep. 76 I Sekt. 31 Lit. A Nr. 15, incl. Supplement 1 2) is to be compared. Literature " M. Althoff (Edit.), From Friedrich Althoff's time in Berlin. Memories for his friends. Jena 1918 (printed as manuscript) " A. Sachse, Friedrich Althoff and his work. Berlin 1928; F. Schmidt-Ott, Experiences and aspirations. 1860-1950 Wiesbaden 1952, p. 5 u. ö. " New German Biography, vol. 1, Aachen - Behaim. Berlin 1953, pp. 222-224 " C.-E. Kretschmann, Friedrich Althoff's estate as a source for the history of the medical faculty in Halle from 1882-1907. Halle 1959 " G. Lohse, Die Bibliotheksdirektoren der ehemalmals Prußischen Universitäten und Technische Hochschulen 1900-1985. Köln 1988, p. 1 u. ö. (Publications from the Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, vol. 26) " R.-J. Lischke: Friedrich Althoff and his contribution to the development of the Berlin scientific system at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin 1991; J. Weiser, The Prussian School System in the 19th and 20th Centuries. A source report from the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 1996, pp. 194-197 (Studien und Dokumentationen zum deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, vol. 60) " Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. 16th Herzberg 1999, Sp. 29-48 " St. Rebenich and G. Franke: Theodor Mommsen and Friedrich Althoff. Correspondence 1882-1903 Munich 2012 (German Historical Sources of the 19th and 20th Centuries Vol. 67). Description: Biographical data: 1839 - 1908 Resources: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

Amorbach forestry office (existing)
Staatsarchiv Würzburg , Forstamt Amorbach · Fonds · 1885-1973
Fait partie de State Archives Würzburg (Archivtektonik)

Foreword Forest Office Amorbach: History of the authorities: In the forestry organisation of 1852 a municipal district Amorbach and a municipal archive Kirchzell (seat Amorbach) belonged to the forestry office Stadtprozelten founded at that time. Probably these districts are founded from the former Fürstlich Leiningischen Wald. The enforcement ordinance of 23.7.1885 then established 58 new forestry offices in Lower Franconia. One of them was also the forestry office Amorbach with its forestry assistant office. In 1929 it was converted into a forest administrator's post and in 1942 finally into a head forester's post. After the war until 1972 the forestry office Amorbach existed. It was not until the area reform in 1972 that it was finally dissolved and became part of the Miltenberg forestry office in 1973. Tradition: The files at hand mainly date from the period of the fort (end of the 19th / middle of the 20th century). With the exception of a few generalia and other overlapping processes, they concern the municipal forests around the area of the forestry office. Amorbach's area of responsibility comprises almost no state forests, but mainly municipal and private forests. The files are arranged according to the file plan valid until about 1950. It is placed in front of the search book. The files, which were already in the State Archives before 2005, are assigned to the new file plan, which also precedes the finding aid book. Filing: The files were submitted here via the Miltenberg Forestry Office in the course of the 2005 forest reform. A smaller earlier tax is also included. Use: A subject index has been omitted, since subject terms can be easily researched via the respective valid file plans. Würzburg, June 2009 Barbara Hellmann

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/2 III · Fonds · 1865-1992
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The stock FL 300/2 III Amtsgericht Backnang: Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Vereinsregister contains files from deliveries of the years 1988 and 1989, as well as the previous Bü 1-7, which were separated from stock F 252 II /Zugang 1968. The volumes have arrived as access 30.01.2007/17. To the individual register types:The stock contains files, volumes and other documents to the commercial register. The files were named HRA (sole traders and partnerships) and HRB (corporations) according to today's usual distinction. The present volumes are divided into two time layers. Initially, a distinction was made between sole proprietorships and partnership companies. In some dishes these have been marked with the letters E or HRE and G or HRG. Since this was not customary at the Backnang Local Court, the designations in the classification were placed in brackets, (E) and (G). The younger class bears the usual designations HRA and HRB. Note for use: In the case of register documents, there is a 30-year period for the blocking of material files for the main files, while the special files that are clearly visible as such ("special volumes") are freely accessible. The records on the register of cooperatives and associations also contain files and volumes. Double numbers occurring in GnR files resulted from subsequent transfers within the authority. As special archiving a character register tape was taken over. The title recordings for the files were made in 2009 by Mrs. Sirin Özet under the direction of Ute Bitz, Head of the Archive Office, who was also responsible for the indexing of the volumes. The final work was carried out by the undersigned. The inventory FL 300/2 III Local Court Backnang: Commercial, cooperative and association register contains 333 files and 21 volumes Ludwigsburg, March 2009Regina Schneider

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/4 II · Fonds · 1866-1997
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The inventory FL 300/4 II District Court Besigheim: Commercial, Cooperative and Associations Register was reformed within the framework of a systematic spin-off of register documents from the District Court inventory started in 2008 in order to create pure register inventories. It contains documents on the registration jurisdiction of the district court Besigheim, which on the one hand were separated from the already existing stock FL 300/4 (accesses 1983, 1984, 1985), on the other hand the files, volumes and index cards to the register of associations, which arrived with access 2007/40, were incorporated. Around 1970, the commercial and cooperative registers for the district court district of Besigheim were transferred to the district court of Heilbronn. From there, the register for the districts of Besigheim and Marbach was transferred to the district court of Vaihingen/Enz in 1995. Since 01.01.2007, the Central Register Court Stuttgart has been responsible for the commercial and cooperative register. The district court Besigheim at the time of the indexing only keeps the register of associations. For the use of commercial and cooperative register documents is additionally stock FL 300/14 II district court Heilbronn: commercial, cooperative, association register to be consulted. The volumes on the commercial and cooperative register for the district court district of Besigheim, which will be kept by the Heilbronn District Court until 2011, are also included here. To the individual register types: The inventory contains files, volumes and other documents (name lists, minutes) to the trade, cooperative, and association register. The commercial register files were named HRA (sole traders and partnerships) and HRB (corporations) according to the distinction customary today. The present volumes are divided into two time layers. From the establishment of the Commercial Register in 1866 until 1938, a distinction was made between sole proprietorships (designation E) and corporate proprietorships (designation G). In 1938, the current designations HRA and HRB were introduced. The volumes of the Commercial Register were rewritten in map form around 1965.note for use:In the case of register documents, there is a 30-year period for the blocking of the main files, while the special files that are clearly visible as such ("special volumes") are freely accessible.in autumn 2010, the indexing work was carried out by Mrs. Andrea Jaraszewski under the direction of the undersigned, who also carried out the final work. The holdings FL 300/4 II Amtsgericht Besigheim: Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Vereinsregister comprises the files Bü 1-601 (the Bü 87-105 are not occupied for the time being) and the volumes Bd 1-22.Ludwigsburg, in March 2011Ute Bitz

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/13 II · Fonds · 1866-1993
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The inventory FL 300/13 II District Court Heidenheim: Commercial, Cooperative and Associations Register was reformed within the framework of a systematic spin-off of register documents from the District Court inventory started in 2008 to create pure register inventories. It contains documents on the register jurisdiction of the District Court District Heidenheim, which on the one hand were spun off from the already existing holdings F 272 Bü 254-644 (access 19.05.1976) and FL 300/13 Additions 1978-1990, 1996/41, 1997/79, 1999/26, 2002/69, on the other hand the volumes and files on the register system in the District Court District Heidenheim received as Access 2006/1 and 2006/100 were incorporated here. The district court of Heidenheim still keeps the register of associations itself. Since 1.1.2007 the central register court Ulm is responsible for the trade and cooperative register. To the individual register types: The inventory contains files, volumes and other documents (name lists, minutes) to the trade, cooperative, and association register. The commercial register files were named HRA (sole traders and partnerships) and HRB (corporations) according to the distinction customary today. The volumes normally available at the local courts are divided into two time layers. From the establishment of the Commercial Register in 1866 until 1938, a distinction was made between sole proprietorships (designation E) and corporate proprietorships (designation G). In 1938, the current designations HRA and HRB were introduced. The volumes of the Commercial Register were rewritten in map form around 1965.note for use:In the case of register documents, there is a 30-year period for the blocking of material files for the main files, while the special files that are clearly visible as such ("special volumes") are freely accessible.in the winter of 2010/2011, the indexing work was carried out by Andrea Jaraszewski under the direction of the undersigned, who also carried out the final work. The inventory FL 300/13 II Local Court Heidenheim: Commercial, cooperative, association register comprises 886 files and 16 volumes Ludwigsburg, March 2011Ute Bitz

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/16 III · Fonds · 1865-1998
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The inventory FL 300/16 III Amtsgericht Künzelsau: Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Vereinsregister (Local Court Künzelsau: Commercial, Cooperative and Associations Register) was reformed within the framework of a systematic spin-off of register documents from the inventories of the Local Court to create pure register inventories. It contains documents on the register jurisdiction of the district court Künzelsau, which on the one hand were spun off from the already existing stock F 277 (access 1969 bundles 233-237, 357-372), on the other hand the 7 volumes on the register system in the district court Künzelsau, which arrived with access 2006/74 from the district court Schwäbisch Hall, were incorporated here. With access 2009/122 of the central register court Stuttgart 8 commercial register files HRA arrived, which were closed long ago by the district court Künzelsau and were likewise assigned to the existence. since 1.1.2007 the central register court Stuttgart is responsible for the commercial and cooperative register. The district court Künzelsau today only keeps the register of associations. To the individual register types: The inventory contains files, volumes and other documents (name lists, minutes) to the trade, cooperative, and association register. The commercial register files were named HRA (sole traders and partnerships) and HRB (corporations) according to the distinction customary today. The present volumes are divided into two time layers. From the establishment of the Commercial Register in 1866 until 1938, a distinction was made between sole proprietorships (designation E) and corporate proprietorships (designation G). In 1938, the current designations HRA and HRB were introduced. The volumes of the commercial register were rewritten in map form around 1965. Note for use: In the case of register documents, there is a 30-year period for the blocking of material files for the main files, while the special files clearly visible as such ("special volumes") are freely accessible. The development works were carried out in November 2010 by Andrea Jaraszewski and in May 2011 by Daniel Sabolic under the guidance of the undersigned, who also took care of the final works. The holdings FL 300/16 III Local Court Künzelsau: Commercial, cooperative and association register comprises 192 files and 7 volumes Ludwigsburg, June 2011Ute Bitz

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/23 I · Fonds · 1866-1987
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The inventory FL 300/23 I Amtsgericht Neresheim: Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Vereinsregister contains register files of the department HRA of the Amtsgericht Neresheim, which up to now have been summarized in 4 collective bundles and were recorded individually within the scope of a comprehensive indexing of register documents of the Amtsgerichte according to register numbers, as well as volumes to the Handelsregister and to the Genossenschaftsregister from the additions 2006/31, 2006/37, 2006/40. Since the jurisdiction of the court district of Neresheim - as well as that of the district court of Ellwangen (see volume FL 300/9 II) - for register matters was transferred to the district court of Aalen, the register volumes of Neresheim were archived via the district court of Aalen. The volumes on the Commercial Register contain an older stratum that distinguishes between E/HRE (sole proprietorships) and G/HRG (partnership companies); the later volumes are, as usual, separated into HRA (sole proprietorships and partnerships) and HRB (corporations). The holdings only contain volumes on the register of cooperatives; association register documents of the Neresheim Local Court have not yet been delivered; the title records for the files were made in 2008 by Sirin Özet under the direction of Ute Bitz, archivist, who was also responsible for the indexing of the volumes. The final work was carried out by the undersigned. The inventory FL 300/23 I Local Court Neresheim: Commercial, cooperative and association register comprises 43 files and 11 volumes Ludwigsburg, March 2009Regina SchneiderAs a supplementary levy under the accession number 2011/5 on 25.01.2011 from the Local Court Aalen still 2 model registers were received, which were incorporated by Mrs Andrea Jaraszewski here.January 2011Ute Bitz

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, F 305 · Fonds · 1865-1924 (Na bis 1966)
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The Commercial Code, which was introduced in Württemberg by the law of 13.08.1865, prescribes the maintenance of a commercial register. These provisions were clarified in the Order of 31.10.1865 on the Maintenance of Commercial Registers (Government Gazette 1865 p.448). In the commercial register the name, branch, legal form and, in the case of corporations, the amount of capital had to be entered. At first the 4 commercial courts in Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Ulm and Reutlingen kept the commercial registers, after the Württemberg judicial reform of 1868 the (higher) district courts. register of associationsThe register of associations was introduced by order of 09.11.1899 (Regierungsblatt p. 845) with the Civil Code (BGB) to 01.01.1900. The legal peculiarities of political associations (e.g. trade unions, parties) are described in the preface of F 303 III (Amtsgericht Stuttgart: Vereinsregister). As in the commercial register, the new entries in the register of associations of the Stuttgart District Court Office end in 1924. The continuation of the commercial register can be found in stock F 303 II, the register of associations in F 303 III.Cooperative registerThe Reichsgesetz of 01.05.1889 stipulated a separation of the commercial register and the cooperative register and thus introduced its own cooperative register. The continuation of the cooperative register can be found in stock FL 300/31 II. Register of matrimonial property rightsThe register of matrimonial property rights regulates the matrimonial property rights of married couples and was introduced together with the BGB on 01.01.1900. District Court District Stuttgart-Amt: The district court Stuttgart-Amt existed until 1924, when in the course of the reorganization of the court division in the Stuttgart area the district court district Stuttgart-Amt was abolished and the district courts Stuttgart-Stadt and Stuttgart-Cannstatt received the designation "Stuttgart I" and "Stuttgart II" from then on (VO of 22.02.1924, Regierungsblatt page 71).In detail, the following were assigned to the district court Stuttgart I: Bernhausen, Birkach, Bonlanden, Echterdingen, Harthausen, Heumaden, Kemnat, Leinfelden, Möhringen a.d. Fildern, Musberg, Plattenhardt, Plieningen, Rohr, Rohracker, Ruit, Scharnhausen, Sielmingen, Sillenbuch, Steinenbronn, Stetten a.d. Fildern, Vaihingen a.d. Fildern and Waldenbuch, the only exception being Feuerbach, which was assigned to the Stuttgart II District Court with its seat in Cannstatt. Processing: The files on hand were handed over by the Stuttgart District Court on 02.08.1894 (Tgb.Nr. 3477/3478). In the course of processing the register files of the Stuttgart Local Court in July 1986, the provenance of the Stuttgart Local Court-Amt was separated from the FL 300/31 holdings and reformed into the F 305 holdings. The students Kerstin Häussermann and Barbara Seiler made the title recordings. These were then sorted by commercial register number. Ludwigsburg, September 1986(Back) Note on retroconversion: This find book is a repertory that was previously only available in typewritten form, which was converted into a database-supported and thus online-capable format according to a procedure developed by the "Arbeitsgruppe Retrokonversion im Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg". In this so-called retroconversion, the basic structure of the template and the linguistic version of the texts were basically retained. However, the classification scheme was adapted and the files sorted by register number in ascending order - in accordance with the project "Erschließung der Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Vereinsregister der Amtsgerichte" ("Development of the commercial, cooperative and association registers of local courts"), which has been in practice since 2008. The previous collection fascicles of the stock were dissolved and each register file was assigned an individual tuft number, so that the old tufts 1-45 were re-signed into the new tufts 1-250. The retro conversion was carried out in spring 2012 by Larissa Huber in the context of a practical course. The support and final editing was carried out by the undersigned. Ludwigsburg, July 2012Ute Bitz

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, FL 300/34 II · Fonds · 1865-2001
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remarks: The newly formed holdings FL 300/34 II Amtsgericht Ulm: Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Vereinsregister contains documents on the jurisdiction of the register from the existing holdings of the Amtsgericht Ulm F 308 II, F 308 III as well as from the following entries of the Amtsgericht Ulm: FL 300/34 Zugang 25.02.1983, 1995/122, 2002/77, 2005/103, 2006/55, 2013/58, 2015/164. To the individual register types: The existence contains files, volumes and other documents (name lists, minutes) to the trade, cooperative, and association register. The commercial register beacons were named HRA (sole traders and partnerships) and HRB (corporations) according to the distinction customary today. The present volumes are divided into two time layers. From the establishment of the Commercial Register in 1866 until 1938, a distinction was made between sole proprietorships (designation E) and corporate proprietorships (designation G). In 1938, the current designations HRA and HRB were introduced. The volumes of the commercial register were rewritten in map form around 1965. The "associated" commercial register files of the series E and G were handed down at the first time layer of the volumes; they were arranged chronologically according to the year of first registration. 1) District court districts Blaubeuren and Ehingen:HRA and HRB files also arrived for the district court districts Blaubeuren and Ehingen via the district court Ulm. The Blaubeuren district court was dissolved in 1948; responsibility for the entire district then passed to the Ulm district court. In the 1960s, the registration of the Ehingen District Court was transferred to the Ulm District Court. The commercial register files were given the additions "-Blb" for Blaubeuren and "-E" for Ehingen in the Ulm district court for clear differentiation and were continued by the Ulm district court. The volumes on the trade, cooperative and association register of the Blaubeuren District Court, which was dissolved in 1948, are listed in fonds F 256 II. This collection also includes those register files of the Blaubeuren court district which were completed before 1948 and correspond with the register volumes. The volumes on the commercial, cooperative and association register of the Ehingen district court are in the FL 300/8 II Ehingen district court collection. 2) District court Ulm: The district court Ulm has assigned both HRA and HRB numbers twice or even three times to different companies. The multiple occupancy of cooperative register numbers can be explained by the fact that after the merger of all village dairy cooperatives in the greater Ulm area around 1967 into the "Milchwerke Schwaben" and the "Butterwerke Langenau", a flood of payments took place from the surrounding district courts to the newly responsible district court of Ulm. These "closed" cooperative register files were filed at the Ulm District Court under the original register numbers of the transferring offices. The holdings of the register of cooperatives contain the complete records of the first series of "Lists of Cooperatives", in which all founding members are documented. The "lists of comrades" are listed under classification point 2.3 and comprise almost 300 units (Bü 692-989). In the course of the induction work, the following documents were assessed as not worthy of archiving and collected: purely formal cooperative accession declarations and denunciations from F 308 II Access 1967 No. 270-277 in the amount of 1.2 linear metres. The sample and character registers have been preserved for special archiving purposes. The majority of the register files were processed from January to September 2009 by Ms Sirin Özet under the direction of the undersigned. Ms Marisel de la Vega processed access 2002/77 in December 2009, Ms Andrea Jaraszewski processed access 2005/103 in August 2010. The undersigned was in charge of recording the register volumes (access 2006/55) and the final editing of the finding aid book. Ludwigsburg, August 2010Ute Bitz Supplement: Under the accession number 2013/58, the Central Register Court of Ulm received the model register volumes I-IV of the Local Court of Ulm, which were incorporated into the inventory by Andrea Jaraszewski (vols. 49-52). With access 2015/164, the corresponding name index was finally issued (vol. 53). Ludwigsburg, May 2016Ute Bitz

AOK Dortmund (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Dortmund, 650 - · Fonds · 1884-1995
Fait partie de Dortmund City Archive (Archivtektonik)

1) Starting position for the archival preservation of files at the AOK regional offices in Westphalia-Lippe: In the course of a comprehensive change in the organisational and self-administration structures of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkassen in the mid-1990s, it became clear in the archival expert discussion that the AOK sources represent an important and comprehensive reflection of economic and socio-historical structures at regional level. The regional relevance of the tradition is derived from the historical development of the general local health insurance funds: At the end of the 19th century, the funds were established at the local level of the municipalities and in the course of time adapted to the administrative structure of the districts or cities by merging funds. In this respect, the formation of traditions by municipal archives within the framework of their responsibility for the documentation of local/regional living environments is an obvious conclusion. This approach has been taken up by the LWL Archive Office for Westphalia, which played a mediating role between the Westphalian municipal archives and the AOK Westphalia-Lippe in the implementation of the archival preservation of the historical records located in the AOK regional directorates. As a result, negotiations were conducted between the Central Directorate of the AOK Westfalen-Lippe in Dortmund for the AOK Regional Directorates subordinated to the Central Directorate and the LWL Archive Office for Westphalia in Münster for the participating municipal archives on the archiving of regional AOK sources. 2. cooperation between the AOK Westfalen-Lippe, the LWL-Archivamt and the Kommunalarchiven for the archiving of AOK-files: After the first talks on the archiving of AOK files had taken place in 2002, it finally took until April 2008 before a cooperation agreement could be concluded between the LWL Archive Office for Westphalia and the AOK Westfalen-Lippe on the "Archival indexing of the core records located in the regional offices of the AOK Westfalen-Lippe up to the key year 1994". This agreement regulates in principle the safeguarding of the historical core tradition of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkassen in Westfalen-Lippe and their predecessor institutions, which were independent up to the cut-off year 1994. It includes the evaluation, transfer and indexing of the relevant source material by the LWL-Archivamt für Westfalen and the subsequent decentralized storage and utilization in the regionally responsible municipal archives after the archiving processes. The allocation of the individual AOK holdings to the municipal archives is based on the organisational structure of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkassen before the fundamental restructuring through the merger into the AOK Westfalen-Lippe in 1994. 27 municipal archives function as target archives for the 27 independent Allgemeine Ortskrankenkassen in Westfalen-Lippe which existed until the beginning of 1994. 3. taking over and indexing the archival core records of the AOK Dortmund and its predecessors: The separation of the archival documents of the AOK Dortmund and its predecessor institutions took place at the Regional Directorate Bochum/Dortmund/Herne in the Dortmund office on 17 and 18 April as well as on 5 October and 23 November 2009. The transmission of the minutes of the AOK Dortmund makes a relatively closed impression overall. Of the predecessor institutions, only the records of the AOK Hörde from 1909 - 1920 and the records of the Special Local Health Insurance Fund for the Restaurant and Pub Industry from 1893 - 1933 are documented. In the area of social elections, with the exception of the 1974 elections, documents on all elections are available. The articles of association have been handed down since 1899. The documentation of the financial administration of the Fund began in 1903. A special feature of the AOK Dortmund was a closed file layer from the 1st half of the 20th century to the end of the 1950s. These files were evaluated on site together with the responsible archivists of the Stadtarchiv Dortmund and added to the core collection. In terms of content, the files deal with the Fund's contribution and benefit system, relationships with other insurance providers and the numerous AOK Dortmund's own operations. Furthermore there are protocols of the BKK of the Schüchtermann in the stock.