Affichage de 32 résultats

Description archivistique
FA 1 / 2 · Dossier · 1886 - 1888
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

'The North German Missionary Society in Bremen avoids the mission territory in Togo. - Report by the Grade Secretary for the attention of the Foreign Office - Including: - Presentation of the situation by the German Missionary Society in West Africa by the Foreign Office according to information from Mission Inspector Zahn

Sans titre
FA 1 / 4 · Dossier · 1899 - 1911
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Political situation in the Dagomba Empire (capital Yendi) and the neighbouring areas: Possibility of establishing a station for the final subjugation of the Dagomba - Report Commissioner Falkenthal, 1900 [fol. 13] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Dr Heim, payment of remuneration for October and November 1900 to the former Deputy Governor of Togo, Chancellor Assessor Dr Heim. - Request from the Deputy Governor of Togo, Horn, to the Governor of Cameroon, 1900 [fol. 24] Condition of the road network, in particular the connection from the coast to the hinterland of the Togo protectorate. - Report by Prof. Dr Wohltmann on his trip to Togo to clarify transport issues in December 1899 (extracts), 1900 [fol. 34] Police force. - Return of surplus uniforms from the time of the Ashanti Uprising to the Governorate of Cameroon, 1900 [fol. 43] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Warnecke, gardener. - Training at the Botanical Gardens in Victoria, 1900 [fol. 46 - 51] Administration of justice. - Banishment of prisoners from Cameroon to Togo to reduce the risk of escape. - Members of the police force in Cameroon. - Individual cases (Jo, Johnson, Mbia, Mokoko, Nginda), 1901, 1906, 1907 [fol. 47, 52-55, 59, 68, 143, 181-182] Cocoa cultivation in the Atakpame district. - Request for fruit from Cameroon for seed production, 1888 [fol. 74 - 79] Concreting work for the piles in the construction of the landing stage in Lome. - Request for an expert opinion from Building Secretary Seiffert, Douala, 1904 [fol. 84] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - von Rotberg, District Judge of Togo (from 1 February 1902) and District Officer of Klein-Popo (from 20 February 1903). Dismissal in connection with the complaint of insult by the station chief Geo. A. Schmidt / P. Müller and Schnitz, Steyler Mission, 1903 [fol. 96 - 105] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Zech auf Neuhofen, Governor. - Home leave, 1905 - 1908 [fol. 106-107, 147-158, 187-191] Lome customs office. - Exemption from export duty on large and small livestock exports from Togo to Cameroon. - Request from the Governor of Cameroon to the Foreign Office and its decision on the duty-free export of large livestock from the landing stage in Lome, 1905 [fol. 109 - 114] Shortcomings in co-operation and disputes between the Governor of Cameroon and the Governors of Togo. - Intervention of the Foreign Office, 1901 - 1905 [fol. 109 - 114] Administration of justice. - Legal proceedings against Father Schmitz, Steyler Mission, for insulting the head of the station Geo A. Schmidt, Atakpame, - Determination of the place of trial Lome or, for reasons of public safety, Duala, 1905 [fol. 117 - 125] Consul General for the Gulf of Guinea. - Authorisation of the Imperial Commissioner and Governor of Togo as Consul in the Republic of Liberia (1889) and the British and French possessions in his jurisdiction (Gold Coast and Niger Coast, Dahomey), 1889, 1905, 1910 [fol. 126, 133, 198] Personnel matters. - Individual cases. - Gaber, James, clerk of the Lomé district office. - Wanted for removal from duty to take up employment in Cameroon, 1905 [fol. 128, 176] Police force. - Settlement of the bounty for recruitment of the Pik in 1900, 1906 [fol. 151 - 156] Police force in Cameroon. - Recruitment for the police force in Cameroon in Togo in 1900 - Settlement of the bounty, 1906 [fol. 151 - 156] Landing bridge in Lome. - Collapse of the middle section on the night of 18-19 May 1911, 1911 [fol. 202]

Sans titre
FA 1 / 1 · Dossier · 1885 - 1887
Fait partie de Cameroon National Archives

Errichtung der Schutzherrschaft.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal (Abschriften), 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Politische Lage in Togo und den benachbarten Gebieten.- Bericht von Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 1 - 19] Nichtanerkennung der deutschen Schutzherrschaft über Togo durch Frankreich und sonstige gegen das Deutsche Reich gerichtete französische Maßnahmen. - Protests by Reichskommissar Falkenthal to the French consular agent Piathet, Groß-Popo, 1885 [fol. 1 - 60] Report by Rear Admiral Knorr, 1885 [fol. 61 - 69] Expulsion of the Cameroonians Manga Akwa, Anja Preso (Priso) and Misunga to Togo for participating in the uprising in Duala. - Handed over to the Reichskommissar by Rear Admiral Knorr, flight to Accra and extradition negotiations, 1885 [fol. 71] Accusations against Portuguese authorities for slave trade. - Misinterpretation of a labour recruitment in Dahomey by the German planter Spengler (Chamisso plantation) on St. Thomé, 1885 [fol. 76 - 84] Establishment of the Portuguese protectorate over Dahomey and its takeover by France, 1885 - 1886 [fol. 85 - 192] Approval and request for armament and equipment, 1885 [fol. 102 - 105] Establishment of the protectorate over the west coast between Liberia and Grand Bassam. - Memorandum by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 106 - 108] Shipping of slaves on the coast of Dahomey and Whydah (Quittab) in the presence of British gunboats. - Denial by Acting Colonial Secretary Percival Hughes, Accra, 1885 [fol. 109] Breakthrough of the coast at Cotonou on 23 September 1885 by the French to establish a connection between the lagoon of Porto Novo and the sea. - Report by Consul Randad jun., 1885 [fol. 118] Action against the French during the occupation of the Gridji and Abanaque territories. - Justification by Reichskommissar Falkenthal in response to a reprimand by von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 133 - 135] Relations between France, Great Britain and Portugal on the slave coast between Whydah (Quittah) and Lagos as well as Dahomey. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 138 - 139] Establishment of German protectorate over Porto Seguro at the request of the local King Mensa. - Report by Reichskommissar Falkenthal, 1885 [fol. 148] Clarification of German intentions in Togo. - Enquiry from Governor von Soden to von Bismarck, 1885 [fol. 156 - 157] Bielke, sergeant of the police force - Death and burial, 1885 [fol. 183] Official residence of the Reichskommissar in Klein-Popo. - Construction of a prefabricated building by the company F. H. Schmidt, Hamburg, 1886 [fol. 196 - 204] Pietrowski, sergeant, drill sergeant of the police force. - Assignment as successor to the deceased Sergeant Bielke and leave of absence for health reasons, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 212] Situation in Klein-Popo after the arrival of Reichskommissar Falkenthal at his official residence, 1886 [fol. 214] Recruitment of Hausa, 1886 - 1888 [fol. 214] Criticism of the inauguration of Reichskommissar Falkenthal (31 October 1887) and interim appointment of the previous chancellor in Cameroon, von Puttkamer, 1886 - 1887 [fol. 217 - 221] Treaty between France and the chiefs of the country of Quatschi (Kete Krachi) north of the Popos in Togo. - Copy, 21 June 1885 [fols. 238 - 239] Protocol on the German and French possessions on the west coast of Africa and in the South Seas. - Copy (German and French text), 24 Dec. 1885 [fol. 240 - 247] Exchange of notes between Germany and France on King Mensa of Porto Seguro [fol. 248 - 251] Work of the Franco-German Boundary Commission on the demarcation of the territories on both sides of the Slave Coast in accordance with Article 2 of the Protocol of 24 Dec. 1885 - Protocol, 2 Apr. 1887 [fol. 252 - 254] Regulation of flag mail traffic. - Circular no. 3, 29 May 1914

Sans titre
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0725 · Dossier · 1901-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 654/1901; EndVNr: E 1483/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, p. 51, the German Colonial Museum, (1901), p. 293, the Botanical Museum, p. 56, and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, (1902), p. 227 - Offer, delivery and sale of duplicates to the Städtisches Museum, Braunschweig, p. 250 ff., the Museumsverein, Essen, p. 254 ff., the Prussia Antiquity Society, Königsberg, p. 273 ff.., the School Museum, Mödlingen, pp. 267 ff, the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff, the Museums for Ethnology, Karlsruhe, pp. 191 ff, Leipzig, pp. 259 ff, Stuttgart, pp. 26 f, the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1901), pp. 188, the Römer-Museum, Hildesheim, pp. 187, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1903), pp. 186, pp. 249 ff.186, and the Museum for Ethnology, Cologne, (1863), pp. 249 ff.24., the German Colonial School Wilhelmshof, Witzenhausen, pp. 270 ff. Exchange of duplicates with private person, (1901), pp. 12 ff., 61 - cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 62, 310 ff., DSW, pp. 53, Togo, pp. 44, 284, and the judge of Cameroon, (1901), pp. 163 - cooperation with the Society Northwest Cameroon, (1901), pp. 1 f.., pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, pp. 1, and the Dt. Niger-Benue-Tsadsee-Komitee, Berlin, (1902), pp. 296 ff. - Programme of the Dt. Süd-Kamerun-Grenzexpedition, (1901), pp. 104 ff. - Glauning: Report from the station, pp. 19 ff., Report on leather helmets and double-headed birds, pp. 234 ff., Report on skulls, (1901), pp. 302 ff. - Minist. of the intellectuals, (1901), pp. 234 ff. Affairs: Decision on the whereabouts of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, (1901), pp. 34 - Mischlich: "Aus dem Fetischleben der Eingeborenen", (1901), pp. 45 ff - Volkmann: Sendung von lebenden Tieren, Abschr., pp. 57 f, Description of a Bushman Game, (1901), pp. 33, 116 f - Gentz: Sendung eines Stabes, (1901), pp. 57 f - Stierling: Sending a skeleton, (1901), p. 75 - Rigler: Wishes to use his collection, (1901), p. 83 f - Fies: Using a fish poison in Togo, (1901), p. 100 f - Hirth: "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Dr. Stuhlmann.", pp. 120 f., "Report on a collection of Chinese coins of Mr. Justus Strand.", (1901), pp. 122 f. - "Vereine, Versammlungen.". In: Berliner Tagebl.: 1901-10-15, p. 130 - von Zech: Verwendung von Fetischen, (1901), p. 135 ff - Hoesemann: "Some ethnographic diary notes from the expedition against the Esum, Hplg. Semikore, and from the march Jaunde-Watare-Ngilla-Ngutte to the Mbam; 19.II. - 28.IV.01.", pp. 157 ff.- Staudinger: Request for diplomatic behaviour of Luschans, pp. 180 f., Mediation of the Slg. Langheld, (1901), pp. 182 f.- Perrot: Shipment of pearls and coins, and report about a prohibition to collect privately, (1901), pp. 222 ff.- Smend: Skull shipment, (1901), p. 232 - Zenker: Skeleton shipment, (1901), p. 233 - Schulz: Jassa drum shipment, (1901), p. 238 f.- Foerster: Report on his collecting activities and friendship with a "chief's son", (1901), pp. 278 f.- Laasch: Sendung von Skeletten, (1901), pp. 300 f.- von den Steinen: Plan einer Tschadsee-Expedition, (1901), pp. 295.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0731 · Dossier · 1904-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 711/1904; EndVNr: E 1920/1904; and others: Cooperation with the Museumsverein, Essen, page 2, the Städtisches Museum, Stralsund, page 142, and the Museums für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, page 251 ff., and Stuttgart, (1904), page 39 - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, page 272, DSW, page 36, and Togo, (1904), page 26 f.- Cooperation with the Hydrotherapeutic Institute, p. 230, the Rudolf Virchow Foundation, Berlin, p. 298 f., 306 f., and the Northwest Cameroon Society, Duala, (1904), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904), p. 52, 149 f., 182 ff., the Society for the Advancement of Evangelical Medicine, p. 223 f., and the Northwest Cameroon Society, Duala, (1904), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904), p. 52, 149 f., 182 ff. Mission unter den Heiden, p. 159, der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft, p. 186, und der Herrnhuter Mission, (1904), p. 187 f.- Kayser: Report on a gala girl brought up in Berlin, (1904), p. 7 f.- by Smend: Report on stoves and cooking utensils, appearance of villages and stretchers for dignitaries, (1904), p. 12 ff.- Rkwami: "Food of the Eweer", (1904), p. 16 - by Luschan: Restoration order for the throne of Njoya of Bamum, p. 28, request for support of the AA in the preservation of the priority position of the Berlin museums, p. 226, advertisement for funds for the diplomatic mission of the botanist Rosen to Abyssinia, (1904), p. 295 ff - Holtz-Saatel: "Germany and France in Abyssinia. In: Berliner Tagebl.: 1904-07-15, p. 49 - Ankermann: Report on the Collection Frobenius, (1904), p. 54 - Rehse: "Setting up the bird trap 'mutego gu´ ekinyonyi.'", (1904), p. 114 - Method of payment for the Collection Frobenius, (1904), p. 168 ff - "Paul Kibler ... Collector of Natural History Specimens ...", (1904), Folder, p. 190 - Merker: Report on stones with drilling by the Wadschagga, his research on tatoga, p. 231 et seq, Skeleton broadcast, (1904), pp. 258 et seq. by Berger: "Apotheke des Zauberers Msafiri aus der Landschaft des Sultans Kihumbi am oberen Mlagarasi in Uha, Udjidji district", (1904), pp. 244 et seq. by Berger. Schweinfurth: Report about lumber and bows from Egypt, (1904), pp. 277 ff. - Cleve: Report about tooth deformations at the Vaviva and Kinga and their influence on the language, Christian folk song in Kidngala, (1904), pp. 284 ff.

BArch, N 227/20 · Dossier · 31. Aug. 1889 - 11. Jan. 1897
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence with: Shipowner C. Wörmann; Zintgraff, Cameroon; Marshal, (exp. office); The Chancellery of the Kaiserl. Consulate General for Egypt in Cairo; Miscellaneous: Chronological Register of Research Trips to the Individual Areas, 1884-1894; German Colonial War League: Award Certificate for Curt v. Morgen for the Silver Colonial Award

Morgen, Kurt von
Correspondence with different people
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Radowitz, J. M. v., d. J., B III Nr. 9 Bd. 2 · Dossier · 1898 - 1908
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, F., Pensioner in Braunschweig (pp. 241, 154) - Arco-Valley, E. Graf von und zu, German Minister in Brazil (pp. 217, 239) - Bartsch, D. Dr. von, Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture (pp. 152) - Below-Schlatau, Paul von, First Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris (pp. 168) - Bender, G. H., German Vice Consul for the Province of Gerona (Spain) (p. 238) - Berndt, Freiherr von, Stift Neuburg (p. 184, 201) - (Bersel, von), Berlin (p. 248) - Blenck, C., Berlin (p. 145) - Castell-Rüdenhausen, Hereditary Count zu, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 155, 205) - Deville, Susanne (p. 266) - Drummond-Wolff, Sir H., English Ambassador at the Gate (p. 213) - Eckardt, von, Legation Secretary at the German Embassy in Tehran (p. 246) - Gies, Dr.., Dragoman at the German Embassy in Constantinople (p. 143) - Hecht, Dr. Felix (p. 151) - Hertel, Prof. Albert, Landscape Painter (p. 172) - Hoppe, Carlos, German Consul in Santander (p. 221) - Izzet Pasha, Turkish Ambassador in Madrid (p. 262, 269) - Keppler, Prof., Freiburg (p. 186) - Kleinschmidt, J., Painter (p. 149) - Krosigk, von, Kiel (p. 197) - Kusserow, von (p. 225) - Limburg-Stirum, Count zu, Minister (p. 215, 219, 264) - Marcko, E., Hamburg (p. 282) - Meiningen, Bernhard Erbprinz von (p. 140) - Meißner, Dr. phil Rudolf, Privatdozent at the University of Göttingen (p. 202) - Mentzingen, Freiherr von, 1st Legation Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 211) - Mumm, von Schwarzenstein, Dr. A.., German envoy in Luxembourg (pp. 226, 250) - Mutzenbecher, von, Berlin (pp. 229) - Nedscheb-Pascha, Turkish envoy in Spain (pp. 188) - Perl, Dr.., German consul in Madrid (p. 234) - Prussia, William II of Prussia (p. 281) - Puttkammer, Jesco of, Governor of Cameroon (p. 203) - Samosch, Siegfried, editor of the "National-Zeitung" (p. 165, 190) - Shevich, D., Russian envoy in Madrid (p. 260) - Schilling, G. (p. 276) - Schmidt, Gustl und Hugo, Berlin (p. 231) - Schweinitz, Graf, Prussian envoy in Vienna (p. 147) - Seefried auf Buttenheim, E. Freiherr von, 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in Madrid (p. 192) - Silvela, Franzisco, President of the Spanish Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs (p. 222) - Storch, A., Chancellery Secretary of the Austrian Embassy in Madrid (p. 228) - Suhle, P., Pastor in Constantinople (p. 157) - Thiel, Dr. H., Director, Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - Wedel, B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of State and State Secretary, Reichsmarineamt (p. 257) - Wedel, B. (p. 173) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz (p. 175) - B. (p. 174) - Tirpitz, Viceadmiral, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (p. 173) - Versmann, Hamburg (p. 163) - Voss, Luise von, Grandmother of Radowitz, Wedel, B. (p. 174) 159, 166, 170, 199) - Werckmeister, Wilhelm, Kunstverlag der Photographischen Gesellschaft in Berlin (p. 182) - Werthauer, Dr. Paul, lawyer in Leipzig (p. 237) - Wertheimer, Emanuel, writer (p. 196) - Wilhelm, Paul, bishop (p. 255) - Zedlitz (p. 277) - Zimmermann, Dr. F. W. R., Finanzrat, Head of the Brunswick Statistical Office (p. 154) - Zimmern, Dr. Sigm. Jos., cathedral vicar and seminar professor in Speyer (p. 141) - Zumpe, Hermann, Schwerin (p. 242).

Diplomats, Federal Foreign Office
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1039 · Dossier · 1885 - 1912, ohne Datum
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Bismarck, Fürst Otto v., Reichskanzler, Berlin: Letter (copy) to His Majesty the Emperor about the scholarly proletariat 16.3.1890 - Berchem, Count v., (Federal Foreign Office), Berlin: Conference with Director A. Hellwig and Prof. Foerster 23.7.1886 - Conrad, Geheimer Legationsrat, (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Englers Memorandum on the German-Catholic Question in Posen 9.8.1903 - Cramm-Burgdorf, v., (Braunschweigische Gesandtschaft), Berlin: Acknowledgements for the publication "Die Reform des höheren Schulwesens" 5.1.1903, Professor Lexis 1.2.1903 - Dernburg, Excellence, (Colonial Office), Berlin: Oilfruits from Cameroon 10.5.1907 - Eichhorn, v., Really Secret Legation Council, Berlin: Letter from Althoff concerning appeals and cooperation of the Foreign Office and corresponding reply of G. L. R. v. Eichhorn 1.3.1897 - Goudriaan, Jungheer van, Minister of the Netherlands, Berlin: planned conference 20.6.1902 - Gude, v., Swedish-Norwegian Embassy, Berlin: Lymphatic discharge for Swedish hospitals 4.12.1890 - Günther, v., Reichskanzlei, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the brochure by Savigny "Die Reichstagsauflösung" 18.1.1907 - Goering, Heinrich Ernst, Konsul,: Request of the Devant des Ponts for transfer to colonial service 6.3.1885, Cape Town, trip to Damaraland 7.10.1886 - Holstein, Friedrich v., Excellency, Reich Chancellery, Berlin: Visit of A. 14.7.1895, thanks for the news about Hirschberg 23.7.1895, request to A. for a visit 22.12.1901, reports of Prince Eulenburg on the occasion of the Poland excesses o.D., Request for visit to his friend A. in his private apartment 30.6.1906 - Hutten-Czapski, Count, Strasbourg: wish of acquaintance with A. 9.2.1885, Hanover, because of an honorary pension for Freifrau von Manteuffel or a statue for the field marshal of M. 26.7.1885, entry for the teacher Dalkowski in Wilda in Posen because of threatening dismissal 17.11.1885 - Hansemann, v., Minister, Berlin: Thanks to Dr. Triebke for the donation 15.5.1897 - Hohenthal, Count v., Saxon Minister, Berlin: Realabiturienten und das juristische Studium 23.4.1901 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Berlin: Visit in Charlottenburg 29.10.1892, Oberlehrer Grunewald of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium 23.9.1901 - Humbert, Really Secret Legation Council, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Letter from A. to him because of missed visit 9.12.1890, Answer to A. because of missed visit 3.11.1897, Conference with A. and Conze 11.4.1892 - Jagemann, v., Badische Gesandtschaft, Berlin: Invitation to the Souper o. D. - Kayser, Dr., Geheimer Legationsrat, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Prof. Baron, Bonn July 1888, Berlin, entry of the Referendar Tübben into colonial service 7.1.1891, letter from Schweinfurth 14.4.1891 - Keudell, Baron v., Berlin: Acknowledgment for the report about Prof. Michel 13.2.1900 - Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred v., envoy, Hamburg: Request to Dr. Landerer from Stuttgart for reception 21.9.1895 - Klehmet, R., Geheimer Legationsrat, Berlin: Draft of an answer to the petition of the cathedral provost Dittrich 18.12.1903 (missing) - Klewitz, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Congratulations on the award 16.10.1904 - Knorr v. Rosenroth, Exzellenz, Darmstadt: Transmission of the commemorative publication of the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 9.12.1897 - Koeller, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Acknowledgement for congratulations 19.2.1888, 20.2.1903 - König, v., (Auswärtiges Amt), Berlin: Thanks for information about the Geographical Institute in Weimar 27.1.1892 - Krauel, R., Real Geheimer Regierungsrat und Gesandter, Berlin: Request for a Conversation 27.9.1903 - Krug, Leopold, Prof. und Konsul, Groß-Lichterfelde: Donation of his Herbarium to Dahlem 14.12.1890, Letter of 6.4.1898 - Kusserow, v., Berlin: Appointment of Goering as Commissioner for Angra Pegrena 10.4.1885 - Lanza de Busca, Ch., Graf, Italienischer Gesandter, Berlin: Information about the request of Prof. Volterra to get to know the Polytechnikum Charlottenburg better 23.2.1904, Request for audience for Professor Marigliano 5.1.1901 - Lehmann, Privy Legation Council, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 20.3.1899 - Lewald, Reichskommissar für die Weltausstellung St. Louis: Information about the Villa d 'Este 4.8.1905 - Loebell, Friedrich Wilhelm v., Reich Chancellery, Berlin. Zorn's expert opinion on the Coburg-Gotha domain question 1.12.1904, sending a copy of an article in the Allgemeine Zeitung 22.6.1906 - Marschall von Bieberstein, Freiherr Adolf Hermann, Berlin: Mitteilung über die Gewährung einer Audienz beim Großherzog von Baden 13.4.1888 - Mongenast, envoy, Luxembourg: sending of a work about the Luxembourg Athenaeum 20.7.1904 - Mosler, Privy Councillor, Berlin: Information about the death of his father-in-law, Excellency v. Friedberg 3.6. o. J. - Mühlberg, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin: Press conference and orthography regulation 13.1.1901 - Mutius, Legationsrat von, Berlin: Acknowledgment for the congratulations on the transfer to Beijing 14.1.1908 - Ochsenius, Dr. (C.) Karl, Consul a. D.., Marburg: Promotion of Dr. Kohl to Professor 23.1.1887 - Pourtalès, Count v. F., Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Request for a conference 14.11.1893, Acknowledgment for dealing with his question 20.2.1894 - Ratibor, (Prince) Herzog v., Rauden: Agreement to use his name as co-founder of the Academy for German Literature in Weimar 21.5.1901, letter of 26.2.1900 - Richthofen, v., Excellency, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Award of the large gold medal to Ambassador White 19.11.1902, Lexis meets with the Prime Minister of Holland Knyper 3.5.1902 - Rangabé, Kleon, Greek envoy, Berlin: Dr. Macke's handwriting about Erasmus and Reuchlin 30.4.1900 - Rotenhan, v., Minister of, Rome: Audience with Cardinal Merry del Val o. D., Return in October to Berlin 13.9.1905 - Roth, A. Oberst, Swiss Legation, Berlin: Lectures at the Berlin University 19.1.1887 - Senden, Baron v., (Military Attaché Madrid): Madrid Chapel 23.3.1908 - Speck v. Sternburg, Ambassador, Washington: Professor Keutgen's recommendation from Jena 4.4.1905 - Speßhardt, Consul v., Lemberg: Registration for a meeting 28.7.1902 - Schwarzkoppen, Hauptmann v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Inquiry about the possibility of a visit to the Botanical Garden by Princess Bülow on 17.6.1907 15.6.1907, agreement on the visit of Princess Bülow to the Botanical Garden on 29.6.1912 - Schlözer, Kurd v., German Legation, Rome: Employment of Dr. Schellhass at the historical institution in Rome 23.2.1891 - Tiedemann, Freiherr v., Berlin: Loss of files 18.5.1886 - Tower, Charlemagne, American envoy, Berlin: Introduction of Mr. Alb. A. Showden as representative of the Carnegie Foundation 29.5.1907, Acknowledgement for Lexis' Louis-Werk and the pictures of Mommsen 10.2.1905 - Usedom, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Appointment of Fassbender as Professor 18.12.1900 - Varnbüler, v., Excellency, Württemberg Envoy, Berlin: Immediatgesuch des Dr. Brönnle 4.9.1906 - Wilmowski, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Confession of the officials of the Chancellor 29.4.1895 - Zahn, Legationsrat, Berlin: Visit of the Dutch Prime Minister Knyper to the Reich Chancellery 30.3.1902 - Zimmermann, Legationsrat, Berlin: Request for a visit date (no D.), congratulations on the award (no D.)

BArch, NS 5-VI/17569 · Dossier · 1920-1944
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Ebe, Burkhart, German sculptor, 1938 Ebeling, Friedrich, Bg., Reichsarbeitsopferführer, 1934 Eber, Elk, German painter, 1941 Eberbach, Colonel, Knight of the Iron Cross with Eichenlaub, 1942 Eberhardt, Dr. Eugen, New German History and Culture Atlas, 1936 Eberhardt, Dr. Fr, new German Historical and Cultural Atlas, 1936 Eberhardt, Magnus von, German Army Commander, 1939 Eberhardt, Otto, Gauwirtschaftsberater, 1939 Eberle, Dr. Johann Christian, Schöpfer d. modern savings bank organization, 1938 Eberle, Syrius, glass painter, 1937 Ebermaier, Dr. Karl, last German governor of Cameroon, 1943 Ebermayer, Erich, German writer, 1943 Ebermayer, Ludwig, Oberstaatsreichsanwalt, 1933 Ebersbach, Georg, employee of the magazine "Das junge Deutschland", 1938 - 1939 Eberstein, Freiherr Friedrich Karl von, SS-Obergruppenführer u. General d. Police, 1944 Ebert, Prof. Dr., President of the German Horticultural Society, 1934 Ebert, Lecturer Dr.phil. habil,a.o.Professor, 1935 Ebert, Lecturer Dr.phil,habil.Fritz, Professor a.o. for General Sciences d. Technical University, 1935 Ebert, Karl, German Intendant, 1933 Ebert, Dr. Otto, SS-Untersturmführer, Managing Director of the Landesverkehrsverband, 1939 Eberth, Dr. Karl, German scholar, discoverer of the typhoid pathogen, o.Dat. Eberhardt, Prof. Bodo, Burgenarchitekt, Privy Councillor, 1935- 1939, 1940 - 1944 Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von, Honorary Doctor of the University of Vienna, 1926 - 1941 Ecarius, Dr. Fritz, former Lord Mayor of Ludwigshafen, 1937 Eccles, Sloddard von Marruer S., Financial Dictator of America, 1937 Eck, Rudolf, Kämpfer f. Germany, 1937 Eckhardt, Dr, Trainer of the German Mütterschule Dippoldiswalde, 1935 Eckardt, Prof. von, Director of the Institute for Newspapers at the University of Heidelberg, 1932 Eckardt, Felix von, Editor-in-Chief of the "Hamburger Fremdenblatt", 1936 Eckhardt, Dr. Hans, Director of the German Research Institute Kyoto, 1938 Eckhardtstein, Hermann Freiherr von, Diplomat, 1937 Eckart, Dietrich, Publisher of the German Newspaper. Newspaper "Auf gut Deutsch", 1920 Eckart, Simon, owner of manor and brewery, served the "Führer", 1936 Eckerle, Franz, German officer, 1942 Eckert, Otto, Probst, Major and Commander of an observation department, pastor, 1940 Eckert, Bruno, Gauhandwerkswalter, 1937 Eckert, Prof. Dr. et.phil,Dr.rer.pol.h.c. Christian, Prof. d. Wirtschafts Staatswissenschaften, Geheimer Regierungsrat, 1934 Eckert, Ernst, Director, Head of the Hemp Industry Subgroup, 1939 Eckert, Erwin, former Protestant pastor, 1931 Eckert, Jakob, "Neue Wege aus dem Wirtschaftselend" by J.E., o.Dat. Eckardt, Prof.Dr. Alfred, Ministerial Director in the High Command of the Marines of War, 1943 Eckhardt, Paul, Youth Leader of the Employees' Youth in the German Work Front, 1933 Eckhart, Master, Knight-born Dominican from Thuringia, 1927 Eckinger, Josef, Battalion Commander, Knight of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, 1942 Eckmann, Heinrich, Poet, 1938 Eckstein, Prof. Dr. Eckstein, 1943 Eckhardt, Youth Leader of the Employees' Youth in the German Work Front, 1937 Eckinger, Josef, Battalion Commander, Knight of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, 1942 Eckmann, Heinrich, Poet, 1938 Eckstein, Prof. Dr. Eckhardt, 1943 Eckhardt, Paul, Youth Leader of the Employees' Youth in the German Work Front, 1933 Prussian Minister of Arts and Science, Prof. f. Pediatrics, senior physician, 1932 Eckstein, Dr. Josef, leader of the German minority in Prague, 1925 Eckelmann, Richard, Retired Ministerial Councillor, Geh. Medizinalrat, Goethe Medal for Art and Science, 1941 Eder, Bavaria. Regierungsrat 1. Klasse, Oberregierungsrat im Reichs- und Preußischen Ministerium des Innern, 1936 Eder, Hans, bayer. Bauern- u. Mittelstandsbund, honorary editor, Reichstag deputy, o.Dat. Edschmidt, Kasimir, writer, 1937 Eckard, Carl, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 1944 Edzard, Cornelius, German aviator, 1927

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II concerning, among other things, the whereabouts of the Grand Dukes, the refusal of the German side to end the exile, Ernst II's trip to Finland, inquiries about possible bank deposits of the Grand Dukes in the German Empire, political activity of the Grand Dukes and travel requests of supporters of the Grand Dukes.

BArch, RM 3/3043 · Dossier · 1903-1915
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Cormoran": Economic development of the Marshall Islands (differences between Frigate Captain v. Burski and Berlin on the activities of the Jaluit Society) Nov. 1902 to Dec. 1903 S.M.S. "Loreley": Report on Turkey July 1903 Kreuzerdivision: Disputed behaviour of the German ambassador in Washington during an audience, June to July 1904 S.M.S. "Stein": Differences about statements concerning German lessons in German schools, which could be understood as propaganda, Jan. to Nov. 1903: "Loreley": Report on Turkey July 1903 Kreuzerdivision: Disputed behaviour of the German ambassador in Washington during an audience, June to July 1904 S.M.S. "Stein": Differences about statements concerning German lessons in German schools, which could be understood as propaganda, Jan. to Nov. 1903: "Loreley": Report on Turkey July 1903 Kreuzerdivision: Disputed behaviour of the German ambassador in Washington during an audience, June to July 1904 S.M.S. "Stein": Differences about statements concerning German lessons in German schools, which could be understood as propaganda, Jan. to Nov. 1904 Questionable indiscretions of German naval officers about the power positions of various nations in the West Indies, March to June 1904 Kreuzergeschwader: Berichte über den russisch-japanischen Krieg Aug. bis Dez. 1904 Report on China June 1906 S.M.S. "Habicht": accusations against the German consul Gebauer in Libreville, Nov. 1904 S.M.S. "Panther": "Berlin", "Eber": reports, statements, plans about the events during the 2nd Morocco crisis (Panther jump before Agadir), July to Sept. 1911 Turkish-Bulgarian war Feb. 1913 S.M.S. "Breslau": Situation in Albania June 1913 S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Spezia, Naples Oct. 1913 S.M.S. "Vultures": Trieste Oct. 1913 Mediterranean Division: Mersina, Alexandrette, Constantinople, Nov. 1913 1913 audience with the king in Rome, Syracus, Messina, Maddalena, Malta, eastern Mediterranean, location of the Baghdad railway (with map), Jan. 1914 Spezia, Cartagena, Genoa, Rapallo, Feb. 1914 location in Albania Jan. and July 1914

Office du Reich à la Marine
BArch, R 1001/4421 · Dossier · März 1886 - Nov. 1912 (1931)
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Negotiations with England on the lease of a plot of land on the island of Mondoleh for the English Vice-Consulate Granting of exequatur to the English Consul for Cameroon Negotiations on the establishment of a Consulate of the Republic of Liberia in Cameroon Principles on the admission of consular representatives of foreign powers Admission of the Governor of Cameroon as Consul General for the English North and South Nigerian Territories and for the French Gabonese Territory

BArch, N 1138/53 · Dossier · 1912-1921 und 1937
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: "Statistisches Warenverzeichnis für Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika" (Statistical Goods List for German Southwest Africa) of the Customs Administration, 1914; compensation and salary of the bank director Junker (Letter from Dr. Fresenius), 1921; Draft of a law concerning the establishment of the budget for the protectorates for the accounting year 1914; Implementing provisions for the transfer of the financial administration of the East African protectorate, the South West African protectorate and Cameroon to the protectorates; Record of the discussion between the American Consul General, Mr. George Murphy, and the Kastl Government Council, 1916; Draft of a Fencing Ordinance; The policy of South Africa during the war until mid-1918; Ordinance of the Imperial Governor of German Southwest Africa, concerning public roads (draft); Ordinance of the Imperial Chancellor, concerning the levying of a special mountain rights tax in the German Southwest African protectorate, 1911; Note on the necessity of the amendments to the provisions on farm purchase; Draft Ordinance of the Imperial Chancellor concerning the levying of fees in administrative matters in German Southwest Africa Also Contains: Music card for a music evening, Aug.1916Memorial book "Gustaf Schlieper zum Gedächtnis", 1937

Kastl, Ludwig
BArch, RM 38/1 · Dossier · 5. Okt. 1884 - 24.Okt. 1885
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Instruction on the deployment of the squadron and cooperation with the Imperial Commissioner in Cameroon, 9 Oct 1884 Differences on the demarcation between Togo and Cameroon and Great Britain, 30 Oct 1884 Conclusion of treaties between Colin and the chiefs of Kabitai, Simbuya and Coba (transcript), 28 Oct 1884. Nov. 1884 Announcement of the chief of the West African squadron for the observance of peace and order in the German protectorate Kamerun Operation of the landing division of the squadron in the Kamerun river from 20 to 22 Dec. 1884 Report of the Command S.M.S. "Bismarck" to the Chief of the West African Squadron to conclude contracts with the kings and chiefs of Bokonange, Bonatanga, Boando, Attome and Basse, 26 Jan 1885 Order of the Chief of the Admiralty of Caprivi on the division of the West African station into the stations West Africa and South Africa, 21 Jan 1885 Order of the Chief of the Admiralty of Caprivi on the division of the West African station into the stations West Africa and South Africa, 26 Jan 1885 Order of the Chief of the Admiralty of Caprivi on the division of the West African station into the stations West Africa and South Africa, 21 Jan 1885 Order of the Chief of the Admiralty of Caprivi on the division of the West African station into the stations West Africa and South Africa, 21 Jan 1885 Order of the Chief of the Admiralty of Caprivi into the stations West Africa and South Africa. Jan. 1885 Message from S.M.S. "Seagull" about the death of Consul General Nachtigall on April 20, 1885 and his funeral on Cap Palmas, May 4, 1885 Dissolution of the West African squadron in Cape Town, June 7, 1885

Trade and industrial affairs, Vol. 8
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 109, Nr. 1541 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Dossier · 1899 - 1900
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Newly founded industrial companies in the SU - Overview of metallurgical areas, coal mines and clay industry enterprises in Ekaterinoslaw-Donez`schen´Steinkohlen and ore basins - Export and trade reports - Expansion of the railway network in Japan - Overview of German capital investments in overseas countries. Contains: Establishment of new industrial companies in Russia p. 5/12, p. 93/105 - Documents pp. of the Central Office for Preparation of Commercial Agreements p. 13, p. 20, p. 240/242 - Insolvent companies "Rosenstein