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Description archivistique
II - Small acquisitions
ARH, Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. · Fonds · 1585 - 2014
Fait partie de Archive of the Hannover Region (Tectonics)

--> Hofarchiv KlingemannOn 07.05.2013 Mrs. Heidemarie Stünkel from Wulfelade handed over documents from the Klingemann family farm from Basse (formerly Basse No. 2) to the Klingemann family for approx. 0.4 metres. She explained that she came from the Klingemann family. She had discovered the archives during the renovation work currently being carried out there and wanted to transfer them to the Neustadt a. Rbge municipal archives in the region's archives. In terms of content, the archives relate to the areas of real estate matters, inheritance matters, mortgage matters and rental disputes from the period 1768-1939. They were collected under Accession 2013/3 and recorded under Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 01-03.Neustadt a. Rbge., in June 2013gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Ehrenbuch Neustadt a. Rbge.On 05.06.2013 Mr. Ottmar Strehler, Managing Director of the District Association Hannover of the German War Graves Commission (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e. V.), handed over a book of honour with the names (partly with short biography) of the fallen and missing persons of the 2nd World War from the city of Neustadt a. Rbge. to the city archive in the archive of the region Hannover. The lavishly decorated book (folio format, hand-made paper bound in leather, calligraphic script) was collected under the Accession 2013/4 and listed under Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 04.Neustadt a. Rbge., June 2013, signed. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Slg. BaebenrothWilhelm Baebenroth (17.11.1873 in Neustadt a. Rbge., 1959 in Helmstedt) was the eldest son of the Neustadt merchant Wilhelm Baebenroth, who owned a grocery store in Marktstraße, later also a bicycle shop. Wilhelm Baebenroth jun. became a banker and worked from 1910 as a partner in a small private bank in Helmstedt. Later he headed the Helmstedt branch of Commerzbank. In 1932 he went into early retirement. His grandson Klaus Bosse donated some pieces from his estate to the Kreisarchiv in March 2000. These include a copy of a letter with a report by great-grandfather Wilhelm Baebenroth about a trip to Caliphomia in 1869, greeting cards for confirmation in 1888, a playbill in 1893, family photos, photos of Wilhelm Baebenroth Sr.'s business and photos of "bear musicians" of the Neustadt marksmen. The documents were collected under the 2000/1 Accession and recorded as the Baebenroth Collection in 2003. Due to the small size of the archives, in 2013 they were transferred to the "Kleine Erwerbungen" (Small Acquisitions) section of the Neustadt City Archive (Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 05-07).]Neustadt a. Rbge., in October 2003gez. Roswitha Kattmann--> Slg. FeltenIn 1994, the then director of the district archives in Hanover, Mrs. Roswitha Kattmann, received on loan from Lisa Felten from Vesbeck (1921-2008) two Kladden with the war diaries 1914/18 of the Vesbeck farmer Gustav Peters (11.3.1888, 13.4.1974), who had participated as a sergeant in the campaigns in Belgium and France, later also in Russia. He had taken notes in the process, which he used in 1930-1942 in his ''Memories''. Mrs. Kattmann made a typewritten copy of his records. The original claddings were returned at the end of the exhibition and have since been lost. Along with the ''Memories'', the archive received several newspapers. The copies and newspapers were collected under the 1995/3 Accession and listed as Felten Collection. Due to the small size of the collection, it was transferred to the "Small acquisitions" part of the NRÜ collection (NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 08-18) Neustadt a. Rbge. in June 2013gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Najork EstateIn 1995, in connection with the exhibition "Steel and Turnips", the Kreisarchiv Hannover received approximately 0.10 linear metres of documents from the estate of her father Kurt Najork, who had been a teacher and director of the agricultural winter school of the Neustadt district since 1920. These are essentially some family papers and a collection of newspaper editions from the 1st and 2nd World Wars. At first they were magazined as a collection Najork. Due to the small volume, the documents were transferred to the "Small Acquisitions" section of the NRÜ inventory and recorded there (NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 19-27) Neustadt a. Rbge., June 2013gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Archive of the Kyffhäuser-Kameradschaft OtternhagenIn 2012 Helmut Apelt, the last chairman of the Kyffhäuser-Kameradschaft Otternhagen (Kyffhäuserbund e. V., Landesverband Niedersachsen, Kreisverband Neustadt a. Rbge.), founded in 1902 and dissolved in 2011, transferred the small association archive to the city archive for permanent safekeeping. The documents handed over included membership lists and minutes of meetings, but also a flag and various badges. They were registered under Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 47-52 Neustadt a. Rbge., in June 2014gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Estate of the Peat MuseumIn 2014 the archival documents of the dissolved peat museum were transferred to the archives of the region. In 2015, the former director of the dissolved peat museum handed over to the archive the documents on the printing of the brochure by Hedwig Braun (1912-2009) with the memoirs of a peat farmer's daughter (Neustadt 1993) for permanent safekeeping; they were recorded here under Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 77.Neustadt a. Rbge.., in October 2014 and December 2015 respectively. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Archiv der Firma Kubald K. G., PoggenhagenAfter the dissolution of Kubald GmbH (founded 1935) had been reported in the Leinezeitung of 31.07.2014, the insolvency administrator, upon telephone enquiry, announced that the company's documents had been destroyed unless they were subject to a statutory retention period. An inquiry with Mrs. Sandra Kubald (Wunstorf-Liethe) had at least the success that the documents recorded here (commemorative publications and advertising brochures) were sent to the archive (Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. Nr. 61). Neustadt a. Rbge., in January 2015gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Archive of the Kyffhäuser Fellowship DudensenAfter the dissolution of the fellowship Helmut Kehrbach, the last chairman of the Kyffhäuser Fellowship Dudensen founded in 1894, handed over the small association archive to the city archive for permanent safekeeping. The documents taken over include pictures, membership lists and meeting minutes, but also a flag and sashes (as well as the flag and sashes of the choir). They were collected under Accession 2015/13 and recorded under Dep. NRÜ Kl. Erw. No. 64 ff. Large-format photos as well as flags and sashes were stored separately in Neustadt a. Rbge. in December 2015gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Handover of M. Wettig-BüschleppOn 18.02.2016 Mrs. Monika Wettig-Büschlepp from Banteln sent her father Heinrich Wettig's (born 1899) certificate book for permanent safekeeping. It was collected under accession 2016/03 and recorded under class Erw. No. 45.Neustadt a. Rbge., in February 2016gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Theater- und Konzertkreis Neustadt a. Rbge. (TKK)In autumn 2012, the long-standing managing director of the TKK, Mr. Winfried Stohrer, handed over two guest books and two folders with a complete set of printed matter (e.g. programmes and posters), which had been produced during his voluntary work in the 1970s and 1980s, to the mayor. He had added some documents from the 1960s. On 2.11.2016 the municipal employee Kerstin Kozlowski forwarded the two files to the municipal archive. The two guest books were lost. The contents of the two folders were collected under the accession 2016/13 and recorded under class Erw. no. 81-84 Neustadt a. Rbge., in November 2016gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Everyday stories and photos of the Großmoor settlement by Friedel HogrefeIn summer 2017 Friedel Hogrefe handed over his booklet with descriptions of the childhood and youth experiences in Neustadt a. Rbge. 1949-1959. The submission also included photos from the Großmoor settlement (barracks) around 1950 with comments, as well as the recording of an interview by Hartmut Dyck with Reinhardt Stach about the Großmoor settlement. The documents were collected under Acc. 2017/17 and registered under Kl. Erw. No. 87.Neustadt a. Rbge., in September 2017gez. Dr. Hubert Höing--> Estate of the family Scharnhorst / Wallmann / KumbruchIn December 2018 Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Kaup from Otternhagen handed over a file with documents from the estate of Friedrich Wallmann (who had married a niece of General Gerhard Scharnhorst and acquired the estate in 1843 from the heirs of the general) and his heirs to the archive. The folder contained documents on family inheritance matters and the administration of the Bordenau manor and the Otternhagen dairy farm, which belonged together until 1947. In 1947, Hellmuth Kumbruch and his sister Irmgard Wallmann née Kumbruch inherited the estate. The Otternhagener Meierhof came to Irmgard and via her son Henning Wallmann to daughter Mechthild Kaup née Wallmann (1958-1991). It has since been inherited by her daughter Franziska Dahlmann née Kaup. The manor in Bordenau was bequeathed by Hellmuth Kumbruch (1884-1959) to his daughter Ingrid Fischer-Kumbruch (1909-2005), the documents were collected under Acc. 2019/01 and recorded under Kl. Erw. No. 88-92. History and Structure 886-1989 Hildesheim 1989 - Werner Besier: The Scharnhorst Estate Bordenau (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q;focus=CMTOI_de_dtag_hosting_hpcreator_widget_Download_16442580&path=download.action&frame=CMTOI_de_dtag_hosting_hpcreator_widget_Download_16442580?id=238813

Landkreise - Collected stock 1945-2001
ARH, L · Fonds · 1847 - 2008
Fait partie de Archive of the Hannover Region (Tectonics)

Some files date back to well before the Second World War, some of them were already in use in April/May 1945 before the new district administrations were formed and in some cases even earlier. Fortunately, the most important documents - the minutes of the district assemblies, district committees and technical committees - have been preserved in their entirety. They particularly reflect the efforts of the circles to rebuild political, economic and social life. This collection documents, among other things, the establishment and development of central institutions such as schools, district hospitals and old people's and nursing homes. post-war years saw the districts take on special new tasks such as the establishment of district hospitals in addition to the great challenge of accommodating and caring for refugees and displaced persons. The hospitals in Hanover were badly damaged during the war and there were only other municipal hospitals in Lehrte and Neustadt a. Rbge. The four administrative districts initially set up makeshift hospitals in Großburgwedel, in Empelde in a former ammunition factory, in Barsinghausen and in the Springe hunting lodge. In the years 1962-1971 the newly built district hospitals Springe, Gehrden, Großburgwedel and Neustadt a. Rbg developed from this. As a result the district of Hannover took over the municipal hospital in Lehrte, 1971 the Agnes-Karll-Krankenhaus in Laatzen from the association of the Agnes-Karll sisters. TBC homes were built after the end of the war for the Burgdorf district in Lehrte from the site of the former Erichssegen potash mine and for the district of Hanover in the Waldkater restaurant in Wennigsen. Both homes were later used as nursing homes, the home in Wennigsen was closed in 1972, and from 1945 until the 1950s the creation of a school room was another compulsory task. Since the sixties, the school system in the counties has been considerably improved by the establishment of secondary schools and the new construction of secondary schools and grammar schools. Vocational schools were established and expanded. The construction and maintenance of vocational schools and special schools are the responsibility of the administrative districts. Due to the influx of a large number of elderly people from the former German eastern regions, it became necessary in the fifties to set up old people's and nursing homes.The effects of the administrative and regional reform of 1974 and the long journey there are reflected in the files of several departments.In order to document some partial tasks in the area of public order offices and the youth, social and housing offices entrusted with the fulfilment of social tasks, random samples of individual case files were repeatedly taken.---With Akzession 2009/5 1 operation book and 2 x-ray books of the district hospital Großburgwedel from the post-war years were taken over from 1946 onwards. Some medical records were taken as examples for the documentation in a district hospital. The takeover of these documents is the result of a survey conducted in 2007 by the data protection officer of the Hanover Clinic at the six former district hospitals to find archival documents. Older documents had already been collected almost everywhere, but stock L still contains numerous files on the former district hospitals and auxiliary hospitals from the post-war years from 1945 onwards, so that the development can be traced.Neustadt, a. Rbge. in May 2012gez. Roswita KattmannLiterature:- Droste, Herbert: Administrative history of the district of Hannover. In: Heimatchronik of the district Hannover. Cologne, 1980. pp. 177-236.

04.03.533 · Dossier · 1923-1944
Fait partie de Archive of the Hannover Region (Tectonics)

Includes: Staatspolitische Bildungstagung in Neustadt a. Rbge. on 10.02.1925 and in Febr. 1927 (Organizer: Reichszentrale für Heimatdienst, Hannover), and in Oct. 1928; German Colonial Travelling Exhibition 1928; Report about the Borromaeus Library (Volksbücherei) in Neustadt a. Rbge, 1930; correspondence about the municipal public library, decree concerning the replacement of the Catholic public libraries in 1941; protection of natural monuments, generally 1934; foundation charter of the "Nieders. Spielgemeinschaft für nationale Festgestaltung" GmbH from 09.01.1934 in Hanover with participation of the city of Neustadt a. Rbge; events of the "Nieders. Spielgemeinschaft" in Neustadt a. Rbge.Darin:1) Letter from Georg v. Grabenhorst dated 16.08.1937 with a map by Westermann-Verlag, Braunschweig, about the places of birth of "German poets of today" in Germany and other European countries2) Autumn exhibition of Hanover artists 1938. catalogue by Kunstverein Hannover e.V.3) Program of the elementary school Neustadt a. Rbge. for the "Woche der Hausmusik" of 23.11.19384) Directory of the library in the municipal hospital "Theresenstift" of Neustadt a. Rbge, 19385) Theater-Tageblatt. German Theatre Service from 25.01.19346) Sdr. from the magazine "Bauart und Gemeindebau", 16th volume: "Thingplätze für Freilichttheater "7) Sdr. from: "Die Kulturverwaltung" 1938, No. 4: Grabenhorst, Georg: "Heimatpflege und Hitler-Jugend