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A visit to our new station Kwarango in Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1894_4 · Akt(e) · 1894
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: According to Miss's diary. Päsler. Scope: pp. 74-78* 89-93. Includes, but is not limited to: - (SW: visit to Chief Schangali; language studies; exchange and gifts; Swahili service; contact to Madchame people; construction work hindered by the beginning of the "small rainy season") - (SW: food and cattle breeding; postal traffic with "home"; legal ownership of a piece of land - Kwarango - new station name; Christmas and New Year festival; fire at the station)
Leipziger Missionswerk
A walk to Unter-Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1896_30 · Akt(e) · 1896
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Ovir in Nkarungo. Scope: p. 421-425* 443-447. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Travelogue by Miss. Ovir; description of the landscape; meeting with a magician; classification of the Madchame area - 30 districts under the leadership of the district elders) - (SW: break and overnight stay with the district eldest Kirewe; campfire; translation of a song and riddles) Darin: Illustration "The new mission house of our station Madschame.
Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_13 · Akt(e) · 1908-1954
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Nine fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 13 1 - Dresden 1932. rector of the Ev.-luth. deaconess institution (Ranft) to Körner (5 letters; concerning bell consecration) - 1933. ? - Leipzig 1933. Ihmels an Körner (3 letters) - Lauchhammer 1933. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Körner (8 letters) - Rostock 1933. Büchsel an Domprediger (4 letters) - 1933. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Büchsel (concerning E-Glocke for East Africa) - 1933. Declaration of accession to the "Sparer-Schutzkasse" for daughter of Körner - Oetzsch 1933. Körner an Ihmels - Oetzsch 1931. Körner an ? - Oetzsch 1926-1931. 11 letters to Körner from different senders - Lauchhammer 1931. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke to Körner (7 letters) - Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten 1931. (consecration of a mission bell in Gautzsch) - Gautzsch 1931. Ears of grain festival: song list, daily routine - excerpt from "Die Ährenleserin" No. 4, 1931 - Lauchhammer 1926. Left-Hofmann-Lauchhammer. Aktiengesellschaft an Körner (2 letters). FICHE NR. 13 2 - continued - Lauchhammer 1926. left-Hofmann-Lauchhammer an Körner (2 letters) - Bautzen 1927. Biehle an Körner (3 letters) - Lauchhammer 1927. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Körner (6 letters) - Bochumer Gusstahlglocken (printed) - Bochum 1927. Vereinigte Stahlwerke an Körner (2 letters) - "The new chiming of the castle church of Stettin." (printed) - Memmingerberg 1930. Hildmann on/for Körner - Lauchhammer 1930. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke on/for Körner (11 letters) - Bautzen 1930. Biehle on/for Körner - o.O., o.J. Shipping instruction for freight shipments to East Africa - Chemnitz-Altendorf 1930. Dittrich (2 letters) - Chemnitz-Altendorf. The messenger of Matthew. No. 5, 1930 ("OurHonour Reading Festival with the Consecration of the Missionary Bells") - Arusha 1954. Swahili with translation - draft of a letter to Arusha - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson - reprint of the Ev. Sonntagsblatt von Bayern (diary excerpts from Pätzig) - Leipzig 1939. Record-Motor GmbH. Ford sales office to Leipzig Mission (concerning trucks for East Africa; copy; 2 letters) - Leipzig 1939. Küchler to Hohenberger - Chama cha vijana wakristo. Founded 1938. Arusha - Annual report Arusha 1938. Pätzig - Annual report Arusha 1937. Pätzig - Marangu 1938. Rother - Pätzig to mission council and college (concerning church building in Arusha with hand-painted sketch) - Arusha 1936. ? (copy) - annual report Arusha 1936. Pätzig (with hand-painted map) - annual report Arusha 1935. Hohenberger - Arusha 1934. report of the shepherd Lasaros Laiser - annual report Arusha 1934. Pätzig - Arusha 1934. Pätzig (3 letters) - Leipzig 1934. An Pätzig - annual report Arusha 1933. Pätzig - 1933. Pätzig (report about the "home for oppressed catechumen women" of the station Arusha) - Arusha 1934. Pätzig (concerning "infant mortality among the natives") - Arusha 1932. Pätzig (report about the "home for oppressed catechumen women") - Arusha 1933. Overview and short report of the stepp missionary - annual report Arusha 1932. Pätzig. FICHE NO. 13 4 - Continued - Annual Report 1931 Arusha. Pätzig - Annual report 1930 Arusha. Pätzig - 1931 Ev. parish journal for the deaneries of Kitzingen, Rüdenhausen, Markteinersheim and others (article: "Ein Tag in der Stadtschule Arusha") - Arusha. Site plan of the station Arusha 1931 - Arusha 1930-1931. Pätzig (4 letters) - 1930 An Pätzig (2 letters) - Annual report Arusha 1929. Pätzig - 1929. An Blumer (3 letters) - Arusha 1929. Blumer - Annual report Arusha 1928. Blumer (2 times). FICHE NR. 13 5 - continued - Arusha 1928. Blumer an Ihmels - Leipzig 1927-1928. An Blumer (2 letters) - annual report Arusha 1927. Blumer (2fold) - 1927. An Rissmann - Arusha 1927. Blumer - annual report Arusha 1926. Blumer (2fold). FICHE NR. 13 6 - continued - Arusha 1926. Blumer (3 letters) - Arusha 1926. Reusch to Ihmels (with photo) - annual report Arusha 1925. Reusch - Arusha 1926. Rißmann - Arusha 1926. Blumer - annual report Arusha 1924. Blumer (2fold). FICHE NR. 13 7 - Continued - Leipzig 1924: Blumer (expenses by the Augustana Synod for the mission stations Arusha, Nkoaranga, Machame, Masama, Schena) - 1924: Blumer on his way to Europe - Arusha 1924: Blumer (report on the construction of a school and the start of work at the school) - Arusha 1924: Blumer (expenses by the school) - Plan of the school - Arusha 1924. Blumer (3 letters) - annual report Arusha and Nkoaranga 1.7.1922-30.6.1923. Blumer (transcript) - statistics of the mission stations Arusha and Nkoaranga 1923. Blumer - account of the sub-funds of the mission station Arusha 1922. Blumer - account of the sub-funds of the mission station Nkoaranga 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 1st quarter 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 2nd quarter 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 2nd quarter 1922. FICHE NR. 13 8 - List of correspondence between the Mission Society and Blumer 1921 - Small Mission Bell. No. 4, 1917 - Cost estimate for mission station Arusha 1922 (original and copy) - 1921. Paul an Blumer - Arusha 1921. Blumer (2 letters) - 4 photos: 1923 "our 'triad' with some local Christian children"; 1923 church in Leudorf-Legana. "In front of the church stand two Christian natives ... back - a pagan native"; 1923 photo taken in Ndurmaya by Mrs. Sander; 1920 family Blume with church. Recorded in the garden of the Arusha mission station. - 2 photos without title (copies hardly recognizable) - account Arusha and Nkoaranga, I. half-year 1921 - from the diary reports of Blumer 1921 - annual report Arusha 1915. Blumer. FICHE NR. 13 9- - Continuation of the diary notes 1921 - 1914. Blumer ("How the outbreak of war found the mission work in Arusha") - Construction plan for a mission house in Arusha 1908 by Schindler (Baumeister)

Leipziger Missionswerk
Christmas in Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1895_8 · Akt(e) · 1895
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Excerpt from Miss's diary. Cooper. Scope: pp. 131-132. Includes, among other things: - (SW: lack of food; cattle from Moshi; preparation and celebration of the festivities)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_65 · Akt(e) · 1930-1965
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 65 1 - Machame 1930. ? to sisters and brothers - 1930. Preliminary agenda of the XXXVI. (VI.) Conference - Shigatini 1930. Fuchs: "Founding and first Kirchentag of the Evangelical Church -Luth. church in East Africa" (Maschinegeschrieben; 7 p.) - 1930. protocol of the Kirchentag (translation from Swahili; Maschinegeschrieben; 5 p.) - 1930. resolutions of the 1st Kirchentag of the whole area Mamba - 1930. protocol about the negotiations of the 1st Kirchentag (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.)) - Machame 1930. room to college (concerning accompanying letter to the transmission of the minutes of the Kirchentag) - 1931. report on the first meeting of the Kirchentag committee in Neu-Moshi (Maschinegeschrieben; 5 p.) - Shigatini 1935. report on the 3rd Kirchentag of the Ev.luth. church in East Africa (typewritten; 6 p.) - Shigatini 1935. Protocol on the negotiations of the 3rd Kirchentag - Shigatini 1935. List of participants for the 3rd Kirchentag - Marangu 1937. Report of the Kirchentagausschuss on meeting (typewritten; 4 p.) - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to ? - Moshi 1937. Gutmann to brothers and sisters - Göttingen 1938. Transcript: Meyer "Fundamental Thoughts on Church Breeding" (typewritten; 10 p.) - London 1957. International Committee on Christian Literature for Africa (de Mestral) to Friends (English) - 1957. de Mestral to "secretaries of the European Missionary Councils" (English) - o.O., o.J. Pages 6-8 of a report (English) - Hamburg 1957. German Evangelical Mission Council to the member societies of the German Evangelical Mission Day working in Africa - Geneva 1957. Lutheran World Federation (Sorvik) to "All boards and societies with interset in Tanganyika" - Bethel 1957. Bethel mission (Ronicke) to Berner, Brennecke, Dilger, Elfers, Ihmels, Voigt - Marangu 1957. Birkeli: "All Africa Lutheran Conference" (typewritten; 2 p.; English; 2x) - Geneva 1954. Lutheran World Federation (Birkeli) to friends (English) - Geneva 1954. Lutheran World Federation (Birkeli) to friends (English; 2 letters) - o.O., o.J. Birkeli: "Ad All Lutheran Africa Conference" (English; 3 p.) - Machame 1955. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) to Ihmels - o.O., o.J., o.R., o. "The All-Africa Conference" (typewritten; 2 p.) - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to Danielson - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to Birkeli (2 letters) - New York 1955. National Lutheran Council (Hall) to Ihmels 1955. FICHE NR. 65 2 - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to Government of the German Democratic Republic, Main Department Relations with the Churches (4 letters) - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation (Birkeli) to "Marangu Participant" (English) - Bethel 1955. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Friberg, Benettson (English) - Leipzig 1955. Draft and letter (English) from Ihmels to Friberg - Leipzig 1955. Ihmels to (various letters): Ronicke, Danielson (English), Overaa, Church Chancellery of the Evangelical Church in Leipzig 1955. Church in Germany, British Consulate General, Grüber, Birkeli (3 letters), Päßler, Waltenberg Brennecke (2 letters), Lutheran World Federation (Walch), Dibelius (2 letters), Lilje, Schoedt, Olson, Schüz - Leipzig 1955. Curriculum vitae of Ihmels (typewritten; 1 p.) - Vuga, Lushoto 1955. Friberg to Ihmels (English) - Bukoba 1955. Swedish Mission (Näsmark) to Ihmels - Berlin 1955. Council of the Protestant Church in Germany. The authorized representative at the government of the German Democratic Republic (Grüber/Schade) at Ihmels - Bungu 1955. Waltenberg at ? (copy) - Form: "Application for Entry Permit" for Tanganyika (6 p.) - 1955. "Visitor´s Passport" for Ihmels for Tanganyika - Berlin 1955. British Visa Section to Ihmels - Geneva 1955. Luth. World Federation. Department of World Missions (Walch/Sovik) to Ihmels (2 letters; partly English) - Berlin 1955. Government of the GDR. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Lewek/i.V. Nuschke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1955. Hall an Schoedt (copy; English) - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation. Information department. Enclosed: Complete preliminary report on conference in Africa "Lutherans are preparing the first Christian conference for all of Africa" (2-fold; typewritten; 2 p.) - Berlin 1955. Council of the Protestant Church in Germany. The Plenipotentiary at the Government of the GDR (Grüber) to Dibelius - Berlin 1955. Dibelius to Ihmels - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation. Department of Information an Ihmels - Dar es Salaam 1955. Lutheran Mission (Schodt) an National Lutheran Council (Hall) - Hanover 1955. Lutheran World Federation. The Office of the President an Ihmels - o.O., o.J. "Biographical notes concerning ... Ihmels" - Leipzig 1955. College of the Leipzig Mission "To the All-African Conference of Lutheran Churches in Marangu". (Draft 2-fold; English 2-fold; original file copy German and English). FICHE NR. 65 3 - continued (3 more copies in English) - Marangu 1955. Lilje and others to Ihmels - Leipzig 1955. Letter from Ihmels to: Birkeli, Rudert, Lilje, Gutmann, British Visa Section - o.O., o.J. Report: "National Bishop Lilje in East Africa" (typewritten; 2 p.) - 1955. Kotte / Noth to Prime Ministers of the GDR (transcript) - Gonja 1955. Closure and Rudert to Mission House Community (transcript) - Geneva 1955. Lutheran World Federation. Department of World Missions (Birkeli) to Ihmels (English) - n.d. "The report of the `Umoja´ on the conference of all Lutheran missions in Africa on Marangu." (Typewritten; 7 p.) - Marangu 1955 Report of the Resolutions Committee - Marangu 1955 A message from the All Africa Lutheran Conference - O.K., O.J. Recommendations from a separate meeting of the African delegates at the All-Africa Luth Conference - O.K, o.J. "Report of Marangu Committee on faith and confession" - 1955. newspaper cuttings (German and English) - o.J. report: "Who will lead Africa" (Lilje) - o.J. report: "Africa in World Authenticity" (Lilje) - Marangu 1955. pictures of the 1st All Africa Conference (with descriptions). FICHE NR. 65 4- - continued - Geneva 1959. Sovik an Federson (English) - n.d. "Tentative space allotment for second All-Africa Luth. Conference" - Geneva 1960. Memorandum by Sovik - Moshi 1965. "Hotura ya kumkaribisha mgeni mchungaji" Schatze (Swahili) - Kidia 1965. Welcoming speech for Dr. Schanze (2-fold) - 1965. Welcoming of Krummacher - n.J. Welcoming order - Weimar 1965. Report of Schanze.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_54 · Akt(e) · 1934-1941
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 54 1 - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Foreign Office - Machame 1934. Room to German Consulate (2 letters) - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Leipzig Mission (Ihmels, Gutmann, Room) (3 letters, partly 2-fold) - Nairobi 1934. Certificate of the German Consulate (2-fold) - Same 1935. District Office an Leipziger Mission (English; 3 letters) - Machame 1935. Chairman of the conference of the Lutheran Missions in Tanganyika Territory (room) an Director of Education (English; 2 letters) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Gonja 1935. Guth "Gonja-Schulen, die nicht auf Miss. Land is standing" - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler "List of schools of the station Mbaga not standing on land belonging to the mission" - Vudee 1935. Suppes "List of schools of the station Vudee not standing on land belonging to the mission" - n.d. "List of village schools in Pare" - Machame 1934. Room to Augustana Lutheran Mission - Kinyangiri 1935. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to room (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Barclays Bank to room (English) - Machame 1935. Room to Governor of Tanganyika Territory (English) - Masai 1935. District Office to Pätzig (English) - Leipzig 1931. Copy of a statement by Ihmel or the College (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Secretariat to Leipzig Mission (English; 2-fold)) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed properties of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Pare District" - Gonja 1935. Guth (list of mission properties) - Marangu 1935. Rother an Senior - Moshi 1935. Gutmann an Senior - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler an Senior - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Shira 1935. Becker (list of buildings on mission property) - Machame 1935. room to District Officer (English) - Lwandai 1935. Rosarius to room - Mwika 1935. Eisenschmidt to Senior - Mamba 1935. Fritze to room - Moshi 1935. District Officer to Leipzig Mission (English) - Machame 1935/36. room to District Officer (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed property of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Moshi District" - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Department of Lands and Mines an Augustana Synode (English; copy) - Kinyangiri 1936. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Magney) an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Machame 1936. Room to Magney (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Barclays Bank to Rother (English) - Marangu 1936. Rother to Inspector - Leipzig 1936. Ihmels to Gutmann (3 letters) - 1936. Ihmels: "General Power of Attorney" for Gutmann, Schwär, Rother, Fritze (English; 2 times) - Moshi 1936. ? to Haywood (English) - Moshi 1936. Haywood

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_57 · Akt(e) · 1933-1950
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Ten fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 57 1 - Lehesten 1938. Küchler an Ihmels - o.O., o.J. "The situation of the Germans in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a under mandate and in British East Africa in the first weeks of the war." (typewritten) - Grossolbersdorf 1940. Everth to Mission Director (4 letters) - 1941. "On the Situation of Lutheran Missions." (Maschinegeschrieben) - 1942: "Questions about the current state of the East African field of work of the Leipzig Evangelical Lutherans. Mission in Tanganyika Territory." (typewritten) - o.K., o.J. "News on the situation of the Leipzig Mission." Maneromango 1943. Tanganyika. A new, daunting task. (From a private letter from Arne Magnusson to Mission Director Bäfwerfeldt.)" - Machame 1943. Magnusson "Towards a new field of work... (From: Svenska Kyrkans Missionstidning. ... 1943. Translated by M. Weishaupt.)" - Berlin 1943. Knak "To the East African Missionaries of the Berlin Mission." - 1943: To the German Mission Council, Department for Foreign Exchange Requests (concerning request for permission to execute 1000 New Testaments in "Kidschaggadialekt" [translation Gutmann]) - 1943: To Knak (2 letters) - "Aus: V. Sicard, Reise durch Tanganyika. 1943/44." (Maschinegeschrieben) - Leipzig 1944. Ihmels to employee - "Copy from a letter from , Würzburg, ... 1944." (omission in original) - "Tanganyika. From Mission Secretary Gunnar Dahlquist. ... From: Svenska Kyrkans Missionsstyrelses Arsbok 1943, Upsala 1942. Translated by M. Weishaupt)." (typed) - o.O., o.J. Sicard (on behalf of the Swedish Church) on Filipo Njau (transcript, typed) - "On the slopes of Kilimanjaro. (From: Harals v. Sicard: Sweden, U.S.A., Africa Page 294 ff. ... <font color="#ffff00">-==- proudly presents Weishaupt)" - Machame 1946. Reusch an Jäschke (with statistical data about churches) - "From: Calendar 1946 (Swahili), Vuga Missionsdruckerei, Tang. Terr." (Anderson) in translation (typewritten) with accompanying letter from Blumer to Ihmels - "Tanganyika. From Mission Secretary Gunnar Dahlquist. ... (From the Yearbook of the Swedish Church Mission 1944, pp. 151-159. Translation: M Weishaupt)." - Leipzig 1946. Ihmels to Reusch - 1946. Ihmels to Bersell, Augustana Synod, Minneapolis, U.S.A. - Camp Norton 1946. Rother to Secretary of the International Missionary Council, London, New York. (2 letters; transcript; English) - Leipzig 1946. transcript of a letter from Stefano Moschi (3 copies) - 1946 "Tanganyika. By Pastor Gustav Bernander." Translated from Swedish by Weishaupt). FICHE NR. 57 2 - Continued - Brumsdorf 1947. Rother to Mission Inspector - Leipzig 1948. Ihmel's "Conference Report from Africa" (double) - "Touring Tanganyika by S.Hjalmar Swanson Rock Island, Illinois 1948 page 134 ff." - Leipzig 1949. Ihmels - Bukoba 1949. Superintendent Evangelical Church an Althaus (transcript) With accompanying letter from Althaus an Ihmels - Machame 1949. "The meeting of the Executive Council of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika with the Rev. Dr. Fredrik A. Schiotz, representative of the National Lutheran Council of the United States of Americ and Canada. ... Translated from the Swahili Minutes by the Church Secretary" - London 1948. Conversations on Tanganyika 22nd June, 1948" - Leipzig 1948. Ihmels "An unsere Ostafrika - Missionare" - Leipzig 1949. Rother "To some friends and missionary colleages working in Tanganyika Territory." (English) - Machame 1949. Danielson to "Official Brother" - Lushoto 1949. Lutheran Mission Press to ? (English) - 1949 "Draft: To the Christians of the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika" - "Copy from a letter from Senior D. Gutmann dated 14.1.50 to Mr. Missionsinsp. Küchler". - "Growth of a young East African church's willingness to sacrifice in this decade." - "Transcript: Excerpt from a letter Pf. Leistner - Cape Town to Miss Hempel from 18.4.50" - Hamburg 1950. ? - German Evangelical Mission Council to Küchler - Machame 1950. Danielson to Ihmels (English) - Marangu 1950. ? "For the hands of the shepherd D.Dr.Bruno Gutmann" - "Article from the Tanganyika Standard of June 26, 1950. The Lutheran Mission hands over 32,000 acres of land to the government. Berlin mission property in prospect by the government for a hotel." (Typewritten; Translation: Rother). FICHE NR. 57 3 - continued - Leipzig 1950: "Entwurf I" (German) and "Entwurf II" (English) to Danielson (2 letters) - "Aus einem Brief von D. Gutmann vom 12. Juni: (1949 od. 1950)" - Leipzig 1950: Ihmels to Danielson (English) - Machame 1950: Danielson to Ihmels (English) - Kinampanda 1950. Augustana Lutheran Mission to Ihmels (English) - 1950 Danielson ("Report to the Synod of the President of the Church"; handwritten) "RIPOTI YA MKUU WA KANISA KWA MKUTANO MKUU WA 1950 WA KANISA LA KILUTHERI LA TANGANYIKA YA KASKAZINI" (machine-written) - Singida 1950 Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to Rother (English) - "Transcript to the Synod of the President of the Church" - "Singida 1950 Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to Rother (English) - "Transcript to the Synod of the President of the Church" (handwritten) Report of the Superintendent of the North Church of Tanganyika at the Kirchentag 1950. (shortened)" (2-fold) - Daressalaam 1950. Secretariat to Anderson - Singida 1950. National Lutheran Council (Anderson) to Ihmels (2 letters; English) - New York 1950. National Lutheran Council. Commision on younger churches and or-phande Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Knak, Ihmels bzw. nur Ihmels (3 letters; English) - Leipzig 1950. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (draft) - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (English; 2x) - Machame Mission 1950. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an Anderson - Leipzig 1950. Ihmels an Danielson (draft and English translation) - Machame 1951. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - 1951. Schiotz an Danielson (English; copy) - Leipzig 1951. An Moschi (German and English; concerning invitation to the German Protestant Kirchentag in Berlin) - Leipzig 1951. An Moschi (German and English; concerning cancellation of the trip to the Kirchentag) - "Excerpt from the Minutes of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Commission on World Missions Lutheran World Federation in Breklum ... 1951" - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (English). FICHE NR. 57 4 - continued - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (draft) - Leipzig 1951. An Anderson (4 letters each in German draft and English translation) - Singida 1951. National Lutheran Council (Anderson) an Ihmels (2 letters; English) - "To the Church of Northern Tanganyika." (draft) - o.O., o.J. "To Kilimanjaro again?" (Typewritten) - "Home meets mission. The story of Dr. Bersell's visit to the Kilimanjaro region, of Kermit E. Joungdale, Missonar in Moschi, T.T." (typewritten) - Leipzig 1951. An Reusch (2 letters) - Nkoaranga 1951. Reusch to Mission Director - Leipzig 1952. An Anderson (2 letters each German draft and English translation) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Arusha 1952. Lutheran Secondary School an The Provincial Education Officer - Daressalaam 1952; The Member for Law and Order, the Secretariat an The General Director, National Lutheran Council - 1952; Anderson an The Member for Law and Order - Leipzig 1952; An Magney - 1952. An Rother - Marangu 1952. Peltola an Ihmels - Singida 1952. Anderson an Ihmels (3 letters; English) - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (German draft and English translation) - Daressalaam 1951. An Brennecke - Leipzig 1952. An Anderson (2 letters; English) - Machame 1952. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (German draft and English translation) - 1952. An OKR Hübner - New York 1952. National Lutherna Council. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (Schiotz) an Ihmels (English) - Machame 1952. Schiotz an Ihmels (English) - o.O., o.J. "Joint Statement of the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM in Response to a Document Submitted by the Lutheran Church in Northern Tangiac". - "MINUTES Tanganyika Sub-Committee Commission on World Missions of the Lutheran World Federation ... Berlin ... 1952". FICHE NR. 57 5 - Continued - Machame 1952. Schiotz to Ihmels - "Joint Statement by the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM ...." (see Fiche No 57 4 ) - not applicable, o.J. Danielson "Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika Qualifications of Missionaries for this Church" - Marangu 1952. Pelltola an Ihmels - Machame 1952. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Schiotz (with copy to Ihmels; English) - Leipzig 1952. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1952. An Danielson (English; 2x) - Leipzig 1952. An Peltola - Leipzig 1952. An Reusch - "Excerpt from Schiotz letter to Dr. Danielson of ... 1952" - Leipzig 1953 Ihmels ("Confidential Report" about a Tanganyika-report 1953) - "From the Work of the Leipzig Mission: East Africa" (machine-written) - 1953 An Moshi - New York 1953. The Lutheran World Federation (Schiotz) at Brennecke and Ihmels or only at Ihmels (2 letters; English) - 1953 Schiotz at Rodgers (copy of a copy; English) - New York 1953. National Lutheran Council. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke, Freytag or only to Ihmels (3 letters; English) - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson and Friberg ("Visit of German Mission Secretaries to Tanganyika"; English; copy) - Leipzig 1953. An Schiotz (3 letters) - Leipzig 1953. An Danielson (English) - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson - "Constitution of the Lutheran Missions Council of Tanganyika" - Kinampanda 1953 Anderson "To the Heads of Lutheran Missions" - 1953 Anderson an "The Principal Immigration Officer" - Kinampanda 1953 Lutheran Mission Council (Anderson) "To All Field Superintendents" - 1953 Tanganyika Sub-Committee. Commission on World Missions, L.W.F. "The Lutheran World Federation and its Spiritual Trusteeship in the Administration of former German Mission Fields in Tanganyika" - Kinampanda 1953. Anderson "To All Members of the Lutheran Missions Council" - 1953. Schiotz an Danielson und Friberg - New York 1953. The Lutheran World Federation, Department on World Missions (Schiotz) an Ihmels (2 letters) - Arusha / Bethel 1953. Ronicke an Ihmels et al. (2 letters; partly in English; translations from the stenogram) - 1953. Schiotz an Ihmels et al. "Participating in the Work of the Tanganyika LM" (English) - Mamba 1953. Moshi an Ihmels (language?) - Machame 1953. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika (Danielson) an Ihmels (English) - Bethel 1953. Bethel-Mission an Ihmels und Brennecke. FICHE NR. 57 6 - 1953-1954; Schiotz / CYCOM to Ihmels partly a.o. (7 letters; English) - 1953; Schiotz to Hutt (2 letters; English; copy) - Bukoba 1953; Ronicke to Ihmels partly a.o. (2-fold) - Gonja-Hospital 1953; To Mission Director - Erlangen 1953; Ihmels to Danielson - Erlangen 1953. Ihmels an Schiotz - Leipzig 1953. An Schiotz - 1953. Schiotz an Anderson - Daressalaam 1953. The Secretariat (Hutt) an Anderson - "A Joint Statement by the Leipzig Mission Society and CYCOM in reply to a Statement Submitted by the Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika." - National Lutheran Council "... how your Account stands at the present" - Kinampanda 1953; Anderson an Schiotz, "All Boards and Societies of the LMC" and others - Singida 1953-1954; National Lutheran Council (Anderson) an "The Honourable The Chief Secretary" - 1953-1954. Anderson to Schiotz (2 letters; English) - New York 1953. National Lutheran Council CYCOM to Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke - Nkoaranga 1953. Reusch to Ihmels (concerning Blumer) - 1954. Freytag to Schiotz, New York (English) - Holle 1954. Ihmels to Arnesen - Leipzig 1954. Ev.-luth. mission "Testimonial" (concerning English knowledge of Schliesseit; multiple execution) - Leipzig 1954. an Anderson (3 letters, partly German draft and English translation) - 1954. Lutheran Mission Council of Tanganyika (Anderson) an ? (copy; English) - 1954. Anderson an Ihmels (English) - Geneva 1954. LWF Department of World Missions (Schiotz) an Brennecke, Ihmels, Ronicke (English) - Leipzig 1954. An Anderson (2 letters; partly German draft and English translation) - Machame o.J. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an "newly-arrived fellow-worker" - Leipzig 1954 "To the churches and institutions associated with us, as well as to the Regional Church Works and Associations for External Mission." (concerning invitation to the General Assembly) - New York 1954. Phelps-Stokes Fund (Ross) to Heinrich (English) - "Outline Agenda" Tanganyika Sub-Committee. Hoekelum, Holland - "Report to Tanganyika Sub-Commitee A Survey of Textbooks needed for the Teaching of Christianity in Lutheran Mission Schools" - "Minutes of the meeting of the Lutheran Mission Council ... Arusha ... 1954" (English). FICHE NR. 57 7 - Continued - "Appendix B Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Literature and Publikations Arusha ... 1954"; "Lutheran Mission Council 1955 Budget" - "Minutes of special meeting of the LMC, Nkoaranga ... 1954" - Leipzig 1954. An Danielson - Leipzig 1954. "An unsere Ostafrika-Missionare in der DDR" - 1954. An die Konsulabteilung des Auswärtigen Amtes (betr. Einreisegenehmigung für Moshi) - 1954. An das Lutherische Kirchenmat (betr. Einreise Moshi) - Leipzig 1954. To our East Africa missionaries and sisters (concerning refusal of entry permit for Moshi) - 1954. To Kellermann - Berlin 1954. Government of the GDR to Leipzig Mission (concerning refusal of entry permit for Moshi) - 1954. To Schatte - 1954. CYCOM "Financial Report ... 1953" with various letters; "Constitution of the Usambara - Tanga Mission of the National Lutheran Council"; "By-Laws of the Usambara - Tanga Mission of the ..."; "Rules for Missionaries of the Usambara - Tanga Mission ..."; "Observations of the future of the Bumbult Medical School" (English). FICHE NR. 57 8 - continued - Leipzig 1954-1956; An Hall (5 letters) - Leipzig 1955; An Danielson (5 letters; German draft and English translation) - Leipzig 1955; An Friberg (2 letters; German draft and English translation) - Ihmels "Zur Information für alle Beteiligten" (concerning Moshi's journey home) - Machame 1955; Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika an Hall (English) - New York 1954; Hall an Ihmels (2 letters; English) - Machame 1955. Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika to Ihmels (2 letters; English) - 1955 Hall to Danielson (2 letters; English) - Vuga, Lushoto 1955 Friberg to Ihmels (English) - Hamburg 1955 German Evangelical Mission Council (Freytag) to Ihmels - Vuga 1955. Friberg an Hall (English) - Machame 1955-1956. CYCOM (Hall) an Kellermann (4 letters; English) - New York 1956. Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (CYCOM) an Bethel-Mission (concerning Qualifications of Missionary Medical Staff) - "Votes: That the following resolution be submitted to the Council for ist consideration at ist 1956 Annual Meeting" - New York 1956. National Lutheran Council. Lutheran World Federation Affairs to Ihmels or Ronicke (5 letters; German and English) - "Excerpt from Miss Ohlekopf's letter to the Bethel Mission ... 1956" - Bethel 1956. Ronicke to Ihmels - 1956. An Hall - Leipzig 1956. An Ohlekopf (2 letters) - Bethel 1956. Bethel mission to Hermann - Minneaota 1956. Hall to Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1956. An Hermann - Geneva 1956. LWF to Ihmels and others (concerning "Pooling of Medical and Educational Grants"; English) - o.O., o.J. "A country waiting for the future. What's happening at Kilimanjaro today?" FICHE NR. 57 9 - Geneva 1956-1958 LWF (Birkeli; Sovik) to Ihmels inter alia "Declaration of Policy concerning Lutheran Work in Tanganyika"; "Need of an lady missionary to assist in the Christian Bookshop at Mosh

Leipziger Missionswerk
Inauguration of the new school house in Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1898_6 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Report by Miss. Müller, Oct. 1897. Scope: pp. 79-81. Includes among others: - (SW: Nkarungo - dedication of new church and school; invitation of Chief Shangali; description of the building; slaughter of an ox; expected arrival of Miss. room)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_2B · Akt(e) · 1892-1910
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NO. 2B 1 - Map: Justus Perthes' Africa Lake District Section (8.) Edited by Dr. R. Lüddecke. Printed November 1892 in Gotha. 3rd edition - o.O., o.J. ? (concerning present missionary situation in Tanganyika) - Leipzig 1893. College (concerning instructions for the leader of the East African mission expedition; copy) - map "Eastern Central Africa" C.M.S. Report, Pl.3 - hand-drawn map "Siralandschaften" - o.O. 1892. ? - 1893. German East Africa line (receipt for Paessler) - o.O., o.J. map East Africa - o.O., o.J. Map: The Kamerungebiet, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft - "Karte der Missionstationen in Deutsch-Ostafrika" Zu: Deutsches Kolonialblatt 1892 - Travel calculations of the missionaries Paessler, Althaus, Fahrmann, Müller und Böhme - Mombas 1893. Travelogue (Experiences at Sea) Conclusion and signature missing (continuation probably on Fiche Nr. 2B 2 ) - Leipzig 1893(?). Letter to the members of the college - Berlin 1895. Meinerne - Berkau, Altmark 1893. Merensky (2 letters) - excerpts from the "Leipziger Zeitung" of 19.11.1894. Article: "The murder in Rombo" excerpt from the diary of the mission station Mamba, led by missionary Althaus (26.9.-3.10.). FICHE NO 2B 2 - "Second Supplement to No 600 of the National Newspaper." 1894 (excerpt) "Das Disciplinar-Urtheil gegen den Kanzler Leist" - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler (2 letters) - Schlieffenburg 1895. Karsten. (Copy and discussion of a report from the "Reichsboten" by Dr. Volkens, concerning the relationship of the Catholic and Protestant missions at Kilimanjaro; 2 letters) - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler - Groppendorf 1895. Müller (General Secretary of the Ev. Afrika-Verein) - Berlin 1895. Grundemann, Merensky (accompanying letter survey concerning the "legal habits of the African peoples") - Berlin 1896. International Association for Comparative Law and Economics (Research on the Legal and Economic Conditions of African Indigenous Peoples - Letter accompanying the sending of a questionnaire) - Mamba 1896. Althaus - Leipzig 1896. Schwartz to the missionaries of the Jagga Mission - Extract from the diary of the missionary Paessler (corrected). Headings (inserted later): 1. from Mombasa to Rabai; 2. from Rabai to Samburi (2 day trips); 3. from Samburu to Maungu (3 days) - o.O., o.J. (no beginning, probably continuation of Fiche No. 2B 1 ) Böhme - Mombasa 1893. Paessler - continuation of the above mentioned revised excerpts from the diary of Paessler (unsorted). FICHE No. 2B 3 - Continuation of the revised diary of Paessler, dated at the end: Machame 1893 - Machame 1893. Paessler - Leipzig 1893. ? - Mombas resp. Machame 1893-1894. Paessler (4 letters) - Machame 1893. Fassmann - Machame 1893. Paessler (diary beginning 30.9.1893; copy). FICHE NO. 2B 4 - Continued. Paessler - Lorenzkirch 1894. Paul (2 letters) - Mamba 1894. ? - Hamburg 1894. Hansing

Leipziger Missionswerk
Latest news from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1895_18 · Akt(e) · 1895
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Excerpt from Miss's diaries. Faßman and Müller. Scope: pp. 278-281. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Good Friday - bell consecration at the station Kwarango; WaMadchame sacrifice Irua - God in the courts of the chiefs or other noblemen; school; illness - traditional healing methods - magic; garden and mission field; burial of a Maasai shepherd - employed at the station)

Leipziger Missionswerk
Latest news from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1895_19 · Akt(e) · 1895
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: From Miss's diary. Althaus in Mamba, 2. May 1895. Scope: S. 281-285* 298-302. Includes among others: - 1st (SW: main work - language studies and construction; agency with brand sales in Moshi; arrival of Miss. Müller; trip to English station Taweta; description of missionary work there; circumcision; divine service; Miss. Steggal) - 2nd "Excursion to Lake Dschala" (SW: Excursion from Taweta; hunting with Steggal; contact with lions; way back to Mamba via Mwika; visit of chief Bararia; description of his house; Miss. Müller back to Madchame)
Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_41 · Akt(e) · 1925-1939
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Five fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 41 1 - 1925. Mission Director to Gutmann - 1925-1927. College / Director / Weishaupt (mostly without signature) to room (30 letters). FICHE NR. 41 2 - continued - 1927-1930. college / director / Weishaupt (mostly without signature) to room (35 letter) - Leipzig 1928. Ihmels to "African missionaries". FICHE NR. 41 3 - continued - 1930-1931. college / director / Weishaupt (mostly without signatures) to room (3 letters) - translation: "friendly agreement" between the "Afrika Inland Mission, represented by its field director, missionary Lee H. Downing, and the Leipzig Lutheran Mission, represented by Senior Room" - 1931. Leipzig Mission to Room - 1934. Leipzig Mission to Room - 1931. Leipzig Mission to Fuchs (16 letters) - 1933. Oldham to Room (transcript; English) - 1933. Oldham to Ihmels (transcript; English) - Magawaram 1933. ? to Senior (Fuchs) - Leipzig 1933. Leipzig Mission to Fuchs (2 letters) - In the Red Sea 1933. Leipzig Mission to Fuchs - 1933. Telegram to Fuchs. FICHE NR. 41 4 - 1933. College of Missions (Weishaupt) to Ev.-luth. Mission and Ev.-luth. church in East Africa - Leipzig 1933-1934. Leipziger Mission an Fuchs (9 letters) - Leipzig 1934-1936. Leipziger Mission an Raum (7 letters) - Machame 1934. room for all mission members - curriculum vitae of Senior Raum - Leipzig 1936-1938. Leipziger Mission (often signed) - Leipzig mission to Fuchs (9 letters) - Leipzig 1934-1936. Weishaupt) to Gutmann (37 letters) - Moshi 1936. Gutmann to Leipzig Mission - Leipzig 1936. Certificate "General Power of Attorney" signed: Ihmels; signed: Robinson, Bri-tish Vice-Consul (transcript; English) - Leipzig 1936. College ("Certified Translation ... Collegial Meeting"; English). FICHE NO 41 5- - Leipzig 1938. Leipzig Mission to Gutmann (5 letters) - Leipzig 1938. Leipzig Mission to Fokken - Leipzig 1938-1939. Leipzig Mission to Rother (20 letters) - Leipzig 1938. Leipzig Mission to Rother - Leipzig 1939. Leipzig Mission to Rother - Ehingen 1939. Rother to Mission Inspector - 1939. Leipzig Mission to Rother - Bad Sebastiansweiler - Belsen Siegmaringen 1939. Rother to Mission Inspector.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Lyamungu. Worship service at Machame
ALMW_II._BA_NMergner_273 · Objekt · 1932-1940
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Mergner?. Type: Photo. Format: 8,4 X 5,5. Description: Church similar to the one in Machame (stone walls, double corrugated iron roof, crowd dressed in white in front of it, other people on the side (European clothes, cloths), right small house with roof made of plant fibres, bananas, left house with roof made of plant fibres, Kilimanjaro massif in the background.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A4_1258 · Objekt · 1926-1932
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 9,1 X 5,6. Description: 2 buildings europ. style, group of people and the above mentioned before. Reference: Cf. print templates sample book, No VIIIc/105 (9.9 X 13.2), without title (in connection with print templates sample book, No VIIIc 106 and 107).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_49 · Akt(e) · 1930-1943
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 49 1 - Dar es Salaam 1930. Minutes of the III General Conference of Evangelical Missionaries in Tanganyika Territory (machine-written; 22 p.) - "Church Union in East Africa. Proposed Basis of Union. Presented by the Continuation Committee of the Conference on Church Union", 1930 (English; ed.; 16 p.) - o.O., 1933. Chambers to "Brother" (copy; English) - Shigatini 1933/34. Fuchs to Ihmels (2 letters) - Kongwa 1933. The Bishop of Central Tanganyika (Chambers) to Ihmels (English) - Shigatini 1933. Fuchs to Chambers (English) - "Church Union. Report of the Conference held at Mvumi, Dodoma, Tanganyika Territory, ... 1933." (printed; 4 pages) - Shigatini 1934. Fuchs an "die Station" - Machame 1934. ? an Dr. Ihmels (with excerpts from "Ufalme wa Mungu" (Swahili and German) - Shigatini 1934. Fuchs an Weishaupt - Leipzig 1934. ? an Fuchs - o.O.., n.d. Newspaper cuttings (English) - Dar es Salaam 1934. Minutes of the German Lutheran Missionary Conference incl. Augustana Synod (9 p.). FICHE NR. 49 2 - continuation - o.O. 1937. ? to Ronicke (duplicate) - probably Rother: "Report on the Leipzig Mission in East Africa in the Wartime 1939/40" (Maschinegeschrieben; 16 p.) - Leipzig 1940. "Memorandum on the Situation in the Field of Work of the Evangelical Church in Leipzig 1940.luth. Mission zu Leipzig in Deutsch-Ostafrika" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.) - Leipzig 1940/41. Ihmels to the members of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels to the Ostafrika-Missionare in the homeland (Annex: Program of the working discussion of the Ostafrika-Missionare) - o.O.., 1940: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the warden of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 2 p.) - o.O., 1940. Gutmann: "On the further development of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 11 p.; also contains: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the warden of the Federation ...") - o.O.., o.J. Knak: "Thoughts on an Important Question" (Maschinegeschrieben; 8 p.) - o.O., o.J. Bethel-Mission: "Some Questions for the Meeting of the Home Council of the Missionskirchenbund" - Transcript from "Deutscher-Kolonialdienst" No. 6, 1941 - o.O.., o.J. Hecht: "Rassenpolitische Leitsätze zur deutschen Kolonialpolitik" (translated from German; 5 p.) - Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission to Leipzig in East Africa end of 1939 (printed) - Ilula, Dar es Salaam, Maneromango 1941/42. "Translation. Excerpts from letters from ... Bernander" - o.O. 1941. National Lutheran Council (Long) to Ihmels (English; copy) - Agenda of the working discussion of the East African missionaries, Sondershausen, Castle - Maneromango 1942. Bernander to the Board of the Swedish Church Mission (translation) - "Questions about the current situation in the East African field of work of the Leipzig evangelical Lutherans. Mission in Tanganyika Territory" 1942 (2 p.). FICHE NR. 49 3 - continued - Berlin 1943. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) an Küchler - Königswinter 1938. Roehl an Direktor (copy) - Leipzig 1938. ? an Rother (duplicate) - Leipzig 1938. Ihmels an die Mitglieder des Heimischen Rat des ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbundes (2 letters) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Berner - Wuppertal-Barmen 1938. Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft (Berner) to Ihmels - Neukirchen 1938. Nitsch to Ihmels - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Braun; Vogt; Roehl (2 letters); Ronicke - Barmen 1938. Ihmels: "Negotiations of the Heimischen Rat des Ostafrika-Missions-Kirchenbund" (Machinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - Bethel 1938. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother (4 letters) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Nitsch - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the Heimischer Rat des ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbund and to Roehl - Königswinter 1938. Roehl to director (annex: Stuttgart 1938. literal excerpt from a letter by Diehl) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Schlunk - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Tscheuchner - Neudietendorf 1938. Minutes of the meeting of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbundes on Lutheran basis - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies belonging to the East African Mission Church Federation - Herrnhut 1938. Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Stuttgart 1938. Privilege. Württ. Bible Institute (Diehl) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Berlin 1938. Berlin Mission Society (Braun/Knak) to Ihmels (2 letters) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Braun - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - Vudee 1938. Rother to Ihmels - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Diehl (Privileg. Württ. Bible Institute) - o.O., 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak - Marangu 1938. Rother to Baudert - 1938. "Votes of the Literature Commission on the Printing of the Biblical Story Book" (2fold) - Berlin 1938. Braun to Küchler - Bethel 1938. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Küchler - o.O., 1938. ? (Küchler?) to Ronicke - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) an Braun - o.O. 1939. ? to the Heimische Rat des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes (2fach) - Marangu 1938. Rother an Baudert (copy) - Leipzig 1939. ? (Küchler?) to Ihmels (duplicate) - Herrnhut 1939. Baudert to Küchler - o.O. 1939. ? (Küchler?) to Baudert - o.O. 1939. Baudert to Braun and Küchler - o.O. 1939. ? (Küchler?) to Braun - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Bethel 1940. Ronicke to Ihmels (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) to Ihmels - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Gutmann - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels) to the members of the home council (concerning: invitation; 2-fold) - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak (2 letters) - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - o.O. 1940. "Points of view on a draft instruction for the warden of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 2 p.) - Berlin 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Heimischer Rat des Ostafrikanischen Missionskirchenbund" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.). FICHE NR. 49 4 - Continued - op. cit. 1940 Gutmann: "On the Further Development of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran Basis" and "Points of View on a Draft of an Instruction..." (in German) (typewritten; 11 p.; 2-fold) - 1940 "Minutes of the meeting of the Home Council of the East African Mission Church Federation" (2-fold) - Bethel 1940. Ronicke an Ihmels - o.O. 1940. ? (Ihmels?) an Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika-Missionare in der Heimat (2fach) und Programm derArbeitsbesprechung (3fach) - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika arbeitenden Missionsgesellschaften - Leipzig 1940/41. Ihmels an die Mitglieder des Heimischen Rat des ostafrikanischen Kirchenbundes (3 Schreiben) - o.O., o.J. "List of the East Africa missionaries to be invited for the working discussion" - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the East Africa missionaries and the members of the Heimischer Rat - Leipzig 1942. Heimische Rat des Missionskirchenbundes auf luth. Basis to the interned East Africa missionaries of the Berliner, Bethel- und Leipziger Mission (2-fold) - o.O. 1942. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak - o.O. 1942. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - o.J. Bethel-Mission: "Some questions for the meeting of the Heimischen Rat des Missionskirchenbund" - Bethel 1943. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1943. ? (Ihmles?) to Vogt - Berlin 1943. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) to Ihmels - o.O. 1943. ? (Ihmles?) to Braun - Berlin 1943. Braun to the East African employees (typed; 8 p.).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_52 · Akt(e) · 1930-1960
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 52 1 - Marangu 1928. "Resolutions passed by the Conference of Evangelical Missions" - Leipzig 1930. Ihmels to "Friends" - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (3 letters) - Machame 1930. Room to the German Protestant missions in Tanganyika Territory - Berlin 1930. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) to Ihmels - o.O. 1930 and 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Oldham (2 letters) Bethel 1930. Bethel mission (Trittelvitz) to Ihmels (2 letters) - o.O. 1930/31. ? (Ihmels?) to Trittelvitz (3 letters) - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Steglitz 1930. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Richter, Baudert, Trittelvitz, Johanssen - London 1931. Gibson to Weichert (English) - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) to Gabriel (2 letters) - Halle 1931. Mission conference in the province Saxony (Gabriel) to Ihmels - Berlin 1931. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Weichert) to Ihmels, Trittelvitz - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) an Knak - Leipzig 1931. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missions-Gesellschaften (3fach) - Leipzig 1932. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missionsgesellschaften (4 letters; partly 2fach) - London 1931/32. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) an Ihmels (English; 6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels) to Gibson (2 letters) - o.k. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Handmann - Neukirchen 1932. Orphanage and Mission (Nitsch) to Ihmels - Leipzig 1932. ? Dougall - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Freytag - o.O. 1932. ? Nitsch - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) an Schlunk - Dresden 1932 "Minutes of the meeting of the missionary societies working in East Africa" (Maschinegeschrieben; 9 p.; 2-fold) - Dresden 1932. Personn: "Die Central-Schule für Eingeborene in Tanganyika Territory (Ostafrika)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.J. "Gedanken über die Schulen der Mandats-Regierung im Tanganyika Territory zur Erziehung von Häuptlingssöhnen, sogen. Tribal Schools´" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J., o.J., o.R., "High National Education" (typewritten; 8 p.) - o.J., room: "Securing missionary interests against government school legislation" (10 p.). FICHE NR. 52 2 - Continued - Dresden 1932 Personn: "The Central School for Natives in Tanganyika Territory (East Africa)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - n.a. Room: "The Safeguarding of Missionary Interests against the School Legislation of the Government" (17 p.) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "The Training of Teachers in Tanganyika in the next Future" (English) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "Revision of the Education Ordinance and Regulations for Tanganyika Territory" (English) - o.O. 1932, 1934/34. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Nitsch - o.O. 1932. Invoice for reproduction - London 1932. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) to Ihmels (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. o. Publisher "The Remaking of Man in Africa" (English; typewritten; 12 p.) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Gibson (2 letters) - London 1932. Gibson to Ihmels (attached: "Draft Memorandum on Missionary Education in Tanganyika Territory"; English; typewritten; 7 p.) - Weimar 1932. Rother to Director - o.O., 1032. ? (Ihmels?) to room, Rother, person - o.O. 1938. "Christian Educational Policy in Tanganyika Territory. (Memorandum based on discussion and memoranda at a Conference of the Lutheran missionary societies)" (English; typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Notes of points which might receive further consideration in any revision of the ordinance" - 1932. "Tanganyika Territory Native Education: Note of discussion in African Education Group" - Bethel 1934. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - o.O. 1934. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Berlin 1934 "Minutes of the Meeting of the East Africa Commission" - Dar es Salaam 1936 "Extract from the Minutes of the German Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar es Salaam 1936" (transcript) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod. Agenda" (transcript). FICHE NR. 52 3 - Leipzig 1936 Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa - Herrnhut 1936/37 Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Bethel 1936/37 Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Neukirchen 1936/37 Orphanage and Missions Institute (Nitsch) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Leipzig 1936. ? to "brothers" (concerning invitation to the meeting of the mission societies working in East Africa; in appendix: Room: "Expert opinion on the question whether the translation of the Old Testament Roehl´sche should be printed at the expense of the German Evangelical Missions", 2-fold) - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa (2-fold) - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Denkschrift zur Missionslage in Ostafrika" (copy; typewritten; 11 p.) - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to "Freunde" (presumably members of the East Africa commission) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to the members of the East Africa Commission (3 letters) - Berlin 1937. "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa - Berlin 1937. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Leipzig 1937-1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (9 letters) - Berlin 1937. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) to Ihmels - Herrnhut 1937. "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.R." - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Meyer - Marangu 1938. Rother to Director (copy) - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the Home Council of the East African Federation of Churches - Leipzig 1939. ? (Ihmels?) to the Lutheran Mission Societies (2 letters) - Kigoma 1940. Tanganyika Missionary Council (Bekewell) to Warnshuis (English) - Berlin 1941. Berlin Missionary Society (Knak) to the German Protestant Missions working in East Africa (2 letters) - Berlin 1941. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) an Ihmels, Nitsch, Ronicke, Vogt - Programme "Working discussion of the East African missionaries" - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika-Missionare in der Heimat - Leipzig 1941. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the relatives of our missionaries and sisters - o.O. 1941. National Lutheran Council (Long) to Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa as well as the Lutheran missions working in India - Leipzig 1944. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1947. ? to the mission societies working in East Africa (2fold) - Kinampanda 1950. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) an Ihmels (English) - o.O. 1950. Schiotz an Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies (English). FICHE NR. 52 4- - Leipzig 1950/51st ? (Ihmels?) to Brennecke (4 letters, partly 2fold) - Ladismith, Moshi 1951. Brennecke to Ihmels (2 letters) - Pretoria 1951. Brennecke to Freytag, Ihmels, Ronicke - 1951. Brennecke: "Report about the visit of the former German mission fields in Tanganyika" (typewritten; 23 p.) - Dresden 1952. "Reproduction of the lecture by Mission Director Brennecke:Der Mensch in Afrika unter dem Kreuz´"". Geneva, 1958. Lutheran World Federation. Department of World Mission (Sovik) an "All boards and societies with interest in Tanganyika" - Bethel 1959. Bethel-Mission (Albrecht) an die Geschäftsführer der in Tanganyika arbeitenden deutschen Gesellschaften (Abschrift) - Berlin 1960. "Minutes of a Meeting of Tanganyika Decernts of German Evangelical Mission Societies" - Bethel 1959. Kühhirt an von Stackelberg - New York 1960. National Lutheran Council Division of LWF Affairs Dept. of World Mission Cooperation (Rolander) an All European Societies working with DWMC in Tanganyika.

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1898_20 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the monthly chronicle of Miss. Miller and room. Scope: pp. 272-275. Contains, among other things: - "Jurisdiction in Madschame." (SW: Description of a trial) - "Chief Shangali." (SW: Sorcery and polygamy; the women of the chief; erection of a flagpole) - "The month of March." (SW: Visit of Liebert; baptisms; completion of construction of the boarding school; attendance of church service)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_12 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: From Miss's diary. Muller. Scope: p. 202-206* 269-270. Contains, among other things: - "1. The first pagan baptisms in Madschame." (SW: Baptism; Schangali's participation in the celebration; Johanna and Stefano baptized) - "2nd Missionary Work to the Women of Madschame." (SW: Miss Müller at the market at Kikafu to preach; attending church service) - "3rd school lesson." (SW: rehearsing songs; vocabulary; frequent visit of Chief Schangali) - "4th Christmas." - "Fifth, a campaign against the Masai." (SW: Lieutenant Merker; Chief Schangali; against the people of Toilito in Sira) Darin: Illustration "The board students in Madschame. (Family Müller and Miss. Room.)"
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_30 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the station chronicle of Miss. Muller. Scope: pp. 504-509. Contains, among other things: - "One. The weather." (SW: rainy season; vaccination; overnight stay with chief Kirida of the Wakindi) - "2. construction works, completion of the new school building etc.". (SW: Arzeneihäuschen; Schangali - building material; mission conference) - "3rd work in church and school." (SW: attendance at church service; boarding student; wedding of a Dschagga couple; further education school; sermons after Sono; meeting with Kiwoso; extension of the list of words) - "4. power of superstition". (SW: Magic - watering the banana grove with a consecrated liquid)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1900_8 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: By Miss. Muller. Scope: pp. 160-163. Includes, among other things: - "In September." (SW: pews; baptismal students; arrival of Miss Fuchs; lessons) - "2 October." (SW: language studies; banana grove; 6th anniversary of the arrival in Madchame; birthday of Miss. Müller - gifts) - "November and December." (SW: starving Wataita eat several soldier boys at Moshi; school of food; Shangali no longer wears magic; celebration of Christmas)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1897_36 · Akt(e) · 1897
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: After Miss. Müller's diary. Scope: p. 471-475. Contains, among other things: - "One: Why do the Jagga need the Gospel?" (SW: Sorcery and polygamy; Religion of the Madchame; Chief Shangali) - "2. The new schoolhouse in Madschame." - "Three. The boarding school." (SW: lessons) Darin: Illustration "The school building under construction in Madschame".

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1898_10 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diary. Muller. Scope: pp. 121-124. Contains, among other things: - "First arrival of Br. Room." (SW: reception by Chief Schangali; teaching and worship services; conflicts - intervention of Miss.) - "Second Conference and Christmas Party." (SW: Visit of the chiefs Schangali and Makungu of Naruma; Christmas; Drought)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1898_28 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From the monthly chronicles of Miss. Miller and room. Scope: p. 380-383. Contains, among other things: - (SW: completion of the construction of the boarding school building; road construction by Schangali; Miss.'s children; Miss.'s daughter christened. Müller at Easter; beer feasts and dance parties) - "Distribution of a magic potion." (SW: Sorcerer Makimende from Marangu; recipe for the magic potion) - "Burial of a German NCO." (SW: Funeral of NCO Schroeder; 17 Kostschüler)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1898_35 · Akt(e) · 1898
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diary. Müller, Aug. 1898. Scope: pp. 483-487. Includes among others: - "First, the first bridal canvass of a Jagga Christian." (SW: marriage in general; Samueli and Mambo - problems with Schangali) - "2nd something from work." (SW: Attendance at church) - "3. A visit from Meru Mountain." (SW: Visit of Chief Matundu from Meru Mountain) Darin: Picture "The station Nkarungo in Madschame".

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_6 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: According to Miss's diaries. Miller and room. Scope: p. 97-100* 121-123. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Miss. Room - Sermon in KiMadchame; Dr. Hans Meyer reports about station in Leipzig) - "1. the school." (SW: class formation; subject matter) - "2nd exercises in the vernacular." (SW: linguistic work; collection of traditions, legends, riddles of the Madchame people; visit of 60-70 farmsteads - practising the language) - "3. instruction of the catechumens etc.". (SW: about the baptismal christians; teaching; Bible study; Schangali's illness - treatment by the Miss. millers; animals)
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_17 · Akt(e) · 1899
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Muller. Scope: p. 325-329* 347-351. Includes, but is not limited to: - "First Circumcision of Some Costume Students." (SW: meeting with Schangali and Nasuwa) - "2nd arrival of siblings room." (SW: worship visit; worker for the House of Spaces; equipment) - "3rd Naruma." (SW: Catholic priest in Naruma; Chief Makunga - with him teaching) - "4th heathen sermon and school work." (SW: UnerMadchame; building a hut; market at Mula and market Kalali - sermon places; Wimbi harvest; chieftain's mother Nuya; boarding school; everyday school life) - "5. A dispute." (SW: between chieftains Schangali and Kiboso; legal case; arming of the warriors; meeting at Schangali; mediation of the German government) - "6th second visit of the Meru people". (SW: visit from Kiwoso; chief of the Meru people) - "7th heathen sermon in Untermadschame." (SW: treatment of wounds) - "8th New Contestants, School, etc." (SW: applicant; school; thunderstorm - damage of the school building; fashion - plait; Kimadare - chief of Aruscha) Darin: Illustration "Huts in the design of Madschame. (Dancing Jagga Negroes.)"
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1900_33 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diaries. Fox and miller. Scope: p. 526-530. Contains, among other things: - "First heathen baptisms and all sorts of other events." (SW: Baptists and baptism; Shangali - school building; riots in Shira) - "2. The war riots." (SW: dispute over successor of chief Makungu; hut tax; raids of the Waaruscha) - "3. mission work." (SW: boarding school; sermons)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame Station
ALMW_II._MB_1900_16 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's diaries. Miller and fox. Scope: p. 255-259. Includes, among other things: - "One, all sorts of outer life on the ward." (SW: guarding the station because of war danger of Aruscha; visit from Shira - chief Sinare; military expedition against the Waaruscha) - "2nd school work. - "Third worship and pagan sermon." Darin: Illustration "Mission House in Madschame. (Miss. Fuchs, Miss. Müller and wife.)"

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1896_4 · Akt(e) · 1896
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: According to Miss's diaries. Müller and Faßmann. Scope: p. 58-60* 102-103. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Services; School and Education; Miss. Fassman and miller hunting; rivers Nsanya and Kware; Reformation festival; building activity; 14 costume students) - (SW: Chief Schangali comes more often to church services; Tamul baptism; teaching; Miss. Müller and Althaus zur Küste)
Leipziger Missionswerk
News, correspondence during the war.
ALMW_II._32_33 · Akt(e) · 1916-1918
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 33 1 - Nkoaranga o.J. Schachschneider to "son Hans" (private; copy) - o.O. 1917. "Berta" to Scharwächter in Leipzig (private; 2 copies) - "Der Adventbote in der Heidenwelt" No.2, 1917 (printed) - o.O., o.J. 2 printed pages - o.O., o.J. letter: "The war in German East Africa", internment of the Catholic missionaries at Kilimanjaro - Ahmednagar (India) 1917. Hedde from Usambara, currently prisoner of war (copy) - Ahmednagar (India) o.J. Fuchs (English; original and 2 copies) - Chemnitz 1917. soldier Thisch to mission director - Breklum 1917. mission inspector Braker with the request for publication, without addressee (printed) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs. Prisoners of War, Postcard to mission director (2 letters) - Ludwigslust 1917. Repsold to mission director (2 letters) - Altenburg 1917. von Bock to mission director (3 letters) - Wildberg (Zurich) 1917. Sulzberger to mission director - Marburg, Lahn 1917. Stiehler to "Professor" (without further information - possibly mission director Prof. Paul) - Berlin 1917. Reichs-Kolonialamt an von Bock (copy) - Schrubach 1916. Mauer an "Professor" - Ort unleserlich 1917. Missionsinspektor an Angehörige und Freunde der Missionsarbeiter in Usambara - Machame 1917. "Father" an "Tochter" J. Müller (private; copy with accompanying letter to Missionsdirektor) - Liegnitz 1917. Scheller ohne Empfängerangabe (2 letters) - Herrnhut 1917. Henning to mission director (postcard) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger (English; 2 copies typewritten; 1 handwritten) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to mission director - Hessen 1917. Rose to "Missionar" (no details; 2 letters) - Ohlau 1917. Beautiful to "Missionar" (no details) - Dresden 1917. Gress an Paul - Döben 1917. Lindmann an Bruder (no further details) - Nauternlitz 1917. Warnike an Missionsdirektor - Buschnitz 1917. Taube an "Professor" - Wittigwalde 1917. Thurleis as estate manager at Leipziger Mission - o.O. 1917. ? an Fuchs in Ahmednagar (2-fold) - East Africa 1917. Oldewage an Paul (original in English and 3 translations). FICHE NR. 33 2 - continued - Bethel 1917. mission inspector to relatives and friends of the mission brothers and sisters in Rwanda - Bethel 1917. ev. mission society for German East Africa to mission director - Charlottenburg 1917. bold to mission director - Marangu 1917. ev. -luth. mission Marangu an Würz (English) - Marangu 1917. room to mission director (original and copy) - Tengeru 1916. my to "son Peter" (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to mission director (3 letters) - Altmittweida 1917. Afert to Paul - Meseritz 1917. chess cutter to Ev.-luth. mission to Leipzig (2 letters) - Daressalaam 1916. "Gustl" to "Mühmchen" (private; copy) - Bethel 1917. ev. mission company to "Bruder" (no further details) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuch to his family (private; 2 letters) - Militsch 1917. Kegel to mission director (2 letters) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to Sulzberger (English) - Schwabach 1917. Mauer to "Professor" - Bethel 1917. Mission inspector to relatives and friends of the missionaries - Wuga 1917. Gleiss to "Bruder Friedrich" (private; copy; English) - Großalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld to mission director - Allenstein 1917. Behrends to mission director - Eberswalde 1917. Bad to mission director - o.O. 1917. from Arnim to mission director - Iever 1917. Mein to mission director (2 letters) - Tengeru, Arusha 1916. My to "Mother" (2 letters) - Dresden 1917. Moesta to Mission Director - Eberswalde 1917. Rohde to Mission Director - Nkoaranga 1917. "Sister Friderike" to Mission Director (English, 2 copies) - Mbaga 1917. Dennholz to "Mother" (English) - Zoppot 1917. Rodenacher to ? - Toulouse 1917. Roehl an Trittelvitz in Bethel (printed) - Machame 1917. Müller an Missionsdirektor (original and copy) - Ahmednagar 1917. Zeyen an Missionsdirektor - Ahmednagar 1917. Rother an Missionsdirektor (English and German translation) - Leipnitz 1917. Alberti an Missionsdirektor. FICHE NR. 33 3 - Continued - Ahmednagar 1917. Kuyenbruds (?) to Paul (English, 2 letters) - Meseritz 1917. Chess tailor to Ev.-Mission to Leipzig, with copies of an English and a German letter from Schachschneider (2 letters and one copy) - Kamenz 1917. Horn to mission director, contains copy of a letter from Horn (3 letters) - 1917. Fox "Postkarte für Kriegsgefangene" to Paul (3 letters) - Tharandt 1917. Martin - Neukirchen 1917. Secretariat of the Orphan and Mission Institute, with letter to Kühnen von Hofmann - Hamburg 1917. Mission Society of the S. T. Adventists in Europe to Paul - Altenburg 1917. Bock to Paul - Mamba 1917. Michel to "Mother" - Dresden 1917. Moesta with letter to Moesta von Gumert from prison camp Tanga - Nkoaranga 1917. Steinacker to Paul (English) - Machame 1917. Mission Council of the Evangelical Church in Hamburg 1917.luth. mission in German East Africa to mission director - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Dean Prieser in Bamberg (transcript) Answer Pauls to Fuchs (English) - Neumünster 1917. Landesverein für Innere Mission in Schleswig-Holstein to Missionshaus Leipzig - Grohshasselohe near Munich 1917. Egger to mission director - Zoppot b. Danzig 1917. Rodenacher - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Mission Director - Ohlau 1917. Schöne to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. An Fuchs - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl to Mission Director, with copy of a letter from Wärthl (2 letters) - Burkhardtsdorf 1917. Rother an Paul - Bamberg 1917. ? an Missionsdirektor - Glauchau 1917. Pädagogium (betr. Rother) - 1917. Missionsdirektor an Horn - Masama 1917. Thiele (copy) - Maadi b. Cairo 1917. Thiele to Mission Director (original and copy) - Döbeln 1917. Everth (concerning Everth) - Cairo 1917. Horn to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. Paul to members and friends of our mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Belgaum (India) 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Maadi 1917. Thiele an Mission Director - Schwabach 1917. Müller - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an "Familie" (2 letters) - o.O. 1917. Paul an Fuchs, Wärthl und Thiele (partly English) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an Hofmann (English) - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl an Paul - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs an Prieser - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director (original and copy) - Tanga 1917. Schachschneider to Bureaux International de la Paix, Bern - Begaum 1917. Fuchs to mission director (original and copy) - Maadi 1917. Horn to mission director - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director - Hessen i. Braunschweig 1917. Grawinkel (with copy of a letter from "Gustl", Daressalaam 1916 to "Mother") - "The Christian occupation of Africa" Report about an African conference 1917 (translation) - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Dar es Salaam 1917. "Max" to Mother - "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE Civil Verwaltung D. O. A. District Political Office Circular" - Marangu 1917. ? to Ev.-luth. Mission in Leipzig (English). FICHE NR. 33 4 - continued - Rochlitz 1917. Fritzsch - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs - Maadi 1917. Horn - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs (copy and original) - Grossalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld - Wilhelmstal 1917. Administrator's Office (English) - "The following injuries or complaints are such as to render a person incapable of military service." Moshi 1917 District Political Officer "Circular to all enemy subjects." (English) and "Circular male enemy subjects." (English) - o.O. 1917. to Mission Council "Basic outline for the continuation of the mission works and their management". (3fold) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl (copy) - no year 16 different short letters in copy - 1 photo (probably fox) - 1918. Everth - Kamenz 1918. Horn - Leipzig 1918. an Fuchs - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs an Sulzberger resp. Paul (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs to Fuchs and Prieser - 1918. to Schachschneider - 1918. to Thiele - 1918. to Fuchs - 2 calendar sheets February 1918. (Spemanns Alpen-Kalender) - Belgaum 1918. ? to "Family" - Cairo 1918. Wall - o.O.., o.J. to Horn in Maadi - Kamenz 1918. Nollau - 1918. to Michel - Ahmednagar 1918. Guth (original and copy) - Döbeln 1918. Everth with copy of a letter from Everth to "Mother" - Waldorf 1918. Adam - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl to "Ruckdaeschel" (copy) - 1918. Paul an Everth, Thiele, Schachschneider, Mauer - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider - Maadi 1918. Rother an "Familie" (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. "Martin" an "Eltern". FICHE NR. 33 5 - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Everth, Horn, Wärthl, Thiele, Fuchs, Schachschneider, Guth (2 letters), Mauer, Rother - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Langenreinsdorf 1918. Ahnert and Stelzner (with copy of a letter from Stelzner) - Tura b. Cairo 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel (2 letters) - London / Machame 1918. C.M.S. (English); letter from Müller (English) - Zinnritz 1918. Schachschneider (with copy of a letter from Schachschneider) - Tura 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Hospital Heliopolis b. Cairo 1918. chess cutter - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (2 letters) - Glauchau 1918. Pädagogium - Klotzsche 1918. Hüttig (concerning Horn) - Maadi 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel - Hospital Heliopolis 1918. Mauer (English) - Maadi 1918. Thiele. FICHE NR. 33 6 - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (5 letters) - Maadi 1918. Everth (6 letters) - Daressalaam 1917. Everth - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Fuchs, Everth, Guth, Wärthl, Michel, Schachschneider - Moshi 1918. District Political Officer an Ev. Mission Shingatini - o.O. 1918. Guth (4 letters) - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Noltau - Maadi 1918. Thiele an Schanz - Steinigtwolmsdorf 1918. Schanz (concerning Thiele) - Belgaum 1918. Fox - Marangu 1918. Ev.-luth. mission to Ev. luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (concerning Stelzner; 2 letters) - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr (Egypt) 1918. Rother - Maadi 1918. Stelzner. FICHE NR 33 7 - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (concerning Guth) - Maadi 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Thiele (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. Stelzner (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Tura 1918. Klöpfel - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (4 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth (5 letters, one with photo) - Schwabach 1918. Mauer - Zeiskan 1918. Guth - Sidi Bishr 1918. Rother - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - o.O. 1918. Guth - Tura 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr 1918. wall - Mwika 1918. Stamberg to "Eva" and "Grete" (copy) - Altorf 1918. KR Braun (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1918. "Martin" to Alberti ("Parents"; copy) - Machame 1918. mission station (Müller) to Paul (original in English and 2 translations) - o.J. 13 short letters of various senders and addressees (copies) - Bleckmar 1918. Missionsanstalt der Hannoverschen luth. Freikirche to Missionsdirektor (2 letters; copies) - o.O. 1918. Everth (concerning polygamy). FICHE NO 33 8- - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth - o.O. 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Wärthl - Tura 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall - London 1918. C.M.S. an Ev.-luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Maadi 1918. chess cutter - Tura 1918. horn (not complete) - Belgaum 1918. fox - Machame 1918. mission Council of the Ev.-luth. mission in G.E.A. (Müller) to Paul (account 1917).

Leipziger Missionswerk
News, correspondence during the war.
ALMW_II._32_34 · Akt(e) · 1918-1920
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 34 1 - Maadi 1918. chess cutter - Maadi 1918. Guth an Meinner (copy) - 1918. Paul an Rother, Michel (3 letters), Guth, Horn, Schachschneider (2 letters), Everth, Wärthl, Thiele, Mauer - 1919. Paul an Guth - Sidi Bishr 1918. Thiele (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. wall (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. chess cutter (5 letters, one with photo) - Zendingsbureau-Oegstgeest 1918. Rauws an Spiecker (probably Dutch) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth (3 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Rother (2 letters) - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel (3 letters) - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Tura 1918. Michel (2 letters) - Döbeln 1918. Everth - Schwabach 1918. Wall - Maadi 1918. Stelzner (2 letters) - 1918. list of the books sent to Schachschneider - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Meseritz 1918. Schachschneider - Leipzig 1918. ? an Raum (English) - Leipzig 1918. Paul an The Lay Secretary, C.M.S., London (English) - Machame 1918. Müller to "Children" - Machame 1918. Mission council in the Ev.-luth. Mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (account 1917; translation; 3 copies). - o.O. 1919 transcript of a report by Hauptmann about private life of Stelzner - 2nd part of the letter of Horn (see Fiche 33 8-) - Tura 1919. Michel. FICHE NR. 34 2 - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Guth, Fuchs (3 letters), Mauer, Schachschneider (German and English), Michel, Stelzner, Wärthl - Tura 1919. Schmidt (application for employment as teacher) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Tura 1919. Michel - Seelingstädt 1919. Schmidt - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Thiele, Rother, Everth, Wall, Knepper, Wärthl, Guth, Stelzner, Michel, Horn, Klöpfel (finances) - Tura 1919. Horn an "Mutter" (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider - 1919. Kollegium "An die in Aegypten internierten Missionare" (concerning behaviour in case of release; 2-fold) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneier (2 letters) - Frankfurt 1919. Michel (Pflanzer) to the Reichskolonialamt Berlin. "Report on my activities and experiences during the war in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and on my journey home..." (as attachment to a letter see Fiche no. 34 3 ; 2 copies) - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Guth - Tura 1919. Michel - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul (report of Müller about the work of Everth and Stelzner, with vote to suspend both from service) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (explanation of his mission method). FICHE NR 34 3 - Leipnitz 1919 Alberti - Maadi 1919 Wärthl (2 letters) - 1919 Paul an Michel - Leipzig 1919 Paul "To the relatives of our German East African missionaries" - Kamenz 1919 Horn - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Horn, Mauer, Everth, Wärthl, Schachschneider (2 letters), Stelzner, Michel, Fuchs - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Fuchs - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) Missions- und Missionsschulwesen) - Tura 1919. Klöpfel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele an "Schwiegereltern" (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Frankfurt 1919. Michel - Kamenz 1919. Nollau - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - o.J. Situationplan der Missionsstation Ruruma - Marangu 1919. Raum (translation; 3fold) - Eschenbach 1919. Wärthl - Tura 1919. Michel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (original and transcript) - Berlin 1918. Call of the Reichsbank directorate among other things "to limit the lifting of notes to the smallest measure" (printed) - Mwika 1919. Mother" and "father" to "Eva" - Mwika 1919. "Irmagard" to "sister" - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth's report on the monetary situation in Ruruma - Maadi 1919. Guth (copy) - Tahkaeranadas 1919. "P.E."(father) to Eisenschmidt (language Estonian?; with German translation) - Leipzig 1919. Weishaupt to Wärthl (concerning resumption of work in East Africa; copy) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs to Paul - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Leipzig 1919. Paul to von Schnehen. FICHE NR 34 4 - Glauchau 1919. Pedagogy to Paul - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (5 letters) - Tura 1919. Horn - Tura 1919. Michel (3 letters) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (transcript) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Leipnitz 1919. Alberti - Kamenz 1919. Horn - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider (3 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Rother (pedagogy), Schachschneider, Mauer (2 letters), Müller, Horn, Gutmann (2fold), Michel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer (3 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth: "Report of a journey ...1915 with young Iramba Christians to the Kilimanjaro" - o.O. 1919. Guth (request to the censor to let a certain letter pass) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl (2 letters) - Kamenz 1919. Horn - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth: "Cooperation of the Dschagga at the mission work in Iramba" - Chemnitz 1919. Schlegel - o.O. 1919. Please to the censor - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth ("Continuation of the two previous letters about his activity in Ruruma") - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (3 letters): "Discussion with brothers in captivity about his baptism practice"; "Exposition of his baptism practice"; "About baptism to polygamists" - Sidi Bishr 1919. Rother - 1 photo (probably 5 missionaries) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Moshi 1919. District Political Office "To all European Residents in Moshi District" - Mwika 1919. "Mother and Father Fr. St." to "Grete" - Grosshesselohe 1919. ? FICHE NR. 34 5 - continued - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (3 letters; concerning: baptism practice; report about his mission work) - Leipzig 1919. Kollegium an Hauptmann - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider (2 letters), Michel, Mauer, Fuchs - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (5 letters) - Tura 1919. Michel - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (3 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to mission council (request for vacation) - Machame 1919. Mission council to Schulz (concerning dissolution of the children's home; 2 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to mission council in Leipzig - Grosshesselohe 1919. ? - Marangu 1919. Ev.-luth Mission (room) to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (German and English; several copies) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Glauchau 1919. Rother - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider. FICHE NR 34 6 - continued - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (2 letters) - Tura 1919. Michel (4 letters) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (3 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall (2 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Rother, Thiele, Schachschneider, Stelzner, Horn (2 letters), Wärthl, Fuchs, Rother - Tura 1919. Horn (2 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Writing of a report by Thiele - Maadi 1919. Guth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider - Transcript "Meeting of the Mission Council of the Evangelical Church of Germany".luth. mission, Machame, 30/31.July 1919." (signed Müller / Raum) (2fach) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council (copy) - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Schulz (2 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council (copy) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul - Walddorf 1919. Michel - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider. FICHE NR 34 7 - Tübingen 1919. Rother - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele (2 letters) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Lany - Tura 1919. Michel (5 letters) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer (2 letters) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul (original and copy; concerning Knittel) - Marangu 1919. Knittel to Mission in Leipzig (original and copy) - Moshi 1919. Gutmann - Tura 1919. Klöpfel - Tura 1919. Horn - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Stamberg, Wärthl (2 letters), Fuchs (2 times) - Machame 1919. Missionsrat an Paul (3 letters) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (2 letters) - Treffurt 1919. Klöpfel (2 letters) - "For war diary under the points of view: 1) Which role did the mission play in the wars of the protectorate 2) and how did it stand with the religious-kirchl. life of the troop". - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider and Michel (both times return to sender) - Mwika 1919. Stamberg an "Grete" - Kamenz 1919. Horn (2 letters) - Marangu 1919. Ev.-luth. mission (room) an Paul - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider, Thiele, Wärthl. FICHE NO 34 8- - Continued by "War Diary..." - Machame 1920. Müller to Political Office (concerning an article by Vierhub) - Machame 1920. Müller to Mission Inspector Weishaupt (2 letters).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Niami, outstation of Machame
ALMW_II._BA_A1_1318 · Objekt · 1929-1940
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Nüßler?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,8 X 8,2 Description: Building (church) europ. style, covered with plant fibres, in front of it path and lawn, crowd. Reference: Plate and cardboard No. 8 in negative box ( 1 trigger).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Ordination (African priest) in Machame
ALMW_II._BA_EF_122 · Objekt · 1930-1938
Teil von Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photo type: repro photo. Format: 14,0 X 9,0. Description: before entrance portal of a building: African (European dressed/ Kanzu), 3 missionaries (right B. Gutmann), in their middle African priest with white gown. Remark: Sheet film negative present, poor quality.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_5 · Objekt · 1923-1963
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Leipzig 1963. Ihmels (letter of thanks) - Andalusia Camp 1940. Hentschel to Ihmels (copy) - Leeuwkop Camp 1940. Tscheuschner to Lörtscher (2 copies) - o.O. 1943. Lawton, Brandt, Schmidt to friends (newsletter) - Hamburg, Dresden 1941. Freytag, Lehmann to the mission workers in the homeland (newsletter) - Munich 1953. Ev.-luth. Landeskirchenrat an Erlanger Zentralstelle der Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (impression) - Moshi o.J. Riedel an ? (telegram) - Baviaanspoort 1944. Carstens to Memmen - Marangu 1956. Njau to Gutmann (transcript) - Berlin 1937. Reich and Prussian Ministers of the Interior to Chief Presidents of the Province of Westphalia (concerning "Collection Law of 5 November 1934 ... Circular of 9 June 1937 ... unlawful church collections") - Würzburg 1942. "Wolfgang" to "father" (private) - Schwabach 1955. Private letter to parents or grandparents - o.O., o.J. ? to ? (Part of a letter?) - "Our medical mission" annual report presented at the general meeting of the Missionsärztlichen Verein zu Leipzig ... 1941 by Küchler (typewritten, 4 p.) - 122nd Annual Report of the Leipzig Mission. 16 S. (ed.) - Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (ed.): Vom Dienst der Leipziger Mission. n.d. 8 p. (dr.) - From the service of the Leipzig Mission. 124th Annual Report 1942/43 and 125th Annual Report 1943/44 (8 pages each, printed) - Annual Report 1940/41 of the Hotschuan-Mission e.V. 16 pages. The plough of God. Annual report 1944/45 of the Hotschuan-Mission e. V. 16 p. (dr.) - "Mission people we want to think about" 2 p. (dr.) - Freytag, W. "Look over the borders. On the state of world mission." Hamburg 1946. (printed 32 p.; copy of machine 15 p.) - Machame 1959. Schmiedel to College of the Leipzig Mission (annual report 1958; typed; 15 p.; copy) - Moshi, St.: Welcome address to the leaders of the Church in Africa and Europe who were guests in Tanganyika. 1960. 4 p. - Roever, H.: Letter from Rev. H. Roever. Perambalur, Tiruchy Dt. (S. India) o.J. 4 S. (printed) - 2 newspaper clippings (Nürnberger Stadtspiegel 1955 "Pfarrer Jaeschke nahm Abschied von Nürnberg"; "Landesmissionsfest: Aufruf zur Nächstenliebe" ohne Quellenangabe, o.J.) - "Mitteilungsblatt des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Sonderaufgaben 2. Jg., No. 5/6, Munich 1947, p. 20/21 (machine copy) - Kaul, R.: Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergerschen Stenographie für Kaufleute. Dresden 1923. 74 p. (printed) - "Vorträge von Dr. Mergner aus Würzburg" 1948 - "Reiseplan" o.J. - Castell 1948 1948 - "Reiseplan für die Ärztliche Mission 1948" - "Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für Ärzte in Übersee" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Abrechnung" - Sausenhofen 1948 - Pfarramt an Herrn Mergner (13 pupils in grades 5-8 write about a lecture by Mergner)

Bacmeister, Walter
ALMW_II._32_60 · Akt(e) · 1904-1945
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 60 1 - Sketch of one to the Ev.-luth. mission leased piece of crown land in the landscape Moshi - sketch "Mwika" - "sketch of the mission Shira" - "sketch of the mission station Arusha" September 1912 - "pastureland mission Meru" - "plan of the station Nkoaranga" signed. by Everth after a drawing by Küster - "Land bei Madschame" No. 1 and 2 - Machame 1912. "Situation plan of the mission station Shira" - Arusha 1904. Purchase contract (copy): State treasury of Deutschostafrika to Ev.-.luth. Mission to Leipzig / Fassmann (2-fold) - Arusha 1908. transcript purchase contract: Mulia an Mission (Fokken) (2-fold) - "site plan over a property in Nkyani" - Arusha 1906. no. 46 transcript purchase contract: Landesfiskus von Deutsch-Ostafrika sold to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (Fassmann) (2-fold) with a sketch - "transcript of the 2nd copy. Farm No. 17": State Treasury of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and Mission Meru (Krause) (2-fold) - Arusha 1908. Purchase contract: Mangi Saroni to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (Fokken) (2-fold) - Moshi 1898. Copy of a copy. Protocol "Chief Matunta of Meru" 1896 Property handed over to Imperial Governor to Leipzig Mission. - Sango 1899, copy of the purchase contract: "Between the chief of the landscape Kibonata Ngalami" and the Leipzig Mission ("Old Mission property in Shira") (2-fold) - "Contract about purchase lease of crown land" ("New Mission land in Shira"): State Treasury to Mission (Fassmann) - "Property of the Mission Nkarungo (Madschame)" Sketch - Moshi. "Lease No 28": State Treasury and Mission (Fassmann) (2-fold). FICHE NR. 60 2 - Sketch ? Made after the original by Alberti - note by Paul - Tanga 1902. Execution of purchase contract: Paesler, Machame and "Chief of Madschame" Schangali (2-fold) - Moshi 1904. Purchase contract: Landesfiskus an Leipziger Mission (Fassmann) (2-fold) - Reference to 2 other documents in the archive of the Obermadschame mission station - Moshi 1904. Purchase contract: Landesfiskus an Leipziger Mission (Fassmann) - Mamba 1903. Execution. Lecture. Purchase contract: State Treasury to Leipzig Mission (Fassmann - Mwika) (2-fold) - Moshi 1900. Copy. Purchase contract: State Treasury to Leipzig Mission (Althaus - Mamba) (2-fold) - Reference to 2 further purchase and donation documents in the archive of Mamba - Marangu 1895. Copy. Purchase contract: Leipzig Mission (Althaus) and "Chief of Mamba Koimbere" (2-fold) - Moshi 1906. Copy. Landschenkung: from "Msami Mrema, mangi ya Pokomo" to Leipzig Mission (Swahili?) (2-fold) - copy. Sketch "School property Natiro in the landscape Pokoma" - Moshi 1908. transcript. Landschenkung: "Salema Moshi, mangi ya Moshi" to Leipziger Mission (Swahili?) (2-fold) - Moshi 1913. land surveyor Erdmann (concerning cost calculation for the Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig) - Moshi 1913. receipt - 1920. Weishaupt to Everth, Fokken, Vierhub, Thiele "questionnaire. Station: ..." New-Moshi; Moshi; Mamba; Machame (filled out) ("...Preparation work ... in the event that a claim for compensation is submitted.") - various handwritten notes - one printed page - form of an accompanying letter for the transmission of the statutes of the newly founded Missionsärztliche Verein Leipzig (printed 5 times). FICHE No 60 3 - "Annex to the principles for the valuation of planting enterprises. "Samples of damage claims." (printed) - "Instructions for filing a claim for damage to movable property." (printed) - Advertising of the Alfred Kientopf Verlag, Berlin - o.O., o.J. Maschinegeschrieben (concerning question of compensation). FICHE NR. 60 4 - Continuation of the "Musterbeispiele für Schadenanmeldungen" (printed) - "Reichs-Gesetzblatt Jahrgang 1920 Nr. 11" (printed) - 1920th Fokken an Missionsinspektor - 1920th Weishaupt an Mauer, Thiele, Hohlfeld, Fokken, Fuchs, Hauptmann, Michel, Itta-meier "Fragebogen. Station..." Shira; Masama; Mwika; Arusha; Shigatini; Usangi; Mbaga; Wudee; Ruruma u.a. (altogether 10) - Leipzig 1920. Stamberg "Index of the inventory of the station Mwika" - Schachschneider (list concerning Nkoaranga) - Rother (list concerning Gonja) - List "Questionnaire sent to: .... have completed: ..." - Grundsätze für die Wertberechnung von Pflanzungsunternehmungen in den deutschen Schutzgebieten Aufgestellt im Reichsministerium für Wiederaufbau Kolonialzentralverwaltung im Dezember 1920" (printed). FICHE No. 60 5 - Continued "Principles ..." - "Supplement to the Principles for the Valuation of Plantation Enterprises." 1921 (printed) - "Der Kolonialdeutsche" magazine, 1st volume, No. 9, September 1921 - Oberschlema 1921. Excerpt from a letter from Müller to Weishaupt - 1921. Weishaupt to Knak - Berlin 1921. Knak to Weishaupt (2 letters) - "Pressekorrespondenz des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart" volume III, No. 45, Stuttgart 1921 - 1921. Weishaupt to Müller - Oberschlema 1921. Müller to Mission Inspector (Weishaupt) (2 letters) - Leipzig 1921. Weishaupt to Governor Dr. Hahl (transcript) - Berlin 1921. New Guinea Compagnie to Ev.luth Mission zu Leipzig - Cover sheet "Board of Trustees or return of our property." - Linden 1922. Excerpt from a letter room to mission director - "Plots of our mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a." (typewritten) - Arpka 1924. Beautiful to Ihmels (property of the station Mamba) - 1924. Oldewage to Leipziger Mission (property of the stations Shigatini and Usangi) - Gleisberg 1924. Everth to mission director (property of the station Neumoshi) - Sachsgrün 1924. Stamberg (property of the station Mwika) - Moshi 1916. receipt - Unterleinleiter 1924. Wall at Ihmels (concerning property of the station Shira) - Jessen at Leipziger Mission (concerning Shira) - Bayreuth 1924. Fox at Leipziger Mission (concerning the station Shira) - Bayreuth 1924. Shigatini) - List "Estimated value of East African stations" (typewritten) - Schwepnitz 1924. Michel to director of missions (concerning Wudee) - "Station Ruruma (Iramba)" "Station Gonja" - Eichigt 1924. Thiele to director of missions (concerning Masama). FICHE NR. 60 6 - continued - 1924 Wärthl an Missionsdirektor - Königsfeld 1924. Müller (concerning Missionsgrundstück Machame; August 1920) - "Missionseigentum in Masama" - translation "Letter of the Board of Trustees of German Missions to the Augustana Synod d. d. 5. Novbr. 1923" (German) - London 1923. International Missionary Council an Missionsdirektor Paul (English) - London 1923. Tanganyika Trust an Paul (English) - London 1923 / 1928 Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland an Ihmels (4 letters; English) - 1925 An Board of Trustees at H. Maclennan (4 letters) - London 1925 Tanganyika Trust an Ihmels bzw. Weishaupt (4 letters; English) - handwritten notes - Dar esalaam 1928 Copy "Official Gazette Vol.IX,No.16. ... Mission Property in Tanganyika Territory." (English; typed) - 1928. An Gibson (2 letters) - London 1928. International Missionary Council an Ihmels (English) - London 1930. Bernstorff (German Embassy) an Weichert (2 letters; transcript) - Berlin 1930. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Weichert) an Ihmels (3 letters) - London o.J. Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland an Weichert (English) - Excerpt from a letter to Bernstorff, German Embassy, London by ? - Daressalaam 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission (copy) - Shigatini 1932. No. 26. Fuchs an Kollegium - Shigatini 1932. Fuchs an Weishaupt - Bethel 1932. Bethel-Mission an Weishaupt (betr. "Return of the mission estates; copy) - Neuendettelsau 1933. Missionsanstalt Neuendettelsau (Eppelein) to the directorate of the Leipzig Missionsgesellschaft z.H. Weishaupt - 1933. Weishaupt to Eppelein - Daressalaam 1933. Roehl to Mission Director - Mosau 1934. Roehl to Doctor - Usa River 1935. German Federation for East Africa to Ihmels - Dar es Salaam 1936. Clark to Rother (English) - Marangu 1936. Rother to Mission Inspector - Leipzig 1936. An Clark - Dar es Salaam 1938. Barclays Bank Chambers / Clarke to Leipzig Mission - 1937. "Tanganyika Territory. the Land (Perpetual Succession) Ordinance ... Certificate of Registration." - Dar esalaam 1949. "Notes of a Meeting in the Secretariat on ... 1949, to Consider the Disposal of Ex-German Mission Property." (typewritten; English) - Daressalaam 1949. transcript "German Mission Property (Disposal)" (English) - "Memorandum of Meeting between the Member for Lands and Mines and Doctor Anderson of the National Lutheran Council held on the ... 1949, to decide valuations of properties of the Former German Missions which it is proposed that Government should not revest in the National Lutheran Council" - Leipzig 1949. "An die Christen der Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika." - Leipzig 1949. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1949. "Kwa Wakristo wa Kanisa la Upande wa Kaskazini, Tanganyika Territory" - Leipzig 1949. "To the Christians of the Lutheran Church, Northern Area, Tanganyika Territory." (English) - Königswalde 1950. Stamberg to Mission Director - 1950. To Stamberg. FICHE NR. 60 7- - Continued - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (English) - Arusha 1953. Custodian of Enemy Property an Anderson (English) - 1953. Anderson an Schiotz, National Lutheran Council (English) - "Excerpts from CYCOM March 31, 1954, Agenda" (English) - Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (CYCOM) Agenda March 1954 (English; 13 pages) - Dar esalaam 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission - 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission - 1932. Custodian of Enemy Property an Anderson (English) - 1953. Weishaupt to Rorarius - Bethel 1932. Rorarius to Weishaupt (concerning "restitution of the mission lands") - 1932. College of the Leipzig Mission (concerning power of attorney for Fuchs) - Leipzig 1932. College (concerning "Power of Attorney" for Roehl; English) - 1932. College (power of attorney for Roehl) - 1932. An Fuchs - 1932-1933. Weishaupt to Roehl (3 letters) - 1932. Weishaupt to Rorarius (2 letters).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Röhlsche Bible translation. Correspondence.
ALMW_II._32_30 · Akt(e) · 1928-1936
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

chneider skillful books - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Meseritz 1918. Schachschneider - Leipzig 1918. ? an Raum (English) - Leipzig 1918. Paul an The Lay Secretary, C.M.S., London (English) - Machame 1918. Müller an "Kinder" - Machame 1918. Mission Council in the Ev.-luth. Mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (settlement 1917; translation; 3-fold). - o.O. 1919 transcript of a report by Hauptmann about private life of Stelzner - 2nd part of the letter of Horn (see Fiche 33 8-) - Tura 1919. Michel. FICHE NR. 34 2 - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Guth, Fuchs (3 letters), Mauer, Schachschneider (German and English), Michel, Stelzner, Wärthl - Tura 1919. Schmidt (application for employment as teacher) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Tura 1919. Michel - Seelingstädt 1919. Schmidt - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Thiele, Rother, Everth, Wall, Knepper, Wärthl, Guth, Stelzner, Michel, Horn, Klöpfel (finances) - Tura 1919. Horn an "Mutter" (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider - 1919. Kollegium "An die in Aegypten internierten Missionare" (concerning behaviour in case of release; 2-fold) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneier (2 letters) - Frankfurt 1919. Michel (Pflanzer) to the Reichskolonialamt Berlin. "Report on my activities and experiences during the war in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and on my journey home..." (as attachment to a letter see Fiche no. 34 3 ; 2 copies) - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Guth - Tu

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_15 · Akt(e) · 1907-1991
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Nine fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 15 1 - Tracking - "The Foundation..." - "The foundation..." FICHE NR. 15 2 - Continued - "A Chagga Contribution in the Iraq Mission" Results of an Investigation in Northern Tanzania. Gertrud Heyn. Results of a trip from 1988 - "Tables on the exploration trip of the missionaries Müller and Fokken from Kilimanjaro to the southwest in June and July 1909" (printed) - Erlangen 1971. Extract from a letter from Hiller - List: 1971 and 1972 given for photocopying - Card "The Lutheran Church in Tanganyika" - "Abstract of a phonetics and grammar of Kinilamba (Iramba language)" by Ittameier (cover page only) - "Historical about her mission station Ruruma in the landscape Irumba. Evidence in the Ev.-luth. Mission sheet ... and from the files at the Ev.-luth. Mission..." (2-fold) - Bayreuth 1956. Wärthl ("On the foundation of the Leipzig mission station Ruruma in Iramba 45 years ago") - 1988. "On the history of the Iramba mission" - Lichtenfelde 1907. Meinhof - Berthelsdorf 1909. Mission Directorate of the Brethren-Unity. Chairman Hennig (2 letters) - 1909. To Berner Higher Administrative Court - 1909. Müller. FICHE NO 15 3 - Continued - "Tables on the..." (see above Fiche 15 2 ) (5-fold) - o.O., o.J. Müller - Ost-Machame. Report about the SW journey of the missionaries Müller and Fokken 1909 (in stenography) - sketch of the mission area Iramba - transmission of the stenogram (2fold) with sketch. FICHE NR. 15 4 - continued - "Mitteilungen über die auf der S.W. Expedition berührtten Sprachen" (formerly attached table missing) - sketch by Ittameier ("Iramba Plateau") - Friedenau 1909. Uhlig - Berlin 1909. Mitteilungen vom Staatssekretär - Kilrora 1909. House director to mission director - 12 photos (in copy almost nothing to recognize) - Breslau 1910. Oberkirchenkollegium to college - Leipzig 1911. Oberkirchenkollegium - Neuendettelsau 1911. Bavarian mission conference - Lorenzkirch 1911. Paul - 1911. Wärthl to accounting office of the mission to Moshi - Breslau 1911. Oberkirchenkollegium to college. FICHE NR. 15 5 - continued - Leipzig 1911. an Oberkirchenkollegium (2 letters, several times) - Leipzig 1911. an Nagel - Breslau 1911. oberkirchenkollegium - Mecklenburg 1912. Schliemann - 1912. An Schliemann (2 letters) - telegram - travel statement Mamba 1911. Ittameier - Machame 1911. Ittameier - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Ittameier (2 letters) - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Wärthl an Finanzabteilung des Kaiserlichen Gouvernements (transcript) - Iramba. Building plan of a house - Sketch of the mission area in Iramba - List of population - Sketch: Property of the ev.-luth. mission station Ruruma - Ruruma 1912. Wärthl - Leipzig 1912. Sektetariat an Wärthl (copy) - excerpt from a letter of Schwartz 1912 - Leipzig 1912. Power of attorney of Paul an Ittameier in Ruruma / Iramba or Wärthl in Ruruma - 1913. to Ruruma an ? - "Journey to the New Mission Area"; "Beginnings" by Ittameier in Ruruma 1912 (for Missionsblatt) - Annual Report Iramba 1912 (revised for print). FICHE NR. 15 6 - continued - Ruruma 1913. Ittameier "The latest news" (revised for printing) - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium (accounting report) - estimate for 1912 for Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Wärthl (list of the customs amounts; copy) - 1913 "Landschaftliches aus Iramba" Ittameier (for mission sheet) - Ruruma 1912. Ittameier an Kollegium (2 letters in copy) - Iramba 1912. Wärthl (cash report and invoice; 2 letters in copy) - Leipzig 1912. an? - Leipzig 1912. An? - Leipzig 1912. an Wärthl - Leipzig 1912. an Iramba missionaries (2 letters) - Leipzig 1912. secretariat an Ittameier - Leipzig 1913. after Ruruma (same content as in Fiche 15 5 ) - estimate for 1913 for Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Leipzig 1913. An Missionare in Iramba - Leipzig 1913. An Schwiegervater von Everth - Ruruma o.J. Wärthl "Von den Anilamba" (revised for print) - Ruruma 1913. Wärthl an Missionsinspektor. FICHE NR. 15 7 - Annual report Iramba 1913 Ittameier - Ruruma 1914 Ittameier - 1914 An Missionare in Iramba (2 letters) - Estimate for 1914 Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Shigatini 1914. mission council to missionaries in Ruruma / Iramba - 1914. telegram from Ittameier - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl to curator of Lieblinger's estate (transcript) - Ruruma 1914. to station Moshi (transcript) - Ruruma 1914. Ittameier to Kollegium - Mkalama 1914. Imperial district extension to Wärthl in Ruruma (concerning guardianship matter) - Moshi 1914. Imperial district judge / guardianship fortification to Ittameier - Leipzig 1914. To missionaries in Iramba - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl an Kollegium (copy) - Singida 1914. Imperial military post on Wärthl - Mkalama 1914. Imperial district branch (concerning school matters) - Morogoro 1914. Stage management / Singida military post on Wärthl (concerning school matters) - Mkalama 1914. Entry into the Schutztruppe) - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl at the command of the Kaiserliche Schutztruppe (concerning registration as war volunteer) - Delivery list 1914. - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl at the Kaiserliche Bezirksnebenstelle - Mkalama 1914. Imperial District Branch (Depository Receipt) - Mkalama 1914 Imperial District Branch to Missionaries in Ruruma - Ruruma / Makalama 1915. Everth - Moshi 1915. Imperial District Court to Everth (concerning appointment as guardian) - Ruruma 1915. Everth to Imperial District Branch Mkalama (with copy) - Ruruma 1915. Everth to Imperial District Court Moshi (report about guardianship) - Mkalama 1915. Imperial District Branch to Missionaries in Ruruma (report about guardianship) - Mkalama 1915. Land questions) - Shigatini 1915. fox to Everth - Makalama / Ruruma 1915. contract between Everth and Schreiber (concerning pigs) - annual report Ruruma April 1914-March 1915 - Ruruma 1915. Everth at district branch Umbulu - Mkalama 1915. Imperial district extension to missionaries in Ruruma - Morogoro 1915. Stage management to Everth - Ruruma o.J. Everth to district extension in Mkalama - Umbulu 1915. Imperial district extension to Everth - Ruruma 1915. Everth to Hermanns. FICHE NR. 15 8 - Continued - Ruruma 1915. Everth at stage command of the Schutztruppe - Kondoa-Jrangi 1915. Imperial district office to missionaries in Ruruma (concerning the Accusation, in the government school in Mkalama the natives were forced to Islam under blows) - Morogoro 1915. Stage management at Everth (concerning convocation) - Ruruma 1915. Everth at stage management - Mkalama 1915. Imperial district extension at Everth - o.O.., o.J. Everth an Gouverneur Schnee - Shigatini 1915. Fuchs an Everth (2 letters) - Neu-Moshi 1916. Eisenschmidt an Everth - Shigatini 1916. Missionsrat (Fuchs) an Everth - Umbulu 1916. Imperial district extension (concerning rejection of a new branch of the Leipzig Mission in Dongobesch) - Ruruma 1916. ? to Mission Council - Telegram - Mkalama 1916. letter in Swahili(?) - Mkalama 1916. Imperial District Officer to Everth - Mkalama "Political" to Everth (English) - 1917. Everth to "Political" (English) - Arusha 1918. Blumer to Müller (English) - Arusha 1918. Blumer to Müller (2 letters) - Machame 1918. Müller to Blumer (concerning the Lieblinger) - Mamba 1918. mission council (concerning Lieblinger) - Machame 1918. Müller with additions of Gutmann and space - Machame 1918. mission council to Blumer (concerning the "Iramba hybrid Friedrich" Lieblinger; German and English) - Machame 1918. Müller with an addition of Gutmann - excerpt from a letter of Blumer 1918 - Ruruma (headwords to various topics) - Leipzig 1919. "Discussion about the cash situation in Iramba" - Leipzig 1920. Weishaupt to District Commissioner Mkalama (copy; English) - Berlin 1920. Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Bank an Wärthl - Eschenbach 1920. Wärthl an Weishaupt - Machame 1924. Hult. "("Copy of a report presented to the Conference of the Missionaries of The Tanganyika Lutheran Mission") - 1931. Board of Foreign Missions of the Augustana Synod. (Johnson) to Ittameier (English; transcript; concerning questions of ownership in East Africa) - 1931. Board of Foreign... (MacLennan) to Johnson, Minnesota, U.S.A. - Nkoaranga 1931. Ittameier to Mission Director (on property issues) - Leipzig 1931. An Everth (on property issues) - 1931. An Johnson (on property issues in East Africa and Lpz. declaration) - Nkoaranga 1931. Mission concerning Iramba) - Iramba 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium - Estimate Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Ittameier - 1912. Kollegium an Missionare der Iramba-Mission - Ruruma 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium (concerning the report of the Iramba mission) - o.O., o.J. College to Wärthl. FICHE NR. 15 9- - continued - Ruruma 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium - 1912. Kollegium an Missionare der Iramba-Mission - Estimate 1913 Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - 1913. college to missionaries of the Iramba mission (5 letters) - 1913. college to Wärthl - 1913. secretariat to Ittameier - Ruruma - 1913. Ittameier to college - Ruruma - 1913. Wärthl to college with 2 letters to the financial department of the Imperial Governor in Daressalaam (copies) - estimate 1914 Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Accounting reports Iramba 1912-1914. Wärthl - 1914. College to missionaries in Ruruma (5 letters) - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl (2 letters) - Telegram to Wärthl (not given up).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_59 · Akt(e) · 1913-1967
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 59 1 - 1914-1919, 1922-1925, 1927-1930, 1932-1935, 1938-1939. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission stations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Shigatini 1915. Fuchs an Leipziger Mission - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission in Leipzig - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927.luth. mission in Arusha - map of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and South India - annual report of the Ev.-luth. mission in Leipzig about the year 1919. publisher of the Ev.-luth. mission (ed., 38 p.). FICHE NR. 59 2 - 1919-1921. mission council "Stand der Evang.-luth. (Leipziger) Mission in East Africa" (statistics) - 1927. statistics of the station Mwika - o.O., o.J. copy from letter of Fokken. FICHE NR. 59 3 - 1939, 1948, 1952, 1956 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Tanganyika Land - Information form for Luth. Churches and/or Missions for the year 1958 - 1960, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Northern Tanganyika (Swahili). FICHE NR. 59 4- - 1931: Excerpts from the official Gazette No. 1-4 - Machame 1931. Note by Schwär (concerning the selection from the official Gazette) - Berlin 1939. Foreign Office to Paessler - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels to "Friends" (concerning the password question) - Bethel 1940. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft an Ihmels und Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Küchler: "Memorandum on the situation in the field of work of the Evangelical Church - Berlin 1940.luth. mission to Leipzig in German East Africa" (typewritten; 4 p.) - ? 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. German Protestant Mission Council (Knak) to Auswärtiges Amt (draft) - Berlin 1940. Knak to? (copy from a letter from the Federal Foreign Office) - Schleusingen 1910. constituent announcement of the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bautzsch 1913. report from Kilimanjaro to the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bremen 1929. Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits to Missionaries - statutes of the German Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - n.d. Report of the German Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade: "On the State of the Alcohol Trade in Africa and on the Measures to Combat it" (Maschinegeschreiben; 5 p.) - Berlin 1930. Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade to its Members - Berlin 1939. "Suggestions for measures to reduce alcohol consumption among the indigenous population of Africa" - Berlin 1931. Submission by the German Society for Native American Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eingeborenen-Kunde) - Berlin 1938. Special print from the monthly newspaper of the North German Mission Society. German association to combat the African spirits trade. Article: "To combat alcohol shortage in Africa" (ed. 4 p.) - o.O., o.J. Draft questionnaire to determine alcohol shortage in Africa.

Leipziger Missionswerk