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Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0745 · Akt(e) · 1908-01-01 - 1910-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1843/1908; EndVNr: E 2775/1908; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 2 f., the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, pp. 1, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1908), pp. 58 - Delivery of duplicates to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, pp. 175 f., the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 93, 95, 235 ff., 253 ff., and the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, (1908, 1909), pp. 12 ff., 151 ff.- Cooperation with the Städtisches Museum für Natur- und Heimatkunde, Magdeburg, pp. 243 f., and the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1908), pp. 324 f.- Cooperation with the Royal Institute for Infectious Diseases, Berlin, pp. 130, the Commission for the Study of the Protectorates, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 40, 53, 72 ff., 89, 91 f., 251, and the African Society, London, (1908, 1909), pp. 180 ff. - submission of duplicates to the Colonial Economic Committee, Berlin, pp. 58, and the Handelsschule, Cologne, (1908), pp. 58.- cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1908), pp. 174.- cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 231, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. - cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 631, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. Cooperation with missionaries, pp. 15, 141, the Basler Mission, pp. 267 ff., 275, and the White Fathers, (1908), pp. 293 ff.- Kamerun-Expedition, Thorbecke, (1908), pp. 59 ff.- Zimmermann: Report on the Exploitation of Weapons, (1908), p. 16 - Rehse: Suggestions for a Research Trip, p. 23 f., together with Map, (1908), Sketch, p. 25 - "The Origin of the Bushmen, Hottentot and Bantu Negro". In: Windhoek News : 1909-07-10, p. 149 - "Bushman paintings." In: Cape Times : 1908-10-07, p. 173. - Thomas, Struck and others: Creation of a linguistic questionnaire for the colonies, (1908, 1909), pp. 177 ff. - offer of the Grundmann company, [1908], pamphlet, pp. 262 f. - Vöhringer: Description of the programme, (1908), pp. 271 f. - Karasek: Request for support for his research on the Waschambae, (1908), pp. 282 f. - Proposals for honouring Weule and Meyer, (1908), pp. 286 ff. - Scheunemann: Offer of the scepter of Diba von Bertua, (1908), pp. 300 f.

ALMW_II._32_208 · Akt(e) · ohne Datum
Teil von Francke's Foundations in Halle

Three fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 208 1 Gutmann, B.: (mostly these are copies) - "Our neighbouring continent" 1960. Typewritten. 8 p. "Our task in East Africa". Address at the memorial service on May 24, 1943. Typewritten. 7 p. - Gutmann, B.: "Help - do not destroy. The threat to the established order in the developing world." special prints: Time change. The new furrow. pages 304-313. "The Closed Altar Community." Ehingen 1957. Typewritten. 7 p. - "Child Abduction and Slave Catching in Africa." 1961. Typewritten. 11 p. "Mau-Mau´ - what is it?" From: Ev. Gemeindeblatt für die Kirchenbezirke Feuchtwangen, Dinkelsbühl, Wassertrüdingen No. 10, 1954. Typed by machine. 2 p. - "Christening companionship" special print from "Evangelische Volkskalender 1952" Rothenburg ob der Tauber. 2 p. - "Baptismal companionship!" Ehingen 1951. Typewritten. 5 p. - "Briefing on Pastoral Ministry in a Christian Church." Ehingen 1940. Typewritten. 11 S. - Hopf, W. u.a. (Ed.): "Lutherische Blätter" No. 65, 12. jg. Celle 1960 / u.a. Gutmann, E.: "Einweisung in den Hirtendienst an einer christlichen Gemeinde" Pages 40-53. FICHE NR. 208 2 - Continuation (with other articles, not Gutmann) - "The three factors" (written by Gutmann at the request of an American missionary who had "asked for the three most important factors for the healthy development of the work for his doctoral thesis on the history of Jaggamission") Ehingen 1962. Typewritten. 6 p. - "Africa on fire - set the backfire, you Christians!" Ehingen 1953. Typewritten. 6 p. - "Bantu peoples are We peoples" Ehingen 1963. Typewritten. 6 p. - "They missed the way to the hearts of Africans." o.J. typed. 7 S.- From Inside to Outside - the Lutheran Way." Typewritten. End missing. 2 S. - "Child and neighbour, two crystallization points for the division of the Christian community", n.a. typewritten. 11 p. - "The Uprising at Kenya and Its Motives." n.J. typewritten. 4 p. - "The recording of conscience in the New Testament" n.a. typewritten. 13 p. - "Neither Volkskirche nor Standeskirche, but Gemeindekirche." o.J. Maschinegeschrieben. pages 1-5. FICHE no. 208 3- - continued pages 6-9 - "The first main piece as a mirror of the people's neighbourhood", not typewritten. 15 p. - "The Elder to Kyria, the Chosen One" n.a. typed. 4 p. - "Freedom and Money" o.J. typewritten. 3 p. - "Vom Ursprung der Rauschgetränke" special edition: "Studium Generale", 1st year, issue 5, Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg 1948, pages 265-272 - "Das Grundmaß. To Luther's interpretation of the first article of faith." n.a. typewritten. 5 p. - "The Church and the Sacrament of the Altar" n.a. typewritten. 9 p. - "I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord." O.J. typed. 6 S.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Martin Heydrich's correspondence with:
Best. 614, A 217 · Akt(e) · 1939-1948
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Includes: Körner, Theo Editing of the Japan Bibliography for the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Dammann, Ernst Lecture at the University of Cologne on Languages of Communication in Tropical Africa, 1942; Editing of a Bibliography of Bantus Languages, 1942; Draws-Tychsen, Hellmut Publication of his article "Gedenkblatt für Hjalmar Stolpe" in the Ethnologische Anzeiger, 1941; Eberhard, W., Ankara Mangelahfte Form of the publication of his China bibliography; editing of a Turkey bibliography; 1940 - 1943; Grau, Rudolf, Leipzig, Feldpostbriefe u. Herne Delivery of the manuscripts for the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde"; vacant custodian post at the Museums for Animal and Ethnology in Dresden, 1941; destruction of his ethnological documents, books, card indexes and the manuscript of the bibliography "Allgemeine Völkerkunde" by a bomb hit on his flat in Leipzig, 1944; compensation for the loss by the Reichskriegsschädenamt, 1944; release from American war captivity, job search, 1945; arrest of Gs. 25.9.1945 in Herne and imprisonment in an internment camp; imprisonment of Eugen Fischer and Otto Reche, 1946; foundation of an interim editorial committee for the Ethnological Anzeiger zur Erhaltung der Lizenz, 1946; work at the Volkshochschule in Herne, 1948; exhibition of references, 1948; recruitment to the Volksschuldienst, 1948; 1939 - 1948; Helbig, Karl, Hamburg Free provision of 3 copies of the Ethnological Anzeiger (Eth.A.) Collaboration on the bibliography of the Eth.A.; 1941; Hilgers-Hesse, Irene, Köln-Braunsfeld Termination of her position at the Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln, 1942; Application for an assistant position at the Ethnological Institute of the University of Cologne; Collaboration on the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1948; Kroll, Hubert, Essen Mrs. Kroll Participation in seminar exercises with Julius Lips, 1928; Obituary for Kr. in the Eth.A.., 1941, submission of manuscripts for publication in the Eth.A., 1941; Meyer, Emmi, Hamburg Lectures at the University of Cologne; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; processing of her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, 1943, capture and transport of Damann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald on 10. September 1944; possibility of re-habilitation to Cologne; bomb damage at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Cologne, at Heydrich's apartment, 1943; work on her Bali grammar, missing report about Dammann in Tunisia, capture and transport of Dammann to the USA, Texas, 1944; death of Meinhof in Greifswald.2.1944; 1942 - 1946; Reichskolonialbund, Berlin 1939 - 1948 Subscription to the periodical "Deutsche Kolonial-Zeitung" and acquisition of other periodicals; takeover of an ethnographic collection from Knechtsteden by the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; 1932 - 1943; Schilde, W., Feldpostbriefe und Plauen Erforschung des Nilgebiets im Auftrag des kolonial-politischen Amtes, 1941; habilitation project with Otto Reche and his topic "Orakel und Gottesurteile in Afrika, 1941; application for the custodian position at the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde in Dresden (Nachfolge Heydrich), 1941; collaboration on the bibliography for the Eth.A.; Tod Schildes 1942; wife Charlotte S., Plauen, purchase of the scientific library of her husband; 1940 - 1944; von Stackelberg, Maria, Baroness, Vienna, editing of the bibliography on Japan and Korea for the Eth.A.; 1942 - 1944; Waehner, Siegfried, Dresden, publication of the results of his research trip to the Tikuna and Katukino, 1941; 1941.old signatures: 217.