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Archival description
10 - Depot A
10 · Fonds
Part of Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: In the second half of the 19th century, the municipal administration became increasingly differentiated. Little by little, individual municipal offices were established instead of the council deputations that had been active up to then. Portfolio 10 Depot A contains the files of the administrative offices (in contrast to the technical and building offices, which can be found in portfolio 11 Depot B). Scope: 5604 units/155 linear metres Content: files on land register, guardianship, municipal and commercial court, seizure, registry office; city relations with king and country; citizenship and emigration; municipal residents; military; statistics; celebrations and anniversaries; savings, insurance and provident funds; welfare and charity; fire protection; agriculture and forestry; public facilities and squares; trades and guilds; measure and weight; transport. In the Second World War they were lost: Files on the subjects of medicine, police, church, education, sport, art, science, sociability, financial management. Duration: 1504 - 1949 Instructions for use: The 10 Depot A portfolio was provided with new, simple signatures in 2006/2007. If you are looking for units of stock using the old signatures, please note the notes in the preface. Foreword: Notes on use The title recordings of the Depot A holdings correspond to the original titles of the files as they were noted on the file covers. Since the contents of the files were not checked when the holdings were recorded at the time, the contents of a file may therefore go beyond the title given or contain only general or indirect information on the subject given (e.g. only newspaper cuttings). When searching for relevant documents, it makes sense to carry out a broad search in terms of content. Similarly, when searching via classification, it should be noted that the respective assignment of the units to a classification point was originally very abstract and therefore different points should be considered. Occasionally, file covers do not contain any documents. As a rule, these are the units that do not have a scope. Exceptions are possible, however, as units were inadvertently omitted during surveying. The portfolio was renumbered in 2006/2007 and the units consecutively numbered (for details see next page "Further information on the portfolio"). The signatures 1281, 2560 to 2659, and 5233 were not assigned. A concordance of the old and new signatures can be found in the appendix to the inventory. Extensive units were divided for better manageability during the re-signing process. Divisions can be identified by the note "Continuation No. ..." or "Continuation of No. ...". Existing page numbers in the title were not adjusted. Numbers 5535-5602 follow number 2814 in the Findbuch, but it should be noted that in the case of the duration information, the entire time frame of the event or topic covered by the file was often given, or in the case of personal units (especially personal files and honorary citizen files) the life data of the person concerned and not the dates of the documents contained. Due to losses during the Second World War, about half of the original stock has been preserved. The collection comprises a total of 5530 units with a running time of 1504 to 1949, with a focus on the period from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1930s. When ordering units, you need the following information: 10 - Unit number If you refer to documents from the inventory, please attach a source reference according to this sample: City Archive Stuttgart - 10 - Number of Unit Further information on the holdings History of the authorities Around 1870 the central administrative and notarial registry of the city of Stuttgart was established, as well as a separate building registry for the building and building police department with the technical offices. The main tasks included the administration of the files, the keeping of diaries with entry of entries and exits, the supervision of appointments, the examination of the newspapers for articles concerning the city administration and the appropriate forwarding of these, as well as the preparation of various lists and the execution of other activities, often not belonging to the direct field of duties. The "administrative registry" and the "building registry" were merged into the "registry" office in 1912 by municipal council resolution. Some of the previous tasks were transferred to other departments of the city administration. Until the 1930s, however, the two registries were kept separate despite the merger. During the gradual departure of the municipal offices from the town hall, the older, no longer needed documents were left there and thus formed the main part of the two registries. History of the holdings In the course of the foundation of the Stuttgart City Archive on 01.10.1928, the existing archive holdings were divided into a historical archive and an administrative archive. The period 1820-1850 was defined as the approximate boundary between the two archives. The administrative archives contained above all the two large registries that had grown up at the head office: firstly, the administrative registry of the city, known in the archives as Depot A, and the building registry, known in the archives as Depot B. These holdings were supplemented in the archives after 1945 by mostly older documents that were thematically related but of a different origin (provenance). These additions were not marked in detail, a reconstruction of the holdings with regard to their origin (according to the provenance principle usual today) would be theoretically possible due to the original file covers which are usually still preserved. The holdings Depot A is thus a kind of thematic collection, in which however 90 documents correspond to the provenance principle. The duration of the collection covers the period from 1504 to 1949, with the focus ranging from the beginning of the 19th century to the middle of the 1930s. The preserved documents of the administrative registry of the city of Stuttgart (Depot A), which was established around 1870, together with the building registry (Depot B), represent the central file on the history of Stuttgart up to approx. 1935. The original registry signatures were largely retained in the archive until 2007 as archive signatures and the signature system for the documents thematically supplemented in the archive (see above) was extended accordingly if required. The depot A comprises the main groups already formed in the registry A. Justice Administration B. Regiminal Administration C. Police Administration D. Church system E. Education F. Care of sociability and entertainment G. Financial administration These are files of all areas of activity of the city administration. After the Second World War, Bruno Lenz ordered and recorded the files of the collection. For this purpose, the files were recorded in the order of the registry with the registry numbers specified in the file plan and a short title taken from the envelope of the respective Federation of Files, without, however, checking the contents of the file. A more detailed property and person index with details of the units was completed by Robert Starnitzki in 1969. This can be seen in the reading room of the city archive, but it refers to the old signatures. Processing of the holdings 2006/2007 The original finding aid book of the holdings Depot A with a total of 5530 units, available in typewritten form in 3 volumes, was transferred from September 2006 to February 2007 to the Augias 8 indexing software by Gerd Lange under the supervision of Sabine Schrag and Christina Wewer. Unusual abbreviations within the original find book were resolved. The following changes were made to the portfolio: New signatures: In preparation for the transfer of the find books, Volker Hauptfleisch resigned the old registry signatures, which continued to be used in the archive and consisted of upper and lower case letters and Roman and Arabic numerals, to simple, consecutive Arabic numerals in the order of the old signatures. In this way, the ordering of files is simplified for the user and confusion is avoided. The original signatures reflected the file plan and/or the table of contents (also classification or systematics) of the existence with its hierarchical and logical stages. Below these logical levels, the units were numbered consecutively in volumes (these were not bound volumes, but a further logical subdivision), and below them again in individual numbers, which represented the actual orderable units. Example: B I, 5, vol. 1 no. 1 The last level (no.) is occasionally divided into further units by lower-case letters. Through the re-signing the signature B I, 5, vol. 1, no. 1 became the signature no. 770. The old signature was noted at each unit. Due to an oversight during the re-signing, a gap of 100 numbers has arisen in the new numbering. The numbers 1281, 2560 to 2659 were not assigned. The number 2559 is therefore directly followed by the number 2660. The number 5233 was also not assigned. In some cases, signatures were assigned twice. Letters were attached to these signatures in order to identify them unambiguously (example: No. 1870 a and No. 1870 b). These letter annexes therefore do not refer to a substantive connection between the units. Units which were lost by other means only after the war losses were marked with the note "missing", partly with the date when the absence was discovered. They will continue to be listed in the search book in order to record which files were originally available. In a few cases, numbers were accidentally assigned to units that no longer existed. The units were also measured during the relocation and the circumference was given in cm (with a few exceptions). The units no. 5535-5602 (old signatures B IX, 1, vol. 1, no. 10a, reg. no. 1 to B IX, 1, vol. 1, no. 10a) already follow the number 2814 in the find book. Revised classification: The classification (table of contents, systematics) was adapted to the same extent as the signatures: instead of combinations of letters and numbers, a hierarchically structured system consisting of Arabic numerals was used. The classification point C VIII 3 d aa became, for example, The classification or the table of contents of the original search book is based on the file plan of the administrative registry. In the appendix volume of the inventory all original classification points are contained, in the table of contents of the present finding aid book only those classification points were specified, to which documents exist. Documents that no longer existed were destroyed by the effects of war. The classification points, which are thus no longer occupied by units, are an important indication of what documents were once available in the city administration. Overall, more than half of the classification points are no longer documented. The classification point 01.03.03. Guardianship, inheritance and notary system was supplemented during the software input by further subitems, since in the original find book such a division was already given by headings. December 2008 Christina Wewer See also fonds 13 Hauptaktei (called: Bürgermeisteramt), 1897-1945.

BArch, N 2225/16 · File · Sept. 1906 - Nov. 1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Reports on Cameroon statistics - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft contract for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft reports for the foundation of a rubber syndicate - Draft rubber.

Pfeil, Joachim von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 7/2 · Fonds · (1714-1719), 1853-1987
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

The Order of St John, which came into being with the crusade movement at the end of the 11th century, fell victim to secularisation at the beginning of the 19th century, as did all religious institutions. The German Grand Priory in Heitersheim (in the Breisgau region) was dissolved in 1805/6 with its subordinates, including those in the new Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Württemberg. The Brandenburg Bailiwick, which since the 14th century enjoyed a special position within the Grand Priorate of Germany strengthened by the conversion to Protestantism around 1540, was not secularised until 1811, but remained in existence in the form of an Order of Merit for persons of Protestant and Russian Orthodox denomination who deserved to serve the Prussian king, the royal house and the monarchy. In 1852 King Friedrich Wilhalm IV of Prussia restored the Ballei Brandenburg of the Order of St. John. The initiative for the revival of the Order and for the foundation of "cooperatives" in the Prussian provinces and in southern Germany also proceeded from it. The development in Württemberg was concluded in June 1858 with the award of corporate law, i.e. the status of a legal entity, to the "Cooperative of Knights of the Bailiwick Brandenburg of the Order of St John of Wuerttemberg in the Kingdom of Württemberg" residing in Stuttgart. It was joined by knights from Baden and - until the foundation of a cooperative society in the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1888 - also by Bavarian knights. There was no intention to found a cooperative of its own for Baden several times, so in 1906 the cooperative was renamed "Württembergisch-Badensche Genossenschaft des Johanniterordens". Since 1978 it has been called "Baden-Württembergische Kommende des Johanniterordens". It was originally a legal person by royal Württemberg sovereign act and is now a non-profit registered association of civil law. The Baden-Württemberg Kommende of the Order of St John is subordinated to the Ballei Brandenburg, which is subdivided into a total of 20 cooperatives or Kommende. At the head of the Order, which also includes Johanniter groups in Belgium, Austria, the USA and South Africa, is the Master of Masters, who is elected by the Chapter, the supreme decision-making body. His deputy is the governor of the order. The members of the order are classified as honorary knights, legal knights, commentators, honorary comedians or honorary members, depending on their activity or their probation. The Baden-Württemberg Kommende is headed by a "Governing Commentator", who exercises his office together with the board (convention) of the cooperative. On the knight days, which are held annually, pending questions are discussed. As tasks of the order the statute of the Ballei Brandenburg of 24.6.1853, also binding for the Württemberg cooperative, specifies above all the "defence of the Christian religion in particular of the Protestant confession", the "fight against unbelief", as well as the "service and (the) care of the sick" as tasks of the order. An expansion of the tasks took place with the statute of the Baden-Württembergische Kommende of 30 September 1978 § 2 (2): "The purpose of the association is the promotion of the general public through care and assistance for the sick, the elderly, the physically and economically weak, as well as young people and children. The Association carries out this activity in hospitals, old people's homes and other social institutions, as well as through affiliated working and auxiliary communities. In times of external and internal danger, the Association is particularly dedicated to "the wounded, the sick and other injured". In addition to their historically founded, intensive diaconal commitment, the Kommende is characterised by a pronounced cultural commitment. It is supported by three pillars: the archive, the library and the museum. The Archive of the Order has been located in the Main State Archive in Stuttgart since 1969. The Johanniter Library was founded after World War II. It contains valuable bibliophile works from six centuries, especially from the history of the order. Since 2007, the library has been housed as a deposit in the Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe. The Johanniter Museum Krautheim a. d. Jagst is a joint institution of the town and the Kommende. The historical building, which was originally owned by the Order of St John and then by the Teutonic Order, now belongs to the city, the exhibits of the Kommende. The museum was opened in 1978 and was given a new appearance in 2006 on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the city. The Commentators of the Baden-Württemberg Commentaries: 1858-1868 Frhr. Wilhelm vom Holtz 1868-1888 Graf Wilhelm von Taubenheim 1888-1908 Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe.Langenburg 1908-1947 Prince Ernst zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1948-1952 Wilhelm Volrad von Rauchhaupt 1952-1958 Rudolf von Bünau 1958-1960 Prince Gottfried zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1960-1961 Wilhelm Volrad von Rauchhaupt 1961-1973 Frhr. Reinhard von Gemmingen-Hornberg since 1973 Knight Friedrich von Molo Content and evaluation History, order and indexing of the holdings The tradition of the Baden-Württemberg Commendary of the Order of St John is kept in the Main State Archives in Stuttgart as a deposit. For the documents received in 1969, there is already a completed find book available which was produced in 1970 by the inspector candidate Renate Pruschek. The since then existing taxes of June 1983, May 1984, August and September 1988, which were made by the Commentator of the Baden-Württembergische Kommende Friedrich Ritter von Molo and by the Hohenlohe-Zentralarchiv Neuenstein, have been combined to a partial stock and are indexed in the present find book. The recording initially took place as part of the training of the archive inspector candidates Corinna Pfisterer, Regina Keyler, Bettina Herrmann under the guidance of archive assessor Dr. Peter Schiffer from July to September 1988. From October 1988 to March 1989, archive inspector Sabine Schnell, among others, made the remaining title recordings and carried out the final work. Since the stock was recorded by several editors, it was not always possible to design the title recordings uniformly. A pre-archival order of the files is not recognizable, therefore the structure of the find book of Pruschek served as basis for the present find book. However, a modification was necessary. In order to avoid overlaps in the order numbers, order number 401 was used for the distortion of the present partial stock. In particular, the inventory contains files on the organisation and administration of the cooperative. Insights into the tasks of the cooperative are rather provided by the publications and journals received, the existing books provide information above all about the general history of the order. Personal documents of the commentators on membership and function in the Order remained in the private estates of the Hohenlohe Central Archives in Neuenstein. The listed documents have a total duration from (1714-1719) 1853 to 1987. Since the stock is property of the Johanniterorden, no cassations were made. The partial stock P 7/2 comprises 293 units with 8.3 m running time. The finding aid was created with the help of data processing on the basis of the MIDOSA program package of the State Archive Administration of Baden-Württemberg.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 232 Bü 78 · File · 1912
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Bill of lading about ethnografica announced by ship; lectures; offers and photos of collections; exchange with magazines; founding of the German Society for Islamic Studies; provisional agenda of the German Georgaphen Day in Innsbruck; installation of an electric light guide; German motorboat expedition through Africa to explore New Cameroon; delivery of exhibition cabinets; lending of ethnografica

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Forckenbeck, M. v., Nr. 31 · File · 1883 - 1890
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  • 1883 - 1890, Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, VI. HA, Nl Forckenbeck, M. v. Forckenbeck, Maximilian von (z.T. Dep.) description: Contains a. o.: - Silver Wedding of the Crown Prince, Imperial Letter to the "General German Exhibition for Hygiene and Rescue Services", 1883 - - Support for East African companies; merger to form the Free Party, foundation of a liberal association in Magdeburg, 1884 - - Greetings to the 10th International Medical Congress in Berlin, 17.4.1886 - - - New building Hospital am Urban, 14.4.1887 - - Emperor's criticism of the inadequate lighting of the street Unter den Linden, 3.9.1887 - - - Princess Wilhelm's anger at Elisabeth Children's Hospital, 11.9.1887 - - Schinkel's plan for a monument to commemorate the wars of freedom, Schlossplatz, 26.5.1888 - - Count Seckendorff recommends the inspector of the Moabit Prison, Bruno von Bremen, as director of the municipal workhouse Rummelsburg, 8.8.1889 - - - Construction of the Victoria House, 15.1.1890. Includes among others..: <br />- Silver Wedding of the Crown Prince, Imperial Letter to the "General German Exhibition for Hygiene and Rescue Services", 1883 <br />- Support for East African companies; merger to form the Freisinnigen Partei, foundation of a liberal association in Magdeburg, 1884 <br />- Greetings to the 10th International Medical Congress in Berlin, 17.4.1886 <br />- Neubau Hospital am Urban, 14.4.1887 <br />- Emperor's criticism of the inadequate lighting of the street Unter den Linden, 3.9.1887 <br />- Anger of Princess Wilhelm at Elisabeth Children's Hospital, 11.9.1887 <br />- Schinkel's plan for a monument in memory of the wars of liberation, location Schlossplatz, 26.5.1888 <br />- Count Seckendorff recommends the inspector of the Moabit Prison, Bruno von Bremen, as director of the municipal workhouse Rummelsburg, 8.8.1889 <br />- Construction of the Victoria House, 15.1.1890.
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32506 · File · 1886 - 1890, 1909, 1912
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

16 sheets, Contains: - Award of subsidies for the foundation and maintenance of a German school in Cameroon, 1886 - 1890 - Award of a coloured portrait of Wilhelm II in an oak frame with gold crown to the Windhuk gymnastics club for the gymnasium built by the gymnastics club, 1909 - Promotion of the Seminar for Colonial Languages in Hamburg and achievement of an award for the director of the seminar, Prof. D. Carl Meinhof, 1912.

A.11-294 · File · 1890 - 1914
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:1. foundation of a GmbH für Schulen, Bodenkultur und Handwerk, 1908-19142. remarks about the working conditions in Cameroon, by P. Max Kugelmann, o.D.3. Administratio temporalis, 1893-1916; Thereby: Messintentionen, 1 issue; financial status and budgets; personnel overview

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 272 · File · 1909, 1911, 1915 - 1922, o. D.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Information from Ulrich Rauscher on the conditions for the takeover of "März", 7.11.1916; letter from a civilian prisoner from the Indian concentration camp Ahmednagar, 15.10.1917; plan for the foundation of an "International Newspaper" 1921/22; submission by the Association of German Newspaper Publishers on the situation of the German press, 26.1.1921; petitions against the classification of the city of Pfullingen in place class C, Febr. 1922 and against the decree of the Reich Chancellor concerning the liquidation of French private property in Germany, July 1917; communication of Conrad Haußmann to Max Warburg for the election of the German envoy in China, n.d. (Early 1920?) Report to the Prime Minister of Württemberg, von Weizsäcker, on a meeting on 2 October 1914 with the Reich Chancellor, 12 October 1914; R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t responded to the complaint of an intern, previously a civil servant resident in Duala, Cameroon, about his salary, 8 October 1914.6.1917; Contestation of the Schultheiss election in Wildbad because of the ballot papers used, 1922; Memorandum on the necessity of the freight reduction for food, no. D. (Early 1920?)

Haußmann, Conrad
BArch, R 8048/3 · File · Jan. 1893 - Juli 1894
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Report on the situation in Southwest Africa and Togo, Boer question Confidential call to join the National Party founded on 15 January 1893 Proposals of the Association to Reich Chancellor v. Caprivi on the agreements with France on the borders of the hinterland of Cameroon, Febr. 1894 List of the local groups, their executive committees and confidants

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 77 B · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Introduction Welfare care is defined as planned care for the benefit of the general public and not as a profit-making activity for those in need or at risk. It can extend preventively or remedially to the health, moral or economic well-being. Welfare must be distinguished from welfare care (care is "provided", welfare care is "exercised"), since welfare deals with individual welfare measures. The cornerstones of welfare care are (a) health care, (b) occupational welfare with severely disabled care and (c) youth welfare as well as - if not covered by health care - infant care, maternal and young child protection, school child care, care for weak and sick children and vulnerable care. It also includes (d) housing care and (e) popular education, as well as public, general and special care to control and respond to the needs of individuals when other forms of welfare are not effective. The term "welfare police", which refers to the preventive activity of the police, proves the long-standing link between welfare work and public administration. The decisive change towards modern state welfare care took place through the economic, social and political changes brought about by industrialisation, which made new social security systems necessary for the developing class of free wage workers and their families. Since it began work, the Ministry of the Interior, as its field of work, understood the entire internal state administration in the broadest sense of the term "the changed constitution of the supreme state authorities" of 16 December 1808. Apart from finance, military and justice, these included the general police, the industrial police, the section for cult and public education, general legislation, medical matters and matters relating to mining, coins, salt production and porcelain manufacture, from which the departments A - general police, B - trade and industry, C - cultus and public education and D - postal service (since 3 June 1814 as general post office subordinate to the State Chancellor) emerged. Depending on their specificity, welfare work was subordinated to the various departments. When the Ministry of Culture, Education and Medicine was established with the Cabinet Order of 3 November 1817 and the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Public Works was created on 17 April 1848 by the Most High Decree, individual welfare measures also changed in their departments. For example, the "Ministry of Commerce" was supervised over occupational and housing care and the "Ministry of Culture" over health care and primary education. The Ministry of the Interior thus retained the youth welfare with the areas that were not subject to health care, as well as public (special) welfare. Youth Welfare includes all measures to strengthen young people (from birth to majority) physically, psychologically and socially. This includes health care as well as guardianship and protection of the foster children. The occupation with healthy young people is understood as youth care. The activities towards the endangered and neglected youth are carried out by the youth welfare, which is also the main object of the tradition recorded here. Until the I. After the Second World War, only guardianship and welfare education were regulated by law. The Reich Law for Youth Welfare of 9 July 1922 created a uniform basis for public youth welfare institutions. In addition, the newly created youth welfare offices were given the function of both the overall supervision of private activities in this field and a link between private organisations and public welfare. Prior to this, the Ministry of People's Welfare was established on 1 November 1919, reassembling the responsibilities that were divided up among the individual ministries in the course of the 19th century. This in turn changed with the dissolution of this authority on December 1, 1932, whose tasks were taken over by the Prussian Ministry of Economics and Labour. However, prior to the establishment of the Ministry of People's Welfare, matters already within the Ministry of the Interior's area of responsibility fell back to the Ministry. Nevertheless, the tradition discovered here was part of the holdings of the I. HA Rep. 191 Ministry of Public Welfare, which comes from donations to the Prussian Secret State Archives of the years 1931 to 1938, which during the Second World War, along with other archival material, was outsourced and, after its recovery, was transferred to the Central State Archives of the German Democratic Republic - Merseburg branch. In the course of a revision in 1977/78, it was decided to dissolve the holdings there. Apart from the tradition of the Prussian State Commissioner for the Regulation of Welfare, the file material was again transferred to the written tradition of those ministerial authorities which had already been entrusted with these tasks before the Ministry of People's Welfare was founded or after its dissolution. A decade after the 1993/94 holdings were returned to the GStA PK, the still unprocessed materials of the Ministry of People's Welfare, which fell under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior, were now sorted and recorded. However, in contrast to the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Trade and Commerce and the Ministry of Finance, the documents were not integrated directly into individual groups of files. Rather, the partial stock was left as such. In addition to its focus on youth welfare with the provisions of the Reichsjugendwohlfahrtsgesetz, the Fürsorgeerziehung mit Fürsorgepersonal or the Erziehungsanstalten und -vereinen, it also contains documents on welfare offices, which were not only responsible for youth welfare offices, but also, for example, subsidies for small pensioners. The Ministry experienced an extension of its competence with regard to the newly defined borders of the Prussian state through the Versailles Treaty, in which the affected areas of the individual parts of the country were now also supported. The collection contains archival documents from the period 1806 to 1936 and has an extent of approx. 31 running metres. How to order and quote: The archives listed here are stored in the Westhafen external magazine. Therefore, the yellow order forms must be used and waiting times must be accepted for operational reasons. The archives can be ordered as follows: I. HA Rep. 77 B, No. - to quote: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 77 B Ministry of the Interior, Volkswohlfahrt, Nr. Last assigned number: Handling of the finding aid In principle, the finding guide is arranged within the classification groups according to the order numbers. However, in some groups - especially in those under the classification point "Individual educational institutions and associations in Prussia and other regions" - there are jumping numbers, because for reasons of clarity additionally an order according to place names or provinces or also according to the dating was made. Reference to other GStA PK holdings on this subject: 1) I. HA Rep. 76 Ministry of Culture VII new - primary education (each "A" in the individual sections) VIII B - younger medical registration, sparkling wine. 19 - Social training 2) I. HA Rep. 77 Ministry of the Interior Tit. 421 - School and Education Police Tit. 423 - Security Police, Gen. Tit. 491 - Prisoner (penal and reformatory) institutions Tit. 924 - Youth Care Dept. I, Sparkling Wine, Germany 19 - Social Policy and Insurance, Private Companies Section II, Sparkling Wine 27 - Private Companies and Associations Section IV, Sparkling Wine 9 - Charity and reformatories, East-West Division (here: support for border areas) 3) I. HA Rep. 84a Ministry of Justice 6.2.0[D] - Welfare in general ([D]: Dahlem component) 6.2.1[D] - Youth Welfare 9.1.4[D] - Implementation of the Versailles Peace Treaty C 6.4.2[M] - Welfare Education ([M]: Merseburg component) 4) I. HA Rep. 89 Secret Civil Cabinet, younger period 5.6 - Welfare Societies & Institutions, Foundations - Welfare Education 5) I. HA Rep. 151 Ministry of Finance I 4[D] - Volkswohlfahrt (here mainly: 4.1 - Jugendwohlfahrt und Fürsorgeerziehung) I B 38[D] - Jugendpflege I A, 7.2[M] - Auswirkungen des Friedensvertrages von Versailles I C, 7.3[M] - Erziehung (vereinzelt) I C, 8.7.1[M] - Volkswohlfahrt. General 6) I. HA Rep. 169 D Prussian Parliament X e - Child and youth care 7) I. HA Rep. 191 The Prussian State Commissioner for the Regulation of Welfare Literature Selection: - Binder, Thomas: Realization of core archive tasks using the example of the tradition "Ministry of the Interior, People's Welfare" from the GStA PK. Berlin, diploma thesis at the FH Potsdam 2006 - v. Bitter, Rudolf: Handwörterbuch der Preußischen Verwaltung. Berlin, W. de Gruyter 19283. Here: Article "Youth Welfare" and "Welfare". - Blum-Geenen, Sabine: Fürsorgeerziehung in der Rheinprovinz von 1871 bis 1933 Köln, Rheinland-Verlag 1997 - Henne-Am Rhyn, Otto[Red.]: Ritter's geographic-statistical encyclopedia []. Leipzig, Otto Wigand 1874, on which the information on the place names are based. - Marcus, Paul: The Prussian Ministry of People's Welfare (1919 - 1932). Prehistory, business, activity and dissolution as well as his tradition in the Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage. In: Generaldirektion der Staatl. Archive Bayerns[Ed.]: Archivalische Zeitschrift, 83rd vol., p. 93 - 137 Cologne, Weimar, Vienna, Böhlau 2000, Berlin, June 2005 T. Binder M. A. (Archivangestellter) finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.

"Miscellaneous Affairs
Archiv des Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland, 2548 · File · 1886 - 1902
Part of Archive of the Rhineland Regional Council (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Die sozialen Heilmittel, Arbeit, Arbeiter, Arbeiterfrage (Sonderdruck, aus deutsches Adelsblatt No. 18) 1886 6th Ordinary Nobility Day of the German Nobility Cooperative (Protocol, Print) 1887 Genossenschaftsbericht des Deutschen Antisklaverei - Comitees für 1891 / 92 (Print) and Circular 1891 1892 Réglementation du travail des femmes et des enfants dans les établissements industriels (Draft Law of the Chamber of Representatives, Session of 11. 06. 1889, printed) 1889'Militairvorlage' or new election of the Reichstag (Klein's Initiative) 1893 Impending trial against the District Administrator of Krefeld, Limbourg (et al. 1893 Confessional affiliation of officials of the central administration and the PHP Merzig (statistics and list of names) 1894 Der Wucher in Deutschland, Sozialreformatorisches Genossenschaftswesen und Statuten für die Deutsche Central Genossenschaft m. b. H. (Prints) 1889 Founding appeal for a Queen Luise Memorial Home for Survivors or War-Damaged Officers 1897 Prospectus of the Cameroon Hinterland Society (Print) 1897 Rheinische Grauwackenbrüche (Statistics) 1900 Call to found a German sanatorium for less well-off lung patients in Davos (Print) 1897 Senior Officials and Senior Officials of the Central Administration (list of names) o. Dat.

ALMW_II._32_0 · File · 1891-1907
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 0 1 - Zwickau 1891. Neubert to "Missionsdirektorium" (handwritten, 2 p.) - Deutsches Kolonialblatt. Volume III. No. 8, Berlin, 15 April 1892 (with "Map of the Mission Stations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a"; map "Edea Station on 1 January 1892") - Leipziger Zeitung. No. 109, May 12, 1892 - Berlin 1892 - Seminar for Oriental Languages (with list of lectures and exercises in the winter semester 1892/93 with "Conditions for Entrance to the Seminar for Oriental Languages, Berlin"; 2-fold) - Mörz 1892 - Mission Conference in the Province of Brandenburg (Grundmann) - "Business Plan and Social Contract of the Commandit Society Karl Perrot

Leipziger Missionswerk
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 435 Dessau, Nr. 98 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · File · 1901-1909
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Emil Funcke. - Director H. Roscher. - by Dieterich. - Chief Engineer Müller. - T. Stretch. - Dr. Bunte. - Herm. Eich. - Janitor G. Polter. - Chief Engineer G. Faehndrich. - Friedrich Geier. - Authorized signatory Wilhelm Klebe. - Moritz Niemann. - Heinrich Tusche. - Ludwig Kirchhoff. - Ludwig Sasse. - Friedrich Teupe. - Wilhelm Bachmann. - Flower. - Boehm. - G. Martini. - Michaelis. - Chief Designer Reister. - Rich. Gehardt. - Spangenberg. - Prof. Stein. - Architect C. Pertz. - Count Zeppelin. - Chief Engineer Schäfer. - Civil Engineer Windeck. - Prof. F. Klein. - Hydraulic engineering inspector Schümann. - of Kracht. - Sculptor Hüllweck, Dessau. - Sculptor Starck, Berlin. - Baurat Teichmüller. - Court confectioner P. Andres. - Dr. J. Bueb. - Prof. Slaby. - Prof. Riedler. - Director Kuckuk. - Pintsch. - Prof. Gussow. - Dr. Hermann Müller. - Director Carl Hasselblatt, Odessa. - Architect Cuno Pohlig. - Lord Mayor Ebeling. - Dr A Bantlin. - Herosè. - General Director Blum. - Director Alberti. - Chief Engineer August Müller. - Ceasar Wollheim. - Chief Engineer A. Kemper. - Dr. Stein. - Luckhardt. - Pillet. - Roesicke. Also contains: Transactions for internal business processes. - Anniversaries of the Dessau civil servants. - Foundation of a casino and a casino club. - Information on events in Russia and the living conditions there, including business contacts. - Private property matters of the villa in Dessau. - Comments on attached press articles on agriculture in tropical countries (colonial society). - Oechelhaeuser criticizes Schäfer's essay on the installation of gas vending machines in Germany and England. - Construction of gas works in Hagen, Königshütte, Katowice, Niederau, Großkreis Berlin, Zerbst and others. - Excursion of the Berlin district association (e.g. shipyard Sachsenberg and BAMAG II). - Travelogue by Schäfer from England. - List of essays by Schäfer. - Lecture: About the use of the factory bathrooms by the workers of Klebe. - The Association of Anhalt Employers (fol. 419) - Its origin, foundation and previous activities (declared aim among others youth welfare, welfare institutions). - Wage issues, tariff reform. - Report on the possibility of extending the DCGG lighting area in the Berlin area. - Report about the gas conditions in Budapest by Dr. Bueb. - Report by Dr. Bueb on the course of his hunting stay in Hungary (fol. 604 ff.). - Strike movement in Poland (around Warsaw) and situation in Russia. - Oechelhaeuser´s Shares in the Moliwe-Pflanzungsgesellschaft. - Employment of a future administrator for the cocoa plantation in Cameroon. - Reports of the former plantation manager Hoffman to the "Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten". - Stock transactions. - Lodge business.

FA 1 / 421 · File · 1899 - 1913
Part of Cameroon National Archives

Negligent border patrol and smuggling. - Complaints by the North West Cameroon Company, 1911 Border conditions on the Cross River, 1900 Hans Ramsay. Assumption of the general agency of the Northwest Cameroon Company for the protectorate of Cameroon and departure from its services, 1900 - 1903 Granting of trade advantages to the Northwest Cameroon Company through the temporary provision of accommodation and storage facilities in Rio del Rey by the Governorate of Cameroon. - Complaint by Deutsch-Westafrikanische Handelsgesellschaft, GmbH, 1900 Foundation of Bremer Nordwest-Kamerun-GmbH. as a subsidiary of Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun. - Notification, 1911 Sale of the trading business in Duala and Jabassi back to the company Woermann & Co, 1903 Northwest Cameroon Company. - Articles of association, 31 July 1899 Northwest Cameroon Company. - Meetings of the Board of Directors. - Minutes, 12 March 1913 Northwest Cameroon Company. - Meetings of the Board of Directors. - Minutes, 10/10/1913 Northwest Cameroon Company. - Meetings of the Board of Directors. - Minutes, 8.12.1913 Annual reports of the surveyors. - No. 11, 1910 Annual reports of the surveyors. - No. 12, 1911

Gouvernement von Kamerun
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 109, Nr. 1541 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · File · 1899 - 1900
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Newly founded industrial companies in the SU - Overview of metallurgical areas, coal mines and clay industry enterprises in Ekaterinoslaw-Donez`schen´Steinkohlen and ore basins - Export and trade reports - Expansion of the railway network in Japan - Overview of German capital investments in overseas countries. Contains: Establishment of new industrial companies in Russia p. 5/12, p. 93/105 - Documents pp. of the Central Office for Preparation of Commercial Agreements p. 13, p. 20, p. 240/242 - Insolvent companies "Rosenstein