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Archival description
1037 · Fonds
Part of Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: In October 1979, the local council decided to establish a collection of urban history with a special focus on the 20th century within the framework of a contract for work. The task of this institution should not only be a collection of material, but primarily the preparation and presentation of contemporary historical themes in exhibitions. In April 1980 the journalist and historian Dr. Karlheinz Fuchs was entrusted with this task. A public appeal by the then Lord Mayor Manfred Rommel in the spring of 1982 for the handing over of documents and objects from the Nazi era was met with great approval by the public, so that numerous objects could be handed over to the employees for their exhibitions. In addition, contemporary witnesses were available for interviews. Between August 1982 and December 1984, five exhibitions on the subject of "Stuttgart in the Third Reich" were shown. When the project was discontinued in 1984, an exhibition was still pending ("Stuttgart in War - the Years from 1939 to 1945"). Under the auspices of historian Dr. Marlene Hiller of the Library for Contemporary History, this was made up on the occasion of the 50th return of the outbreak of war in 1989. Scope: 1100 units / 6.1 linear metres Content: Documents: Documents on the establishment of the project Contemporary History and its staff; Planning and realisation of the exhibitions; Collection of exhibition objects; Loans, donations and purchases for the exhibitions; Interviews with contemporary witnesses Photographs: Photos from the exhibitions; photos, contact prints, negatives, slides and photo albums from the Nazi era, audio cassettes and tapes: interviews with contemporary witnesses, original recordings from the Nazi era, radio broadcasts, accompanying music in the exhibitions, videos and films: Interviews with contemporary witnesses, documentaries, feature films and television films, recordings of the project Zeitgeschichte Bücher: Bücher aus der NS-Zeit as well as books about the NS period Posters and plans from the NS period Duration: (1891-) 1979-1990 Instructions for use: Some units are still subject to a 30-year blocking period; three personal units are subject to special blocking periods; many photo units are subject to copyright; some units are blocked for conservation reasons. Foreword: History of the project In October 1979, the local council decided to build up a collection of urban history with a special focus on the 20th century. The task of this institution should not only be a collection of material, but first and foremost the preparation and presentation of contemporary historical themes in the form of exhibitions. In April 1980, a contract for work was signed with the historian and journalist Dr. Karlheinz Fuchs, according to which he was commissioned to develop a concept for the collection of urban history with a special focus on the 20th century ("collection of contemporary history") as well as to prepare and organise exhibitions on contemporary historical themes in agreement with and in cooperation with the cultural office of the city of Stuttgart. In addition, the two historians Bernd Burkhardt and Walter Nachtmann have also been working on the project since spring and autumn 1980, respectively. The graphic artist Michael Molnar was engaged in freelance collaboration for the exhibition design and realization. A secretariat was set up in April 1982. In August of the same year, two additional freelancers were hired on an hourly basis. Since the end of 1982, a pedagogical-didactic employee had been working on the project, whose position was financed by the Robert Bosch Foundation in the first year and then by the Cultural Office. In the spring of 1982, the press published an appeal by the then Lord Mayor Manfred Rommel to support the contemporary history project by surrendering documents and objects from the Nazi era. This appeal received a great response from the population, so that the employees were given numerous objects for their exhibitions. In addition, contemporary witnesses were available for interviews. The venue for all exhibitions was the Tagblatt Tower in Eberhardstraße (cultural centre "Kultur unterm Turm"). On 13 August 1982 the first exhibition "Prolog. Political Posters of the Late Weimar Republic" opened. The accompanying exhibition "Völkische Radikale in Stuttgart. On the Prehistory and Early Phase of the NSDAP 1890-1925" was shown from November 12, 1982. Both exhibitions ran until 12 January 1983. The second major exhibition "The Seizure of Power. From Republic to Brown City" was opened on 28 January 1983. The accompanying exhibition "Friedrich Wolf. The years in Stuttgart 1927-1933. An example" was shown from 9 July to 13 November 1983. From 23 March to 22 December 1984 the exhibition "Adaptation - Resistance - Persecution. The years from 1933 to 1939". This exhibition encompassed the themes "Everyday Life", "Resistance" and "Persecution of the Jews of Stuttgart", originally planned as individual complexes, each between 1933 and 1939, whereby views of the wartime period also showed the consequences of the National Socialist dictatorship for Stuttgart. Extensive catalogues were published for all exhibitions (see references). Dissolution of the project, exhibition "Stuttgart in the Second World War" Because of the amount of material, for financial reasons and also because the project broke new ground, the deadlines set for the individual exhibitions could not be met. When the fixed-term employment contracts of the project staff expired as planned at the end of March 1984 and the project was terminated, an exhibition was still pending ("Stuttgart in the War - the Years from 1939 to 1945"). This was made up for the 50th return of the outbreak of war in 1989 (1.9. - 22.7.). The specialist staff for this was provided by the Library for Contemporary History, money and premises were provided by the City of Stuttgart. The historian Dr. Marlene Hiller from the Library of Contemporary History was commissioned with the exhibition project. Further employees were Chris Glass, Dr. Benigna Schönhagen and Stefan Kley. A book accompanying the exhibition was also published here. Content of the inventory: On the one hand, the collection contains documents and files produced by the members of the contemporary history project as part of their work. This includes correspondence with lenders and interview partners, but also correspondence with the administration about the provision of office space, the collection of information material and the like. By far the largest part of the collection, however, consists of the collected objects, photos, sound and film cassettes as well as books, which were acquired for the individual exhibitions by donation, loan or purchase. A further focus are the numerous interviews with contemporary witnesses, some of which are available in the form of video cassettes, but most of which are in the form of audio cassettes, most of which have been digitized subsequently and can now be used in the form of mp3 or wav files. However, this only applies to audio cassettes with interviews with contemporary witnesses. Sound cassettes with other content (e.g. music, industrial noises, excerpts from speeches) or sound cassettes on which (today's) SWR programmes are recorded have not been digitised because they are also available elsewhere (e.g. in the radio archive). Some of the interviews were transcribed by the project staff (some, however, incomplete). The original plan to issue an extra volume with the interviews conducted could no longer be realized. . Further information on the inventory and its use: The inventory comprises a total of 1100 units. The written documents have a circumference of 6.1 linear metres. There are also seven photo albums, 297 photo folders, one framed photo, 665 slides, 107 units with negatives, four films, 58 postcards, 20 audio and magnetic tapes, 56 video cassettes, 331 audio cassettes and 59 books. The actual period of the collection runs from 1979 to 1990, with the collection containing pre-files or documents, books, photos, etc., which were taken before 1945 and date back to 1891. The documents were handed over to the City Archive by the Cultural Office in May 1987. Since there was no order or classification, this had to be done on the basis of the existing material itself. Some of the documents are still blocked due to the general 30-year blocking period for fact files. Copyrights must be respected for the numerous photos stored in the photo archive. Please order the desired units according to the following sample: Project Contemporary History - 1037 - Unit number Photos can be ordered using the signatures FM 132/1-297 or FM 132/1-297. FR 132/1 (framed photo), slides about the signatures FD 132/1-9, photo albums about the signatures FA 132/1-7, films about the signatures FF 132/1-4, negatives about the signatures FN 132/1-107, postcards about the signatures FP 132/1-14, digital copies about the signatures 1037_E_41-372, books about the signatures KE 12/1-59. The audio and video cassettes as well as the audio tapes cannot be ordered for conservation reasons. If you refer to documents from the inventory, please attach a reference according to the following model: Source: Stadtarchiv Stuttgart - 1037 - Number of the unit Further files and posters for the project Contemporary History are in stock 17/2, main file (no. 594-596), in stock 132/1, Kulturamt (no. 274, 302-305), in stock 2134, estate of Wilhelm Kohlhaas (no. 11), in stock 2154 estate of Karl-Heinz Gerhard (no. 5) as well as in stock 9401, poster collection (M 96 and M 828). Stuttgart, May 2007 Elke Machon References to literature: "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Prolog - Politische Plakate der späten Weimarer Republik", edited by the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1982 "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Völkische Radikale in Stuttgart, zur Vorgeschichte und Frühphase der NSDAP 1890-1925", accompanying exhibition to the Prolog - Politische Plakate der späten Weimarer Republik, edited by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Stuttgart. from the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1982 "Exhibition Series Stuttgart in the Third Reich - The Seizure of Power, from the Republican to the Brown City", ed. from the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1983 "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Friedrich Wolf, Die Jahre in Stuttgart 1927-1933, ein Beispiel", edited by the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1983 "Ausstellungsreihe Stuttgart im Dritten Reich - Anpassung, Widerstand, Verfolgung, Die Jahre von 1933 bis 1939", edited by the German Federal Cultural Office Stuttgart, 1983. from the project Zeitgeschichte im Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1984 "Stuttgart im Dritten Reich", to the reception and resonance of the exhibition cycle, a report by Claudia Pachnicke, edited by the Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, 1986 "Stuttgart im Zweiten Weltkrieg", catalogue, edited by Marlene P. Hiller, Gerlingen 1989 · Fonds
Part of Archive of the Hanseatic City of Rostock

Period: 1816 - 1941 Scope: 3 linear metres = 183 units of description Cataloguing: ordered and indexed, index (2005) Citation method: AHR, No. ... or AHR, mayor and council: associations, honors, foreign monuments, no. ... Content: Support of various associations and events by the city (1897-1938, 9 units) - Political associations and federations (1864-1938, 14 units) - Associations for health care, charity, social aid (1839-1941, 38 units) - Associations and institutions for education, science and culture (1816-1937, 28 units) - Masonic lodges (1866-1930, 2 units). Overview: Based on the need for conviviality, science and education, the citizens of Rostock began to form associations at the end of the 18th century. Until the middle of the 19th century. At the end of the 19th century, the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft (1780), Societät (1794), Patriotischer Verein (1798), Naturforschende Gesellschaft (1800), Bibelgesellschaft (1816), Philomatische Gesellschaft (1819), Gewerbeverein (1835), Verschönerungsverein (1836), Union of Merchants (1837), Ärztlicher Verein (1840), Kunstverein (1841), Gartenbauverein (1853), Seidenbauverein (1858) and Männnerturnverein (1860) were founded. The further flourishing of the modern association system was closely linked to industrialisation, when people abandoned the rigid corporations that had shaped economic and social life until then. After the failed revolution of 1848, the right of association and assembly remained an important demand in the process of bourgeois emancipation. Especially the political parties, the associations for electoral reforms or workers' education were exposed to strong official repression. Nevertheless, the association system - primarily in the non-political sphere - underwent a powerful development and became a hallmark of bourgeois society. As in other cities, clubs for singing, sports, trade, mission, nursing, military, dance, sociable entertainment, science and much more were founded in Rostock. If these associations wanted to change their legal status from a mere society to a legal entity, the Council gave them corporate rights. Despite protests by the state government, Rostock claimed this state legal act for itself on the basis of its privileges. With the introduction of the Civil Code (1900), the Council had to grant this power to the State alone. From then on, the courts kept the register of associations. The Reichsvereinsgesetz of 19 April 1908 put the law on associations on a new, modern basis. An adaptation of the law that was long overdue, because the German Empire had existed since 1871 and the associations had become more differentiated since that time. The Rostock address book of 1908 registered a total of 141 organisations in the most diverse categories: religious, charitable and support associations, non-profit associations, patriotic, political and municipal associations, civil servants' associations, military associations, commercial, industrial, trade and crafts associations, associations for agriculture, fishing and animal husbandry, associations for science and art, stenographers' associations, music and singing associations, sports associations, good temple lodges and convivial associations. In her work, there were many points of contact with the Council. Requests for support, events, celebrations, celebrations, anniversaries, conferences and meetings could be reasons for the associations and federations to turn to the Council. In addition, there are inquiries outside of Rostock, partly with similar concerns, but also with requests for support in the erection of monuments. The City of Rostock's membership in associations and organisations was also reflected in the files. Publications: Kohfeldt, Gustav: From the history of older associations and societies in Rostock 1. The beautification association of 1836 and the municipal facilities 2. The philomatic society, in: Beitr. Rost. 10th vol. 1917, pp. 105-119, and 12th vol. 1924, pp. 17-35

Period: 1700 - 1945 (1962) Scope: 8.5 linear metres = 412 units of description Cataloguing: ordered and indexed, index (2006) Citation method: AHR, 1.3.1. No. ... or AHR, associations, funeral and widow's funds, events, anniversaries, no. ... Content: 1. general information on associations and societies in Mecklenburg and Rostock (1832-1935, 2 VE) - non-profit associations, political and municipal associations (1837-1921, 12 VE) - associations for sociability, literary and scientific entertainment (1796-1909, 8 VE) - associations for civil servants and employees (1890-1939, 8 VE).- Trade, business and professional associations (1833-1934, 22 units).- Military associations (1910-1916, 4 units).- Missions, church associations (1834-1935, 6 units).- Jewish community (1868-1905, 3 units).- Freemasons, lodges (1809-1933, 4 units) - Associations for agriculture, stockbreeding, fishing and hunting (1817-1929, 15 units) - Charitable and support associations, institutions (1872-1922, 16 units).- German Red Cross (1912-1922, 8 VE) - Support associations and foundations for soldiers of the wars 1870/71 and 1914-1918 (1870-1920, 14 VE) - Associations for health care, institutions (1772-1911, 5 VE) - Associations for popular education and pedagogy (1869-1912, 5 VE) - Estate of the school councillor Erich Stegemann: National Socialist Teachers' Association (1931-1942, 15 VE).- Clubs for science and culture (1851-1939, 11 VE) - Rostock Concert Club (1877-1915, 12 VE) - Singing and music clubs (1843-1933, 10 VE) - Plattdeutsche Vereine (1898-1945, 29 VE) - Stenografenvereine (1894-1913, 2 VE) - Sport clubs (1859-1933, 15 VE) - Schützengesellschaften (1831-1939, 24 VE). 2. widow and funeral funds Witwenkasse Rostocker Gelehrter (1700-1932, 46 VE) - mortuary societies, especially agreed mortuary societies (1770-1936, 25 VE). 3. events, anniversaries, meetings and congresses (1862-1932, 19 VE) - conferences of the Hansischer Geschichtsverein and the Verein für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung (1885-1962, 6 VE) - anniversaries and celebrations (1763-1931, 17 VE).- Landes-Gewerbe- und Industrieausstellung 1892 (1891-1893, 19 VE).- Events, exhibitions, fairs (1890-1931, 19 VE).- Music and singing festivals (1840-1921, 8 VE).- Plattdeutsche Volkstage (1820-1935, 3 VE). Overview: The beginnings of modern associations date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. Language societies, science academies and newly flourishing Freemason lodges emerged, which pursued the claim to have an educational and educational effect. The economic and intellectual development of other circles was ensured by non-profit societies, reading societies, patriotic associations and societies. In Rostock this club life began towards the end of the 18th century. A charitable society can be traced back to 1780. The Patriotic Association, founded in 1798, was mainly dedicated to the promotion of agriculture. The Societät (since 1794) and the Klub (since 1796) wanted to offer their members reading, playing and entertainment opportunities. The Society of Natural Scientists was formed in 1800 and the Philomatic Society in 1819. There were also several reading societies. The actual time of the association's foundation, however, only began with the revival of political life, especially community life, in the 1930s and 1940s. As in other cities, clubs for singing and gymnastics, for trade, for mission and nursing, for beautification of the city, election reform, worker education, dance and social entertainment were founded in Rostock during this time. Although most of the associations had a short life and little importance, in their totality they shaped the cultural life of the city. The larger associations and societies had an important and over decades consolidated position. During the war in the 19th and 20th centuries, military associations as well as support associations and foundations for soldiers were formed. The associations experienced massive restrictions in their freedom during the period of National Socialism. Numerous associations and societies were banned and dissolved or united under the umbrella of National Socialist imperial associations. Under the title "Vereine, Leichen- und Witwenkassen, Veranstaltungen, Jubiläen" ("Associations, Corpse and Widow's Box Offices, Events, Anniversaries"), the collection comprises material from various origins, areas and epochs. A directory compiled by the town archivist Ernst Dragendorff indicates that the holdings - as a collection - were already established at the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century. The numerous programmes, newspaper clippings, posters, printed statutes and annual reports are the result of systematic collecting activities. There are also documents from provenance-related collections, in particular from the estates of archivists Karl Koppmann and Ludwig Krause, the mayor Magnus Maßmann, the chemical manufacturer Friedrich Witte and the school councillor Erich Stegemann, or from the council collection. In individual cases, the documents in question are actually from the provenance of associations or societies. Some of the association files originally included in the holdings (provenance holdings) were separated in the GDR period (Rostocker Kunstverein) or assigned to existing provenance holdings (Schützenkompanie). The collection Neue Heimat - Gemeinnützige Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgesellschaft der Deutschen Arbeitsfront im Gau Mecklenburg GmbH was spun off in 2006 and classified in the trade and economy group according to the tectonics of the archive. Publications: Kohfeldt, Gustav: From the history of older associations and societies in Rostock 1. The beautification association of 1836 and the municipal facilities 2. The philomatic society, in: Beitr. Rost. 10th vol. 1917, pp. 105-119, and 12th vol. 1924, pp. 17-35 Heitz, Gerhard: Rostock as district town of the Mecklenburg Patriotic Association, in: Beitr. Rost. 23rd vol., 1999, p. 86-109 Puls, Gerd: Gelobt seist du jederzeit, Frau Musika: die Geschichte der Rostocker Singakademie, Rostock 2002 (Kleine Schriftenreihe des Archivs der Hansestadt Rostock 12) Piechulek, Ronald: Freizeitaktivitäten im Verein. The Societät - a Rostock social club, in: Rostock Zorenappels. City writer history(s), 3rd year 2009, pp. 91-92

C4 · Fonds · 1920-1945
Part of Freiburg City Archive (Archivtektonik)

Da die Formulierung der Aktentitel durchaus zeittypisch sein und als Quelle Aussagekraft haben kann, wurde auf eine sprachliche Modernisierung verzichtet – auch wenn die Ausdrucksweise der Originaltitel heute unzeitgemäß oder bedenklich erscheinen mag. C4 Ausstellungen C4 Bausachen (Allgemeines, Anstalten und Vereine, Kirchen, Militärbauten, Private, Schulen, Stadt) C4 Bergwesen und Bodenausbeutung C4 Brandsachen C4 Bürgerrecht und Nutzungen C4 Ehrungen C4 Feste und Feierlichkeiten C4 Gemeindeanstalten (Allgemein, Archiv, Badeanstalten, Bestattungswesen, Desinfektionsanstalt, Fischerei und Jagdsachen, Elektrizitätswerk, Forstamt, Gartenamt, Gaswerk, Gesundheitsamt, Stadtsäge, Leihamt, Marktamt, Plakatanstalt, Rieselgut, Sammlungen, Schlachthof, Schätzungsamt, Straßenbahn, Stadttheater, Stadttheater, (abgeschlossene Theaterregistratur 1), Stadttheater (abgeschlossene Theaterregistratur 2), Untersuchungsamt, Volksbücherei, Wasserwerk) C4 Gemeindeverwaltung (Gemeindeorganisation, Gemeindeämter und Dienste, Gemeindesachen) C4 Gemeindevermögen (Allgemeines, Fahrnisse, Ankauf von Grundstücken (Allgemein und außerhalb), Ankauf von Grundstücken (Herdern), Ankauf von Grundstücken (Oberstadt), Ankauf von Grundstücken (Unterstadt), Ankauf von Grundstücken (westlich), Ankauf von Grundstücken (Wiehre), Ankauf von Grundstücken (Günterstal und Betzenhausen), Ankauf von Grundstücken (Littenweiler und Zähringen), Ankauf von Grundstücken (Haslach und St. Georgen), Verkauf von Grundstücken (Allgemeines und außerhalb), Verkauf von Grundstücken (Herdern), Verkauf von Grundstücken (Oberstadt, Unterstadt und Wiehre), Verkauf von Grundstücken (westlich), Verkauf von Grundstücken (Vororte), Gebäude (Allgemeines), Gebäude (außerhalb und Oberstadt), Gebäude (Unterstadt), Gebäude (westlich), Gebäude (westlich und Wiehre), Gebäude (Haslach), Gebäude (Herdern und Betzenhausen), Gebäude (Günterstal und St. Georgen), Gebäude (Littenweiler und Zähringen), Pachtsachen, Schulden, Vergebunsgwesen C4 Gemeinnützige Einrichtungen (Vereine A - Z, Konfessionelle Vereine, Musik- und Gesangsverein, Auslandsvereine, Militärvereine, Sportvereine) C4 Gewerbe und Handel (Wirtschaftskonzession, Flaschenbierhandel) C4 Grenzen und Markungen C4 Kanalisation C4 Kirchen- und Religionswesen C4 Krankenhäuser C4 Kunst und Wissenschaft C4 Landwirtschaft C4 Leibesübungen und Sport C4 Sportplätze und Eisbahnen C4 Lehranstalten (Allgemeines, Volksschule, Höhere Schulen, Berufs- und Fachschulen, Universität, Musikschulen und Privatschulen) C4 Militärwesen C4 Naturereignisse, Unglücksfälle, Witterung C4 Polizei (Allgemein, Baupolizei, Gesundheitspolizei, Lebensmittelpolizei, Sicherheitspolizei, Sittenpolizei) C4 Kassen- und Rechnungswesen C4 Rechtspflege und Gerichtswesen C4 Standesamt C4 Staatswesen (Reichssachen, Landessachen, Bezirks- und Kreissachen) C4 Statistik C4 Steuersachen (Landes- und Reichssteuern, Städtische Steuern) C4 Gebühren C4 Stiftungen, Vermächtnisse und Schenkungen (Allgemein, Schulfonds Adelhausen, Armenfonds, Heiliggeistspital-Stiftung und Krankenhaus-Stiftung, St. Ursula, Waisenhaus-Stiftung, Waisenhaus-Stiftung und Häberle-Stiftung, Merian-Stiftung, Stiftungen A - Z) C4 Straßen, Wege und Plätze (Allgemeines, Bebauungspläne, Festsetzung der Straßen und Baufluchten, Umlegungen, Straßen und Wege (außerhalb), Straßen und Wege (Ober- und Unterstadt, Herdern, Zähringen, westlich der Hauptbahn, Betzenhausen, Haslach, St. Georgen, Wiehre, Günterstal, Littenweiler) C4 Verkehrswesen (Eisenbahnen, Schauinslandbahn, Kraftfahrzeugverkehr, Luftverkehr, Post- und Telegrafenwesen, Rundfunk, Schifffahrt) C4 Fremdenverkehr C4 Versicherungswesen C4 Wasserbau C4 Wohlfahrtswesen C4 Wohnungswesen und Mietpreisbildung C4 Wohnungsbau und Siedlungswesen

Stadtarchiv Worms, 159 · Fonds
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalberg-Archiv (files, official books) Size: 1943 units of description (= 27 lfm = 201 archive cartons, 2 large cartons, 2 lfm oversized formats - own inventory: 1878 VE, remainder in Heylshof = 64 VE, with sub-VE in total) 2015) Duration: 1445 - 1866 Zur Familie und Herrschaft Dalberg (Note 1) The family of the chamberlains of Worms, later called 'von Dalberg', belonged as an influential family association to the episcopal ministry of Worms. Since 1239 she held the hereditary office of the chamberlain of Worms; this was later associated with economic-financial privileges in Worms, court rights and the Jewish Court in Worms. Since the 14th century, the family has succeeded in expanding various ownership complexes between Niederelsass and Hunsrück, with a focus on Wormsgau. This also includes the expansion of power in the towns of Herrnsheim and Abenheim, which began in the 14th century, through the acquisition of feudal rights and property (2). The dominion complex with Herrnsheim and Abenheim was predominantly surrounded by Electoral Palatinate territory. Around 1460 a castle was erected in Herrnsheim (castle) and a surrounding wall was built around the village; between 1470 and 1492 a chapel of the local parish church of St. Peter was converted into a burial place, which has led to the development of the situation of a small residential town in Herrnsheim, which can still be seen today from the buildings and the townscape. Today's Herrnsheim Castle, owned by the town of Worms since 1958, was built together with the important English landscape garden in two construction phases from 1808 to 1814 and from 1820 to 1824. The dominion of Dalberg is a typical middle imperial knighthood territory. Since the late Middle Ages, the Dalberg dynasty had provided the fiefdoms of the Electorate of Mainz and Palatinate and held important ecclesiastical offices, including the bishop of Worms, Johann von Dalberg (1445-1503). The family split into different lines and branches. Outstanding persons for whom the collection contains material are Carl Theodor von Dalberg (1744-1817, Elector of Mainz, Grand Duke of Frankfurt); Wolfgang Heribert von Dalberg (1750-1806, Minister of State in Mannheim, Director of the National Theatre); Johann Friedrich Hugo von Dalberg (1760-1812, bishop and humanist); Emmerich Joseph Duc de Dalberg (1773-1833, diplomat and politician). In 1883 John Dalberg-Acton sold Herrnsheim Castle with all its interior and the park from his family's estate to Cornelius Wilhelm Heyl (Cornelius Wilhelm Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim), a leather industrialist from Worms, due to financial shortages (3). Thus also the library stored there and the documents and files of the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive of the previous owners were transferred to the buyer. After the death of his father in 1923, D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim took over the castle, which he officially moved into in April 1929 (4). In the years of the Second World War the documents were relocated several times for safety reasons and probably suffered incomprehensible, but rather smaller losses (5). Until it was converted into an apartment, the Dalberg Archive was housed in a special archive room locked with an iron door in the castle, then in the library in the tower room on the first floor. When Siegfried Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim, son of D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Frhr. Heyl zu Herrnsheim, sold the castle to the city of Worms in July 1958 (6), the documents, files and official books of the Dalberg archive kept in boxes and bundles were not part of the sale. However, it was to be left on loan to the town on the basis of an agreement with the community of heirs (in autumn 1959) and an inventory was to be taken before a corresponding contract was concluded (7). This work was done by Carl J. H. Villinger (8), who handed over his summary list with the disaggregation to Dr. Georg Illert on 3.7.1964 (9). The draft of the loan contract was completed to the satisfaction of both parties at the end of 1965, so that there was nothing to prevent it from being concluded the following year. On 19 July 1966, lawyer H. Ramge, in his capacity as joint executor of the will, surprisingly approached the city with the offer that it could purchase the Dalberg Archive and the library holdings of Herrnsheim Palace from the estate of D. Dr. jur. Cornelius Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim (10). With the support of the Landesarchivverwaltung Koblenz, which prepared an expert opinion on the basis of Villinger's list, the value was determined and one year later - in July 1967 - the documents were sold to the city. Thus, the Dalberg Archive, which according to the decree of the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate of 13.7.1961 had been entered into the state register of nationally valuable archives, could remain in Worms as a closed collection (11). A more detailed inventory should then be made, which was completed before the archive was moved to the city archive for security reasons. Villinger had compiled a detailed list of the contents of the 39 archive boxes, the qualitative condition of which was indicated from good to partly very poor, and of the remaining archive documents (12). On the basis of this list of Villingers, the lack of various documents and files as well as individual letters from correspondence series and gaps in official book series could be ascertained (13). In 1980 Siegfried Freiherr Heyl zu Herrnsheim handed over 14 sealed parchment documents and in 1985 his daughter, Mrs. Cornelia von Bodenhausen, another 72, partly decorative documents from the former possession of the treasurers of Worms Freiherr von Dalberg to the Foundation Kunsthaus Heylshof (14). The documents kept there were examined with the consent of the then Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Frhr. Ludwig von Heyl, as part of the project for the Dalberg Regestensammlung under the auspices of Hess. Staatsarchivs Darmstadt microfilmed in Darmstadt in 1985 and included in the Regestenwerk (15). The further written material lying in the Heylshof such as files, correspondence etc. could be taken into account in the preparation of the present repertory (16). Some files, which were offered at an auction in Heidelberg in 1984, could be bought with the support of the Altertumsverein Worms (17). Also in 1994, with the financial support of the Kulturfonds der Wormser Wirtschaft, the city was able to acquire 23 official and accounting books from private sources, which were added to the collection. With the help of this material, gaps in existing series could be closed again. Among these acquisitions was also the inventory "Verzeichnis der Urkunden, Schriftstücke etc. des Kämmerer-Dalbergarchivs Schloß Herrnsheim...", compiled in 1919 by Heyl's librarian and archivist Wilhelm Graf, in which he [until then] had only recorded the documents (18). For the use and recording of the Dept. 159 This inventory, Dept. 159, comprises the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive (files and official books), which, together with the other inventories, Dept. 159-U Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive (documents) and Dept. 159-P Dalberg Plan Collection, comprises the entire collection of the archive of the chamberlains of Worms Freiherr von Dalberg, formerly kept in the Herrnsheimer Palace. As a complex aristocratic archive within the holdings of the Worms City Archive, it is of supra-regional importance. It reflects the work of a knightly aristocratic family with its lordly function and family ties. After the takeover of the material by the city of Worms in 1967, the directory prepared by C. J. H. Villinger served as a finding aid for years. In the archive, the bundles and official books of No. 1 - No. 428 were numbered consecutively and recorded in a corresponding list. While the documents (No. 1 - No. 323, plus sub-numbers (19)) already registered in 1919 by the Heyl's librarian and archivist Wilhelm Graf in document folders with numbers and title entries were initially easy to use, the files and folders with short titles and box numbers contained in the remaining archive boxes were relatively reliably findable, but only vaguely citable due to missing individual signatures. After in the 1980s the processing of the Dalbergian document holdings in Darmstadt, Worms (Stadtarchiv, Heylshof, Pfarrarchiv Herrnsheim) and in other archives had been implemented under the auspices of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt, a more precise indexing of the files was started as a further project (20). Dr. Jürgen Rainer Wolf of the Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt processed the documents kept in the other archive boxes of the Worms Dalberg Archive, which were brought to Darmstadt for this purpose. However, only a part of the boxes (21) was opened, and each box was given a number with sub-numbers separated by slashes for the individual pieces contained therein. However, the work did not come to a conclusion. With immediate effect Wolf's finding aid, which also included official book series, had to be used in addition to the directory compiled by Villinger (22). From then on, the use of the holdings was regarded as a particular challenge, especially since there was also a link between the holdings of documents and files. This was because, at the time of the document project, the comprehensive record of documents also included the documents lying dormant in the files, the location of which was then not reliable or only difficult to secure (23). At the beginning of 2011, due to the unsatisfactory usability of the inventory on the one hand and due to the discontinuous and inconsistent depth of distortion on the other hand, the complete new distortion of the file inventory was decided and completed in October 2012. The signatures should not be changed completely, but as many as possible should be preserved and the link with existing old signatures by means of concordance should of course be guaranteed. The titles were recorded directly in the Augias archive program, at the same time the documents were embedded in acid-free archive folders and boxes. "The numbering of the convolutes was retained as signatures and, if necessary, sub-numbers separated by slashes were assigned as soon as the mostly extensive fascicles contained various individual folders. "The official records retained their signatures. "The Wolf's units of description with their signatures (no. 430/1ff - no. 440/1ff) were taken over, sifted through and the existing title recordings were deepened and supplemented on the basis of the newly recorded pieces. "Documents (24) possibly in the files, which were considered in the Dalberger Regesten volumes, were seized with the title admission both over the old signature, and usually with reference to the sequential number in the second volume of the Dalberger Regesten (25). "The further archive boxes not yet taken up by Wolf were continued and listed according to the given pattern, i.e. each further archive box received a new number (No. 442ff (26)) and the individual files, folders etc. preserved therein were provided with sub-numbers, separated by a slash. "The unlisted material found at the end of the inventory was then added with consecutive signatures. "The Dalberg letters purchased on various occasions in the 1970s, mainly letters from Carl Theodor von Dalberg, which had been integrated into the collection at the time, also remained with the new indexing in Dept. 159. " The documents kept at Kunsthaus Heylshof were recorded and selected pieces digitized (27). The digital copies were integrated in the Worms Municipal Archives into the collection of Dept. 159, since the pieces of their provenance can be attributed to the former Herrnsheim Dalberg Archive. In the case of the originals, the signatures of the city archives were noted, while the numbering used in the Heylshof (28) was recorded as an "old signature" in the title recording. This enables targeted access to the originals at Heylshof if required. "Within the scope of the registration work also the files of Dept. 159 N were dissolved (29) and inserted into Dept. 159 (now Dept. 159 No. 852 - No. 884). These are files, correspondence and family papers (mainly on the Petersau donation and the Tascher affair), which obviously also belonged to the Dalberg Archive in the past. These once formed the inventory of Dept. 158 of Dalberg, which must have existed before 1967, about its origin, i.e. (pre-)provenance before transfer into the archive, but no information is available. During the title recording it became apparent that the inventory did not have a coherent structure and that the development of a system would only make sense after completion of the work. The classification was finally drawn up on the basis of the main points of content. The assignment of each individual unit of description to the corresponding classification group then took place in a final work step, after the completion of which a real overview of the contents of the present tradition and its meaning in its entirety could be obtained. Contents The documents that were last kept in the library tower of Herrnsheim Castle before being transferred to the Worms City Archives essentially comprise archival documents relating to the Herrnsheim Dalberg Line. By the marriage (oo 12.1.1771) Wolfgang Heribert von Dalbergs with Elisabetha Augusta nee Ulner von Dieburg (30) as well as by connections of the Dalberger with other families further document and file material was added. The collection of Dept. 159 as part of the Herrnsheimer Dalberg Archive comprises the file and official book tradition, the temporal focus of which clearly lies in the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. The early material (from 1249) is mostly copies of documents. A copy in which a large number of documents were recorded between 1249 and 1469 (31) deserves special mention here. Temporal "runaways" in the 20th century came about through subsequent additions to the holdings. On the one hand, various correspondences and records had been added sporadically at the time of the von Heyl family (32) and on the other hand, in connection with the purchase of Dalberg letters, the corresponding correspondence had been left with the letters (33). The most closed collection within the Dept. 159 is the archive material dating back to Emmerich Joseph von Dalberg (1773-1833). Due to the fact that with him the Herrnsheimer Dalberg line died out in the male tribe, after the death of his father Wolfgang Heribert all administrative matters of the Herrnsheimer line and after the death of his uncle Carl Theodor von Dalberg as his universal heir were incumbent upon him the order and administration of his inheritance including the Regensburg endowment. Furthermore and especially in Dept. 159 there is the diplomatic estate of the Duc de Dalberg with numerous memoirs, correspondence and rich material (targeted collection, own records etc.) on the (foreign) policy of France and other European countries. In addition, its business activities are richly reflected, not least in the activities of the Paravey Bank.

Fonds · 1949 - Ende 2005
Part of ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics

These are public figures, such as politicians, business leaders, scientists, statesmen, representatives of the military, nobility, churches, etc., artists such as painters, musicians, poets, writers, etc. approx. 1949 - end of 2005 If the dossier was created until 1949: digitised, for copyright reasons only available in the ZBW reading room.approx. 1949 - end of 2005 If the dossier was created after 1949: Paper, stored stock (not accessible).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, K 745 II · Fonds · 1933-1943 (Vorakten ab 1929)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The Reichsmusikkammer was founded as one of seven individual chambers of the Reichskulturkammer, i.e. the National Socialist compulsory organisation of the "creative artists", with the law of 22.09.1933 (additional ordinances of 01. and 09.11.1933). The Reichskulturkammer was a corporation under public law, was subordinate to the Reichspropaganda Minister as President of the Reichskulturkammer and served to monitor and direct cultural life in the "Third Reich". Every culturally active person had to be a member of the responsible individual chamber, non-inclusion or exclusion resulted in a professional ban, which was rigorously enforced. The Reichsmusikkammer was divided into individual districts. For Württemberg, Baden and Hohenzollern, from 1933 onwards, the state leadership of Southwest Germany housed in Stuttgart, Friedrichstrasse 13 (the house of the oppressed Württemberg SPD and its "Tagwacht" printing works) was initially responsible. On 01.04.1938 the Landesstelle Baden, which until then had been subordinated to the Landesleitung Südwestdeutschland, was made independent as the Landesleitung; the former Landesleitung Südwestdeutschland therefore subsequently operated as the Landesleitung Württemberg-Hohenzollern. The files of the Reichsmusikkammer - Landesleitung Südwestdeutschland and Württemberg-Hohenzollern, respectively, arrived at the Ludwigsburg State Archives in December 1964 via the Stuttgart Archive Directorate. It is no longer possible today to determine from where and under what circumstances they arrived at the Main State Archives in Stuttgart. Presumably the files were taken over in the chaotic months after the collapse in 1945. The inventory comprised about 320 standing files of about 30 m and was partly mixed with files of the inventory K 746 (Reichskammer der bildenden Künste - Landesleitung Stuttgart).Two departments were formed during the order and recording of the inventory, which began in 1971:- K 745 I Administrative files- K 745 II Personal filesThe personal files grew up in the years 1933-1944 and seem - in contrast to the administrative files - to be without larger gaps. The collection contains not only the personal files of the regular members of the Reichsmusikkammer (i.e. full-time or part-time musicians and music teachers), but also those of the persons exempted from membership of the Reichsmusikkammer (leisure musicians, music bands and associations), as well as occasional correspondence with foreign musicians and scholarship candidates.Among the 8542 individual files are the personal files of well-known musicians and composers, e.g. Hubert Deuringer, Hugo Distler, Robert Edler, Hubert Giesen, Hugo Herrmann, Eva Liedecke-Hölderlin, Karl Münchinger and Heinz Schlebusch, which in some cases, however, say very little. nevertheless, in one case or another they might be informative. In addition to the files of the soloists and ensemble musicians on the state and municipal stages and the numerous private music teachers, the frequent personal files of primary school teachers working in music and music education are of interest. The latter not only contain statements that are relevant for the respective person (which cannot usually be collected elsewhere), but often also provide information about village cultural conditions. Among the elementary school teachers, there are also the sharpest critics of the regulating and levelling activities of the Reichsmusikkammer. Judgments such as that of the main teacher W. Berner (Bü 8378): "The Reichsmusikkammer prevents music instruction in the countryside rather than promoting it" are - generally well-founded - frequently found in the correspondence between the teachers and the chamber. Finally, particular attention should be paid to the personal files in which examination papers are contained (and are consistently indicated in them), since some of these contain extensive assessments by the examiners. Hugo Distler, for example, whose own personal file is almost insignificant, has made numerous handwritten judgments on the pianistic abilities of the candidates in numerous examination procedures.1971-1972 The inventory was recorded under the direction of the undersigned by A. Berwanger, G. Zöllner and R. Vahle.Ludwigsburg, March 1973Dr. Wolfgang Schmierer[NACHTRAG:]In 2000, the card index was processed for conservation reasons as part of the retroconversion of older finding aids. Several temporary staff were involved in the computer recording, in particular Andrea Mahler and Sabine Dörlich. Inge Nesper was in charge of the incorporation of corrections, and the alphabetical order was retained for the EDP recording. Civil names and artist names were recorded in separate data records and displayed in the comments field. An examination of the numbering revealed that individual personnel files were not recorded in the index and that seven order numbers were not assigned. Ludwigsburg, December 2000Dr. Barbara Hoen