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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Becker, C. H. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The estate of the Prussian Minister of Culture Carl Heinrich Becker was given to the Secret State Archives in 1973 by his son Prof. Dr. Hellmut Becker as a deposit. The estate consists of two main groups, 1. correspondence and 2. factual documents. Business and factual correspondence were not separated, as the transitions were fluid and difficult to distinguish in individual cases. Associations, authorities, etc. are listed in the correspondence as correspondence partners and in the subject groups with writings, publications and statutes. In the case of factual files, a detailed division into individual subject groups was made. These are Carl Heinrich Becker's notes on official matters as well as Becker's publications and works as professor of Oriental Studies. The collection was edited by Dr. Cécile Lowenthal-Hensel, Heidemarie Nowak, Sabine Preuß and Elke Prinz. The technical writing work was done by Petra Bergert. The estate comprises 19 running metres from 1919 - 1933: VI HA, Nl Becker, C. H., Nr. The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Carl Heinrich Becker (Dep.), No. Berlin, September 1995 Ute Dietsch, Scientific Archivist Curriculum Vitae Carl Heinrich Becker Born in Amsterdam April 12, 1876 Father: Consul and banker of the Rothschild brothers 1895: Abitur in Frankfurt/Main, then studied Theology and Oriental Studies in Lausanne, Berlin and Heidelberg 1899 Doctorate as Dr. phil "cum laude" in Heidelberg 1900-1902 Study trips to Spain, Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Sudan 1902 Habilitation in Heidelberg Privatdozent für Semitische Philologie 14.3.1905 Married Hedwig Schmid, daughter of the Geheimes Kommerzienrat and banker Paul von Schmid-Augsburg (three children are born out of marriage) 1906 appointed full professor 1908-1913 professor and director of the Seminar for History and Culture of the Orient at the Colonial Institute in Hamburg, founder of the journal for history and culture of the Orient "Der Islam" 1.9.1913 appointed full professor and director of the newly established oriental seminar of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität 17.5.1916 Joined the Prussian Ministry of Culture as an unskilled worker 21.10.1916 Appointed secret governmental and lecturing council, responsible for the personnel affairs of the universities; at the same time honorary professor at the University of Berlin April 1919 Undersecretary of State April 1921 Prussian Minister of Culture, after six months return to his office as State Secretary Febr. 1925 reappointment as Minister of Culture Jan 1930 Resignation as Minister, resumption of his activity as Professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin 1931 Appointment as 3rd professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin. Vice-presidents of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften and Managing Director of the Institut für Semitistik und Islamkunde Chinareise on behalf of the Volkerbund for information on Chinese education Literature (in selection): H. Schaefer (ed.), Carl Heinrich Becker - ein Gedenkbuch. Göttingen 1950 G. Müller, University Reform and World Political Education. Carl Heinrich Becker's science and university policy 1908 - 1930 (mechanical diss.) Aachen 1989 C. Esser / E. Winkelhane, Carl Heinrich Becker - orientalist and cultural politician. In: The World of Islam (28) 1988 Description: Biographical Data: 1876 - 1933 Resources: Database; Reference Book, 5 vol.

Becker, Carl Heinrich

Leaflets, pamphlets, invitations, programmes, commemorative publications, newspapers, articles, disputes, memoranda, speeches, occasional poems - each unique - about Cologne, its past and history. I. Imperial city; Icewalk from 1784, funeral service for Emperor Leopold II, Imperial Post Office in Cologne, pamphlet of the evangelicals against mayor and council in Cologne (Wetzlar 1715), municipal lottery, occasional poems for weddings, individual personalities (Jan von Werth, Frhr. Theodor Steffan von Neuhoff); II. Time of the French occupation 1794-1815: opening of the Protestant church (1802), educational affairs (Collége de Cologne, Université), Heshuisian inheritance, secularization, Peace of Tilsit, election of the department 1804; assignates, dentists, liberation wars; successor society of the society at Wirz, Neumarkt (1813); III. Prussian period (1815-1945): Visit of members of the Prussian royal house, imperial birthday celebrations, cathedral, cathedral building, cathedral completion celebration 1880, cathedral building association; Hohenzollern bridge, southern bridge, monument to Friedrich Wilhelm III, Laying of the foundation stone of the Rhine. Appellhofs (1824), building festival for the town hall (1913), town hall, provost's house at St. Maria ad Gradus; suburbs (terrain in Marienburg, parish St. Marien, Kalk: Fabriken, Arbeiter, 1903); travel brochures, city maps, articles on Cologne for tourism; commemorative and public holidays; revolution 1848; parties, elections (centre, liberal parties, social democratic party); Reichstag elections, city elections; city announcements/publications, decrees concerning the city of Cologne. Debt management (1824), rules of procedure of the city council, census, distribution of business in the administration; announcements of the news office; general comptoir or table calendar 1814-1829 (incomplete); programmes of the Konzertgesellschaft Köln and the Gürzenich concerts (1849-1933); programmes of the chamber music concerts (1897-1914); programmes of the Musikalische Gesellschaft (1900-1916), music festivals, etc. Lower Rhine Music Festivals (1844-1910); Cologne Theater Almanach (1904-1908), City Theater, Schauspielhaus, including program booklets and leaflets; Theater Millowitsch; musical performances at celebrations and festivals, concert programs; Cologne Arts and Crafts Association (Annual Report 1912); Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv: Statutes, Rules of Procedure 1907; Exhibitions, etc. Art in Cologne private possession (1916), Carstan's Panoptikum (1888), German Art Exhibition, Cologne 1906, Deutsche Werkbund-Ausstellung 1914, Exhibition for War Welfare Cologne 1916; Handelshochschule Köln; university courses in Brussels (1918); Women's university studies for social professions (1916/17); music conservatory (1913); grammar schools, further education schools, elementary schools, weaving school in Mülheim, Waldschulhof Brück (1917), elementary school teachers' seminar; scientific conferences: 43. Meeting of German Philologists and Schoolmen 1895, IX. Annual meeting of the Association of Bathing Professionals 1910, 12th Association Day of the Association of German Professional Fire Brigades 1912; occasional poems for family celebrations, weddings; associations; programmes, membership cards, diplomas, statutes of health insurance funds and death funds; Catholic Church: associations, parishes, saints and patrons; Protestant Church: religious service order or Death ceremonies for the chief president Count Solms-Laubach (1822), for Moritz Bölling (1824); inauguration of the new synagogue, Glockengasse (1861); military: regimental celebrations, forbidden streets and restaurants (before 1914); memorandums about the garrison Cologne (1818); food supply in the First World War: food stamps, bread and commodity books, ration coupons and forms, etc.a. for coal purchasing; Einkaufs-Gesellschaft Rhein-Mosel m. b. H.Economy: Stadtsparkasse, cattle market in Cologne, stock exchange, beer price increase 1911; individual commercial enterprises, commercial and business buildings, hotels: brochures, letterheads, advertising cards and leaflets, price lists, statutes; shipping: Rhine shipping regulations, timetables, price lists, memorandums; main post office building, inauguration 1893; Rheinische Eisenbahn, Köln-Gießener Eisenbahn; German-French War 1870/71; First World War, etc.a. Leaflets, war loans, field letters, war poems; cruisers "Cologne"; natural disasters: Rhine floods, railway accident in Mülheim in 1910, hurricanes; social affairs: charity fair, asylum for male homeless people, possibly home for working young girls, invalidity and old-age insurance; St. Marien-Hospital; Sports: clubs, sports facilities, gymnastics festivals; Carnival: programs, carnival newspapers, - songs, - poems; celebrations, ceremonies for imperial birthdays, enthronements of archbishops, celebrations of other personalities; IV. Weimar Republic and National Socialism: floods; churches, treasure chambers; cathedral; individual buildings, monuments, including the old town, town hall, Gürzenich, Haus zum großen Rosendal, Mühlengasse; Revolution 1918: workers' and soldiers' council; gifts, honorary citizenship to NS greats; hanged forced laborers; bank robber Gebrüder Heidger (1928); municipal and other official publications concerning the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. Luftschutz, NSRechtsbetreuungsstelle; Newsletter of the Welfare Office 1937, 1938; Kameradschaftsdienst der Verwaltung für Wirtschaftsfürsorge, Jugendpflege und Sport 1940, 1943, 1944; Müllabfuhr und Müllverwertungsanstalt, Wirtschaftspolitik, Industrieansiedlung, Eingemeindung von Worringen, Erweiterung des Stadtgebiets; political parties: Advertising flyers for elections, pins, badges of DNVP, NSDAP, SPD, centre; camouflage letters of the KPD; appeals, rallies of various political groups, including the Reich Committee for the German Referendum (against the Young Plan, 1929), Reich Presidential Election, referendum in the Saar region, Working Committee of German Associations (against the Treaty of Versailles); Municipal Stages: Periodical "Die Tribüne", 1929-1940, annual reports 1939-1944, programme and cast sheets for performances in the opera house and the Schauspielhaus, also in the Kammerspiele; Lower Rhine music festivals; galleries (Dr. Becker, Goyert), Kölnischer Kunstverein: Invitations to exhibitions (1934-1938), circulars to members; art auctions at Fa. Math. Lempertz (1925-1931); music performances, concerts: Kölner Männer-Gesang-Verein, municipal orchestra, concerts of young artists, Concert Society Cologne; Millennium Exhibition 1925; museums: Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Kunstgewerbemuseum (among others monuments of old Russian painting, 1929), Schnütgen-Museum, art exhibitions, among others. Arno Breker (NSDAP-Gaupropaganda-Amt Gau Köln-Aachen), exhibition of works by West German artists (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), Richard Seewald, Deutscher Künstlerbund, Ausstellungsgemeinschaft Kölner Maler; universities, including the University of Cologne (lecture timetables, new building, anniversary 1938), Hochschule für Musik bzw. Conservatory of Music in Cologne; Reich activity reports of the foreign office of the lecturers of the German universities and colleges (1939-1942); Lower Rhine music festivals; scientific and cultural institutions and events and events in the region.a. Petrarca-Haus, German-Italian Cultural Institute, Volksbildungsstätte Köln, German-Dutch Institute, Cologne Meisterschule, Vereinigung für rechts- und staatswissenschaftliche Fortbildung in Köln, Austrian Weeks, Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur e.V.Conferences (Westdeutscher Archivtag 1939, Deutsche Anthropologische Gesellschaft 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for Monument Conservation and Cultural Heritage Protection, Grenzland-Kundgebung der Beamten der Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter- Kongress (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter-Kongreß (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstagestage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, International Brieftauben Congress (IBRA) 1939) Elementary schools, vocational schools, grammar schools; Sports: Vaterländische Festspiele 1924, Zweckverband für Leibesübungen Groß-Köln, 14th German Gymnastics Festival 1928, II German Fighting Games 1926, Leichtathletik-Welt- und Länderkämpfe, Westdeutscher Spielverband, Hockey-Damen-Länderspiel Deutschland- Australien 1930, Excelsior-Club Köln e.V., XII. Bannerspiele der weiblichen Jugend der Rheinprovinz 1926; Catholic Church (official announcements and publications, e.g. Kirchlicher Anzeiger für die Erzdiözese Köln; pamphlets; programme, prayer slips); British occupation, French colonial troops in the Rhineland, identity cards, passports; British World War I pamphlets; Liberation celebration in Cologne 1926; Second World War: appeals, leaflets concerning the Second World War; information leaflets concerning the Second World War: "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution". Air raids, defence, low-flying combat, darkening, etc.; newspaper articles about air raids on Cologne; advertising: leaflets, leaflets of the advertising office, the Cologne Week publishing house and the Cologne Tourist Association for Cologne, including the surrounding area and the Rhine Valley; invitations, menus to receptions and meals of the Lord Mayor Adenauer (1927-1929); pay slips, work certificates, work books of Cologne companies; Cologne Trade Fair: Programmes, brochures, adhesive stamps, catalogues for trade fairs and exhibitions (1924-1933); food stamps and cards for World War I; announcements; clothing cards, basic cards for normal consumers for World War II; vouchers for the city of Cologne (emergency money) from 1920-1923, anniversary vouchers for Gewerbebank eGmbH Köln-Mülheim, also for Dellbrücker Volksbank eGmbH; savings banks: Annual reports of the Sparkasse der Hansestadt Köln; documents, savings books of the Spar- und Darlehnskasse Köln-Dünnwald, the Kreissparkasse des Landkreises Köln, Bergheim und Mülheim, also the branch Köln-Worringen, the Bank des Rheinischen Bankverein/Rheinischen Bauernbank; Köln-Bonner-Eisenbahnen: Annual reports, balance sheets (1939-1941); trams: Annual Report, Annual Report (1939, 1940), Ticket; Köln-Frechen-Benzelrather Eisenbahn: Tariffs; Shipping: Preussisch-Rheinische Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft zu Köln, Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft für den Nieder- und Mittelrhein zu Düsseldorf (Annual Reports 1938-1940), Köln- Düsseldorfer Rheindampfschiffahrt, Weber-Schiff (Timetables); Kraftverkehr Wupper-Sieg AG, Wipperfürth (Annual Reports 1939, 1940, Advertising Brochure 1937); Advertising brochure of the Airport Administration Cologne (1929); Individual Companies: House announcements, advertising leaflets, cards, brochures, adhesive stamps, receipts from industrial companies (Ford Motor Company AG, Glanzstoff- Courtaulds GmbH, Herbig-Haarhaus, department stores). Department store Carl Peters, insurance companies, newspapers, publishing houses, bookstores, craft businesses, shops (tobacco shops); Cologne bridges (Mülheimer bridge), post office, restaurants, hotels; invitations to festivals, events, anniversaries of associations, programmes; professional associations; cooperatives (Cologne-Lindenthal cooperative savings and building association (1930-1938); social affairs: Cologne emergency aid, housing assistance, sending of children (mostly official printed matter); collecting cards from Cologne and other companies, above all from the food and luxury food industries, such as coffee and tobacco companies, etc.a. the companies Haus Neuerburg, Himmelreich Kaffee, Stollwerk AG, König

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 209 · File · 1887 - 1893
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

202 sheets, Contains and others: - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of Dr. Karl Reinhardt, 1888 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of Dr. [...] Büge, 1888 - Report of the interpreter Dr. Karl Reinhardt on the determination of origin, religion and language of the Indian merchants living in Zanzibar, 3rd ed. May 1889 - Recommendation of the seminarists Dr. [Franz] Grunenwald, [...] by Varchmin, Alfred Forke, Emil Krebs, Heinrich Cordes and Peter Merklinghaus for the interpreting service in Beijing, 1889 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the seminarists [...]....] Czerlinsky, [...] Drewes, [...] Flügel, [...] Homeyer, [...] Lasker, [...] Lüderitz, [...] Noebe, [...] Schlief, [...] Scholz, [...] Vielhaber and [...] Weber, 1889 - Recommendation of the Referendariat [...Lüderitz for the Interpreting Service in Tangier, 1889 - Register of graduates of 11 March 1890 who entered the Dragomanat Service or were in other employment in the Orient - Register of graduates of 8 March 1890 employed in Asia and Africa. November 1890 - sending of the Referendar Wilhelm Padel to the Imperial Embassy in Constantinople, 1892 - sending of the Referendar Georg Brinck as interpreter aspirant to the Imperial Embassy in Constantinople, 1892 - recommendation of the seminarists Emil Ohrt, Hans Ackermann and Kurt von Groß for the Interpreting Service in Japan, 1892 - Admission of Maximilian Xaver Uebel to the Arabic class of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1893 - Order of the Diploma Examination of the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, 22. June, 1889. Berlin ohne Datum [1889] (print) - Eduard Sachau, Report on the effectiveness of the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the Königliche Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin during the first five years of its existence from 1887 to 1892. Berlin 1893 (print) - Sending of the Kammergerichtsreferendars W. Rössler as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Consulate in Zanzibar, 1893 - Assessor Dr. [...] Hauck sent to the Imperial Legation in Tehran, 1893 - Referendars Dr. [...] Ohrt as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Legation in Tokyo, 1893 - Referendars Dr. K. Meidinger recommended for the interpreting service in Constantinople, 1893; booklet / binding;

BArch, R 4901/13147 · File · 1938-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: University lecturer (except technical, medical, scientific), list, Dec. 1, 1944 25 years Hamburg University, newspaper clippings, 1944 Planned establishment of a China Institute, 1943 35th anniversary of the Colonial Institute, speeches, 1943 Expansion of Colonial Sciences, in particular professorship for colonial soil science and cultural technology, 1942 University fees, 1939

Some files and photographs of the Frankfurt China Institute (1924-1976, a cultural science institute of the university), its directors and staff, and a sculpture from its old holdings: a head (Ming dynasty, c. 1600). The initiative to found the institute was taken by a private foundation and its holdings were fed from various sources of other donors. A special relationship to the German Kiaotchou leasehold does not seem to have existed. The cultural contacts were rather made through the founder of the institute, Richard Wilhelm, who had studied in Beijing and whose advocacy for the cultural exchange of Germany with China honoured the Chinese government by providing the funds for the maintenance of the institute after his death in 1930.

NL Wilhelm, II/240 b · File · 1912 - 1930
Part of Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains letters and cards from: Cheng Chen Wen (Würzburg 1925); Chang Chan Pu (Beijing 1925); Chang Yünkai; Chaw D.Y. (Berlin 1924); Cissarz (1928); William Cohn (Ostasiatische Zeitschrift) (Berlin 1912); Dobrikow (Beijing 1925); E.M. Dieckmann (Dessau 1924); Samuel Couling (1914); Georg Crusen (Blätter für Gesetzeskunde) (1914, Berlin 1920); Molly Crusen (Berlin 1924); E[dgar] Dacqué (Munich 1928); Karl Dautert (Frankfurt 1925); Rudolf von Delius (Munich 1925); C. Cohn (Ostasiatische Zeitschrift) (Berlin 1912); Dobrikow (Beijing 1925); Rudolf von Delius (Munich 1925); C. Benck (founding notice of the German Association Tsingtau) (Tsingtau 1920); Wertheimer (German Abroad Institute Stuttgart) (Stuttgart 1921); G. Keiper (German-Chinese University) (Tsingtau 1912); Ernst Robert Curtius (Heidelberg 1925, copy); Anita Dewall (Frankfurt 1926); Drevermann (Senckenberg Nature Research Society) (Frankfurt 1929, Schöneberg 1929); Hans Driesch (Leipzig 1922 - 1925, Nanking 1922, Shanghai 1923, Nara 1923, Yokohama 1923, Washington 1923, Leipzig 1925 - 1930, Krefeld 1925); Margarete Driesch (Leipzig 1924 - 1925); Anna Salomonsohn (Berlin 1925); Marie du Bois-Reymond (Potsdam 1925 - 1926, Hamburg 1926); Eduard Erkes (Leipzig 1925 - 1926); Enja [Countess of] Dürckheim (Leipzig 1926); Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat (Stuttgart 1927 - 1929); Th. Walter (Fachschule III für Buch- und Kunstgewerbe) (Frankfurt 1921); Emmi Fabricius (Munich 1924); Faut (Stuttgart 1924); John C. Fergosch (Beijing 1924); Hans Fischer (Munich 1927 with Richard Wilhelm's reply, transcript); Otto Fischer (Berlin 1925); Ludwig Ficker (Innsbruck 1923); F.K. (Frankfurt 1921); Emmi Fabricius (Munich 1924); Faut (Stuttgart 1924); Hans Fischer (Munich 1927 with Richard Wilhelm's reply, transcript); Otto Fischer (Berlin 1925); Ludwig Ficker (Innsbruck 1923); F.K. (Frankfurt 1923) Fong (Hamburg 1925 - 1926); A[lfred] Forke (Hamburg 1923 - 1924); Oskar Stark (Frankfurter Zeitung) (Berlin 1925); Leo Frobenius (Städtisches Afrika-Archiv. Forschungsinstitut für Kulturmorphologie e.V.) (Frankfurt 1927); Oscar Frohnmeyer (Basel 1925); Geiler (Heidelberg 1928); Helmuth von Glasenapp (Königsberg 1929); Prof. Dr. Hans Wehrli (Geographisch-Ethnographische Gesellschaft Zürich) (Zürich 1921); Gich (Kayin 1924); Annemarie von Goedel (Berlin 1927 with copy of Richard Wilhelm's reply); Prof. Victor Goldschmidt (Heidelberg 1921 - 1924); E. Krüger (Shanghai 1925); Marie Luise Gothein (Heidelberg 1927 - 1929); [Gundert] (Halle/Saale 1928)

BArch, R 58/5730 · File · 1934-1938
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Application of the RKA to the Reich Ministry of the Interior for the approval of collections, 1937 Appointment of Dr. Scherer as Chairman of the Führer Council of the RKA by the Bishop of Osnabrück, Berning, to the Oberregierungsrat (Senior Government Council) (ret.) Dr. Morsbach, 10 March 1934 Cooperation of the RKA with the VDA - Report of the SD Northeast Section, 17 Dec. 1935 Observation of the Catholic German Mission Abroad Programme and participants of the annual conference from 28 to 30 Aug. 1936 in Frankfurt (Main) - Report of the SD Oberabschnitts Rhein, 7 Sept. 1936 Dr. Richard Mai: "Katholische Kolonialmission", published by the RKA, Berlin 1936 General Assembly of the RKA on 7 May 1935 in the Wohlfahrtshaus Berlin. Report of the SD-Section South and Protocol, Feb. 4, 1938 Supervision of the Annual Conference of the Catholic Foreign German Mission from Aug. 26 to 29, 1937 in Dortmund, Aug. 1937 Registration of the associations, orders and cooperatives affiliated to the RKA. Report of the State Police Berlin and Directory, 19 May 1934 Annual Conference of the Catholic Mission of Germany Abroad, 25-28 Aug. 1938 in Passau - Programme and Participants - Report of the SD-Section South, 9 Sept. 1938 Also includes: Appointment of the Titular Bishop Xaver Geyer, Banz Monastery (Upper Franconia), to the Advisory Board of the Reichsfachschaft der katholischen Presse - The report of the SD-Section South, 9 Sept. 1938 also includes: Appointment of the Titular Bishop Xaver Geyer, Banz Monastery (Upper Franconia), to the Advisory Board of the Reichsfachschaft der katholischen Presse Report of the SD-Section South and Evaluation, 1936 Support of the German Catholic Parishes Abroad by the St. Josef-Missionsverein - Letter of the Archbishop of Cologne to the Ordinaries of Germany and Annual Report, 26 July 1938 Annual Conference of the Association of German Catholics in Poland Report of the SD-Super Section Southeast, July 1, 1937 Bonifazius-Werk in Österreich - Report of the SD-Sonderkommando II 133, April 4, 1938 Kreis deutscher Mädchen in New York - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, Oct 21, 1938 Priester-Unterstützungsverein St. Martinus, Diocese Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Sonderkommando II 133, April 4, 1938 Kreis deutscher Mädchen in New York - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, October 21, 1938 Priester-Unterstützungsverein St. Martinus, Diocese Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Sonderkommando II 133, April 4, 1938 Kreis deutscher Mädchen in New York - Report of the SD-Super Section Southwest, October 21, 1938 Priester-Unterstützungsverein St. Martinus, Diocese Rottenburg - Report of the SD-Second Section Southwest and Statistical Statement of the Annual Payments by the Catholic Ministers of Württemberg, June 10, 1939 Dissolution of the Catholic Church Building Association St. Anna, Gerolstein, Aug 25, 1938 Export of Foreign Exchange for Father Georg Goebel, Czernowitz (Romania), by Josef Walter, Albendorf near Breslau. Report of the SD upper section southeast and investigation documents of the main customs office Waldenburg, July 5, 1935 Catholic University in Beijing - Report of the SD upper section Austria, April 20, 1938

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 114 · File · 1890-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from Albert Ballin on the course of the war, mach.., 28.10.1915; to the head of the civil cabinet Valentini (newspaper cut-out), 4.4.1917 - letter from Ludwig Bamberger (handschr.) about lack of echo, 28.12.1890; on the general situation, 2.3.1892; with invitation, 27.3.1893; with thanks to Gratulation und zur Innenpolitische und Parteiipolitischen Lage, 16.8.1893; to Payer und Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks to Payer and Württemberg, 23.6.1894; congratulation letter, 13.6.1895; with thanks for sending, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 16.8.1893; with thanks for discussion of the 4th Symphony, 25.7.1895 Volume, 10.2.1896; with invitation to the next day, 14.2.1896; o.d. - Letter from L. v. Bar (handschr.) on the situation in liberal groups, 20.7.1893; on the political situation and on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in Hungary, 6.8.1896 - Letter (above all handschr.) by Theodor Barth about miscellaneous, 11.8.1891; about concepts in the press, 27.4.1892; about Maximilian Harden, the politics of directing and the right to vote, 9.9.1892; on election prospects, the relationship to the centre and the confusion in the ministry, 17.9.1892; on the military bill, 4.11.1892; with congratulations on the run-off results, o.D.; on the plans of Caprivi, 6.11.1892; with invitation, 5.12.1892; about Haussmann's articles, 20.4.1894, 21. and 22.5.1894; about Haussmann's articles on tactics, 25.5.1894; about articles on the political situation in northern and southern Germany, 6.2.1895; about an article by Haussmann, 8.10.1895; with the request to discuss the 3rd volume of Bamberger's Gesammelten Schriften, 26.12.1895; to Friedrich Haußmann about his eye disease and Hohenlohe's role in the Krüger-Depesche, 3.2.1896; about journalistic activity and stock exchange disorder, 6.1.1897 (masch.); with the request for an article about the failure of the Württemberg constitutional reform, 22.12.1898; on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on elections, party and Deutsche Bank, 11.12.1900 (mechanical); with New Year's wishes, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); because of a wreath for Stauffenberg, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 10.9.1900; on the emperor's Chinese policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901 (mechanical); on the emperor's China policy, 3.1.1901 (on the emperor's China policy, 3.6.1901)); on Stauffenberg's death and the general political situation, 11.6.1901 (masch.); with thanks for the congratulations on the substitute election, 1.1.1902 (gedr.); on the party-political situation, 20.7.1903; because of differences of opinion, 24.7.1903; on the election challenge in the Hinterpommerischer Kreis, 6.11.1903 (mach.); on the Simplizissimus trial, 4.2.1904; with the request for an article on the Württemberg constitutional reform, 1.7.1905 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.); on the Morocco affair, 6.7.1905 (mach.); on the Thomasian peasant novel and the situation in Berlin, 1.9.1905 (mach.); on Haussmann's criticism of his essay on Eugen Richter, 20.3.1906 (mach.).); on Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); with the request for information in Württberg affairs, 20.9.1905; on a planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.); on the Italian politics and health Bülow, 17.4.1906 (masch.); on the forthcoming interparliamentary conference in London, 9.7.1906 (masch.); on the planned article on Simplizissimus and English politics, 9.9.1905; on the German political system, 9.3.1907 - Haussmann's letter to Theodor Barth about his fundamental attitude with a review of the last years of politics, July 1903 (masch.)); on Miscellaneous, 14.9.1892 (handschr.); with criticism of Barth's Richter essay, 18.3.1906 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter to Frh. v. Stauffenberg on the death of his father, o.D. (handschr.); letter from Dr. Nathan about an article in the "Nation", 5.7.(?) 1897 (handschr.) - postcard by Bassermann with thanks, 15.11.1910; letter on the effectiveness of submarines and the All-Germans, 23.9.1916 (masch.) - Haussmann's letter to Bassermann against the All-Germans and on the ineffectiveness of the submarine war, 21.9.1916 (mechanical); Haussmann's draft of this letter - letter from C. Baumbach to the conference in the Hague, 18.7.1894 (handschr.) - letter of August Bebel to a court decision, 14.4.1905 (handschr.); with thanks for birthday congratulations, 9.3.1910 (handschr.) - letter of H. Buddeberg with thanks for congratulations and to the illness of his wife, 31.12.1913 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to President Belser on a copyright issue, 21.2.1920 (masch.) - Telegram from Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg on the death of his father, 3.1.1921; Letter of condolence and telegram of condolence to Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg, 7.1.1921 (mechanical); Letter of Felix v. Bethmann-Hollweg with thanks for condolence, 10.1.1921 (handschr.) - Invitation by Bethmann to a visit, 12.3.1910 (handschr.); letter with thanks for sending essays about Kiderlen, 8.2.1913 (handschr.); Haussmann's letter of condolence to Bethmann for the death of his son, 3.1.1915 (masch.) and reply of Bethmann (masch.) 6.1.1915; letter of Bethmann to the general situation, 29.10.1915 (handschr.) thank-you letter, 16.7.1917 (masch.); letter to the situation, 28.11.1917 (masch.); with thanks for East-Asian songs, 5.12.1918 (handschr.); on miscellaneous and literary work, 22.12.1920 (handschr.) - Haussmann's letter to Bethmann about the Western powers and the history of the campaign, 19.11.1915 (masch.); on Stegemann and Tirpitz, 1.4.1916 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on Bethmann's committee speech, 11.11.1916 (handschr.); on US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.); on the submarine question, 22.9.1916 (masch.); on the US policy, 10.2.1917 (masch.); on the war situation, March 1917 (handschr.).); on development in Russia, Zimmermanns Mexico-Depesche and Russian politicians, April 1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); thank-you letter, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the general political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 13.5.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century; on the political situation, 14.7.1917 (handschr.); on the political situation, 21. century.11.1917 (masch.); invitation letter, 9.6.1918 (handschr.); incomplete concept of a letter on pacifist movements, autumn 1918 (handschr.); on the OHL and Ludendorff, 2.12.1920 (handschr.); in German, English, French, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, French, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Italian) - Record Haussmann about the mood Bethmann-Hollwegs in a conversation, 24.2.1918 (handschr.) - Written by Robert Bosch with thanks for an article, 2.10.1911 (handschr.); because of an appointment, 3.11.1911 (mach.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (mach.); thank-you letter, 9.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.); about a Thoma invitation and Chinese songs, 29.7.1912 (masch.); about a Thoma visit, the press attack on Bosch and Bavarian work achievements, 21.8.1912 (handschr.).); with thanks for letter and article, 21.7.1913 (masch.); with the rejection of a leading position with the reconstruction in Northern France, 16.10.1919 (masch.) - letter of Haussmann to Robert Bosch to Wilsonbotschaft, 12.1.1918 (masch.) - copy of a letter of Robert Bosch to the Demokratischer Volksbund Berlin zur Sozialisierung der Gesellschaft, 21.11.1918 (masch.); "Lieber Geld verlieren als Vertrauen" von Robert Bosch in Der Bosch-Zünder, 5.4.1919 - Business card of Prince von Bülow with thanks for an essay, 4.10.1909 (handschr.) - Letter (handschr.) by H. Buddeberg with thanks for the condolence to the death of his son, 27.10.1897; New Year's greetings 31.12.1898; about his 80th birthday and his son Alfred, 21.12.1916; about a complaint of his son, 25.1.1917 - Haussmann's letter to H. Buddeberg about the complaint of his son, mechanical.., 29.1.1917 - Letter of Alfred Buddeberg about the forthcoming birthday, 10.12.1916 - Letter of Haussmann to Cronstaedt to the Frankfurter Zeitung, to the Vossisches und Berliner Tageblatt, 12.2.1917 (masch.) - Letter of Eduard David to the parliamentarization, 30.7.1917 (handschr.) - Letter of Haussmann to Hans Delbrück because of a depesche from the Hague, masch.., 28.7.1917 - Postcards by Prelate Demmler, o.D. (handschr.); two letters 25.2.

Haußmann, Conrad
Solger, Friedrich (stock)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Solger, F. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae (his professional development) of Prof. Solger 1877 Born in Berlin 1894 Matriculation Examination (Abitur) 1894-1899 Studied mining (Mining Science) 1899 Mountain trainee examination with distinction 1899-1904 Assistant at the Geological Institute of the University of Berlin 1901/02 Military service 1901 Doctorate at the University of Berlin (Dr. phil.) 1903-1909 Research assistant at the Märkisches Museum in Berlin 1908 A quarter year in Russian Turkestan (study of desert dunes) 1910-1914 Geological works in China (Imperial University in Beijing and later a geological survey on behalf of the Republic of China) 1913 Award of the title of professor by the Prussian Minister of Culture 1914 Participation in World War I in Tsingtau as an officer (Aug.- 1914)1914-1920 In Japanese captivity as a prisoner of war (31.3.1920 again in Germany) 1920 Lectureship for the geology of Northern Germany 1921 Non-official associate professor 1930-1932 Deputy head of the Geological Institute of the University of Berlin (in addition to teaching) 1933-1945 University lecturer (geology) at the University of Berlin 1939 Unscheduled professorship (31.08.1939) 1946 (Jan.) Appointment as Prof. with a teaching assignment at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Berlin 1946 Lectureship on "Local History" at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Berlin University 1948 Scientific member of the examination board for the subject "Geography" at the secondary schools (SBZ) 1953 Emeritization 1953-1965 Solger held lectures at the Humboldt University until 1965, so z. B. about the introduction to diluvial geology with 8 hours (11.3.1965) = 28 semester hours 1965 (Nov.) died Description of holdings: Biographical data: 1877 - 1965 Reference: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

Solger, Friedrich
BArch, N 253 · Fonds · 1865-1930
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Grand Admiral Alfred Peter Friedrich von Tirpitz Life data March 19, 1849 born in Küstrin/Oder as son of the Court of Appeal Rudolf Tirpitz March 6, 1930 died in Munich Career (1) April 24, 1865 Entry as a cadet in the Prussian Navy 15. May 1865 Corvette "Arkona" Mid June 1865 Sail training ship Frigate "Niobe" 24 June 1866 Nautical cadet July-September 1866 Frigate "Gazelle" October 1866 - April 1867 Sail training ship Brig "Musquito" Spring 1867 Main Division Baltic Sea July-August Frigate "Gefion" August 1867 - June 1868 Frigate "Thetis" 3 August 1868 -1 -1. July 1869 Naval school Kiel 22 September 1869 Lieutenant at sea Cannon ship "Barbarossa" October 1869 Regular Division Baltic Sea May 1870 - January 1871 Armour frigate "King Wilhelm" July 1871 - September 1872 First officer on cannon boat "Blitz" 25. May 1872 Lieutenant at sea October 1872 - April 1874 Officer on watch on the brig "Musquito" June - October 1874 Corvette "Nymph" October 1874 - May 1876 Naval academy and exercises as artillery officer 18. November 1875 Captain Lieutenant May - August 1876 Artillery officer on the "Kronprinz" armoured frigate September 1876 Artillery officer on the "Kaiser" armoured frigate December 18, 1877 Transfer to the Admiral Staff from January 1, 1877 Repeatedly commands to service the Admiralty/Decernate T/Torpedoangelegenheiten Commanded 17. September 1881 Corvette Captain 1884 - 1887 (summer months) Chief of the Torpedo Boat Flotilla (16 March) 1886 Inspector of Torpedo Navy 24 November 1888 Captain at sea 12 March 1889 Commander of the armoured ship "Prussia" 10. March 1890 commander of the armoured ship "Württemberg" 10 September 1890 with decommissioning of the "Württemberg" (30 November 1890) chief of the staff of the command of the naval station of the Baltic Sea 20 January 1892 chief of the staff of the supreme command of the navy 13 May 1895 Rear Admiral 31. March 1896 Head of the Kreuzerdivision 31 March 1897 Representative of the State Secretary of the Reichsmarineamt on leave 15 June 1897 State Secretary of the Reichsmarineamt 25 June 1897 Plenipotentiary to the Bundesrat 28 March 1898 State Minister and Member of the State Ministry 5. December 1899 Vice Admiral 14 November 1903 Admiral 5 April 1908 Appointment to the manor house of the Prussian Parliament for life 27 January 1911 Grand Admiral 15. March 1916 Resignation as State Secretary of the Reich Navy Office September 1917 First Chairman of the German Fatherland Party 1924 Member of the Reichstag of the German National People's Party 1928 Farewell from the Reichstag and withdrawal from political work ---------- (1) see also copy of the personal sheet in No. 10. The personal file has not been handed down. Orden und Ehrenzeichen 31. December 1871 War Memorial Coin for Combatants 2. December 1879 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 4. Class 26. April 1881 Cross 2. Class of the Royal Spanish Order for Merits at Sea 16. March 1886 Royal Prussian Crown Order 3. Class 9. June 1888 Service Award Cross 9. November 1889 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 3. Class with Ribbon 17 December 1889 Commander's Cross of the Royal Greek Order of Redeemer 2 July 1890 Commander's Cross 2 Class of the Royal Swedish Order of the Redeemer 3 September 1892 Royal Prussian Crown Order 2 Class 15 September 1893 Grand Officer's Cross of the Order of the Italian Crown 21 September 1894 Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 3 July 1895 Grand Cross of the Royal Swedish Order of the Redeemer 3 July 1890 Austrian Franz Joseph Order 10 July 1895 Commander Cross of the French Legion of Honour 22 October 1895 Grand Commander Cross of the Royal Bavarian Order of Military Merit 1895 Cross of Honour 1st Class of the Princely Schaumburg-Lippe House Order 18. January 1897 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 2nd class with oak leaves 18 January 1898 Star to Royal Prussian Crown Order 2nd class 14 October 1898 Grand Cross of the Royal Württemberg Frederick's Order ca. 1898 Ksl. Commemorative steel coin for services to the expedition in China 11 January 1899 Grand Cross of the Royal Bavarian Military Order 27 January 1899 Star of the Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 2nd Class with oak leaves 20 May 1899 Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Military Order 9. June 1899 Grand Cross with oak leaves of the Grand Ducal Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion July 7, 1899 Grand Cross of the Royal Saxon Albrecht Order October 9, 1899 1st Class of the 2nd Class of the Chinese Order of the Double Dragon January 27, 1900 Royal Prussian Red Eagle Order 1st Class with oak leaves February 1900 Ksl. Russian White Eagle Order 18 April 1900 Grand Cross of the Grand Duke of Hesse Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous 23 May 1900 Grand Cross of Ksl. Austrian Order of Leopold August 1900 Grand Cross of Honour of the Grand Duke of Oldenburg House and Order of Merit of Duke Peter Ludwig Friedrich June 20, 1901 Golden Chain to the Grand Cross of the Grand Duke of Baden Order of the Zähringer Lion September 13, 1901 Commander's Cross and Star of the Royal King House Order of Hohenzollern 9 November 1901 Grand Cross of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerinischer Greifenordens 27 October 1902 Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Order for Merits at Sea 20 December 1902 Grand Cross of the Duke of Brunswick Order of Henry the Lion December 1902 Ksl. Russian Alexander Nevsky Order 31 January 1903 Grand Cross of the Royal Italian Order of St Mauritius and Lazarus, Royal Order 1903 Grand Cross of the Royal Prussian Crown Order with Crown 1 July 1904 Grand Cross of the Royal British Victoria Order December 1905 Grand Cross of the Royal Greek Order of the Redeemer 27 Febrauar 1906 Commemorative Signs on the occasion of the Silver Wedding of Emperor Wilhelm II. September 1906 Memorial Medal on the occasion of the inauguration of the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum in Berlin November 13, 1906 Grand Cross of the Royal Spanish Order of Charles III December 15, 1906 Grand Cross of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav December 31, 1906 Grand Cross of the Royal Danish Order of Danubia January 27, 1907 Royal Prussian Black Eagle Order November 2, 1907 Ksl. Commemorative steel coin for services rendered on the occasion of the uprising in South West Africa 6 June 1908 Grand Cross of the Royal Swedish Wasa Order 1908 Ksl. Russian Alexander Nevsky Order with Brilliants April 16, 1909 Grand Cross of the Star of Romania November 21, 1909 Grand Cross of the Grand Ducal Saxon-Weimar House Order of Vigilance or of the White Falcon 1909 Ks. Japanese Paullownia Order 24 December 1910 Grand Cross of the Order of the Wüttembergische Krone 1910 Grand Cross of the Duke of Saxony-Ernestine House Order 30 August 1911 Grand Cross of the Royal Hungarian Order of St. Stephen 22 May 1912 Diamonds to the Royal Prussian Black Eagle Order 18 September 1912 Chilean Order of Merit 1st Class 1912 Grand Cross of the Royal Bulgarian Order of St. Alexander 1912 Ksl. Turkish Osmanié Order 1st Class 4th June 1913 Grand Ducal Baden House Order of Faithfulness 16th June 1913 Grand Commander Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 16th June 1913 Honorary Doctorate of the Georg August University Göttingen 24th April 1915 Swords to the Grand Commander Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 10th August 1915 Order pour le mérite 3. October 1915 Austro-Hungarian Military Service Cross 1st Class with War Decoration 19 October 1915 Hamburg Hanseatic Cross 2nd November 1915 Lübeck Hanseatic Cross 10th November 1915 Bremen Hanseatic Cross 15th December 1915 Grand Cross with Star in Gold and Silver Crown and Swords of the Royal King Saxon Albrecht Order 15 March 1916 Star of the Grand Commander with Swords of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 15. January 1917 Honorary citizen of the city of Frankfurt/Oder Description of the holdings: The estate of the officer and politician Alfred von Tirpitz contains rich sources on seven decades of German history: from the entry of the sixteen-year-old into the Royal Prussian Navy in 1865 to his service in the Imperial Navy as founder of fleet building and as long-standing State Secretary of the Reichsmarinemat, from his political service in the World War II as Chairman of the German Fatherland Party to his work for the German National People's Party. Since Tirpitz's research concentrated for a long time on fleet construction and fleet policy in Wilhelmine Germany, the part of the estate on this topic that had been developed until 1991 was intensively evaluated. The hand files and correspondence from the period of service as State Secretary of the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t , which form a focal point of the collection, were particularly used for this purpose. The value of these documents is only marginally diminished by the publication of Tirpitzen's "Political Documents", since the texts published here are sometimes incomplete. Even more than the hand files, some of which had been compiled from copies and multiple copies of the official records, the letters from those years supplement the tradition of the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . Contrary to the papers of the politician Tirpitz, the openly and impartially written letters of the young Tirpitz to his parents from the decade around the foundation of the Reich - from 1865 to 1878 -, filling several volumes, convey a vivid picture of everyday life in the Prussian, then the North German, and finally the Imperial Navy. They also give an impression of the young Tirpitz's view of history and of the national ideas of the time when the Reich was founded. In addition, the estate documents the career of an officer in the Imperial Navy, but also the private ties within the officer corps. In the history of naval affairs, the sources on the development of the torpedo system deserve special mention; in foreign policy, the letters and documents on the representation of German interests in East Asia deserve special mention, as do the sources on the development of German-English relations against the background of German fleet building. After all, the collection is also rich in cultural history, as it reflects something of the lifestyle of a state secretary in Wilhelmine Germany. Tirpitz's activities after his resignation as State Secretary were focused both on the past and on the current political problems. Both have been reflected in the estate. The justification of fleet policy is documented, among other things, in the fragmentarily preserved drafts of the "Memories" and "Political Documents" as well as in the correspondence on these publications. The rich materials on the submarine war refer both to the policy of State Secretary Tirpitz and to his evaluation of the submarine war after his resignation; they form a bracket between the work in the civil service and the work afterwards. A not inconsiderable part of the collection comes from the party political commitment after 1916, first for the German Vaterlandspartei, of which he was first chairman, then for the Deutschnationale Volkspartei, whose Reichstag fraction he belonged to from 1924 until his age-related withdrawal from politics in 1928. The extensive correspondence from the work of the party politician Tirpitz, his speeches, essays and notes on his work as a member of the Reichstag, equally informative sources on the foreign and domestic policy of the Weimar Republic, only attracted the interest of research in recent years. Reference is made to Hagenlücke's monograph on the German Fatherland Party published in 1997 and Scheck's work on Tirpitz as a politician of the right wing 1914-1930 published in 1993 (see bibliography). For research into the activities of the Imperial Navy, the tradition from the period of service, including the related materials from the last phase of life, forms a comprehensive and far from exhausted fund. The rich private correspondence opens the way to further sources: since part of the correspondence is a recipient tradition and the drafts or copies of Tirpitz letters are only partially available and rather from his last decade of life, the determination of his letters in the estates of the correspondence partners is still a worthwhile object of research. References to other stocks 1. Bundesarchiv Abteilung B N 1275 Nachlass Oskar Messter N 1549 Nachlass Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg Siegfried Graf von Eulenburg-Wicken Walter von Keudell Abteilung R, Berlin R 43 Reichskanzlei R 301 Bundesrat/Reichsrat R 8048 Alldeutscher Verband Abteilung Militärarchiv, Freiburg RM 3 Reichsmarineamt RM 5 Admiralstab der Marine RM 27 III Inspection of Torpedoes RM 31 Marinestation der Ostsee RM 43 Dienst- und Kommandostellen der Kaiserlichen Marine im Heimtbereich N 170 Eduard von Capelle N 156 Wilhelm Souchon N 568 Johann-Bernhard Mann 2. Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage (GStA), Berlin I. HA, Rep. 169 A Mansion of the Prussian Parliament I. HA, Rep. 90 Ministry of State HA VI Family of Bissing Citation method: BArch, N 253/...

Tirpitz, Alfred von
BArch, R 1001/6727 · File · Sept. 1915 - Juni 1917
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Association for the Promotion of German Economic Interests Abroad Reichsverband der Vereinigung des Drogen- und Chemikalienfaches, Berlin Gesamtverband deutscher Baumwoll-Webereien e.V. Kuratorium für den China-Fonds des Deutschen Flotten-Vereins und den Südwestafrika-Fonds Verband Deutscher Großhändler der Nahrungsmittel- und verwandten Branchen e.V. (Association of German Wholesalers in the Food and Related Industries) Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Instituts für Seeverkehr und Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel (e.V.) Bund der Industriellen Verband Berliner Großhändler und Fabrikanten für Nahrungs- und Genußmittel e.V. Bremen Association for German Colonial Interests Zentralverband der Chemisch-technischen Industrie e.V. Berlin German-Austrian-Hungarian Business Association